Torah and Science part 1: MOUNT SINAI AND THE … and Science part 1: MOUNT SINAI AND THE DIFFERENCE...

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Torah and Science part 1:


All these famous questions that people ask nonstop

we will address in this lecture

and we will supply scientific proof to everyone of these questions as I mentioned

For instance

to create a table you don’t have to be a genius

you learn one or two hours and you understand the concept how it works

To create a computer

you need perhaps years of learning and experience

The computer indicates

how great is the creator of the computer as opposed to somebody who just made a table

In that case when we review our world

the brilliance of the creation of this world

billions of billions of stars

and billions of galaxies

everything works in order

we look at the human being which is the most sophisticated thing in nature

Just the brain of the human being ten trillion connections

just for the argument sake

if we take all the media companies in the world

all the telecommunication companies

all the satellites

all the wiring

every phone number that people has in the entire world

combine all of them together

it will not reach 1% of a brain of one individual

And this is one person only

multiply it by 6.4 billion people that run around in this world

Look at the previous generation

add all of them together were talking about tens of billions of people

Each one of them with a brain

and ligaments

and muscles

and liver

and heart

and many other things.

Is it possible to think that this entire creation was made by itself

like some people are trying to claim

The answer is absolutely not.

Nobody would ever believe

that even a watch.

If a person has a watch

and he claim that the watch was made with a random explosion.

He just walk on a street and there was an explosion

and all the pieces came together and connected and now its working for the last few hours

Nobody will think that person is serious.

On top of that

this is only a watch

imagine trying to say that a brain of a person was created by some kind of development

it started with an explosion

and slowly

you know pieces came together into place and now it’s working such as sophisticated computer.

For those who didn’t know the brain is 80%, 80% water,

20% material

and the size of the brain is like the size of an orange,

an average orange

and inside this brain its all connected in such a sophisticated way

to claim that something like this was able to be created by itself without a creator.

It's insane.

Its doesn't make any sense.

Nobody even believed what he claimed. For those people who claimed that something like this can

come out of just randomly.

So the answer is, for sure there is a creator.

The fact that we don’t know him yet,

doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

We see that everything that human being need in the world he has plenty,

for instance oxygen

One minute without oxygen a person dies

or 2 or 3 minutes

but the point is that oxygen everybody needs everywhere in the world there was always oxygen,


We never have shortage of oxygen anywhere we go

Imagine if sometimes there's no oxygen, we have to walk with balloons on our back for emergency

that it will happen one day

How life would look?

Then the second thing the person need is water.

You have water all over, 72 % of the world is water.

Then he needs food.

We are not talking fancy food

just food to survive


Few dollars a week he can survive

Problem today the people have big eyes and they want unlimited pleasure and all kinds of bombastic


But we're not talking about this kind of desires were talking

just food to survive.

The more luxurious

is the thing that the person is after

its getting harder to get it,


Its not a necessity.

Then one of the other questions we have to address today

is it life after death as Judaism claim.

We have to prove all these

so let's start.

According to the Torah when the Jews received the Torah three thousand three hundred and twenty

years ago in Mt. Sinai

that was 49 days after the exodus of Egypt

the Jews

the Hebrews, I should say

were in Egypt for 200 and 10 years.

Many generations of slavery

finally Moses was chosen by God to be the messenger

to be the leader and take the Jews out of Egypt

As the famous classical story,

the Jews exodus Egypt through the ocean

and 49 days which is exactly 7 weeks after

they stood around Mt. Sinai millions of people

and saw God and Moses having a conversation.

The truth is

that only the first 2 commandment from the 10

were given to Moses publicly

Everybody heard the first 2 commandments

I am the God that took you out of Egypt,

that's the first commandment.

The second commandment that everybody heard was

you should not have any other God but me

When God came to say the third commandment

as we read in the Torah in the chapter of Jethro

the Jews were panicking they just couldnt tolerate the event and they said to Moses

Please we cant take this, we're very scared

Why don't you go up to the mountain speak to this God and everything he want us to do we are willing

to do.

No questions asked

later we'll understand

first we do

After all the proofs we saw we don’t have much to investigate

that was the idea

and Moses told them “Don't be afraid God is not here to harm you

He's only testing you to see are you faithful enough to follow his laws

and that's how it started.

That's basically the beginning, the foundation of Judaism.

So we're reviewing the Torah many of the things that affect our life everyday and its all come down to

one question

Is it possible to prove 100% scientifically

that this Torah is divine is really the word of God especially where we have a combination of written

and oral Torah two Torahs,

one is the written famous book that everybody knows all over the world

but the most important one is the oral laws

is all the instructions that were given to Moses and he passed it to the rabbis

and from generation to generation.

All of that we have to address

is it possible to prove 100%

all this thing is divine

and that's what we're going to do now

The beginning point

if the Torah was given by God to us as we know.

