Topic 15 Middle Ages

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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The Middle Ages

The Beginning of the Middle Ages

The Visogoths defeated the Roman Empire and took over Spain. Their capital was Toledo.

In the year 711, the Muslims began to expand into Spain.

They named it al-Ándalus.

The End of the Middle Ages

The Christians fought the Muslims, and in 1492, Christians had control of all of Spain.

Life in al-Ándalus

In al-Ándalus muslims, muladis, mozarabes, and Jews all lived together.

They lived in cities where they constructed fabulous buildings (La Mezquita in Córdoba, and La Alhambra in Granada).

Life During the Christian Reign

The society was divided between the privileged and the non-privileged.

The cities became important in Century XII. During the Middle Ages, they constructed Romanesque and gothic buildings.

Andalucía in the Middle Ages

During al-Ándalus, the towns, cities, and culture of Andalucía was developed. The Christians maintained the Arabe influence and constructed new monuments.