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Post on 30-Oct-2014

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#Report Number : #1Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Paramore Debut 'Renegade' At Fueled By Ramen ShowAuthor : -Source : http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1670415/paramore-renegade-fueled-by-ramen.jhtml

VocabularyChurning : campuran (n)Spokesperson : juru bicara (n)Platform : panggung (n)Premiere : pertunjukkan pertama (n)Stir : keributan (n)

SummaryParamore debute their new single “Renegade” at The Fueled by Ramen 15 th anniversary. They promise it will able to hear a full version very soon. Renegade is a churning, spiky thing, full of roiling bass and guitars, and seems to bridge the gap between the band's punky Riot! past and the more plaintive expanses of 2009'sBrand New Eyes.

CommentI just can’t wait the full version and video clip of this song. Renegade is a proof from Paramore after Josh and Zac Farro departure from this band that they can still work without Josh and Zac Farro. Renegade wouldn’t sound of their past album and this is a new Paramore. Let we see what will Paramore do next. I hope Paramore won’t disappointed their fans, ParaFamily.

#Report Number : #2Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : School to Japan Without Learn Japanese Language Author : -Source : http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2011/08/school-to-japan-without-learn-japanese.html

VocabularyForeign : luar negeri (adj)Undergo : menjalani (v)Award : menghadiahkan (v)Additional : tambahan (adj)Several : beberapaTuition : biaya perkuliahan (n)Expense : biaya (n)Achievement : prestasi (n)Requirement : syarat, keperluan (n)Enrollment : pendaftaran (n)

SummaryAsian Pacific University (APU) scholarships for foreign students to undergo studies in of Sakura. This scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 4 years (until graduation) and no ties whatsoever. The APU uses English as an introduction to learning so we don’t need learn Japanese language. Scholarships are awarded APU includes only 124 credits over four years for freshmen (first year student), 94 credits for 3 years for second-year transfer student, and 62 credits for 2 years for a third year transfer student. Well, there are several scholarship options, namely Pre-Enrollment scholarship that covers 100 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship programs 80 percent, 65 percent of the scholarship program, scholarship program by 50 percent, 30 percent scholarship, and Honor Scholarship.

CommentThis scholarship sound very interesting cause without learn Japanese language we can study at Japan. We just good in English cause APU uses English as an introduction to learning. But I think we still need to learn Japanese language even at the school we use English but in daily activities we still use Japanese language.

#Report Number : #3Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Android 2.2 OS ExplainedAuthor : -Source : http://www.samsung.com/uk/article/android-2-2-os-explained

VocabularyBenefit : menguntungkan (n)Knowledge : kekuasaan (n)Console : menghibur (n)Enhance : mempertinggi (n)Device : perlengkapan (n)

SummaryAndroid is the only mobile operating system created by Google. Android is open-source software, which means anyone can make the operating system better. With Android 2.2, your device is faster than when you use system operation Android previously. Android 2.2 lets you turn your device into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. . Android 2.2 supports Adobe® Flash® 10.1, Adobe® Air®, file uploading and Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine so you can access the full Internet along with great games and interactive web pages. Get additional support for Microsoft® Enterprise and Microsoft® Exchange, including enhanced security and calendar synchronization.

CommentI think Android 2.2 is very useful with this we can always connect to internet. Not only that, Android 2.2 also support Microsoft, when you don’t bring laptop you can work with it. Android 2.2 also make our device as a portable Wi-Fi.

#Report Number : #4Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : The Importance of Learning EnglishAuthor : -Source : http://www.highqualityeducation.com/the-importance-of-learning-english.html

VocabularyImmense : besar sekali (adj)Further : melanjutkan (v)Headquarters : markas besar (n)Produce : menghasilkan (v)Decent : layak (adj)Case : kasus (n)Grasp : pemahaman (n)

SummaryNow, learning English is a important thing because English need in the business world, education world, and even when you want to get visa.

CommentI think so. Not only in the business and education world we need English even in the daily activities we need use English. Some people think that English too difficult to learn but I think learn English is really fun and important for our life.