We cannot find any mistakes there

if we're going to find human error in the Torah

it would make everything else doubtable

Plenty of doubts

How do I know it’s not the second mistake

How can I rely on a book that I already found one human error there?


its an indication that there is human interference there

and therefore since human modified it

even if God gave it

human modify it

we cannot rely on it


maybe its 100% human

We're not going to dedicate our life

and change our habbits according to the orders of this book

if we're going with a doubt if this book is divine

It won't be the most clever thing to do

so we have to understand

is it possible to be proven?

The answer is absolutely yes

As I’m continuing


we have more than 80,000 religions and cults in the world and it's going tremendously.

The first religion in the right chronological order is Judaism

it started three thousand three hundred and twenty years ago.

There were many cults before that as the Torah describe

people worship the sun they worship the moon

all kinds of false belief

but the first public religion that started in front of millions of witnesses three thousand three hundred

and twenty years ago is the Torah

it's the foundation of Judaism.

Then only thirteen hundred years later

about 2000 years ago Christianity started

Islam is less than fourteen hundred years old.

So basically Christianity is only thirteen hundred years after Judaism started

and Islam is 2000 years approximately after Judaism started.

What about Buddhism?

There was a person named Buddha 2400 years ago

so that's still 900 years ago after Judaism started.

What's the main difference

between Judaism to all the other religions and cults that started after.

One of the main difference is

that every other religion and cults started with a story of one person.


none of these people who brought their book

or brought their claims to the public

were able to supply even one sufficient proof

that the angels spoke to them

or God really gave them a book or mission.

None of them

I'll give you example

obviously we don't have time to waste on the reviewing 80,000 religions and cults so we'll speak about

the 3 major ones

or the 4 major ones.

We will start with Islam

in Islam the story is that one day Mohammed came and claimed that angel Gabriel gave him the Koran

and that's how it started

and they nominate him to be another prophet

after all the prophets.

He never claimed

that what took place until now was incorrect,

the opposite

In the Koran major parts of its speaking about God gave the land to the Jews and Moses

which they call him Musa but its the same person is the prophet of God

and if we have questions from the Koran we have to review in the Torah.

This is all appeared in the Koran and there's no doubt

that the Torah was given to the Jews

He just claimed

That he's another prophet of the list.

The last one

Did he bring any witness

that the angel gave him the Koran?

The answer is absolutely not

not even one witness.


when we review the Koran we find many human errors

and I have all the sources with the suas where it appears in the Koran

It can be reviewed


no witnesses

we review the book we see human errors

Is it possible to think that God makes such human errors

Let's give one or two examples of what does it mean human errors

You know he takes some figure from Judaism like Pharaoh

he's appeared in the old testament in the Torah

and he's speaking about Pharaoh has a meeting with Haman

Haman was a minister in the time of Persia

in the king of Ahaseru.

Haman was born approximately nine hundred two thousand years after the last Pharaoh died.

There's a thousand years difference

between the pharaohs and the time of Haman in Persia

Pharaoh was in Egypt

Haman was in Persia

According to the Koran, sura 40, 36: 37

it says that Pharaoh and Haman and their adviser were sinners.

They copied that part right.

And Pharaoh told his servants

I know you have no other god but me

which means he made himself god

They learned it also from the Torah

and as we continue

it says

that I want you to build me a tower that I can go all the way up and etc etc

but the point here that Pharaoh and Haman could never see each other.

The person who wrote that book made a mistake in the right chronological order of the generations

and he thought that Pharaoh and Haman lived at the same time and he made up an appointment

or meeting between them

which could never take place.

As we continue

another example

we know that in the story that Moses and Aaron were brothers and they had one sister her name was


and also

in history there was another famous Miriam, Maria, Mary it depend what nationality you come from

and this Mary was the mother of



Mary the mother of JC which lived approximately two thousand years ago.

In the Koran in Sura 28 verse 7-9 it says

it's speaking about the wife of Pharaoh raising Moses

Now we all know since the Muslims admit that the Jews received the Torah

In our Torah which was two thousand years before it says that the daughter of Pharaoh

her name was Bathia

She's the one found Moses in the Niles and she took him out and raised him.

Not the wife of Pharaoh

the daughter

They made a mistake

They wrote

that she was the wife of Pharaoh,

critical mistake

human error


she says to the people after she found the baby

“ don't kill him, maybe we will have a need for him, he will comfort us and they gave all kinds of


but the main thing here is that he could never be the wife of Pharaoh because it was the daughter of


and they admitted that the Torah was given to the Jews in Public

Another mistake

in sura 19, 27: 28 it says that virgin Mary

she's the mother of of Jesus

according to Christianity the new testament.

They speak about her in the Koran

and all of a sudden we find out that this

Mary, Miriam in Hebrew,

she's the same Mary or Miriam that lived thirteen hundred years prior to that

Which Miriam they claim that is the same Miriam,

the sister of Moses and Aaron

which lived thriteen hundred years before.

