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Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: obvezni/mandatory

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ327

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 LV / SV 90 30 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Vojeslav Vlachy/dr. Vojeslav Vlachy, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Značilnosti znanstvenih in strokovnih besedil (preciznost, preglednost, konsistentnost, koherentnost, primernost, verodostojnost). Določitev namena pisanja. Kako definirati problem, o katerem pišemo. Prilagoditi pisanje ciljnemu bralcu. Struktura znanstvenih in tehničnih besedil. Različni tipi besedil (poročila, znanstveni članki, pregledni članki, predlogi projektov, presentacije, poljudni članki, disertacija, življenjepis, ...). Kako napisati predlog projekta. Ustno podajanje. Elementi tehničnih besedil.

Characteristics of effective academic writing (accuracy, clarity, conciseness, coherence, appropriateness). Stating the document purpose. Defining the problem of our written account. Adjusting the style to different audience types. Organization of the document. Document types (research reports, scientific papers, review papers, project proposals, oral presentations, thesis, CV, ...). How to write a scientific project. Oral presentations. Elements of technical documents.

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Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- Hancock, Elise. Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Science Writing. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 Dodatna literatura: - Blum, Knudson, Henig, A Field Guide for Science Writers: The Official Guide of the National Association of Science Writers, Oxfrod University Press - SciLance, Hayden, Nijhuis, The Science Writers Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Pitch, Publish and Prosper in the Digital Age, Da Capo Lifelong Books

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Predmet uvaja študente v pisanje znanstvenih in strokovnih besedil, s katerimi se srečujejo pri svojem študiju in raziskovalnem delu. Študent se seznani z različnimi načini komuniciranja v znanosti ter razvija znanja potrebna za uspešno izražanje in posredovanje svojih idej.

The course represents an introduction to scientific writing related to the student’s field of study and research. Student gets familiar with different kinds of scientific communications and develops skills needed for successful articulation of ideas and their dissemination.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Pridobivanje sposobnosti uspešnega posredovanja idej in znanja.

Knowledge and Comprehension Learning how to successfully communicate ideas and knowledge.

Uporaba V znanosti in pri vsakdanjem delu je pomembno uspešno posredovanje zamisli.

Application In science as in the everyday life it is important to successfully transmit our ideas.

Refleksija Znanja, ki jih študent osvoji pri tem predmetu, mu pomagajo pri pisanju člankov, poročil in predlogov projektov.

Analysis The knowledge acquired during the course helps students in writing papers, reports, and project proposals.

Prenosljive spretnosti Ta znanja nam lahko koristijo pri delu in tudi v vsakodnevnem življenju.

Skill-transference Ability This kind of knowledge is useful in work as also in everyday life.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Študent znanje posredovano pri predavanjih uporabi pri konkretnem problemu ter pripravi ustrezno besedilo.

The student learns basic principles of scientific writing and applies this knowledge to a concrete problem.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Za uspešno opravljen izpit se zahteva uspešna pisna in ustna predstavitev določene teme.


Successful written and oral presentations of the selected topic are required to complete the course.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

1. V. Vlachy, Ionic Effects Beyond the Poisson-Boltzmann Theory, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 50, 145-165 (1999).

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2. B. Hribar Lee, T. Truskett, V. Vlachy, and K. A. Dill, Modelling Water. The Hydrophobic Effect, and Ion Solvation, Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. 34, 173–199 (2005). 3. S. Čebašek, M. Seručnik, and V. Vlachy, Presence of Hydrophobic Groups May Modify the Specific Ion Effect in Aqueous Polyelectrolyte Solutions, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 3682-3688 (2013). 4. N. Malikova, Anne-Laure Rollet, S. Čebašek, M. Tomšič, and V. Vlachy, On the crossroads of current polyelectrolyte theory and counterion-specific effects, PhysChemChem Phys, 17, 5650-5658 (2015). Nosilec je sam ali v so-avtorstvu objavil 164 znanstvenih člankov v revijah kot so Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US, J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Phys. Chem. B, J. Chem. Phys., in mnoge druge, ki so zbrali več kot 2100 neodvisnih citatov. Med leti 2003 – 2010 je bil »Adjunct Professor« na Kalifornijski univerzi v San Franciscu (UCSF). Vsaj en semester je predaval na Univerzah v Berkeley-u (UCB), San Franciscu UCSF), na Univerzi v Regensburgu in 2 meseca na Univerzi Pierre&Marie Curie v Parizu. Imel je vabljena predavanja, tudi plenarna, na večih konferencah v tujini in doma. Od leta 1989 je bil ves čas nosilec vsaj enega domačega in/ali tujega projekta – od l. 2001 dalje je skupaj s prof. K.A. Dill-om nosilec projekta Solvation in Biology, ki ga financira ameriška agencija Natl. Inst. Health (Medicinal Chemistry). Od leta 1999 je vodja programske skupine. Nosilec ima več kot 30 let predavateljskih izkušenj.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ301

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


/ / 75 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Iztok Turel /Dr. Iztok Turel, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je izvajalcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. Priprava in uporaba spojin kovinskih elementov: Priprava spojin elementov, ki imajo praktične aplikacije. Sistematičen pregled sinteznih principov za pripravo spojin in metod njihove karakerizacije. Poglobljen pregled izbranih primerov sodobnih uporab: modelne koordinacijske spojine (zaščita lesa; modeli encimov, ipd.), fotosenzitivne rutenijeve spojine v Graetzlovih celicah, fluorescenčne kovinske spojine in uporaba v analitiki, spojine zlata in nanotehnologija, elektrodni materiali. Pregled nekaterih najuspešnejših kovinskih katalizatorjev, ki se uporabljajo tudi v industriji (Noyori, Grubbs, Heck, itd.). Mehanizmi delovanja. Biološko aktivni kompleksi. Pregled nekaterih spojin ki imajo dokazano biološko aktivnost in so že v klinični rabi ali pa v preizkusni fazi. Načrtovanje in sinteza novih biološko aktivnih koordinacijskih spojin, ki temeljijo na poznavanju mehanizma delovanje že obstoječih učinkovin, oziroma na podlagi najnovejših spoznanj o delovanju posameznih bioloških sistemov. Pri tem bodo uporabljene najnovejše strategije in metode. Pomembni vidiki tega načrtovanja so oblika/ struktura ter fiziološka dostopnost učinkovin, glede na njeno ciljno uporabo. Pri tem študent pridobi znanje, ki mu omogoča samostojno delo na področju biološko aktivnih spojin. Kovinski kompleksi z makromolekulami. Kovinski kompleksi z nekaterimi

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. If more persons are taking the study programme, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. Preparation of compounds with practical use. Systematic review of synthetic principles used for the preparation of compounds and methods for their characterization. In-depth review of selected, up-to-date examples of practical applications: metal complexes as model compounds (wood preservation; enzyme models, etc.), photosensitive ruthenium compounds used in Graetzel cells, fluorescence metal compounds and their application in analytics, gold compounds and nanotechnology, electrode materials. Review of some most successful metal catalyst also used in industrial processes (Noyori, Grubbs, Heck, etc.). Mechanisms of action. Biologically active complexes. Review of selected compounds with confirmed biological activity already in clinical use, or have entered clinical trials. Design and synthesis of novel biologically active coordination compounds. Design will be based on the knowledge derived from the approved drugs (with known mechanisms of action) or from modern principles about functioning of biological systems. Novel strategies and methods will be used in the process. Through these procedures the student will acquire the knowledge for independent work in the field of biologically active compounds. Metal complexes with macromolecules. Metal complexes with macromolecules have great

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makromolekulami imajo velik aplikativni pomen. V splošnem ločimo dva sintezna pristopa k pripravi teh spojin. Pri prvi metodologiji gre za koordinacijo kovinskega kompleksa na že formiran polimer, pri drugi pa enostaven kovinski kompleks reagira z monomerno enoto in v reakciji polimerizacije nastane makromolekula, ki ima kovinski atom pogosto v osnovni polimerni verigi. Sintezne poti za pripravo kovinskih kompleksov z makromolekulami, strukturne značilnosti in tipične lastnosti teh kompleksov, biomedicinske aplikacije. Organokovinske spojine. Načrtovanje sinteze organokovinskih spojin, eksperimentalne tehnike pri sintezi, karakterizacija produkta. Dinamična NMR spektroskopija kot metoda za študij fluksionalnih organokovinskih in drugih molekul: osnove, določanje termodinamskih in kinetičnih parametrov in mehanizma dinamičnega procesa. Uporaba dinamične NMR spektroskopije za proučevanja mehanizma reakcij, kataliziranih z organokovinskimi katalizatorji. Kovine v okolju. Razporeditev kovin in kovinskih spojin v okolju, esencialni in toksični elementi, naravni in antropogeni izvori, pomen kovin za žive organizme. Reakcije in kroženje kovin in kovinskih spojin v okolju (topnost spojin, ligandi v okolju, nastanek koordinacijskih spojin, reakcije koordinacijskih spojin, stabilnost koordinacijskih spojin, obarjanje, adsorpcija, kemisorpcija, ionska izmenjava, redoks reakcije, frakcionacija kovin v tleh). Obremenitev okolja s kovinskimi spojinami (toksičnost, mejne vrednosti, zakonodaja). Povezovanje navedenih vsebine z aktualnimi okoljskimi problemi. Sanacija tal in vode, stabilizacija odpadkov (ocena stanja pri onesnaženju s kovinami, principi sanacije, izbira metode sanacije).

potentials for application. In general, two approaches for the synthesis of macromolecular metal complexes are known: - coordination of metal ions on bulk polymers - preparation of a metal complex with monomeric unit followed by polymerization and formation of a polymer with metal ion bonded to the polymeric chain. Synthesis of metal complexes with macromolecules, characterization and structural properties of the macromolecular metal complexes, applications in biomedicine. Organometallic compounds. Planning of the syntheses of organometallic compounds, experimental techniques of the syntheses, characterization of the products. Dynamic NMR spectroscopy as a tool for the study of dynamic behaviour of molecules: background, determination of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters and mechanism of dynamic process. The use of dynamic NMR spectroscopy for studying the reaction mechanism catalyzed by organometallic catalysts. Metals in the environment. Distribution of metals and their compounds in the environment, essential and toxic metal compounds, geochemical and anthropogenic sources of metals, importance of metals for living beings. Reactions and circulation of metals in environment (solubility of metal compounds; ligands for metals in the environment; origin, reactions and stability of coordination compounds; precipitation, adsorption, chemisorption, ionic exchange, redox reaction and fractionation of metals in ecosystems). Pollution of the environment with metal compounds (toxicity, limit values, legislation). Connection of mentioned topics with actual environmental problems. Remediation of soil and water, stabilisation of wastes (evaluation of the state of contamination with metals, principles and suitable methods of rehabilitation).

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Literaturo določijo izvajalci glede na izbrane vsebine, za primeren skupni obseg (cca. 300 do 400 strani) poskrbi nosilec./ Literature will be determined by lecturers according to selected

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topics, while course coordinator will take care for obtaining suitable total volume (cca. 300 and 400 pages). - C. E. Housecroft, A. G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England, 2008 (1098 strani- izbrana poglavja). - H.-B. Kraatz, N. Metzler-Nolte (Eds.) Concepts and models in bioinorganic chemistry, Third Edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2006 (443 strani- izbrana poglavja). -B. A. Richardson, in Wood preservation, Second Edition, Preservation Chemicals, E. & F.N. Spon, London, England, 97-152 (2002). - D. B. Mitzi, Solution processing of inorganic materials, Hoboken Wiley, New Jersey, 2009 (497 strani - izbrana poglavja). - K. Kalyanasundaram, Dye-sensitized solar cells, CRC Press, Lausanne, 2010 (604 strani - izbrana poglavja). - P. Day P., Molecules into materials, World Scientific, New Yersey, 2007 (586 strani - izbrana poglavja). -E. Alessio (Ed.), Bioinorganic Medicinal Chemistry. Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA: Weinheim, Germany, 2011 (422 strani- izbrana poglavja). - A. Sigel, H. Sigel (Eds.), Metal ions in biological systems, vol. 1-44, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel 2004 (izbrana poglavja). - A.S.Abd-El-Aziz et al (Eds.) Macromolecules containing metal and metal-like elements, Vol.3, Biomedical applications, Hoboken Wiley, New Jersey 2004 (208 strani). - C. Elschenbroich, A. Salzer, Organometallics, A Concise Introduction, Third Edition, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,Weinheim, 2006 (818 strani). - J. P. Vernet, Heavy metals in the environment, Elsevier Science, 1991 (424 strani - izbrana poglavja). -Novejši pregledni članki iz revij.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študent pridobi pogolobljeno znanje o izbranih poglavjih anorganske kemije. Spozna strategije načrtovanja sintez ter se nauči iskati in interpretirati povezave med zgradbo, lastnostmi in potencialno uporabnostjo izbranih vrst spojin. Nauči se uporabljati različne eksperimentalne metode pri razreševanju problemov, povezanih z izbranimi vrstami spojin.

Student acquires knowledge on selected chapters in inorganic chemistry, knows how to plan strategies for syntheses and is able to interpret the relationships between the structure, properties and potential application of selected types of compounds; knows how to apply various experimental methods to resolve problems associated with selected types of compounds.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Predmet s poglobljenim pregledom izbranih poglavij iz anorganske kemije, predstavlja nadaljevanje anorganskih predmetov iz nižjih nivojev študija. Študent je sposoben demonstrirati znanje in razumevanje bistvenih podatkov, konceptov in teorij, ki so povezane z izbranimi pojmi vsebovanimi v opisu vsebine predmeta.

Knowledge and Comprehension This course represents a deeper insight into selected chapters in inorganic chemistry and is a continuation of inorganic courses from lower levels of study. The student is able to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the essential data, concepts and theories related to the selected content of the course described above.

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Uporaba Študent spozna, kako znanje o raznih elementih periodnega sistema uporabiti za načrtovanje sintez spojin in tudi predvidevanje njihovih lastnosti. Sposoben naj bi bil uporabljati svoje znanje interdisciplinarno in na praktičnih primerih. Študent pridobi izkušnje kako narediti analizo podatkov v določenem sistemu povezanem z anorgansko kemijo. Spozna različne uporabe anorganskih elementov, spojin in materialov.

Application Student learns how knowledge about various elements of the periodic table is used for the rational synthesis of compounds as well as to anticipate their properties. The emphasis is on the interdisciplinary application of his/her knowledge and on problem-based examples. Student acquires knowledge to analyse data in certain inorganic chemistry system and learns about versatile uses of inorganic elements, compounds and materials.

Refleksija Študent za izbrano temo pripravi seminar na

osnovi lastnega razumevanja vsebine člankov

iz strokovnih revij oziroma poglavij iz knjig. Pri

pripravi gradiva uporablja refleksijo, pri čemer

sistematično in ustvarjalno razmišlja, da bi

bolje razumel procese ter na ta način

izboljšuje prihodnja ravnanja. V seminarju

izbrano temo predstavi in analizira podatke

ter predstavi tudi svoj pogled na tematiko.

Temo predstavi tudi pred kolegi.

Analysis Student will prepare a seminar on the chosen topic. This will be based on an in-depth analysis of the topic on the basis of his own understanding of the content of articles in scientific journals or book chapters. Systematic and creative thinking should be used to better understand the processes and to improve her/his future actions. In seminar selected topic is presented, analysed and also her/his own view should be given. The topic is presented also to student colleagues.

Prenosljive spretnosti Poznavanje vsebin in način dela omogočata boljše razumevanje zakonitosti tudi pri drugih predmetih študija in povečata širino znanja. Samostojno delo (iskanje literature, zbiranje in interpretacija podatkov, predstavitev) je prenosljivo na mnoge druge predmete študija in pa seveda tudi na kasnejše življenjske situacije. Naučene spretnosti so kot podlaga koristne tudi pri praktičnem delu in izdelavi teze, prav tako pa služijo tudi pri osebnem profesionalnem razvoju.

Skill-transference Ability The knowledge and skills obtained during this course also enable better understanding of the principles in other courses of doctoral study and broaden the scientific knowledge. Individual work (literature search, collection and interpretation of data, presentation) is transferable to many other subjects of study and definitely also to many real situations in life. Learned skills are useful as a basis for practical work during preparation of the thesis and also help in their personal professional development.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Konzultacije za izbiro najprimernejše teme. Samostojno iskanje literaturnih virov ter obdelava in interpretacija podatkov. Priprava in predstavitev seminarske teme.

Consultations to select the most appropriate topic. Autonomous literature search, processing and interpretation of data. Preparation and public project presentation.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Priprava in predstavitev seminarske naloge (80 %) in njen ustni zagovor (20

Preparation and presentation of seminar (80 %) and oral exam (20 %).

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Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- A. Bicek, I. Turel, M. Kanduser, and D. Miklavcic, Combined therapy of the antimetastatic compound NAMI-A and electroporation on B16 F1 tumour cells in vitro, Bioelectrochemistry, 71, 113-117 (2007). - S. Seršen, J. Kljun, F. Požgan, B. Štefane, I. Turel, Novel organoruthenium(II) β-diketonates as catalysts for ortho-arylation via C–H activation, Organometallics, 32, 609−616 (2013). - J. Kljun, I. Bratsos, E. Alessio, G. Psomas, U. Repnik, M. Butinar, B. Turk, I. Turel, New uses for old drugs: attempts to convert quinolone antibacterials into potential anticancer agents containing ruthenium, Inorg. Chem., 52, 9039–9052 (2013). - M. Gobec, J. Kljun, I. Sosic, I. Mlinarič-Rascan, M. Ursic, S. Gobec, I. Turel, Structural Characterization and Biological Evaluation of a Clioquinol–Ruthenium Complex with Copper-Independent Antileukaemic Activity, Dalton Transactions, 43, 9045–9051 (2014).




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ302

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


/ / / / 75 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: doc. dr. Barbara Modec /Dr. Barbara Modec, Assistant Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.

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Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja izbere tiste metode, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Izvajanje koordinira nosilec. Reakcije sintez: pregled najpomembnejših reakcij in njihovih mehanizmov ter reagentov za pripravo anorganskih, koordinacijskih, organokovinskih in kovinsko-organskih spojin. Podrobnejša predstavitev nekaterih raziskovalnih dosežkov zadnjih let, ki so odprli nove možnosti na navedenemu področju. Pregled zahtevnejših sinteznih tehnik: sinteze v kontrolirani atmosferi, solvotermalna sinteza, sol-gel sinteza, sonokemične sinteze, termični razpad prekurzorjev anorganskih spojin.

Student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those topics that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. The whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. Reactions: outline of the important reactions and their mechanisms and reagents for the preparation of inorganic, coordination, organometallic and metalloid-organic compounds. Detailed study of some important research achievements that have opened new possibilities in the field. Advanced synthetic techniques, such as syntheses in the controlled atmosphere, solvothermal synthesis, sol- gel synthesis, sonochemical synthesis, thermal decomposition of precursors of inorganic compounds.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- Catharine. Housecroft, Alan.G. Sharpe, Inorganic Chemistry, 4th Edition 2012, 3th Edition 2008, Pearson, Harlow, 40% od 1214 strani. - F. Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Carlos A.Murillo, Manfred Bochmann, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Wiley, 1999, 10% od 1356 strani. - J. Derek Woollins (urednik), Inorganic Experiments, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2003, 25 % od 377 strani. - Novejši pregledni članki iz znanstvenih revij. / Review articles.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študenti spoznajo zahtevne sintezne poti, reagente in tehnike za pripravo anorganskih, koordinacijskih, organokovinskih in kovinsko-organskih spojin ter za pripravo posebnih oblik teh snovi, kot so nanodelci, tanki filmi, snovi z visoko poroznostjo. Poudarek je na perspektivnih metodah, ki se naglo razvijajo.

Students acquire knowledge of advanced synthetic methods, reagents and techniques for the preparation of inorganic, coordination, organometallic and metallo-organic compounds, and for the preparation of compounds in the form of nanoparticles, thin films, porous material and other useful forms of matter. Particular attention will be given to the most promising methods.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

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Znanje in razumevanje Poznavanje sodobnih sinteznih metod v anorganski kemiji omogoča sintezo novih in že znanih spojin, ki jih pripravljamo z namenom, da na njih študiramo zakonitosti o lastnostih in reaktivnosti snovi ali izkoriščamo njihove lastnosti v najrazličnejše namene

Knowledge and Comprehension Knowledge of modern synthetic methods in inorganic chemistry enables the synthesis of new and already known compounds, which are prepared to study the basic principles of properties and reactivity of compounds or to exploit properties of compounds in a wide variety of purposes.

Uporaba Anorganske snovi se sintetizirajo npr. za uporabo kot materiali, katalizatorji, reagenti za nadaljno sintezo, za elektrokemijsko uporabo, hranilnike energije. Razvoj na teh in sorodnih področjih zahteva tudi sintezo teh spojin.

Application Inorganic substances are synthesized for example as materials, catalysts, reagents for further synthesis, for electrochemical use, the energy-storage materials. Developments in these and related areas requires the synthesis of inorganic compounds.

Refleksija Pomembno je zavedanje, da niso dosegljive samo snovi iz prodajnih katalogov, temveč tudi vse znane in mnoge še neznane snovi z morda presenetljivimi lastnostmi.

Analysis It is important to recognize that not only material from commercial catalogs are available, but also all known and many unknown substances with perhaps surprising properties.