#Report Number : #5Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Learning Online And Gaining Your DegreeAuthor : -Source : http://www.highqualityeducation.com/learning-online-and-gaining-your-degree.html

VocabularyEase : kemudahan (n)Whereas : sedangkanAttend : menghadiri (v)Expect : berharap (v)Relocate : memindahkan (v)Whilst : sambilObtain : memperoleh (v)Bachelors degree : gelar sarjanaCommute : pulang-pergi (v)Abundance : kemewahan (n)Advice : nasihat (n)Fund : dana (n)

SummaryOne of the big benefits that the internet has brought to the world is the ability to learn and study long distance with relative ease. You can now obtain an online bachelors degree through the internet without needing to travel or commute every day to campus. By earning your degree online you will be able to continue working at your profession while significantly expanding your qualifications and education.

CommentWith learning online we can save our time and energy cause we don’t have to go to campus. But I think we also need socialize with the other and we can get it when we at campus.

#Report Number : #6Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Health Benefits of SwimmingAuthor : -Source : http://medsavailable.com/articles/health-benefits-of-swimming

VocabularyRave : sambutan hangat (n) Pressure : tekanan (n)Commended : mempercayakan (v) Assure : meyakinkan (v)Expert : ahli (n) Tangiable : nyata (adj)Worth : berharga (v) Endurance : stamina (n)Effort : usaha (n) Buoyancy : mengapung (n)Fitness : kemampuan (n) Strain : ketegangan (n)Enrich : memperkaya (v) Severe : berat (adj)Preferable : lebih disukai (adj) Obese : gendut (adj)Virtually : sebenarnya Necessary : kebutuhan (n)Applicable : dapat dipakai (adj) Joint : sendi (n)Stroke : gaya, gerak (n) Estimate : perkiraan (n)Submerge : menenggelamkan (v) Wander : berkelana (v)Against : terhadap Attest : membuktikan (v)Exercise : latihan (n)

SummarySwimming is a fun exercise besides walking. Swimming have more benefits for our life. Swimming doesn’t just work on the legs or arms but it also work on all of in the muscles in a person’s body. It also helps to develop shoulders and hips. It helps develop a person’s cardiovascular endurance and fitness. Swimming gives very little joint strain than walking or running. Swimming also can burns a lot ofcalories. Not only that, it also brings psychological benefits, because water can make someone to relax.

CommentI think based that text swimming is a great exercises for our body. Not only for our body but it also can make us relax after work all day. It can do for everyone no matter how olds a person gets. It is a cheap exercise than fitness.

#Report Number : #7Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : How to Get Better SleepAuthor : -Source : http://medsavailable.com/articles/how-to-get-better-sleep

VocabularyTissues : jaringan (n) Establishing : menentukan (v)Toss : melempar (v) Doze : mengantuk (v)Disorder : kekacauan (v) Avoid : menghindari (v)Lack : kekurangan (n) Plenty : jumlah yang cukup (n)Drain : menguras (v) Tendency : kecenderungan (n)Determine : menentukan (v) Dimmer : peredup (n)Disturbance : gangguan (n) Distract : menganggu perhatian (v)

SummaryLack of sleep can caused several kind of diseases due to a poor immune system. There are several things you can do to help you get sleep that you want. Try to following sleep schedule, don’t watching TV or using computer an hour before you going to bed, you must get dinner four hours before your bedtime, make your room is conducive for sleeping and resting.

CommentI think this tips really useful because the most people only can get sleep 4-6 hours each day. Maybe we can do this tips so can’t get lack of sleep again. Because lack of sleep can make our immune system down.

#Report Number : #8Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Is Really Chocolate Good For You?Author : -Source : http://heartdisease.about.com/od/otherriskfactors/a/chocolate.htm?terms=flavonoids

VocabularyBlood vessel : pembuluh darah (n) Yield : menghasilkan (v)Volunteers : sukarelawan (n) Approximately : sekitar (adv)Stiff : kaku (adj) Gain : keuntungan (n)Hypertensive : hipertensi (n) Adhere : mematuhi (v)Postulate : asumsi dasar (n) Adjust : menyesuaikan (v)Improvement : perbaikan (n) Violate : melanggar (v)Instance : misalnya (n)

SummaryConsuming chocolate can improve the function of blood vessels. Feeding 100 grams of dark chocolate can improve systolic and diastolic blood pressure but chocolate have lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, 100 grams of dark chocolate can yields approximately 500 calories. It can make person obese.

