tO'Wear Garments Annual -...

Post on 01-May-2018

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iV»v4 f s , i x-) m ^ ! ? ̂ ,iK ?„V» Dramatic, Editorial, Social".

THE marriage of Miss Agri Pothergill Harrison, daughter o|£ Mr and Mrs. John F. Har*

nson, and Henry Ware Lincoln of-Bos-t6n, Mass, will take place tomorrow evening a* the home of the Harrison's 1% Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs, Harrison and their family formerly lived in Minneapolis and Miss Harrison onl> returned before the holidays to her home in Milwaukee after a several w«dts' visit with Miss Kate Moult on

Only the relatives -will be present at 'he marriage ceremony, and announce­ment cards will be issued as no invita-tidns- have been sent out. Mr., and Mrs. Lincoln will reside in Boston. \fcws Harrison is a well-known artist ami ]U8t before returning to Milwaukee she gjave an exhibition of her portrait paintings showing some wonderfully plevtr work with the brush.

* Dr and Mrs P H Welcome enter­a l ii oct at a dinner last night at theft residence. 210 Groveland avenue, for Hrs Welcome's ' sisters, tlie Misses Carol and Laura Taylor. Covers were placed tor twelve and the decorations Mere pink roses arranged in a mound with pink shaded tapers burning in bil\ er candelabra On the buffet stodfd a, \ase with roses, and the lights were Jfcnk shaded. •»

^ _____ <A number of college men are visiting

in town during the holidays Frank Lonng Preston of Boston, is the guest of Mr and Mrs. Philip B. Hunt for a few days and will return east today. Mi Preston is a Harvard man and as Hanard only gives one week's vaca­tion he will have to leave tonight

Malcolm Douglas of Philadelphia, is spending the holidays at the Plaza. M>. Pouglas is a junior at Yale, and he Spent last summer at Minnetonka Beach "whcio Mr ana Mrs Douglas and their laimly occupied a cottage Anson B. Jackson, Jr. will leave next Friday evening for Yale college. Mr Jackson, is x senior and he wul be graduated i-rom college next spring John McMM Ian, who is one or the Harvard meya, and who has been home for a week, vnli also return next week.

t The week's gaietv for the school and college set closed with a dancing party gnen by Mr and Mrs Charles Morse ±OT their daughter, Miss Berniee Bar-Tier, who is home from Smith college for the holidays. The Auditorium annex Was made beautiful with smilax, palms and evergreens against which pomsettia blossoms were resplendant. About 150 of the young people enjoyed* the pro­gram of dances.

Bishop and Mrs Samuel O Edsall and Mr and Mrs C B. Lyon will ohaperone the Zeta Beta P8i sorority>at its annual Christmas dance Thursday evening at the Mimkahda club.

Mr Keaton, a Yale man, who is spend" ing the holidays -with Vernon Howe, will be the guest 6f honor at a dinner which Mr. and Mrs. C C. Webber will give Wednesday evening a t the Mim­kahda club.

Miss Charlotte Partridge entertained informally at a theatre party at the Orpheum Friday evening and at a sup-pet at the Minneapolis club for Frank jLoring; Preston- of Boston, arid a group of young college people. There were eight in the party.

Mr. aand Mrs, E. Q. Keller of 2507 JLumboldt avenue S celebrated «hQ

•fwenty-fiith annhr«sar3r ,»r tfieirTfiai-uaee Thursday. In the afternoon Mrs. Keller gave a reception to about 200 women Assisting her were Mmes. F n n k Mattison, Henry Holmes and E. L. Roenisch. Southern smilax wreathed fhe walls of the reception room, and the fireplace was banked with ferns and

Mrs. Ozias S. Chapman gave the first of a series of thimble bees at her home on Fourth avenue S, yesterday afternoon. The guests included thirty of her friends from the Park Avenue Congregational church, with a few oth­ers Christmas greens were used pro-rfrvtsel-y m the decprationa G-uessine con+ests proved an amusing feature, and later light refrephments were served.

