Unit 3: Isaac and Jacob OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac Lesson file1 OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly...

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OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Unit 3: Isaac and Jacob OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac Lesson

Scripture: Genesis 24

Lesson Goal: Isaac was the son that God had promised to Abraham and Sarah. He was born

miraculously when they were almost 100 years old. In this lesson we will see how God continued to guide Isaac's life and even chose the girl whom he should marry!

Introduction: This is the first lesson in Unit 3: Isaac and Jacob. Isaac was the son that God had promised to Abraham and Sarah. He was born miraculously when they were almost 100 years old. In this lesson we will see how God continued to guide Isaac's life and even chose the girl whom he should marry! The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible called Genesis. The word "Genesis" means beginning. Genesis is the first book of Law. The books of the Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: "God is with You" Did you know that God is with you every minute of every day? He never leaves you. He is always leading and guiding you through your day even when you don't realize it. Nothing happens by accident. Every person you meet during the day and everything that happens to you is part of His great plan for your life. Just think--God planned for you to be in your family. God chose where you should live and even where you should go to school. He is always with us! God has a special plan for your life.

God even has a plan for the person you are to marry. Did you know that you can ask God to chose whom you should marry? When God directs your life you can be sure that you will have the best! God wants all of us to ask Him to guide us.In this lesson we are going to see how God guided Isaac in choosing the woman he should marry.

Opening Prayer: "Father, we thank you that you never leave us alone. You are always leading us and guiding us through every day. We pray that we will see Your hand in everything that happens to us and every person we meet along the way each day. Help us not to miss the special plan that you have for us. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/u2iqqyedDXQ God had chosen Abraham to be the father of the nation of Israel. God had called him from the land of Ur to come to the Promised Land and Abraham had obeyed. God promised Abraham and Sarah a son and that their offspring would become a great nation. When Abraham and Sarah were too old to have children, God miraculously gave them a son whom they named Isaac.

Little Isaac brought great joy to Abraham and Sarah. They had waited a long time to get a son and how they enjoyed him. Abraham trained Isaac in the things of God, for he wanted him to be a strong, spiritual, godly man. Isaac grew to love God just like his father Abraham.

Both Abraham and Isaac showed their obedience to God when they were tested on Mount Moriah.


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Isaac was willing to submit to God's will even when it was difficult. As the years past God kept His promise to Abraham and blessed him in every way. He and his wife Sarah enjoyed life with Isaac for many years.

Then when Abraham was a very old man Sarah died. She lived to be one hundred twenty-seven years old. She was buried in a cave at Mamre at Hebron in the land of Canaan. This burial ground was a place that Abraham had bought from the Hittites. Both Abraham and Isaac felt very lonely and sad after Sarah's death.

Abraham remembered God's promise that his offspring would become a great nation. He remembered how God had said that his family would be like the stars of the heavens and the sand of the sea.

Now that Isaac had grown to be a man who was 37 years old, Abraham decided it was time that he got married. In that day, parents chose wives for their sons. Abraham wanted a good wife for Isaac, one of whom God approved. Isaac would be the family through whom the Savior was to come so it was most important that Isaac have a good wife .

But whom could he marry? Isaac must not marry a girl from one of the idol-worshiping families of Canaan, because they did not love or serve the true Jehovah God, and they would not teach their children about Him. Instead Abraham wanted Isaac to have a wife from among his own people who did worship God .

So where could Abraham find the right wife for Isaac, the one God wanted? He thought, "Maybe I can send back to my relatives in Mesopotamia; I remember that my brother Nahor has twelve sons and many, many grandchildren. Perhaps I can find a suitable girl there for Isaac to marry."

Abraham knew just the person to do this important job. It was Eliezer, his most trusted servant, who was the manager of his household. So Abraham called his trusted servant Eliezer, and said to him, "Promise me that you will not let my son marry one of these Canaanite girls. I want you to go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife for him there. "

What a job," thought Eliezer. "It's hard enough to find a wife for your own son, much less for someone else's son!" He knew that it was a long, long journey and that it would take many days, "But suppose I can't find a girl who will come so far away from home and marry a man she and her family have not seen?" the servant asked. "Then shall I take Isaac there to live?"

"Oh, no!" Abraham warned. "Never! For the Lord God commanded me to leave that land and my people, and promised to give me and my children THIS land. God will send an angel before you and select the girl of His choice. If you do not find her, then you will be free from your responsibility." Abraham wasn't worried. He trusted God. He knew that God would work out the details.