CommentI think the text right, don’t eat chocolate too much. We must adjust the increase of calories because it can make someone obese.

#Report Number : #9Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Enjoy The Excellent Features Offered by Sony Ericsson X8Author : -Source :http://cmvlive.com/technology/gadgets/enjoy-the-excellent-features-offered-by-sony-ericsson-x8

VocabularyImmense : besar sekali (adj)Demand : permintaanVenture : usaha (n)Advance : kemajuan (n)Enhance : mempertinggi (v)

SummarySony Ericsson X8 support various music files, which include MP3, WAV, MP4 and WMV. The internet connectivity provided through GPRS, EDGE, 3G and WLAN. The built-in storage memory available is 128 MB and 168 MB RAM, which is upgradeable up to 16 GB without any difficulties. The camera is a superior quality 3.2 megapixel capacity providing clear pictures with a resolution of 2048x1536 pixels. The smart phone is 3G enabled, which offers user HSDPA 7.2 Mbps and HSUPA 2 Mbps downloading speeds.

CommentI think this smart phone is a extraordinary phone because with the weight only 104 grams, this phone can provide us many features, such as the quality of camera and can support many various music files. But, I think for the touch screen phone the screen of this phone is too small.

#Report Number : #10Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : What is FreemansoryAuthor : -Source : http://grandlodge.on.ca/frameswhat-is-freemasonry.htm

VocabularyFraternity : persaudaraan (n) Circumstance : keadaan (n)Urges : mendorong (v) Warrant : menjamin (v)Sovereign : penguasa (n) Approach : pendekatan (n)Acknowledge : mengakui (v) Reverence : ketaqwaan (n)Maintain : memelihara(v) Dependability : dapat dipercaya (n)Preside : memimpin (v) Compassion : simpati (n)Lodge : persatuan Honour : kehormatan (n)Jurisdiction : kekuasaan hokum (n) Uphold : mempertahankan (v)Strict : ketat (adj) Trace : meniru (v)Encourage : mendorong (v) Solicity : memohon (v)Charity : organisasi social (n) Felloe : sesama (adj)

SummaryFreemason is the oldest and the largest world wide fraternity. Freemason is not a religion, it urges the member to faithful and devoted to their religions beliefs. If you want to become member of this fraternity you must man 21 years old or older and must be recommended by two members.

CommentMost people think that Freemason is a religion but with this article you that Freemason just a fraternity not a religions. I really interested about this fraternity because in this we can learn way to live such as we must honour our country, uphold the laws and respect authority.

#Report Number : #11Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Herbal Insomnia RemediesAuthor : -Source : http://medsavailable.com/articles/herbal-insomnia-remedies

VocabularyAnxiety : kecemasan (n) Extend : memperpanjang (v)Suffer : menderita (v) Deepen : memperdalam (v)Instead : malahan Lengthen : berkepanjangan (v)Consider : menganggap (v) Sedative : obat penenang (n)Astonishingly : menakjubkan (adj) Restlessness : kegelisahan (n)Remedy : memperbaiki (v) Treat : mengobati (v)Plenty : jumlah yang cukup (n) Tranquilizer : obat penenang (n)Accomplish : melakukan (v) Heightened : menaikkan (v)Prescription : resep (n) Proven : terbuktiStartle : mengejutkan (v) Relieve : melegakan (v)Sporadic : hanya sekali-kali terjadi (adj) Tension : ketegangan (n)Nerve : syaraf (n) Withdrawal : kemunduran (n)Linger : berlama-lama (v) Addictive : ketergantunganRegard : menganggap (v) Grogginess : kepeningan

SummaryPoor sleep can cause depression, anxiety, weight gain or unhealthy skin. The most important thing to remedies insomnia is having healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. Here the a just few herbs that are know to have sleep-promoting properties: chamomile, St. John’s Wort, valerian, cava, and passionflower. 