potinsettias. The dates " 1 8 8 1 " and ' ' 1006" in red immortelles weie very effu tive against the green background of the oriole windows at either side, ihd told the guests what they had not been led to suspect—that they were participating m the celebration o£ a wedding anniversary. The stairway was hung with smilax and on the upper landing a string orchestar, hidden by palms, played as the guests came and went/ Misses Edith Nootnagel, Ethel Hanke and Margraret Kinney served f rappe in the halL In the dining room poinsettias were on the table and buffet and scarlet tapers in silver candelabra cast a soft glow thru the room. Mmes. •Schieule, Long, Carrol, Mattison, N. T. Smith and Miss Mattison assisted b-y

Misses Nellie and OKvet Fairfax, Ruth

Johnson, Helen and Margaret ^Rich­mond, Florence Nygaard and Emily ana Adelaide Crosby.

In the evening Mr. anad Mrs. Kel­ler received informally with their son, Orrin Keller, who is home for the holi­days. Later the guests enioved a short program of dances on the third floor.

A house party of young people is being entertained at the home of Guy Northup at Ferndale, Lake Minne­tonka, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Northup. A number of the guests came out Friday tor the Peavey ball at Highcroft, and the rest noined them yesterday. Mr. Northup's guests arc the Misses Marione and Elizabeth Dunsmoor, Leha Winston, Mary Band, Frances and Charlotte Passmore, Mar­garet Jaokson and Margaret Washburn, Messrs. Cyrus Brown, Franklin Steele, Paul Brooks, Malcolm Douglas of Phil­adelphia, and Prank Lormg Preston of Boston.

A wedding of interest to Minneapolis people took place Thursday evening in the First Methodist church of Renville, Minn^ -when Miss Elsie Turner of Kan sas City and Beniamm Benson of Min­neapolis were married. Rev. J. R. Davis, presiding elder, read the service, assisted by Rev. Mr. Satterlee of Ren­ville. Frank Barnard of Aberdeen, g. T> , was best man. The ushers were Dr Johnson, Professor Countryman, Misses Irene O'Connor, Etta O'Connor, Edith Lumley and Ena Pope. Mrs. N. Ivei-son sang " I Love You, Dear Heart ." The matron of honor, Mrs. Charles Joorns of St. Paul, and the bridesmaids, Mas* Alice Turner, Gladys Turner, Mane .Benson, Dene Benson and Emma Benson, sisters of the bride and bride­groom, entered singing the "Lohen­gr in" bridal chorus Later Miss Belle Carey played the Mendelssohn march.' Master George Barnard carried the ring and little Etta Lumley and Doro­thy Dowhng were the flower girls.

The church was bright with a holi­day decoration of bells, holly wreaths and red> shaded candles. The brides­maids, matron of honor and flower girls aided in carrying out the Christmas color sCheme by wearing gowns of red silk. The bride was in white French lawn atid va\enciennes lace and carried bride roses. The little ring-bearer and the ushers were also m white.

After the service a large reception was given by the bride's aunt, Mrs L. Bartiard, who was assisted by Mrs GeoTge Turner of Kansas City, Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Clay of Renville, Mrs. Forgenson, Britton, S. D.; I. Iverson, Mohall, N. D , Charles JoernB and Ar-thus J. Reeves, St Anthony Park. The house was decorated with poinsettias and holly Mr Benson and his bride will be at home after Feb. 1 m Minne­apolis

Mr and Mrs. W P. Hallowell and Miss Elsie Hardenbergh entertained at a houseparty at their country home at Ferndale, over Friday and Saturday, and their guests were Miss Moulton, W. Scott Woodworth, Marcy Sperry and Ward Barton.

Mrs. Gilbert Walker of Groveland avenue entertained at an informal tea Friday afternoon for Mr. Walker's cousins, Miss Wheeler and Miss Clara Wheeler of Chicago Miss Wheeler is dean of the Woman's department m Chicago university and Miss Clara Wheeler is principal of one of the high schools. They have been spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Walker and will return to Chicago Monday.

Mrs. Willis Walker had invited a group of friends yesterday afternoon to meet the Misses Wheeler at an in­formal tea at her home on Eiffhth street S.

