“To Live, Learn and Grow in God’s Love” ST. FRANCIS OF THE ...

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PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 1 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Reminders Thursday May 24 Information Evening 7.30pm Friday May 25 Unit 4 Mass @ 9.30am (St Therese’s Church) Assembly 2.45pm Saturday May 26 National Sorry Day Monday May 28 School Nurse visiting this week – Foundation students Wednesday May 30 Indigenous Colours Day – fundraiser for ‘Closing the

Gap’ Thursday May 31 FIRE Carrier Commissioning Ceremony 2.45pm Scholastic Book Issue #4 due today P&F Meeting 7.30pm Friday June 1 National Reconciliation Week Mass @ 11am (Sacred

Heart Cathedral) Assembly 2.45pm Monday June 4 School Nurse visiting this week – Foundation students Tuesday June 5 Regional Cross Country @ St Arnaud Wednesday June 6 School Board Meeting 6pm Friday June 8 Feast of the Sacred Heart Whole School Mass

11.45am Assembly 2.45pm Monday June 11 Queen’s Birthday Holiday Friday June 15 Class Mass 1H & 1L @ 11.40am Assembly 2.45pm Closing date for 2019 enrolments

Tuckshop Roster 2018 Week 6 – Pizza, Popcorn & Drink Friday May 25 9-11am Jo Boyd | Tania Malone 12-3pm Josie Sefton, Kate Fraser, Sarah Longford, Jodi

Dewhurst, Nat Jones Week 7 – Hot Chicken & Gravy Roll, Popcorn & Drink Monday May 28 12-3pm Trudy Jacques Thursday May 31 Friday May 25 9-11am Sarah Cail | Leah Pollock | Renee Jet 12-3pm Deb Eddy, Ria Dunn, Alice Nielsen, Lilly Gleeson,

Janine Langeluddecke

Weekend Maintenance 19-20 May Johnson (6M), Peckett (2D), Behrens (5RM),

Tuohey (5RM) 26-27 May Crowle (4FJ), Oldham (4FJ), Wallace (3R),

Khodja (3L) 2-3 June Harrop (3B), O’Keefe (5RM), Matthews (3B),

McLean (F/B) 9-10 June O’Sullivan (F/B), Stewart (F/B), Loorham (5M),

Rodda (F/M) 16-17 June Wagner (6H), Cornelius (5T), Fitzpatrick (4FJ),

Whitford (6M)

“For it is in giving that we receive.” St Francis of Assisi Dear Families, There are many times when we become overburdened and have difficulties finding those things that give us true joy. What brings you joy? When are the times you feel that you have experienced pure joy? Joy abounds but in our business we can let joy pass us by. Let’s take time to remember those who bring us joy, and the moments that we forever treasure.

A Celtic Prayer on Joy As the hand is made for holding and the eye for seeing,

You have fashioned me for joy. Share with me the vision that finds that joy everywhere.

In the wild violet’s beauty; In the lark’s melody;

In the face of a steadfast man; In a child’s smile;

In a mother’s love; In the purity of Jesus.

Your Prayers are needed… Please keep Gabriel Guest in your thoughts and prayers. Gab underwent surgery yesterday and is currently receiving ongoing care at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Shelley, Shaun, Sunday and Raphael are with him and will need our ongoing prayers to support them all at this time.

“To Live, Learn and Grow in God’s Love”

“To Live, Learn and Grow in God’s Love”

Newsletter No. 15 – May 24, 2018 (Term 2 – Week 6)


The Jaara people are the traditional custodians of the land on which we live. They have lived here for thousands of years. We commit to

working for Reconciliation and justice for all Aboriginal people and to learning more about the Jaara people.

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 2 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

2019 Prep Enrolments It is always an enjoyable time showing new families our school. At times, we can take for granted our wonderful staff and beautifully resourced school. Applications are called from parents wishing to enrol children in Foundation and other classes at St. Francis of the Fields Primary School for the 2019 school year. Application Forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded from our website or the following link –

http://www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au/downloads/school-information Children may be enrolled to start school in February of the year in which they turn five, provided their birthday is on or before April 30.

Parents and students are also invited to our School Open Week from Monday May 21 to Friday May 25 - 9.00am

to 3.30pm. Please come along for a guided tour through our school.