Prenosljive spretnosti Pridobljeno znanje o tehnikah za sintezo anorganskih spojin je uporabno tudi pri sintezi drugih spojin, različni prijemi pa tudi na drugih področjih kemije.

Skill-transference Ability The knowledge of the techniques of the synthesis of inorganic compounds is useful in the synthesis of other compounds, as well as in other areas of chemistry.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Individualne konzultacije, učenje tehnik v s praktičnim delom v laboratoriju.

Individual consultations, practical work in the laboratory.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Priprava in predstavitev seminarske naloge ter njen zagovor; ustni izpit

Sem. 40 % Izp. /Ex. 60 %

Preparation and presentation of seminar work, oral exam.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

1. COTTON, F. Albert, DIKAREV, Evgeny V., GU, Jiande, HERRERO, Santiago, MODEC, Barbara. Alkylpyridine complexes of tungsten(II) and chromium(II), First rotational isomers of W2X4L4 molecules with D2h and D2 symmetries. Inorganic chemistry, ISSN 0020-1669, 2000, vol. 39, no. 23, str. 5407–5411. 2. MODEC, Barbara, BRENČIČ, Jurij, BURKHOLDER, Eric M., ZUBIETA, Jon. Novel molybdenum(V) squarato complexes based on the dinuclear metal–metal bonded unit: syntheses and structural characterization of dinuclear [Mo2O4(C4O4)(R-Py)4] and tetranuclear [Mo4O8(C4O4)4]4–. Dalton transactions, ISSN 1477-9226, 2003, no. 24, str. 4618–4625. 3. MODEC, Barbara, BUKOVEC, Peter. Solid state structures of dinuclear and trinuclear tungsten and molybdenum complexes with single metal–metal bonds. Inorganica Chimica Acta, ISSN 0020-1693. 2015, vol. 424, no. 1, str. 226–234.

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Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ303

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


/ / / / 75 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Anton Meden /Dr. Anton Meden, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi tehnikami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Kratka osvežitev znanja o difrakciji rentgenskih žarkov, nevtronov in elektronov na trdnih snoveh. Uporaba zahtevnejših tehnik na monokristalih (elektronska gostota, anomalna disperzija, absolutna konfiguracija, uporaba več valovnih dolžin v okolici absorpcijskega roba, strukturna analiza dvojčenih kristalov).

With mentor’s agreement students chose among the techniques, which are closest to their respective research area. The course coordinator and the program coordinator make sure that the total workload of students does not exceed 5 ECTS. Refreshing/revising student’s knowledge of the diffraction of X-rays, neutrons and electrons on a solid state material. Application of advanced single crystal techniques (electron density, anomalous dispersion, absolute configuration, use of a larger number of wavelengths in the vicinity of absorption edge, structure analysis of twinned

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Uporaba zahtevnejših tehnik na polikristaliničnih in amorfnih materialih (določevanje strukture, Rietveldova metoda za strukturno, mikrostrukturno in kvantitativno fazno analizo, kombinacija nevtronske in rentgenske difrakcije, totalno sipanje in porazdelitvena funkcija parov (lokalna urejenost kristaliničnih in amorfnih snovi), difrakcija na nano-matarialih

crystals). Application of advanced techniques on polycrystalline and amorphous materials (structure determination, Rietveld method for structure, microstructure and quantitative phase analysis, combination of neutron and X-ray diffraction, total scattering and pair-distribution-function (local order of crystalline and amorphous compounds), diffraction of nano-materials).

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Literaturo, ki jo mora študent preštudirati, s spodnjega seznama izbere nosilec predmeta po pogovoru s študentom in izbiri metod, ki jih študent izbere, izbrani obseg je v okviru 300-400 strani./The literture, that the student has to study, is chosen by the lecturer from the list below after the discussion with the student and the student's choice of methods, the selection will comprise between 300 and 400 pages. - Giacovazzo, Carmelo, Fundamentals of Crystallography, International Union of Crystallography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, cop. 1992. - Clegg, William, Crystal Structure Analysis: principles and practice, International Union of Crystallography, Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - Christopher Hammond, The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction International Union of Crystallography,Oxford University Press, 2001. - Pecharsky, Vitalij K. Zavalij, Peter Y., Fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of materials, New York: Springer, 2005 - Young, Robert Alan, The rietveld method, Oxford International Union of Crystallography: Oxford University Press, 1995. - Novejši metodološki članki iz znanstvenih revij/Newer methdological papers from scintific jurnals.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študenti spoznajo teoretične osnove in se naučijo praktično uporabljati nove zahtevne tehnike difrakcijske analize za različne vidike karakterizacije trdnih snovi.

Students acquire fundamentals in theory and practical applications of various novel advanced techniques of diffraction analysis for different aspects of characterization of solid state compounds.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Poglobljeno znanje o teoretičnih osnovah difrakcije in njenih različnih instrumentalnih izvedbah.

Knowledge and Comprehension Advanced knowledge on theoretical background of diffraction and various instrumental applications thereof.

Uporaba Strukturna analiza vzorcev, primerjava struktur, kristalokemijska karakterizacija.

Application Structural analysis of samples, comparison of structures, crystallochemical characterization.

Refleksija Pomen strukturne informacije za razumevanje

Analysis Importance of structural information for

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lastnosti materialov. understanding of material’s properties.

Prenosljive spretnosti Uporaba instrumentov, uporaba zbirk podatkov in različnih računalniških programov za analizo in predstavitev struktur.

Skill-transference Ability Use of instruments, use of databases and various computer programs for analysis and and presentation of structures.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Praktično delo, po možnosti na lastnih vzorcih iz raziskovalnega dela študenta, izdelava seminarska naloge.

Practical work, if possible with samples taken from students’ research work, prepration of a seminar work.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Priprava in zagovor seminarske naloge, ustni izpit.

Sem. 40 % Izp. /Ex. 60 %

Preparation and defense of seminar work, oral exam.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

MAKAROVIČ, Kostja, MEDEN, Anton, HROVAT, Marko, HOLC, Janez, BENČAN, Andreja, DAKSKOBLER, Aleš, KOSEC, Marija. The effect of processing conditions on the properties of LTCC material. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, ISSN 0002-7820, 2012, vol. 95, issue 2, str. 760-767, doi: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.05027.x. [COBISS.SI-ID 25443367] KASUNIČ, Marta, MEDEN, Anton, ŠKAPIN, Srečo D., SUVOROV, Danilo, GOLOBIČ, Amalija. Structure of LaTi[sub]2Al[sub]9O[sub](19) and reanalysis of the crystal structure of La[sub]3Ti[sub]5Al[sub](15)O[sub](37). Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science, ISSN 0108-7681, 2011, vol. B67, no. 6, str. 455-460, doi: 10.1107/S0108768111039759. [COBISS.SI-ID 35540741] MALI, Gregor, MEDEN, Anton, DOMINKO, Robert. [sup] 6 Li MAS NMR spectroscopy and first-principles calculations as a combined tool for the investigation of Li [sub] 2 MnSiO [sub] 4 polymorphs. Chemical communications, ISSN 1359-7345, 2010, issue 19, str.3306-8, doi: 10.1039/c003065a. [COBISS.SI-ID 4386074]




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ304

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


20 55 / / / 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Izr. prof. dr. Helena Prosen /Dr. Helena Prosen, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je nosilcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. - Metodologija in aplikacije novejših spektroskopskih metod v analizni kemiji. Problematika uvajanja plinastih, tekočih in trdih vorcev v atomski spektrometriji. Pomen laserske ablacije v elementni masni spektrometriji. Uporaba atomske spektrometrije (ICP-OES, ICP-MS) za karakterizacijo materialov, okoljskih in bioloških vzorcev. - Masna spektrometrija v analizni kemiji; instrumentacija, tehnike ionizacije in interpretacija masnih spektrov. Nove tehnike v masni spektrometriji (MALDI, proton transfer mass spectrometry, desorption electrospray ionization - DESI). - Sklopitve GC-MS, HPLC-MS in HPLC-ICP-MS. - Elektroanalizne tehnike (voltametrija in stripping tehnike) in aplikacija v analitiki anorganskih in organskih komponent, v analitiki sledov, študiju interakcij kovina-ligand,

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are most related to their research work. The course coordinator, and the leader of the study programme provide the student’s workload corresponding to 5 credits. If several lecturers cooperate on the course, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. - Methodology and application of novel spectroscopic methods in analytical chemistry. Sample introduction problems in atomic spectrometry related to gas, liquid and solid samples. Laser ablation in elemental analysis. The application of atomic spectrometry (ICP-OES, ICP-MS) for characterization of materials, environmental and biological samples. - Mass spectrometry in analytical chemistry: instrumentation, ionization techniques, mass spectra interpretation. Novel mass spectrometric techniques (MALDI, proton transfer mass spectrometry, desorption electrospray ionization - DESI). - Hyphenated techniques GC-MS, HPLC-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS - Electroanalytical techniques (voltammetry and stripping techniques), their applications in analysis of inorganic and organic components,

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bioloških sistemih ter karakterizaciji in analizi materialov in okoljski kemiji. - Elektrokemijski senzorji: principi, aplikacija pri študiju ravnotežij, mikroelektrode, kemijsko modificirane elektrode, pretočne mikroelektrode, ultramikroelektrode. Sestavljene tehnike: spektroelektrokemija (EC-UV-Vis, EC-IR, EC-MS, SEM, EC-STM, EC-AFM).

trace analysis, studies of metal-ligand interactions, characterization of biological systems and analysis of materials, and environmental analysis. - Electrochemical sensors: Principles, application in equilibria studies, microelectrodes, chemically modified electriodes, micoelectrodes for flow systems, ultramicroelectrodes. Hyphenated techniques: spectroelectrochemistry (EC-UV-Vis, EC-IR, EC-MS, SEM, EC-STM, EC-AFM).

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Izbrani pregledni članki iz znanstvene literature. / Selected review papers in relevant literature.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študenti nadgradijo znanja s področja instrumentalne analize, spoznajo trende razvoja in novejše tehnike (tako teorijo kot možne praktične aplikacije), ki so jih pridobili na magistrskem študiju. Kompetence s področja sodobne instrumentalne analitike razvijejo do ravni, ki jo terja raziskovalno delo in reševanje kompleksnih strokovnih problemov v praksi.

Students extend their knowledge of novel instrumental analytical techniques (Theoretical basis and practical applications), which they have acquired at the master’s level and raise their knowledge and skills to the level required for academic research and for solving complex professional problems in industry.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Seznanjenost z modernimi instrumentalnimi tehnikami in napredki na tem področju. Razumevanje principov, delovanja in omejitev posameznih analiznih tehnik za analizo različnih vzorcev, s katerimi se srečujejo pri raziskovalnem delu.

Knowledge and Comprehension Knowledge of modern instrumental techniques and new developments from the field. Understanding of the concepts, working principles and limitations of certain analytical techniques for the analysis of different samples encountered during their research.

Uporaba Študent pridobi znanja o sodobnih instrumentalnih tehnikah analize za uporabo na področju najrazličnejših kemijskih raziskav.

Application Student acquires practical knowledge of modern instrumental analytical techniques to use in different chemical research areas.

Refleksija S povezavo osnovnega znanja o analiznih tehnikah in informacij iz preglednih člankov se nauči razmisleka o možnosti prenosa novosti v lastno raziskovalno prakso.

Analysis By connecting the basic knowledge of analytical techniques and information from the review literature, student learns to reflect on innovation transfer possiblities into their own research work.

Prenosljive spretnosti Obvlada problemsko orientirane raziskave, zna uporabljati strokovno in znanstveno

Skill-transference Ability Student masters the problem-oriented research; knows how to use professional and

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literaturo in obvlada veščine sinteze znanstvenih informacij ter poročanja o njih.

scientific literature; masters the skill of scientific information synthesis and presentation.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Tematska uvodna predavanja nadgrajena s primeri iz znanstvene literature, individualno delo s konzultacijami, seminarsko delo.

Thematic introductory lectures upgraded with case studies based on scientific literature, individual work, seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Pisni pregledni test Priprava pisne seminarske naloge in njen zagovor

33 % 67 %

Written test Preparation of a written seminar with presentation

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- KOŽELJ, Gordana, PERHARIČ, Lucija, STANOVNIK, Lovro, PROSEN, Helena. Simple validated LC-MS/MS method for the determination of atropineand scopolamine in plasma for clinical and forensic toxicological purposes. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 2014, 96, 197-206. - ĆIRIĆ, Andrija, PROSEN, Helena, JELIKIĆ STANKOV, Milena, ĐURĐEVIĆ, Predrag. Evaluation of matrix effect on determination of some bioflavonoids in food samples by LC-MS/MS method. Talanta, 2012, 99, 780-790. - PROSEN, Helena, KOKALJ, Meta, JANEŠ, Damjan, KREFT, Samo. Comparison of isolation methods for the determination of buckwheat volatile compounds. Food Chem., 2010, 121, 298-306.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ305

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 45 / / / 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Matevž Pompe /assoc. prof. dr. Matevž Pompe

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17 od 77

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je nosilcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. - Napredne kemometrične metode v analizni kemiji. - Speciacijska analitika; načini priprave vzorca in izbira primerne analize tehnike. - Miniaturizacija v analizni kemiji: koncept laboratorija na čipu, celoviti mikroanalizni sistemi (mTAS), izdelovalne tehnike za mTAS in integracijo detekcije v mikropretočne sisteme, makro – mikro vmesniki za mikropretočne sisteme. - Uporaba sodobnih analiznih tehnik za ugotavljanje pretvorbe in vezave antropogenih onesnaževal. - Analizni problemi v atmosferski kemiji; karakterizacija aerosolov in modeliranje. - Reševanje analiznih problemov v kontroli prehrambenih produktov; separacija in karakterizacija sestavin živil. - Reševanje analiznih problemov v biomedicinskih in bioloških vedah, zaščiti okolja, varovanju kulturne dediščine in industriji.

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. If more persons are taking the study programme, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. - Sophisticated chemometric methods in analytical chemistry. - Speciation in chemical analysis, sample preparation and selection of a proper detection technique. - Miniaturisation in analytical chemistry: lab-on-a-chip concept, micro total analytical system (mTAS), micromachining techniques for mTAS and integration of detection into microfluidics devices, macro-to-micro interfaces for microfluidics devices. - Analytical methods in food control; separation and characterization of food constituents. - Approaches in studying transformation and binding of anthropogenic pollutants in environment. - Analytical problems in atmospheric chemistry, characterization of aerosols and modelling. - Importance of modern analytical methods in biomedicine, biology, environmental protection, protection of cultural heritage and industry.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Izbrani pregledni članki iz znanstvene literature. / Selected review papers in relevant literature.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

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Študenti nadgradijo znanja s področju analizne kemije, ki so jih pridobili na magistrskem študiju. Kompetence s področja poznavanja novih analiznih tehnik in analiznih pristopov razvijejo do ravni, ki jo terja raziskovalno delo in reševanje kompleksnih strokovnih problemov v praksi. Študentje spoznajo možnosti uporabe numeričnih metod v analizni kemiji.

Students extend knowledge of analytical chemistry which they have acquired at the master’s level and raise their knowledge and skills to the level required for academic research and solving complex professional problems in industry. They develop abilities for proper selection of analytical methods and for solving demanding research or technological problems. Students will enhance their knowledge of the application of numerical methods and modelling in analytical chemistry.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študentje pridobi poglobjena teoretska in praktična znanja, ki so potrebna za zahtevnejše raziskovalno delo na področju razvoja novih analiznih postopkov in študijam v okolju. Sposobni bodo organizirati in voditi delo tako v industrijskih kot akademskih raziskovalnih laboratorijih.

Knowledge and Comprehension Students will acquire enhanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for sophisticated research in the environment and related with the development of new analytical procedures. They will be capable of organizing and supervising research in the industrial as well as academic research laboratories.

Uporaba Študent pridobi poglobljena znanja s področja njegovega doktorskega dela na področju analize materialov in vzorcev iz okolja in bioloških snovi.

Application Student acquires specialized knowledge related to his doctoral research in the area of analysis of materials and environmental and biological samples.

Refleksija Študent mora biti sposoben pridobljeno znanje uporabiti za reševanje kompleksnih analiznih problemov na svojem raziskovalnem področju.

Analysis Student must be capable to use the acquired knowledge for solving complex analytical problems on his research field.

Prenosljive spretnosti Osvoji metodologijo problemsko orientiranih raziskav. Sposoben mora biti organizirati in voditi take raziskave.

Skill-transference Ability Students master the methodology of problem-oriented research. They must be able to organize and supervise such research work.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Tematska uvodna predavanja nadgrajena s primeri iz znanstvene literature, individualno delo s konzultacijami, seminarsko delo.

Thematic introductory lectures upgraded with case studies based on scientific literature, individual work, and seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Pisni pregledni test Priprava pisne seminarske naloge in njen zagovor

50 % 50 %

Writen test Preparation of written seminar with presentation

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Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

TOMPA, Gorazd, SUSIČ, Robert, ROGELJ, Irena, POMPE, Matevž. Cryotrap/SPME/GC/MS method for profiling of monoterpenes in cheese and their clustering according to geographic origin. Acta chimica slovenica, ISSN 1318-0207. [Tiskana izd.], 2013, vol. 60, no. 3, str. 595-603. ARH, Gregor, KLASINC, Leo, VEBER, Marjan, POMPE, Matevž. Calibration of mass selective detector in non-target analysis of volatile organic compounds in the air. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 0021-9673, 2011, vol. 1218, issue 11, str. 1538-1543. CERAR, Janez, POMPE, Matevž, GUČEK, Marjan, CERKOVNIK, Janez, ŠKERJANC, Jože. Analysis of sample of highly water-soluble T[sub]-symmetric fullerenehexamalonic acid C[sub](66)(COOH)[sub](12) by ion-chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 0021-9673, 2007, vol. 1169, no. 1/2, str. 86-94.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ306

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 15 LV /30 SV 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Marija Bešter-Rogač /Dr. Marija Bešter-Rogač, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent skupaj z mentorjem izbere vsebine v obsegu 5 KT izmed spodaj navedenih, nosilec predmeta skladno z izbranimi vsebinami kooordinira izvajanje, če je izvajalcev več. - Raztopine biološko pomembnih makromolekul. Termodinamika in kinetika vodnih raztopin biopolimerov. Modelska analiza termodinamskih in kinetičnih količin merjenih s spektroskopskimi in kalorimetričnimi metodami v povezavi s strukturo in delovanjem bioloških makromolekul. - Strukturne raziskave nano-sistemov z metodo ozkokotnega rentgenskega sipanja. Splošna teorija rentgenskega sipanja. Modelni izračuni: sferični, paličasti in ploščati delci. Eksperimentalni sistem. Analiza eksperimentalnih podatkov. Primeri uporabe. - Raziskava ergodijskih in neergodijskih sistemov z metodo SLS in različnimi inačicami metode DLS. Splošna teorija sipanja laserske svetlobe. Specifične lastnosti eksperimentalnih sistemov običajne, 3D, 'echo' in 'multi-speckle' inačice DLS. Analiza eksperimentalnih podatkov. Primeri uporabe. - Termodinamske raziskave asociacijskih procesov v raztopinah. Asociacija ionov v raztopinah elektrolitov. Termodinamika micelizacije ionskih in neionskih površinsko aktivnih snovi (izotermna titracijska kalorimetija, izotermna titracijska konduktometrija, Philipsov kriterij, psevdofazni separacijski model, ravnotežni model, določanje stopnje ionizacije micel). - Kompleksni koloidni sistemi. Asociirajoči sistemi: surfaktanti, polimeri in polielektroliti ter mešani sistemi. Medmolekulska asociacija in geliranje. Fazno obnašanje in strukture. Eksperimentalne tehnike za študij asociacije. - Vodne raztopine polielektrolitov. Sintezni principi in analiza vzorcev polielektrolitov. Osnovna karakterizacija polielektrolitov: določanje topnostnih krivulj, ionizacijske konstante, titracijske krivulje. Modelska analiza izmerjenih termodinamskih in transportnih lastnosti polielektrolitov v povezavi s strukturo

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. If more persons are taking the study programme, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. - Solutions of biologically important macromolecules. Thermodynamics and kinetics of biopolymers in aqueous solutions. Model analysis of thermodynamic and kinetic quantities measured by spectroscopic and calorimetric techniques in correlation with structure and function of biological macromolecules. - Structural investigation of nano-systems by small angle x-ray scattering. General scattering theory. Model calculations: Spherical, rod-like and flat particles. Experimental setup. Data treatment and evaluation. Practical applications. - Investigation of ergodic and non-ergodic systems by SLS and various DLS methods. General theory of light scattering. Specific properties of auto-correlation, 3D, echo, and multi-speckle DLS experimental systems. Practical applications. - Thermodynamics of the association processes in solutions. Ion association in the electrolyte solutions. Thermodynamic of micelle formation of ionic and non-ionic surfactants (isothermal titration calorimetry, isothermal titration conductometry, Philips's criterion, pseudo-phase separation model, equilibrium model, degree of ionization of the micelles. - Complex colloid systems. Associating systems: surfactants, polymers and polyelectrolytes, and mixed polymer-surfactant systems. Intermolecular association and gelation. Phase behavior and structures. Experimental techniques for studying associating systems. - Aqueous solutions of polyelectrolytes. Principles of synthesis and analytics of polyelectrolytes samples. Basic characterization

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polielektrolita. of polyelectrolytes: determination of solubility curves, ionization constants, titration curves. Model analysis of measured thermodynamic and transport properties of polyelectrolytes in correlation with the polyelectrolyte structure.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Aktualna klasična in najnovejša literatura (monografije, članki) z izbranega študijskega področja. / Relevant classical and modern literature (books, scientific articles) from the chosen research field.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

V okviru tega predmeta študent pridobi specialistična znanja z ožjega področja. Ta znanja zadostujejo za samostojno vodenje znanstvene raziskave na izbranem raziskovalnem področju.

