Uninformed Means Underdeveloped

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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What Is Plagiarism?

What Is Plagiarism?

What Is Plagiarism?

What Is Plagiarism?

What Is Copyright Infringement?

What Is Copyright Infringement?

The Answer Is…

The Answer Is… …It Depends

Regardless of one’s own definition, the fear of committing either of these crimes has lead to underdeveloped research brought on by the lack of knowledge regarding how to cite

other’s work properly.

I myself as a student at Texas Christian University have struggled with the boundaries between plagiarism and

copyright infringement.

As a result of this fear, the development of potentially breakthrough ideas has slowed.

Sadly, this problem could be resolved by teaching proper citing techniques to those who need them and be explaining what the differences are between plagiarism and copyright


Some say that plagiarism is using someone else's work without giving proper credit while copyright infringement is

using someone else’s work without their permission.

Typically issues of plagiarism are dealt with within an academic institution whereas issues of copyright

infringement are dealt with in a court.

Also, plagiarism is widely understood as a crime against the group while copyright is a crime against the individual (Laura

Murray 174).


Although these differences help distinguish between the two, there is no solid and consistent way to decide which is

applicable; it is often subjective.

Regardless, with such stringent regulation regarding both plagiarism and copyright infringement, the ease in which

people are able to freely express their own opinion or express their creativity is being restrained.

The fear of being accused of plagiarism, especially in the academic world, is substantial.

Although the consequences for plagiarism may not be quite as severe as other forms of academic misconduct, the

consequences can still be quite serious.

The penalties for plagiarism can vary from failing an assignment, loss of privilege, getting a low grade to not being

promoted to a higher standard, academic probation and even expulsion from an educational institution (Buzzle.com).

The difficult thing about plagiarism is that it is extremely easy to do unintentionally; and it is the fear of the consequences of unintentional plagiarism that prevents them from doing

research to further their claims and ideas.

Some believe that the stringent laws surrounding copyright should be loosened in order to create a most free society

where ideas are freely exchanged.

In the documentary, riP: A Remix Manifesto, Brett Gaylor, the director, makes the argument that in order for the formation of new ideas to

occur, they must be able to freely build off the past.

Without a fundamental understanding of the differences between copyright infringement and plagiarism, the flow of new ideas will move

at a significantly slower pace.

We need to focus on teaching the differences between infringement and plagiarism as well as teach proper citing techniques in order for us to have a free society where the creative ideas of individuals are

able to build off those before them.

Bibliography http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nd.edu/~sheridan/Debate.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.nd.edu/~sheridan/UnivSem.html&usg=__TjmPWv_I6hEf-3RiE0mKXq0vQ0E=&h=620&w=720&sz=52&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=3ZYvYWIWeE7prM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=155&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDebate%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D2073%26bih%3D1059%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=387&ei=NNKYTJDiL5uInAfuuLSkDw&oei=NNKYTJDiL5uInAfuuLSkDw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=97&ty=95






















Rip!: A Remix Manifesto. Dir. Bret Gaylor. Perf. Rip: a Remix Manifesto. Disinformation Films/Rv, 2010. Film.

Murray, Laura. "Plaigiarism and Copyright Infringement." Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age. Michigan: Digital Culture Books, 2008. 173-181. Print.