They mixed between two different women that their name is Miriam and Miriam

and they made them into one person

and they claim now

that Maria, Mary or Miriam she brought the baby in her hand to the people of their town and they said

Mary, Maria what did you bring here

you are the sister of Aaron, your father wasn’t a bad man and your mother was not a prostitute,

which means how you became pregnant if you’re not married.

So they made the mother of JC

the sister of Moses.

Such critical mistake

that even kids in first grade is unlikely to make

and right after that sure 66, 12 it says Maria the daughetr of Amram.

Amram is the father of Moses and Aaron.

So obviously they mixed between those two individuals

and obviously God cannot make such foolish mistakes.

Many other examples

but of course this is not the subject of this lecture.

I just used it as an example for us to understand how do we define human errors in a book that claimed

to be the word of God.

As we continue

I would like to speak a little bit about

the new testament


This was written approximately two thousand years ago

The Christians admit that the Jews received the Torah in Mt. Sinai.

They just called the Jewish Torah the old testament and they claim that God gave power part B

which means were the prophets ended

comes now the story of Mary and Joseph that get engaged and then he goes out of town and comes

back and sees his fiancé is pregnant and what's going on he asks

and she says God came to me and make me pregnant

this boy will be something special.

This is how it starts

and when we review how the new testament begins with this story

we find something very very critical.


the book describe more than thirty generations between king David to Joseph the carpenter

what's the point?

The point is to link Joseph the carpenter to the family of king David,


Because since they admit that the Torah is the word of God in the Torah it says that the Messiah must

be a descendant of the family of king David.

It has to be a direct connection.

That's why they're trying to prove that Joseph, the husband of Mary he is a grand grand grandson of

king David.

So far everything is clear.

Just when they finish describing all the generations they write that Joseph has nothing to do with the


He went away and when he came back she was pregnant there

and she claimed that God made her pregnant.

So the question is,

who is the mother of Jesus?

The answer is Mary

Everybody saw,

no doubt about that.

Who's the father?

The answer the Christian will say is God.

Question we ask, is God is a grandson of king David?

King David is the grandfather of God?

Obviously not.

Why did you waste almost the whole full page describing more than 30 generations to link Joseph to

King David,

because they wanted to show that JC is the son of Joseph and he is the Messiah

because Joseph came from king David

but then you made a critical mistake.

You just wrote that Joseph is not the father.

Do you really think that God would give a book with such critical mistake?

Something to think about.

Many other mistakes appear in the new testament even more than the Koran.

The more years are going by

we find many many different text,

for instance there is more than a hundred and fifty thousand different text

which means if you compare one new testament to the other you'll find many different text.

In the Koran

they've hundred of different versions.

The Torah,

the Jewish Torah which is double or triple the amount of time than Christianity and Islam.

All the nations were running after the Jews to destroy their Torah.

The Jews were moving from one exile to the other

and when the Jews united together in Israel 50, 60 or 80 years ago.

They started to come to Israel, they all brought with them the ancient Torah scroll

and there was all the same Torah everywhere in the world.

Even though there was no internet, no connection, no telephones.

They couldn't know about other communities in the world.

Manually with a feather and ink they were writing three hundred and Four thousand eight hundred and

Five hundred letters

and its all the same

Everywhere you go the Torah is the same.

The New Testament, more than a hundred and fifty thousand different versions.

I once asked the Christian professor in one of our debates,

I asked him

tell me

if I have a diamond which is a hundred million dollar diamond,

original one

and I came to present the diamond to the crowd

and each one of the people from the crowd had a special diamond ready to throw it to me as soon as I

take my real diamond out,

but all the other diamonds is a complete perfect fake diamonds.

Just when I presented the diamond all of them threw their diamonds at me

and then what

my real diamond got mixed with all the fake diamonds.

There's no way to tell.

What happened to my diamond,

its gone.

The value will never be the same.

Every diamond you pick up is 1% or 5% chance that maybe it’s real.

Nobody will pay you a hundred million dollar for it.

So I told him, even if your claim is real that really the New Testament was given

by God

its gone from the world

because your original copy will never be found.

You have a hundred and fifty thousand different modified books.

That even if it was divine

it's gone

because it was modified completely

different dates, different names,

parts are missing, different spelling mistakes.

You can see, you can check a hundred and fifty thousand.

Everyone copy manually in the old days two thousand years ago before printing was invented

and its enough that each person made a mistake in one letter.

Every person has a different text than his friend

because he has one letter wrong than the other one

and the other one has a different letter wrong

and over the years,

two thousand years

or I should say fifteen hundred years until they started to print and that's why you have so many

different text.

The Muslims who are more careful with their Koran to try to copy it in the original way

but people are people

and people are subject to human error.

That's why there are hundreds of different versions of the Koran.


one other mistake in the new testament in Act 7

its say that Jacob went to Egypt with 75 people.

