Theodore Roosevelt. The only person in history who was a badder dude than Teddy was Genghis Khan....

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Theodore Roosevelt

The only person in history who was a badder dude than

Teddy was Genghis Khan.

“Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.”

“If the Constitution doesn’t prohibit it, I can do it.”

* First, before we talk about Teddy the Progressive, let us look at why Teddy was an all around BA…

Youngest person EVER elected to NY State legislature (23 in 1882)

Wife AND Mom died on the same day (Valentine’s Day, 1884), moved to North

Dakota and became a cowboy (literally)

1886, elected as the Republican Mayor of New York City

1889, elected as the Republican Governor of New York

1895, became the New York City Police Commissioner

* First, before we talk about Teddy the Progressive, let us look at why Teddy was an all around BA…

1898, essentially declared war on Spain with absolutely no authority to do so as

the Asst. Sec. of the Navy

Resigned from Assistant Secretary of the Navy in 1898 to create the Rough Riders

Selected as the Vice President for McKinley just so his opponents WOULDN’T HAVE


William McKinley assassinated in 1901, becomes PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES

* First, before we talk about Teddy the Progressive, let us look at why Teddy was an all around BA…

Wouldn’t kill that innocent bear in 1902 (TEDDY)

Attempted to simplify the spelling of English words in 1906 (dropped = dropt)

Single-handedly saved the game of football in 1906

Had a pet bear cub named Jonathan Edwards and a pet snake named Emily Spinach

Coined the terms, “My hat’s in the ring” and “Good to the last drop”

As President, Roosevelt settled strikes, broke up powerful trusts, built the Panama Canal,

desegregated Japanese schoolchildren in California, fought to preserve the

independence of South American countries from Europe and worked to conserve the

American outdoors by commissioning numerous state parks.

He also invited Booker T. Washington to the White House, marking the first time a black man

had ever eaten dinner as an official guest at the White House.

Teddy won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the end to the Russo-Japanese War. How

many people in history can claim that they won both the Nobel Peace Prize as well as

the Congressional Medal of Honor?

“Let the watchwords of all our people be the old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair-dealing, and commonsense… We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less… The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us.” – New York State Fair, Syracuse, September 7, 1903

Teddy’s Domestic Policies as a Progressive POTUS!

The first item of business for TR was to take on TRUSTS throughout the country… (big bus.)

* First target was J.P. Morgan’s railroad holding company – Northern Securities (1902) *

* 1904, Northern Securities v. United States

* Teddy becomes known as a TRUST-BUSTER

* Invokes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Teddy became known as a TRUST-BUSTER, but he didn’t feel it was necessary to bust ALL TRUSTS! (big bus.)

* In 1903, Teddy creates the Department of Commerce and Labor *

* Begin to enter into “Gentlemen’s Agreements” with business leaders throughout the United States!

* Regulates BIG BUSINESS on his own terms…

The first actual issue TR had to deal with was the Coal Strike of 1902… (labor)

* The United Mine Workers went on strike to get higher pay wages and shorter workdays (eastern PA) *

* Forced arbitration, threatened Federal troops to run mines and settled the dispute!

* Est. a FED GOV’T that would act as a broker between business and labor! *

Teddy also worked to protect the health and safety of American consumers throughout the country!

* Muckrakers exposed problems in both the MEDICINE and FOOD industries *

* Pure Food and Drug Act provided Federal inspection of FOOD and DRUGS…

* Meat Inspection Act provided Federal inspection of FOOD and DRUGS…

Teddy was also an avid naturist, he had been his whole life! (environment)

* Believed that that natural resources were being wasted – urged CONSERVATION! *

* In 1902, promoted Newlands Reclamation Act – set aside 230 million acres of land!

* Est. the United States Forest Service, created five National Parks!

Teddy’s legacy as a BA and Progressive POTUS will live on forever!

Changed the nation's political system by permanently placing the presidency at center stage

and making character as important as the issues… (“bully pulpit”)


CONSERVED land for generations to come!