Mrs. Walter G. Hudson entertained at bridge whist Thursday afternoon at her home on Park avenue for Mrs. Ar­chie D. Walker. Thirty guests played. Mrs JFrank W Commons and Mrs "Wil lis J Walter presided over the 're­freshment tables in the dining room.

Mrs. L. F. Day, Mrs. George H. Partridge and Miss Nellie Heffelfinger will preside at the favoi table at the german to be given Tuesday evening by

j ^otillionclub. John S. Pillsbury and x.dgar H. Pierson will lead and a number of original ideas m favors and figures will mark the affair.

Mr. and Mrs, Karl De Laittre ar­rived yesterday morning from the east !o£ £r$<-at t n e A- °- Lormg residence, 202 Clifton arv enne fox the -winter. Mrs. De Laittre was Miss Roamond Little of Salem, Mass., and her marriage took place- in November.

Wednesday afternoon Mrs N A Mattson of Adams street NE, enter­tained twenty women at a prettily ap­pointed luncheon. The rooms were made beautiful with poinsettias, smilax and violets Miss Rosander furnished a musical program.

Mrs. Samuel Hunter, Jr., entertained at dinner Wednesday evening in honor of her sister, Mrs. C. J. Hely of Duluth. Covers were placed for ten Mr and Mrs. Heia are the guests of Mrs. Hun­ter during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Eaton of 3636 Pillsbury avenue entertained thirty bo-ys and ffirls Christmar honor of the twelfth birthday anntver.


Watches 10$ discount—Cut Glass 15$ discount—Silver­ware 25<* discount—Umbrellas and Canes 20£ discount— Clocks, French and Ametican makes, 20$ discount (alarm clocks not included). We offer a special in a large office clock this week only for 9B.OO.

Paegel Jewelry Mfg. Co. 22 Third St. So.

(One door off Nicollet) WATCHES CLEANED $1.00 MAINSPRINGS $1.00

f&tyt/ii/igckarms us like a a


sary of their son^Loraine Eaton. Games were played and later a Ught siiftoer was served. v , •%&.<•&.

Miss Estherv3(?liok entertained tefc'.o! her girl friends at luncheon Friday iaf* ternoon at her home, 4129 Park aventig* m honor of her thirteenth birthday anr niversary. The dining room was decor­ated with Christmas foliage. An in­formal musical program was given after luncheon.

Masonic Temple ballroom was the scene of a pretty children's party yes­terday afternoon, when H. W. Malcolm gave the annual holiday gathering for the juvenile classes. The favors and figures were appropriate to the season.

The Central high school class gave a Christmas party Friday evening in H. W. Malcolm's South academy, Fifth av­enue and Twenty-fourth street.


WITH OVR NAME IN. ^ * — ' ' «

i IF NOT— s r ' •*eoMnour,¥-

209E 4'iST. i 1ST P A U L ,


Next spring -will see a number of changes in the ownership of lake cot­tages and summer homes. Plans are under way for a number of new houses on the north shore and several of the places which were not finished this fall will be ready for occupancy in the spungf. The Hovey Clarke cottage at Northwoocl, now Areola, has t>eej} pur chased by E. J, Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher lived in the house last season with their family and they have de­cided to make Areola their permanent summer home. They will not build on their property at Minnetonka Beach adjoining the Vandever and the John Bigelow cottages, as they had origin­ally intended to do. Mbrs. H. V. Dou-gan has sold her cottage at Minnetonka Beach to the Oarlocks, who lived in it one. season. Mr. and Mrs, Fred O. Van Dusen have bought the old U K. Ful­ton place, which was the summer home of the Fultons for a number of years. Mr. Fulton purchased the Nantz and jVeeman P. Lan« places last fall, and will make his home in one of the houses next summer. Dr. Martha, Bip-ley, who owns land at Caseo Point, near Spring Park, will probably build next summer, and Mr. Bailey of St. Paul, fwho owns a place at the point, is also planning to build a home.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Trafton Moody at Excelsior was the scene of a pretty wedding Monday evening when Miss Luella Dahlgren and Dudley Chase Moody were manned. The Bev. Donald McKenzie read the service m the presence of a group of relatives and friends. The rooms were prettily decorated with Christmas greens, and the vows were spoken before an impro­vised altar. The bride wore white silk with lace trimmings and her flowers •were -white roses Mi and. Mrs Gould will reside in Excelsior and will occupy the Gould cottage on George street.

