Twitter Presentation For Workshop

Post on 16-May-2015

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Twitter for BusinessPresentation for Twitter-LinkedIn Workshopby Marilyn Moran


Twitter is a free social networking service that allows you to stay connected in real time with friends, family, business associates, customers, and more.


According to The Nielsen Company, Twitter is the fastest growing social networking service on the web today. Just in the past year it’s grown over 1300%.


The largest age group on Twitter was 35-49; with nearly 3 million unique visitors, comprising almost half of the site’s audience.

Brands Using Twitter Successfully

Many brands are using Twitter as a customer service and feedback tool. They are also posting special offers, company news, company events, and aggregating blog posts and press releases.

Comcast – friendly customer supportJetBlue – customer serviceDunkin Donuts - special, Twitter-only discounts & giveawaysFord – multiple accounts for specific business areas

Ford Asia Pacific and Africa – Customer Service – Drive Green – Drive One – Mustang – Trucks –

More Brands Who Tweet here:

Getting Started

Signing up is easy to do!

Enter your name, desired user name, select a password, and your email address.

Getting Started: User Name Tips

• Use your real name, business, brand, or website name so people can easily find you.

• User names are limited to 15 characters. So you may have to abbreviate your name. Avoid hyphens or underscores when possible.

• If you have a large company and are going to have multiple people representing you, decide if you will be using one account also called a role account, or using multiple accounts. If you are using multiple accounts consider using a naming convention like TAADSkip or CoherentEd.

Getting Started: Setting up your profile

You’re all signed up, now what?What do you use it for?  How do you find people to follow?  How to get people to follow back?

Your profile/bio is very important. - Your full name or business name - Your location (people will search by location)

- Linking to your website is a no brainer! - Bio should include relevant info about you or your company. Use keywords you want to target.

Getting Started: Upload Photo

Adding a picture to your profile will assure others that your account is active and is real.

No Yes Yes

• Personal account - use a headshot or personal picture.

• Corporate account – use company logo or appropriate logo derivative.

Getting Started: Upload Background

Backgrounds can be used to show additional identifiable information about you, your brand, or company & act as a call to action.

custom background with additional information such as email address

link to blog, customer support, etc.

Taking the time to do this will set you apart from others and create

online synergy.

Getting Started: Tweeting

Tweets are the text-based messages, up to 140 characters, that are sent to and from people on Twitter.

What should you tweet?

• Promote new services or products • Announce special deals, discounts, or giveaways • Publish company news items or “insider info” • Promote events/”live tweet” from events• Drive traffic to new pages of your website• Mention awards or special accomplishments• Post links to your blog posts or interesting news articles• Quotes or other interesting anecdotes• Questions to your followers for feedback & jump start conversations

Getting Started: Tweeting

When should you tweet?

Get into the habit of checking Twitter daily. Commit at least 15 minutes per day to check your Twitter stream, monitor your followers, search for followers, and tweet. If you have nothing to tweet about, find something interesting someone else has tweeted and “re-tweet” it. Re-tweeting is simply re-posting someone else's tweet on your Twitter stream. Most people will appreciate the re-tweet. Chances are they will re-tweet you in return when appropriate.

Getting Started: Twittequette

General Twitter EtiquetteTwitter should not be used as merely a broadcasting tool. That is a sure-fire way for people to tune out and simply not follow your tweets.

• DO @reply to people as often as you can; contribute to topics of interest – these replies should be conversational in tone where possible. DM (direct message) if it is a private message.• DO DM (direct message) people that DM you – especially if they are asking a question, want more info, or complimenting you or your product/service.

• Please be wary of spam accounts or others who auto-DM or try to sell you something. Use your best judgment whether to respond or not.

• DO tweet useful and informative items.• DO tweet positive, encouraging, and uplifting items.

Getting Started: Twittequette

General Tweeting Etiquette, con’t

• DO thank someone for re-tweeting a post.•.DO tweet only things you want people to know and are comfortable sharing. In other words, don’t tweet your home address! Public tweets are just that – public, for all to see, and FOREVER.• DO shorten URLs. There are many URL shorteners, some even track stats such as• DO use hashtags (#) to call out keywords especially if others are. For example, many events set up a hashtag in advance for all to use while at the event.• DO attend local “tweetups” or host tweetups to network with others in person.• DON’T use auto-follow or auto-DM. This annoys many people.• DON’T use DM just to thank them for following and post a link to your website. This is considered rude & selling right off the bat.• DON’T beg for more followers.

Getting Started: Search

By using Twitter search functions you can find what people are saying about you, your company, or within your industry. This can help you determine who to follow.

Click on “Find People” in the top navigation links.

Getting Started: Search

Finding People…

1.By keyword search2.By email3.Invite 4.Suggested Users – take this with a grain of salt!

Getting Started: Search

Real Time Search – in footer links, click on “Search” or

Real Time Search also includes trending topics,

which are the hot topics at any given time.