So Eliezer said, "I will go." He made up a caravan of ten camels, many servants, and all kinds of valuable gifts—golden rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, dazzling jewels, and beautiful, expensive, and lovely clothes. He took the best of everything Abraham owned so he could impress the bride-to-be. For days and days the caravan traveled, crossing valleys and hills and the great, lonely desert.

Late one evening, weary and hot, the caravan finally reached the city of Abraham's relatives. Here, outside the town of Nahor, they came to a well, and Eliezer made his camels kneel down to be watered. It was towards evening which was the time when the women of the village go out to fill their pitches with water.

Eliezer thought, "This will certainly be a good chance to look over the young women—but how will I know the right one? I dare not trust my judgment." He had learned to trust Abraham's God, so he


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

said, "I will ask the Lord for His help and guidance; this is God's business anyway."

Eliezer then began to pray, "0 Lord, God of my master, be gracious to Abraham and give me success in finding a God-fearing wife for Isaac. 0 Lord, let it come to pass, as the girls of the village come out to draw water, and I ask one of them for a drink, that she will say, 'Certainly, and I will water your camels, too.' Let her be the one You have chosen to be the wife of Isaac. This will be Your sign to me that she is the one." Wow! Eliezer was very specific with his prayer! God loves for us to do that!

As Eliezer was still praying, a beautiful young girl arrived with an earthen jar on her shoulder. Her name was Rebekah and her father was Bethuel who was related by marriage to Abraham's brother Nahor. Rebekah went down to the spring and filled her jar with water.

After watching her at the well, the servant went over to meet her and said, "Please give me a little water from your jar." Although he was a stranger, she very quickly gave him a cool, refreshing drink of water. Then she said, "I'll draw water for your camels, too, until they have all had enough."

So she emptied her jar into the watering trough, and filled it again and again so that all the thirsty camels could drink. Camels drink a lot of water, especially after a long trip across the desert. The girl had to work very hard to keep drawing water from the well and carrying it to the trough, but she did it happily and graciously.

As Eliezer watched, almost holding his breath, he was more and more convinced this girl was THE one! God had answered his prayer. At last, when the camels had finished drinking, he opened one of the sacks and gave the girl some beautiful golden bracelets and earrings. "For me?" she exclaimed. "They are exquisite."

Then he asked, "Whose daughter are you? Please tell me, is there room in your father's house to spend the night?" Rebekah replied, "We have plenty of straw and fodder, as well as room for you to spend the night.." The servant bowed down and worshipped the Lord for answering his prayers. "

Rebekah ran home to tell her folks, and when her brother Laban saw the expensive jewelry his sister was wearing, and heard her story, he rushed out to the well where Eliezer was still waiting with the camels. "Come and stay with us, my friend. We have a room all ready for you, and a place prepared for the camels," was his gracious invitation. So the man went home with Laban.

Eliezer first took care of the camels and their drivers; then supper was served. But Eliezer said, "I cannot eat until I have told you why I am here." "All right," Laban said, "tell us your errand." "I am Abraham's servant, and God has blessed my master greatly, giving him much wealth, many servants, flocks, and herds. God also gave to him and his wife Sarah, a son in their old age, who will inherit everything my master has.

Isaac, the son, doesn't have a wife yet, and my master made me promise not to let him marry one of the Canaanite girls, among whom they live, because they are idol worshipers. He wanted me to bring back a girl from here to marry his son. This afternoon, when I came to the well, I prayed for the Lord to guide me to the girl of His choice for Isaac."

Then Eliezer told how Rebekah, in answer to his prayer, had offered water to him and his thirsty camels. "This was the sign for which I had asked God, and I knew He had given me success. Rebekah is the girl of God's choice."

The father and brother were convinced that God had been leading in all that had happened, and they were willing to let Rebekah go with the servant of Abraham to be Isaac's bride. Then they all turned to Rebekah to see what she had to say about the matter. "Will you go with this man?" they asked.

She replied, "Yes, I will go." Once more, Eliezer bowed his head and worshiped the great God Who


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

had helped him on his journey. Afterward, he enjoyed the feast that Rebekah's people had prepared for them. Then he brought out other presents of jewels, gold, silver, and lovely clothing for the bride-to-be, and he gave many valuable presents to her mother and brother.