During the learning process students acquire high-level knowledge from a narrow focused scientific field. With the experience they gain they will be able to carry out research autonomously in a chosen research field.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Predmet združuje teorijsko in praktično znanje z razumevanjem ter uporabo raznih eksperimentalnih tehnik v fizikalni kemiji: kalorimetrija, spektrometrija, meritve električne prevodnosti, statično in dinamično sipanje, itd. Študentje se seznanijo z analizo in interpretacije rezultatov meritev pri posamezni metodi.

Knowledge and Comprehension The course combines theoretical and practical knowledge to the understanding and application of various experimental techniques in physical chemistry: calorimetry, spectroscopy, electrical conductivity measurements, static and dynamic scattering, etc. . Students are introduced to the analysis and interpretation of experimental results at each method.

Uporaba Študentje se poglobljeno seznanijo z uporabo kalorimetričnih, spektrometričnih in osmometričnih metod, metod sipanja in drugih fizikalnih metod za določitev fizikalnih lastnosti raznih bioloških in koloidnih sistemov, raznih raztopin ter fizikalnih značilnosti kemijskih reakcij oziroma procesov.

Application Students are deeply introduced to the application of calorimetric and spectrometric method, osmometry, scattering and other physical methods to determine the physical properties of various biological and colloidal systems, solutions and various physical characteristics of chemical reactions and processes.

Refleksija Študent pridobi občutek za povezavo med teorijskim ozadjem določene metode, inštrumentom in eksperimentalno izvedbo meritev. S pridobljenim znanjem bo kritično presodil in ovrednotil eksperimentalne rezultate v okviru raziskovalnega dela.

Analysis Student obtains a sense for connection between the theoretical background of a specific method, instrument and experimental implementation of measurement. The gained knowledge will help him at critically assessment and evaluation of the experimental results in the context of research work.

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Prenosljive spretnosti Predmet nadgrajuje sistematičnost pristopov pri izvajanju raziskovalnih projektov z ovrednotenjem in poročanjem o rezultatih pridobljenih z različnimi eksperimentalnimi tehnikami.

Skill-transference Ability The course upgrades systematic approaches in the implementation of research work by evaluating and reporting on the results obtained by different experimental techniques.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Metode so prilagojene študentu oziroma skupini: predavanja, študij ustrezne strokovne literature, laboratorijsko delo na izbranem področju in razprave v ožji skupini.

Literature study, problem-based work in a laboratory, and discussions in the research group.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Način preverjanja znanja se dogovori individualno z vsakim študentom doktorskega študija in se lahko izvaja v obliki ustnega in/ali pisnega izpita, seminarja ali izdelave projekta oziroma pisanja znanstvenega članka.

50 % 50 %

The assessment method is determined in agreement with every single student and can be carried out as an oral and/or written exam, a seminar work, a project work, or writing a scientific article.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- A. Apelblat, M. Bešter-Rogač, J. Barthel, R. Neueder: “An analysis of electrical conductances of aqueous solutions of polybasic organic acids. Benzenehexacarboxylic (mellitic) acid and its neutral and acidic salts“ J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 8893-8906. - M. Bešter-Rogač, A. Stoppa, J. Hunger, G. Hefter, R. Buchner: ”Association of ionic liquids in solution : a combined dielectric and conductivity study of [bmim][Cl] in water and in acetonitrile” Phys. Chem. Chem. phys. 2011, 13, 17588-17598. - A. Kroflič, A. Apelblat, M. Bešter-Rogač: “Dissociation constants of parabens and limiting conductances of their ions in water” J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 1385-1392. - A Kroflič, B. Šarac, M. Bešter-Rogač: “Thermodynamic characterization of CHAPS micellization using isothermal titration calorimetry: temperature, salt, and pH dependence” Langmuir 2012, 28, 10363-10371. - B. Šarac, G. Meriguet, B. Ancian, M. Bešter-Rogač: “Salicylate Isomer-Specific Effect on the Micellization of Dodecyltrimethylammonium Chloride: Large Effects from Small Changes ” Langmuir 2013, 29, 4460-4469.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical / 1st 1st and 2nd

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Sciences, 3rd Cycle

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ307

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 LV / SV 90 30 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Barbara Hribar Lee /Dr. Barbara Hribar Lee, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent skupaj z mentorjem, izmed spodaj navedenih, izbere vsebine v obsegu 5 KT. Če je izvajalcev več, nosilec predmeta skladno z izbranimi vsebinami kooordinira izvajanje. - Potencialne teorije. Osnove, Poisson−Boltzmannova enačba, modificirana Poisson−Boltzmannova enačba. Robni pogoji in rešitve linearizirane in nelinearizirane oblike v različnih simetrijah. - Termodinamične perturbacijske teorije. Osnove, Gibbs−Bogoljubova neenakost. Barker−Hendersonova teorija. Weeks–Chandler–Andersenova teorija. Wertheimova perturbacijska teorija. - Porazdelitvene funkcije. Ornstein−Zernikova integralska enačba v različnih približkih. Razvoj po multipolih za molekularne sisteme. Wertheimova integralska enačba za sisteme z usmerjenimi silami. - Simulacijske metode. Metoda Monte Carlo v generaliziranem ansamblu. Uporaba adhezivnega (impulznega) potenciala za modeliranje privlačnih koloidov. Dinamika

From the topics listed below, the student selects (in agreement with his supervisor) those being of most relevance for his PhD Thesis. The number of chosen hours of study must carry 5 credits. The Lecturer coordinates the process, if more than one teacher is involved. - Potential theories. Basic facts. Poisson−Boltzmann equation, modified Poisson−Boltzmann equation. Boundary conditions and solution of linearized and non-linearized equation in different symmetries. - Thermodynamic perturbation theory. Basics, Gibbs−Bogoliubov inequality. Barker−Henderson theory. Weeks–Chandler–Andersen theory. Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory. - Distribution functions. Ornstein−Zernike integral equation in different closures. Multipole expansion for molecular systems. Wertheim’s integral equations for systems with highly directional forces. - Simulation methods. Monte Carlo method in generalized ensemble. Use of impulse potential for modelling of attractive colloids. Molecular

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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molekul. Polje sil. Molekulsko prileganje (docking). Simulacije biomolekul. - Sistemi v polju zunanje sile. Teorija gostotnega funkcionala. - Kvantno-kemijske metode. Periodični sistemi: Blochove funkcije, Hartree-Fockova metoda za periodične sisteme. Korelirano gibanje elektronov: korelacijska energija, metoda konfiguracijske interakcije, multi-konfiguracijska interakcija, metoda sklopljenih skupkov. Teorija gostotnih funkcionalov (DFT): Kohn-Shamove enačbe, Hohenberg-Kohnova teorema, lokalni približek, globalni približek. Metode kvantne dinamike in mehanike. - Kemijska kinetika. Hitrost kemijskih reakcij v raztopinah. Vpliv ionskih reaktantov. Kataliza.

dynamics. Force fields. Molecular docking. Simulation of biomolecules. - Systems in external fields. Density functional theory. - Quantum chemistry methods. Periodical systems: Bloch functions, Hartree-Fock method for periodical systems. Correlation in electron motion: correlation energy, method of configuration interaction, multi-configuration interaction, coupled cluster method. Density functional theory (DFT): Kohn-Sham equations, Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, local approximations, non-local approximations. Methods of quantum dynamics and mechanics. - Chemical kinetics. Rate of chemical reaction in solutions and effects of ionic reactants on the reaction rate. Catalysis.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Aktualni članki iz področja predmeta. / Current literature from the field and papers related with student’s research work.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Naloga statistične termodinamike je, da iz podatkov o lastnostih atomov in molekul ter sil med njimi izpelje makroskopske lastnosti snovi.

Drugače povedano, veda omogoča interpretacijo merskih rezultatov na molekularnem nivoju.

The purpose of statistical thermodynamics is to predict macroscopic properties of thermodynamic systems, using as input the knowledge about constituent atoms (or molecules) and forces between them. This knowledge makes it possible to interpret experiments on the molecular level.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Poznavanje osnov statistične termodinamike, ki jih obravnava ta predmet, omogoča globlje razumevanje pojmov iz osnovne fizikalne kemije ter interpretacijo eksperimentalnih podatkov na osnovi lastnosti atomov in molekul.

Knowledge and Comprehension Basic knowledge of statistical thermodynamics enables the students to acquire a deeper understanding of the physical chemistry concepts, allowing interpretations of the experimental data in view of the properties of atoms and molecules.

Uporaba Študent spozna moderne računske metode za študij lastnosti snovi. Metode se uporabljajo v kemiji, farmaciji in biologiji pa tudi pri načrtovanju različnih tehnoloških procesov kot so, na primer, separacijske metode. Predmet je osnova teoretičnemu raziskovalnemu delu na področju kemije in kemijskega inženirstva.

Application The students learn modern computational methods, used for studying the properties of different substances. The methods are used in chemistry, pharmacy and biology, as well as in planning different technological processes, such as separation methods. The course is providing theoretical basis for research work in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering.

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Refleksija Znanje, ki si ga pridobi student ob temu predmetu, omogoča kritično analizo merskih podatkov in je osnova za razumevanje merljivih makroskopskih količin in njihovih soodvisnosti.

Analysis The knowledge that the students obtain during this course allows critical assessment of measuring data and forms the basis for understanding of measurable macroscopic quantities and their correlations.

Prenosljive spretnosti Spretnost uporabe domače in tuje literature in drugih virov, identifikacija in reševanje problemov, postavljanje fizikalnih modelov, kritična analiza rezultatov, kvantitativno razumevanje drugih (bolj opisnih) predmetov.

Nauči se numeričnega programiranja in spozna komercialne programske pakete za reševanje različnih numeričnih problemov.

Skill-transference Ability The ability of using different literature, as well as other resources, identification and problem solving, modeling of physical phenomena, critical evaluation of the results, quantitative interpretation of knowledge obtained in other courses. Students learn numerical programming and get familiar with commercial program packages for solving different numerical problems.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, samostojni študij relevantnih člankov in diskusija v skupini.

Lectures. Study of the relevant scientific literature and discussion in the research group.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Način preverjanja znanja se dogovori individualno z vsakim študentom doktorskega študija in se lahko izvaja v obliki ustnega in/ali pisnega izpita, seminarja ali izdelave projekta oziroma pisanja znanstvenega članka.

100 %

The assessment method is chosen individually and can be in the form of an oral and/or written exam, a seminar work, a project work, or writing the scientific article.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- MOHORIČ, Tomaž, URBIČ, Tomaž, HRIBAR-LEE, Barbara. The application of the integral equation theory to study the hydrophobic interaction. The Journal of chemical physics, 2014, vol. 140, no. 2, art. no. 024502. - HRIBAR-LEE, Barbara, PIZIO, Orest. Density anomaly of charged hard spheres of different diameters in a mixture with core-softened model solvent. Monte Carlo simulation results. Condensed matter physics, 2013, vol. 16, no. 4, art. no. 43607. - MOHORIČ, Tomaž, URBIČ, Tomaž, HRIBAR-LEE, Barbara. The application of the thermodynamic perturbation theory to study the hydrophobic hydration. The Journal of chemical physics, 2013, vol. 139, no. 2, art. no. 024101. - HRIBAR-LEE, Barbara. The application of the replica Ornstein-Zernike methodology for studying ionic membrane equilibria. Acta chimica slovenica, 2012, vol. 59, no. 3, str. 528-535.

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Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ308

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 30 / / 30 60 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Janez Košmrlj / Dr. Janez Košmrlj, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je nosilcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. - Diazeni v organski sintezi. Sinteze diazenov. Reakcije z alkeni in areni. Migracija halogena. Intramolekularne reakcije. Reakcije s karbonilnimi spojinami. Sinteze imidazolov, 1,2,4-triazolov in 1,3,4-oksadiazolov. Kemoselektivne oksidacije tiolov in selenolov; elektrokemijske lastnosti diazenov. Mitsunobijeve reakcije. Biokemijske

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. If more persons are taking the study programme, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. - Diazenes in organic synthesis. Synthesis of diazenes. Reactions with alkenes and arenes. Halogen migration. Intramolecular reactions. Reactions with carbonyl compounds. Synthesis of imidazoles, 1,2,4-triazoles, and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles. Chemo selective oxidations of

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karakteristike diazenov. 'Klik' kemija: 1,2,3-triazol, triazolijeve soli, triazolilideni, ligandi in kataliza. (prof. dr. Janez Košmrlj) - Moderne metode halogeniranja organskih molekul. Vloga halosubstituiranih organskih molekul v (biološki) kemiji, biološko aktivne halosubstituirane molekule, biohalogeniranje, vpliv fluorovega atoma na biološko aktivnost molekul. Trajnostni razvoj in ekološko sprejemljive meode uvedbe halogenov. Razvoj novih tehnik za halogeniranje: brez topil, na vodi, prisotnost par topil, difuzijske membrane, mikroreaktorji, kontinuirni procesi. Novi reagenti za uvedbo halogenov v organske molekule, enantioselektivno halogeniranje, sinteze halosubstituiranih kiralnih sintonov. (izr. prof.dr.Marjan Jereb) - Izbrana poglavja iz selektivne sinteze. Uporaba katalize s kovinami prehoda v organski sintezi. Načrtovanje kovinskih katalizatorjev. Katalizirane kaskadne reakcije. Selektivna tvorba enojne in dvojne C-C vezi katalizirana s kovinami prehoda. Reakcije spajanja: Heck, Suzuki, Negishi, Still, Sonogashira. Aktivacija inertnih C-H vezi. Selektivna funkcionalizacija C-H vezi s pomočjo uporabe usmerjajočih skupin. Uporaba rutenijevih katalizatorjev v selektivni tvorbi enojne C(sp2)-C(sp2) in C(sp2)-C(sp3) vezi. Kovinski alkilidenski (karbenski) kompleksi in tvorba C=C dvojne vezi. Križna metateza in metateza z zapiranjem obroča na alkenih in alkinih. Tvorba C-H vezi. Asimetrična redukcija ketonov. Sinteza in selektivnost 1,3-diketo-BF2 kompleksov. (doc. dr. Franc Požgan, doc. dr. Bogdan Štefane).

thiols in selenols; electrochemical properties of diazenes. Mitsunobu reactions. Biochemical properties of diazenes. 'Click' chemistry: 1,2,3-triazole, triazolium salts, triazolylidenes, ligands and catalysis. (Prof. Janez Košmrlj) - Modern methods for halogenation of organic molecules. Halosubstituted organic molecules in (biological) chemistry, biologically active halosubstituted molecules, biohalogenation, influence of fluorine atom on biological activity. Sustainability and ecologically acceptable halogenation methods. Modern halogenation methods: solvent-free conditions, halogenation in water, solvent vapors in solid state halogenations, diffusion membranes, micro reactors, continuous processes. New halogenation reagents, enantioselective halogenations, synthesis of halosubstituted chiral synthons. (Prof. Marjan Jereb). - Selected topics in selective synthesis. The application of transition-metal catalysis in organic synthesis. The design of transition-metal catalysts. Catalysed cascade reactions. Selective formation of single end double C-C bonds via transition-metal catalysts. Coupling reactions: Suzuki, Heck, Negishi, Still, Sonogashira. Activation of inert C-H bonds. Selective functionalisation of C-H bonds driven by directing groups. The aplication of Ru-catalysts in selective formation of C(sp2)-C(sp2) and C(sp2)-C(sp3) bonds. The application of transition-metal alkylidene(carbene) complexes for C=C bond formation. Cross and ring-closing metathesis of alkene and alkyne substrates. The Formation of C-H bonds; asymmetric reduction of ketones. The synthesis and selectivity of 1,3-diketo-BF2 complexes. (Prof. Franc Požgan, Prof. Bogdan Štefane).

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- Pregledni članki s področja diazenov. / Review articles on diazenes. - (a) Organofluorine Chemistry, K. Uneyama, Blackwell, 2006, Oxford, UK. (b) Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry, P. Kirsch, Wiley-VCH, 2004, Weinheim, Germany. (c) Fluorine in Organic Chemistry, R. D. Chambers, Blackwell, 2004, Oxford, UK. (č) Green Reaction Media in Organic Synthesis, K. Mikami, Ed., Blackwell, 2005, Oxford, UK. (d) Organic Reactions in Water, U. M. Lindström, Blackwell, 2007, Oxford, UK. - (a) Asymmetric Synthesis, ed. R. A. Aitken and S. N. Kilenyi, Blackie Academic and Professional,

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London, 1994. (b) B. L. Hayes, Microwave Synthesis: Chemistry at the Speed of Light, CEM Publishing, Matthews 2002. (c) N. S. Isaacs, The Role of High Pressure Methods in Organic Chemistry, Tetrahedron 1991, 47, 8463-8497. (d) F. Benito-Lopez, R. J. M. Egberink, D. N. Reinhoudt, W. Verboom, High pressure in organic chemistry on the way to miniaturization. Tetrahedron 2008, 64,10023-10040. (e) K. Kranjc, M. Kočevar. From conventional reaction conditions to microwave-assisted catalytic transformations of various substrates. State of the art in 2012 (part A: general). Curr.Org. Chem. 2013, 17, 448-456. (f) K. Kranjc, M. Kočevar, From conventional reaction conditions to microwave-assisted catalytic transformations of various substrates. State of the art in 2012 (part B: catalysis). Curr.Org. Chem. 2013, 17, 457-473. (g) P. J. Kocienski, Protecting groups, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Corr. Ed. 2000. (h) D. Alberico, M. E. Scott, and Mark Lautens, Aryl-Aryl Bond Formation by Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Direct Arylation, Chem. Rev., 2007, 107 , 174–238. (i) T. M. Trnka, R. H. Grubbs. The Development of L2X2RuCHR Olefin Metathesis Catalysts: An Organometallic Success Story. Acc. Chem. Res. 2001, 34, 18-29. - Članki iz tekoče lilterature / Articles from the current literature.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Poglobljeno poznavanje izbranih področij organske kemije. Kandidat se seznani z modernimi metodami organske kemije, kar ga usposobi za samostojno reševanje problemov iz tega področja dejavnosti.

Advancing knowledge on selected topics and methods of organic chemistry, as a basis for practical problem solving in organic chemistry.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent spozna sodobno organsko kemijo, strukturne lastnosti organskih spojin, relacijo struktura-reaktivnost in sodobne organske pretvorbe.

Knowledge and Comprehension Understanding advanced organic chemistry, knowledge on structural features of organic compounds, structure-reactivity relationship, and advanced organic transformations.

Uporaba Študet se seznani z najsodobnejšimi in modernimi kemijskimi reakcijami in pretvorbami funkcionalnih skupin. Pripravi se za raziskovalno delo.

Application Student learns about the most advanced and state of the art chemical processes and functional group transformation. Student gets prepared for the research work.

Refleksija Študent pridobi občutek za sodobne transformacije organskih spojin, ki jih je mogoče izvesti v laboratoriju.

Analysis Student learns advanced transformation of organic compounds that can be conducted in laboratory.

Prenosljive spretnosti Izkušnje pri reševanju problemov, delo v skupinah, zbiranje in interpretacija rezultatov ter njihovo kritično vrednotenje.

Skill-transference Ability Experiences in solving problems, team work, collection and interpretation of results and their critical evaluation.

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Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja in seminarji. Lectures, seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni izpit Seminar Projekt

33 % 33 % 33 %

Oral examination Seminar assignment Project

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- SOMMER, Michael G., KURELJAK, Petra, URANKAR, Damijana, SCHWEINFURTH, David, STOJANOVIĆ, Nikolina, BUBRIN, Martina, GAZVODA, Martin, OSMAK, Maja, SARKAR, Biprajit, KOŠMRLJ, Janez, Chemistry, 2014, 20, 17296. - BOLJE, Aljoša, KOŠMRLJ, Janez, Organic letters, 2013, 15, 5084. - KOŠMRLJ, Janez, KOČEVAR, Marijan, POLANC, Slovenko, Synlett, 2009, 2217.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ309

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 30 / / 30 60 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Jurij Svete /Dr. Jurij Svete, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.

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Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najrelevantnejše za njegovo raziskovalno delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je izvajalcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec.

