Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Edition

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Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Edition


  • www.frontpageafricaonline.comPRICE L$40



    pg Law & Order Legislative Beat

    VOL 9 NO.60 TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015

    News Extra - pg.


    UN Installs Investigation Room Camera Senate holds Hearing for

    MOH Officials

    The visit to Liberia last week of two representatives from the prosecutors office in The Netherlands has been linked to a purported attempt to seek extradition of some key figures of Charles Taylors National Patriotic

    Front of Liberia allegedly responsible for the killing of a Dutch woman reportedly around the same time four American nuns were killed in the Operation Octopus battle.





    These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the

    commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

    MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1


    L$84.00/US$1 L$85.00/US$1


    SATURDAY , MAY 16, 2015

    MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015








  • Page 2 | Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 2015Monrovia - Taking a page from President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, the Incident Management System or Task Force overseeing Liberias response to the deadly Ebola virus outbreak, has characterized a recent audit by the General Auditing Commission as unprofessional, Unbalanced, unfair and entirely out of context by an incompetent integrity body.On Monday, the Incident Management System, took aim in a 36-page letter to Auditor General Yusador S. Gaye, accusing the integrity institution of being incompetent and unprofessional, even going as far as issuing lawsuit threats and issuing a 24-hour ultimatum to the GAC to retract its findings from the public domain.The letter in possession of FrontPageAfrica is signed by GAC Ebola Audit Indictees Wede Elliott Brownell Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Tolbert Nyenswah, Head Incident Management System/Deputy Minister for Health Designate (indicted by GAC in 2006/2007and 2007/2008 audit of the Ministry of Health; James Dorbor Jallah, Executive Director, Public Procurement and Concessions Commission and Andre Pope, Head State Owed Enterprises Reporting Unit, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.Expressing its disappointment in the GAC, the Incident Management System said it is rejecting the integrity institutions findings due to its incompetence and improper handling of the report.MARRED BY FINANCIAL ACTIVITIESThe Ebola Task Force said while the GAC correctly stated that President Sirleaf, on July 26, 2014, announced that Ebola was a national emergency and set up a National Ebola Task Force to coordinate all interventions for containing and eliminating this fast spreading epidemic; the GAC in its report citing financial activities of the National Ebola Trust Fund(NETF) it says was marred by financial irregularities and material control deficiencies, failed to take duly into account the national emergency nature of particular interventions that were undertaken by the Task Force and were specifically aimed at containing and eliminating the fast spreading epidemic. Instead, the IMS said the GAC described specific emergency procurements made by the NETF as marred by financial irregularities and material control deficiencies simply because the NETFs purchase of food, equipment and other items, on an emergency basis from various suppliers had

    Rodney D. Sieh, Rodney.sieh@frontpageafricaonline.com either been done without contract, lacked confirmation of transaction, lack of valid tax clearance or in one particular case, the supporting invoice from an overseas service provider was unsigned.The IMS said the National Ebola Task Force did its work under conditions that have been most unusual and truly unique, which hopefully will not ever occur in this country. Those conditions involved a race against time and fit the very definition of a national emergency as had been declared on

    July 26, 2014, per your report, by Her Excellency, Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia.The President while addressing media executives on Monday, April 13, 2015, at her Foreign Ministry office acknowledged that she knows that there might have been some procedural errors in expending fund, but said she believes that was intended to save the lives of the hundreds who were dying on a daily basis.Said President Sirleaf: "Five millions were put in the Ebola Trust Fund. That fund was put there at the time when nobody had given support to fight Ebola and it was a time when hundreds of people were dying; when people were running away from the places; when we had chaos. In the midst of chaos, something has to be done, and so, I am quite sure that it reflects the context of the kinds of urgency that was required in some cases," said President Johnson-Sirleaf.Added President Sirleaf: "I have not read the audit report, but I got some briefing on it. And I know that there might have been some procedural errors, but I believe that if someone says that they have to buy a bus to carry people when a hundred people are dying on the street and they did not go through a bidding process, I will leave it to you to say which was better; to say to have bought the bus to save the lives or for them to have taken two weeks to go through a bidding process. As long as the fund was properly used for the purpose intended, there is no problem. It was in those difficult days when we had to run some decisions, decisions that run contrary to all procedures," she emphasized as she continued on her defense.URGENT INTERVENTION REQUIREDIn its letter, the Ebola Task Force tore the GAC apart for not understanding the national emergency argument of the crisis. As such the epidemic did indeed require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation Madam Auditor General, so urgent were the interventions then required and undertaken, that it was often just simply not practicable, indeed, not even sensible at all to insist on contracts, tax clearances and the like without which, you appear to believe, that everything else that was done even under those circumstances, just simply do not matter at all.Continued the Task Force Letter: The perspective of yours is unfortunate and regrettable coming as it does from the Auditor General of the Republic of Liberia, the Supreme Audit authority of this country. Given that stunted and limited tunnel perspective of yours, with specific reference to the work of the NETF, you have not at all bothered to place any transaction conducted by the task force in context or to otherwise take that context duly into consideration in the writing of your report.By reasoning of that failure, the letter continued: You have also NOT even as much considered all relevant pros and cons and different perspectives BEFORE drawing the conclusions indicated in your report. For that reason your report reads as if the author lives in and has written, not about Liberia but an entirely different country; or, for that matter, an entire different planet.The GAC in its report of the National Ebola Trust Fund for the period August 1 to October 31, 2014 discovered that several government officials at eight ministries and agencies of

  • FrontpageTuesday, May 19, 2015 Page 3government received and disbursed funding without supporting documents.The GAC report pointed out that the Incident Management Team on Ebola headed by Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Services Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah, Mr. James Dorbor Jallah and Dr. Wede Elliott should be held liable for violating Section 66 (4) of the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) Act, which regulates protocols for government procurement, contract and others.The GAC mentioned in its audit report that there were variances between the allowances received by security officials who participated in the fight against Ebola in the country.The anti-graft commission stated that it observed in the audit that US$672,617.56 was received and disbursed by the Ministry of National Defense (MOD) without supporting documents during the period under review (August 1 to October 31, 2014). REPUTATION IRRESPONSIBLY DAMAGEDBut in its damning response to the GAC Monday, the Incident Management Team accused AG Gaye of irresponsibly damaging what they described as their hard-earned reputation.You have irresponsibly damaged the hard-earned reputation of members of the senior leadership of the National Ebola Task Force(NETF) that is otherwise alternatively referred to, in your report as Incident Management System(IMS). You have done so with reckless disregard of all relevant facts, along with appropriate supporting documentation, that have been provided by you.In light of its rebuttal, the IMS demanded that the GAC among other things, reissue portions of its report pertaining to the specific activities of the NETF or IMS, re-publicize the portion of the reissued, ensuring that it receives equal prominence as earlier given to the incorrect and unsubstantiated allegations contained in the report against the IMS not later than 5:00pm Monday, May 18, 2015.The IMS declared that failure on the part of the GAC to make the necessary adjustments could lead to court action against the Auditor General and the Commission for deliberate libel. The IMS also requested the Liberia Institute of Certified Public Accountants(LICPA) to render a formal professional assessment conclusion on the professional quality of the GAC report and if the LIPCA concurs that the report is materially defective, to appropriately sanction the GAC and LIPCA members of the

    GAC staff who were party to the report for professional misconduct.The IMS also threatened to report the Auditor Generals unprofessional reporting to the relevant USA State Board(s) of Accountability wherein the AGs membership is currently active, with a request to appropriate disciplinary sanctions against the AG or any member of her staff who is deemed culpable.The IMS also said it would make a similar request to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) and will report the Auditor Generals unprofessional reporting to both the President and the National Legislature of Liberia, in order to bring to the notice and attention of the President and the Legislature that the Auditor General is supremely unsuitable and incompetent for the position. The Legislators may then decide on whatever sanctions they deemed appropriate under the law, the letter states.PAYMENT TO BTP ADVISERS EXPLAINED

