UCSC Library Website Process Book

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    Table Of Contents



    Prject Presetati










    Sketches a Wirerames

    User Testi


    Further User Testi

    09 Reisis a Fial Cmps

    10 Cclusi

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | I nT R o d U C T I o n


    ItructiThis assimet explres irmati architecture a the rll searchi i aiati.

    We were t chse a existi uiersity library website. Thuh the library cat be the dai o.McKay Library at BYU-Iah, we chse a library that is similar i cus s that we ca use stuets campus as test subjects.

    We are t esi the hmepae, a search results paes a ay aitial paes. We are t alseelp a esktp ersi these paes usi respsie web priciples.

    Thruh this prject we are t emstrate a ability t ie raizati a structure tcmplex irmati base research a user testi.






  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book



    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PR o J E C T PR E S E nT AT I o n


    Prject Presetati

    The is the al presetati r this library website. It was use t preset ur prject i class t

    explai ur prcess a al website.

    I the rst part the presetati es thruh the hme pae a the iferet eatures

    icclue the hmepae. o the hme pae the search eature is the mai eature a the

    eature that was t be cuse i this prject. I the aiati there are ics a labels

    r the ics. As e is clicke a rp w meu rps w where iferet ptis ca

    be selecte. There are quickliks aailable t ai access t iferet parts the website. The

    hurs the library are pe are easily see. A ews rm the website ca als easily be see.

    Lcate the search bar are iferet ptis r cateries t chse rm t help speciy

    yur search. Whe a search is e a search results pae cmes up. I this search results pae

    ics are prie t help yu kw i smethi is aailable lie r i the library itsel. Sme

    basic irmati is als prie abut each result.

    Whe a result is clicke a wiw cmes up with aitial irmati istea taki the

    user t ather pae.

    Aace search is als aailble t help speciy a perss search ee mre accri t Title,

    authr, type, ates, results per pae, amst ther ptis.

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  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H


    Researchoe the ery rst ew this t i this assimets was t chse ather cllees librarywebsite a t cuct sme isual research what hme paes t cllee library websiteslk like. I chse Uieristy Caliria Sata Cruz as the cllee as it shares a similar cus asthe BYU Iah library website.

    Fr the isual research cceri the hme pae I trie t sme mre simple lki hmepaes where specialize irmati was hie a where the search pti the websiteseeme t play a imprtat r mai rle t help me et sme ieas what miht be imprtat

    t hae a library website hme pae.

    I als wate t sme examples search results. This was t help me et sme ieas what search results lke like a what they ctai. I als researche sme ar ticles abutsearch results a u a pretty e that ctais sme reat ieas cceri the esi search results.






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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E S E A R C H 23



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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PE R S o nA S



    Persas were create by eerye i the class. We were t iteriew a ew stuets rm

    a specic majr a ask them questis abut why they use a library website. We aske

    them hw te they use it, r what purpse, this they wul like t see impre, their

    expectatis, what wrks a why, why they wul use the library website ersus i t the

    library, r hw they use the website.

    A sceari was t be eerate rm the iteriews a aswers t the questis a clcts

    that cul arise were t be state as well i the persa.

    These persas were t be use i eelpi ieas hw t impre a library website a its

    serch capabilities.

    The rst persa is e I create the the llwi are sme examples stu ets create i the

    class t help ut.

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book





    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PE R S o nA S

    PERSONA : Political Science







    Jason Smith

    Political Science

    Blackfoot, Idaho



    Jason is a senior at Brigham Young

    University Idaho studying political science.

    After he graduates from BYU-I, he plans on

    going to law school. Jason uses the schools

    library website around fifteen to twenty times

    a semester to conduct research for school


    Challenges: To conduct this research he uses specialized

    links on the library website. He finds the

    library website confusing and cannot find the

    links he wants easily. He feels that there are

    so many different links. He wishes that the

    links were grouped together better and that

    the website was broken up into pages better

    similar information on each page.

