Treatment of Abnormal Behavior - AP PsychologyCOGNITIVE THERAPY Goals: Healthy individuals to become...

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Therapy for psychological disorders takes a variety of forms, but all involve some

relationship focused on improving a person’s mental,

behavioral, or social functioning

What is Therapy?



Healthy individuals are able to release their unconsciously repressed feelings

Techniques Free association: the patient speaks

freely about memories, dreams, feelings Interpretation: the therapist suggests

unconscious meanings and underlying wishes to help the client gain insight and release tension

Insight therapy - Focused on developing an understanding of the problem

Psychoanalysis refers to a set of techniques

for releasing the tension of repression

and resolving unconscious inner



The therapist may see unconscious meaning in resistance, dreams, and transference.

Resistance: the therapist notices times when the

patient seems blocked in speaking about certain subjects

Interpretation in Psychoanalysis

Dreams: there may be themes or “latent

content” behind the plot of a patient’s dream

Transference: the patient may have reactions

toward the therapist that are actually based on feelings toward someone

from the past

Psychotherapy Examples



Healthy individuals focus on conscious conflicts and strive for self-growth and awareness instead of “curing” inner conflicts


Insight therapy & Gestalt therapy

Client-centered therapy

Active listening & Reflection

Unconditional positive regardRemember Gloria and her difficulty with relationships?

Active Listening

Paraphrasing a client’s words to capture the emotional tone expressed

Other techniques used are empathy, genuineness,

and unconditional positive regard .

“You seem as if you’re upset.”

“You look as if you’re a bit down.”

“You act as if you are irritated”

“So what I hear you saying is…”

The tone of voice and body language accompanying the

words must be compassionate, gentle and accepting.

Psychotherapy Examples

Client-Centered approach to Psychotherapy: Carl Rogers & Gloria


Goals: Healthy individuals eliminate unwanted

behaviors or other difficulties by using learning principles

Techniques Counterconditioning

Aversive conditioning

Systematic desensitization

Exposure/Flooding therapies

Token economy


(foul odor) UCR(nausea)

CRCS(cigarette smoke)

Behavior modification refers to shaping a client’s chosen behavior to

look more like a desired behavior, by making sure that desired behaviors

are rewarded and problematic behaviors are unrewarded or punished.

COGNITIVE THERAPY Goals: Healthy individuals to become

aware of own thoughts and emotions

and emphasize rational thinking for


Techniques Albert Ellis’s rational-emotive behavior therapy

– challenging irrational beliefs and assumptions

Aaron Beck’s cognitive therapy for depression– correcting cognitive distortions

Donald Meichenbaum’s stress inoculation training– practicing healthier thinking before facing a

stressor, disappointment, or frustration Group therapy

Family therapy & Marriage counseling

A cognitive therapist would be

most likely to say: A. “That sounds quite frustrating. It isn’t

easy to be in a situation like that.”

B. “Can you think of a more positive interpretation of what happened?”

C. “Just say whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or irrelevant it might seem.”

D. “Next time you start to feel anxious, you can use the relaxation techniques we’ve been working on.”

“I got an F on an important test”


Stop studying for the course


Depression, discouragement


This situation is overwhelming


Misconception“I must be perfectly competent & successful in

achieving before I can think of myself as worthwhile.


Use better study skills, devote more time, get help from teacher




This situation can be somewhat helpful to me


Counterbelief“Failure is not a sign of personal worthlessness. I

can learn from this experience.


Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy [REBT] helps people: 1) notice that they are operating on self-defeating assumptions, and 2) reward themselves for replacing these assumptions with realistic beliefs. For example, a more realistic belief might be, “some people won’t like me, many will have no opinion; it doesn’t matter.”

Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

Aaron Beck’s Therapy for Depression

Aaron Beck helped people see how their depression was worsened by errors in thinking such as catastrophizing, (interpreting current events as signs of the worst possible outcome). For example:

Beck’s style of therapy helps clients notice and challenge these errors in thinking.

“Now that I’ve made a mistake in my lecture, I’ve failed as a professor.

Students can’t take me seriously, and they can’t learn from me.”

Good for treating depression

The ABC’s of REBT

A = Activating EventWhat do you think happened? What would a camera see?

B = Beliefs about Activating EventWhat did you tell yourself?

C = ConsequencesHow did you act? How did you feel? While it may seem odd at the beginning,

you want to start somewhat backwards. Start with the (C).

Psychotherapy Examples

Rational-Emotive Behavior (REBT) approach to Psychotherapy: Albert Ellis & Gloria

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Using cognitive behavioral therapy, people with OCD1. Feel obsessive urge to wash hands2. Relabel obsessive thought --“I’m having a compulsive

urge”3. Spend 15 minutes doing something enjoyable

Cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT] works to change both cognitions and behaviors that are part of a mental

health disorder.

Psychotherapy Examples

Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT) approach to Psychotherapy: How thoughts and emotions interact with behavior

Group Therapy

Psychotherapy with more than one client

Advantages: Economical, support of the group, non-threatening

atmosphere, provides more information and life

experiences for clients to draw upon.

Self-Help Support Groups

Groups that provide social support and an

opportunity for sharing ideas about dealing with

common problems; typically organized/run by

laypersons (not professional therapists)Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007

Couples Counseling or Family Therapy■ These can often be more effective than individual

therapy with one individual at a time.

Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2007


The Relative Effectiveness of Different Therapies

Which psychotherapy would be most effective for treating a particular problem?

Disorder Therapy

Depression Behavior, Cognition, Interpersonal

Anxiety Cognition, Exposure, Stress Inoculation

Bulimia Cognitive-behavior

Phobia Behavior

Bed Wetting Behavior Modification