    The Task Force also explained for the first time the controversial US$30,000 payment to the British Public Relations firm, BTP Advisers, suggesting that the firm was PR back office for the governments information machinery.The letter to the Auditor General explained: As so correctly stated in paragraph 4 of page 8 of your report, the amount of US$30,050.00 was transferred to BTP Advisers, a London United Kingdom based international consultancy firm for communication support services to help in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease(EVD). What your report does not say, for reasons not explained therein and are not at all clear to us, is that, as also previously explained to you on the subject. The letter explained that the amount in question was a specific line item in the special emergency Ebola budget approved by the President as part of efforts required to respond to the national emergency under authority of the President Republic of Liberia to the UK-based firm, as professional fees charged by the firm for assisting the Government of Liberia in making its case to the world for international assistance to Liberia and other Ebola affected countries. The President of Liberia has also directly confirmed to you that she did indeed, specifically authorize those payments, apparently based on her previous knowledge of the caliber of work done by that firm.The Task Force letter explained that BTP Advisers effectively served as the back office for the professional publicity by the Government of Liberia that prompted the world response that has enabled Liberia to have avoided the

    dire predictions(ten to twenty thousand new Ebola cases per week, etc.) If the situation then at hand was not swiftly contained as then widely broadcast by organizations such as the World Health Organization(WHO), Medicins Sans Frontiers(MSF) and the like. Excerpts from Incident Management System Teams response to the GAC.The Task Force team wrote that even though the GAC was informed of the BTP payment by the president, it still classified the payment as improper because it was done without supporting documentation such as receipt, contract and details of the services provided to justify the payment. On that particular score, Madam Auditor General, it is just

    plainly NOT at all true, that the transfer was made without supporting documentation.Regarding why it did not follow the procedures of the Public Procurement Concessions Commission(PPCC), the Task Force explained: Please do keep in mind that an emergency by its nature, particularly in this case, basically meant a race against time. Under the circumstances, a relaxation of related PPCC requirements was so clearly called for, whether de facto/and/or de jure. It is both amazing and disappointing that for some strange reason you stubbornly refuse to accept this plain, simple, obvious and undeniable rational fact.

  • Page 4 | Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 2015




    LIBERIA IS AFRICAS oldest independent Black Republic after declaring its independence in 1847 but after 168 years of existence, the country still lacks well organized and sustainable institutions including political parties.IN THE EARLY days of the countrys political history only one major political party existed - the Grand True Whig Party (TWP) but in the late 70s the country politics shifted and despite the multiplicity of political parties, none of the parties has been able to form an organized political institution.ALL THE POLITICAL parties in Liberias history are built around individuals and as such they short-live not going beyond one regime. IN OTHER COUNTRIES, political parties are institutionalized and live beyond individuals but for Liberia the expiration of one regime mean the collapse of a political party.POLITICIANS AND INDIVIDUALS follow the political wind and follow where the wing blows, switching allegiances to another side when things turn around. WHEN IT WAS the tenure of the TWP, all politicians in Liberia joined the party of the day with no real opposition political party. Following the coup dtat in 1980, Samuel K. Doe founded the National Democratic Movement of Liberia (NDPL) and the trend repeated itself with all politicians joining the NDPL as the TWP was no more, completely dead.WHEN FORMER PRESIDENT Doe left the scene, the political pendulum shifted to the National Patriotic Party (NPP) of Charles Taylor. All Liberian politicians joined the NPP with President Sirleaf Vision 2024 when he predicted that his NPP could have ruled Liberia from 1998 to 2024.AFTER THE REGIME of Taylor, the NPP is now like any other political parties in Liberia, no longer strong like it was under the Taylor regime.FROM 2005 WHEN the Unity Party won the presidential election, the party has been the hot cake with politicians joining in search for jobs. With two years left on the card for the UP, some of the politicians who joined the party have already started moving the other way.TO NAME A few, Galakpai Kortimai has deflected; Dr. Fodee Kromah and others have all crossed over to the opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC).THE LACK OF institutionalization of political parties has made the politics in Liberia so complex to the extent that succession trail is always difficult to determine.ELECTIONS 2017 IS nearing as Liberians gear up for a hectic general and presidential process. The pending election is complex and could be one of the most confusing political processes with no clear cut favorite in the Presidential race.IN OTHER COUNTRIES, the trend of succession is sometimes close to call but for Liberia every presidential election offers new variables and surprises which is primarily due to the disorganized nature of political parties both opposition and ruling.SINCE 2005, THE CDC has shown some signs of cohesiveness but not organized in a manner that portrays a party capable of existing beyond George Weah.



    PARTIESDr. Yossef Ben-Meir, President, High Atlas Foundation, Contributing Writer,

    yossef@highatlasfoundation.org ; yossef@highatlasfoundation.org)

    IMPLEMENTING THE U.N.S SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALSAfter fifteen years of nations pursuing the Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations, representatives of the member states, along with experts and private

    citizens, have defined Sustainable Development Goals

    (SDGs) to help set the course for the next fifteen years.All told seventeen goals have been developed which together aim to end poverty and hunger; ensure access to health and education for all; achieve gender equality as well as greater equality between individuals and nations; and protect the environment, combat climate change and promote sustainable growth.One critical SDG involves the strengthening of the means by which nations can implement the overall vision. Is there proven methodology that member states can consider and adopt in this regard, even as the challenges and opportunities they face are as diverse as humanity itself? We suggest four specific factors that are applicable in this case.First, we know from decades of global project development evaluations that peoples participation from design to evaluation is the primary factor in determining whether sustainability will be achieved. In order to promote effective community participation, an administrative system that is decentralized will empower local populations to make decisions and assume responsibility for implementing the social change they seek. Since sustainable development is a reflection of the extent to which people own their particular development process, it follows that institutionalizing local open spaces so that people can come together and build partnerships and shared action plans is of paramount importance in achieving the SDGs.A fortuitous occurrence is that in global terms decentralization is on the rise, albeit for different reasons in different countries. In a number of Arab Spring nations, for example, the promotion of human development and popular empowerment is - rightfully - part of a calculated attempt to avoid political instability.A second necessary measure at the national level is capacity building among stakeholders to advance projects that achieve the SDGs. Specifically, there is a critical role to be performed by facilitators of local community meetings and dialogue in order to promote participation. Trained facilitators help to ensure that all voices are represented and heard. Further, they are aware of pre-existing power relationships and how to engage with these so as to guide a development process in a manner that is broadly based and just.Third, it would be helpful if measures for sustainable implementation were described in culturally relative terms. In many societies the enduring precepts of peoples participation in communal life leading to sustainable

    societies are informed fundamentally by Islam. Integrated Islamic and developmental concepts include shura, itself the practice of participation and consultation; ummah is the global integration of individuals and groups with rights to solidarities and part of humanity as a whole (decentralization); baya in Islamic tradition holds leaders accountable; and tawhidi society is one that recognizes the indivisibility of mankind. Ensuring that participation and decentralization are explained in Islamic, rather than Western, terms would allow Muslim people to see their own outlook and values fully present and incorporated in the steps needed to implement the SDGs.Developmental concepts are also present in the Biblical story of creation. And God said, Let us make Man in our image, after our likeness. What is meant by us? Jewish Sages recording a tradition dating back at least two thousand years explain that God included the angels in the decision to create humanity in order avoid conflict between the angels and humankind (by being part of the decision, angels accepted the outcome). God in effect created the blueprint for consulting with others before embarking upon initiatives. Only then did God create humankind who by virtue of being formed in the Divine image are enjoined to follow the Divine example.Finally, policy development embarked upon by nations in order to achieve the SDGs, occurs sustainably and most suitably as local participatory processes unfold and light is shed naturally upon policy opportunities that promote sustainable development. Peoples participation in a sense tests the social system. In this way for example, restrictions to the growth of civil society are clarified and the necessary roles that could be played by public agencies, in order to bring to fruition projects determined by local communities, may be defined in greater detail. In sum, the most effective policy development emerges from lessons gained from the experience of community participation in development.In the same way as laws and policies to advance the human condition, the SDGs find their efficacy only in their processes of implementation. Indeed, in development and social processes generally, the means are the ends (or at least they determine them to a large extent). While there are no absolute preconditions to sustainable human development there are undoubtedly conditions conducive to such development. Enabling local communities to plan and implement their future in an empowering decentralized environment is a recipe for success on an historic scale in this respect.Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir is president of the High Atlas Foundation (http://highatlasfoundation.org/) .