    Skills: Jason understand the basic operations of how

    to use a computer and to how to conduct basic

    and advanced searches.

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PE R S o nA S



    NameJe Harris








    About Jef Harris

    Je is a senior at the C olorado State University.

    He is studying English, with an emphasis in

    Proessional Writing.

    He requently has papers to write which require

    extensive research. He currently uses the University

    librarys search unction to nd articles and other

    reerance material.

    Je ofen preers to read an actual physical book,

    and will ofen use the universitys library site to nd

    books that they have available or checking out.

    Although he is used to it now, Je has ofen been

    rustrated with the websites poor interace. He gets

    conused about where to go and what to push.

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book





    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PE R S o nA S


    EDUCATION: Currently working on his

    B.A. in Psychology from The Univer-

    sity of Tennessee Knoxville

    CREDITS: Blake is taking 15 credits this

    semester plus working a part time job


    Blake knows howto run his computer and the key pro-

    grams necessary for school.






    DESCRIPTION: Blake is a student studying Psychology at The University of Tennessee Knoxville.

    He has just began his last semester and is studying for the GMAT. He hasnt completely decided

    on whether or not he wants to attend grad school right after graduating with his undergraduates or

    if he wants to get some work experience first but he is studying for the GMAT in case he decides

    to go to grad school upon graduation.

    CHALLENGES: Blake has a 20 page paper due in one of his senior level psychology classes. The

    teacher requires that the students use the Universitys online library system to find resources fortheir paper. Blake has dealt many times with the librarys site but is nervous to use it because of

    its lack of search capabilities and ease of finding information.

    Blake Mead


    Knoxville, Tennessee

    Psychology Student


  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | PE R S o nA S

    Rebecca is a 22 year-old senior attendingBYU-Idaho. She is a music major with anemphasis in vocal perormance. Rebeccaloves what she is learning and is very goodat it. She enjoys perorming live and looksorward to becoming a music teacher inthe uture. Rebecca is not married but ishoping her boyriend will pop the ques-

    tion very soon.

    Rebecca has used the university web-site every semester she has been here atschool. She primarily uses it to obtainsheet music, fnd reliable inormation onmusic pieces she is perorming, or to fnda specifc song. Rebecca is not a huge ano the library website, she says that it is notvery user-riendly. However, since she hasbeen using it or so long, it is not that bigo a deal because she is used to it.

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  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | S K E T C H E S A nd W I R E FR A M E S

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | S K E T C H E S A nd W I R E FR A M E S

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | S K E T C H E S A nd W I R E FR A M E S

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | S K E T C H E S A nd W I R E FR A M E S

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | S K E T C H E S A nd W I R E FR A M E S

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | U S E R T E S T I ng


    User TestiFr this part the user testi sme scearis were ie t sme peple t see hw they wul abut usi the library website s ar.

    There was sme cusi abut a cuple this the hmepae. The rst was with theaiati a the ics. Sme were usure exactly what research meat sice there was asearch bar alreay i place where they thuht research wul bei. Sme thuht it mihthae bee research help. Als, they elt that ptis shul be ie i a rp w meu rathertha taki yu t a iferet pae r each the aiati ics. They like the iea a sai it

    wul be a reat help i the ptis a what wul happe was clearer.

    I iite sme t tell me hw they wul search r certai this usi the search bar. It becameapparet that the ptis majr a website tp the search bar were mre cusitha helpul. It was har r them t uersta what exactly these ptis wul help them .

    The All eature the search bar was a eature al with the ptis they cul quicklylter by whe the rp w meu was accesse. They like the iea bei able t search all the library website rather tha tryi t a specic irectry r cllecti t search rmrst. They sai it wul be a lt easier t be able t search all them at ce.

    The quickliks meu was a helpul iea t hae the hmepae. The mst ppular liks aupate a reular bases a ae t the quickliks pae r quick a easy access tirmati that is t ctaie the hmepae that is te lke r a use.