- Sinteza in uporaba heterociklov v stereoselektivni organokatalizi. 5- in 6-členski heterocikli in njihovi kondenzirani analogi kot pomembna skupino katalizatorjev v asimetrični organokatalizi. Sinteze N-heterocikličnih karbenov (NHC-jev), derivatov prolina in imidazolidinonov ter njihova uporaba v stereoselektivnih pretvorbah z ustreznimi katalitski cikli/načini aktivacije substrata. (U. Grošelj) - Diels–Alderjeva reakcija kot temeljna metoda tvorbe novih C–C vezi v heterociklični kemiji. Uporaba alkenov (maleimidi, maleinanhidrid itd.) in alkinov kot dienofilov ter heterocikličnih sistemov (furani, tiofeni, 2H-piran-2-oni, 2-piridoni, kumarini itd.) kot dienov v Diels–Alderjevih reakcijah. Sinteze heterocikličnih sistemov s pomočjo cikloadicij: (benzo)izoindoli, indoli, oksabiciklo[2.2.2]okteni, dianhidridi biciklo[2.2.2]okt-7-en tetrakarboksilnih kislin itd. in s tem povezana vprašanja regio- ter stereoselektivnosti. Priprava pomembnih spojin: derivati taksola, boskalida, talidomida itd. Izboljšanje tovrstnih sintez z uporabo sodobnih pristopov: uporaba mikrovalov, visokih tlakov (do 18 kbar), vode idr. neškodljivih topil itd. (K. Kranjc) - Moderni pristopi v sintezi heterocikličnih spojin. Heterociklizacije, transformacije obročev, molekulske premestitve, regio- in stereoselektivne ciklizacije, sinteza nasičenih sistemov. Modularni pristop k sintezi obročnih sistemov. Sintezni gradniki za pripravo heterociklov, modularni pristop k načrtovanju sinteze obročev, kontrola kemo-, regio- in stereoselektivnosti. Sinteza funkcionaliziranih heterociklov: sinteza s funkcionalizacijo

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are most relevant to his research work. The course- and the study-leader take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. In case of multiple teachers, the performance is coordinated by the course leader.

- Synthesis and application of heterocycles in stereoselective organocatalysis. 5- and 6-membered heterocycles and their fused analogues as an important group of catalysts in stereoselective organocatalysis. Synthesis of N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHC's), proline derivatives, and imidazolidinones and their applications in stereoselective transformations combined with respective catalytic cycles/activation modes of substrates will be presented. (U. Grošelj) - Diels–Alder reaction as the fundamental method for the construction of new C–C bond in heterocyclic chemistry. Use of alkenes (maleimides, maleic anhydride etc.) and alkynes as dienophiles as well as various heterocyclic systems (furans, thiophenes, 2H-pyran-2-ones, 2-pyridones, coumarins etc.) as dienes in Diels–Alder reactions. Synthesis of heterocyclic systems with the use of cycloadditions: (benzo)isoindoles, indoles, oxabicyclo[2.2.2]octenes, dianhydrides of bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-7-ene tetracarboxylic acids etc. and the issues of regio- and stereoselectivity of these transformations. Preparation of important compounds: derivatives of Taxol, Boscalid, Thalidomide etc. Improvement of such syntheses by the application of modern approaches: use of microwaves, high pressure (up to 18 kbar), water and other non-toxic solvents etc. (K. Kranjc) - Modern approaches in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. Heterocyclizations, ring transformations, molecular rearrangements, regio- in stereoselective cyclizations, synthesis of saturated systems. Modular approach to the ring synthesis.

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obroča, sinteza s funkcionalizacijo gradnikov. Kombinatorna sinteza heterociklov. Sinteze in pretvorbe alkil 3-(dimetilamino)propenoatov in sorodnih enaminonov; od heterociklov do naravnih spojin. Reakcije z nukleofili in elektrofili, cikloadicije. Aplikacije v sintezi heterocikličnih sistemov, funkcionaliziranih heterociklov, in sintezi naravnih spojin in njihovih analogov. (J. Svete)

Building blocks, modular approach to the ring synthesis, chemo- regio- and stereo-control. Synthesis of functionalized heterocycles. Combinatorial synthesis of heterocycles. Synthesis and transformations of alkyl 3-(dimethylamino)propenoates and related enaminones; from heterocycles to natural products. Reactions with nucleophiles and electrophiles, cycloadditions. Applications in the synthesis of heterocyclic systems, functionalized heterocycles, and natural products and their analogues. (J. Svete)

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Izbrana poglavja iz monografij: / Selected chapters from monographies: - J. A. Joule, K. Mills: Heterocyclic Chemistry, 5th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. (ISBN 978-1-405-13300-5). - Eicher, T.; Hauptmann, S.: The chemistry of heterocycles, 2nd completely revised and enlarged edition. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003. (ISBN: 978-3-527-30720-3). - Hudlický, T.; Reed, J. W.: The way of synthesis. Evolution of design and methods for natural products. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. (ISBN: 978-3-527-31444-7). - Sankararaman, S.: Pericyclic reactions – a textbook. Reactions, applications and theory. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005. (ISBN: 3-527-31439-3). - A. Berkessel, H. Gröger: Asymmetric Organocatalysis: From Biomimetic Concepts to Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005. (ISBN: 9783527305179). - A. Padwa, W. H. Pearson: Synthetic Applications of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Chemistry Toward Heterocycles and Natural Products, John Wile & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2003. (ISBN 0-471-28061-5). - Handbook of Combinatorial Chemistry, Drugs, Catalysts, Materials. Ed. by K. C. Nicolau, R. Hanko, W. Hartwig, Volume 2, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002. (ISBN 3-527-30509-2) - Pregledni članki z izbranih področij: / Review articles on selected topics: - Stanovnik, B.; Svete, J., Synthesis of Heterocycles from Alkyl 3-(Dimethylamino)propenoates and Related Enaminones. Chemical Reviews (Washington, DC, United States) 2004, 104, (5), 2433-2480. - Kranjc, K.; Kočevar, M., Regio- and stereoselective syntheses and cycloadditions of substituted 2H-pyran-2-ones and their fused derivatives. Arkivoc, 2013, (i), 333–363.

- Seayad, J.; List, B. Asymmetric organocatalysis. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2005, 3, 719-724.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Poglobljeno poznavanje izbranih področij organske kemije. Kandidat se seznani z modernimi metodami organske in heterociklične kemije, kar ga usposobi za samostojno reševanje problemov iz tega področja dejavnosti.

Advancement of knowledge on selected topics and methods in organic and heterocyclic chemistry, which is basic for student ability to solve practical problems in the field of organic chemistry.

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Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent nadgradi in poglobi svoje znanje na naslednjih področjih: ‐ sinteze heterocikličnih sistemov s posebnim poudarkom na modernih pristopih ‐ pretvorbe heterocikličnih sistemov, s posebnim poudarkom na modernih pristopih - pomen in uporaba heterocikličnih spojin v organski (sintezni) kemiji, medicinski kemiji, kemiji materialov in biokemiji.

Knowledge and Comprehension The student upgrades and deepens the knowledge on: ‐ syntheses of heterocyclic systems with emphasis on modern approaches - transformations of heterocyclic systems with emphasis on modern approaches - relevancy and applications of heterocyclic compounds in organic (synthetic) chemistry, medicinal chemistry, material science, and biochemistry

Uporaba Poznavanje heterociklične kemije je eden od temeljev organske kemije, zlasti v sintezni organski kemiji, kjer služijo heterocikli mnogokrat kot reaktivni intermediati. To znanje je poleg tega uporabno še vrsti drugih s kemijo povezanih področij, predvsem biokemiji in farmaciji, kemiji kompleksov z anorganskimi ioni, itd.

Application The knowledge of heterocyclic chemistry belongs to fundamentals of organic chemistry, especially in synthetic organic chemistry, where heterocyclic compounds are frequently used as reactive intermediates. This knowledge is also essential in other chemistry related fields, such as biochemistry, pharmacy, coordination chemistry, etc.

Refleksija Predmet je osnova za delo na ostalih področjih kemije predvsem nekaterih predmetov izbirnega sklopa organske kemije in biokemije. Posebnega pomena je tovrstno znanje za delo v kemijski in farmacevtski industriji.

Analysis Knowledge of heterocyclic chemistry is required for practical work in other areas of chemistry. It is also useful if not a prerequisite for elective courses from various specialized topics in organic chemistry. This knowledge is of vital importance for those working in chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

Prenosljive spretnosti Znanje heterociklične kemije zagotavlja zaradi prisotnosti heteroatomov v organskem skeletu najširše strukturne in reakcijske možnosti na celotnem področju kemije.

Skill-transference Ability Due to presence of heteroatoms in organic structure, the knowledge of heterocyclic chemistry gives wide structural and reaction possibilities within the whole area of chemistry.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja in seminarji. Lectures, seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni izpit. 100 % Oral examination.

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Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

Sinteza in uporaba heterociklov v stereoselektivni organokatalizi / Synthesis and application of heterocycles in stereoselective organocatalysis - Grošelj, U.; Podlipnik, Č.; Bezenšek, J.; Svete, J.; Stanovnik, B. Reversal of the stereochemical course of 1-methyl-1H-indole addition to cinnamaldehyde with cis-5-benzyl-(2-fluoromethyl)-2,3-dimethylimidazolidin-4-ones as catalysts : a puzzling fluorine effect. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2013, 96, 1815-1821. - Grošelj, U.; Beck, A. K.; Schweizer, W. B.; Seebach, D., Preparation and Structures of 2-Substituted 5-Benzyl-3-methylimidazolidin-4-one-Derived Iminium Salts, Reactive Intermediates in Organocatalytic Transformations Involving α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes. Helv. Chim. Acta 2014, 97, 751-796. - Ričko, S.; Golobič, A.; Svete, J.; Stanovnik, B.; Grošelj, U. Synthesis of novel camphor-derived bifunctional thiourea organocatalysts. Chirality, 2015, 27, 39-52. Diels–Alderjeva reakcija kot temeljna metoda tvorbe novih C–C vezi v heterociklični kemiji / Diels–Alder reaction as the fundamental method for the construction of new C–C bond in heterocyclic chemistry. - Kranjc, K.; Perdih, F.; Kočevar, M., Effect of ring size on the exo/endo selectivity of a thermal double cycloaddition of fused pyran-2-ones. J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 6303-6306. - Kranjc, K.; Kočevar, M. Ethyl vinyl ether as a synthetic equivalent of acetylene in a DABCO-catalyzed microwave-assisted Diels–Alder–elimination reaction sequence starting from 2H-pyran-2-ones. Synlett, 2008, 2613-2616. - Kranjc, K.; Kočevar, M. An expedient route to indoles via a cycloaddition/cyclization sequence from (Z)-1-methoxybut-1-en-3-yne and 2H-pyran-2-ones. Tetrahedron, 2008, 64, 45-52. Moderni pristopi k sintezi heterocikličnih spojin / Modern approaches in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. - Stanovnik, B.; Svete, J., Synthesis of Heterocycles from Alkyl 3-(Dimethylamino)propenoates and Related Enaminones. Chem. Rev. 2004, 104, 2433-2480. - Baškovč, J.; Dahmann, G.; Golobič, A.; Grošelj, U.; Kočar, D.; Stanovnik, B.; Svete, J. Diversity-oriented synthesis of 1-substituted 4-aryl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyridine-3-carboxamides. ACS combinatorial science, 2012, 14, 513-519. - Drev, M.; Grošelj, U.; Mevec, Š.; Pušavec, E.; Štrekelj, J.; Golobič, A.; Dahmann, G.; Stanovnik, B.; Svete, J. Regioselective synthesis of 1- and 4-substituted 7-oxopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3- carboxamides. Tetrahedron, 2014, 70, 8267-8279.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

34 od 77

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ310

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 30 / / 30 60 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Darko Dolenc /Dr. Darko Dolenc, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je izvajalcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. - Pregled metod študija mehanizmov organskih reakcij. Nekinetične metode: identifikacija produktov, reaktivni intermediati, kemijske in fizikalne metode (spektroskopske metode: NMR, ESR, UV/VIS, IR) detekcije in karakterizacije intermediatov, izotopsko zaznamovanje, stereokemija in mehanizem. Kinetične metode: kinetični principi reakcij v raztopini, prehodno stanje, aktivacijski parametri in njihova interpretacija, Hammondov postulat, princip reaktivnost-selektivnost, kinetični izotopski efekti, korelacija strukture in reaktivnosti, linearno prosto energijske zveze in prehodno stanje. Empirične korelacije učinka topil na hitrost reakcij. - Študij mehanizmov oksidacij s posebnim poudarkom na oksidacijah s peroksidi in ozonom. Sinteza, fizikalne lastnosti in

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. The course coordinator, who is in charge of the course, and the leader of the study take care that the student’s workload corresponds to 5 credits. If more persons are taking the study programme, the whole process is coordinated by course coordinator. - Survey of methods for studying organic reaction mechanisms. Non-kinetic methods: identification of products, reactive intermediates, chemical and physical methods (spectroscopic methods: NMR, ESR, UV/VIS, IR) for detection and characterization of intermediates, isotopic labelling, stereochemistry and mechanism. Kinetc methods: kinetic principles of reactions in a solution, transition state, activation parameters and their interprettion, Hammond’s postulate, reactivity-selectivity principle, kinetic isotope effect, structure-reactivity correlation, linear free energy relationships and transition state. Empiric correlation between solvent effect and reaction rate. - Organic reaction mechanism studies with

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

35 od 77

reaktivnost najpomembnejših razredov peroksidov, t.j. organskih derivatov vodikovega peroksida (HOOH). Mehanizem prenosa kisika pri nekataliziranih in kataliziranih reakcijah oksidacije različnih organskih substratov s peroksidi. Oksidacije organskih substratov s singletnim (1O2) in tripletnim (3O2) kisikom in ozonom. Peroksidi v bioloških sistemih. Kemija vodikovega trioksida (HOOOH) ter njegovih organskih in organokovinskih hidrotrioksidnih (ROOOH) derivatov. - Organska fotokemija. Nastanek in obnašanje vzbujenih stanj molekul je pomembno za razumevanje fotokemičnih reakcij. Te informacije lahko dobimo iz študija kinetike fotofizikalnih in kemičnih procesov in jih lahko uporabimo pri načrtovanju struktur molekul, ki bodo vodile do želenih končnih produktov fotokemičnih procesov. a) Fotofizikalni procesi: absorpcija fotona, singletna in tripletna stanja. Emisija fotona (fluorescenca, fosforescenca, kemiluminiscenca). Izbirna pravila za prehode (medsistemsko križanje, interna konverzija) Franck-Condonovo načelo. b) Eksperimentalne tehnike: "time resolved" spektroskopija, omogoča opazovanje kratkoživih vzbujenih stanj in reakcijskih intermediatov, na nano- in femtosekundni skali. Merjenje kvantnega izkoristka emisijskih pojavov in fotokemičnih procesov. Razlikovanje med vrstami vzbujenih stanj s specifičnimi inhibitorji. c) Fotokemični procesi: Značilni kromoforji in njihova reaktivnost. Uporaba fotokemičnih procesov v organski sintezi. - Kemija radikalov. a) Struktura in reaktivnost radikalov. Uporaba eksperimentalnih tehnik za študij reaktivnosti: kinetične in "time resolved" spektroskopske metode (laserska bliskovna fotoliza na nanosekundni skali idr.) elektronska spinska resonanca. Elektronski efekti pri radikalskih reakcijah. Uporaba računskih metod (DFT) za študij energetike radikalskih reakcij. b) Uporaba radikalskih procesov v organski sintezi. Kemija stananov in sorodnih hidridov, redoks procesi idr. Kataliza z obratom polarnosti. Kemija ozračja.

emphasis on oxidations with peroxides and ozone. Synthesis, physical properties, and reactivity of important organic peroxides. Mechanism of oxygen transfer in (non)catalyzed oxidations of organic molecules with peroxides. Oxidations with singlet (1O2) and triplet (3O2) oxygen and ozone. Peroxides in biological systems. Chemistry of hydrogen trioxide (HOOOH) and its organic and organometallic hydrotrioxide (ROOOH) derivatives. - Organic photochemistry. Formation and behaviour of molecules in excited state is important for understanding of photochemical reactions. These informations can be obtained from kinetcs of photophysical and photochemical processes and can be applied in designing of molecular structures leading to the desired final product of photochemical processes. a) Photophysical processes: photon absorption, singlet and triplet states. Photon emission (fluorescence, phosphorescence, chemiluminiscence). Selection rules for transitions (intersystem crossing, internal conversion) Franck-Condon principle. b) Experimental techniques: "time resolved" spectroscopy, enables monitoring of short-term excited states and intermediates on nano- in femtosecond scale. Determination of quantum yield of emission phenomena and photochemical processes. Discrimination between different types of excited states with specific inhibitors. c) Photochemical processes: typical chromophores and their reactivity. The use of photochemical processes in organic synthesis. - The chemistry of radicals. a) Structure and reactivity of radicals. Experimental techniques in reactivity studies, kinetic and "time resolved" spectroscopic methods (lasers flash photolysis on nanosecond scale, etc.) electron spin resonance. Electronic effects in radical reactions. Computational methods (DFT) radical reaction energy studies. b) The use of radical processes in organic synthesis. The chemistry of stananes and related hydrides, redox processes, etc. Catalysis with “Umpolung”. Chemistry of the

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Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- M. B. Smith, J. A. March, Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanism, and Structure, 6th ed., Wiley, New York, 2007. - H. Maskill, The Investigation of Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2006. - T. H. Lowry, K. S. Richardson, Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, 3rd ed., Plenum, New York, 1987. - R. A. Moss, M. S. Platz, M. Jones, Jr. Reactive Intermediate Chemistry, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2004. - N. J. Turro in soavtorji, Modern Molecular Photochemistry of Organic Molecules, University Science Books, 2010. - A. Gilbert, J. Baggott, Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1991. - S. Z. Zard, Radical Reaction in Organic Synthesis, Oxford University Press, 2003 - J. Fossey in soavtorji, Free Radicals in OrganicChemistry, Wiley, 1995

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Poglobljeno poznavanje izbranih področij organske kemije. Kandidat se seznani z modernimi metodami organske kemije, kar ga usposobi za samostojno reševanje problemov iz tega področja dejavnosti.

Advancement of knowledge on selected topics and methods of organic chemistry, which is a basis for student ability to solve practical problems in organic chemistry.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent pozna osnovne reakcijske mehanizme v organski kemiji in vplive reakcijskih parametrov na potek reakcij ter metode določanja mehanizmov. Pozna osnovne mehanizme oksidacij, s poudarkom na reakcijah reaktivnih kisikovih zvrsti. Razume pojem vzbujenih stanj, njihovih življenjskih dob in reaktivnosti ter načine določanja in lastnost vzbujenih stanj in reakcijskih intermediatov. Pozna uporabo nekaterih reprezentativnih fotokemičnih pretvorb. Pozna lastnosti, načine tvorbe in reaktivnost radikalov ter metode za opazovanje. Uporaba računskih metod za študij strukture radikalov in drugih reakcijskih intermediatov.

Knowledge and Comprehension Knowledge of basic reaction mechanisms on organic chemistry. Influence of reaction parameters on the reaction course and methods of determining mechanisms. Basic mechanisms of oxidations with reactive oxygen species. Basic knowledge of excited states, their reactivity and lifetimes. Determination of the properties of excited states and reaction intermediates. Application of representative photochemical transformations. Properties, formation and reactivity of radicals; methods of observation. Computational methods for studying of the structure of radicals and other reaction intermediates.

Uporaba Glede na primer študija zna izbrati primerne metode in predvidi rezultate pri uporabi posameznih metod in jih zna interpretirati.

Application The ability to choose the appropriate research methods according to the study subject. Prediction and interpretation of the results

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Zna uporabiti oksidacije z reaktivnimi kisikovimi zvrstmi v organski sintezi. Zna načrtovati in izpeljati fotokemične in radikalske procese v organski sintezi.

obtained by methods applied. Application of oxidations by reactive oxygen species in organic synthesis. Planning and implementation of photochemical and radical processes in organic synthesis.

Refleksija Študent bo znal ovrednotiti dobljene rezultate študija reakcijskih mehanizmov in njihove interpretacije na izbranem področju. Z uporabo znanj, dobljenih pri tem predmetu bo znal voditi raziskave.

Analysis The ability to evaluate and interpret the results of the study of reaction mechanisms and in the selected field. Application of knowledge to conduct the research.

Prenosljive spretnosti Dostopanje do literaturnih virov -Zbiranje, interpretacija in kritično vrednotenje podatkov -Identifikacija in reševanje problemov

Skill-transference Ability Ability to find and select literature sources. Collection, interpretation and critical evaluation of data. Identification and solving of problems.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja in seminarji. Lectures, seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni izpit 100 % oral examination

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- DOLENC, Darko, PLESNIČAR, Božo. Evidence for Divalent Iodine (9-I-2) Radical Intermediates in the Thermolysis of (tert-Butylperoxy)iodanes. An Unusually Efficient Deiodination of ortho-Iodocumyl Alcohols by Cyclohexyl Radicals. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 2628–2632. - DOLENC, Darko, PLESNIČAR, Božo. Abstraction of iodine from aromatic iodides by alkyl radicals : steric and electronic effects. J. Org. Chem., 2006,. 71, 8028-8036. - HAREJ, Maja, DOLENC, Darko. Autoxidation of hydrazones. Some new insights. J. Org. Chem., 2007, 72, 7214-7221. - LAVTIŽAR, Vesna, GESTEL, Cornelis A. M. van, DOLENC, Darko, TREBŠE, Polonca. Chemical and photochemical degradation of chlorantraniliprole and characterization of its transformation products. Chemosphere, 2014, 95, 408-414.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ313

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 45 / / / 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Janez Plavec /Dr. Janez Plavec, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Jedrski spin, NMR eksperiment, relaksacija, kompozitni pulzi, heteronuklearno razklapljanje, ”spin lock”, selektivno vzbujanje, gradientni pulzi, difuzija, obdelava NMR spektrov, heteronuklearni eksperimenti, editiranje spektrov, prenos polarizacije, večdimenzionalni NMR eksperimenti, povezave preko vezi in preko prostora, asignacija spektrov, računanje strukture iz NMR podatkov, ravnotežja in dinamične lastnosti molekul, NMR v trdnem agregatnem stanju, polimorfizem in solvatacija. Vsebina oz. program izvajanja predmeta bosta individualno prilagojena raziskovalnim usmeritvam posameznega študenta. Vsebine je mogoče prilagoditi do te mere, da bo študent lahko sodobne NMR pristope po uspešno opravljenem predmetu samostojno uporabljal na organskih, anorganskih, farmacevtskih, biokemijskih in ostalih vzorcih tako v trdnem kot v tekočem agregatnem stanju.

