Transforming Tax Administration Involving Taxpayers in ... · Transforming Tax Administration:...

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Transforming Tax Administration – Involving Taxpayers in developing better compliance and business processes

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary


Ms. Csilla Tamásné Czinege

Director General for Taxation

National Tax And Customs Administration of Hungary

IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary

Opening Address by IOTA

Mr. Miguel Silva Pinto

Executive Secretary


IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary

How IOTA creates value

- Improving tax payer compliance and tax collection

- Developing tax payer services and reducing administrative burdens

- Reducing the tax administration cost base

Implementation, outcome, value

Our mission

“to promote cooperation between tax administrations in the European region through the sharing of experience and best practices; to be a source of professional knowledge and expertise on practical tax administration issues”

Iota services and products

Technical Events of high international standard

Technical assistance on tax administration issues

Capacity building



New IOTA Strategy 2017 >>

• DG Level interviews:

- Rethinking IOTA

- Needs of the Membership 2017 and beyond

- New business models for IOTA products

• Outcome: New strategic and focused delivery of value to the Membership

The Annual International Conference – a new format

• Senior level forum on strategic issues that challenge tax administrations and revenue collection

• An inclusive dialogue involving Tax Administrations, International Partners, European Businesses, Academia and representatives of Government and Civil Society

• Focus: Identification, implementation and evaluation of good practise measures, solutions and their added value

Topics addressed in the three sessions

Today, Nov 8th

• Session 1 – what initiatives and measures are advanced tax administrations undertaking to transform and adapt revenue collection to the 21st century?

• Session 2 - how are tax administrations specifically involving taxpayers – especially SMEs and their service providers?

Tomorrow, Nov 9th

• Session 3 – what are the underlying challenges calling for these actions?


3 individual sessions comprising keynotes, presentations and panel discussions:

• Session 1 – Transforming tax administration: Strategy and methods• What are tax administrations doing to reinvent themselves?• How can the challenges of the modern age be addressed?

• Session 2 – Involving Taxpayers in Developing Taxation Processes• How can taxpayers help in this process?• What kind of input is being provided?

• Session 3 – Changing needs and expectations of society and stakeholders• What are the taxpayers expecting from the tax authorities?• How can tax administrations respond adequately?


Thank You

Enjoy the conference!


IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary


Transforming Tax Administration: Strategy and Methods

Moderator: Mr. Erling Andersen

International Director

Danish Tax Administration

IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary


Involving Taxpayers in Developing Taxation Processes

Moderator: Mr. Chas Roy-ChowdhuryHead of Taxation - Professional Insights


IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary


Changing Needs and Expectations of Society and Stakeholders Facing Tax Administrations

Moderator: Mr. Pierre Vandenberghe

European Commission

IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary

Conclusions & wrap up

• Openness to the society

• Accept cultural changes

• Willingness to collaborate and engage with stakeholders

• Targeted approaches (taxpayers are different and cannot be treated in the same way)

• Technology is used to simplify and modernise compliance (from paper and face to face to digital)

• Building trust and learning to work together but being aware of each other’s distinctive roles

• Changing perspectives: from taxpayers to customers; from customers to partners

• Impact in improving tax governance which will reflect in better compliance and more fairness in the distribution of the tax burden

Disruptive Trends and New Business Models: Challenges and Implications for the 21st century

Tax Administration

Professional Theme of the 21st General Assembly of IOTA

29-30 June 2016 – Kiev, Ukraine

Thank You&

Travel Safely


IOTA Annual International Conference 2016

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary



Transforming Tax Administration – Involving Taxpayers in developing better compliance and business processes

8-9 November 2016 – Budapest, Hungary