We all know that when we review the Torah,

the Torah says clearly that Jacob went to Egypt when his son Joseph was already the assistant of the

king Pharaoh.

Jacob went to Egypt with 70 people.

But what happened to God?

He forgot?

In the new testament it says 75 people

and obviously its human error.

There are, as I said before more examples of such human errors such as these

and I'll give one last example

and we move on.

According to Christianity, Matthew 5 verse 17-19 there is a will actually a direction of Jesus to his


He was a Jew and he died as a Jew.

He really never started any religion.

The new testament started

between seventy years to three hundred years after his death.

These' s all kinds of opinions,

but even if we go on the seventy years which is the minimal difference

we are talking four to five generations.

The people who wrote the evangelists

Mark, John, Matthew,

Luke never saw JC.

Everything they will tell us about him

we will have to either believe them or not.

They cannot supply one proof to what they say.

I can come and say that my grand grandfather use to walk on water and use to make magic and he was

a holy man.

Everything I say its either yes or no 50/50

we will never have a proof for that.

Now it's the question, do you wanna believe me or not?

You wanna base your entire life on a story like this or not. When we begin to review their books we

find so many contradictions.

For instance,

in one book it describe all the generation from Joseph the carpenter all the way back in history to king


And in another book they describe it but there are more than twenty different mistakes

Over here it's describe A B C D E F G

and over there it’s a complete different orders with different names.

What really happened in history?

Is this the right way or is this the right way?

Both of them cannot be correct.

God doesn't make such contradictions in history, in generations, in the right order its impossible.

Here is an example from Matthew 5, this is what JC tell his students

do not think I came to contradict the Torah or the prophets

I did not come to contradict I came to fulfil.

I'm telling you today if heaven and earth will be destroyed you can still not erase one letter from the

Torah even a part of a letter

they will all remain forever.


if someone will contradict one of the smallest commandments

and will teach differently to others

will be cursed by the kingdom of heaven.

Again Matthew 5: 17-19

which means according to the hero of Christianity

which is JC himself

No one of his followers is allowed to modify one instruction from the Torah

For instance

his followers are not allowed to eat pork because the Torah says its forbidden.

They're not allowed to violate the rules of the Sabbath

and many other examples.

Obviously we don’t see Christians that follow the laws of the Torah.

They have their own laws which contradict completely the Torah.

So what happen,

if you're faithful to JC,

why don’t you listen to him.

If he is the most important figure in Christianity

the mandatory thing would be that every Christian in the world that's close to 2 billion Christians in the


they will follow his instruction


and yet we find that nobody listens to his orders

and its clearly in the new testament.

This is, I gave two or three examples here,

the truth is I have hundreds of examples and we don’t have the time to show all of them

If you're interested just go into my website

and you'll click the debates

and you'll watch the 3 hour debate and you're going to see many more examples of what human errors

are consider.

We move on.

As, one more last thing about mistakes in the New Testament is

that it says that the cave when Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is Buried is in the city of Nables, shehem


Everybody knows that it's in the city of Hebron.

What happened to God, he doesn't remember where is the cave of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

Is it possible such a thing?

Is it possible that in a book that claim to be the word of God will

be such human errors.

The answer of course not.

The conclusion is very simple.

God never gave Koran.

God never gave the new testament.

People wrote it and people as genius as they may be

they make mistakes,

contradiction because it’s very difficult to write such a long book in one or two days.

It takes weeks

and therefore a person doesn't remember what he wrote a week ago

especially when he fakes this entire scenario

that's why it’s full of human errors.


when you review the 24 books of the Bible

from Genesis to the Songs of Songs

the five books of Moses which is the main Torah

and then 19 other books who came after

in the generation when the prophet were coming and adding more prophecies that God gave them

you will not be able to find any human errors.

Now remember, the Torah is a combination of the written and the oral laws.


you cannot understand one of the six hundred and thirteen commandments that the Torah gave the Jews

without reviewing the oral laws.

God separated between the written Torah to the oral Torah.

The reason is because he did not want the entire world to have the secrets of his book

That’s why he gave brief names of the commandments with no instruction how to do

And verbally he taught Moses how to do, what to do and how to teach to others.

The Jews kept it strictly all the years

it pass from father to son.

It's very important to understand

the Torah gave six hundred and thirteen laws.

It would be much easier to give an even number

600, 700, 500.

Why six hundred and thirteen?

The answer is, the human body is a combination of six hundred and thirteen parts.

Two hundred and forty eight organs.

Three hundred and sixty five ligaments

Which means

if we review the Torah

we see two hundred and forty eight positive obligations

Which means

you should do, you should do, you should do.

How many?

Two hundred and forty eight.

Each one connects to one organ in a body.

Two hundred and forty eight organs,

two hundred and forty eight obligations commandments to do.

How many ligaments in a body?

Three hundred and sixty five ligaments.

The Torah says

and for each one of them

there is one restriction in the Torah.

You should not kill, you should not steal and so forth and so on.