Nuclear spin, NMR experiment, relaxation, composite pulses, heteronuclear decoupling, spin lock, selective excitation, gradient pulses, diffusion, processing and interpretation of NMR spectra, heteronuclear experiments, spectral editing, polarisation transfer, multidimensional NMR experiments, correlations through bonds and through space, spectral assignment, NMR restraint molecular modelling, equilibrium and dynamic properties of molecules, solid state NMR, polymorphism and solvation. Contents and the program of the course will be individually adjusted as per requests and scientific interests of individual students. The course can be tailor-made to the level which will allow students to independently use NMR spectroscopy in later studies of organic, inorganic, pharmaceutical, biochemical and other samples in solid as well as in liquid states.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- T.D.W. Claridge, High-resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry, 1999, Pergamon - N.E. Jacobsen, NMR spectroscopy explained, 2007, Wiley - M. H. Levitt, Spin Dynamics-Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 2001, Wiley.

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- I. Bertini, K. S. McGreevy, G. Parigi (Eds.), NMR of Biomolecules, Wiley, 2012 - Novejši (pregledni) članki iz primarne znanstvene literature.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študent teoretično in praktično spozna sodobne tehnike nuklearne magnetne resonance in njihovo uporabnost za reševanje znanstvenih problemov (praviloma) povezanih z njegovim lastnim raziskovalnim delom.

Introducing students with up-to-date techniques of nuclear magnetic resonance, both theoretically and practically. Students will be able to apply knowledge in solving scientific problems (preferably) associated with the student’s own research work.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent se seznani z raznovrstnimi NMR metodami, ki dajejo strukturno informacijo o (bio)(makro)molekulah na različnih nivojih ločljivosti s ciljem potrditve strukturne identitete ali pridobitve statičnih oziroma dinamičnih informacij o prostorski strukturi. Študent je seznanjen s prednostmi in komplementarnostmi posameznih NMR eksperimentov v primerjavi z informacijami iz drugih strukturnih tehnik.

Knowledge and Comprehension The student gets acquainted with a number of NMR methods which provide structural information on (bio)(macro)molecules at different levels of resolution with a goal to confirm structural identity or provide a static or dynamic insights into three-dimensional structure. The student is familiarized with the advantages and complementarities of individual NMR experiments with respect to information from other structural techniques.

Uporaba Predmet je podlaga za razumevanje molekularno in strukturno usmerjenih raziskovalnih pristopov in metod, ki jih bo študent uporabljal na različnih strokovnih področjih.

Application The course is the basis for understanding molecular and structure oriented research approaches and methods that student will use in various professional areas.

Refleksija Študent pridobi vpogled v NMR in njegovo

uporabo v študijah strukture, dinamike, interakcij

med malimi in/ali makromolekulami, reakcijskih

mehanizmov, itd, ter razvije kritičen pogled na

prednosti in pomanjkljivosti v primerjavi s

komplementarnimi metodami.

Analysis The student gains insight into NMR and its use in studies of structure, dynamics, interactions among small and/or macromolecules, reaction mechanisms, etc. as well as develops critical view on advances and limitations with respect to complementary methods.

Prenosljive spretnosti Timsko delo pri spektrometru. Uporaba tuje literature. Podajanje poročil o opravljenem delu in prebrani literaturi (pismeno in ustno).

Skill-transference Ability Teamwork at spectrometer. The use of foreign literature. Submission of written reports on lab results and literature survey (written and oral).

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, seminar, delo na NMR spektrometru na praktičnih primerih praviloma na študentovih lastnih vzorcih.

Lectures, seminars, hands-on experiments at the NMR spectrometer on student’s own samples.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


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Izdelava in predstavitev seminarja Ustni izpit ob diskusiji projekta, ki ga je študent opravil

50 % 50 %

Presentation of seminar Oral examination with discussion on the project carried out by the student

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- V. Kocman, J. Plavec, A tetrahelical DNA fold adopted by tandem repeats of alternating GGG and GCG tracts, Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, art. no.: 5831. - S. Čeru, P. Šket, I. Prislan, J. Lah, J. Plavec, A new pathway of DNA G-quadruplex formation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 4881. - N. Busschaert, L. E. Karagiannidis, M. Wenzel, C. J. E. Haynes, N. J. Wells, P. G. Young, D. Makuc, J. Plavec, K. A. Joliffe, P. A. Gale, Synthetic transporters for sulfate: a new method for the direct detection of lipid bilayer sulfate transport, Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 1118. - M. Marušič, R. N. Veedu, J. Wengel, J. Plavec, G-rich VEGF aptamer with locked and unlocked nucleic acid modifications exhibits a unique G-quadruplex fold, Nucleic Acids Res. 2013, 41, 9524. - M. Trajkovski, M. Webba da Silva, J. Plavec, Unique Structural Features of Interconverting Monomeric and Dimeric G-Quadruplexes Adopted by a Sequence from the Intron of the N-myc Gene, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 4132.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ311

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


10 25 / / 80 35 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Brigita Lenarčič /prof. Brigita Lenarčič, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


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Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Uvod v vsebinske sklope (predavanja). Preostali del predmeta se bo osredotočal na pripravo raziskovalnega projekta, ki bo obravnaval temo, relevantno za raziskovalno delo študenta in bo iz področja biokemije. Iskanje ustreznih razpisov.

Introduction to subject areas (lectures). The rest of the course will focus on structuring a research proposal addressing topics relevant to the student’s research in the field of biochemistry. Querying for appropriate funding calls.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Znanstvena literatura s področja biokemije – zgornja 1/3 revij po indeksu citiranosti. Vsebine se prilagajajo. / Scientific literature in the field of biochemistry – top 1/3 of journals according to the citation index. Content adapts to topic.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Podiplomski študenti bodo dobili pregled nad literaturo, znali bodo kritično ovrednotiti informacije in jih uporabiti za načrtovanje in ovrednotenje lastnega dela. Po navodilih projektne razpisne dokumentacije bodo znali napisati ustrezen projekt. Znali bodo opisati ozadje raziskave, precizno formulirati hipoteze oz. namen dela, vključiti najbolj napredne tehnike in metode dela ter vse oblikovati v smiseln projekt.

Graduate students will gain an overview of scientific literature, they will be able to critically assess information and use it to plan and evaluate their own work. They will be able to write an adequate grant proposal according to the funder’s instructions. They will be able to describe the background of research, formulate the concise set of hypotheses or specific aims, include the most advanced techniques and methods and combine all items into a coherent proposal.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Iskanje, prepoznavanje in kritično ovrednotenje literaturnih podatkov za poglobljeno poznavanje z biokemijo povezanih vsebin.

Knowledge and Comprehension Search, identify and critically evaluate the relevant literature to gain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of a biochemistry-related topic.

Uporaba Sposobnost priprave konkurenčne projektne prijave.

Application Ability to write a relevant and coherent grant application.

Refleksija Sposobnost načrtovanja ustreznih eksperimentov in metod za reševanje biokemijskih nalog, kar bo omogočilo njihovo uporabo pri lastnem raziskovalnem delu.

Analysis Capacity to design appropriate experiments and methods to tackle a biochemical problem in their own research work.

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Prenosljive spretnosti Študenti pridobijo znanja preko iskanja literaturnih virov, iskanja projektnih razpisov ter razvoja in izboljšave predlaganega projekta.

Skill-transference Ability Students gain skills through literature mining, identifying potential funders, and developing and refining their proposal.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, konzultacije, projektna vloga Lectures, consultations, project proposal

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ocena projekta 100 % Project evaluation

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

1. PAVŠIČ, Miha, GUNČAR, Gregor, DJINOVIĆ CARUGO, Kristina, LENARČIČ, Brigita. Crystal structure and its bearing towards an understanding of key biological functions of EpCAM. Nature communications, ISSN 2041-1723, 2014, vol. 5, no. 8, art. no. 4764 (str. 1-10). 2. NOVINEC, Marko, KORENČ, Matevž, CAFLISCH, Amedeo, RANGANATHAN, Rama, LENARČIČ, Brigita, BAICI, Antonio. A novel allosteric mechanism in the cysteine peptidase cathepsin K discovered by computational methods. Nature communications, ISSN 2041-1723, feb. 2014, vol. 5, art. no. 3287 (str. 1-10). 3. KLEMENČIČ, Marina, NOVINEC, Marko, MAIER, Silke, HARTMANN, Ursula, LENARČIČ, Brigita. The heparin-binding activity of secreted modular calcium-binding protein 1 (SMOC-1) modulates its cell adhesion properties. PloS one, ISSN 1932-6203, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, art. no. e56839 (12 str.), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056839.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ312

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


15 30 / / 60 45 5

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

43 od 77

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Marko Dolinar /Dr. Marko Dolinar, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

- uvodi v vsebinske sklope (predavanja) - tehnološke novosti v biokemiji (seminarji) - uvedba nove metode ali predlog izboljšave ene od metod, ki jih študent uporablja pri svojem raziskovalnem delu (individualno delo in seminar)

- Introductions to subject areas (lectures). - Technology developments in biochemistry (seminars). - Suggestion for an introduction of a new method or for improving one of the methods used by the student in his/her research (individual assignment and seminar).

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Nature Methods, Analytical Biochemistry, BioTechniques in druga znanstvena literatura s področja biokemije in molekularne biologije. Vsebine se menjajo vsako leto. / Nature Methods, Analytical Biochemistry, BioTechniques and other scientific literature in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. Topics vary from one year to another.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Podiplomski študenti se bodo naučili spremljati razvoj novih metod in tehnik v biokemiji, kritično ocenjevati prednosti in slabosti izboljšav in uporabnost novih metod.

Keeping up-to-date with new methods and techniques in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. Critically assessing the advantages and shortcomings of the improvements and applicability of new methods.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Principi, na katerih temeljijo izbrane nove metode in tehnike.

Knowledge and Comprehension Underlying principles for selected new methods and techniques.

Uporaba Uporabnost novih metod in tehnik za reševanje raziskovalnih in razvojnih problemov, predvsem v povezavi z raziskovalnim doktorskim delom.

Application Usefulness of new methods and techniques for solving research and development problems, mostly connected to PhD research.

Refleksija Zmožnosti novih visokozmogljivih metod v primerjavi s klasičnimi. Tempo preseganja obstoječih mej raziskovanja živega sveta.

Analysis Capacity of novel high-throughput methods as compared to classical ones. Pace of overcoming present boundaries in exploring the living

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Prenosljive spretnosti Iskanje virov v literaturi, priprava poglobljenih seminarjev, razpravljanje o strokovnih temah in predstavljanje pred publiko.

Skill-transference Ability Literature mining, preparation of in-depth seminars, discussions on professional topics and presenting to audience.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Uvodi v vsebinske sklope kot predavanja. Večina kontaktnih ur bo v obliki seminarja z obsežnimi razpravami. Veliko dela doma pri pripravi projekta in seminarja. Seminarske teme so vsako leto nove.

Introductions to subject areas as lectures. Most contact hours in the form of seminar with extended discussions. Extensive homework required for the preparation of the project and seminar. Seminar topics change every year.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Seminar Projekt

25 % 75 %

Seminar Project

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

VASILJEVA, Olga, DOLINAR, Marko, ROZMAN PUNGERČAR, Jerica, TURK, Vito, TURK, Boris. Recombinant human procathepsin S is capable of autocatalytic processing at neutral pH in the presence of glycosaminoglycans. FEBS Letters, ISSN 0014-5793. [Print ed.], 2005, vol. 579, str. 1285-1290. LAH, Jurij, DROBNAK, Igor, DOLINAR, Marko, VESNAVER, Gorazd. What drives the binding of minor groove-directed ligands to DNA hairpins? Nucleic Acids Research, ISSN 0305-1048, 2008, vol. 36, no. 3, str. 897-904. ŠKRLJ, Nives, VIDRIH, Zlatko, DOLINAR, Marko. A universal approach for promoter strength evaluation supported by the web-based tool PromCal. Analytical Biochemistry, ISSN 0003-2697, 2010, vol. 396, no. 1, str. 83-90.


Predmet: Sodobne računalniške metode v biokemiji

Course Title: Contemporary computational methods in biochemistry

Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

UŠP Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja Biokemija 1. 1. in 2.

USP Chemical sciences, 3rd Cycle Biochemistry 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni predmet/elective course

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ324

Predavanja Seminar Vaje Klinične vaje Druge oblike Samost. delo ECTS

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

45 od 77

Lectures Seminar Tutorial Work študija Individual Work

15 30 60 45 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: doc. dr. Marko Novinec / dr. Marko Novinec, Assistant Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Predmet obravnava sodobne metode in pristope za računalniško analizo proteinov, nukleinskih kislin, molekularne evolucije in interakcij med biološkimi molekulami. Vključene so tako metode za bioinformatsko analizo baz podatkov kot metode za analizo eksperimentalnih podatkov. Poudarek je zlasti na najsodobnejših in naprednih metodah, ki so bile razvite v zadnjih letih oz. se še intenzivno razvijajo in zato še niso vključene v učbenike ali v predmetnike nižjih stopenj. Študenti bodo spoznali teoretične podlage metod, preko individualnega projektnega dela pa tudi njihovo uporabo.

The course discusses contemporary methods and approaches used for computational analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, molecular evolution and biomolecular interactions. It focuses on bioinformatics methods for database analyses as well as computational methods for the analysis of experimental data. The major focus is on novel and advanced methods developed in the past several years and methods that are still under intensive development and are therefore not included in standard textbooks or undergraduate courses. Students will the theoretical background of these methods and learn to use them through individual project work.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Ustrezna znanstvena literatura s področja vsebine predmeta, ki se vsako leto posodobi. / Appropriate scientific literature related to the course syllabus, updated annually.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Studenti bodo spoznali sodobne računalniške metode za analizo biokemijskih podatkov in bodo znali te metode uporabiti pri svojem raziskovalnem delu.

Students will become familiar with contemporary compoutational methods for the analysis of biochemical data and will learn to use them in their own research work.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študenti bodo spoznali teoretične podlage novih metod in se naučili kdaj in kako posamezno metodo uporabiti ter kako

Knowledge and Comprehension Students will learn the theoretical background of novel methods and learn when and how to use these methods and how to interpret the

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interpretirati podatke. results.

Uporaba Poznavanje najsodobnejših metod bo študentom omogočilo njihovo uporabo pri svojem raziskovalnem delu.

Application Students will be able to apply contemporary computational methods in their research work.

Refleksija Osvojeno znanje bodo znali povezati s predhodno pridobljenim, predvsem z znanjem vezanim na lastno raziskovalno delo.

Analysis Students integrate knew knowledge with prior knowledge, especially in the light of their own research work.

Prenosljive spretnosti Uporaba računalnika in računalniških metod, interpretacija rezultatov, iskanje po bazah podatkov in literature.

Skill-transference Ability Use of computers and computational methods, interpretation of results, database and literature mining .

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, konzultacije, seminarske naloge Lectures, consultations, seminar work

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Projektno delo Seminarska naloga

50 50

Project work Seminar work

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

NOVINEC, Marko, KORENČ, Matevž, CAFLISCH, Amedeo, RANGANATHAN, Rama, LENARČIČ, Brigita, BAICI, Antonio. A novel allosteric mechanism in the cysteine peptidase cathepsin K discovered by computational methods. Nature communications, ISSN 2041-1723, feb. 2014, vol. 5, art. no. 3287 (str. 1-10) [COBISS.SI-ID 1678895]

NOVINEC, Marko, LENARČIČ, Brigita, BAICI, Antonio. Probing the activity modification space of the cysteine peptidase cathepsin K with novel allosteric modifiers. PloS one, ISSN 1932-6203, 2014, vol. 9, no. 9, art. no. e106642 (str. 1-11 [COBISS.SI-ID 1767215]

NOVINEC, Marko, KORDIŠ, Dušan, TURK, Vito, LENARČIČ, Brigita. Diversity and evolution of the thyroglobulin type-1 domain superfamily. Molecular biology and evolution, ISSN 0737-4038, 2006, vol. 23, str. 744-755. [COBISS.SI-ID 19851815]


Predmet: Biološka zdravila

Course title: Biopharmaceuticals

Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level

Študijska smer Study field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

UŠP Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja

Biokemija 1. 1. in 2.

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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USP Chemical sciences, 3rd Cycle

Biochemistry 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course type izbirni predmet/ selective course

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: KZ325

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individ.

work ECTS

10 35 60 45 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: doc. dr. Gregor Gunčar/ dr. Gregor Gunčar, Assistant Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):


Uvod v biološka zdravila

Razvoj bioloških zdravil

Identifikacija tarčnih proteinov in genov in bioinformatske metode za njihovo analizo. Vloga genomike, proteomike in metabolomike.

Biotehnološke metode za proizvodnjo rekombinantnih proteinov v velikih količinah

Terapevtske in klinične aplikacije bioloških zdravil

Protitelesa, rastni faktorji, koagulacijski faktorji, citokini, interferoni, hormoni, encimi, DNK, RNK, vakcine in druga biološka zdravila.

3D strukture bioloških zdravil

Biološko podobna zdravila

Napredni načini dostave zdravil

Genska in celična terapija

Klinična evalvacija in regulacija

Prihodnost bioloških zdravil


Introduction to biopharmaceuticals

Development of biopharmaceuticals

Therapeutic target protein and gene identification and bioinformatic methods for their analysis. Role of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.

Biotechnology methods for large scale recombinant protein production

Therapeutic and clinical applications of biopharmaceuticals

Antibodies, growth and coagulation factors, cytokines, interferons, hormones, enzymes, DNA, RNA, vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals

3D structures of biopharmaceuticals


Advance drug delivery

Gene and cell therapy

Clinical evaluation and regulation

Future of biopharmaceuticals Project seminar

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Projektni seminar Moje doktorsko raziskovalno delo v kontekstu bioloških zdravil.

My Ph. D. research in context of biopharmaceuticals.

Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings:

1. Ho, Rodney J.Y., and Milo Gibaldi. Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals: Transforming Proteins and Genes Into Drugs. 2nd ed. Edited by Rodney J. Y. Ho. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-

Blackwell, 2013. 2. Knäblein, Jörg, ed. Modern Biopharmaceuticals: Design, Development and Optimization. Chichester:

Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. 3. Najnovejši pregledni in raziskovalni članki s področja /The latest review and research

papers from the field.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and competences:

Študenti dobijo pregled področja bioloških zdravil, njihove identifikacije, razvoja, proizvodnje, delovanja, optimizacije in uporabe.

Overview of the field of biopharmaceuticals, their identification, development, production, optimization, mode of action and their use.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended learning outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje bioloških zdravil. Razumevanje identifikacije tarčnih proteinov in načrtovanje bioloških zdravil. Razumevanje njihovega delovanja na osnovi primerov. Poznavanje biotehnoloških metod za proizvodnjo in izboljšave bioloških zdravil. Osnove biološko podobnih zdravil , njihove analize, razvoja in regulative.

Knowledge and understanding: Knowing what biopharmaceuticals are, how to identify new ones, design and their development. Understand their mode of action based on the studied examples.. Knowing and understanding of biotehnological imethods for their production and optimization. Fundamentals of biosimilars, their analysis, development, regulation and approval.

Uporaba: Študenti bodo vedeli, kaj in kako lahko zdravimo z znanimi biološkimi zdravili. Sposobni bodo predlagati nova biološka zdravila in kako jih proizvajati.

Application Students will know how current biopharmaceuticals are being used and will have an idea of how to find and produce new ones.

Refleksija Kritično vrednotenje idej študentov, izvedljivost in ekonimičnost njihove izvedbe.

Analysis Critical assessment of students’ ideas, feasibility and economical aspects of their implementation.

Prenosljive spretnosti Inovativno reševanje problemov, uporaba znanstvene literature, patentov in protokolov, zasnova in razvoj nove ideje, načrt kako to idejo uresničiti v praksi in pisanje projektov.

Skill-transference Ability Innovative problem solving, use of scientific literature, patents and protocols, design and development of a new idea, realization planning and project writing.

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

49 od 77

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and teaching methods:

Predavanja in projektni seminar. Lectures and project seminar.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni izpit Seminar

70 % 30 %

Oral exam Seminar

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

1. GUNČAR, Gregor, PUNGERČIČ, Galina, KLEMENČIČ, Ivica, TURK, Vito, TURK, Dušan. Crystal structure of MHC class II-associated p41 Ii fragment bound to cathepsin L reveals the structural basis for differentiation between cathapsins L and S. EMBO, 1999, vol. 18, str. 793-803.

