Top 25 brands and their mobile strategy, Web spiders

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Top 25 Brands And Their Mobile Strategy


1) Introducing Web Spiders

2) Why Go Mobile

3) 25 Major Brands That Have Successfully Leveraged Mobile Technology

Introducing Web Spiders

Web Spiders is a specialist provider of Enterprise Mobility services to ISVs and Marketers of Fortune 2000 companies.

Our core competency is Enterprise Mobile-enablement across iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone.

Our industry leading ActiFetch platform helps in seamless integration of legacy data to mobile platforms.

Why Go Mobile

42% smartphone owners in the UK have

photographed a product, and 20.9% scanned product barcodes, while in a

store. - comScore UK

Smartphone penetration in the UK is

currently at 58%, while 19% of the population owns a tablet device.

- OfCom

63% of smartphone owners in the UK have used m-commerce in one

way or another.

- inMobi

25 Major Brands That Have Successfully Leveraged Mobile Technology

Move to the Beat

Campaign focused on attracting teenagers and young adults to London Olympic 2012.

Mobile app utilizing shake function of iPhone to generate music.

110 countries participated, with coverage in 478 news shows.

Takeaway: Asking participants to utilize device-specific features for performing unusual tasks can result in highly successful mobile campaigns.

Training Club

Campaign geared towards encouraging users to exercise.

App allows users to create their own workout sessions and earn points for working out.

App downloaded in 21 countries with 40 million+ minutes of training.

Takeaway: Promoting activities related to products that a retailer sells can be a great idea for a mobile marketing campaign.

Remote Control App

The challenge was to help users shoot photos while away from the camera.

Smartphone app allows users to take photos remotely, edit/upload photos to online services

App has gained immense popularity among users.

Takeaway: Mobile apps offering hassle free ways of performing complex tasks can always win over users.

Hair Fall Rescue

Ad campaign focused on issue applicable to women.

Targeted mobile ads, HTML5 ad unit

31% engagement rate

Takeaway: Mobile platforms are inherently personal, making those great for promoting gender-specific products.

Game Time

Ad campaign focused on attracting viewers to television commercial.

App posed trivia questions with answers present in TV ad.

App downloaded more than 700,000 times.

Takeaway: The high user engagement possible through mobile campaigns can be utilized to increase effectiveness of other types of promotional campaigns.

Visibly Smart

Campaign focused on 4 core user activities – gaming, entertainment, music, design.

Animated mobile ads directed users to relevant challenges and games.

More than 62,000 games played by users.

Takeaway: Attractively designed mobile ads coupled with interactive elements like games and quizzes can help in effectively engaging prospective consumers.

Cup Magic

Campaign focused on increasing Valentine’s Day sales.

Augmented reality apps displayed animated hearts when device camera was aimed at special edition V-Day cups.

Coffee sales increased by 16% in Q1 2012.

Takeaway: Mobile apps focused on the cuteness factor can tap into users’ emotions, effectively translating to increased sales.

Star PlayerCampaign focused on increasing consumer interaction during UEFA Champion’s League.

App allowed participants to predict outcome of matches and share scores with friends.

Heineken’s name mentioned in social media 78% more times than other UEFA sponsors.

Takeaway: Mobile apps encouraging users to interact with friends during major sports events have a high chance of gaining popularity.

Q3 Mobile Campaign

Campaign promoted the official launch of Audi Q3 in Australia.

Mobile ads directed visitors to mobile site and provided downloadable product brochures.

Peak CTR of ads was 1.025% and 7% visitors clicking on ads visited mobile site.

Takeaway: Mobile ads presenting information in an interactive manner can attract attention of users more often than static mobile ads.

My Loooove

Campaign aimed at increasing summertime sales.

Messaging promotional codes got users a chance to win teddy bears.

1.4 million users participated within first 2 months.

Takeaway: With proper planning, SMS can be just as effective in engaging users as other, newer mobile technologies.

Euro 2012 Campaign

Campaign aimed at increasing sales during Euro 2012.

SAMY4ME Mobile Mall app presented McDonald’s discount coupons to consumers.

1.4 million users participated within first 2 months.

Takeaway: Joining hands with a service provider already having extensive mobile marketing infrastructure can be good for a brand.