An Information Evening will be held for all parents on Thursday, May 24 at 7.30pm in the St. Francis of the Fields

School Community Centre. If you are unable to attend our School Open Day, please feel free to make an appointment to view our excellent teaching and learning environment available. St. Francis of the Fields Primary School will be open from 8.30am to 3.30pm most days for any interested members of the public. Parents are advised to please enrol by Friday, June 15, 2018 to avoid disappointment. Any enquiries please direct to our school office on 5439 3191.

Cross Country A large number of our children from Year 3-6 competed at the Cross Country at Bendigo Racecourse yesterday. We had some fantastic results, and the most pleasing aspect was the way that the children conducted themselves and gave their best.

In weather conditions that weren’t exactly the greatest, our children are to be commended on their attitude towards having a go and the way in which they encouraged and supported not just their own school friends, but children from other schools. A big thank you to everyone who came along and supported our children, and especially to Danielle Dillon for coordinating and organising it on our behalf.

Maths Activities for home A reminder that the weekly maths activities that were previously on the newsletter are now being emailed home by each class teacher.

New Classrooms Update The new buildings have been in place for a few weeks now, and while it does not look like much is happening from the outside, there is a lot of work happening inside. Plastering has been done, wiring for TV’s and computers is continuing, and cupboards and shelving are being installed at the


What happening on our School Farm? What a beautiful environment that we come to school in!!! You will notice in the paddocks we have new little lambs. Make sure you take the time with your children to notice as you drive into the school, the beautiful little lambs and the wonderful environment that we are so lucky to be in everyday. Also, have you noticed the new addition to the sheep flock??? It is not a sheep!

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 3 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Volunteers for St Therese’s 60th Anniversary November 4 A Committee, made up from members of both schools in the Parish, will be formed to plan for this event. Megan Merrett is after two volunteers from our school community to represent us, so if you are keen, please let us know, or contact Megan directly at St Therese’s Parish Office. We will also be looking for volunteers to help run the BBQ trailer after the Sunday Mass this weekend. Regards, Grace Scalora and Bernard Kerrins Co-Principals

St Francis ‘Winter Drop’ Let’s get on board with our Bendigo Community during this very cold winter.

Calling on families to clean out your wardrobes of outgrown, not worn or no longer used items!

We are looking for donations of: Coats, Jackets, dressing gowns, doonas and blankets Please leave them in the collection basket outside Maree O’Connor’s office before Thursday, May 31.

RE NEWS … National Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June) Take a look at what's on next week...

Indigenous Colours Day Wednesday May 30

F.I.R.E. Carrier's Commissioning Ceremony (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Congratulations to the following people who have nominated to become F.I.R.E. carrier's for 2018.

They will be commissioned at the F.I.R.E. Carrier's Ceremony next Thursday, May 31 @ 2.45pm in the Shed. This year, 3 more parents will be commissioned as a symbol of our commitment to Reconciliation and harmony for all Australians. Everyone welcome to attend this significant event.

Students Chance Holland Will Neave Juliette Angelo Kassidy Wagner Anna Gaskell Abbey Freeman

Sophie Allan Stephanie Martin Olivia Adams Mia Bartlett Toby Kingston-Brown Grace Fitzpatrick

Niamh Hobbs Abbey Fraser Ella Simpson Kahlia Chappel Abbey O'Brien

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 4 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Staff Hilary Bottcher Jenna Herring Amy Hooper Ash Barbetti Angela Simpson

Parents and Board Members Anthony O'Brien Tanya Cowman Roberta Mathers

National Reconciliation Mass On Friday, all Year 6's will attend the National Reconciliation Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral at 11.00am accompanied by Miss Scalora, Mr Kerrins, Miss Ellis and the Year 6 teachers. Parents are welcome to join us at this Mass.

SACRAMENTS This week, all Sacramental Candidates received a note seeking helpers for the Sacrament Masses to be held on Saturday June 23 and Sunday June 24. Please return all forms to your classroom teacher or myself by the end of next week so that planning for the celebrations can begin. Thank you. Kate Ellis, Catholic Identity

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 5 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au


When: 7pm Thursday May 31, 2018

Where: Frankie and Co. 35 Wills Street, Bendigo

Come along & enjoy a fabulous evening including champagne, nibbles,

shopping at Frankie & Co Bendigo!

You can support our wonderful Assisi Kindergarten by purchasing some

gorgeous clothing on the evening.

15% of total sales goes toward our kindergarten!!!