So it's a perfect match.


the Torah says that first was the Torah and then came the world

and God created the world based on reviewing the blueprint

which is his Torah.

Torah in Hebrew means instructions.

Instructions how to live,

How to do business,

How to get married,

How to raise children and many other instructions.

That's called Torah.

So we review the Torah, first as I said

we have one Torah,

not a hundred fifty thousand

and not even two hundred. It's one Torah all over the world.

Three hundred and four thousand eight hundred and five ligaments.

How do we know the Torah was given from God

let's review it carefully

please pay attention.

When I come today to secular Jews they don’t keep any of the commandments

and try to convince them to become observant of the instructions of the Torah.

First reaction is

leave me alone, I'm happy with the way I am, I'm not interested to change

it's too difficult.

What would be the chance that I would speak to millions of people and over a night all of them would

become religious.

I bring them a book, I say God sent me.

I'm a prophet,

everyone of you has to listen to me here is the book,

here is your copy.

Everybody has to change from one side to the other,


What's the chance?

Close to zero.

Millions of people would agree right away

its almost impossible.

But yet in history something like this did happen.

Moses came to millions of people and he gave them a book and they all adopted the book and started to

live according to the laws.

How did it happen?

We have to understand.

We have to investigate.

We use our common sense.

If we review the six hundred and thirteen laws

we find

first of all that some of them are difficult to keep.

It's not so easy

and we also find that approximately 80% of them,

not only we could not understand in the human logic.

It's actually against human logic.

For instance the entire concept of the sacrifices.

A person makes a sin, the animal supposedly paying the price.

People cannot understand

its not fair.

One commandments in the Torah,

if you see a bird in a nest get rid of the mother and send her away and take the eggs or the chicks and

put them somewhere and thanks to that you shall have long life.

Doesn't make sense.

first of all it looks like cruelty

and second what's the connection between this to long life.

Nobody understands.

Make sure, once a year you clean your house from bread crumbs and hametz,

everything that's made from the five kinds of grain.

It should not be in your house for the days of Passover.

Nobody understand the logic.

Many other examples.

Some of the commandments are very logical,

you should not kill,

you should not steal,

respect your father and mother.

Everybody understand that,

but for that you didnt really need to a Torah

its common sense.

I'm talking about the major part of the Torah,

where most of it,

it cannot be understood and some of it

its against our thinking.

The answer to that is very simple.

If Moses God forbid was a faker

or anybody who was trying to write the Torah

the first thing he would do

he would bring a very easy book to keep

not to make people rebel against him.

He should make the people be interested to accept this change in their life.

Why should he make it too difficult

give 5 or 6 commandments

Make sure they understand that you're the leader and you're the boss here.

They give you some charities,



and finish.

Why you'll make such a hard thing?

You're actually defeating your own purpose

if you're a faker

Second thing is

you brought some of the commandments that risks your life

I'll give you an example one or two.

When Moses gave them the book

this is the only book in history that the book that was given to the public supposedly by God


everybody claim that God gave them a book after but here we have millions of witnesses that are

receiving a book from Moses.

When they open up the book and they read.

Who are they reading about?

About themselves.

No other book,

no other religious book later address the people who are receiving it

as part of the book.

The Jews are the integral part of the book.

Most parts of the Torah describing what happened to them in Egypt

in the exodus of Egypt and

even describing how they accept the Torah.

If the hundred miracles that describes in the Torah

when some of them are against all odds,

blood in Egypt,

frogs everywhere,

hale are falling from heaven.

Every first born Egyptian is falling and dying,

the ten plagues

and the exodus of Egypt the Jews are going through and the Egyptians with their heavy army are


and then bread is falling from heaven

and so many miracles described there.

When the Jews received the Torah

all they have to do

is to find one human error in the book.

Who knows better than them

what really happened

in reality

since the book describing what happened to the Jews themselves and they are the one reviewing it


The first thing they have to do is raise their hand, excuse me Moses what is this dream,

you brought us this book,

you claim that God give it to you, very fine

but when we review it there are things that never happened to us.

It says that we are in Egypt,

I dont remember we were in Egypt.

It says that God split the ocean for us,

I don't remember such a thing.

It says the a number is eating bread from heaven every day.

I don't receive it

but the most important critical thing here

that inside the Torah it described that God is speaking to Moses himself

and all the nation of Israel is listening to this dialogue.

If Moses was pretending that somebody's whispering in his ear

and he pretends that he's answering back,

you're right,

maybe its all the show

but here inside the text

it says that all of you,

all of you

that I'm giving you today the book.

All of you,

heard me Moses speaking to God.

Yes or no?

No other way.

If you heard me,

I cannot fake such a thing.

I cannot fake conversation with God.

God is speaking to me from heaven.

So that means all of you heard.

No questions asked,

you don't need proofs anymore.

God nominate me to be the leader.

If one of you did not hear me then he would scream to everyone

I'm sorry I never heard and that's the first mistake in the Torah.