From Los Angeles comes the an­nouncement of the marriage of Miss Tillie Holme, formerly of lixeelsior, and Edward Davidson, who left several years ago for California. The service took place Dec. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson will reside in Los Angeles. Mr. Davidson is a brother of Mrs. Myron de Groodt of Excelsior.

Mr and Mrs. F. G. Trumbull gave a skating party at the lake Wednesday for a group of school girls and boys m honor or their niece, Miss Gertrude Frank of Milwaukee, who has been spending the week at the lake and in Minneapolis. A supper was served.

Mrs. X» ~F Sampson entertained a familf party at the Sampson House Christmas day, which included Mr. and Mrs. Will London and their children of Des Moines, Mr and Mrs. E. G. Plecker and their sons The dinner was served from a long table, at which covers were laid for eighteen, and which was decor­ated with Christmas green and flowers.

A party of young people are enioying a weekend houseparty in the Dberr cottage at Minnetonka Beach There are eight m the party and iceboating and skating furnish delightful amuse­ment.

One of the pretty Christmas parties at Glen Morns during the week was the dinner dance given Thursday even­ing by the members of the Lambda Sig­ma fraternity. The party of sixty young people went out to the lake m a spe cial car, chaperoned by Messrs. and Mmes. Al Paris, Howard Yerxa and Steven Palmer, Jr. Blue and white, the colors of the chapter, were seen in the decorations, and pretty banners and pennants decorated the walls.

Mis Isaac Bennett of Excelsior cele­brated her seventy seventh birthday an­niversary Thursday at her home. Her children and relatives,m.ade up a family party. 4 *

Lake Gleanings. Mr. and Mrs. James Bladon and Isa-

belle Bladon spent Christmas day m Ex­celsior

W P Harmon spent Sunday at the lake, and made a skating trip to his home at Casco Point

The Women's Belief corps of Excel­sior will hold its annual election to-moTxow.

L. F. Sampson has returned from a short business trip to Des Moines.

Mrs. James Goodnow will entertain the5 Excelsior W. C. T. U. at her home Priday.

Cedric Crawford1 of Carleton college is spending the Christmas vacation at his home in Excelsior.

Miss Jean Loudon of Minneapolis spent Sunday at Excelsior

Mr, and MTS. Myron De Groodt have returned to their< home in Excelsior af­ter a stay of several months m the city.

Maurice Bardwell of Carleton college, is spending the holidays with his par­ents in Excelsior

Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Jones of Minne­apolis spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. B Jones af Excelsior.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Loudon and fam­ily of Des Moines spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Samp­son, at Excelsior.

Mr. "and Mrs. James Howard of Man-ltou spent Christmas in town with friends.

E. M, Armogast has returned to Ex­celsior from an extended trip m Okla­homa.

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Case of Motley, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs Stilton Beatrdsley, spent Sunday with Mr. and „Mrs,, B. E. Perkins at Excelsior.

Mr and Mrs Harry O'Hearn and daughter, Dorotny, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lyman at their "home in Excelsior over Christmas.

Mrs. Willard Dillman returned from a Christmas visit at Eevillo, S. D., yes­terday. Mr. Dillman came home Tues­day.