Early the next morning, Eliezer said, "Let me go back to my master. Laban and Rebekah's mother did not want Rebekah to leave them so soon. They wanted Rebekah to stay for ten more days. But the servant insisted that he must get back and report to his master.

They called Rebekah, and again she replied, "Yes, I will go now." So they told her goodbye, and sent her away with her childhood nurse, Deborah, and with other servants and maids.

The trip was long and hot, and it took many weeks. Eliezer must have told her all about Isaac and Rebekah fell in love with him. At last they drew near the area where Abraham and Isaac lived.

It was evening, and Isaac was taking a walk out in the fields alone; maybe he was praying, thinking about the Lord, and maybe he was wondering if Eliezer would find him a bride, and what she would be like! As he looked up, he saw the camels coming, and hurried to meet them.

Rebekah noticed him and asked the servant, "Who is this man walking through the fields toward us?""This is my master's son, Isaac," he replied. Rebekah quickly dismounted and covered her face with her veil. At last! She saw the one she had been hearing so much about! Then Eliezer told Isaac the whole story.

Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother's tent, and she became his wife. Isaac loved Rebekah very much, and she comforted him after his mother's death.

Through the example of Isaac and his bride Rebekah we learn how to let God guide our life and place his will ahead of our own. As a boy Isaac had willingly allowed his father Abraham to prepare him to be a sacrifice. Isaac had learned through that experience to trust God and rely on Him to provide.

Now that Isaac was a man he once again gladly accepted the wife that others had chosen for him. He knew that God was in control of both his father Abraham and the servant Eliezer as they sought the bride that God wanted him to have.

Abraham exhibited great trust in God as he sent his servant Eliezer on the journey back to his family in Nahor to find a wife for his son Isaac. Abraham knew that God's will was for Isaac to have a wife who believed and worshipped God. When you grow up, your parents will not want you to marry someone who is not a Christian. The Bible says we should not do that. It's for our own happiness.

Eliezer had been given a hard job to do, and with God's help he accomplished his task. He filled his master's orders to the letter. He asked God to help him and he trusted Him to answer. Like Eliezer, the servant, we can pray for the Lord's guidance before we make decisions and then we'll be saved from many mistakes, troubles, and heartaches.

Did you notice that Eliezer didn't talk about himself, but about his master's son and the message he had been sent to deliver when he came to Rebekah's house? He wouldn't even eat until he delivered that message. If you have Christ as your Savior, then you are the servant of God much like Eliezer was the servant to Abraham, and you have a very important message to deliver—the message that God's son, Jesus, died for the sins of mankind. We should tell our friends about Jesus!

Rebekah also demonstrated great trust in God as she accepted the invitation to be Isaac's bride. Leaving her family and the home she knew to go to a far away land of which she knew nothing about took great courage and faith in God. She was willing to be obedient to God's plan for her life!

God wants to give us good things but He want us to ask for them and trust Him to give us what we


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

need. We should pray that His will be done in our lives. If we do, our lives will be wonderfully blessed because the Lord knows and wants what is best for us! He is pleased when we allow Him to guide us. We can even pray about who we should marry just like Eliezer did for Isaac's bride!

Our memory verse is Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." This verse promises us that we can rely on God for His wisdom and direction for our lives and He will guide us. Let's say our verse again together. Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Remember let's ask God to guide us every day!

Review Questions: "Fill the Jug" (Grades K-5) Display a large water jug in front of the class. Provide a bucket of water and a large measuring cup to dip the water. As students answer the following review questions correctly about the story they may come up to the front of the class, dip the cup into the bucket of water and pour the water into the water jug. Object of the activity is to see how Rebekah had to fill her jug from the well and to see how much water the class can get into the water jug. 1. What did Abraham want his Eliezer his servant to do? (Go back to his country and family and find

a bride for his son Isaac.) 2. Why didn’t Abraham want Isaac to marry a woman from the new land of Canaan? (He didn’t want

Isaac to marry a woman of another faith. He knew that if Isaac married one of the local Canaanite girls who worshiped idols, Isaac might be led away from the only true God.)

3. What does the Bible say about who we should marry? (Only marry another believer.) 4. Why did Abraham send Eliezer his servant to get a bride for his son? (Abraham was too old to go

himself. He trusted his servant to do the job.) 5. What was Eliezer fear when he found a girl for Isaac? (He was afraid that she would not come

back to the new land of Canaan with him.) 6. What did Eliezer take on his journey to go back to the country of Abraham's family? (Ten camels

loaded with gold and silver bracelets and jewelry and beautiful articles of clothing to give to Rebekah and her family.)