CommentI think this herbal insomnia remedies better than tranquilizer because tranquilizer can make someone addictive with this. I think the best thing to remedy insomnia is having a healthy life.

#Report Number : #12Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : How to Strengthen Your Immune SystemAuthor : -Source : http://medsavailable.com/articles/fitness/how_to_strengthen_your_immune_system

VocabularyNourish : memelihara (v) Liver : hati (n)Consist : terdiri dari (v) Loss : kehilangan (v)Diminish : mengurangi (v) Deteriorate : membusuk (v)Reliable : dapat dipercaya (adj) Proper : pantas (adj)Ally : sekutu (n) Storage : penyimpanan (n)Synthesize : menyintensiskan (v) Lack : kekurangan (n)Yolk : kuning telur (n)

SummaryThere are ways to improving our immune system, such aa eating fruit and vegetables. Because fruits and vegetables contain vitamins that our bodies need.


CommentI think this article right. Vitamins only few are needed by the body but it’s really important for our bodies. This article also explain where we can find that vitamins.

#Report Number : #13Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Are You Getting Enough Sleep?Author : -Source : http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/sleep-requirements

VocabularyDefend : mempertahankan (v) Demand : menuntut (v)Infants : bayi (n) Impair : melemah (v)Expert : ahli (n) Intoxicated : mabuk (adj)Drowsy : mengantuk (adj) Magnify : memperbesar (v)Deprivation : kemiskinan (n) Fatigue : kelelahan (n)Deprive : menghalangi (v) Drowsiness : kekantukkan (n)Debt : hutang (n) Estimate : anggaran (n)Overdrawn : hutang (n) Overcome : menanggulangi (v)Yawn : menguap (v)

SummaryToo little sleep may cause memory problems, depression, increasing your chance of becoming sick, and increase I perception of pain. Getting too little sleep creates a “sleep debt”, which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Too little sleep also can get a vehicle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

CommentFrom this article we can know that too little sleep can make number of death by vehicle accident increase. Little sleep can cause many problem on our body and our psychology. So, must get enough sleep.

#Report Number : #14Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : How to Stop Smelly FeetAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/foothealth/Pages/smellyfeet.aspx

VocabularyStinky : berbau busuk (adj) Moist : lembab (adj)Regardless : bagaimanapun (adv) Successive : berturut-turut (adj)Prone : cenderung (adj) Consecutive : berturut-turut (adj)Perspiration : keringat (n) Susceptible : mudah tertimpa (adj)Odour : bau (n) Dab : mengusap (v)Chiropodist : perawat kaki (n) Dip : mencelupkan (v)Damp : basah (adj) Barefoot : tanpa sepatu (adj)Thrive : berkembang (v)

SummaryThe main cause of smelly feet is sweaty feet combined with wearing the same shoes everyday. What you could do if you’re susceptible smelly feet, (1) dab between your toes with cotton wool dipped in surgical spirit after a shower or bath; (2) use a spray deodorant or antiperspirant on your feet; (3) put medicated insoles; (4) try to feet-fresh socks; (5) wear leather or canvas shoes; (6) wear open-toes sandals in summer and go barefoot at home in the evenings. To treat smelly feet you just wash your feet with antibacterial soap called Hibiscrub.

CommentI think this article is useful because the most people have trouble with smelly feet. This article gives us way to treat smelly feet without the huge costs.

#Report Number : #15Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Self-Help Tips to Help You Stop SmokingAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/smoking/Pages/Motivateyourself.aspx

VocabularyStick : menempel (v) Crave : merindukan (v)Revealed : membeberkan (v) Succeed : berhasil (v)Satisfying : menyenangkan (adj) Patch : tambalan (n)Swap : mengganti (v) Lozenges : tablet untuk dikulum (n)Viggie : sayuran (n) Straw : sedotan (n)Affect : mempengaruhi (v)

SummaryIf you want to stop smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle, such as think positive, make a plan to give up, change your diet, change your drink, identify your problem times, get some support, get moving, make non-smoking friends, keep your hands and mouth busy, and make a list.

CommentI hope this article help smokers to stop smoke because this article provide an easy way for us to do.