Andrew Peterson, who has been at Bainey Lake, northern Minnesota, i s

j spending a £ew weeks with his family j in Exoelsio*

I Mrs. Harry O. Clark of Eevillo, S. D, | is spending Christmas Week with her family m Excelsior. Mrs. Clark was formerly Miss Mayme Williams and her

I wedding took place early this month. j Mr. and Mrs. Will Lorenz entertained Christmas day Mr and Mrs Al Loreiiz and Mr. and (MTS; iClark p 0 s t of itjn> tneapolis. **„ •"„,. *. ) * \^f* $

Wayzata. I ̂ y ^ \¥*s: **• B. Dickey entertained the

/ following at dinner Christmas day; ifc.

and Mrs. Wwm Hursh, ._, Boyd J£ursMt>f Long Lake. Mrs. H.~ V £ P 0 % , Buth P e W t t , Mr. and Mrs. B>, J. JBartlett, H„ B. Ten-

nant and Wspiais MauTer. i Mrs. Sumne* Jfhnston of Minneapolis

spent Monday #&fc her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. Da$. T^c&Q. i

Andrew Jajdiftft^and. $on of Dundaa, spent last week jaath relatives in Way­zata.

Miss Ada Headley of Luverne is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Headley.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Morrison and children arO, guests qf Walter Morrison at Breezy Eomt«

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and Jay Johnson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Hare in St. Paul.

Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Tibbetts closed their home at Holdridge Monday and moyed into the city.

Miss Genevra Harrington spent part of the -week with her parents near Loner Lake.

Eev. and Mrs. David T. Black and Clarence Black of Minneapolis were guests of Bev. and Mrs. W. A. Black Christmas day.

Mr. and Mrs E C Best spent part of the week at their home at Orono.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbridgo Campbell of Jamestown, N. D., were holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell, near Long Lake.

Miss Augusta Peterson spent Christ mas with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Malm-quist.

Mr. and Mrs. Murry Winslow spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lydiard at Long Lake.

Mrs. Susie Raymond spent Christ­mas with relatives in Minneapolis.

Miss Mable <31ydesdale returned last week to her homa in Eden Prairie. Miss Alice Shaw will have charge of the postoffice.

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Guise of Lake Crystal are visiting- Mr. and MTS. Wil­liam Guise at Crystal Bay.

Miss Loucretia A. Rodell of Minne­apolis spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swaggert.

Miss Helen P. Burbridge gave a Christmas tree and entertainment for the members of the primary room Fri­day afternoon^

Miss Beitha Xitmeman entertained the high school pupils at a party m the classroom Friday evening, Games were enjoyed and a light lunch was served.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lee and Soger I Lee of Minneapolis were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hardenberg over Christmas,

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Potvin spent Christmas in Minneapolis with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smock enter-tamed Miss Anna Hicks and Mr. and Mrs J. C. Curtis over Christmas.

Mr and Mrs Miles Dickey enter­tained at dinner Christmas clay. «

A cantata, "The Gypsies* Christ­mas," was given in the town hail Christmas eve by the Congregational Sunday school. The hall was appro­priately decorated, and a fireplace and two Chustmas trees arranged on the stage. The following children took part Kuth Pettitt, Hazel Swaceert, Grace Shaw, Bernice Campbell, Irene Maurer. Leland Barnes, Ethel Smock, Eliza Dickey, Reginald Ferrell and a chorus. At the close of the perform anee boxes of candy and oranges were distributed to all present

HAMLINE Miss Ida B. Osk and Lee H. Ellis

W,ere married Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mis. J. W. Young of Wesley avenue. The service was read by Rev. A. E. Worman. Miss Fanny Gray and Prank Randall were the at­tendants

Dr and Mrs. H. Bridgman are en­tertaining their children, Miss Dorothy Bridgman of Wellesley college and Don­ald Bridgman of Chicago university.

M i s s e s Mar̂ y ^nd, Susie Shepherd from Saufc Center, are visiting Hamliae friends.

Miss Beryl Rice will entertain at a watchnight party tomorrow evening for the Annua club.

Mr- and Mrs. E T. Winston are en­tertaining Miss Mattie Winston of Amboy, Wis

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Garrison en­tertained a party of relatives at din­ner on Christmas day. i

Miss Daisy Sudheimer of Waconia is spending the holidays with her Ham-line fi lends.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole are enter-tainingc Mr and Mrs Howard Smith.

of Bramerd Mr. and Mrs. James Matchett are

entertaining their daughter from St. James.

Professor and Mrs. James S. King are spending the holidays m Cumber­land, Wis.