Getting Started: Search

Other Twitter Search Tools & Twitter Directories

• Twellow – known as the “Twitter Yellow Pages”• We Follow - by tag, or add yourself.• Monitter - you to search tweets in real time for a set of keywords• Tweetscan - up for email alerts on tweets for certain keywords• TwittGroups - people by common interest, topic, or industry

Business Benefits: Publishing

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: Publishing

Twitter is an instant publishing tool. It’s fast, concise, and highly interactive. Whether you’re posting a link to a new blog post, or issuing a press release, the information is released in real time. Keep in mind: it is important to balance your “promotional” tweets with tweets that are more “human” or conversational. For example: offer tips and advice that people will want to re-publish.

You can syndicate your Tweets by using the Twitter widget.Upload the widget to your website, blog, or other profiles.

Click on “Apps” on the footer links to get the code.

TIP: You can also syndicate your blog posts to your Twitter account by using

Business Benefits: Relationships

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: Building Relationships & Community

As with other forms of social networking, Twitter allows you to connect with people – people who are or may become your target customer or client. By connecting with people on Twitter it shows you are listening & available to them.  It puts a human face on your business.

Furthermore, learn who your readers are, find out what they want and care about, and find a way to supply it to them or point them in its direction. It’s shouldn’t be about you and what you have, it’s about them and what they need. Accomplishing this will promote loyalty to your company or brand.

QUALITY OVER QUANTITY: Don’t get obsessed about your number of followers or people you’re following. It’s the quality relationships that matter. In a nutshell: Engage with your audience… often! Give them a reason to evangelize your business or brand.

Business Benefits: Branding

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: Branding

Twitter can be quite helpful in building or reinforcing your brand. By tweeting relevant, good quality information or links about your business or industry, it can align you with that industry.

Find and connect with other industry thought leaders. Read what others in your industry are tweeting, respond to, and share that information. Join the conversation about issues that are relevant to your industry.

As with any online venue, communication on Twitter should be in line with your overall messaging and emphasize your unique value proposition. • Reiterate what makes your business special without constantly tooting your own horn.• Don’t waffle on your company’s position or stance – even if you receive criticism or gripes.• Be consistent.

Business Benefits: Business Development

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: Business Development

Twitter is a powerful business development tool. By listening to your clients and prospects, you will find out what they would like to see, hear, taste, and experience. This is powerful feedback that you can use to adjust your current product or service offerings, or create new products or services.

If nobody is talking, ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will stimulate conversation. If nobody responds, keep trying. Don’t give up.

If you receive criticism, DON’T PANIC. Review & respond. Use the feedback to strive to be better! Continue listening and engaging the community.


Business Benefits: Customer Support

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: Customer Support

Promote your Twitter account as an additional way for your clients or customers to reach out to you. Respond to customer service related tweets as promptly as you can. Resolving customer problems in an efficient manner will give them another reason to evangelize you.

Using Twitter for customer support can be a cost-effective way to handle customer issues. It shouldn’t replace your customer service department, rather it should augment it.

Your customers or prospects are talking about you and/or challenges they have. Find them, reach out, and address their issues.

Note: encourage your followers NOT to disclose private data.

Business Benefits: SEO

Business Benefits of Using Twitter: SEO

Twitter URLs, profiles and statuses are often indexed in the search engines.

Linking back to your website counts toward “inbound links”

Firefox browser plug-in “Greasemonkey” will show real time tweets in Google searches.

Measuring ROI

Before embarking on any social media campaign, you must determine how and when you will define and measure ROI.

What metrics are important to you?• Followers?• Number of Re-Tweets?• Direct Messages?• Content of conversations?• Visits to website?

Install Google Analytics on your website and start to watch for visits coming from Twitter. Use custom URL’s to track referrals for specific campaigns or goals.

Measuring ROI isn’t always about “return on investment”. Think about it, what is your “Return on Ignoring”? Nothing, right?

Useful Twitter Clients & Applications

Desktop ClientsTweetDeck - - - (also has video capability)

iPhone AppsTweetie - ($2.99)Twitterific -

Managing Multiple Twitter accountsHootSuite - - -

For FunTwitter Grader - - will give your Twitter account a score & suggest recommendations to better your score.

Promote Your Twitter Outside of Twitter

Once you have created a Twitter account and are tweeting, tell clients, colleagues, and other business associates that you are there.

• Add link to your email signature• Add link or widget to your website• Blog about it• If you use an email list (such as Constant Contact), announce it to your list.• Add link to your business cards• Talk about Twitter offline. If you meet people who are on, offer to follow them and ask them to follow you in return.

Summary/Contact Us

The key to using social media (such as Twitter) is in creating a comprehensive strategy that suits your needs and goals. This strategy should include the objectives and outcomes you wish to accomplish.

Contact us to learn how we can help you develop a sound social media strategy for your business.

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