2. WANG, Ching-I. A.*, GUNČAR, Gregor*, FORWOOD, Jade K., TEH, Trazel, CATANZARITI, Ann-Maree, LAWRENCE, Gregory J., LOUGHLIN, Fionna E., MACKAY, Joel P., SCHIRRA, Horst Joachim, ANDERSON, Peter A., ELLIS, Jeffrey G., DODDS, Peter N., KOBE, Boštjan. Crystal structures of flax rust avirulence proteins AvrL567-A and -D reveal details of the structural basis for flax disease resistance specificity. Plant cell, 2007, vol. 19, no. 9, str. 2898-2912. *enakovredna prva avtorja

3. FORWOOD, Jade K., THAKUR, Anil S., GUNČAR, Gregor, MARFORI, Mary, MOURADOV, Dmitri, MENG, Weining, ROBINSON, Jodie, HUBER, Thomas, KELLIE, Stuart, MARTIN, Jennifer L., HUME, David A., KOBE, Boštjan. Structural basis for recruitment of tandem hotdog domains in acyl-CoA thioesterase 7 and its role in inflammation. PNAS, 2007, vol. 104, no. 25, str. 10382-10387.

4. KOBE, Boštjan, GUNČAR, Gregor. Crystallography and protein-protein interactions : biological interfaces and crystal contacts. Biochem Soc Trans, 2008, vol. 36, no. 6, str. 1438-1441.

5. PAVŠIČ, Miha, GUNČAR, Gregor, DJINOVIĆ CARUGO, Kristina, LENARČIČ, Brigita. Crystal structure and its bearing towards an understanding of key biological functions of EpCAM. Nature communications, 2014, vol. 5, no. 8, str. 1-10.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ322A

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

50 od 77

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


15 15 / / 90 30 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Izr. prof. dr. Marjan Marinšek/Dr. Marjan Marinšek, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Nosilec predmeta in vodja študija poskrbita, da obseg študentovega dela ustreza 5 KT. Če je nosilcev več, izvajanje koordinira nosilec. Materiali za sodobne energijske pretvornike Vodikova tehnologija: - Tehnologije za pridobivanje vodika (predelava ogljikovodikov – parni reforming, WGSR, elektrolizni postopki, termokemijska disociacija vode, predelava biomase do vodika) - Shranjevanje in distribucija vodika (tlačni sistemi, kriogeni sistemi, shranjevanje vodika v obliki hidridov, CNT idr.; distribucija vodika, varnost vodikovih tehnologij), Gorivne celice: - Vrste gorivnih celic in principi njihovega delovanja (specifika glede uporabljenega goriva in zahtev po njegovi čistosti, temperature delovanja, uporabljenih materialov, prenosa naboja v celici) - Materiali za elektrolit, elektrodi in vmesnik (zahtevane karakteristike za materiale v gorivnih celicah, elektrokatalizatorji - Delovanje gorivnih celic njihov izkoristek in vplivi na okolje (aktivacijske, omske, koncentracijske in druge polarizacijske

Together with mentor the student chooses the course contents with the total of 5 credits among the topics listed below. If there is more than one lecturer on the course, the course coordinator takes care of the implementation of the program. Materials for new energy converters Hydrogen Technology: - Technologies for hydrogen production (processing of hydrocarbons – steam reforming, water gas shift reaction, electrolytic processes, thermo-chemical dissociation of water, conversion of biomass to hydrogen). - Storage and distribution of hydrogen (pressurized systems, cryogenic systems, storage of hydrogen in hydride form, CNT etc.: distribution of hydrogen, safety of hydrogen technologies). Fuel cells: - Types of fuel cells and principles of their operation (fuel sources and its purity, temperature of operation of a FC, materials used in the construction of a cell, charge transfer). - Materials for electrolyte, electrodes and interconnect (prerequisites for characteristics of the materials in fuel cells, electrocatalysts). - Operation of fuel cells, yield of energy conversion and environmental impact (activation, ohmic, concentration and other

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51 od 77

izgube, sistemi gorivnih celic in potrebna infrastruktura, izkoristki gorivnih celic, kogeneracija toplote v gorivnih celicah, vplivi na okolje pri neposredni pretvorbi kemijske energije v električno) Li ionski in drugi akumulatorji: - Princip delovanja izbranih klasičnih in sodobnih insercijskih baterij in akumulatorjev (shranjevanje naboja na površini oziroma v notranjosti strukture, homogena vgradnja ter vgradnja s faznimi prehodi, vpliv na termodinamske in kinetične lastnosti) - Materiali za anodo, elektrolit, in katodo (grafitni materiali, litijeve zlitine, oksidni materiali, žveplova katoda, katoda z zračno depolarizacijo, tekoči elektroliti, polimerni elektroliti, elektroliti na osnovi ionskih tekočin) - Karakteristike najperspektivnejših akumulatorjev (litijevi insercijski, litij zrak, polimerni, litij žveplo) Superkondenzatorji: - Princip delovanja superkondenzatorja (fazna meja trdno-tekoče, električni dvosloj, termodinamika in kinetika tipičnega superkonden-zatorja, vpliv poroznosti, vpliv površinskih skupin, razlika med kemijskim in elektrokemijskim sharnjevanjem na površini) - Materiali za anodo, elektrolit, in katodo (grafitni materiali, tekoči elektroliti, polimerni elektroliti) - Karakterizacija, lastnosti in uporaba izbranih superkondenzatorjev Materiali in varovanje okolja (materiali za zmanjšanje emisij v okolje, odstranjevanje HOS – hlapnih organskih spojin (VOC – volatile organic compounds), razvoj katalitskih materialov in sistemov, življenska doba in vplivi različnih skupin materialov na okolje). Seminar iz izbranega področja materialov za energetiko, ki temelji na pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature. Izdelava predloga raziskovalnega projekta za enžinirstvo specifičnega materiala za energetiko.

polarization losses fuel cell systems and their infrastructure, yield of fuel cells, cogeneration of heat in fuel cells, environmental impact in direct conversion of the chemical energy into electrical energy). Li ion and other batteries: - Principles of operation of classical and new insertial batteries and accumulators (charge storage on surfaces/interfaces and in bulk, homogeneous insertion and insertion via phase transformation, influence of kinetic and thermodynamic properties). - Materials for anodes, electrolytes and cathodes (graphite-based materials, lithium alloys, oxides and sulphides, sulphur cathode, air electrodes, liquid polymeric and mixed electrolytes, electrolytes based on ionic liquids). - Chaeracteristics of advanced accumulators (lithium insertion batteries, Li air battery, polymer accumulators, lithium-sulphur accumulator). Supercapacitors: - Principle of operation of supercapacitor (solid-liquid interface, electrical double layer, thermodynamics and kinetics of typical supercapacitor, influence of porosity, surface groups, difference between electrostatic and chemical charge storage on surfaces). - Materials for anode, electrolyte, and cathode (graphitic materials, aqueous and nonaqueous electrolytes). - Characterization, properties and application of selected supercapacitors Materials for environment protection (materials for lowering of emissions into environment, removal of VOC – volatile organic compounds), development of catalytic materials and systems, lifetime cycles and impact of different groups of materials on the environment). A seminar from a selected topic of materials for new energy sources, which is based on scientific and professional literature review. Elaboration of a project proposal for engineering of a specific material for new energy sources

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Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Predlagana literatura za pregled vsebinskih področij / Recommended readings for topics review: - Fuel Cell Handbook (7th Edition), EG&G Technical Services, INC, Morgantown, West

Virginia, 2004 - High Temperature Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Design and Applications, Ed. S.C. Singhal, K.

Kendall, Elsevier, Kindlington, UK, 2004 - Lithium-Ion Batteries, Ed. M. Yoshio, R. Brodd, A. Kozawa, Springer, NY, USA, 2009 - Lithium-Ion Batteries: Advanced Materials and Technologies, X. Yuan, H. Liu, J. Zhang, CRC

Press, USA, 2011 Literatura za seminar / Seminar readings: Najnovejša znanstvena literatura (monografije, članki) z izbranega študijskega področja, ki se spreminja v skladu z razvojem stroke. Študenti literaturo zbirajo samostojno med študijskim procesom s pomočjo usmerjanja učitelja. / The newest literature (monographies, papers) from the selected field. Students will perform a literature research being supported and guided by the lecturer.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Seznanjanje z materiali za sodobne aplikacije v energetiki in okoljevarstvu. Podiplomski študenti bodo preučili dostopno strokovno in znanstveno literaturo iz izbranega področja in jo kritično ovrednotili. V okviru tega predmeta študent pridobi specialistična znanja z ožjega področja. Ta znanja zadostujejo za samostojno vodenje znanstvene raziskave na izbranem raziskovalnem področju.

Acquiring specialized knowledge in specific fields of materials for new energy sources. Studying scientific and professional literature in a specific field, critical evaluation of literature. These competences enable students to conduct research in a particular research field, to suggest research methods and to state its goals.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent zna samostojno preučevati znanstveno literaturo s področja materialov za energetiko. Pridobi poglobljena znanja o izbrani tematiki.

Knowledge and Comprehension Student comprehends scientific literature in the field of materials for new energy sources. Gains specific and detailed knowledge on selected topics.

Uporaba Pridobljena znanja in uporabljene pristope je sposoben uporabiti pri samostojnem razvojnem in raziskovalnem delu na področju enžinerstva materialov za energetiko.

Application Acquired knowledge and used approaches are necessary for independent research and development in the field of materials for new energy sources.

Refleksija Študent je sposoben samostojno definirati

problem, načrtovati vsebino raziskovalnega dela, predvideti metode dela ter postaviti raziskovalne cilje.

Analysis Student is able to define problems, propose the content of a research project, suggest research methods and state its goals.

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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Prenosljive spretnosti Študent je sposoben kritično analizirati in

povezovati literaturne podatke, sintetizirati

različna znanja, zagovarjati rezultate ter

sodelovati v diskusiji.

Skill-transference Ability Ability to critically interpret and interconnect literature data, to synthesize knowledge, to defend project results and to discuss them.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Metode so prilagojene študentu oziroma skupini: predavanja, študij ustrezne strokovne literature, laboratorijsko delo na izbranem področju, seminar, raziskovalni projekt in razprave v ožji skupini.

Methods are adapted to a student or group of students: lectures, study of the literature, laboratory work in the selected field, seminars, elaboration of a project and discussions in a group.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Predloženo poročilo o projektem delu ali seminar v pisni obliki Ustni zagovor projektne naloge

50 %

50 %

Written project report or seminar work Oral project defence

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

Marjan Marinšek - SKALAR, Tina, ZUPAN, Klementina, MARINŠEK, Marjan, NOVOSEL, Barbara, MAČEK, Jadran. Microstructure evaluation of Ni-SDC synthesized with an innovative method and Ni-SDC/SDC bi-layer construction. Journal of the European ceramic society, 2014, vol. 34, no. 2, str. 347-354 - MARINŠEK, Marjan, PADEŽNIK GOMILŠEK, Jana, ARČON, Iztok, ČEH, Miran, KODRE, Alojz, MAČEK, Jadran. Structure development of NiO-YSZ oxide mixtures in simulated citrate-nitrate combustion synthesis. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2007, vol. 90, no. 10, str. 3274-3281 - MARINŠEK, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, JANČAR, Boštjan. A study towards superior carbon nanotubes-supported Pd-based catalysts for formic acid electro-oxidation : preparation, properties and characterisation. Journal of power sources, 2013, vol. 235, no. 1, str. 111-116 - MARINŠEK, Marjan. Ni-YSZ substrate degradation during carbon deposition. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, 2011, vol. 50, no. 3, str. 117-124 - NOVOSEL, Barbara, MARINŠEK, Marjan, MAČEK, Jadran. Deactivation of Ni-YSZ material in dry methane and oxidation of various forms of deposited carbon. Journal of fuel cell science and technology, 2012, vol. 9, no. 6, art. no. 061003 (7 str.)




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

54 od 77

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ319

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


15 45 / / 30 60 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Izr. prof. dr. Urška Šebenik /Dr. Urška Šebenik, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oziroma kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

- pregled vsebinskih področij polimernega inženirstva s poudarkom na polimernem reakcijskem inženirstvu ter fenomenološki obravnavi viskoelastičnosti polimernih materialov (predavanja); - seminar iz izbranega področja polimernega inženirstva, ki temelji na pregledu strokovne in znanstvene literature; - izdelava predloga raziskovalnega projekta za načrtovanje specifičnega procesa; - izdelava predloga raziskovalnega projekta za načrtovanje specifičnega produkta.

- a review of polymer engineering topics with emphasis on polymer reaction engineering and phenomenological treatment of viscoelasticity of polymer materials will be given by lectures; - a seminar from a selected topic from polymer engineering, which is based on scientific and professional literature review; - elaboration of a project proposal for a specific process design; - elaboration of a project proposal for a specific product design.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Predlagana literatura za pregled vsebinskih področij / Recommended readings for topics review: - J. M. Asua, Polymer reaction engineering, Blackwell Publishing LTD, Oxford, 2007. - Hal F. Brinson, L. Catherine Brinson, Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity. An

Introduction, Springer, New York, 2008. Literatura za seminar / Seminar readings: Znanstvena literatura s področja polimernega inženirstva, ki se spreminja v skladu z razvojem stroke. Študenti literaturo zbirajo samostojno med študijskim procesom s pomočjo usmerjanja učitelja. / Available scientific and professional literature in the field of polymer engineering. Students will perform a literature research being supported and guided by the lecturer.

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Cilji in kompetence: Objectives and Competences:

Podiplomski študenti bodo osvojili poglobljena znanja iz specifičnega področja polimernega inženirstva. Preučili bodo dostopno strokovno in znanstveno literaturo iz izbranega področja in jo kritično ovrednotili. Na osnovi preučene literature in zbranih dostopnih podatkov bodo sposobni načrtovati vsebino raziskovalnega dela in predvideti metode dela ter postaviti raziskovalne cilje.

Deepening knowledge in specific fields of polymer engineering science. Studying scientific and professional literature in a specific field, critical evaluation of literature. Being able to propose the content of a research project, to suggest research methods and to state its goals.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent zna samostojno preučevati znanstveno literaturo s področja polimernega inženirstva. Pridobi poglobljena znanja o izbrani tematiki.

Knowledge and Comprehension Student comprehends scientific literature in the field of polymer engineering. Gains specific and detailed knowledge on selected topics.

Uporaba Pridobljena znanja in uporabljene pristope je sposoben uporabiti pri samostojnem razvojnem in raziskovalnem delu na področju polimernega inženirstva.

Application Acquired knowledge and used approaches are necessary for independent research and development in the field of polymer engineering.

Refleksija Študent je sposoben samostojno definirati problem, načrtovati vsebino raziskovalnega dela, predvideti metode dela ter postaviti raziskovalne cilje.

Analysis Student is able to define problems, propose the content of a research project, suggest research methods and state its goals.

Prenosljive spretnosti Študent je sposoben kritično analizirati in povezovati literaturne podatke, sintetizirati različna znanja, zagovarjati rezultate ter sodelovati v diskusiji.

Skill-transference Ability Ability to critically interpret and interconnect literature data, to synthesize knowledge, to defend project results and to discuss them.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Uvodi v vsebinske sklope kot predavanja. Večina kontaktnih ur kot seminar. Zahteva tudi veliko dela doma pri pripravi projekta in seminarja. Razprava pri predstavitvah seminarjev in projektov – oblikovanje skupine oponentov za vsak projekt posebej.

Lectures as introductions to various topic modules. Contact hours in forms of a seminar. Independent work in preparing projects and seminars. Active participation in discussion during project/seminar presentations – formation of a group of opponents for every project.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Predloženo poročilo o projektem delu v pisni obliki. Ustni zagovor projektne naloge.

50 50

Written project report. Oral project defence.

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Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: - RUČIGAJ, Aleš, ALIČ, Branko, KRAJNC, Matjaž, ŠEBENIK, Urška. Investigation of cure kinetics in a system with reactant evaporation : epoxidized soybean oil and maleic anhydride case study. European Polymer Journal, 2014, vol. 52, no. 1, str. 105-116. - MOHORIČ, Ines, ŠEBENIK, Urška. Anionic ring-opening polymerization of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane in emulsion above critical micelle concentration. Polymer, 2011, vol. 52, no. 5, str. 1234-1240. - MOHORIČ, Ines, ŠEBENIK, Urška. Semibatch anionic ring-opening polymerization of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane in emulsion. Polymer, 2011, vol. 52, no. 20, str. 4423-4428. - ŠEBENIK, Urška, KARGER-KOCSIS, József, KRAJNC, Matjaž, THOMANN, Ralf. Dynamic mechanical properties and structure of in situ cured polyurethane/hydrogenated nitrile rubber compounds : effect of carbon black type. Journal of applied polymer science, 2012, vol. 125, no. S1, str. E41-E48. - KAJTNA, Jernej, ALIČ, Branko, KRAJNC, Matjaž, ŠEBENIK, Urška. Influence of hydrogen bond on rheological properties of solventless UV crosslinkable pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive prepolymers. International journal of adhesion and adhesives, 2014, vol. 49, no. 1, str. 103-108.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ316

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 45 / / 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Aleš Podgornik / Dr. Aleš Podgornik, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Vpis na doktorski program. Osnovno znanje masnih bilanc, termodinamike, prenosa

Enrolment into the post-graduate (PhD) course. Basic knowledge regarding the mass balances,

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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snovi in separacijskih operacij. thermodynamics, mass transfer and separation unit operations.


Content (Syllabus outline):

- Separacijske operacije v kemijskih, farmacevtskih in biotehnoloških procesih; - Masne in toplotne bilance zahtevnejših procesov s poudarkom na metabolizmu; - Termodinamika neidealnih sistemov tekoče-tekoče ter tekoče-trdno; - Vloga laboratorijskih raziskav in načrtovanje pilotskih enot – povečevalni kriteriji; - Poglavja iz izbranih separacijskih procesov farmacevtskih in biotehnoloških učinkovin: · kristalizacija in precipitacija · dvofazna vodna ekstrakcija · gradientna Kromatografija · preparativna kromatografija · kontinuirni separacijski procesi - simuliran gibljivi sloj (SMB) · Membranski procesi - Optimizacija separacijskih procesov z več koraki;

- Separation unit operations in chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological processes; - Mass and heat balances of metabolic processes; - Thermodynamics of non-ideal liquid-liquid and liquid-solid systems; - The role of research on laboratory and pilot scale unit - scale up criteria; - Selected separation processes of pharmaceutical and biotechnological products: · crystallization and precipitation · ATPS extraction · gradient chromatography · preparative chromatography · continuous separation processes – simulated moving bed (SMB) · membrane processes - Optimization of separation processes involving several steps;

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- J. D. Seader, E. J. Henley, Separation process principles, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2006 - G. Carta, A. Jungbauer, Protein Chromatography: Process Development and Scale-Up, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2010 - S. Yamamoto, K. Nakanishi, R. Matsuno, Ion-exchange chromatography of proteins, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1988 - Specialni učbeniki za separacijske procese - Članki vodilnih revij s področja kemijskega in biokemijskega inženirstva

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Podiplomski študentje bodo nadgradili temeljna inženirska znanja iz prenosa snovi, termodinamike, masno-toplotnih bilanc in separacijskih operacij ter jih povezali v analizo oziroma načrtovanje zahtevnejših separacijskih procesov, ki vključujejo več korakov. Poseben poudarek bo na farmacevtskih in biotehnoloških procesih, zato bodo spoznali specifike teh sistemov ter njihov prenos v laboratorijskega v industrijsko merilo ter iz šaržnega na kontinuirni način.

Post-graduate students will upgrade their fundamental engineering knowledge of mass transfer, thermodynamics, mass-heat balances and separation unit operation, and implement it for analyses and design of complex separation processes involving several steps. Focus will be on pharmaceutical and biotechnological processes by discussing peculiarities of these systems and their transfer from laboratory to industrial scale and from batch to continuous operation mode.

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Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent je po osvojitvi znanj tega predmeta sposoben razumeti specifike bioloških sistemov in na osnovi tega izbrati ter dimenzionirati posamezne separacijske korake za specifične sisteme.

Knowledge and Comprehension After completition of course student is able to understand specificities of biologic based systems and by implementing this knowledge to select and design appropriate separation steps for specific systems.

Uporaba Znanja pridobljena pri tem predmetu bodo omogočila študentu kompetentno načrtovanje eksperimentov in procesov, dimenzioniranje separacijskih procesov tako na mikro kot tudi na industrijskem nivoju, ugotavljati kdaj je smiselno uporabljati šaržne in kdaj kontinuirne procese kot tudi poglobljeno analizo obstoječih procesov. Pri tem bo sposoben uporabljati sodobne računalniške metode načrtovanja in optimizacije.

Application By implementation of knowledge acquired throughout this course student will be able to competently design experiments and processes involving separation operations from micro scale to industrial level, to evaluate when batch or continuous processes should be implemented as well as to provide in-depth analysis of specific existing processes. This will achieve using modern computer based methods of analysis and optimization.