Judaism will never start.

Nobody will agree


when they were trying to do everything to avoid.

Nobody wants now hard work and to change his life completely.


it becomes even more sophisticated

thousands and thousands of them were married to their aunts

which means your father is let's say 40 and you are 20 and your father has a young sister she's 18

and you wanna marry her

No problem.

There are people who got married when they are cousins

They still get marry until this day.

So before the Torah was given, it was perfectly legal to marry your ant.

Your father has a young sister, you like her you grew up together in the same environment.

Why not to marry her? You know her very well.


Thousands of thousands of the Jews were married to their aunts

When Moses gave them the Torah and they opened it up

one of the commandments the restrictions was

you should not marry your aunt.

You should not touch her

she's forbidden to you.

Now remember, keep in mind that many of them had 10 or even more children at that time

So now they just found out they cannot touch their wives.

This is a real tragedy for them

People like this that just found out that basically their personal life is over.

They would cooperate with Moses?

or they'll do everything they can to destroy him

before he will destroy them supposedly

The answer is of course

they would try to resist him

but in reality

all the nations of Israel

change overnight

and until these days Jews all over the world following these instructions

and giving it from generation to generation.

All it needed to be is one of them would his raise hand and say I’m very sorry.

all these things did not happen.

You want me to divorce my wife?

so the answer is


It's not that I want you.

God gave me this book and I'm only passing it to you.

The most bizarre thing that we can think of

that even Moses father Amram was married to Yohevet,

which was his aunt.

Would Moses go against his own parents?

It gets even better.

When Moses went up to that mountain he told them prepare.

Prepare everything for me.

I'm giving you the Torah.

We'll get the Torah.

Actually 3 days before God told him prepare everyone to be holy.

To cleanse themselves in water,

not to touch their wives,

to prepare for the acceptance of the Torah.

This is 7 weeks after the exodus of Egypt.

So they prepared meat.

They slaughtered cows, sheep.

They prepared tons of meat

to feed millions of people you need thousands of cows and sheep.

When Moses brought them the Torah,

this is the holiday of Shavuot.

They just found out that all the meat they prepared for the holiday

is not kosher.

They cannot use it because it was slaughtered with a regular knife.

They didn’t know the law of slaughtering yet.


They had to throw perhaps millions of dollars into the garbage.

As the beginning,

before they even get into the Torah

right away to get rid of all the meat and

that's what they have to do

and that's what they did

and that's why in Jewish custom until today for 3320 years.

Every year the Jews eat dairy food

on the holiday of Shavuot.


There was no time to prepare new meat .

After you slaughter the animal you have to put salt,

to wait until all the blood comes out,

it takes hours,

there was not time the holiday started.

So that's a custom that's been transferred from generation to generation.

When we review the Torah in Deutoronomy chapter 4

we find something very interesting.

The Torah says, God says to the Jews

one day if you're not going to be faithful to me and will not keep my laws

I will spread you in all the nations,

in all the countries

as we can see today.

I will spread you in all the nations and only very few of you will remain.

As I'm directing you in different countries

God says

and over there you will follow

you will follow false religions.

The religion of the wood and the religion of the stone.

What does it mean the religion of the wood and the religion of the stone?

The answer is the symbol of Christianity is the wood cross

that's why the Christians say knock on wood.

The symbol of Islam is the stone in Saudi Arabia, in Mecca.

The city of Mecca there's a big rock there they all go there every year in the Ramadan.

It's very interesting because the Torah already, 1300 years before Christianity started and almost 2000

years before Islam.

The Torah already speaks that the Jews will leave in countries that people worshipping false religions

You may think

that I did not supply with the right sufficient proof

so it get's a little bit further

what does it says

we have equal mathematical skip inside that text.


codes are hidden inside the text in equal minimal skip of 50 letters.

Inside the text

the city Mecca

mem ,Kaf,Hey in Hebrew 3 letters

appears in equal skip between the mem the kaf and the hey in this verse.

It gets even better the word Yeshu,

which means Jesus Yud, Shin, Vav 3 letters.

Appears in the same verse in equal mathematical skip of 50

Yud, Shin, and Vav

Two words that symbolize christianty and islam are hidden in side the text of the torah

Close to 2000 years before they came

Is it possible for a human being to write a book and can give it to people and inside write

that there will be a person named Jesus and a city called Mecca and that symbolize two man made


is it possible?

What person would know such a thing,

the answer is no person

only the creator of the world.

We move on

as my next example the Torah say to the Jews “Be very careful, do not modify the Torah, do not add

one word

one letter

or do not erase one letter.

This is written in Duetoronomy chapter 4.


it's very interesting because over the generation the Jews knew that it's subject to penalty and severe


They were very careful to copy it in the original way.

