Today we will be learning about a book called… A Book of Friends Written by: Dave Ross Illustrated...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Today we will be learning about a

book called…A Book of Friends

Written by: Dave Ross

Illustrated by: Laura Rader

Presented by: Ilia Hernandez

A Book of Friends…

Friends come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

You can have TALL friends... friends…

EVEN hairy friends!


You should know,you can have BIG friends…

Or little friends.

It isn’t the size of your friends that count, but the size of your HEART!

You don’t need to choose between your old friends,

and your new ones…

It’s okay to love both, and make more and more memories with each friend!

Don’t be AFRAID to make new friends.

We don’t need to be friends with only people OUR age…

You can be friends with a little BABY,

EVEN a grown up!

You can learn new things being friends with people of all ages!

You will have


and friends who move away…

DON’T FORGET:Pen PALS are also great friends!

You can even have…

IMAGINARY FRIENDS! Friends, are friends.

There are SO many things to do with your friends!


Go to the BEACH!

It’s fun having a swimming buddy!


share your toys, your secrets, food, clothes, fears, hopes, what makes you sad, your DREAMS, cookies, books, jokes, love and even other friends!

See a movie together,


Be TOGETHER. You can have fun being with your

friends, just being together. It doesn’t always have to be a big


Don’t worry, you can find friends anywhere!

Underwater… At home.

Your neighbors can ALSO be your friends.

What about at school? There are friends EVERYWHERE at school!

Do you like family vacations?

Because being on vacation, is also a fantastic time to make NEW


What about books?

You can make friends in a book! Let your imagination RUN WILD!

Anything is possible in your head.

Go to the PARK!

You’ll be surprised the amount of people

who are looking for

friends at the park.

Look under your bed!

You never know what friends you have misplaced!

And don’t FORGET, YouAreYourOwn

Best Friend

What is a friend?

A friend is someone who likes you, and whom you like back.

Someone you can be yourself with.

Someone who has your back!

It doesn’t matter how many

friends you have…

Remember: It’s QUALITY, not QUANTITY,

that counts!


to have FRIENDS…

They make you feel better when you’re sad,

making the bad times



Don’t be afraid to ask someone…

Will you be my friend?


a good listener.

Sometimes all someone needs is a ear to listen and tell

them it’ll be okay.

With friends…

you can share your feelings.

You don’t have to be afraid to say “I’m sorry”, friends will understand.


Make time for your friends.

DON’T push your friends away!

Be there for them, and they’ll be there for you.

All friends,

have their ups and downs.

It is up to you,to be


BE kind,

and nice.

It takes time for some people to come out of their shell.

A Book of Friends…

is a story that, if you LET it, can teach you about friendship.

How to be a good friend, and how to make