Refleksija Na osnovi primerjav med kemijskimi in biološkimi separacijskimi sistemi bo identificiral podobnosti in s tem razumel bistvene principe s čimer bo sposoben sklepati na izbor ustreznih separacijskih tehnik za poljubne sisteme. Skupaj z ostalimi inženirskimi znanji transportnih pojavov, kemijskega in faznega ravnotežja, toplotnih in masnih bilanc ter reakcijske kinetike bo lahko pridobil celovito razumevanje najkompleksnejših procesov.

Analysis Based on parallels between chemical and biologic separation systems, student realizes similarities among them and by this, underlying physical principles, what will enable selection of appropriate separation operation for any system. By combining and interconnecting chemical engineering knowledge of transport phenomena, chemical and phase equilibrium, mass and heat balances and chemical kinetics student obtain comprehensive understanding of most complex systems.

Prenosljive spretnosti Algoritmičen koncept pristopa načrtovanja separacijskih operacij v kompleksnih kemijskih, farmacevtskih in biotehnoloških procesih bo lahko prenesel tudi na druga področja kot so biologija, medicina, ved o okolju in ved o materialih.

Skill-transference Ability Algorithmic based concept of designing separation steps in complex chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological processes will be able to transfer on other areas such as biology, medicine, environmental sciences and material sciences.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, seminarji. Lectures, seminars.

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59 od 77

Načini ocenjevanja: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Seminar Ustni izpit

80% 20%

Seminar Oral examination

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

PODGORNIK, Aleš, SMREKAR, Vida, KRAJNC, Peter, ŠTRANCAR, Aleš. Estimation of methacrylate monolith binding capacity from pressure drop data. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 0021-9673, 11. Jan. 2013, vol. 1272, str. 50-55, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.11.057. [COBISS.SI-ID 16493846] SMREKAR, Vida, SMREKAR, Franc, ŠTRANCAR, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš. Single step plasmid DNA purification using methacrylate monolith bearing combination of ion-exchange and hydrophobic groups. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 0021-9673, 2013, vol. 1276, str. 58-64, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.12.029. [COBISS.SI-ID 4199288] PODGORNIK, Aleš, YAMAMOTO, Shuichi, PETERKA, Matjaž, LENDERO KRAJNC, Nika. Fast separation of large biomolecules using short monolithic columns. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences, ISSN 1570-0232, 2013, vol. 927, str. 80-89, graf. prikazi, doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.02.004. [COBISS.SI-ID 4263032] ČERNIGOJ, Urh, VIDIC, Urška, BARUT, Miloš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, PETERKA, Matjaž, ŠTRANCAR, Aleš. A multimodal histamine ligand for chromatographic purification of plasmid DNA. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 0021-9673, 2013, vol. 1281, str. 87-93, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2013.01.058. [COBISS.SI-ID 4263544] PODGORNIK, Aleš, LENDERO KRAJNC, Nika. Application of monoliths for bioparticle isolation. Journal of separation science, ISSN 1615-9314, 2012, vol. 35, no. 22, str. 3059-3072, ilustr., doi: 10.1002/jssc.201200387. [COBISS.SI-ID 21235430]




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ326

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

60 od 77

30 10 / / 70 40 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Igor Plazl/ Dr. Igor Plazl, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oziroma kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to assigned to the student


Content (Syllabus outline):

Sistemi kompleksnih tekočin: ne-Newtonske tekočine, večfazni in/ali kemijsko reakcijski tokovi pri različnih dimenzijskih in časovnih skalah.

Mikrofluidika: prednosti uporabe mikrosistemov. Problemi modeliranja mikrosistemov dvo-faznih sistemov: določitev strižnih napetosti, »slip« na steni, površinska napetost.

Koncept, razvoj in uporaba večnivojskega modeliranja. Dinamika posamezne kapljice/mehurčka, Pojavi večnivojskega prenosa.

Nekonvencionalna topila: ionske tekočine (IL), vodni dvo-fazni sistemi (ATPS), eutektične mešanice.

Eksperimentalni pristopi k reometriji: zakonitosti merjenja, merilne tehnike in postopki za karakterizacijo reološko kompleksnih tekočin in pol-trdnih materialov.

The complex fluid systems: non-Newtonian, multiphase, turbulent, and/or chemically reacting flows at different length and time scales.

Microfluidics: the advantages of using microsystems. The problems of modeling microsystems with two-phase flow: determination of viscous shear stress, slip at the wall, surface tension.

Development and implementation of multiscale computation techniques. Single Droplet/Bubble Dynamics, Multiscale Transfer Phenomena.

Non-conventional solvents: Ionic liquids (ILs), aqueous two-phase system (ATPS), eutectic mixtures.

Experimental approaches to rheometry: the principles of measurement, measuring techniques and procedures for rheological characterization of complex liquids and semi-solid materials.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Methods: Theory and Application, Haibo Huang, Michael Sukop, Xiyun Lu, July 2015, Wiley-Blackwell. - Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion: A Parallel Treatment of Electrons, Molecules, Phonons, and Photons (MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering), Gang Chen, Oxford University Press; 1 edition, 2005. - Advanced Transport Phenomena: fluid mechanics and convective trasport processes, L. Gary Leal, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 899 str. - The Structure and Rheology of Complex Fluids", Larson, R.G., 1999, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 663 s(na voljo: UL FKKT, Katedra za kemijsko, bioekemijsko in ekološko inženirstvo) - Rheology, Principles, Measurements and Applications, Macosco C. W., 1994, VCH Publishers,

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

61 od 77

Inc., New York, 550 s (na voljo: UL FKKT, Katedra za kemijsko, bioekemijsko in ekološko inženirstvo).

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Cilj predmeta je nadgraditi obstoječe znanje na področju dinamike kompleksnih tekočin, mikrofluidike večfaznih tokov, koncept večnivojskega modeliranja in poglobiti poznavanja eksperimentalnih pristopov reološke karakterizacije strukturiranih tekočin. Pridobljena znanja študentu omogočajo samostojno raziskovalno delo na področju preučevanja toka kompleksnih sistemov in reoloških lastnosti kompleksnih tekočin in poltrdnih snovi. Študent pri predmetu pridobi specifične kompetence za razumevanje, načrtovanje in optimicacijo kompleksnih tokovnih sistemov.

Objective of the course is to upgrade the existing knowledge in the field of complex fluid flows, microfluidics of multiphase flows, multiscale modeling concept, and to deepen understanding of experimental approaches to rheological characterization of structured fluids. Acquired knowledge enables the student independent research work in the field of complex fluid systems and rheological properties of complex fluids and semi-solids. Students acquire the specific competences for ability to understand the basic principles, and to design and optimize the complex flow systems.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent pridobi znanja in razumevanje: mehanizmov transportnih pojavov pri dinamiki kompleksnih tekočin, s poudarkom na tokovnih režimih večfaznih tokov in medfazni površini; lastnosti nekonvencionalnih topil; večnivojskega modeliranja in reologije z reometrijo.

Knowledge and Comprehension Upon the successful completion of study obligations, the students will be able to understand the transport characteristics of multiphase fluids, with a special emphasis on the flow regimes defined by the phase interface surface; to define the characteristics of non-conventional solvents; to develop a corresponding mathematical system based on multiscale modeling concept; and to gain knowledge about rheology with rheometry.

Uporaba Student lahko teoretično opiše tok kompleksnih tekočin in napove hitrostne profile večfaznih tokov.

Application Student can theoretically describe the flow of complex fluids and predict velocity profiles for multiphase flows.

Refleksija Na osnovi pridobljenih teoretičnih znanj in praktičnih vaj, študentje pridobijo veščine za analizo procesov, ovrednotenje podatkov in prenos znanja v raziskovalni in/ali tehnološki proces.

Analysis Student develops the ability to critically apply gained knowledge in solving complex theoretical and practical problems.

Prenosljive spretnosti Uporaba različnih literaturnih virov (knjige, članki, elektronsko gradivo) omogoča zbiranje

Skill-transference Ability Identification and solving of problems. Experimental data collection, analysis and

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podatkov oziroma vrednotenje lastnih rezultatov in njihovo interpretacijo ter preverjanje pravilnosti. Hkrati se razvijajo sposobnosti za vključevanje v skupinsko delo, komunikacijo in pripravo pisnega materiala.

critical evaluation of results. The use of scientific literature, writing and presentation of reports.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, konzultacije, projektno delo, seminarji.

Lectures, consultations, project work, seminars.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni in pisni izpit Izdelava seminarja (projekt) z njegovo predstavitvijo in zagovorom.

60% 40%

Written and oral examination. Written seminar and its presentation.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

1. LUBEJ, Martin, NOVAK, Uroš, LIU, Mingqiang, MARTELANC, Mitja, FRANKO, Mladen, PLAZL, Igor. Microfluidic droplet-based liquid-liquid extraction : online model validation. Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0197, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 10, str. 2233-2239.

2. NOVAK, Uroš, LAKNER, Mitja, PLAZL, Igor, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Experimental studies and modeling of [alpha]-amylase aqueous two-phase extraction within a microfluidic device. Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4982, 2015, vol. 19, iss. 1, str. 75-83.

3. LUBEJ, Martin, PLAZL, Igor. Theoretical and experimental study of iron catalyst preparation by chemical vapor deposition of ferrocene in air. The chemical engineering journal, ISSN 1385-8947. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 242, no. 1, str. 306-312.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ314

Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

63 od 77

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


15 45 / / 30 60 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Matjaž Krajnc /Dr. Matjaž Krajnc, Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Kataliza. Trdni katalizatorji. Teorija reakcijske hitrosti. Reaktivnost površine. Modeli kemisorpcije. Mehanizmi in kinetika heterogeno kataliziranih reakcij. Heterogeno katalizirane reakcije oksidacije in redukcije (hidrogeniranje). Asimetrična kataliza. Heterogene katalitske reakcije v superkritičnih fluidih in ionskih tekočinah. Večfunkcionalni katalizatorji. Deaktivacija katalizatorjev. Kataliza na področju varstva okolja. Aplikacije v petrokemični in farmacevtski industriji. Večfazni reaktorji z eno reakcijo. Vpliv transporta snovi in toplote pri reakcijah na zunanji površini in znotraj poroznega katalizatorja. Modeli reaktorjev za študij snovnega transporta v heterogenih sistemih (plin-kapljevina, kapljevina-kapljevina, fluid-trdno). Določitev transportnih koeficientov v večfaznih reaktorjih. Večfazni reaktorji s kompleksno reakcijsko shemo. Simultani transport dveh reaktantov pri neodvisnih in odvisnih paralelnih reakcijah. Snovni transport pri konsekutivnih reakcijah. Snovni transport pri paralelno-konsekutivnih reakcijah. Toplotni efekti v večfaznih reaktorjih. Reaktorji plin-kapljevina: kolona z mehurčki, reaktorji z mešalom. Reaktorji plin-trdno: katalitski in nekatalitski. Reaktorji plin-kapljevina-trdno.

Catalysis. Solid catalysts. Reaction rate theory. Surface reactivity. Models of chemisorption. Mechanisms and kinetics of heterogeneous catalyzed reaction. Catalytic oxidation and reduction (hydrogenation) reactions. Asymmetric heterogeneous catalysis. Heterogeneously catalyzed reactions in supercritical fluids and ionic liquids. Multifunctional catalysts. Catalyst deactivaion. Environmental catalysis. Application in petrochemical and pharmaceutical industry. Multiphase reactors: single reactions. The role of mass and heat transfer at the surface reactions and within the porous catalyst. Model reactors for studying mass transfer with chemical reactions in heterogeneous systems: gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, fluid-solid. Measurement techniques for mass transfer coefficients in multiphase reactors. Multiphase reactors: multiple reactions. Simultaneous mass transfer of two reactants with independent and dependent parallel reactions. Simultaneous mass transfer with consecutive reactions. Mass transfer with mixed parallel and consecutive reactions. Heat effects in multiphase reators. Gas-liquid reactors. Bubble column and agitated reactors. Gas-solid reactors. Gas-liquid-solid reactors.

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Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- I. Chorkendorff and J.W. Niemantsverdriet: Concept of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, 2. izdaja, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. - G.F. Froment and K.B. Bischoff: Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design. 2. izdaja. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990. - Članki v vodilni kemijsko-inženirski periodiki, npr. AIChE Journal, Chem. Eng. Sci., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. in drugih.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študent poglobljeno spoznava interakcije med kinetiko reakcij na površini trdnega katalizatorja in transportnimi pojavi v reakcijskih sistemih z več fazami. Pridobljena znanja mu omogočajo: (i) interpretacijo eksperimentalnih rezultatov o poteku ene in ali več reakcij vodenih v večfaznih reaktorjih in (ii) optimalno načrtovati in upravljati večfazne reaktorje, ki jih pogosto najdemo v farmacevtski in sorodni industriji. Ta znanja študenta kvalificirajo tudi za samo izbiro procesa oziroma tipa reaktorja, ki bo zagotavljal želeno selektivnost in dobitek in pri študentu spodbujajo kritično uporabo osvojenih znanj za reševanje inženirskih problemov pri uvajanju sodobne procesne intenzifikacije.

Students gain deeper insight into the interaction between transport phenomena and kinetics of chemical reactions taking place on solid catalysts. These knowledge help them to: (i) quantitatively interpret the experimental kinetic data obtained in a multiphase reactor and (ii) optimally design and operate multiphase reactors such as frequently employed in pharmaceutical and related industry. Students are qualified to select the most appropriate reactor for achieving the highest selectivity and production of the desired products as well as to use their knowledge critically in order to solve more complex engineering problems for process intensification.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent zna samostojno preučevati znanstveno literaturo s področja reakcijskega inženirstva. Pridobi poglobljena znanja o izbrani tematiki.

Knowledge and Comprehension Student comprehends scientific literature in the field of reaction engineering. Gains specific and detailed knowledge on selected topics.

Uporaba Pridobljena znanja in uporabljene pristope je sposoben uporabiti pri samostojnem razvojnem in raziskovalnem delu na področju reakcijskega inženirstva.

Application Acquired knowledge and used approaches are necessary for independent research and development in the field of reaction engineering.

Refleksija Študent je sposoben samostojno definirati problem, načrtovati vsebino raziskovalnega dela, predvideti metode dela ter postaviti raziskovalne cilje.

Analysis Student is able to define problems, propose the content of a research project, suggest research methods and state its goals.

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Prenosljive spretnosti Študent je sposoben kritično analizirati in povezovati literaturne podatke, sintetizirati različna znanja, zagovarjati rezultate ter sodelovati v diskusiji.

Skill-transference Ability Ability to critically interpret and interconnect literature data, to synthesize knowledge, to defend project results and to discuss them.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Uvodi v vsebinske sklope kot predavanja. Večina kontaktnih ur kot seminar. Zahteva tudi veliko dela doma pri pripravi projekta in seminarja. Razprava pri predstavitvah seminarjev in projektov – oblikovanje skupine oponentov za vsak projekt posebej

Lectures as introductions to various topic modules. Contact hours in forms of a seminar. Independent work in preparing projects and seminars. Active participation in discussion during project/seminar presentations – formation of a group of opponents for every project.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Predloženo poročilo o projektem delu v pisni obliki. Ustni zagovor projektne naloge.

50 50

Written project report. Oral project defence.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- RUČIGAJ, Aleš, KRAJNC, Matjaž. Kinetic modeling of a crude DERA lysate-catalyzed process in synthesis of statin intermediates. The chemical engineering journal, ISSN 1385-8947. [Print ed.], 2015, vol 259, no. 1, - RUČIGAJ, Aleš, KRAJNC, Matjaž. Optimization of a crude DERA lyzate-catalyzed process in synthesis of statin intermediates. Organic process research & development, ISSN 1083-6160, 2013, vol. 17, no. 5, str. 854-862, - ŠINKOVEC, Ervin, POHAR, Andrej, KRAJNC, Matjaž. Phase transfer catalyzed esterification : modeling and experimental studies in a microreactor under parallel flow conditions. Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4982, 2013, vol. 14, no. 3/4, str. 489-498, - ŠINKOVEC, Ervin, KRAJNC, Matjaž. Phase transfer catalyzed Wittig reaction in the microtube reactor under liquid-liquid slug-flow pattern. Organic process research & development, ISSN 1083-6160, 2011, vol. 15, no. 4, str. 817-823, - LIKOZAR, Blaž, KRAJNC, Matjaž. Cross-linking of polymers : kinetics and transport phenomena. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, ISSN 0888-5885. [Print ed.], 2011, vol. 50, no. 3, str. 1558-1570,




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical / 1st 1st and 2nd

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Sciences, 3rd Cycle

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ317

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 10 / / 70 40 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn /Dr. Andreja Žgajnar Gotvajn, Associate Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oziroma kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

General conditions for admission to doctoral studies.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent s soglasjem mentorja med spodaj navedenimi temami v izbere tiste, ki so najtesneje povezane z njegovim raziskovalnim delom. Sodobne tehnike identifikacije in kvantifikacije nevarnih snovi: Mikropolutanti (hormonski motilci, biocidi, PAH, PCB). In vivo in in vitro metode detekcije in kvantifikacije mikropolutantov. Sodobni postopki identifikacije in odstranjevanja nevarnih snovi v odpadnih vodah: TIE - Toxicity Identification Evaluation in TRE - Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. Sodobni trendi na področju omejevanja onesnaženja, sodovni koncepti ravnanja s trdnimi odpadki, ocena življenjskega cikla (LCA), principi in metode industrijske ekologije. Kemijski, membranski in biokemijski procesi v procesih zaščite, remediacije in bioremediacije okolja (voda, zrak, tla): - Kemijski procesi: Čiščenje odpadnih in pitnih voda s kemijskimi postopki. Elektrokoagulacija. Sodobni oksidacijski procesi (AOP). Fotokatalitska oksidacija.

From the topics listed below the student selects (in agreement with the supervisor) those that are mostly related to his research work. Up-to-date techniques for qualification and quantification of hazardous substances: micro-pollutants (endocrine disrupters, biocides, PAH, PCB). In vitro and In vivo methods for detection and quantification of micro-pollutants. Advanced methods for identification and removal of hazardous substances from wastewaters: TIE – Toxicity Identification Evaluation and TRE – Toxicity Reduction Evaluation. Up-to-date trends in pollution prevention, solid waste management, Life Cycle Analyses (LCA), principles and methods of industrial ecology. Chemical, membrane and biochemical processes for protection, bioremediation and remediation of the environment (water, air, soil): - Chemical Processes: Treatment of wastewaters and drinking waters using chemical methods. Electrocoagulation.

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Fentonova oksidacija. Ozonacija. Elektrokemijski procesi. Termična mokra oksidacija. Oksidacija v superkritični vodi. Akustična in hidrodinamska kavitacija. Heterogeni katalizatorji na področju varstva okolja. Katalitska mokra oksidacija. Kinetika in mehanizmi reakcij. Procesi in reaktorji. Aplikacija sodobnih oksidacijskih procesov pri odstranjevanju mikropolutantov iz zraka, tal, odpadnih in pitnih vod. - Membranski procesi. - Biokemijski procesi: Sodobni procesi biološkega čiščenja odpadnih vod, bioremediacija. Integralne procesne sheme: sklopitev AOP procesov z biološkimi postopki. Sodobna slovenska in mednarodna zakonodaja s področja okolja.

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). Photo-catalytic oxidation. Fenton's oxidation. Ozonation. Electrochemical oxidation. Wet air oxidation. Supercritical water oxidation. Accoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation. Heterogenic catalysts for environmental protection. Catalytic wet oxidation. Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions. Processes and reactor systems. Application of AOPs for removal of micro-pollutants from aquatic (drinking and wastewaters) and atmospheric environments. - Membrane Processes. - Biochemical Processes: Up-to-date techniques for biological treatment of wastewaters, bioremediation. Integrated process schemes: Connection of AOPs and biological processes. Slovenian and international environmental legislation.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- S. Parsons (ur.), Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, IWA Publishing, London, 2004. - K. Boodhoo, A. Harvey (Ed.): Process Intesification for Green Chemistry, Wiley, UK, 2013. - W.W.Eckenfelder, D.L., Ford, A.J., Englande: Industrial Water Quality, WEFPress, New York, 2009. - Članki vodilnih revij s področja okoljskega inženirstva (npr. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, Chemosphere, Water Research...)

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Študent nadgradi in poglobi znanja iz okoljskega inženirstva. Razvije sposobnost za kritično primerjavo, izbiro in optimizacijo procesov, tehnologij in izboljšav v proizvodnih in drugih postopkih. Pridobi znanje za vrednotenje vpliva svojega dela na lokalni in globalni ravni ter zavedanje o družbenem vplivu svojih odločitev v ustreznih ekonomskih, družbenih in zakonskih okvirjih.

Upgrading knowledge in environmental engineering, acquisition of skills for critical evaluation, selection and optimisation of processes and technologies. Assessing accomplished work in terms of the impacts on local and global environment; to solve actual environmental problems within economical, social and legislative limits.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Razumevanje kompleksnih soodvisnosti in zakonitosti procesov v okolju (zrak, tla in voda) in vpliva človeka na ekosistem. Sposobnost

Knowledge and Comprehension Understanding complex relationships between processes in the environment (air, soil and water). Ability to apply engineering approach to

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uporabe inženirskih orodij in znanj za reševanje okoljskih problemov. Razumevanje in uporaba koncepta trajnosti, etičnih in ekonomskih načel pri načrtovanju in optimiranju procesov.

solve a range of environmental issues. Knowledge on sustainable development approaches and their implementation at design and optimisation of industrial processes.

