There is nothing so powerful as truth and often nothing so strange. Daniel Webster.

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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There is nothing so

powerful as truthand often nothing

so strange.Daniel Webster

All timemanagement begins with planning.

Tom Greening

Perhaps this is the most importantthing to take back from beach living:simply the memory that each cycle of

The tide is valid, each cycle of thewave is valid, each cycle of a

relationship is valid.

Ann Morrow Lindbergh

Generous people are rarely

mentally ill people.

Dr. Karl Menninger

Until we manage Time,

we can managenothing else.

Peter F. Drucker

Words that do notmatch deeds arenot important.

Ernesto Che Guevara

The ability to concentrate and

use time wellIs everything.

Lee Iacocca

All truth passes through three

stages. First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently

opposed. Third, it is accepted as being


Arthur Schopenhauer

If you borrow $2,000 from a bank and

can not pay it back, you have a

problem. But if you borrow a$1,000,000 and can not repay,

they have a problem.


Vows made in stormsare forgotten

in calms.

English Proverb

It is not enough to have a

good mind. The mainthing is to use it well.

Renee’ Descartes

The love we giveaway is the only

love we keep.

Elbert Hubbard

When I want to speak,let me think first.

Is it true? Is it kind?Is it necessary?

If not, let it be left unsaid.


The greatest pleasure I know is

to do a good action by stealth,

and to have it foundout by accident.

Charles Lamb

He who is late may

gnaw the bones.

Yugoslav Proverb

The truth is alwaysthe strongest



A man is called selfish not for

pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his


Richard Whately

The devil is a gentlemanwho never goes where he

is not welcome.

John A. Lincoln

Sometimes our light goes out

but is blown into flame byanother human being.

Eachof us owes deepest thanks

tothose who have rekindled

this light.Albert Schweitzer

Invest in the human soul.

Who knows, it might be a

diamond in the rough.Mary McLeod Bethune

I thought he was ayoung man of promise: but it appears he was ayoung man of promises.

Arthur Balfour

My country is theworld and my religion

is to do good.

Thomas Payne

Promises and piecrusts

are meant tobe broken.

Jonathan Swift

Be careful about readinghealth books.

You may die of a misprint.

Mark Twain

The borrower isa servant tothe lender.

Proverbs 22: Verse 7

Do what you canwith what you have,

where you are.

Theodore Roosevelt

If you want to be successful, know

what you are doing, love what you

are doing, and believein what you are doing.

Will Rogers

It is better to pay acreditor than togive to a friend.


Let us train our minds to

desire what thesituation demands.

Seneca, the Elder

Always forgive yourenemies – nothingannoys them more.

Oscar Wilde

There are only two lastingbequests we can hope to giveto our children. One of these

is roots; the other, wings.

Hodding Carter

When you can not make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you

should take– choose the bolder.

William Joseph Slim

One friend in a lifetime is much;

two are many;three are hardly


Henry Adams

No act of kindness, no matter how small

is ever wasted.


The mind is a strangemachine which can

combine the materialsoffered to it in the most

astonishing ways.

Bertrand Russell

We make a living from what we get;

wemake a life

from what we give.Winston Churchill

The best way to find yourself

is to lose yourself in theservice of others.

Mahatma Gandhi

Honesty is the firstchapter in the

book of wisdom.

Thomas Jefferson

I will not let anyone walk

through my mind withtheir dirty feet.

Mahatma Gandhi

Shopping is cheaperthan a psychiatrist.


To err is human,to forgive divine.

Alexander Pope

There are voices that wehear in solitude, but theygrow faint and inaudible

aswe enter into the world.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

High expectations arethe key to everything.

Sam Walton

Saying no can be the

ultimate self-care.

Claudia Black

Life teaches us to beless harsh withourselves andwith others.


Don’t carry a grudge.While you are carryingthe grudge, the other

guy’s out dancing.

Buddy Hackett

If you can’t win,make the fellow ahead

of you break the record.

Charles L. Tihlom

From my point of view,it is immoral for a being

notto make the most

intensiveevery instant of his life.

Oretega Y Gasset

Cheat me in price,but not in the goods

I purchase.

