Tuesday 23rd June - smithystreet.org.uk€¦ · shards of broken, golden glass. Action: It woke up...

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Tuesday 23rd JuneHello Year 6,As the end of term gets closer, you are probably starting to think about your new secondary school. Most of you are likely to have questions about your new school so Tower Hamlets has compiled packs to help you and your parents think about these things. They can be found in the Year 6 section of the Smithy Street School website - see the next two slides for more information.

Lizzie, Chris & Alison

Lizzie, Chris & Alison.

Answer on last slide.

From the Year 6 section of our school’s website:

Please show these links to your parents.

We think it is important that they read them.

Thank you.

Read the next slide.

Click here to open the Pupil Book. If you are able to get the book printed out, it will make it easier to work through. We will ask you to do a bit each day.Today, complete pages 1,2 and 3.

ChessSpend at least 30 minutes on your

next ChessKid lessons or puzzles.


These lessons from CSC might also help you.For each lesson there is a

video, worksheet and quiz.The lessons are at the bottom of the web page.


If you haven’t signed up yet, here is the link to set up your account.


Maths 1. I see Maths Challenge - Building Thousands

a) Watch the video. Click here.

b) Now complete the task. Click here.

2. Challenge 2 Addition Square

Task: Click here.

Answer: Click here

3. Mathletics www.mathletics.com

Grammar RevisionAntonyms Click here. Online thesaurus Click here


Continue with your daily Spellingframe activities. Click here.

Reading Skills.To give and justify an opinion

Complete your daily

Read Theory here. Easier reading task.

Click here.

Using the novel Some Places More Than Others you will learn how to find information in a text and to share your opinion.

Click here

Log- in

Get up to date with the latest news in this week’s issue of

First News.

Click here.

Creative Writing - DADWAVERS

DescriptionActionDialogueWhereAdverbialVerbEstimation of time Rhetorical questionsSimiles or metaphors

Today we will continue becoming familiar with DADWAVERS

1. Watch the animation Broken: Rock, paper,scissors. here.

2. Read the paragraph from the opening scene of Broken: Rock, paper,scissors on the next slide. Can you find all 10 DADWAVERS ? (Hint - they are in order)

3. The answers are on the two slides after the story. Read them carefully to be sure you understand them.

Bright trees stood silently all around looking down on flowers and shrubs coloured

with autumnal shades as the sun cut through the branches like shards of broken,

golden glass. It woke up – slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to

the edge of his towering home. “She is back at last,” he whispered to himself so

she didn’t hear him. High above the treetops, he sat admiring her as she flitted

from plant to plant. Gently she grabbed each flower between he slender fingers.

Breathing life into everything she touched she made the forest come to life.

Minutes passed as he watched her admiringly, whilst resting his head on his

hands. Had anything ever been so beautiful as she was? “She is as delicate as a

flower, an elegant paper flower, fragile and brittle to the touch. Stop! Oh No Stop!

He tried to call out but only silence emanated from his stony maw.

Description: Bright trees stood silently all around looking down on flowers and shrubs coloured with autumnal shades as the sun cut through the branches like shards of broken, golden glass.

Action: It woke up – slowly uncurling and looking around before padding to the edge of his towering home.

Dialogue: “She is back at last,” he whispered to himself so she didn’t hear him.

Where: High above the treetops, he sat admiring her as she flitted from plant to plant.

Adverb: Gently she grabbed each flower between he slender fingers.

Verb: Breathing life into everything she touched she made the forest come to life.

Estimation of time: Minutes passed as he watched her admiringly, whilst resting his head on his hands.

Rhetorical Question: Had anything ever been so beautiful as she was?

Similes: “She is as delicate as a flower, an elegant paper flower, fragile and brittle to the touch.

Exclamation: Stop! Oh No Stop! He tried to call out but only silence emanated from his stony maw

These appeared in the order DADWAVERS but they don’t have to - they can appear in any order in your writing.

.History - The Victorians

In 1861, 35,000 children under 12 lived and worked in workhouses in Britain.

Watch the following videos about their lives and the work of Thomas Barnardo, who tried to improve the life of poor children.

Click here. Click here. Click here.

Click here to learn more about workhouses.

Write your own diary entry of life in a workhouse. Click here to find out more.

Starting to drawLesson 5 Improving your visual memory

Click here

Daily Exercise

1. Find your next exercise video from Joe Wicks. Click here.

2. Zoonation’s Dance On Demand. Click here.


The government has created the Oak National Academy to provide extra ‘lessons’ for children while you are at home. Each day there are maths, English and foundation lessons. The lessons are sequential, so it is important that you do them in in order.

We want you to first complete the work that we have set you. If you decide you would like an extension, then click on the link below to access their lessons.

Oak National Academy