#Report Number : #16Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Exercise and StudyAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/studenthealth/Pages/Exerciseandstudy.aspx

VocabularyBoost : mendorong (v) Lecture : perkuliahan (n)Require : mewajibkan (v) Instead : sebagai gantinya (var)Effort : usaha (n) Altogether : semuanya (adv)Moderate : tidak berlebihan (adj) Brisk : cepat (adj)Pleasantly : dengan nyaman (adv) Revise : memperbaiki (v)Tight : sempit (adj) Coursework : kursu (n)Council : dewan (n)

SummaryNot only is exercise good for your overall health and fitness, but it also boosts your mental wellbeing. You don’t need to make a plan for exercise, easy way to get exercise such as walking, ride a bike or jog in the morning. During exam time you also can get exercise. An easy way is going for a walk in 15 minutes.

CommentPreviously, I think exercise good for physical health but after read this article I know that exercise also good or our mental. In this article we can figured out what the exercise we can do during exam times.

#Report Number : #17Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Five Ways to Healthy This WinterAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/winterhealth/Pages/Healthywinter.aspx

VocabularyHibernate : tidur sepanjang musim dingin (v) Roast : memanggang (v)Debt : hutang (n) Mash : melumatkan (v)Average : rata-rata (adj) Excuse : alasan (n)Aim : bertujuan (v) Lounge : kamar tunggu (n)Due : harus dibayar sekarang (adj) Tension : ketegangan (n)Tip-top : sangat baik (adj) Cooped up : terkurung (v)Tempting : menggoda (v) Porridge : bubur (n)Ensure : menjamin (v) Starchy : mempunyai zat tepung (adj)Portion : porsi (n) Fibre : serat (n)Date : buah kurma (n) Temptation : godaan (n)Raisin : kismis (n)

SummaryFive ways to keep healthy and fit in winter: eliminate your sleep debt; drink more milk; eat more fruits and vegetables; try new activities for the whole family; have a hearty breakfast.

CommentMost people in winter just cooped up in house. Maybe with this article we can some activity to keep our healthy body.

#Report Number : #18Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Ten Ways to Boost Your HealthAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/healthy-living/Pages/Ten-ways-to-boost-your-health.aspx

VocabularyPremature : sebelum waktunya (adj) Further : lebih jauh (adv)Reduce : memperkecil (v) Anxiety : kecemasan (n)Expectancy : harapan (n) Pulse : denyut nadi (n)Excessive : berlebihan (adj) Symptom : gejala (n)Saturate : menjenuhkan (v) Lump : benjolan (n)Plenty : jumlah yang cukup (n) Occur : berlangsung (v)Underlying : yang dasar (adj)

Summary10 thing you can do to improve your health: (1) check your weight; (2) drink less; (3) eat less salt and fat; (4) exercise regularly; (5) eat more fruit and veg; (6) keep stress in check; (7) improve your sleep; (8) quit smoking; (9) get a sexual health test; and (10) check that lump.

CommentI think this article is really help us to improve our health but this article doesn’t explain in specify. More detailed explanation is explaining in another article.

#Report Number : #19Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Time ManagementAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Stressmanagement/Pages/Timemanagement.aspx

VocabularyRegain : mendapat kembali (v) Renew : memperbaharui (v)Charter : sesuatu yang disewa (n) Reduce : memperkecil (v)Toward : ke arah (var) Decision : keputusan (n)Principle : dasar (n) Delegate : wakil (n)Prefer : mengutamakan (v) Dealt : ditangani (v. pass)Avoid : menghindari (v) Defer : menunda (v)Resentful : dongkol (adj) Aside : pengesampingan (n)Compound : melipatgandakan (v)

SummaryThe aim of good time management is to achieve the lifestyle balance you want. Here are a few tips for better time management: (1) work out your goals; (2) make a list; (3) work smarter, not harder; (4) have a lunch break, (5) prioritise important tasks; and (6) practice the 4 Ds.

CommentThis article is really useful for us because most people can’t manage time themselves. But this article only focused on the businessman.

