Top 10 Best Practices for Employee Engagement

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Best Practices for Employee Engagement


Communicate Clearly and Often

“ The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has

taken place. ”

— Bernard Shaw

Make sure that when you speak with your employees they have heard and understood what it is you want them to know.

Communication goes both ways, so make sure you are available to hear them when they need to speak with you.


Praise and appreciate

“Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven

days show increased productivity and get higher scores from customers

— Tom Rath

Don’t assume employees know you appreciate and recognize their hard work. Let your employees know that they and the work that they do is valued. This can be as simple as saying “thank you” or “good job.” However you should up the ante by offering a concrete form of recognition such as a reward or formal notice of recognition.


Offer Opportunities for Development

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for

development accorded the individual.”

— Albert Einstein

When employees can grow their skills they feel more empowered at work and this leads to enhanced engagement.

Encourage employees to take advantage of company training opportunities or look into offering employees external education.


“Let no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a

sign of weakness or a sell-out.”

— Paul Kagame

Life happens. Employees will get sick, their kids will get sick, they might forget to do something, they might do something incorrectly, and they might arrive late. However, if you pick on an employee every time they don’t do “exactly” as they are supposed to you will create disengagement. Understand that sometimes you have to make allowances.

Don’t get bent out of shape, be flexible.

Be Flexible4

“Personal relationships are always the key to good business. You can

buy networking; you can't buy friendships.”

— Lindsay Fox

An office where people know each other not just as colleagues, but personally as well, enables good working relationships.

Give your employees opportunities to develop personal relationships with each other and their new friendships will make the office more enjoyable.

Promote Social Relationship5

Collaborate and problem solve as a a team

“Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful

things can be achieved.”

— Mattie Stepanek

No man is an island, or so the saying goes. In this case, we mean that no one person can be expected to solve every problem or complete every project on their own.

Creating a dynamic of team collaboration and problem solving creates a culture of support. It also increases productivity; when people work together problems get solved faster and work gets done quicker.


Personalize Motivation

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does

bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”

— Zig Ziglar

Learning how to motivate your employees on an individual level will empower them to do their best work and be engaged. When you know what drives your employees to give their best effort you can provide them with the things they need to succeed.

Learn what motivates your employees by talking with them or having them fill out a personality quiz.


Take this quiz to find outwhat drives you at work! >

Encourage Company Values

“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and

then communicate consistently in those terms.”

— Simon Mainwaring

The values that are central to your company need to be central to employee management. All employees should be aware of what the core values are and how to exemplify them.

Lead by example and show employees why these values are important to the company and the work that they do.


Manage Engagement in Real-Time

“Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management

is discipline, carrying it out.”

— Stephen Covey

Don’t survey employees once a year to find out where disengagement lies. Perform surveys regularly and regularly employ disengagement solutions.

If you handle issues as they arise they are more manageable than if you wait until they become “problems”.


Gamify Tasks

“That’s what games are, in the end, teachers. Fun is just another word for


― Raph Koster

Gamification uses the tools and goals of games to encourage participation.

By gamifying tasks, i.e. creating a point system, initiating competition among colleagues, employees are incentivised to complete tasks.


Ready to establish engagement in your workplace? THAT'S WHAT WE DO!

As a company that seeks to enhance employee engagement, our focus is on creating a system of accurate and ongoing feedback from employees. Our innovative system collects employee feedback through a series of short weekly survey packets and analyzes the resulting data with our state-of-the-art analytics engine.

In order to further the engagement process we have developed a teamwork and communication platform that allows managers and employees to collaborate on projects and problem solving.

And since nothing motivates quite like showing your employees your appreciation, our system features a rewards and recognition program that allows managers to recognize and reward deserving employees and for employees to recognize the efforts of their peers.

For all that our program offers we know that there needs to be a component which keeps employees coming back and therefore keeps them engaged. Which is why our system is gamified, meaning for every action an employee performs they are awarded points.

But that's not all. As a further incentive, we have included a trivia game component, The trivia game allows employees to test their knowledge, challenge their peers and it encourages social discovery.

Request a demo!