Once every seven years

the king or the leaders would gather the people in groups and go over the entire Torah and make sure

that nobody copy it wrong

and there was one exceptional written here and their

,there were match their Torah to the majority of the people and see that they have a mistake

and would fixed the mistake immediately

and that's how they kept the Torah in the original way

and one of the very interesting thing as we rewiew in Duetornomy chapter 4 verse 32-35

This is what it says

God say to the Jews go and check in the history

from the time God created Adam on earth

from one side of the world to the other side of the world

Did the nation ever hear the voice of God speaking to him from the fire with

magics and strong hands.

Did God ever try to take a group of people

from a larger group of people

and to make him, to make a covenant between him and them.

Did it ever happen.

It will never happen

there's a promise right here in the Torah that God promise to the Jews

even though there would be many people who come later on and fake a beginning of a new religion

“ I, God will make sure that the stories of these people will only be a story of one individual with no

witnesses. I will prevent in any way that this person will bring any witnesses to back up the story.

Even though we know it's a lie,

you still can fake and bring two phony witnesses to back up your story by teaching them what to say.

God says, trust me.

I will never let it happen,


I don't wanna confuse my nation, the Jews.

You're the only one who witness the event of receiving the Torah,

your prophet Moses received it and you witnessed the event

and you hear the voice of God.

Soon you're going to see how Moses was basically not interested to get the mission that God gave him

and only after God assured him that he's gonna bring him infornt of everyone and speak to him

everybody will believe in him forever.

So the Torah promised

nobody will ever start a religion with witnesses.

Now as I told you before,

more than 80,000 times people came and claimed that they have a new religion

not once they could think about bringing few witnesses

how can it be?

The answer is the Torah made a guarantee,

If one of them would bring a group of witnesses

and bribe them.

We will have a very serious problem in the Torah

because the Torah something like this will not happen.

Do you know of a book that was written by human being

by a person that can promise such a thing for the next three thousand years.

What person has such an ability to write in a book and give it to millions. I will prevent any other

religion to start from more than one person.

Do you think a person is capable of promising such a thing.

The answer is absolutely not.

The next proof is,

as I said before

God says to Moses

anyway the nation of Israel will not believe me,

they'll tell me we don't believe that God sent you to take us out of Egypt.

When we think about it,

God should have been upset.

He should have told Moses, why don't you just listen to my orders and trust me

just do what I tell you.

That's not he says,

he actually agree with his claim and he told him something very interesting.

He told him I'm coming to you from the clouds around the mountain and I will speak to you and after

they hear my voice speaking to you they will believe in you for eternity

and that's exactly what happened.

From here,

just from here alone

its clear 100% that every other religion and cult that started after

with a story of one individual could never be real.

Never ever,


God is not interested to give a new religion or a new prophecy to someone whispering in his ears

or in a close room

the opposite.

God told Moses you're right about your claim.

I will speak to you in front of everyone

because I'm interested that they will follow my laws and my orders for their own benefit.

Why will I hide with you somewhere and whisper it to your ear that the world will have 50% doubt


if really happened or not.

So we see God's idea was to give his truth to the people


not like Mary who came in a dream and nobody can ever prove it

or like Mohhamed came from the dessert and claimed he got it from the angel Gabriel

with no witnesses whatsoever

or Buddha came 2400 years ago and claimed he saw the light.

Nobody ever witnessed that event

and so forth and soon.

As I move on

I move to the next proof

you know when we review the Torah,

the obligations to the nations of Israel is different

than what people think.

When you ask a person, do you believe in God

some say yes, some say no, some say I'm not sure, some say 90% some people say I have some doubts.

There are all kinds of opinions.

The Torah never obligated the Jews to believe in God,

the opposite.

In Science believing means not knowing.

When a person say I believe in something 70%

he actually said I do not believe in that something 30%.

If you say I believe 99% that means you still have 1% doubt.

But the Torah did not say to believe in God.

The Torah said to know that God exists,

to know that he gave the Torah,

to know that he is the boss of everything,

to know that everything that happens in this creation needs his approval.

Nothing can happen without his decision

if it should happen or not.

Nothing whatsoever.

All these obligations appear in the Torah in the language you should now,

not you should believe.

I can give some examples in Exodus 6, you should know I'm your God

and in Exodus 17, you should know I'm your God

and in Exodus 31, you should know it’s a sign between me and you for generations

To know that I am your God, not to believe

to know

and in Duetoronomy 4 it says your eyes saw to know that God is the master.

Duetoronomy 4 it says you should know today and return it into your heart

that God is the only one there was no other before him and there will never be another one after him.

So obviously we see the entire obligation is speaking about knowledge.

We can see also from the kings and from the prophets.

The prophet Ezekiel it says

you should know I'm your God

and in Jeremiah it say I give them a heart to know me that I am their God.

In Joshua chapter 4 you should that all the nation should know the hand of God,

should know

not believe

and many other examples.

theirs only time in the entire Torah that God is using the word believe

very interesting.