#Report Number : #20Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Danger of Smoking In MorningAuthor : -Source : http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2011/08/danger-of-smoking-in-morning.html

VocabularyAddicted : kacanduan (n)Refrain : menjauhkan diri (v)Examine : memeriksa (v)Compare : membandingkan (v)

SummaryThe habit of consume cigarettes in the morning can make someone get a greater risk than consume cigarettes on the day or night.

CommentThis article explain more the examined about the dangerous smoking in the morning may be it can make smoker realize that smoking is not good for our body.

#Report Number : #21Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Self-Help Tips to Fight FatigueAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/tiredness-and-fatigue/Pages/self-help-energy-tips.aspx

VocabularyFrequent : sering mengunjungi (v) Bear : menahan (v)Excess : lebih (adj) Scald : melukai kulit dengan air panas (v)Exhausting : lelah (adj) Gentle : enteng (adj)Apart : terpisah (adv) Evidence : bukti (n)Obvious : jelas (adj) Referral : rujukan (n)Nap : tidur sebentar (n) Gradually : berangsur-angsur (adv)

SummaryMany cases of unexplained tiredness are due to stress, not enough sleep, poor diet and other lifestyle factors. Here the tips to restore your energy: eat often; get exercise; lose weight; get enough sleep; reduce stress; talk about it; cut out caffeine; drink less alcohol; and drink more water.

CommentI think this article is a good article because tips in this article can be using for everyone who have a problem with fatigue.

#Report Number : #22Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Young Carers and SocialisingAuthor : -Source : http://www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/young/your-life/Pages/Socialising.aspx

VocabularyBully : penyiksa (n)Awkward : canggung (adj)Isolate : mengasingkan (v)Opportunity : kesempatan (n)

SummaryAs a young carer, you also must spend time with your friends and classmates. Make time to do something you can enjoy with your friends such as going to cinema, go shopping or just watch DVD at your home.

CommentThis article is right although you is a carer you still should spend your time even it’s just a few hour.

#Report Number : #23Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Dark Chocolate ‘as good for health as exercise’Author : -Source : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/09/15/dark-chocolate-as-good-for-your-health-as-exercise-115875-23420575/

VocabularyIngredient : bahan (n) Tire : melelahkan (v)Discovery : temuan (n) Viable : dapat dilakukan (adj)Compound : campuran (n) Offset : mengimbangi (v)Mice : tikus (n) Reveal : membeberkan (v)Soared : melambung (v) Decrease : mengurangi (v)Counteract : melawankan (v) Fancy : kesukaan (n)

SummaryThe scientists found dark chocolate contain an ingredient that boost muscles in a similar way to using a running machine in the gym. It’s working at mice and they wants to see if it also working on human.

CommentI hope it not only working on mice but it can also work on human. If it’s working on human, we doesn’t need exercise. To get the benefits of exercise just by eating chocolate but too much eat chocolate we can get obesity.

#Report Number : #24Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Human Brain Need VacationAuthor : -Source : http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2011/08/human-brain-need-vacation.html

VocabularySaturation : kejenuhan (n) Encourage : mendorong (v)Conducted : melakukan (v) Sharpen : mengasah (v)Quoted : dikutip (v) Tend : berkecenderungan (v)Enhance : memperbesar (v) Thus : jadi (var)Awareness : kesadaran (n) Overwhelmed : kewalahan (adj)

SummaryFour reason that make the holiday becomes important for the brain are improve memory, enhance creativity, sharpens concentration, and provide rest time.

CommentAfter I read this article I realize that the important thing in vacation is to refresh our brain.

#Report Number : #25Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Mobile Phone are A Brain Cell ‘Killer’Author : -Source : http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3427617/Mobile-phone-signals-kill-brain-cells.html

VocabularyWarn : memperingatkan (v)Emit : mengeluarkan (v)Reveal : membeberkan (v)Occur : berlangsung (v)

SummaryResearch has already shown mobiles emit radiation and can heat up brain cells.

CommentThis article doesn’t explain about the consequences if we always keep use mobile phone.

