The University of Arizona HSPP Metrics 2011 Calendar Year Compiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIP...

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The University of Arizona

HSPP Metrics2011 Calendar Year

Compiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPAssistant Director, Process Improvement and ComplianceHuman Subjects Protection ProgramApril 2012

Summary Open Projects: exempt (2009-2011), expedite, full committee, facilitated/deferred*2011: 2131*2010: 2403*2009: 2642

New Project Submissions*2011: 1027*2010: 1003*2009: 1171

Number of PI/Co-PIs listed on any open project: 1509; Number of PI/Co-PIs listed on a 2011 new submission: 736

Received new project submissions from every college at the University of Arizona except for the College of Architecture and the Outreach College

Average number of calendar days from receipt to approval for a new submission (including deferrals and not human subjects determinations):

*2011: average was 22 days; median was 16*2010: average was 35 days; median was 29*2009: average was 53 days; median was 42

Number of projects that took at least 100 calendar days to approve:*2011: 12*2010: 48*2009: 106

Administrative Closures (% of all continuing reviews): *2011: 304 (18.6%)*2010: 472 (26.0%)*2009: 462 (18.1%)

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

Projects by Review Level

# Projects %

Not Human Research 218 21.23%

Exempt 287 27.95%

Expedited 283 27.56%

Full Committee 67 6.52%

Deferred to another IRB 98 9.54%

External Site Authorizations 6 0.58%

Withdrawn Prior to IRB Approval 50 4.87%

Returned & Not Resubmitted 12 1.17%

Unknown 6 0.58%

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 New Human Research Submissions by Unit (1/3)

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

Medicine 93 Disability and Psychoeducational Studies 16 Radiology 10

Arizona Cancer Center 60 Medicine – Phoenix 16 Emergency Medicine 9

Pharmacy 52 Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies 16 Linguistics 9

Surgery 41 Nursing 15 Liver Research Institute 9

Psychology 38 Obstetrics and Gynecology 13 Radiation Oncology 9

Public Health 32 Educational Policy Studies and Practice 12 Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences 9

SAVAHCS 31 Educational Psychology 12 Agricultural Education 8

Communication 29 Geography and Regional Development 12 American Indian Studies 8

Pediatrics 25 Neurology 12 Arizona Arthritis Center 8

Anthropology 22 Family and Consumer Sciences 11 Psychiatry 8

Management and Organization 11 Journalism 7

Marketing 11 Sociology 7

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

Time from Receipt to Approval for New Human Research By IRB

Time in calendar days2011 HSPP MetricsCompiled by: Wendy Tate, PSM, CIPApril 2012

Full Committee min 25th median 75th max average

IRB1 12 48 56 72 108 59

IRB2 26 37 41 45 56 41

IRB3 12 34 45 50 78 43

IRB4 19 30 44 60 74 45

Expedite min 25th median 75th max average

IRB1 1 13 23 42 103 28

IRB2 1 13 24 35 155 28

IRB3 29 40 49 71 126 63

IRB4 2 10 22 35 175 30

All projects min 25th median 75th max average

IRB1 1 15 25 52 108 35

IRB2 1 14 25 36 155 29

IRB3 12 34 47 52 126 47

IRB4 2 15 28 56 175 35

Exempt 1 10 16 24 127 20