Assisi Kindergarten Fundraising Committee

Recorder News … At Bendigo South East on Friday, we played in a competition. We were using our recorders. We played against St Peter’s. We got gold and so did St Peter’s Recorder Group. We played ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’, ‘Cuckoo’, ‘au clair de la lune’, ‘Good King Wenceslas’ and ‘140’. The older kids played more songs. We all had a lot of fun. We were nervous to get up on stage and play in front of so many people, but we did it! These are all the people who played in the Recorder Group: Olivia Fitzpatrick Adeline Neilson Maggie Lamb Grace Lamb

Taliha Giffard Louise Khodja Ava Dickson Sophie Hughes

Sophie Gay Toby Kingston-Brown

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 6 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Upcoming Musical Event On Friday June 1, the St Francis of the Fields and St Peters combined Choir will sing at the Bendigo Competitions. They are in the Open section scheduled to commence at approximately 11.00am at the Ulumbarra Theatre, Park Road, Bendigo. Spectators are welcome for a small door fee. Jenni Heinrich, Music Teacher

Repeat - Thursday Tuckshop Trial A reminder that the Tuckshop is now open on a Thursday at school. Children will be able to get lunch orders on this day. It will run as a normal Tuckshop day. We will trial Tuckshop Thursday for Term 2 and then see if our community is using it.

Reminder - Class Roll Marking/ Absenteism Please remember to inform your child’s teacher no later than 8.45am if your child will be absent for the day. The easiest and best way to do this if via the school app. Just go to the absence tab and complete the online form – and email will then be sent directly to your child’s teacher as well as to the office. Any unexplained absences will be followed-up with a text message and/or phone call. Please note also - if children arrive at school after the roll has been marked, it is a parent’s responsibility to sign their child in through the office. It is a legal requirement that attendances be marked correctly. If you child is marked absent it is reflected on their school record. We need to know where children are and that they are safe at all times especially in the case of an emergency evacuation.

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 7 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

This or That! This week, we get to meet a Year 6 student and find a little more about them.

Introducing… Shelby Whitford (6M)

AFL team: Carlton! Best holiday: Thailand Favourite thing about school: Art When you’re not at school, what could we find you doing? Reading Favourite chocolate: Mint chocolate Last movie seen: The Greatest Showman If you could invite someone famous (past or present day) to dinner, who would it be and why? J.K Rowling because I love her books especially Harry Potter If you were Principal for a day, what one thing would you decide? Recess for 1 hour & lunch for 2 hours. Now let’s play This or That...

Summer or Winter: Summer Chips or Chocolate: Chocolate Maccas or Subway: Maccas. Dogs or Cats: Dogs.

Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel: Roller coasters. Art or Music: Art. On a meat pie...sauce or no sauce: Sauce. Swimming in a pool or the sea: Swimming in a pool.

St Francis Sporting Teams …

Volunteers/Coaches - If you are a volunteer or coach in our school, you will need to provide a copy of your

Working With Children Check and Driver’s Licence. You will also need to complete some documentation before volunteering at St Francis of the Fields Primary School

St Francis Basketball - Karlie Cooper (St. Francis Basketball Coordinator) 0409 128 354

St Francis Netball 2018 - Tracey Turner – St Francis Netball Club President 0400 137 501

Kate Zealley (Secretary) 0400 586 799

St Francis Falcons Junior Football Club stfrancisjfc@hotmail.com Falcons President, Dave Griffin - dave.griffin@reece.com.au | 0439 369 927

St Francis Fete

Thank you again to our wonderful sponsors … Kelly McDermott, 2018 Fete Coordinator

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 8 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

St Francis P&F Community News … Next meeting – Thursday, May 31 @ 7.30pm

Uniform Shop News Uniform Order Form & Price List

E | uniformshop@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Tired of Waiting???

To avoid the queues at the Uniform Shop, why not shop from home!!!

Simply fill in an order form with your requirements, send it to us through the classroom tubs and we are more than happy to then send your order home with your eldest child. Payment can be made by either cash, cheque or credit card payment (details are at the bottom of the order form).

The Uniform Girls – Michelle Janssen, Jenni Smith & Tonya Buchanan

Commonwealth School Banking Please be aware that the story in the media recently regarding Dollarmite Accounts does not apply to any of the School Banking Coordinators or myself. The email received below, may help clarify this if anyone has any queries.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program, which encourages children to establish healthy savings habits early in life.

I’m writing to you to explain the details about an issue that occurred in early 2013 and that you may have seen in the news. In 2013, we conducted a review and found that some of our staff were making small deposits, typically of around 10 cents, into some inactive Youthsaver accounts.