    Similarly, the Liberty Party is also tied to Cllr. Charles W. Brumskine and does not look a formidable party without Brumskine.NOW WITH ELECTION nearing, since these political parties are not organized and capable of winning state power alone, they are hastily forming collaboration, merger or coalitions to get to state power.LIBERIAN POLITICS HAS been dead and going forward,

    the countrys politics is heading to purgatory land and there is a compelling need for the building of a strong, vibrant, institutionalized political party that can survive for centuries even when the founders are nowhere around.LIBERIA NEEDS POLITICAL parties built on ideologies, principles and people oriented, not parties built around a few individuals with ego for power and wealth.

  • FrontpageTuesday, May 19, 2015 Page 5


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    The Reader's Page

    Massa Washington Top Commenter Clinical Supervisor/ Therapist at WesWell, Well, Well, we can see that the TRC is being vindicated for recommending that people who directly destroyed their own Country, own up to their actions, and sincerely make efforts at reconciliation. Instead of being selfless and humble, perpetrators holding state power and misapplying state resources, came after TRC Commissioners so viciously attempting to destroy innocent people's reputation who were just doing what the Liberian people asked us to do... "to state the truth about what happened to our country and make recommendations for moving the country forward". Rather than addressing issues the report highlighted, TRC Commissioners were attacked both publicly and privately, putting a price tag on our heads as if we were criminals and the ones responsible for the destruction of Liberia and the murdered of nearly 300,000 ... John-lord Baxter Follow Top Commenter Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaWell said, Massa. Posterity shall be the judge.John-lord Baxter Follow Top Commenter Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaI am making a personal appeal to my fellow Liberians back at home and in the diaspora. It is about time we stop supporting criminal elements only because they are members of our ethnicity, direct family members, or friends of friends. We must be selfless, put our country first, stand together as Liberians and not allow KILLERS and THIEVES to create a divide amongst us. We must see them for who they are as common criminals that are undermining the development of our one country and it's people. Let's be realistic ladies and gentlemen. No one who has killed another or has been caught in corruption should go with impunity, be celebrated, elected or appointed to any position of governance in our country if we are to make significant progress as we work towards nation building and removing our people from poverty. The time of reckoning is at hand. Watch out all ye KILLERS and THIEVES who have brought untold sufferings upon our people!!!Sylvester Moses Top Commenter Works at Self-EmployedIs the anonymous ACDL member also suggesting that the murders of the three nuns, whose presence in Liberia was simply to serve our people, should also be handled by the TRC?From 1984 to 1989 the entire leadership of the ACDL were either lobbying to prevent aid to Liberia, or plotting invasions in Freetown and Abidjan. Today some work for President Sirleaf who begs in every capital of rich nation's for money to pay these rascals obscene compensations. The irony is that some of these anarchists now shake like leaves when they hear about small street demonstrations.Jay Wion Top Commenter Works at Amtrak Washington, DCMY TURN: Someone said: Truth crushed to earth shall rise again because no lie can live forever. The moral arm of the universe is long and it is bent toward justice and justice usually triumphs over injustice as good triumphs over evil. War crimes and crimes against humanity carry no statute of limitations. War criminals are still being hunted around the globe: Nazi Germany and the Jewish holocaust, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Argentina, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and so shall it be in Liberia.The TRC Report is legal and binding. Those who brought war to Liberia can run but they can't hide. We will not reward criminals. There must be a deterrent mechanism against future war mongers. 99 days for rogue but one day for master. We must have faith in the final morality of the universe. We didn't get here on earth by some accident. Only the fool says in his heart there is no God until when harm stares him in his face. Thou shall not kill, says the oldest book in the world, the Holy Bible. You shall reap what you sow.Thanks for your calls and concerns. I worked yesterday but did not work on Amtrak train 188 that derailed in Philadelphia in which six people sofar were killed and 146 injured.




    LIBERIAThe Editor,It was with great happiness and relief that Liberia was declared Ebola-free on Saturday, May 9, 2015. While the country has gone over 42 days without a death from this disease, it also experienced far more deaths than any other African nation with 4,769 victims. The disease spread quickly for many reasons including an inherent mistrust in government. I would like to congratulate President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on the end to this deadly and disruptive crisis. She showed tremendous courage and patience in the very difficult decisions she had to make all while dealing with a system and subculture where many of those involved in Liberia's government lack integrity. She showed great determination in ensuring our country became rid of this disease.While Liberia can celebrate the end of this crisis, our neighbors are continuing to fight and hope for an end to their own epidemics. Guinea and Sierra Leone have seen a slowdown in the spread of Ebola but are still experiencing deaths. The President will have to continue to take the necessary and sometimes difficult steps to be certain Liberia remains free of Ebola as there is a fear that it can easily cross back into our country and take hold again. We must also restart efforts such as the vaccination program that was stopped to focus on the Ebola problem. Vaccinations, such as for measles is imperative to keeping our children safe and healthy. Recently the experts at the University of Southampton said as many as 5,000 West African children are at risk if the vaccinations do not start again soon. Our government must continue to work hard to keep all Liberians safe and healthy.In an effort to strengthen Liberia and Liberians, I encourage President Sirleaf to establish a National Workforce Development Board that will strategize about job creation nationwide and support small business establishment among Liberians. As an example, the residents of West Point recently renovated its school with the help of United Nations and other donors. They also organized themselves and successfully saw an end to the disease a full five months before the rest of the country. Sadly, their own government's involvement was lacking; this is an example of where a strong and supportive government can build a great nation. We can still do that.I urge her to revamp and support the country's Peace and National Reconciliation process as well as to continue to be bold and tough during the final years of her last term to ensure that ordinary Liberians become the true beneficiaries of her leadership.

    Jones N. Williams is the founder of the New Liberia Foundation.

    The Editor:Thanks for the space provided. I write in response to the letter written by one Mr. Jerry Wehtee Wion, with the title: Weak Leadership Led to Ebola Deaths. I have often read the many letters and critical comments coming from the hands of Mr. Wion about the performances of the Government of Liberia led by Madam Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf. Many times in my views those comments are welcomed, eventhough often spiced with half-truths; as these are parts and parcel of the democratic process. Mr. Jerry Wehtee Wion seems to be one of those Liberians who have been fortunate to travel out of Liberia to their much cherished promised Land, the United States of America; as such, they deport themselves as having the magic wane solutions to all of Liberias problems.Now coming to the aforementioned titled, written by Mr. Jerry Wehtee Wion, I have not seen one of our own, whose origin is from Liberia, seething with bitterness and resentment; as Mr. Wion seems to be, he has not seen any good things done by this Unity Party-led government of Madam Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf. Even as we have had difficult fight with the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)and have come out successfully by Gods grace and the resilience of the Liberian people supported by Liberia friends internationally, Mr. Jerry Wehtee Wion, has no commendation for President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and her hard working team but spite. Even though, he isnt in Liberia now, but had painted pictures for others; depicting that all was well in Liberia, until Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf became president, especially, in the healthcare delivery system; what a myth! How a so-called Journalist and political commentator can feed us his usual half-truths as if we had not lived in Liberia? The Ebola outbreak in Liberia was not the result of weak leadership as claimed by our learned Journalist, even some of our nationalistic medical doctors who decided to confront the disease or epidemic succumbed because of it peculiarity and that they did not know the protocol or procedures to follow; those who survived, did so because of Gods grace and not how smart they were.Many international organizations criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for its slow response to the virus in West Africa; if the United Nations with sufficient resources could not move with terrific speed to confront the virus, how could Liberia which had destroyed itself for14(fourteen)years do better? Political commentator Wion, do some reflections and purify your soul.The only Liberian leader who made use of the medical facilities at the John F. Kennedy medical center was the late assassinated President (William Richard Tolbert); the rest have used external facilities for their healthcare services. Mr. Wion is only interested in knowing the salaries of the president and some cabinet Ministers and not how Liberia became the first of the three countries to be declared Ebola free by the World Health Organization (WHO). How have you permitted hate and deceit to blind you?Madam President is using her international connections and will power to salvage our dear country. If you do not have anything positive to say to us after losing our live ones to this invisible enemy, then shut-up. Mr. Jerry Wehtee Wion, you are too envious to think on any good that others have done for Liberia; only negativity is exemplify in you, stay in your Promised Land and leave us to re-develop our country. If it is prosecution that you are talking about for corruption; then you have just failed. Ask God for reprieved, I think Radio ELWA taught you that!Thanks.Gbada J. Flomogbadaflomo_312@yahoo.comPaynesville