    The search results pre t be simple t uersta. The search ptis were a little cusi

    r peple t uersta because they i t k w what wul ccur i smethi was clicke.A search bar at the tp eee t be ae as a eature that wul stay rm pae t pae tmake searchi easier. There ees t be a easier way r them t ut hw they ca accessthe research they are lki r i it aailable lie r i the library.

    The iea bei able t search by subject seeme t be a reat help t thse wh teste thelibrary website. It seeme t make researchi certai this a lt aster whe a specic area research was bei perrme.






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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS



    Reisis were mae accri t what was leare uri the user testi. The research ic

    was take away a rp w meus were sketche t help preset the ptis better r the

    aiati the website. diferet ptis were explre t see what wul wrk best with

    the layut the website.

    The actual search bar was me t the mile the hmepae a the picture was als

    cetere t help the search bar be the mai cus the hmepae. The ptis t search bymajr a just ly the website were take ut.

    Ics were ae istea hai a imae what the search result is. These ics are t help

    peple kw hw they ca access the irmati a where it is aailable.

    The iea hai ather pae pp up whe a actual lik was clicke i the search results

    pae seeme t be a bther t mst peple wh use library websites. It was a bther because

    it wul bri yu t ather pae a yu wul lse yur search results because it wul

    t bri up the pae i ather wiw. S, I sketche ut sme ieas hw sme srt

    rp w cul preset the irmati what eer yu click i the search results, s the

    irmati cul be iewe the same pae a s that yu wul t lse yur search

    results maki the library search experiece easier r peple.

    The iea hai a actual aace search pae was itruce t help make the search

    ptis clearer. Wirerames a sketches were create t be teste t see i hai a separate

    pae wul help ut mre.

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | FU R T H E R U S E R T E S T I ng


    Further User Testi

    The ew reisis r the hme pae pre t be mre efectie a helpul. Peple were

    mre easily uersta the aiati with the rp w meus a sai that it was a

    iea a easy t use.

    The search bar was simple t use a easy t uersta. I they quickly wate t eit a search

    they cul it with little r cusi w.

    The ics that were ae i the search results pae were helpul whe they uerst what

    they were. It was har r sme at rst t kw what their purpse was. Whe a search result is

    clicke a rp w cmes up with mre irmati abut the search result. This was helpul

    a useul i the search experiece. It was easy r peple t ctiue there search while

    explri iferet search results maki researchi a easier experiece.

    Hai the aace search pae was als helpul. Hai a seperate pae mae it easier r

    peple t arrw w searches. Istea hai just e el t arrw their search w

    by it wul be helpul t hae the pti i it by a ew. Hai the pti i a

    exact r almst match i the search results was als a helpul eature t hae.

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS A nd FI nA L C o M PS


    Reisis a Fial CmpsFial cmps r this prject were create base the urt her user testi. Mck ups the actualwebsite were create which icrprate the sketches a wirerames.

    o the search results pae the ability t search just what is aailable lie r i the library wasae. This als was ae t help peple kw what the actual ics mea.

    I the aace search pae mre ptis t search by a specic el was ae t make a mrespecic search easier t cuct.






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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS A nd FI nA L C o M PS

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    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS A nd FI nA L C o M PS

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | R E v I S I o nS A nd FI nA L C o M PS

  • 7/27/2019 UCSC Library Website Process Book


    L I B R A R Y W E B S I T E | C o nC L U S I o n


    CclusiThruh this prcess I was able t lear abut irmati hierarchy a search results a hwesi ca be icrprate it creati search results.

    I leare that specialize irmati shul be hie. I smee is cmi t the website tlk r specic irmati a specic liks they will it. It is key t make the mst basic aimprtat irmati presete rst. The the irmati ca be brke w rm there.

    Ieas ca be chae r be mae mre useul thruh the use u ser testi. It is t test

    early a te t time a efrt wt be waste.

    The simpler the search prcess the better. Fr smethi like a search a library website it ishelpul t ctai the search e pae rather the pulli separate paes t aitialirmati abut smethi.




