“TONAL OR SPÍRIT” - The University of New...

Post on 16-Feb-2018

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“Tonal” or “Spirit” is an invisible and infinite substance,which according to the Mesoamerican Cosmovision, isfound in the head an in the articulations of the humanbeing. It is Energy that comes out of the body in cases ofaccidents, frights or big emotions. The “curanderos” orHealers have sacred attributes, and the divine forcesintervene both in the causes, but also in the diagnostics ofthe sickness. And therefore in the healing, this meansthat the medicine is developed in a supernatural plane.



The Allopathic Medicine has always had doubts aboutthe common illnesses, within the MesoamericanCosmovision. For example, an illness where the“Tonal” o “Spirit” is affected is not medicallyrecongnized. This includes an illness in which thesigns and detectable symptoms, their origin isunknown and are very difficult or even impossible tocure with Allopath..

The tonal or Spirit of the human being might be affected whenthe person suffers strong emotional impacts, falls, sobresaltos,anguish, nightmares, sudden dangers, and therefore it isfrightened and its Tonal is lost (it comes out of the body), anddue to that, the person goes through the life withoutconcentrating or interacting, not doing well its job, not feelinggood with what he eats or drinks, in general, the nervoussystem is affected; the intensity of the emotional impact variesfrom person to person, some are frighten but not aware, butas time goes by, it becomes ill, and even going to the doctorand being medicated, the patient keeps sick and dies.

The traditional Medic treats the sickness ofits patients with: Rituals, sobadas, andcleanings (limpias): Using medicinal plants,temazcal, oils, creams (pomadas), stones,thorns, snail (caracol), sahumerio, drums,eggs, brandy (aguardiente), tees, cookings,stains (tinturas), etc., with an impressiveeffect.


The inherited healers (curanderos) of the worldhave now a days simultaneously thecharacteristics and functions of the ancientIndigenous societies.

The basic elemental knowledge of thehealing properties of the plants, as wellas the immediate treatment of thecommon sicknesses, form part of thepopular wisdom.

RUDA:Scientific name: Ruta graveolens.Useful part: leaves and flowers.Properties: rubefaciente, emenagogos,vermífugas, diuretics, sweatiness, antispasmodics.

Indications: inflammations, rheumatics, and in general, for the circulatoryapparatus since it favors blood irrigation, scares, stick pulse, evil eye,heavy energy, air.Form of use: tee, microdosis, stains (tintura), alcoholatura, in branches(ramos), temazcal, cleanings (limpias), rituals.It is considered the forgiveness plant; that who drinks it forgives andforgive himself, and forget bad feelings.Its essence helps to eliminate fears of known origin and clears themind from persistent thoughts, gives strength and mental peace.Contraindications: from an internal form, due to its great content ofalkaloids, it is not recommended in high doses, or in prolonged treatments.


1 cup of hot water3 g of Ruda. Ruda is washed and cut It is put in the cup and the hot water is addedIt is left standing for 5 minutesIt is recommended to drink one cup in the morning for 7-9 days

Indications: fright, angry, fear, nightmares, unwillingness.

PIRUL:Scientific name: Schinus Molle L.Useful part: Branchs, leaves, peel.Properties: tonics, antispasmodic, cicatrizantes, analgesic, antiswealling.Indications: rheumatism, sciatica, fright, evil eye (mal de ojo), cleanings (limpias), heavy energy, air.Form of use: bathtubs, temazcal, ramos, rituals, cataplasm.


5 L water1 Kg of Pirul leaves

Wash the leaves and boil them in the 5 l water for 10 minutes Add to the bathtubTake a bathtub for 15-20 minutes.

Indications: to clean the body from strange external energies, to eliminate air, and for evil eye (mal de ojo)

ALBAHACA:Scientific name: Ocimum Bacilicum L.Useful part: leaves, stem, flowers.Properties: antiemetic, digestive, stimulant, carminative.Indications: indigestion, flatulence, decaying, stomach problems, frights, evil eye, cleanings, indigestion (empacho), air, heavy energyForm of use: Stains (tinturas), microdosis, tee, branches (ramos), Temazcal, Cleanings (limpias), rituals (ritos).


1 bunch of Albahaca1bunch of Ruda1 bunch of Romero

All the plants are washed altogether as one branch They are hanged in the shower.The body is washed with the water flowing through the branch.

Indications: take a shower after any altercation, or when having stayed with Negative persons, or in difficult situations, or after working in sobadas, or with accumulated energy.


Scientific name: Rosmarinus officinalis.Useful part: leaves and flowers.Properties: tonic, stimulant, antiseptic, diuretic, digestive, carminativo, cardiotonic, antispasmodic, colagogo, antibiotic. Indications: rheumatic pains, respiratory affections, bad memory, skin infections, wounds, contusions, frights, evil eye, cleanings, air, accumulated energy. Form of use: Stains (tintura), microdosis, alcoholic solution (alcoholatura), tee, cataplasm, branches (ramos), temazcal, cleanings (limpias), rituals.


3 g of Romero1 cup of hot water

Wash and cut the Romero, put it on the cup andAdd the hot water.

Indications: lack of memory

JARILLA:Scientific name: Cineraria salicifolia Kunth.Useful part: branches and flowers.Properties: analgesic,Indications: Articulate problems, lumbar pains, frights,evil eye, cleanings, air, accumulated energy.Form of use: baths, scrubs (friegas), temazcal, branches(ramos), rituals, cleanings.


1 l alcohol 96°300 g of jarilla washed an cut1 2 l flask Amber color1 label.

The alcohol and the jarilla are mixed inside the flask. The flask is caped hermetically and shacked 7 times. The flask is label with the name of the alcoholatura ad the date. The alcoholatura is left standing for 21 days. At the end it is filtered and bottled with a new label and date.

Indications: sciatica, articulate pains, lumbar pains.


Scientific name: Tanacetum parthenium L.Useful part: steam, leaves and flowersProperties: analgesic, ant hemorrhagic.Indications: stomach pain, hemorrhages, coldness, fright, cleanings, branches, rituals.


1 branch of Santa María1 branch of San Francisco Herb

(Heimia salicifolia)1 branch of Ruda1 branch of Albahaca1 branch of pericón

(Tagetes lúcida)5 l of water

Boil altogether in the 5 l water for 10 minutes and filter, and then add to the Bathtub, previously filled with warm water.Take the Bathtub for 20 minutes.


Plantas medicinales de MorelosColumba Monroy OrtizPatricia Castillo EspañaEditorial Connubio

El poder medicinal de las plantasSosaApia

Diccionario Enciclopédico de la medicina Tradicional Mexicana//http://www.medicinatradicionalmexicana.unam.mx