  • Page 6 | Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 2015Monrovia

    The low-key visit to Liberia last week of two representatives from the prosecutors office in The Netherlands has been linked to a purported attempt to seek extradition of some key figures of Charles Taylors National Patriotic Front of Liberia allegedly responsible for the killing of a Dutch woman reportedly around the same time four American nuns were killed in the infamous Operation Octopus battle, FrontPageAfrica has learned.Multiple sources confirmed to FrontPageAfrica Monday that after years of investigation the Dutch government has finally given the greenlight to pursue alleged war crimes figures linked to the killing of one of its citizens in the same norm the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is using to pursue justice for five of its citizens, catholic nuns, killed during Octopus.The Dutch government had initially commenced its own proceedings into the womans death but reportedly hit a wall until new evidence and witnesses surface in recent years.The Dutch citizen, a woman was reportedly married to Liberian man at the time of her death and ran a school in the Bardnersville area. Her husband, who has not married since is said to still be traumatized by his wifes death. The womans name is being protected due to the obscure

    COULD LIBERIA LOSE EU FUNDING OVERWAR CRIMES EXTRADITION?The visit to Liberia last week of two representatives from the prosecutors office in The Netherlands has been linked to a purported attempt to seek extradition of some key figures of Charles Taylors National Patriotic Front of Liberia allegedly responsible for the

    killing of a Dutch woman reportedly around the same time four American nuns were killed in the Operation Octopus battle.

    Rodney D. Sieh, rodney.sieh@frontpageafricaonline.com

    nature of the investigation, said a source privy to the proceedings on strict condition of anonymity in an interview with FrontPageAfrica. The representatives from the Dutch prosecutors office reportedly held discussion with Justice ministry officials in Monrovia but are said to be unhappy with the governments lukewarm response when queries were made about the possible extradition of those identified as having knowledge to the killing.Solicitor General Betty Lamin Blamo told FrontPageAfrica Monday that she was unaware of an extradition request from the Dutch government. But the two senior Dutch officials

    reportedly met and had fruitful discussions with pathologist Isaac Moses, who performed autopsies on the slain catholic nuns and the Dutch woman. The Dutch citizens killing mirrors the killing of five American nuns. That case was recently announced reopened by the FBI.The investigative journal, ProPublica reported recently that a request to the FBI to release the file on the nuns case was declined as the FBI claimed that the files are now applicable to a pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding and could reasonably be expected to interfere with that proceeding. One of those proceedings is

    said to be the upcoming case of Jucontee Thomas Woewiyu, a former Defense Minister in Charles Taylors National Patriotic Front of Liberia who was arrested in May 2014 by the Department of Homeland Security as an alleged war crimes criminal. Woewiyu is currently released but is under house arrest.The FBI immediately notified the Illinois-based order, the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, also known as ASC about Woewiyus arrest signaling that Woewiyu could be asked about the role the NPFL played in the nuns death. "Apparently, Woewiyu did not give the order to kill the ASC sisters, but he is implicated in that the killings

    were accomplished under his command," Cheryl Wittenauer wrote to her supervisors in communications published by ProPublica.The FBI, according to ProPublica had previously said the case was closed.Christopher Vambo, a former NPFL commander known as General Mosquito denied killing the nuns but acknowledged that men under his command may have done so.ProPublica quoted a former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia Gerald Rose, who has sought justice for the nuns for some time as saying: I dont think many American people

    remember that there were five American citizens killed during the Liberian war, he said. I think if the American people were aware of that, they too would feel that justice was not done. Hopefully this freshly re-opened case will force people to remember and find the perpetrators.Meanwhile, FrontPageAfrica has learned that a meeting in June has been planned for the U.S. state of Massachusetts bringing together prominent Liberian journalists and war crimes activists to share ideas on possibilities of a war crimes court for Liberia.Also, sources tell FrontPageAfrica that EU trade ministers expected in Liberia in July have been updated about the new information in the killing of the Dutch citizen and are being urged to prevail on Liberia to turn over those linked to the killing. They would use their ministers to pressurized Liberia to do the right thing, said a source privy to the extradition discussion Monday. With aid money in the works, it would be a good time to press the Liberian government.

    By: Bettie Johnson/ betty.johnson@frontpageafricaonline.comMonrovia-Several female reporters from various news outlets have gathered to identify issues affecting gender in the Country. The three day workshop which is geared toward gender sensitive reporting was organized by the West African Journalists Association, Press Union of Liberia with support from the Norwegian Journalists Union.Speaking at the workshop, Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FEJAL) Coordinator, Torwon Sulonteh Brown said she was overwhelmed by the training saying there are several issues affecting women that are not being reported by the Media.She urged female reporters to continuously report on gender sensitive issues as it will be understandable by citizens and will reduce the high percentage of risk involving women.Journalist Brown named 1325 of the UN convention, CEDAW, and African charter on Democracy, election as guides for female reporters to get acquainted with in reporting on gender sensitive issues.Providing an overview of the media in Liberia, PUL President Abdullai Kamara disclosed that journalists in Liberia still go to jail for their speeches and the PUL is working to decriminalize media offenses.He said though the decriminalization of the

    offenses is not easy, but said the Liberian President is yet to submit the law to the Legislature.Mr. Kamara said the PUL has penalized Journalists who violate the code of conduct. Kamara also said the union is focused on building and strengthening gender reporting and improving the capacity of female journalists.He added that the Media Economy is poor and journalists salary is disgracefully low.Mr. Kamara said the Union is working with Media managers to increase the salaries of journalists.He disclosed that media managers are not listening and have failed to comply with the union on the collective bargaining agreement.Also speaking, Journalist Mae Azango commenting on the gender situation in Liberia said parents determine the role of children as most decisions of children are made by the parents in Liberia.Culture plays a major role in females lives in Liberia, and some culture dictate that women should be seen but not heard, she said.Journalist Azango named some of the issues affecting gender as poverty, trafficking, early, marriage, sexual exploitation, illiteracy, persistent non-support, stigmatization and discrimination among others.


  • FrontpageTuesday, May 19, 2015 Page 7

    Monrovia - The prolonged detention of defendants without trial in several prison facilities across the country continues to spark criticisms against the justice system by both local and international organizations working within the countrys judicial system.The countrys law provides that crimes such as misdemeanor requires the period of 30 days in detention for defendants that are tried and found guilty but that has not been the case in most instance as defendants found in this category stay in jail longer than the statutory period as required by law.Fingers have been pointed at magistrates who operate the first court of instance as being those responsible for the over-crowdiness of prison facilities and the prolonged detention of inmates without trial.Magistrates are responsible


    NAPDOL President Atty. Elisha Forkeyoh Sr.for this overcrowdiness of prison facilities across the country because they arrest people and hold then from the morning hour to the evening and take them to jail without acquainting them with their rights to a lawyer, am saying it without fear, said former Solicitor General

    Wilkins Wright.With the current statistics put out by prison monitors in the country set at 800 pre-trial detainees held only

    Kennedy L. Yangian kennedy.yangian@frontpageafricaonline.com 0777296781in the famous Monrovia Central Prison, the newly-elected leadership of the National Association of Public Defenders of Liberia (NADPOL) has raised concerns and promised to provide legal services to those defendants that cannot afford lawyers to represent them.Atty. Elisha Forkeyoh Sr., who was elected president along with three other officials to steer the affairs of the organization for the last two years praised his colleagues for the election of the officials but claimed that the organizations aim and objective is to provide legal services to indigent defendants who cannot afford a lawyer of his or her own and vowed to provide legal services to pre-trial detainees who cannot afford lawyer.Let the Liberian people know that they have a right to a lawyer once they do not have the money to obtain a

    lawyer and this is what we are here to do for them said Atty ForkeyohAttorney Forkeyoh, in a FrontPageAfrica interview Friday, stated that while serving as president for NADPOL for the last two years, he and his officers will be going from community to community to educate Liberians about their rights to a lawyer under the law.He praised the Judiciary for providing the needed support to public defendants in order to perform their duties to represent indigent clients in court across the country.Atty Forkeyoh also appealed to partners of the judiciary to come in and support the current initiative of NADPOL as the association looks forward for both local and international training of its over 29 members across the length and breadth of the country.The Public Defender program was established in 2009 by the late Chief Justice Johnnie Lewis to provide legal service to indigent clients at every stage of an investigation starting from criminal investigation up to conviction and post-conviction proceeding.