Create Amazing

Campaign aimed at increasing market penetration across Europe.

Mobile app allowed visitors to design their own cars.

Conversion rates increased across all Lexus sites within a month.

Takeaway: Mobile apps simulating product customization tend to be quite popular among prospective customers.

Big Egg Hunt

Campaign aimed at raising money for two UK-based charities.

Messaging 5-digit shortcode entered participants in lucky draw to win a jewel-encrusted Faberģe egg.

12,700+ people participated, with 160,000+ entries.

Takeaway: Tying lucky draws having high-value prizes with mobile campaigns is a sure shot recipe for success.

PingIt Money

The challenge was creating a financial application that would greatly increase brand recognition.

App that allows people to send or receive money via mobile phones.

App downloaded more than a million times within 6 months.

Takeaway: Mobile apps that simplify financial transactions without compromising on security will likely gain popularity quickly.

Gilt on the Go

Campaign focused on strengthening mobile presence of the brand.

Mobile website allowed shoppers to buy outfits from their mobile devices.

Overall sales figures increased greatly within months of launching mobile site.

Takeaway: Mobile websites with secure payment systems will likely enhance brand appeal and boost revenues at the same time.

Premier League

Campaign focused on promoting Indian Premier League merchandise.

Apps, ad banners and downloadable wallpapers were used to promote the merchandise.

More than 50% users tapping on ads downloaded wallpapers and shared those with friends.

Takeaway: Linking mobile campaigns with the favourite sport of a country is an easy way of achieving success.

Hook Up

Campaign focused on increasing brand awareness among teenagers and young adults.

Mobile ads directed visitors to landing page of sweepstakes for couples.

The campaign resulted in a 45% increase in CTR rate of Close Up mobile ads.

Takeaway: Mobile campaigns focused on engaging couples always have a high chance of succeeding.

Sunny Sale

Campaign focused on increasing lunchtime sales.

3D QR code only scannable at lunchtime offered access to discounts.

Lunchtime sales increased 25%.

Takeaway: A novel element can greatly influence chances of success for a mobile campaign.

The Blackout Banner

Campaign focused on encouraging participants to reduce consumption of electricity.

Tapping on mobile ad turned the screen dark, which could be lit up by swiping screen, revealing Earth Hour logo and countdown clock.

The ad had millions of impressions and thousands of interactions.

Takeaway: A novel element can greatly influence chances of success for a mobile campaign.

The Price Isn’t Always Right

Campaign focused on increasing sales without offering discounts.

Mobile ads were created using keywords that appeal to hungry people.

Campaign boosted average value of orders, increased revenue for each click, and improved profit margins.

Takeaway: Intelligent usage of SEO tactics can greatly increase the success rate of a mobile campaign.

Discover Hong Kong

Campaign focused on helping tourists explore Hong Kong without a guide.

Augmented Reality app highlighted landmarks and shops on an interactive map.

The app was featured as the best travel app in iTunes China.

Takeaway: Using AR technology to solve frequently encountered problems can be a great way of increasing popularity of an app.

Mobile Medic

Campaign focused on promoting Defence University Sponsorship and testing candidates.

Augmented Reality app presented challenges for candidates to complete.

All of 140 available positions were filled by participants using the app.

Takeaway: Using AR technology can be a great way of increasing user engagement.

AIDS Awareness

Campaign focused on increasing knowledge about AIDS among people aged 13-39.

Users sending zipcodes anonymously via SMS would receive information on AIDS.

Program attracted thousands of people.

Takeaway: Preserving anonymity of participants can be a great way of increasing user engagement in campaigns dealing with sensitive issues.

Nothing Beats Beef

Campaign focused on informing people about proper way of cooking beef.

Mobile app presented detailed recipes based on the cut of beef selected by user.

The app was downloaded by thousands of users with the onset of summer BBQ season.

Takeaway: Presenting knowledge in an interactive manner can be a great way of increasing user engagement.

Red Hot + Rio 2

Campaign focused on raising money for AIDS Awareness/Prevention program.

Interactive mobile ads played samples of tunes, and encouraged users to pre-order the album.

Campaign received peak CTR of 1.07% in the UK alone.

Takeaway: Interactive mobile ad banners with multimedia elements can attract attention of visitors and increase conversion rates.

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