Unit 4 Body Language Words preview greet represent association dormitory canteen flight curious vi....

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Unit 4

Body Language

Words preview








vi. & vt. 迎接;问候vt. 代表;象征n. 社团;联系;联想n. 宿舍n. 食堂n. 飞行;航班adj. 好奇的







adj. 好奇地n. 哥伦比亚vi. & vt. 接近;靠近;走进n. 接近;方法;途径n. 面颊vt. 保护;保卫n. 防御;保卫

Words preview







adj. 主要的vt. 误解;误会n. 误解;误会n. 约旦vi. 猛冲;突进n. 成人;成年人adj. 成人的;成熟的

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Expressions preview

defend against 保卫…以免受

The picture is from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005.

What is the name of this program?

Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.

Do you know who she is?She was the leadingdancer of the program. Her name is Tai Lihua.She is a deaf girl, butshe is a wise, diligent girl.She is deaf and dump, so body language plays avery important part in her life.

What do you think is the

purpose of language?

To communicate with

each other.

How can you communicate

with someone if you cannot

speak? Give an example.





Spoken Language

Written Language

Body Language

Ways of communicating


Definition of Body LanguageOne form of

communication without using any words.

eye contact facial




There are many different ways to

greet someone using words.

How many ways can you think of to

greet someone if you CANNOT speak?

Share your ideas with your partner.

China, Britain

Russia, France,

Arab, Japan, Korea

Some western countries

Shake hands



Embrace (hug )hug

What do people usually greet someone?



Mr. Garcia (Columbia)

Julia Smith (Britain)

George Cook (Canada)

a Japanese

Listen to the tape and try to find out the main idea of the text.

Which is the main idea of the text? A. There are different customs in different countries. B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body movements to send messages and different body movements have different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs.

How do different

international students

behave when they greet

people? Complete the

chart with information

from the passage.

Name Description Body Language

To Whom

Tony Garcia


no touching

man from Japan

man fromColombia

kiss on thecheek

bowing everyone

everyoneJulia Smith


woman fromBritain

Name Description Body Language

To Whom

George Cook

to men to women

shake hands and kiss twice on each cheek

man fromCanada

shakinghandsshaking hands


Ahmed Aziz


man fromJordan


woman from France

people she knows

Use the passage to help you answer the

following questions.

1 Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?

2 What were the two mistakes that the author noticed?

3 Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance?

4 Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones?

5 “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” What do you think this famous saying means?

6 Do you agree with the author’s statement that body language is not good or bad? Why or why not?

1 Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?

The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not

shake hands with women, but he shakes

with the author.

2 What were the two mistakes that the author noticed?

He noticed that the Colombian man kissed

the British woman, but in her culture, a

kiss from a stranger is not acceptable. He

also noticed that the Japanese man bowed

just as the Canadian man started to

shake hands, so one man’s nose touched

the other man’s hand.

3 Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance?

The British woman, Julia, and probably the Canadian man, George, seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others.The Colombian man, Tony, and the Jordanian man, Ahmed, seemed to prefercloser physical distance.

4 Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones?

Yes. Tony from Colombia and Darlene

from France had a similar greeting custom

– a kiss. George from Canada and Ahmed

from Jordan also had a similar greeting

custom – a handshake, but Ahmed shakes

hands only with men.

5 “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” What do you think this famous saying means?

This saying means that when we are in

a certain place, we should follow the

customs of the people who live in that

place, not our own customs.

Work in groups of four. Read the

following questions and then

choose one to discuss together.

1 If you meet a foreigner who comes

up close to you to talk, what

countries might he be from? How

can you show him that you are

uncomfortable with that?

2 If a girl in shorts goes into a

Muslim house and a man takes her

outside pointing at her shoes and

shorts, what should she do?

Guess why he is so particular.

3 What are some situation

where body language is the

only form of communication?


The Maori in New Zealand touch noses to greet people.

In Vietnamese culture, only parents or a high-ranking person can touch your head.

A Bulgarian nods to mean “no” and shakes his head from side o side to mean “yes”.

1. represent --- vt. 表现;代表;象征

This painting represents a storm.

这幅画描绘暴风雨。We chose a committee to represent us.


2. curious---adj. 好奇的 , 求知的 , 古怪的 , 爱挑剔的 be curious about sth 对…感到好奇 be curious to do sth 很想做… 渴望做… n. curiosity 好奇心 adv. Curiously 好奇地 a curious glance 好奇的眼光 curious neighbors 爱管闲事的邻居

3. approach vt./vi. come near

走近 , 开始考虑 , 开始着手 , 接近。Silently we approached the enemy's camp. 

我们静悄悄地逼近敌人的营地。approach n 接近;方法;途径Heavy footsteps signaled the teacher's app



4. cheek n. 面颊 ; 脸蛋a. Her cheeks became red after she ran

up the stairs to the six floor.

她奔上楼梯到了七楼 , 两颊涨得通红。b. I like his cheek!

我真佩服他的厚脸皮 ! c. None of your cheek! 不得无礼 !

d. have plenty of cheek 厚脸皮

5. defend vt. 保护;保卫The union said that they would

take action to defend their member's jobs. 

工会说他们将采取行动维护会员工作权益。defend against 保卫…以免受We defend our country against enemies.


6. likely adj. 很可能 ( 发生 ) 的 ; 适合的

be likely to do … 很可能…;有希望…It is likely to be cold in November.

十一月可能会冷起来。 习惯用语 as likely as not 可能;多半;说不定 It is likely that... 很可能 ... Not likely! [ 口 ] 不可能 ! 才不呢 !


1. Surf the internet to collect more information about Body Language.

2 Deal with the exercises on pages 28 and 29 . Pay attention to the useful words, expressions and structures.

Thank you!Thank you!