7. How did the servant know which girl was the one for Isaac? (He prayed to God, "When I ask a girl for a drink and she says, ‘Yes, certainly, and I will also water your camels,' let her be the one who will become Isaac's wife."

8. What did Rebekah do when she came to the well and saw Eliezer? (Rebekah came out with her pitcher on her shoulder, gave Eliezer a drink, and watered his camels. so it happened just as the servant asked of God!)

9. What Eliezer give to Rebekah when she got done watering the camels? (Eliezer gave her a ring and two gold bracelets.)

10. What did Eliezer ask Rebekah after he gave her the jewelry? (He asked if there was room in her father's house for him to spend the night.)

11. What did Rebekah's brother Laban do when he saw the jewelry that Rebekah had received? (He ran down to greet Eliezer and welcome him into their home.)

12. What did Eliezer say before he would eat the dinner offered to him by Rebekah's family? (He told them about Abraham and his mission to find a bride for his son Isaac.)

13. What did Rebekah's father and brother say about her going with Eliezer back to the land of Canaan? (They were pleased and said she could go.)

14. What did Eliezer want to do the next morning? What did Rebekah's mother say? (He wanted to take Rebekah back immediately but her mother wanted her to wait ten days or so.)

15. What did Rebekah say when they asked her what she wanted to do? She was ready to go! 16. When they got back to the Promised Land, where was Isaac when he first met Rebekah? (He

was out in the field!) 17. How did Isaac feel about Rebekah? (He thought she was beautiful and he married her!) 18. What are some examples in this story of how God leads and guides each of us day by day? (God

led his servant to the right village, the right well and the right girl.)


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Bible Memory Verse Activity: "Sticky Verse" (Grades K-5) The memory verse is Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Have students repeat the verse together several times. Look up the verse in scripture and read it aloud together. Materials: Bibles, craft sticks, markers Preparation: Print Proverbs 3:5-6 on craft sticks, two or three words on each stick. Make several sets of sticks (one for each group of three or four students) Procedure: Divide the class into three groups. Groups gather in a circle. Mix and distribute all the sticks so that each group has an equal amount, Students find and read Proverbs 3:5-6 in their bibles. Groups arrange the sticks in verse order. The first group decides on a stick that it doesn't need (a duplicate). then the group passes the stick to the next group on its right. the second group decides on a duplicate stick and passes it to the right. A group may pass on a stick it has just received. Play continues until a group has the entire verse and reference in order. Say: "Our memory verse is Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." This verse promises us that we can rely on God for His wisdom and direction for our lives and He will guide us. The word leaning in this verse has the sense of putting your whole weight on something. It is resting and trusting in that person or thing. When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can't trust anyone not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we might want than even we are! We must trust Him completely in every choice we make. We should not belittle our own ability to reason but we must not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We should always be willing to be corrected by God's Word or wise counselors. When we have a decision to make, we should pray and ask God for direction, use the Bible as a guide, and then follow God's leading." Group Learning Game Activity: "Prayer Starters" (Grades 3-5) Materials: Bibles, pen, cardstock, empty plastic water bottle for each student (Remove labels from bottles); T-shirt paint in a variety of colors, scissors. Optional: Instead of water bottles students can decorate wide mouthed plastic jars such as peanut butter, mayonnaise, jelly, etc containers to make containers for prayer starters. Preparation: Make a sample "prayer starter bottle." Print prayer starters on one sheet of cardstock on one sheet of cardstock for each student. Sample prayer starters include (1) Show me what to do when.... (2) Thank you God for... (3) Help me make right choices when.... (4) I need courage to obey when.... (5) Help me when I'm worried about... (6) A big problem I am facing right now is..... Procedure: Give each student a water bottle or other plastic container. Student uses the t-shirt paint to decorate the bottle. Set aside to dry. Student cuts out the prayer starters from cardstock sheet into narrow strips that will fit into the mouth of the water bottle. Student places the prayer starters into bottles. Say: "What do people most often pray about? (Things they need. Thank God for food.) Sometimes it is easy to say the same things over and over when we pray. What does our memory verse suggest that we should pray about? (Read Proverbs 3:5-6 with students.) To help us think of different things to


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

talk to God about, especially situations in which we have to choose to do right or wrong, we are going to make and decorate some water bottles. In our water bottles we will put some prayer starters." (Show the sample prayer starter bottle.) Ask volunteers to suggest times when you might use your prayer starter bottle such as before or after a meal, at bedtime, or while riding in the car. "At home you and others in your family can take turns choosing prayer starters from the bottle. Then you can pray about the things you've talked about." Invite volunteers to take turns choosing prayer starters from your bottle. Volunteer reads prayer starter aloud. Other students tell how they might finish the prayer starter.

