Types Of Therapy Offered By Swastha Savera

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Types Of Therapy Offered By Swastha Savera

1. Moxibution Therapy

• Moxibustion therapy is an old form of heat therapy using leaves of Mugwort plant.

• Mugwort herbs are burned, then the resulting heat is applied on the specific points of the body.

• It helps to treat arthritic and joint pain conditions when the pain is predominantly worse in cold or damp weather.

• It is also helps to treat woman’s health disorders including infertility, menstrual cramps and ovarian cysts.

2. Chiropractic Therapy

• This therapy is known for its Chiro=Hand and Practice= Exercise of the Autonomic Nerves system which helps in restoring flow of Energy in the body.

3. Far Infrared Ray Therapy

• Far Infrared Ray (FIR) are the waves of energy which are totally invisible to the naked eye.

• It has the capacity to penetrate deeply into the human body and elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.

• Emitting FIR through Tourmanium Stone deep in to the body helps in Vasodilatation thus improving blood circulation and dissolve clot formation.

4. Massage Therapy

• Massage Therapy is known for reducing stress hormone thus all the negative impact of Stress can be tackled through the Massage.

5. Low frequency Therapy

• Low frequency therapy is also now well established in improving cell activity and reducing lipid from the body.

6. Acupressure Therapy

• There are 14 acupressure points in our spine which are cleared one after another through the programmed therapy bed which restores normal blood supply to the Organs and Limbs.


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