    Monrovia - Finance and Economic Planning Minister Amara Konneh has been found liable for libel by the Civil Law Court at the Temple of Justice and ordered to pay over US1 in damages, though his lawyer has taken an appeal to the Supreme Court for a final decision.Minister Konneh was sued for libel in March 2013 by one of the Finance Ministrys employee and Director of Large Tax Eric Nagbe. Complainant Nagbe told the court in late march 2013 that the minister accused him of allegedly receiving bribe to compromise governments 2009 and 2010 audits in favor of the Luck Development Corporation, B- Kay Pharmacy and Shehney Incorporation and allegation which he said was unfounded and had no iota of truth in them.Also in his complaint to the court, Nagbe stated that Minister Konneh

    Kennedy L. Yangian kennedylyangian@frontpageafricaonline.com 0777296781

    subjected him to a full scale investigation at the Internal Audit Division.The complainant further states that he was subjected to another investigation at the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) from March to December 2012 where the LACC investigation concluded that there was no criminality on the part of the plaintiff /Nagbe.Nagbe explained that he received a visa to travel to the United States but was denied entry upon arrival in the U.S. based on the request by Minister Konneh to the revoke his visa and was forced back home by the Americans.Nagbe further noted that after the LACC investigation found him not guilty, the commission ordered the minister to re-instate him but the Minister failed to adhere to the commissions recommendation.Due to the embarrassment, stigma, stereotype and inconvenience as the result of the defendants action, plaintiff requests your honor to award the plaintiff not less than US$1M in general damages which is to be decided by the jury the plaintiff s complaint stated.Contrary to the plaintiff s lawyer argument that Nagbe suffered injury as the result of the ministers action during the course of the trial, the Ministers lawyers represented by the Ministry

    of Justice told the court to dismiss the complaint because the plaintiff did not suffer any injury.At the close of the trial in its legal argument, lawyer representing the plaintiff led by Atty Arthur Johnson, called on the court to bring down the plaintiff liable because they have proven their case by presenting every requirement needed to prove libel. We presented copy of the Inquirer Newspaper that covered the Ministers press conference and the memorandum and placed on the Ministrys bulletin indicating the allegations levied against our client, said Atty. Johnson.In his ruling on Friday Judge Johanes Zogbay Zlahn ruled in favor of the plaintiff because the state failed to prove its case.In his ruling the judge found the defendant liable for libel and asked the defendant to pay the amount of US$1M though the state lawyers took an appeal to the Supreme Court sitting in its October 2015 for final opinion.Atty Johnson praised the courts decision adding that the Judge gave the rule in the interest of justice. This is a landmark ruling of the court which will demonstrate to people in government who want to use their position to infringe on the right of other people that the law is for everyone, said Atty. Arthur Johnson.

  • Page 8 | Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 2015


    Sometimes they say we can torture them when they are undergoing investigation by the police and with this investigation room established, nobody will say negative

    things about us anymore- William Mulbah; Deputy Police DirectorBettie Johnson/ betty.johnson@frontpageafricaonline.com

    Henry Karmo (0886522495) henrykarmo@frontpageafricaonline.com

    Monrovia-It was a scene of smiles on the faces of police officers working in the Criminal Intelligence and Criminal Service Departments at the Liberia National Police.The expression on the faces of the officers was triggered when the United Nations Mission in Liberia and UNPOL officially turned over a quick impact project which includes the provision of office equipment, establishment of interview room and a case file registry at the LNP.Speaking at the program during the weekend, UNPOL head of Crime Service Department, Tomas Johansson said the LNP is a primary law enforcement agency and is responsible for internal security.The LNP remains in the process of restructuring and rebuilding to achieve a sustainable level of operational effectiveness and efficiency, and the LNP is to transform the organization from its current reactive position to one of community based-intelligence driven public service, he said.Johansson, pointing at the office equipment said the Criminal Intelligence Department (CID) within the LNPs structure has to contribute to a more effective crime prevention that will be achieved through an improved intelligence gathering system through collaboration with other agencies as well as with the community.To effectively combat criminality that is an efficient system of information collection including the

    national crime and criminal databases, collation, analysis and dissemination necessary for the development and implementation of crime strategies is needed for the LNP, Johansson said.The UNPOL CSD head continued: There are different challenges that CID continues to face to perform their specific daily duties which include the logistics resources and the provision of basic office furniture and equipment such as filing cabinets, printers shredder is to support the CID agents daily performance on information management tasks and contribute to improving its record keeping system in different sections.Johansson added that the expected impact of the provision of the office

    equipment, the CID will benefit from the project by enhancing its different sections capabilities with equipment for print and copy of gathered information reports and different documents for further disseminations.The resources will improve its capability to scan and save digital copies of key documents

    for analysis purposes while filling and storing hard copies to maintain proper record keeping of the information and intelligence report, UNPOL head stated.Speaking on the establishment of the interview room, Johansson said the LNP CSD with respect to interrogation constitutes a serious challenge,

    the department does not have an interview room as a result the interrogation is conducted in offices that are not conducive due to space and other interruptions by personnel, the interrogation offices are in deplorable condition as furnishing are worn out.The UN personnel added The aim of this project is to establish quality police service through the provision of equipment and environment conducive for conduct of criminal investigations that are professional, transparent, and responsive and tailored to prevent, detect, and investigate crimes.The UNPOL CSD head indicated that the establishment of the case file registry room is to effectively maintain proper record and quick retrieval of cases filed in CSD at the LNP.Responding, Deputy Police boss, Col. William Mulbah said investigation plays a key role in the justice system, saying what is sent to the judiciary matters.No lying on police

    We as police officers go a long way in regard to human life, for example if one is arrested and a case file is sent to the court and proper investigation is not done, we either damage or rebuild lives based on what

    we sent to the court, said Col. Mulbah.Col. Mulbah continued: this project builds the capacity through a case file registry and especially the interview and the analysis room; thank God it is televised so that people will stop lying on police for torture during investigation or saying that they had no access to the legal counsel while they were undergoing investigation.He commended UNMIL/UNPOL for the project stating that it will go a long saying it is meaningful and will improve their efficiency as cases will not be thrown out of the windows from court.Most often our crime scenes are intruded into and if there is a crime mainly a murder or homicide everybody wants to enter which is very wrong. Without these tapes crime scene are damaged and it causes embarrassment for us and the tapes will barricade the scene to protect evidence.He added that though the CSD has been empowered it is the call for other departments to look for support as the project was established through the intervention of former Police Intelligence boss Thomas Nimely known as (PI).Col. Mulbah urged officers to not misuse the items in order to help the LNP win cases.Meanwhile, two newly appointed police officials Col. Joseph Flomo and CID head Jessie Harris commended UNPOL for the project and promised to use it for its intended purpose.


    Monrovia-Sources close to the Liberian Senate have hinted FrontPageAfrica that the temporary reinstatement of three officials from the Liberia Institute of Public Administration by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a tradeoff for the confirmation of Education Minister designate, George Werner.According to the sources, the Senate Committee on Education chaired by Senator Jewel Howard Taylor (Bong County, National Patriotic Party) requested the reinstatement of the three

    LIPA officials previously dismissed by President Sirleaf to pave the way for the Senate to confirm Minister designate Werner who was denied a while ago for the post of Health Minister before his appointment to head the Education Ministry.Close Senate sources indicate that Senator Commany Wesseh (Unity Party-River Gee County) has earlier requested the former CSA boss, now Education Minister designate to prevail on President Sirleaf to reinstate the three officials of LIPA since they were dismissed based on recommendation from the CSA.Since the request by the Senator was yet to be implemented the confirmation of Minister designate Werner has been delayed by the Senate, the source added.In a release issued by the Executive Mansion, President Sirleaf directed that the three LIPA recently dismissed be temporarily reinstated pending the fulfillment of certain conditions.The officials include the Deputy Director General for Administration & Management, Mr. P. Emerson

    Harris, Deputy Director General for Training & Development, Mr. Richard S. Panton; and Deputy Director General for Research & Consultancy, Atty. Harris F. Tarnue.The Executive stated that President Sirleaf's directive is the result of an investigation she ordered based on documentation submitted to her by the three LIPA officials protesting their dismissal for "unilaterally increasing their salaries in the absence of the Head of the Institute." The sequence of events and the facts uncovered from the investigation did not uphold the stated reason for the dismissals, the Executive Mansion release stated.The statement furthered that in light of the ongoing reform of Government agencies by the Civil Service Agency (CSA), the three LIPA officials will be required to compete with other candidates in the professional recruitment exercise to be conducted by the CSA in order to retain their respective.