Group Learning Activity: "Wedding Photos" (Grades K-5) Materials: Bring wedding photos of your own wedding, parents of students in your class, church leaders, or pastor and wife to class today and share them with your pupils. Procedure: Have students look at the photos and see if they can tell who the couple is. This activity can generate a lot of fun for the students especially is the couple has been married several years. Say: "In our lesson today we studied the importance of choosing the right person to marry. We learned about Abraham and his son, Isaac. When Isaac was a grown man Abraham wanted him to marry someone who believed in God. How did Abraham helped his son find a wife? (He prayed and sent his servant Eliezer to find a godly woman.) God has said that Christians are to marry only Christians. Why do you think that is an important command? (God knows that will bring happiness in a family when they agree on the most important spiritual decision of following Jesus.) Discuss personal testimonies of couples who have prayed about who their lifelong partner will be. Optional: You might want to invite a Christian couple with a strong marriage to bring their wedding photos to show. Have them talk about what it means to have a strong Christian marriage and family. Ask them how they help each other follow God.

Group Learning Game Activity: Wedding Pictionary (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Write the names of people, objects, songs, and places from the story on 3x5 cards. Use words such as camel, pitcher, bracelet, well, wedding, water, daughter, Isaac, servant, Canaan. Procedure: Have one student at a time pick a card. The student will try and draw the word on the chalkboard, while other students guess what it is. You can divide the class into teams if you'd like, or simply award tokens to the first student to guess. Or do the drawing yourself and have the students guess.

Say: "In our lesson today we studied the importance of choosing the right person to marry. We are going to play a game of Pictionary using words from our story. This activity will help us recall the details about how Abraham found a wife for his son, Isaac. Abraham wanted him to marry someone who believed in God. God has said that Christians are to marry only Christians. Lead students in a discussion of why God would make this command."

Group Learning Activity: Water Jar Relay (Grades 3-5) Say: "In our lesson today we learned that Rebekah use jars to carry their water from a well back to their homes. Getting enough water for a whole family was a big job and the water carriers would have to make many trips to get the job done. Rebekah even carried water to some thirsty camels. To find out how people did this activity, we are going to have a relay carrying water like Bible times.".)


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Divide the group into two teams. Pour water into a plastic pitcher or bowl for each team. First student from each team is to carry the pitcher or bowl on his head across the classroom to a line marked on the sidewalk and then return to the beginning of the line, where the next person in the team repeats the activity. The winning team is the one which has all of its members carry the water the distance and back first. (Provide extra pitchers of water for those that are dropped or a supply of water to refill the pitchers.) Alternative: Divide the children into teams and give each team a jug of water and a spoon and pot. Each team player will take his turn in spooning some water into the pot and run back to the team for the next player to spoon water into the pot. Continue until the timer runs out and then see which team has the most water in the pot!

Craft Learning Activity: "Wedding Gifts" (Grades K-3) Materials: cardboard gift boxes (one per student); wrapping paper; crayons, markers, paint, paint brushes, ribbon, tape; scissors Procedure: Wrap the boxes with paper like a wedding gift using tape to secure. Decorate the box to look like wrapping paper with wedding symbols such as brides, ribbons, hearts, flowers, rings, etc. Use ribbon to make bows to make the package extra special. Gift bags or sacks with handles can be used to decorate. Use jewels, glitter and even silk flowers. Say: "In this lesson Abraham and his servant Eliezer found a wife for Isaac by seeking God's will and direction. They wanted a godly woman who believed and worshipped the Lord Jehovah. They knew that God only wants us to marry other believers so they ask God to direct them to the right girl. Isaac was willing to marry the girl whom God chose. When a couple gets married it is customary for the guests to the wedding to bring a gift. Today we are going to wrap gifts to help us remember how God guided Isaac to his bride Rebekah."

