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United States History

Unit II SyllabusFriday: Unit 1 Test Classwork: If time permits begin working Imperialism maps

(There will be a quiz on them on Tuesday) Project Topics Assigned Projects due Wed. Homework: Read Sections 1 and 2 chapter 10 and complete the guided reading

Monday: Classwork: Discussion of Imperialism: Take notes on Chapter 10, Map Review, Possible Quiz. Discussion of the Spanish American War. Primary Source Sheet. Homework: Read Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 10 and answer the guided reading. Work on Important People and ActsStudy for Map Quiz (it is over both maps)

Tuesday: Classwork: Imperialism Map Quiz: Discussion of Imperialism (Take Notes on Chapter 10Political Cartoon Worksheets 1 and 2. Work on Important People and Important Acts Homework: Read Sections 1,2,3 in Chapter 9. Complete Guided ReadingWork on Important People and Acts

Wednesday: Projects due Classwork: Introduction to Progressivism: Discussion (take notes ch 9) Work Compare and Contrast Populism and Progressivism sheet (Diagram) Discussion of Women’s Suffrage Movement: Work Carrie Chapman Catt Worksheet and the Declaration of the WCTU Worksheet. Homework: Read Sections 4 and 5 in Chapter 9 and Complete guided reading sheets, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Study for Unit Test

Thursday: Classwork: Continued discussion of progressivism (take notes on Ch 9)Work Progressive president worksheet. Political Cartoon worksheets 3 and 4Work on Important People and Acts. Homework: Complete packet worksheetsStudy for Unit Test.

Friday: Unit II Test. You will receive a Unit III syllabus for your assignments,Long Term Project Assigned!!!

Unit II Project

Due Wed Jan 27!!!!

Create a poster depicting the topic that you are assigned.

If it is a Campaign Poster: you must include a picture of the candidate, the party, the year, the platform (things the candidate supports) A slogan for the candidate

IF it is and Act or Law: You must include a description of the act, tell why it was needed, tell who the president was when it became law, and include a picture that represents the Act or Law.

If it is a book or author: You must include an image of the Author, a description of the work, or of the Author’s major works, and explain why this book or author is important to U.S. History

Guidelines: The poster should be half of a standard poster board (smaller is not poster like and larger won’t stay on the wall) You should not just print out an internet description. Things should be in your words. You are showing me what you have learned. You will be docked points if you just cut and paste documents. This counts as 2 quiz grades.

Chapter 10 Guided Reading sheet 1 Name_________________Read Sections 1 and 2 chapter 10 and answer the following questions1. Define imperialism

2. American Imperialism was a continuation of what earlier idea?

3. List Three factors that led to American imperialism

4. What did Alfred Thayer Mahan do?

5. What 3 main points did Mahan make about U.S. naval superiority?

6. Explain why some people did not support imperialism.

7. How did the McKinly Tariff of 1890 affect hawaii’s Economy?

8. What role did Stanford B. Dole play in Hawaii?

9. What did President Cleveland want to occur in Hawaii before the U.S. annexed it?

10. What president annexed Hawaii?

11. Explain the Concept of Yellow Journalism

12. Explain the reasons the U.S. citizens wanted to go to war with Spain

13. List the Provisions of the Treaty of Paris 1898

Chapter 10 Worksheet 3 TIER III Name:____________________1. What three territories did the U.S. gain from the Treaty of Paris 1898?

2. What did the Foraker Act do?

3. What were the Insular cases?

4. Explain what the Teller amendment did?

5. What did the Platt Amendment do?

6. How did the U.S. force Cuba to pass the Platt Amendment?

7. What is a protectorate?

8. Explain the Open Door Policy?

Why did John Hay issue the Open Door Notes?

9. Describe the Boxer rebellion?

10. Why did the Russo-Japanese War break out?

11. How was T.Roosevelt involved in the Russo-Japanese War?

12. What was the Great White Fleet?

How did it affect Japan/

13. Explain the Roosevelt Corollary.

14. Give and Example of the Corollary in action

15. Explain Dollar Diplomacy:

What President do we associate with it?