#Report Number : #26Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Fizzy Drinks Make Kids Violent Claims StudyAuthor : -Source : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/10/25/fizzy-drinks-make-kids-violent-claims-study-115875-23512473/

VocabularyViolent : galak (adj) Toward : terhadap (var)Admit : mengakui (v) Rose : meningkat (v)Neck : berciuman (v) Pop : minuman bersoda (n)Peer : sesama (n) Violence : kekerasan (n)Split : membagi (v) Simplistic : sederhana (adj)Swig : meneguk (v)

SummaryBased on research teens who down more than five cans of soft fizzy drinks a week are more likely to be violent or carry weapon. The experts believe the sugar or caffeine content in carbonated, no-diet drinks could be to blame – although they admit there may also be other factors involved.

CommentFrom this article I figured out that soft fizzy drinks can make people more aggressive even it can make people do some violence.

#Report Number : #27Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Olive Oil Cuts The Risk of A Stroke by 40%Author : -Source : http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/252972/Olive-oil-cuts-the-risk-of-a-stroke-by-40-

VocabularySlash : memangkas (v)Disrupt : mengganggu (v)Clog : menyumbat (v)Clot : gumpalan (n)Suggest : menyarankan (v)Issue : mengeluarkan (v)

SummaryResearch has found that older people who use it as a regular part of their diet were 41% less likely to suffer the condition. Olive oil is thought to help unclog arteries, preventing blood clots.

CommentI hope this research can prove by clinic trial. Because olive oil would be a cheap and easy way to help prevent stroke.

#Report Number : #28Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : The Success Key of BlackBerry in Indonesia Author : -Source : Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com

Vocabulary Compare : Bandingan (n)Incessant : Tak berhenti (adj)Subscribe : Berjanji akan membayar (v)Utilize : Menggunakan (v)Diverse : Bermacam-macam (adj)

SummaryThis figure is believed to still be growing along with the incessant activity of RIM's marketing partners in Indonesia. The people of Indonesia is fond of texting. So they get a better experience with the fuel features, email and social media. That's what makes the BlackBerry sold in Indonesia. In addition, RIM also implement their various strategies such as building community, providing a diverse selection of products, or offer efficiency and durability of products that claimed to be the best in its class.

CommentBlackBerry is a smart phone. It have so many features, that makes a lot of people choose BlackBerry for their mobile phone. But I think system operation of Android better than BlackBerry. Because Android use open-source software.

#Report Number : #29Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : How to Move on from a Bad RelationshipAuthor : -Source : Artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com

VocabularyBreaking up : putus (n)Imperfect : tidak sempurna (adj)Memorable : mengesankan (adj)Rid : membersihkan (v)Remembrance : kenangan (n)

SummaryTo move on from a bad relationship, we need to remember and do a few things. First, think in our head that it is over. No more hoping, and no more fantasizing that he will call and get back together. To move on from a break up, it also helps if you get rid of anything that reminds about him. So if you want to move on take good care of yourself.

CommentI think that article give inspiration for us. We can learn about control our emotional and then we can reach the greatest gift that we have given our self.

#Report Number : #30Name : Farahul JannahDepartment : PSIK IAStudent’s Number : 201110420311008Title : Useful Information On a Homeschool CurriculumAuthor : -Source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/education/article_2098.shtml

Vocabulary Consider : mempertimbangkan (v)Requirement : keperluan (n)Recognize : mengenal (v)Graduation : tamat sekolah (n)Incorporate : menggabungkan (v)

Summary Homeschool curriculum is a non formal approach to education. There are many private schools that offer such kind of system. Among the benefits, you should consider the following. Secure environment for their kids because they don’t have to go out. They can study and learn their lesson at home or private home schools. The home school curriculum packages are usually offerd with home school books. Home education is a recognized form of education. We can save money from the transportation in the society. Pretest reviews are given to the students, they will know what to expect. According to homeschool curriculum review, the best school program is a balanced one. It should contain the most important academic subjects. Aside from that it should also offer subjects that could improve a person’s skills and values. Like, religious studies are also incorporated.

CommentWe can get information about benefit home school curriculum from this article. And we know about home school curriculum the best school program is a balanced one. But I think the best education is at school because at school we not only learn about science but we can also learn how to having socialization with another person.