This made the account appear active and in turn improved perceptions of their performance. The average employee incentive associated with these actions was less than $2 in total per year. We immediately took steps to end the practice, and we are not aware of any evidence it has happened since.

Importantly, there was no adverse financial impact to any of our account holders. All the accounts had been legitimately opened by customers and there are no deposit or monthly account fees associated with the accounts.

Regardless, it was clearly a breach of the trust our customer and you put in us.

We understand that it is a privilege that you support this program, and believe that you should know the steps we took to prevent this from happening again. The changes we made included:

Notifying all of our branch managers and employees that this practice is against policy and future violations will result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

Raising the minimum standard to make a Youthsaver account active to $5.

Increasing the monitoring of new accounts to help us ensure this never happens again.

When customers open an account, they put their trust in us and that’s particularly true when the account holder is a child. While this practice didn’t financially harm our customers, it breached that trust. For that I’m deeply sorry. Regards, Irene Rowlands - GM Specialist Retail Distribution

Commonwealth School Banking.... every Tuesday School Banking day is Tuesday. Each week you need to fill out your deposit slip in your banking wallet, safely enclose your money and drop it into the classroom tub in the morning.

Please be aware that Youthsaver application forms are no longer valid - so to open an account please visit your local Commonwealth Bank or complete an online application at commbank.com.au/schoolbanking - click on the link to open a Youthsaver account.

For more information about getting started with school banking, please feel free to contact me.

Ange Oldham, Commonwealth School Banking Coordinator (0438 545 321)

Uniform Shop Hours Monday afternoon (3pm-3.30pm) Wednesday & Thursday morning

(8.45am – 9.15am)

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 9 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

Follow us on Twitter St Francis Twitter - follow us @StFFields

Scholastic Books Scholastic Orders Issue #4 due in by Thursday May 31. Jen Smith, Scholastic Books Coordinator (0438 500 285)

Lost Property … Please check the Lost Property Box…

Could parents please make an effort to name clearly all uniforms as well as any other items including containers used at school? If an item is named, it will be returned via the classroom basket. Our Lost Property Box is consistently overflowing with unnamed uniforms and containers. We will clear the Lost Property Box frequently. Items unclaimed for an extended period will be donated to the Uniform Shop or St. Vinnie’s.

Katrina Harrop, Lost Property Coordinator

St. Francis Playgroup The St Francis Playgroup meets Monday mornings (during the school term) at 9am to 10.30am. For 2018, Playgroup will be at St Joseph's Church Axe Creek (portable building) as our school Community Centre is a classroom until our 2018 classrooms are completed.

Please come along for a cuppa and a chat while you enjoy watching your child/ren socialise, creating some colourful art/craft or just enjoying playing with the many toys. Please bring a piece of fruit and a drink of water for morning tea. $2 each session plus $25 to join Playgroup Victoria for the year.

The Coordinators are Kate Fraser 0438 288 473 and Alice Nielsen 0407 318 277. Playgroup is also on Facebook .... St Francis of the Fields Playgroup.

St. Francis ASC News ...

Collection of Children - Children can only be collected by an authorised person – this means someone who is

named on the child’s official enrolment form. Therefore, if your child is to be collected by someone different you will need to add them officially to the YMCA Bendigo Regional records prior to them collecting your child. No unauthorised person will be allowed to collect your child.

Pickup - Could all parents please make sure your child is collected from After School Care by 6.00pm at the latest,

as charges will apply if your child is collected or late collection. Hazel Cartledge, Supervisor, St. Francis After School Care

St. Francis After School Care – YMCA Bendigo Please note - all bookings and cancellations must be made through the Bendigo Regional YMCA before 12noon

on 5444 6666. Numbers are limited. Bookings essential. After School Care at St. Francis of the Fields PS phone - 0459 988 313 (3.20pm – 6.00pm)

YMCA contact: To book: Children Services Department, Bendigo Regional YMCA

www.bendigo.ymca.org.au Telephone: 5444 6666 To register & enrol: bendigo.ymca.org.au for application/enrolment forms

PH: 5439 3191 FAX: 5439 3192 EMAIL: office@sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au 10 HOME PAGE: www.sfstrathfieldsaye.catholic.edu.au

St Francis Piano Lessons There are some free times available for Piano lessons at St Francis for the remainder of Term 2. Anyone interested or for more information please contact Stephanie Wade – stephwade@bigpond.com

Community News …