    Sirleaf Reinstatement of LIPA Officials Favors Minister designate Werners Confirmation

  • FrontpageTuesday, May 19, 2015 Page 9

    PARKER AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors

    P. O. Box 1921 81 Sekou Toure Avenue, Mamba Point

    Monrovia, Liberia

    INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT To the shareholders of Ecobank Liberia Limited The accompanying statements of financial position, comprehensive income and cash flows are derived from the audited financial statements of Ecobank Liberia Limited (the Bank) for the year ended 31 December 2014. We expressed an unmodified opinion on the financial statements in our report dated 30 April 2015. The accompanying statements of financial position, comprehensive income and cash flows do not contain all the disclosures required by International Financial Reporting Standards and in the manner required by the New Financial Institution Act (FIA) 1999 and the prudential regulations of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements of the Bank. Reading the accompanying statements of financial position, comprehensive income and cash flows, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of the Bank. In our opinion, the accompanying statements of financial position, comprehensive income and cash flows are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements of Ecobank Liberia Limited for the year ended 31 December 2014, from which they were derived. .

    .. .



    2014 2013 Note LR$000 LR$000 Interest income 6 1,121,614 972,505 Interest expense 7 (229,178) (149,693) --------- ---------- Net interest income 892,436 822,812 --------- --------- Fees and commission income 8 1,291,826 1,083,431 Fees and commission expense 9 (2,528) (2,940) ----------- ----------- Net fees and commission income 1,289,298 1,080,491 ----------- ----------- Net trading income 10 74,881 129,919 Other operating income 11 23,629 60,790 --------- --------- Other income 98,510 190,709 --------- --------- Total income 2,280,244 2,094,012 Net impairment loss on financial assets 12 (300,275) (182,463) Operating expenses 13 (1,647,553) (1,690,650) ------------ ------------ Profit before tax 332,416 220,899 Income tax (expense) / credit 14 (83,134) 5,007 --------- --------- Profit after tax 249,282 225,906 --------- --------- The notes on pages 19 to 68 form an integral part of these financial statements.


    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (CONTD) 2014 2013 Note LR$000 LR$000 Profit after tax 249,282 225,906 Other comprehensive income Available for sale financial assets net change in fair value 19 (25,428) (44,948) Related tax 6,357 11,237 Net amount reclassified to profit or loss 44,948 - --------- -------- Other comprehensive income, net of tax 25,877 (33,711) --------- --------- Total comprehensive income 275,159 192,195 ===== ===== Profit attributable to: Equity holders of the Bank 249,282 225,906 ===== ===== Earnings per share Basic earnings per share 16 0.04 0.04 === === Diluted earnings per share 16 0.04 0.03 === === The notes on pages 19 to 68 form an integral part of these financial statements.


    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 2013 Note LR$000 LR$000 Cash flows from operating activities Profit for the year 249,282 225,906 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortization 104,812 119,934 Net impairment loss on financial assets 300,275 182,463 Net interest income (892,436) (822,812) Profit on disposal of property and equipment - (19,562) Write of property and equipment - 240 Net gain on available for sale financial assets (55,672) (32,753) Tax expense / (credit) 83,134 (5,007) -------- --------- Cash outflows from operating activities before changes in operating assets and liabilities (210,605) (351,591) ---------- --------- Changes in operating assets and liabilities Loans and advances 481,623 (3,001,521) Other assets 366,343 (776,136) Customer deposits (469,879) 2,947,958 Other liabilities (664,707) (333,227) Borrowings 197,025 72,225 ----------- ------------ (300,200) (1,442,292) Interest received 1,121,614 972,505 Interest paid (229,178) (149,693) Income tax paid (50,641) (169,817) --------- ---------- Net cash generated from/ (used in) operating activities 541,595 (789,297) ====== ===== Cash flow from investing activities Acquisition of investment securities 18 (1,983,272) (2,111,156) Proceeds from redeemed investment securities 18 1,999,497 1,502,156 Acquisition of property and equipment 22 (52,762) (219,535) Proceeds from sale of property and equipment - 28,959 ---------- ---------- Net cash used in investing activities (36,537) (799,576) ===== ====== The notes on pages 19 to 68 form an integral part of these financial statements.


    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 (CONTD) 2014 2013 Note LR$000 LR$000 Cash flow from financing activities Dividend paid - (116,292) Investment in equity shares - (1,147) Proceed from issue of shares - 56,249 --------- --------- Net cash used in financing activities - (61,190) --------- ------------ Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 505,058 (1,650,063) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 8,355,225 10,005,288 ------------ ------------- Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 35 8,860,283 8,355,225 ====== ======= The notes on pages 19 to 68 form an integral part of these financial statements.

  • Page 10 |Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 2015



    CAIRO (Reuters) -

    An Egyptian court on Saturday sought the death penalty for former president Mohamed Mursi and 106 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in connection with a mass jail break in 2011.Mursi and his fellow defendants, including top Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie, were convicted for killing and kidnapping policemen, attacking police facilities and breaking out of jail during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak.The court's request drew condemnations from Amnesty International and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.The final ruling is expected to be made on June 2. The court sought capital punishment in a separate case for Brotherhood leader Khairat el-Shater and 15 others for conspiring with foreign militant groups against Egypt.




    Baghdad (AFP) - The Islamic State's release of an audio message by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reaffirmed his leadership of the group following a six-month silence and rumours over his health.In his half-hour speech posted on jihadist forums on Thursday, Baghdadi calls for a general mobilisation and urges all Muslims to move to the caliphate he proclaimed last year or wage jihad (holy war) wherever they are."I think this release partly has to do with rumours of his supposed incapacitation," said Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi of the Middle East Forum research group.Rumours emerged last month that Baghdadi was seriously wounded in a March air strike and had relinquished the organisation's leadership to a militant called Abu Alaa al-Afari.

    (Reuters) - A magnitude 5.7 earthquake hit Nepal on Saturday, about 76 km east south east of the capital Kathmandu, at a shallow depth of 10 km, the U.S. Geological Survey said.A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on April 25, killing more than 8,000 people and there have been a series of aftershocks since then.



    Geneva, 13 May 2015 A few days before the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, ILGA, a human rights advocacy group launches at the Palais des Nations in Geneva the 10th edition of its annual report on State-Sponsored Homophobia, a world survey of laws: criminalization, protection and recognition of same-sex love, authored this year by Aengus Carroll and Lucas Paoli Itaborahy.While in 2006 said the Authors 92 countries criminalized same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults, we now see this number falling down to 76 countries in 2015. However, the situation is still unacceptable: more than one-third of the worlds States consider same-sex sexual activity illegal. On the other hand, although 2013 saw an alarming rise in the number of States considering a new wave of criminalization through homosexual propaganda laws, in fact only a small number actually implemented them.Surveys said ILGA Co-Secretaries General Ruth Baldacchino and Helen Kennedy are there for interpretation and our general interpretation of this world survey is that some countries have it better or worse than others. However, we do not stop there. We see the analysis of the legal situation in countries as one of many layers of analysis. This report provides us with a solid platform from which to understand, discuss, lobby, advocate and analyze further.When we lift that legal layer continued Baldacchino and Kennedy we find many brave individuals, organizations operating on shoestring budgets, networks of activists, scholars, policy-makers and other professionals, risking their livelihood (and often their lives) to fight for what

    is right. We find lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer people maneuvering through political, social, religious, cultural and linguistic battles to be recognized and respected. These are efforts, initiatives and actions that empower us.As expected, a picture of lights and shadows emerges from the report, in particular:There are 117 countries (UN Members) where same sex sexual acts between adults in private are legal. Mozambique and Palau have decriminalized same-sex acts in 2014 and Lesotho in 2010.There are 76 countries where same-sex sexual acts are still illegal. Chad introduced a new Penal Code in 2014, punishing anyone who has sex with persons of the same sex.In relation to death penalty, eight States officially legislate for it, but only five (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen) actually implement it, but

    BEIRUT (AP) In a rare ground attack deep into Syria, U.S. Army commandos killed a man described as the Islamic Group's head of oil operations, captured his wife and rescued a woman whom American officials said was enslaved.A team of Delta Force commandos slipped across the border from Iraq under cover of darkness Saturday aboard Black Hawk helicopters and V-22 Osprey aircraft, according to a U.S. defense official knowledgeable about details of the raid. The official was not authorized to discuss the operation publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.The Americans intended to capture a militant identified by U.S. officials as Abu Sayyaf. When they arrived at his location, a multi-story building, they met stiff resistance, the U.S. official said, and a firefight ensued, resulting in bullet-hole damage to the U.S. aircraft.Abu Sayyaf was killed, along with an estimated dozen IS fighters, U.S. officials said. No American was killed or wounded.

