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Lesson 4. Tax Administration.

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  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Tax Administration

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Tax Administration

    It is the system involving enforcement of taxesthrough the assessment and collection of taxes.

    It includes the execution of judgement and capacity

    to act in all tax cases decided by the court in favor ofBIR

    It refers to the manner and procedure ofcollecting taxes in accordance with the taxpolicy.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Stages of Taxation

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.



    !assage of tax laws"ordinances through thelegislature

    Imposition of taxes

    Tax laws shall determine #ind $nature of taxes%

    Subject of taxation $those to be taxed%

    &bjective $purpose of tax%

    Tax Rate and Base $how much tax to be collected%

    'anner of imposing and collecting tax $implementation%

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.



    Implementation of tax laws by the executive branch

    (one by its administrative agencies (ept. of )inance

    Bureau of Internal Revenue Bureau of *ustoms

    Taxes are self+assessing Taxpayer can compute his own taxes

    This step determines the specific sum of tax chargedon a person or property in accordance to tax law

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !ayment of Tax

    Act of compliance by the taxpayer in contributing hisshare to defray the government expenses

    Also called Tax *ollection

    !rocess of obtaining payment of taxIncludes options schemes or remedies legally

    available to the taxpayer

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Aspects of Taxation



    Function $thruBIR%

    Passage of Tax Laws(efine object of tax)ix tax rates!rescribe payment date

    !enalty for violationsTax exemptions

    Tax Assessment

    *omputationTax base x rate , TA-

    *ollection of Taxes


    Tax Policy

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !rinciples of a Sound Tax System

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Tax Administrative Agencies

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Bureau of *ustoms $B*% and Tariff *ommission $T*% Tased to enforce the Tariff and *ustoms *ode $T**%

    B* also collects the taxes on imports embodied in the /IR*

    and Transportation &ffice Responsible for collecting registration fees and motor vehicle


    (uly and lawfully authori0ed collectors

    !ersons1 agencies or duly accredited bans authori0ed by BIR1B*1 T* and T& to collect taxes

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    ocal offices in charge to enforce localtaxation1 such as2!rovincial1 *ity1 'unicipal and Barangay


    !rovincial and *ity Assessors

    !rovincial and *ity Board of Assessment Appeals*entral Board of Assessment Appeals

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    The Bureau of Internal Revenue

    The BIR isprincipallytased with the

    enforcement ofthe /IR*

    ist of BIR


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !owers and (uties of the BIR

    3. To assess and collect all national internal revenuetaxes1 fees and charges

    4. To enforce all forfeitures1 penalties and fines connectedwith the above

    5. To execute judgements in all cases decided in its favorby the *ourt of Tax Appeals and the ordinary court

    6. To administer1 supervise and effect police powersauthori0ed by the /IR* and other laws

    Assign Internal Revenue &fficers to establishments !roviding and distributing BIR forms1 receipts and


    Submitting annual report and pertinent information to


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !owers of the Internal Revenue *ommissioner

    3. Interpret tax laws The BIR *ommissioner has the exclusive and original

    power to interpret provisions of the /IR* and the otherlaws1 subject to review by the Secretary of )inance

    4. !ower to decide tax cases (ecide disputed assessments1 refunds of internal taxes1

    fees or other charges1 penalties imposed arsing under

    the Tax *ode or other tax laws1 subject to the exclusiveappellate jurisdiction of the *ourt of Appeals

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    5. !ower to summon Ascertain the correctness of tax return1 and to

    determine the taxpayer7s liability andcompliance. In the exercise of this power1 he isauthori0ed to2

    a% 8xamine tax payer7s recordsb% &btain taxpayer7s financial information

    c% Summon the person liable for tax


    Tae testimony of the person concernedunder oath

    e% *onduct regular canvas concerning allpersons liable to pay any internal revenue tax

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    5. !ower to mae assessment


    To mae assessment and prescribe additionalre9uirements for tax administration andenforcement are as follows

    3. 8xaminations of

    a. Returns and determination of tax due

    b. Statements1 reports and other documentssubmitted

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    4. Authority to2

    a. *onduct inventory surveillance1 and

    prescribe presumptive gross salesand receipts

    b. Terminate taxable period

    c. !rescribe real property values

    d. In9uire into ban deposit accounts

    e. Accredit and register tax agents

    f. !rescribe additional procedural ordocumentary re9uirements

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !: !rimary Tax Incentives

    A. Tax holiday The Omnibus Investment Code grants to

    entities that registered w/ the Board of Investments and that qualify under the annual Investment Priority Plan, entitlements

    to ta holidays of either ! to " years# They are also granted ta

    $redits for %ur$hase of Phili%%ine&made $a%ital equi%ment and

    raw materials#

    B# '%e$ial ($onomi$ )ones There are over *+ s%e$ial e$o&

    nomi$ ones where e%ort manufa$turing firms are given

    a ta holiday for the first ! years or " years of its o%erations,

    followed by a -. ta thereafter# This $overs eem%tion from all

    internal revenue taes, in$luding 0T#

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Treaty with the ;.S.A.

    The Phili%%ines has ta treaties with many$ountries in$luding the 1#'# in order to minimie the

    effe$ts of double taation# The business %rofits of a

    resident of another $ountry with whom our $ountry

    has a ta treaty are taable in the Phili%%ines only

    if the resident has a %ermanent establishment in the

    P2 to whi$h the %rofits are fully gained from#

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    !rimary types of !: taxation

    0# Individual In$ome Ta for both resident $itiens and

    resident aliens with $orres%onding allowable %ersonaleem%tions3 P-+4 for ', 5 and 267 additional eem%tion

    of P8-4 for ea$h of the four de%endents#

    B# Passive in$ome ta on interests, dividends, $a%ital gains,

    fringe benefits#C# Cor%oration Ta 9in$luding %artnershi%s: of *+. of ;I

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Administrative !rovision

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Administrative !rovisions

    )or purposes of effective and efficient collection1 the Tax*ode provides the following re9uirements for compliance

    by the taxpayer

    3. Registration

    4. Issuance of receipts or sales or commercial invoices

    5. !rinting of receipts or sales or commercial invoices

    6. 8xhibition of certificate of payment at place of business

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    Registration Re9uirements

    !rimary Registration > 4 stages

    3. Secure your TI/

    4. Registration of business1 profession and"or undertaing which theperson1 natural or juridical1 intends to pursue on account of which she"it

    is expected to regularly file tax returns1 pay taxes and fees prescribed byThe *ode.

    3. ?ithin 3@ days from date of employment

    4. &n or before the commencement of business or within

    thirty $5@% woring days upon receipt of 'ayor7s


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    BIR )orms

    The following forms are needed for registration

    1. BIR Form 1!1" for registration of self+employed1 mixedincome individuals1 estates and trusts

    #. BIR Form 1!#+ for individuals earning purely

    compensation income

    $. BIR Form 1!$+ )or registration of corporations andpartnerships

    %. BIR Form 1!%+ )or registration of one+time taxpayer and

    persons registration under 8.&. /o. &. BIR Form 1!%+ )or updating"cancellation of registration1

    cancellation of TI/1 new copy of certificate of registration

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    *ontents of Registration )orms

    The business registration $*&R% shall contain thefollowing2

    3. Taxpayer7s name and style of business

    4. !lace of residence and business5. &ther information as re9uired by the *ommissioner in

    the form

    Any person maintaining a head office branch or facilityshall register with the R(& having jurisdiction over thehead office1 branch or facility.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson 4. Tax Administration.


    BIR )orm =@