Craft Learning Activity: Camel Picture (Grades K-3) Materials: white card stock; orange construction paper; glue; water colors paint; paint brushes; markers; scissors Procedure: Have students write Genesis 24:14 "Drink and I'll water your camels too." along the top of the paper. Have students cut hills out of orange paper to glue onto scene. Have children draw or color in a camel to cut out and glue onto the desert scene. Paint or use markers to make clouds and sun. Optional: Draw an outline of a camel onto cardstock and let students draw around the cardboard template to make their camel.


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Craft Learning Activity: "Rebekah's Pasta Jewelry" (Grades K-5) Materials: Bright yellow yarn; Tape; Alcohol; Food coloring; Small cups; Pasta of various shapes that can be strung; Spoon; Paper towels Procedure: Pour alcohol into small cups. Add several drops of food coloring. Make one cup for each desired color. Drop pieces of pasta into the cups. Be sure the pasta is covered. After two or three minutes, scoop the pasta out with a spoon and drain on paper towels. Repeat until you have colored all the pasta you will need. Check to see if the pasta is colored as dark as you want. If not, back in the cup it goes. Let the pasta dry 30 minutes. Cut yarn to desired length for a necklace or a bracelet. Wrap tape around the ends of the yarn to make it easy to string the pasta. Let the children choose colors and string the pasta to make their own designs. Tie the ends of the yarn and cut off the tape. White pasta works better than whole wheat for this craft.

Craft Learning Activity: "Camel" (Grades K-3) Materials: Print one copy of the moveable camel parts template (below) on cardstock, one for each student in your class; colored markers; poster paint; scissors; paint brushes; paper brads (for moveable legs, head, and tail.) Procedure: Have students color the outlines of the moveable camel parts using either poster paint, watercolor paint, or colored markers. Cut out on black outlines of the parts with scissors. Assemble the camel parts. You can use the paper brads to make moveable camel parts or mount on a sheet of construction paper.

Craft Learning Activity: "Camel Harness" (Grades 3-5) Materials: Obtain brown twine or yarn; you may consider using different colors of yarn or string; scissors, tape; glue Procedure: Explain that camels often have fancy harnesses made of beautiful ropes and braided leather. Offer to help the children learn to braid some yarn, or twine, to make a camel’s harness. Have each child cut three pieces of twine or yarn about 4-6 inches long and tie them together at one end. Tape the yarn or twine to the desk at the knot. Braid the three pieces together until you get to the end. Do it again, or tie off. Optional: Use the camel harnesses to play "Pin the Harness on the Camel." On a large sheet of brown colored paper, draw a side view of a camel. (A brown paper sack cut open and laid out flat makes great brown paper!) Cut out or decorate as desired, but do not include a harness on your picture of the camel. You will also need a blindfold, and a way of securing the camel to the wall or door. During Class: Explain to the children that unfortunately one of the camels has lost his harness. (Oops!) You are going to try and pin it back on. Demonstrate where the camel’s harness should go. Blindfold a volunteer. Allow the child to try and place the harness on the camel in the appropriate place. Play until everyone has had a turn. Who was closest?


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Craft Learning Activity: "Clay Water Jars" (Grades K-3) Materials: 2 cups flour; 1 cup salt; 2/3 cup water; Bowl for mixing; Measuring cup; Wax Paper for each student Procedure: Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl first. Then add in water slowly. Squeeze the dough with your hands until it is smooth. If the play dough is crumbly, add more water. If the play dough is too wet, sprinkle it with flour. Pass out a small piece of wax paper and a small lump of play dough to each student. Instruct them to roll it out into a long snake. Have students coil the “snake” into circles. Using their fingers, students should press together any parts that aren’t touching. Play dough will air dry over time (up to two weeks depending on thickness of water jar). Say: How did Abraham's servant Eliezer know that Rebekah was the one for Isaac? (She gave him a drink and watered all his camels.) Eliezer prayed to God very specifically for direction as to which was the right girl for Isaac's bride. Why do you think he needed such a specific sign? (He did not want to make a mistake.) How does Eliezer's prayer teach us to pray? (No fear in asking God for guidance.)

Life Application Challenge: Prayer Partners (Grades K-5) Review the memory verse: Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Remind the students that we must ask God for direction in our life. Divide your class into groups of two. Ask the partners to share something that they can pray for direction about to the other person. Let the students pray for one another. (Use prayer starters above if desired.)


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

A Bride for Isaac

Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017


OT3.1 A Bride for Isaac ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Help Abraham's servant find his way to Abraham's homeland to find a bride for Isaac


Abraham sent his servant back to his homeland to find a bride for Isaac.