    Before the sun had risen, the commandos flew back to Iraq where Abu Sayyaf's wife, Umm Sayyaf, was being questioned in U.S. custody, officials said.Abu Sayyaf was described by one official as the IS "emir of oil and gas," although he also was targeted for his known association with the group's leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.U.S. officials said it was likely, given Abu Sayyaf's position, that he knew about more than just the financial side of the group's operations.The U.S. official said his removal probably has temporarily halted IS oil-revenue operations, critical to the group's ability to carry out military operations in Syria and Iraq and to govern the population centers it controls.But U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, cautioned against exaggerating the long-term gain from killing Abu Sayyaf.He said IS, like al-Qaida, "has proven adept at replacing its commanders and we will need to keep up the pressure on its leadership and financing."A U.S. Treasury official told

    Congress in October that IS militants were earning about $1 million a day from black market oil sales alone, and getting several million dollars a month from wealthy donors, extortion rackets and other criminal activities, such as robbing banks. Kidnappings were another large source of cash.U.S. airstrikes in Syria since September have frequently targeted IS oil-collection facilities in an effort to undermine the group's finances.IS controls much of northern and eastern Syria as well as northern and western Iraq, despite months of U.S. and coalition airstrikes and efforts by the U.S.-backed Iraqi army to retake territory. IS holds most of the oil fields in Syria and has declared a caliphate governed by a harsh version of Islamic law.Also Saturday, activists said IS fighters pushed into the Syrian town of Palmyra, home to famed 2,000-year-old ruins.The U.S. Army raid occurred one day after the U.S.-led campaign to roll back IS gains in Iraq suffered a significant setback in Ramadi, the capital


    a sixth State, Iraq, although not in the civil code, clearly has judges and militias throughout the country that issue the death sentence for same-sex sexual behaviors. Further, some provinces in Nigeria and Somalia officially implement the death penalty. We are also aware that in the Daesh(ISIS/ISIL)-held areas the death penalty is implemented (although a non-State actor, it is listedin the report).Brunei Darussalam is due to activate the death penalty for same sex sexual acts in 2016, but it seems likely that like Pakistan, Afghanistan and Qatar although it is on the statute, it will not beimplemented.Regarding the recent legal practice, emerging from Russian provinces first in 2006, to criminalize the propaganda of homosexuality, it is with some relief that we note that in fact to date only four countriesactually appear to have adopted this on their statute books: Algeria, Lithuania, Nigeria and Russia.Discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation is now prohibited

    in 63 countries, including Chile (2012), Samoa (2013), Namibia (2004) and city of Buenos Aires in Argentina (2015).A total of 7 countries have a constitutional prohibition to discrimination based on sexual orientation, including Mexico (2011) and Virgin Islands (2007) associate of the United Kingdom - Hate crimes based on sexual orientation are considered an aggravating circumstance in 34 countries. Laws in this respect have been identified in several European countries, including Andorra (2005), parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013), Iceland (2004), Kosovo (2013), Lithuania (2009), Montenegro (2010), Norway (1994), Serbia (2012), Slovakia (2013), Slovenia (2008).Incitement of hatred based on sexual orientation is prohibited in 31 countries. Austria has introduced such law in 2011, Hungary in 2013, Montenegro in 2010 and Switzerland in 2015.Marriage is open for same-sex couples in 18 countries, including in Luxembourg and Slovenia, both in 2015. The state of Coahuila in Mexico and 19 further states in the United States of America have passed same-sex marriage laws in 2014, bringing the total number of states legislating for marriage equality to 37 (plus the District of Columbia). Finland approved a marriage equality law in 2015 that will come into force in 2017, while Estonia approved a similar law in 2014, to come into force in 2016.Joint adoption by same-sex couples is legal in 19 countries. It was legalized in Luxemburg and Malta in 2014, and in Austria , Ireland and Slovenia in 2015.

    of Anbar province. IS fighters are reported to have captured a key government building in Ramadi and have established control over a substantial portion of the city, officials have said.U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, in a written statement Saturday praising the raid into Syria, said he was "gravely concerned" by the IS assault on Ramadi and that it threatened the stability and sovereignty of Iraq.IS has made major inroads at Iraq's Beiji oil refinery complex in recent days. Reports vary, but U.S. officials have said IS is largely in control of the

    refinery, as well as the nearby town of Beiji. It's on the main route from Baghdad to Mosul, the main IS stronghold in northern Iraq.U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter in Washington announced the raid, followed soon after by word from the White House.Bernadette Meehan, spokeswoman for the U.S. National Security Council, said in a statement that the woman who was freed, a Yazidi, "appears to have been held as a slave" by Abu Sayyaf and his wife. She said the U.S. intends to return her to her family.

  • FrontpageTuesday, May 19, 2015 Page 11



    Former Chelsea forward Andre Schurrle was delighted to hear from Jose Mourinho that he will receive a winners' medal despite leaving Stamford Bridge for Wolfsburg during the Blues' triumphant campaign.The Germany international struggled for form and playing time in the first half of 2014-15, something on which he feels that his World Cup exploits played a big part, but will be recognised for his efforts.Harbouring no grudge over his exit from Chelsea, Schurrle paid tribute to those who had secured them the trophy."I didn't know that I'd get a medal when I didn't play most of the second half of the season," he told the BBC World Service."Jose Mourinho sent me a text to say that I'd get a medal and he asked me to come to the last game. That was very nice for me.Roberto Mancini's men face a real battle to reach the European spots after Alvaro Morata's late strike somehow evaded his graspInter's European hopes were dealt a crushing blow by Juventus on Saturday as a howler from Samir Handanovic gifted the champions a 2-1 win.




    Ivory Coast's ministry of interior affairs has launched an investigation into unpaid bonuses which should have been given to the country's victorious 2015 Africa Cup of Nations squad. Players and officials were promised a substantial financial reward by the Ivorian government for winning the tournament in Equatorial Guinea in February. There has been a lengthy delay in the money reaching some squad members, prompting both coach Herve Renard and midfielder Serey Die to question why.


    LIVERPOOL 1-3 CRYSTAL PALACEThe Eagles struck either side of half-time to condemn Brendan Rodgers' side to defeat and move to within two points of the top half of the Premier League tableCrystal Palace spoiled Steven Gerrard's farewell party with a 3-1 Premier League win over Liverpool at Anfield.Gerrard's final appearance on his home ground before joining Major League Soccer outfit Los Angeles Galaxy dominated the pre-match build-up and Adam Lallana's 26th-minute opener meant the 34-year-old's 354th competitive Anfield outing was all set up to end in success.But Palace ignored the script, as the brilliant Yannick Bolasie and Jason Puncheon led the charge against a shaky Liverpool backline, the latter equalising with a free-kick late in the first-half.Visiting substitute Wilfried Zaha scored 22 seconds after his 59th-minute introduction and then won a late penalty that Glenn Murray converted on the rebound, as Alan Pardew's team completed a deserved league double over the Merseyside outfit.The 120th Premier League goal Gerrard and his adoring faithful craved proved elusive and Liverpool now head into the final weekend of the season yet to secure UEFA Europa League qualification.Gerrard was afforded a guard of honour by the players from both sides and a thunderous reception from the Anfield crowd as he entered the field separately with his daughters, Lilly-Ella, Lexie and Lourdes. The pre-match festivities, capped by a spine-tingling rendition of 'You'll Never Walk Alone', gave way to an initially subdued contest