This is in Isaiah 43 verse 10,

it says you should know and believe me and understand that I'm your God there was no other god

before me and there will never be another

So what's the right order?

First you should know

100% knowledge not belief

and then believe that everything I promise eventually is going to happen

and then you will understand one day.

Not necessarily immediately,

it will take maybe time,

but this is the right order

knowledge, belief and understanding.

So now we have a big question.

If God ordered me and everyone here in this creation to know him, to know he's the boss.

To know he give us the Torah and all this.

I cannot prove his existence with my five senses.

I cannot see him.

I cannot smell him.

I cannot taste him.

I cannot touch him and I cannot hear him.

So my 5 senses, I was created with 5 senses.

I operate everyday with those 5 senses.

they help me to function and yet we see that with these 5 senses there's no way for me to prove that

God exists.

So what's going on here?

The answer is there are many things in our life that we trust 100% even though it could not be proven

with the 5 senses.

For instance radio waves

almost everything in our life is affected by radio waves.

You get in a plane, you land on the other side of the world, the plane finds his destination through radio

waves, radar, radio waves.

Can you prove with the 5 senses they exist?

I'm not talking the new technology that they make today.

All the generation, could you prove radio waves exist?


but everybody understands they do


Somebody in Los Angeles speaks and a minute later everybody in New York a second later everyone in

New York is watching him live.

How did it get from L.A to the box here in your living room?

Through the air.

What is it we don't know,

but we know for sure there's something that transmit broadcasting from one place to the other

or intelligence,

can you prove with the 5 senses that intelligence exist?

One Jewish kid in Russia in the communist days

the teacher already say we don't believe in religion, we are communist whatever cannot be proven by

the 5 senses doesn’t exist.

So this little Jewish boy got up and said in that case you don’t have any intelligence

and said how do you have the nerve to talk to your teacher like this

and he said I'm very sorry I'm not trying to be rude

but based on what you just said

can we prove with the 5 senses where you’re is intelligence?

Show it to me?

If a person is dead and they open up his brain will they be able to point right here that's where he was

collecting all his information and all his intelligence?

Of course not

its something spiritual.

We cannot point in the body where the intellegence is.

Does that means it doesn’t exist?

Of course not

How do we know 100% that God exists and He gave us the Torah?

So we go back to where we started.

First, the brilliance of the creation leaves no doubt that there have to be a creator.

The more sophisticated the creation is

it indicates the brilliance of the creator.

Did you ever find something in life that was created by someone without a purpose?

A table has a purpose, a laptop has a purpose

Everything has a purpose.

We'll never find one thing in life that doesn't have a purpose.

Nobody ever made something for no purpose.

First the creator thinks about what he wants

what he needs

and based on that he decides how to create what he needs,

based on that

base on the requirements.

There's an order in the creation,


the most sophisticated thing in nature is the human being.

We are the most advanced machine in the entire world

we control all the animals, we use them for our benefits, trees everything that we have.

It was all created for us.

Is it possible to think that God created us for no purpose

just put us here to live just like animals?

In that case why he didn’t make us animals?

What is the purpose of our creation

and the answer is when we review the Torah, we get the answers to all these questions.

So we know the creation is very sophisticated

it indicates about the brilliance of the creator.

We understand that we were created for a purpose

but we don't know yet what's the purpose.

We don't know yet.

We will know soon.

Not as of yet

and we continue to review we have ways of investigations that we can analyze things through our


for instance Judaism said that there are three different categories of thinking

of knowledge.

One call Hohma, intellegence.

One called Bina which means wisdom

and the outher one is call da' at.

Da'at is the ability to translate what you learn and what you gain with knowledge and actually translate

it to actions

which means to control your desires and chose the right things that needs to be done to eliminate,

sometimes it needs to be eliminate your feelings and to think rationally what needs to be done at this

given moment.

There are 3 different things.

Intellegence is very easy

you hear the story and you understand go 10 blocks,

make a right

3 blocks make a left

so on and so forth.

Wisdom is the ability

Binah means the ability to get things out of the story that were not told to you clearly.

Which means they say 2 times x equals 6,

we know that x is 3.

How do we know?

We have the way to investigate,

nobody ever told us that.

They say on the radio that somebody killed somebody and the police found mud on the rug so we know

it was probably a rainy day

nobody said it on the news.

We are able to find the missing details in the story

that's called Binah the ability to know one thing from the other.

That is the most important thing

Torah says, if you have it if you reached that level you are the most perfect human being on earth.

If you don't have it, you have nothing.

What do you mean? I have buildings, I have real estates, I have cars, I have jewellery.

It count nothing, why? You don't have da'at it means the ability to control your desires and not being an


Being a human being with a free choice and express it to the right direction.

You don't have it, you have nothing the Torah says.

The Torah says but if you have it you don't have maybe a house,

you don't have a car,

maybe you don't have money,

you hardly have clothes to wear

but you have da'at, you are fulfilling your purpose in life

which further we are going to discuss this even more.