TSC12 - David B. Nieborg - Flight 1337

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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dr. David B. Nieborg

Use and uselesness of gamification

The search for true engagement

“What if we decided to use everything we know about game design to fix what’s wrong with reality? What if we started to live our real lives like gamers, lead our real businesses and communities like game designers, and think about solving real world problems like computer and video game theorists?”

McGonigal (2011)


“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and - SNAP - the job’s a game”

M. Poppins (1964)

Wat isgamification?

Gamification is het gebruik van game-design elementen binnen een niet-game-

context om de betrokkendheid en acties van gebruikers te sturen

Short term fun

- vs -

Long term engagment

vb Fun Theoryglasbaaak

Paidea - vs - Ludus

spelen spelplay game

free-form rule-based fun engagement

“...we provide a set of online tools that enable 4foodies to name and market their builds, and kick back 25-cents in $4food for every burger sold...”

Engagement Design

Niet nieuw

maar als het niet nieuws is,

waarom dan een hype/trend?

3 trends

1. Opkomst social media

2. Opkomst “casual” games

3. Technologie (sensoren)

1. Opkomst (online) netwerken

Netwerk effecten

Groei van Facebook

2. “Casual Revolution”

9.000.000 (uur p/dag)


3. Sensors



Short term fun


- vs -

Game design Long term engagment

R & D