Top 10 TED Talks that will Change Your Life Forever

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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We present 10 Ted Talks to help inspire you to achieve your career goals and a better lifestyle.

10 TED Talks That Will

Change Your Life Forever

© Alex Noudelman


Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability

The ability to feel connected is what makes us feel alive. Brené Brown teaches us that “shame” is the fear of disconnection, which results in our vulnerability.



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Scott Dinsmore: How to Find & Do the Work You Love

Why are you doing the work that you’re doing? Are you just figuring out what you want to do with your life? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Scott Dinsmore did and it forced him to quit a job that made him miserable, and spend the next four years searching for work based on passion and purpose. He shares what he learned in the process.



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Matt Cutts: Try Something New Every 30 Days

Have you ever felt that you were growing stale and maybe even experiencing burn out. That happened to Matt Cutts. As a remedy, he decided to follow in the the suggestion of the American philosopher, Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. Like Spurlock, Cutts got more than he bargained for.


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Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

In this Talk, Sinek argues that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. He argues this through powerful examples of how successful leaders inspire their employees to work purposefully. His most valuable piece of advice: If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe in your work, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat & tears.



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Steve Jobs How to Live Before You Die

Steve Job’s Stanford University 2005 commencement speech addressed his background, his adoption, and the events that led him to found Apple. Jobs urged leaders to have faith in their path, to take a leap of faith, and act individually. Epitomized risk-taking; he stated:“Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent.”



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Ruth Chang How to Make Hard Decision

No one can go through life without making difficult decisions. Philosopher Ruth Chang helps us make life-changing, difficult decisions by looking within yourself—it’s an opportunity to decide who you want to be.



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Dan Pink The Puzzle of Motivation

Most of our motivation gets stuck at the workplace. Dan Pink tries to look into the correlation of work, extrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and performance. He debunks the equation between higher rewards and better performance. The solution is to do things that matter.



Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Seth Godin How to Get your Ideas to Spread

When we have too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the mundane. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to being successful, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.



How to Spot a Liar, Pamela Meyer

Change your posture, change your life. Amy Cuddy explains how even faking powerful body language can reduce stress and make you more confident. Adopting a power pose is such a small thing but could make all the difference when you’re in a high-stress situation.

Pamela Meyer How to Spot a Liar

Honesty is a value worth preserving and recognizing. Pamela Meyer reveals tips and tricks on how to spot someone who isn’t telling the whole truth.


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© Alex Noudelman