Uporaba Sposobnost reševanja kompleksnih inženirskih problemov. Sinteza inženirskih principov in tehnik skupaj z znanjem naravoslovja za reševanje specifičnih problemov.

Application Ability for solving complex environmental problems. Synthesis of engineering principles and techniques together with knowledge on fundamental environmental principles to solve particular problems.

Refleksija Sposobnost povezave med teorijo in problemi na lokalnem, regijskem in globalnem nivoju.

Analysis Ability to connect theoretical knowledge and actual local, regional and global environmental problems.

Prenosljive spretnosti Spretnost uporabe domače in tuje literature. Sinteza znanja različnih področij. Razvoj sposobnosti povezati praktične probleme s teoretičnimi znanji. Uporaba ustnega in pisnega načina poročanja. Razvoj sposobnosti dela v skupini.

Skill-transference Ability Ability to search, select and apply different types of literature. Synthesis of different fields of basic science. Ability to connect theoretical and practical approach. Development of oral and literate skills. Development of ability to work in teams.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja Seminar

Lectures Seminar

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Ustni ali pisni izpit. Izdelava seminarja, predstavitev.

60 40

Written or oral examination. Written seminar and its presentation.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

-KALČÍKOVÁ, Gabriela, BABIČ, Janja, PAVKO, Aleksander, ŽGAJNAR GOTVAJN, Andreja. Fungal and enzymatic treatment of mature municipal landfill leachate. Waste management, ISSN 0956-053X. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 34, no. 4, str. 798-803. -ŽGAJNAR GOTVAJN, Andreja, BISTAN, Mirjana, TIŠLER, Tatjana, ENGLANDE, A. J., ZAGORC-KONČAN, Jana. The relevance of bisphenol A adsorption during Fenton's oxidation. International journal of environmental science and technology, ISSN 1735-1472, 2013, vol. 10, no. 6, 1141-1148. - ŽGAJNAR GOTVAJN, Andreja, ZAGORC-KONČAN, Jana, COTMAN, Magda. Fenton's oxidative treatment of municipal landfill leachate as an alternative to biological process. Desalination, ISSN 0011-9164. [Print ed.], 2011, vol. 275, no. 1/3, 269-275.

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69 od 77




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ315

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 45 / / 75 / 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Igor Plazl /Dr. Igor Plazl, Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oziroma kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.


Content (Syllabus outline):

- kompleksne tekočine – izvor ne-Newtonskega obnašanja; - konstitutivne enačbe za ne-Newtonske tekočine; - robni pogoji na trdnih stenah in na tekočih mejnih ploskvah (kinematični pogoji, termični robni pogoji, dinamični robni pogoji); - neusmerjen in enodimenzijski tok in problemi prenosa toplote; - uvod v asimptotične aproksimacije (vpliv oddane toplote zaradi viskoznosti na preprost strižni tok, tok tekočine skozi rahlo ukrivljeno cev – »the Dean problem«, difuzija v sferi s hitro reakcijo, dinamika

- Complex fluids – origins of Non-Newtonian behavior; - constitutive equations for Non-Newtonian fluids; - boundary conditions at solid walls and fluid interfaces (the kinematic condition, thermal boundary conditions, the dynamic boundary condition); - unidirectional and one-dimensional flow and heat transfer processes; - introduction to asymptotic approximations (the effect of viscous dissipation on a simple shear flow, the motion of a fluid through a slightly curved tube – the Dean problem, diffusion in a sphere with fast reaction –

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mehurčkov v mirujočem toku – Reyleigh-Plessetova enačba); - filmi s prosto površino; - plazeči tokovi - splošne lastnosti in rešitve za 2D in asimetrične probleme; - plazeči tokovi - 3D problemi; - konvekcija in prenos toplote viskoznih tokov; - teorija mejnega sloja za laminarne tokove; - prenos toplote in snovi pri velikih Reynoldsovih številih.

singular perturbation theory, bubble dynamics in a quiescent flow – the Reyleigh-Plesset equation - films with a free surface; - creeping flow - general properties and solutions for 2D and axisymmetric problems; - creeping flow - 3D problems; - convection effects and heat transfer for viscous flows; - boundary layer theory for laminar flows; - heat and mass transfer at large Reynolds number.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

- L. Gary Leal, Advanced Transport Phenomena: fluid mechanics and convective trasport processes, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 899 str. - J. C. Slaterry, Advanced Transport Phenomena, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 703 str. - Članki vodilnih revij s področja klemijskega inženirstva.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Cilj predmeta je, da podiplomski študentje nadgradijo osvojena znanja iz transportnih pojavov, ki predstavljajo temelje kemijsko inženirske znanosti. Študentje si pri predmetu pridobijo naslednje specifične kompetence: poglobljeno razumevanje fluidne dinamike, prenosa toplote in prenosa snovi.

Upgrading knowledge of fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Nadgradnja temeljnih znanj o transportnih pojavih, ki omogoča reševanje realnih industrijskih problemov pri razvoju in optimizaciji (bio)kemijskih procesov in razvoj novih tehnologij.

Knowledge and Comprehension Expand the abilities and knowledge of transport phenomena to solve real industrial problems in the development and optimization of (bio) chemical processes and in the development of new technologies.

Uporaba Sposobnost uporabe pridobljenih znanj pri samostojnem razvojnem in raziskovalnem delu na področju načrtovanja in optimizacije procesov.

Application Acquired knowledge is necessary for independent research and development in the area of process design and optimization.

Refleksija Sposobnost samostojnega sklepanja, definicije problema in njegovo rešitev; sposobnost vodilne vloge timskega dela pri razvoju procesov.

Analysis Development of abilities of autonomous deducting, problem defining and problem solving; ability to communicate and to lead teams at the processes development.

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Prenosljive spretnosti Identifikacija in reševanje kompleksnih problemov transportnih pojavov, sposobnost zbiranja in kritične analize podatkov, ter sinteza pridobljenih znanj.

Skill-transference Ability Ability to identify and solve complex problems of transport phenomena, to collect and interpret data, to analyse results critically and to synthesize knowledge.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Predavanja, seminar. Lectures, seminar.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Seminar Ustni izpit.

40 60

Written report on a given topic Oral examination.

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- A. Pohar, I. Plazl, Laminar to turbulent transition and heat transfer in a microreactor : mathematical modeling and experiments. Ind. eng. chem. res.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 47, no. 19, str. 7447-7455. - M. Lakner, I. Plazl, The finite differences method for solving systems on irregular shapes. Comput. chem. eng.. [Print ed.], 2008, vol. 32, no. 12, str. 2891-2896. - P. Žnidaršič Plazl, I. Plazl, Steroid extraction in a microchannel system : mathematical modelling and experiments. Lab chip, 2007, vol. 7, no. 7, 883-889. - D. Ravnjak, I. Plazl, A. Može, Kinetics of colloidal alkylketene dimer particles deposition on pulp fibers. Colloid polym. sci., 2007, 1-8. - I. Plazl, M. Lakner, T. Koloini, Modeling of temperature distributions in canned tomato based dip during industrial pasteurization. J. food eng., 2006, vol. 75, no. 3, 400-406.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ318A

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


Fakulteta za kemijo in DŠP 3.stopnje Kemijske znanosti kemijsko tehnologijo UČNI NAČRTI

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5 25 / / 90 30 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: izr.prof. dr. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl / Assoc. Prof. Polona Žnidaršič Plazl, PhD

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / angleški Slovene / English

Vaje / Tutorial: /

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Vpis na doktorski študij.

Enrolment in a doctoral study programme.


Content (Syllabus outline):

Izbrana poglavja iz biotehnoloških procesov: - specifičnosti submerznih bioprocesov z nitastimi mikroorganizmi, - biotehnološko pridobivanje encimov in njihova uporaba - kontinuirno vodenje bioprocesov. Izbrana poglavja iz biotransformacij: - kinetični opis biokatalitskih procesov - biotransformacije v nekonvencionalnih topilih - sodobne tehnike imobilizacije biokatalizatorjev. Miniaturizacija naprav v biotehnologiji: - mikrobioreaktorji - encimski mikroreaktorji - uporaba mikrostrukturiranih sistemov v zaključnih procesih - matematični opis izbranega biokatalitskega procesa/separacije v mikrofluidni napravi. Integracija bioprocesov z zaključnimi procesi.

Selected topics in bioprocessing: - specifics of submerged bioprocesses with filamentous microorganisms - biotechnological production of enzymes and their applications - continuous bioprocess operation. Selected topics in biocatalytic processing: - kinetic description of biocatalytic processes - biotransformations in non-conventional media - novel techniques for biocatalyst immobilization. Miniaturization in biotechnology: - microbioreactors - enzymatic microreactors - application of microstructured systems in downstream processing - mathematical description of selected biocatalytic process/separation in a microfluidic device. Integration of bioprocesses with separation processes.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings:

Izbrana poglavja iz:/Selected topics in: J. Nielsen, J. Villadsen, G. Liden, Bioreaction Engineering Principles, 2nd Ed. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Press, New York, 2002 W.-D. Fessner, T. Anthonsen (eds.), Modern Biocatalysis: Stereoselective and Environmentally Friendly Reactions, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009 P. J. Dunn, A. S. Wells, M. T. Williams, Green Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010 M. Moo-Young (ed.), Comprehensive Biotechnology. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, 2011 Buchholz, K., Kasche, V., Bornscheuer, U.T. Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology, 2nd Edition.

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Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012 Tekoča znanstvena periodika/Current scientific literature

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Cilj predmeta je poglobitev znanja za načrtovanje, vodenje in optimizacijo bioprocesov in tehnologij. Kompetence: spoznavanje izbranih biotehnoloških procesov in njihova inženirska analiza, razumevanje pomena kontinuirnega delovanja procesov in vpeljave miniaturiziranih naprav v biotehnologijo.

Deepening knowledge for an independent design and optimization of bioprocesses and technologies. Competences: comprehension of selected biotechnological processes and their engineering analysis, understanding of the significance of continuous process operation and implementation of micro-scale devices in biotechnology.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje

Študent bo usvojil integriran pristop k razvoju,

vodenju in analizi biotehnoloških procesov na

osnovi sinteze biokemijskega inženirstva,

mikrobiologije in biokemije.


Študent bo razvil sposobnost sodelovanja pri

razvoju, vodenju in analizi biotehnoloških



Študent bo predstavil in analiziral pridobljena

znanja o izbranih biotehnoloških procesih.

Prenosljive spretnosti

Iskanje in analiza ustreznih virov podatkov, priprava seminarja in ustne predstavitve.

Knowledge and Comprehension

Student will become familiar with integration of biochemical engineering, microbiological and biochemical principles in development, operation and monitoring of biotechnological processes. Application Student will develop the ability to participate in the development, control and analysis of biotechnological processes. Analysis Student will interpret and analyse the knowledge on selected bioprocesses. Skill-transference Ability Search and analysis of adequate sources of data, seminar preparation, oral presentation.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

- Predavanja - Priprava seminarja in predstavitev ostalim študentom v okviru rednih seminarskih sestankov skupine (diskusija in kritično vrednotenje izbrane znanstvene literature)

- Lectures - Preparation of seminars and presentation to other students within obligatory seminar meetings of the group (discussion and critical evaluation of selected scientific literature)

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


- Seminar (ocena teksta in predstavitve) - Ustni izpit



- Seminar (evaluation of text and presentation) - Oral exam

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Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

- NOVAK, Uroš, LAKNER, Mitja, PLAZL, Igor, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Experimental studies and modeling of α-amylase aqueous two-phase extraction within a microfluidic device. Microfluidics and nanofluidics, ISSN 1613-4982, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s10404-015-1550-z -STOJKOVIČ, Gorazd, KRIVEC, Matic, VESEL, Alenka, MARINŠEK, Marjan, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Surface cell immobilization within perfluoroalkoxy microchannels. Applied Surface Science, ISSN 0169-4332. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 320, no. 1, str. 810-817 -ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona. Enzymatic microreactors utilizing non-aqueous media. Chimica oggi = Chemistry today, ISSN 0392-839X, 2014, vol. 32, no. 1, str. 54-61 -TIŠMA, Marina, ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, VASIĆ-RAČKI, Đurđa, ZELIĆ, Bruno. Optimization of laccase production by Trametes versicolor cultivated on industrial waste. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, ISSN 0273-2289, 2012, vol. 166, no. 1, str. 36-46 -ŽNIDARŠIČ PLAZL, Polona, PLAZL, Igor. Microbioreactors. V: MOO-YOUNG, Murray (ur.). Comprehensive biotechnology. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier, cop. 2011, str. 289-301.




Študijski program in stopnja Study Programme and Level

Študijska smer Study Field

Letnik Academic


Semester Semester

DR Kemijske znanosti, 3. stopnja / 1. 1. in 2.

Doctoral programme in Chemical Sciences, 3rd Cycle

/ 1st 1st and 2nd

Vrsta predmeta / Course Type: izbirni/Elective

Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University Course Code: KZ321

Predavanja Lectures

Seminar Seminar

Vaje Tutorial

Klinične vaje Work

Druge oblike študija

Samost. delo Individual


30 45 / / / 75 5

Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: prof. dr. Marjan Marinšek /Dr. Marjan Marinšek, Associate Full Professor

Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian

Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian

Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:


Študent oz. kandidat mora imeti predmet opredeljen kot študijsko obveznost.

The course has to be assigned to the student.

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Content (Syllabus outline):

Študent skupaj z mentorjem izbere vsebine v obsegu 5 KT izmed spodaj navedenih glede na področje svojega raziskovalnega dela pa poglobi znanja z izborom ožje teme.

Nosilec predmeta skladno z izbranimi vsebinami kooordinira izvajanje, če je izvajalcev več.

- Razumevanje splošnih odvisnosti med strukturo in lastnostmi materialov. Poudarek je dan osnovam teorije mehanske lastnosti materialov, metode mehanskega utrjevanja, plastičnosti polikristaliničnih materialov, lezenju in kinetiki faznih transformacij. Dodatna izbrana poglavja vključujejo znanja potrebna za razumevanje električnih, magnetnih in optičnih lastnosti materialov, biokeramike ter nanomaterialov in nanotehnologij.

A. - Načrtovanje materialov z določenimi lastnostmi Vsi primeri so obdelani na posebnih študijskih primerih. Od materialov so posebej obravnavani: jekla (ogljikova in zlitine), aluminij, keramika, steklo, polimerni kompoziti, keramični kompoziti, kompoziti s kovinsko matrico, napredni keramični materiali (LTCC, FGM..).

B. - Načrtovanje in izbor materialov ter procesov za njihovo pripravo. Obravnavane so lastnosti materialov, ki so izrazito pomembne za krojenje (dizajn) elementov in sklopov strukture, splošna metodologija izdelave konstrukcij, metodologija izbora materialov in kriteriji ter orodja za izbor materialov s posebnim poudarkom na obravnavi propada-korozije gradiv. Obravnavani so naslednji procesi za pripravo materialov: sinteza in določitev sestave ter lastnosti materialov, metode priprave prahov, načini oblikovanja, sušenje, sintranje; procesi za izboljšanje in krojenje lastnosti: termična, kemijska in mehanska obdelava. Vsi navedeni procesi so

At the beginning of school year Student and course coordinator select specific topics from the course content, relevant for dissertation with the total of 5 ECTS. Course coordinator is responsible for appropriate organization of the course in case there are more than two lecturers on the programme.

- Materials properties:

The emphasis is on the underlying relationship and deeper understanding of the microstructure-composition-synthesis-processing relationships. Tensile test and the information that can be derived from it, elastic and plastic deformation, concept of slip, dislocations and their role in plastic deformation, Schmidt’s law, creep, kinetics of phase transformations, strengthening mechanisms and hardness will be studied. Additional knowledge needed to understand electrical, magnetic and optical properties of materials, bioceramics and nanomaterials will be worked out as seminars. - Principles of materials design:

Seminars will be prepared as specific case studies for: steels and alloys, aluminum, ceramics, glass, polymer composits, continuous ceramic fibers composits, metal matrix composites, advanced ceramic materials (LTCC, FGM…).

- Principles of materials selection for engineering design: When the material is designed for a specific application, a number of factors must be taken into account. Specific properties of materials with high relevance to the design of components and structures will be studied. Materials must be designed with recquired physical or mechanical properties, their fabrication should be simple and cost effective. Methodology for materials selection, including the selection criteria, and specific tools for selection of corrosion resistant materials functioning under specific conditions will be

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obravnavani na mikro in nano skali velikosti gradnikov (delcev, plasti, itd). Karakterizacija strukture in funkcionalnih lastnosti materialov. Študent izbere primere posebnih sodobnih fizikalnih in kemijskih sinteznih metod, ki jih obdela v seminarski nalogi.

presented. Monitoring the processes for manufacturing will be studied: synthesis and analysis of composition and properties, specific methods for powder preparation and characterization, shaping, drying, sintering; processes for property improvement and design: thermal, chemical and mechanical treatments… All processes will be studied on micro and nano levels. Special case studies of the use of contemporary physical and chemical synthetic routes will be elaborated by the students in seminar form.

Temeljna literatura in viri / Readings

- T. Fischer, Materials Science for Engineering Students, Academic Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-373587-4

- R. Askeland, The Science and Engineering of Materials, 4th Edition, 2003 Thompson Learning, ISBN-0-534-95373-5

- P.L. Mangonon, The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineering Design, Prentice Hall, 1999, ISBN-0-13-242595-5

- J.K.Wessel, Handbook of Advanced Materials Enabling NewDesigns, Whilley Interscience, 2004, ISBN-471-45475-3

- U. Brőckel, W. Meier, G. Wagner, Product Design and Engineering, Wiley-VCH, Vol.1, Vol.2, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-527-31529-1

- Študent bo poleg navedene literature uporabljal tudi najnovejša literaturo (monografije, članki) z izbranega študijskega področja. / Students will use also the newest literature (monographies, papers) from the selected field.

Cilji in kompetence:

Objectives and Competences:

Razumevanje splošnih odvisnosti med strukturo in lastnostmi materialov. Poleg tega v okviru tega predmeta študent pridobi specialistična znanja z ožjega področja. Ta znanja zadostujejo za samostojno vodenje znanstvene raziskave na izbranem raziskovalnem področju.

Basic chemistry and materials engineering data are given to understand correlations between the structure and properties of materials. Advanced knowledge on selected topics is presented as a basis of student’s ability to solve scientific and engineering problems.

Predvideni študijski rezultati:

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Znanje in razumevanje Študent je sposoben samostojno pregledati najnovejšo literaturo s področja materialov ter pripraviti literaturni pregled o izbrani tematiki.

Knowledge and Comprehension Student comprehends scientific litearature in the field of materials engineering and is able to prepare literature survey on selected topics.

Uporaba Pridobljena znanja je sposoben samostojno uporabljati na področju inženirstva materialov

Application Student is able to use gained knowledge for research and development in the field of engineering of materials

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Refleksija Študent je sposoben samostojno definirati problem, načrtovati vsebino raziskovalnega dela ter zastaviti raziskovalne cilje,

Analysis Student defines problems, proposes the content of projects and uses research techniques to achieve proposed goals

Prenosljive spretnosti Študent je sposoben sintetizirati različna znanja, zagovarjati rezultate ter aktivno sodelovati v razpravah.

Skill-transference Ability Student has ability to synthesize various inputs, to defend obtained results and actively participate in discussions.

Metode poučevanja in učenja:

Learning and Teaching Methods:

Metode so prilagojene študentu oziroma skupini: predavanja, študij ustrezne strokovne literature, laboratorijsko delo na izbranem področju, seminar in razprave v ožji skupini.

Methods are adapted to a student or group of students: lectures, study of literature, laboratory work in the selected field, seminars and group discussions.

Načini ocenjevanja:

Delež (v %) / Weight (in %)


Predloženo poročilo o projektnem delu ali seminar v pisni obliki

Ustni zagovor projektne naloge

50 50

Seminar or preparation of a written project report

Oral presentation of project and defence of project

Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references:

PECOVSKA-GJORGJEVICH, Margareta, ALEKSOVSKA, Slobotka, MARINŠEK, Marjan, DIMITROVSKA-LAZOVA, Sandra. Impedance and AC condustivity of GdCr [sub] (1-x)Co [sub] xO [sub] 3 (x = 0, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67 and 1) perovskites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, ISSN 0002-7820, no. 12, dec. 2014, str. 3864-3871

ANŽLOVAR, Alojz, MARINŠEK, Marjan, CRNJAK OREL, Zorica, ŽIGON, Majda. Basic zinc carbonate as a precursor in the solvothermal synthesis of nano-zinc oxide. Materials & design, ISSN 0264-1275, Dec. 2015, vol. 86, str. 347-353 ŠTUKOVNIK, Petra, MARINŠEK, Marjan, MIRTIČ, Breda, BOKAN-BOSILJKOV, Violeta. Influence of alkali carbonate reaction on compressive strength of mortars with air lime binder. Construction & building materials, ISSN 0950-0618. [Print ed.], Jan. 2015, vol. 75, str. 247-254 MARINŠEK, Marjan, ŠALA, Martin, JANČAR, Boštjan. A study towards superior carbon nanotubes-supported Pd-based catalysts for formic acid electro-oxidation : preparation, properties and characterisation. Journal of power sources, ISSN 0378-7753, 2013, vol. 235, no. 1, str. 111-116