UMN Pollinator Education Toolkit · the garden, they all need help moving the pollen. Plants get...

Post on 08-Aug-2020

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UMN Pollinator Education Toolkit

How are our food choices affected by pollinators?- Many grains like rice, corn, and wheat, are wind-pollinated.

- Most seed, nuts, and fruits, and some vegetables, depend on pollinators.

Pollen- moved from anther to stigma.

- fertilizes an ovule.

- ovule becomes a seed.

Whether a plant needs pollen moved

within their own flowers or from across

the garden, they all need help moving the


Plants get help from wind, water, or

animals to move pollen.

How is seed production related to what we eat?Almonds and other nuts are seeds.

Often we focus our eating on the parts of

the fruit that surround the seeds. After

fertilization, the ovary of the plant will

grow to form a protective fruit around the

seed. Fruits can be thought of as

delicious coverings for seeds to

encourage animals to eat the seeds and

move them to another spot. For fruits like

apples, you can see the ovary and the

seeds in the core of the apple.

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