Spanish Proverb

Surround yourself with the best

people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere.

Ronald Reagan

One loyal friend is worth

10,000 relatives.Proverb

Children need love,especially when

theydo not deserve it.

Harold S. Hulbert

A friend is a giftyou give yourself.

Robert Louis Stevenson

If a child lives with approval, he learns to

live with himself.

Dorothy Law Nolte

Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when

theythemselves have

poisonedthe fountain.

John Locke

Fifty years from now it will not matter what kind of car you

drove, what kind of house you lived in, how much money you had in the bank, or what your clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better

place because you were important in the life of a child.


A faithful friend is a strong defense: and

he that has found such a one has found

a treasure.Ecclesiastes 6: 114

If you don’t know where

you are going, you willprobably end upsomewhere else.

Laurence Johnson Peter

Destiny is not a matter of chance,

it is a matter of choice; it is not a

thing to be waited for, it is a thing

to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan

We are all pencils inthe hand of God.

Mother Theresa

A closed mouthcatches no flies.

Miguel de Cervantes

You’re either part of

the solution or partof the problem.

Eldridge Cleaver

Effort only fullyrealizes its

reward after a personrefuses to quit.

Napoleon Hill

Measure a thousand timesand cut once.


Your children need your

presence morethan your presents.

Jesse Jackson

Establishing goals is alright if you do not

let them deprive you of interesting

detours.Doug Larson

A man wrapped up inhimself makes a

small bundle.

Benjamin Franklin

I find the great thing inthis world is, not so much

where we stand, as in what

direction we are moving.


Nothing tastes as good as thin


Weight Watchers

A promise madeis a debt unpaid.

Robert W. Service

The purpose of life is

a life of purpose.Robert Bryne

This is the true joy of life, the being used for a purpose,

recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish

little clod of ailments and grievances complaining of the world devote itself to making

you happy.

George Barnard Shaw

You can’t fakelistening, it

shows.Raquel Welch

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act but a


Thousands of people have

talent. The one and onlything that counts is: doyou have staying power?

Noel Coward

If a man hasn’t discovered

something that he will die for, he

isn’t fit to live.Martin Luther King, Jr.

The music that can deepest reach and

cure all ill, is cordial speech.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Doubt is the result of conflicting wishes. Be sure of what you want

and doubt becomes impossible.

A Course in Miracles

When the eyes say one thing,

and the tongue another, apracticed man relies on

thelanguage of the first.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The secret of success is

consistency to purpose.

Benjamin Disraeli

Never mistake activity

for achievement.

Mary Ellen Miller

When a child is born,

so are grandmothers.

Judith Levy

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford

This is the fire that will help the generations to come if they use it in a sacred manner. But if they do not use it well, the fire will have the

power to do them great harm.

Sioux Indian

Have you ever met a man

so small that he could hide

behind a technicality?

Roy H. Willimas

Years may wrinkle the

skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the

soul.Samuel Ullman

There is no such thing as a great talent without

great willpower.Honoree D. Balzac

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say Thank-you.

Max de Pree

Take your life in yourown hands and whathappens? A terrible;

no one to blame.

Erica Jong

Tact is the unsaid part

of what you think.

Winston Churchill

There is no tougher challenge

that we face than to acceptpersonal responsibility fornot only what we are but

alsowhat we can be.

David McNally

You can suffocate athought by expressing

itwith too many words.

Frank A. Clark

When you are a bear of very littlebrains and you think of things,

youfind sometimes that a thing whichseems very thingish inside you is

quitedifferent when it gets out into the

openand has other people looking at it.

A. A. Milne

Listening, not imitation,

may be the sincerestform of flattery.

Dr. Joyce Brothers

A word from theheart goes

straightto the heart.

Abee Huvelin

The most valuable of all

talents is that of never

using two words when one will do.

Thomas Jefferson

A beautiful soul has no other merit than its


Johann Friedrich Von Schiller

When your heart speaks,

take good notes.


Well arranged time is the surest

mark of a well arranged mind.


Give every manthine ear, but few

thy voice.William Shakespeare

Quotes from:The Right Moment

A Collection of Quotations for Living an Inspired


By: William E. Hyche