Mrs. E. W. Kaley has been entertain­ing Mrs. C. E. McMillan of Duluth.

Mr. and Mrs. George Budd gave a dinner party Tuesday.

Miss Ada Honey spent the week at Paik River, N. D.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Holley spent the week with Mrs. J . R. Brandup of Mankato

Miss Jessie Hftyn^s is m Bed Wing. Miss Eunice Atkins of Lakefield is

visiting Mrs. W. Atkins. Dr. and Mrs. de Forest Catlin spent

Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Montgomery ^ # Miss Florence Wells of Osakis is vis-iting m Hamline.

Special Price Reductions for Menday

Fine Furs and Ready'

tO'Wear Garments For Collars, Scarfs, Cravats and Storm Collars, * A Ar

values to $10 . » . ,r ^4*71)

Children's Fur Sets, Scarf and Mu£E. -worth to »g 4\__

$10.00, for «3.VIT

Children's Fur Sets, Scarf and Muff $ 1 . 0 5

Special Price Reductions on all Fur Scarfs and Muffs, Mink, Hudson Bay Sable, Lynx, Persian Lamb, Fox, Squirrel, Marten, Wolf, e t c

Fur Lined Coats—Twenty only fine Broadcloth Coats, lined with natural River Mink and Suslika, $25 to $35 coats $19.50 Tailor Made Suits—Broadcloth and Cheviot Suits, black and colors, worth to _\t\ ne $22.00, for | V . i #

Fur Lined Coatri—Fine Black Broadcloth, lined with highest grade Siberian Squirrel or Blended River Mink} » J A special for M o n d a y . . « . M f 0 7

Tailor Made Suits—Broadcloth and Cheviot Suits, black and colors; values €*9i CA to $45, f o r . . . . w . _ $Z4.Dl!

Five Hundred Cloth Coats—Every Coat reduced^— not an old style garment in the lot—tight fitting or loose coats. On sale Monday at

$9.75 $12.50 $15.00 $19.50 Silk Lined Cashmere and Knit Golf Gloves, Monday. • . * . ••-.«..


35c Lace and Silk Walsta—200 beautiful waists ¥ / •>_• at e x a c t l y * . ^ ^ . J K j IT1W&


AH surplus stock on hand together with odd sets a n d p ieces , r e s u l t a n t f r o m o u r l a r g e ho l iday t r a d e

mast be sold within the next thirty days. Beginning Monday we offer your choi«e of hundreds of pieces of Jewelry, Table Silver, Cut Glass, Etc.,

at most attractive prices.

Three Interesting Items

$7.00 $3.00

$ 10.00


CUT GLASS, $5.00 Sugars and Creamers,.~»,

TABLE SILVER. $14.00 Silver Set ,

We have many others equally interesting. An opportunity to use your gilt money to the best advan­tage; also to remember the friends that were overlooked Christmas.

S. JACOBS ®> CO. 518

Diamond Importers, Gold and Silversmiths

=NICOLLET AV£NUE= =530 [Wfrfr •* »»rf|fr M ***\f» Hi **f\fi* W n ^ ^ f r ^ f t M ,*f\fl, H . «JtyWJg

f WE THANK YOU For your patronage this past year, also for patronage during the past years we have been working for you. Ton re-

ft>Wflim member we keep our work in repair ^ • K M S J / J free 0f charge, so please drop in occa­

sionally that we may examine your work. Full Set (that fit) $ 3 to jk« Gold Grown (22k) - - $ 3 OO Bridge Work (per tooth) StfTnn

if T Fillings, at .1 „ . . .gflJTu]!


Z43 Mleollet Aye. | | »7© Rotort St.

tW t yi




f-4 *4 i.


Some one-third off, some one-half off and some less than the cost of the cloth.



Join the crowds and come in and see the matchless bargains we are offering.

** \ > ' '

> , L 1*f *~ X


> *


The Great

Annual January

Linen Sale and the

Annual January Muslin

Underw'r Sale Begin

Wednesd'y January 2


Continue Entire Week.

• ^

f 1


066 »̂"

Announce \J*

i n .. kflfeiS .> ™ . "la # 11