    with a testimonial-feel, as neither team created any chances of note during the opening exchanges.Palace winger Bolasie almost scored the opening goal after 23 minutes when his speculative shot spun wide off Liverpool defender Martin Skrtel with goalkeeper Simon Mignolet beaten.Ex-Liverpool defender Martin Kelly featured as one of five changes to an experimental Palace line-up and he had an unwitting hand in his former teams opener - playing a dreadful pass back towards fellow centre-back Scott Dann for Lallana to intercept, charge through on goal and

    finish emphatically.Palace should have been level in the 29th minute when Bolasie outmuscled Dejan Lovren to send in a low cross from the right. Emre Can could only clear as far as Joe Ledley, who blazed a shot wastefully over.Mignolet got down well to keep out a deflected strike from Puncheon and the same player gave the Londoners the equaliser they deserved two minutes before half-time.Can was booked for bringing Bolasie down in full flight on the edge of the box and Puncheon left Mignolet red-faced by whipping a fine left-footed free-kick across the

    goalkeeper and into his side of the net.Liverpool wing-back Jordon Ibe drove a shot into the side netting after 49 minutes after a strong start to the second half from Palace.Jordan Henderson also had an effort deflected wide but the visitors continued to attack with the greater authority and Zaha's instant impact put them ahead.Bolasie was again instrumental, cutting the ball back across the six-yard box for his fellow attacker to score with his first touch.Gerrard finally enjoyed a sight of goal in the 64th minute, arrowing a drive

    towards the bottom corner that Wayne Hennessey saved. Once more, Palace responded and Bolasie turned inside Skrtel to rattle a shot against the crossbar.The fairytale ending ultimately proved beyond Gerrard, with Zaha winning a 91st-minute penalty - although fellow substitute Lucas Leiva's foul appeared to be fractionally outside the area.Murray, another substitute who had already struck the post, fired home after Mignolet had saved his initial spot-kick before Anfield rose to acclaim its hero at full-time.

    Monrovia-Liberia traditional soccer rivals Invincible Eleven (IE) and Mighty Barrolle faceoff on Friday on Day one of the 2015 annual President Cup tournament at the Blue Field Sports pitch on Lynch Street.The Yellow Boys got the better of their rival as Shalle Quiah got the match opening goal in the 55th minute through a header after receiving a cross from teammate Julius Nah.Both teams ended the first half goalless but IE performed better through ball possession and shots on goal.Jimmy Gray scored the Yellow Boys second goal in the 89th minute through spacing after


    he got a splendid pass from Monue Jimmy.Barrolle could have conceded more goals if it was not goalkeeper Seku Boyah who denied IE players several clear scoring opportunities.Earlier in the day, Keitrace FC recorded the tournament first victory through penalty shootout against Aries FC after the two teams settled to a 1-1 draw during the full 90-minutes of play.Amadiel Kawah scored the tournament opening goal for his side Keitrace FC in the 16th minute but Musa Bah equalized for Aries in the 60th minute.Stephen Jayee failed to utilize Aries FC opportunity of advancing to the second round of the tournament after he missed his side last penalty kick that could have given them victory as they lost 5-4 in the penalty shootout.The Head Coach of IE Papa

    Kamara described his side 2-0 triumph over Barrolle as a step forward and urged his players to take each game in the tournament serious. As we all know this is a knockout tournament, we are presently participating in and so we all have to do our best in order for us to finish as champions and that aim can only come true if we maintain our winning spree against our opponents, said Coach Kamara. On the other hand, Goalkeeper Sekou Bayoh who made several brilliant saves for Barrolle, blamed his fellow players for their team quick exit from the tournament.I blame my fellow players especially the midfield and forward line for our team quick exit from the tournament because they lacked total ball possession, shot on goal and finishing touches, the goalkeeper said.

    Goalkeeper Bayoh disclosed that they agreed to participate in the ongoing President Cup tournament and the just ended Coca-Cola tournament in order for Head Coach Benjamin Saydee and members of his technical staff to be able to know the best players on the two squads and prepare for the LFA 2015 national league season.We agreed to take part in those competitions so that we will be able to select good players for our final squad for the LFA 2015 national league season and not to win trophies, Coach Saydee said.The goalkeeper urged his fellow players to learn from their past mistakes and to now increase their training at the highest degree if they wish to be part of the final selection for the league season. The tournament is sponsored by Srimex OIL and Kailondo.

    A. Macaulay Sombai, sombai121@gmail.com

  • Page 12 |Frontpage Tuesday, May 19, 20156a

    Henry Karmo (0886522495) henrykarmo@frontpageafricaonline.com

    Monrovia-Criminal Court D at the Temple of Justice was Monday a scene of disbelief when six alleged armed robbers pleaded guilty while two others denied the charges.The six alleged armed robbers who face other charges including attempt to commit murder, conspiracy and facilitation admitted their guilt right after the indictment was read to them.Are you guilty? Yes, we are guilty all six of the armed robbers responded unanimously in open court.Although the six young men believed to be in their early thirties have pleaded guilty but are required to go through the normal formality of trial as required by law.By their plea of guilt the defense lawyer Atty. Jallah Zumo asked the court to grant the six defendants separate trial from the two others who denied any involvement in the act.State lawyers led by Cllr. Sunifu Sheriff interposed no objection to the request made by the lone defense lawyer Atty. Zumo who is also a public defense lawyer. Presiding Judge Johannes Zlahn granted the request for separate trial while the case was adjourned to resume at 9: am Wednesday May 21, 2015.The eight alleged robbers Six Armed Robbers Plead Guilty In Open Court



    who have been in jail since October 2012 are held for series of armed robbery incidents that took place in Paynesville and Newport Street in Central Monrovia.The court indictment stated that the October 20, 2012 armed robbery in which the men were held took place in Paynesville and the

    victim (name withheld) was placed under gun point, as the alleged robbers used cutlasses and other deadly weapon with a plan to kill the victim.Items including cell phones valued at US$710, 00, one laptop computer valued US$1,200.00, one watch valued US$10. 00 and cash

    in the amount of US$ 600.00 and L$5,000 were reportedly stolen.On October 28, 2012 on Newport Street the alleged armed robbers also placed the victim under gun point and took away cash amounting to US$2, 500, assorted packs of scratch cards valued US$832.00 and

    assorted cell phones placed on charge by the victims customers.Another armed robbery incident allegedly by the men is reported to have also taken place on October 30, 2012 on the Duport Road in Paynesville.The indictment also stated that a police officer assigned

    Kennedy L. Yangian kennedylyangian@frontpageafriconline.com 0777296781

    Monrovia-The Liberian Senate Committee on Health Monday held confirmation proceedings for two of the four candidates nominated by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the Ministry of Health.Dr. Francis Kateh and Mr. Edward B. Tolbert, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Health Minister for Administration designate respectively met the senate committee without Dr. Bernice Dahn and Tolbert Nyenswah Minister and Deputy Minister for Preventive Services designate respectively.According to the Committee Chairman, Senator Peter Coleman, (Congress for Democratic Change-Grand Kru County) the two nominees could not appear before the senate because committee members agreed that the

    nominees appear two at a time to provide the Senators the opportunity to ask important questions on the health sector.On whether the Committee is giving any consideration to the allegations against Dr. Dahn and Nyenswah by the General Auditing Commission (GAC) on the alleged misapplication of Ebola funds he said, the committee will go ahead with confirmation proceedings.Senator Coleman said: That will be left with the public account committee (PAC). That report is being evaluated and they will make the necessary recommendation and the legislature will act upon that recommendation.Senator Coleman who chairs the committee that denied Mr. George Werner as Health Minister said, despite the decision to leave the issue of the GAC report with the PAC each senator on the committee

    has a vote to decide the confirmation of the two.At the committee level each senator has a vote and at the plenary level each senator has a vote and if a senator decides that by virtue of the fact that because these people are being accuse by the GAC will influence his or her vote than that is it, Senator Coleman said.Speaking on the issue of protesting health workers whether that could influence the decision of the senate to deny Dr. Dahn and Nyenswah he said, Dr. Dahn has responded to the health workers complaints against her to the senate and that response will be read in plenary as was done with the health workers and decision on next step will be left with the senate.Health workers last month wrote the Liberian Senate requesting that body to

    deny the health minister designate because according to them she has been part of an administration with no interest in the welfare of health workers demonstrated by their failure to place on payroll sacrificing health workers and refusal by former Minister, Dr. Walter Gwenigale to reinstate dismissed health workers.Nyenswahs Position not legislatedCommenting on Deputy Minister Nyenswahs position - dep