Top 10 Signs You Have Bats In Your Attic

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

If you think you have bats living in your attic you definitely want to get them

removed as soon as possible.

Bats are definitely beautiful creatures but they can be dangerous to the health

of your family, including your pets.

Read the top 10 signs you may have bats living in your attic and if you ever find that you do, remember to call the professionals who will get the removal

job done right, the first time.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Summary of Signs of a Bat Infestation

(1) Seeing bats flying around your home at sunrise or sunset(2) Smell the scent of ammonia in or around your home(3) Smell a general pungent odour in or around your home(4) Seeing dead bats around your home(5) Seeing black oil stains/resin around cracks or openings into your home(6) Having a bat fly into your home(7) Strange scratching and fluttering sounds in your attic(8) Hearing high pitched squeaks or fluttering sounds at night(9) Seeing bat droppings (guano) around your property(10) Seeing these signs in out-houses, sheds and garages

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #1

Do you see bats flying out of your attic at sundown or early evening?

Since bats are nocturnal they sleep during the day; that's why we rarely ever see bats when the sun is out. If you see bats coming and going from and to your attic just after sundown, that's one surefire sign they're living up there.

Although there are a number of other signs, this one sign is enough to prompt you to call a professional bat control or wildlife removal company. Ensure the company you decide to hire is accredited and has the experience needed to do the job right.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #2

Do you smell the scent of ammonia near or in your home?

Another potential sign that you have a bat infestation is the smell of ammonia in or around your home. Bat droppings (scientifically known as guano) product a pungent and toxic smelling odour that smells very much like ammonia.

Bat droppings also contain histoplasmosis which is a disease that can be contracted by breathing in spores produced by bat guano.

These risks are surefire reasons a home owner who is concerned about a bat infestation should ensure they company they call knows what they're doing.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #3

Do you generally smell a strange or pungent odour somewhere in your home?

Like the last sign, strange odours can be a sure sign that you have a bat infestation or another wildlife issue. Generally speaking, most people can figure out the source of a foreign smell within their home, but the different odours that wildlife infestations can produce find it's way to your living quarters but for the most part remain elusive.

That's when it's hiding behind your walls or up in your attic. The different odours are generally caused by animal droppings, urine, rotted food (i.e. Apples) and unfortunately dead animals too.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #4

Have you seen a dead bat anywhere around your property?

A dead bat found somewhere near your home or property could be a sign bats are living in your attic – even if you live in a generally populated area, a dead bat near your home could mean your home is a candidate for infestation.

If you do find a dead bat, pay attention to your home and follow some of the advice in the other signs in this presentation. Within a few days you should be able to determine if you've got a bat problem.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #5

Do you see holes with black/brown oily stains around them

Bats carry an oily resin on their fur which can leave stains around their entry point openings. Over time the area where they are entering and exiting becomes stained with this black resin and the stains become quite predominant – and they look ugly.

This one sign alone is a strong indicator that your attic is infested with a colony and by this time it's important you get the professionals out to your home for an inspection.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #6

Has a bat flew into your home?

Bats flying in and out of your home equals bats in the area. If bats are in the area, there's a chance they've colonized your attic. If you do encounter a bat in your home dead or alive, take a look about your home for the other signs and if you see one or two more signs (or more bats) there's a chance you have an infestation.

If there are more signs, it's time to call the professionals who will humanely remove them and prevent future entries.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #7

Do you hear strange sounds in your walls or attic?

Weird sounds behind your walls or attic can be a sign that any kind of wild animal is living in your attic. If you hear scurrying and scratching this could be a sign you have a bat problem.

This is one of the signs that you would be aware of in conjunction with the other more prominent and obvious signs.

Note that the times you'll hear bats making noise in your walls or attic is when they are coming and going, which is during sunrise and sunset.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #8

Do you hear many high pitched squeaking sounds by a strange animal?

Those strange squeaky sounds may be coming from bats. For the most part we actually can't hear the sounds bats make but in the rare case you do and in conjunction with seeing them flying about in your area you can potentially determine if indeed they are bats and take the steps to determine if you've got an infestation.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #9

Do you see bat droppings?

Bat droppings are a clear sign there's an infestation of bats in your home that needs to be removed. Bat guano can usually be seen around entry and exit points. Bat don't like leaving their droppings near their nest so they usually do their business outside their colony.

If you see a guano buildup somewhere around your home (on the roof, near eavestrough, window sills, etc.) the chances of an infestation are high so call the experts and have them removed.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Sign #10

Did you see bats anywhere else on your property?

Bats don't only infest attics and walls but they infest garages, sheds and other out-buildings. If you see any of these signs somewhere in your out-buildings there could be a chance they've colonized in your attic as well.

Call Today For Humane Wildlife Removal1-877-221-2999

All Wildlife Removal Inc.

Top 10 Signs Bats Live In Your Attic

Thank You

Something to take note of and remember – not all these signs mean you have a bat infestation, but in conjunction it could be an indication.

If you think you have a colony of bats living in your attic or too close to your home feel free to give us a call for a quote on an inspection and removal and we'll have our reliable and experienced team out to you in due time.

Thank you from the team at All Wildlife Removal Inc.