Tutorial #3: Kommbox Email Integration

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Kommbox has inbuilt two way email integration. Not only are email notifications are sent out to the users, but users can also interact with Kommbox by sending email. This tutorial covers these aspects.


Tutorial #3Kommbox Email Integration

sales@kommbox.comAcism Software Private Limited, Pune

(020) 25380588

Kommbox has inbuilt two way email integration.Not only are email notifications are sent out to the users,

but users can also interact with Kommbox by sending email.This tutorial covers these aspects.

Message AlertsMessage Alerts

Here is an example of an email notification when a new message is created in Kommbox.Similar alerts are sent when a new discussion is created or a message is updated.

Message AlertsMessage Alerts

Mail headers:The “From” field shows the name of the sender, however the mails are always sent out from Kommbox email id. The sender's email id is not seen by the recipient. Some users find it a good idea to create a rule based on the Kommbox email id to send all Kommbox email notifications to a separate folder.Email subject has the name of kommbox and the discussion id, which makes it easy to sort in a mailbox. You will also notice the color code (R,Y or G) in the subject line.

Message AlertsMessage Alerts

The message header and message content

Message AlertsMessage Alerts

Special attention is invited to the footer of the message.Unique link (using which the message can be uniquely refered

globally) appears here.Action icons are actually mailto links for taking various actions

through email, like replying to the message, creating a new discussion or a task. Hover over an icon to know its purpose.

Task AlertsTask Alerts

Just like discussion events, alerts are sent out for task events too.Seen here is an alert when work is logged by an assigned user against the task.

Task AlertsTask Alerts

The email headers are similar to those with the message alerts.

Task AlertsTask Alerts

The message contents show the recent update followed by the task detail.

Task AlertsTask Alerts

Task email actions, like adding comment, logging work are in the footer (just like message actions). In addition, the task actions for editing a field of the task are accessed by clicking on the edit icon in front of the relevant field.

Daily / Weekly DigestsDaily / Weekly Digests

Kommbox automatically sends out Daily / Weekly digest emails

They contain the task updates, discussion updates within a given period and the currently open tasks.

In many cases, they serve any requirement of status updates, eliminating the manual labor in making these reports.

Configuring the Emails You ReceiveConfiguring the Emails You Receive

You can (and should) configure which emails one wants to receive from your “My Profile” page within the Kommbox web application. This means that you have direct control over your email traffic.

“All” instant updates refers to all the task and message updates. Typically, middle and top management may not want these instant updates and may switch these off.

“Important” instant updates means only the updates to high priority tasks and messages with a red (someone is upset) mood. One may want these on even if “all” instant updates are off, so as to get them quickly without having to wait for a daily / weekly digest.

Daily / weekly digests may also be switched on or off.

Thank youThank you


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