16. Explain Missionary Diplomacy:

17. What is "Watchful Waiting"?

18. Who was Francisco "Pancho" Villa?Why did the U.S. Army try to hunt down Villa?

Chapter 9 Guided Reading 1 Name:_____________________________Read section one, two, and three ch 9 and answer the following questions1. List the four major goals of Progressivism

2. Who was Florence Kelley?What legislation did she help pass?

3. Explain Prohibition:

4. What is a MuckRaker?

5. Explain Scientific Management:

6. What happened in Galveston, TX that led to reform?

7. Why was "Fighting Bob" Lafollette important?

8. Explain Muller v. Oregon

9. List and explain 3 Election reforms that came about during this time.

10. What is Suffrage?

11. Explain the role NAWSA Played in gaining Women’s right to vote?

12. What amendment gave women the right to vote?

13. Name 4 prominent Suffragists.

14. Explain the importance of Upton Sinclair’s book.

15. Explain what a Muckraker is.

16. How did the Political Machine’s plan for T. Roosevelt in New York backfire?

17. How did Roosevelt deal with the 1902 coal strike?

18. What led to the Meat inspection act and the Pure food and Drug act?

19. Who was Gifford Pinchot?

20. What Civil Rights leader was invited to dinner with Roosevelt

21. What Civil Rights Organization was founded in 1909

22. Who was the first leader of that organization?

Chapter 9 Guided Reading 2 Name:____________________________Read Sections 4 and 5 then answer the following

1. Explain Woodrow Wilson’s background before becoming president.

2. What was the name given to Wilson’s Domestic Policy?

3. Explain what the Clayton Anti Trust Act did.

4. What is the FTC’s purpose?

5. What precedent did Wilson establish in 1913?

6. What amendment legalized the Federal income tax?

7. What did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 do?

8. What amendment gave women the right to vote?

9. Who replaced Susan B. Anthony as the president of NAWSA?

10. In a short Paragraph. Outline Wilson’s stand on Civil Rights

Unit II Important People you should know Name:___________________Directions: For each of the following write a description then explain their importance to American History

1. Queen Liliukalani:

2. Alfred T. Mahan:

3. Sanford B. Dole:

4. Jose Marti:

5. Theodore Roosevelt:

6. Emillio Aguinaldo

7. John Hay:

8. William H. Taft:

9. John J. Pershing:

10. Pancho Villa:

11. W.E.B. Dubois

12. Lincoln Steffens:

13. Ida Tarbell:

14. Gifford Pinchot:

15. Susan B. Anthony:

16. Upton Sinclair:

17. Florence Kelley:

18. Woodrow Wilson:

19. NAACP:

20. Robert LaFollette:

Unit II Important Acts You Should Know Name:___________________Directions: For each of the following write a description then explain their importance to American History1. Watchful Waiting:

2. Dollar Diplomacy:

3. New Freedom

4. Square Deal:

5. Big Stick Diplomacy:

6. Treaty of Portsmouth:

7. Open Door Policy:

8. Platt Amendment:

9. Teller Amendment:

10. Imperialism:

11. McKinley Tariff 1890:

12. Muller v. Oregon:

13. Bunting v. Oregon:

14. Meat Inspections Act:

15. Pure Food and Drug Act:\

16. Federal Reserve Act:

17. Clayton Anti-trust Act:

18. Federal Trade Act:

19. 16th amendment

20. 17th amendment

21. 18th amendment

22. 19th amendment

Political Cartoon Worksheet 1 Name:______________________________

1. List the labels that you see in the cartoon above.

2. List any Symbols that you see in the cartoon above.

3. Who do the two children represent?

How do you know.

4. What point is the Artist trying to make?

Political Cartoon Worksheet 2 Name________________________

1. What is the caption of the cartoon?

2. What does the caption imply is going on?

3. List any labels that you see in the cartoon.

4. List any symbols that you see in the cartoon.

5. Who is the man that is choking the other man? How do you know?

6. Explain what point you think the author is trying to make.

List the differences in the image above between 1896 and 1900

1896 1900

Political Cartoon Worksheet III Name:_______________________

1. List any labels that you see in the cartoon above.

2. List any symbols that you see in the cartoon above.

3. Who is the captain of the ship?

How do you know?

4. What point is the artist trying to make?

Progressive Presidents worksheet Name:________________________

Theodore Roosevelt: Name given to progressive reform:__________________________________________

Major areas sought to reform:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Successful Reforms:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memorable events during presidency:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

William Howard Taft:Name given to progressive reform:__________________________________________

Major areas sought to reform:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Successful Reforms:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memorable events during presidency:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Woodrow Wilson:Name given to progressive reform:__________________________________________

Major areas sought to reform:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Successful Reforms:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memorable events during presidency:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List the Major reforms of the Progressive movement that are still around today.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________