Post on 14-Jul-2020

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In the following pages you can find all documents needed to apply to one or more of the PhD positions

(ESR scholarships) available at the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti- Pescara within the

framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network INFANS - Marie Curie Grant

Agreement Number 813483.

The calls for the three ESR scholarships can be examined also on the Albo Pretorio on-line of the

University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara on the website www.unich.it.

List of documents available in the following pages:

Page 2: Call for the assignment of Position #1 - INFANS-ESR3 scholarship. Project Title "Novel

BSS-based fingerprint method for the real-time correction of artefacts in infant EEG signals"

Page 12: Attachment A to the INFANS-ESR3 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the Application Form

for the INFANS-ESR3 scholarship

Page 17: Attachment B to the INFANS-ESR3 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the STATEMENTS



Page 18: Attachment C to all scholarship calls (for INFANS-ESR3, INFANS-ESR4 and INFANS-


Page 19: Call for the assignment of Position #2 - INFANS-ESR4 scholarship. Project Title "Neonatal

functional connectivity patterns on short-term EEG to estimate brain maturity"

Page 29: Attachment A to the INFANS-ESR4 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the Application Form

for the INFANS-ESR4 scholarship

Page 34: Attachment B to the INFANS-ESR4 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the STATEMENTS



Page 35: Call for the assignment of Position #3 - INFANS-ESR5 scholarship. Project Title

"Estimation of neonatal brain efficiency by means of functional network properties"

Page 45: Attachment A to the INFANS-ESR5 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the Application Form

for the INFANS-ESR5 scholarship

Page 50: Attachment B to the INFANS-ESR5 scholarship call, i.e. facsimile of the STATEMENTS




CALL FOR POSITION # 1 (internal ID code "INFANS-ESR3")



European Project “INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”

Acronym INFANS – Proposal ID 813483

Call H2020–MSCA-ITN-2018 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)

Type of action: MSCA-ITN-ETN (European Training Networks)

CUP: D56C18001270002


Prot. nr. ___________ date __________

Titolo III, Classe 12



THE RESEARCH PROJECT “Novel BSS-based fingerprint method for the real-time

correction of artefacts in infant EEG signals”.


CONSIDERING the University Regulations for the establishment of scholarships for research

activities (D.R. n. 701 - 04/11/2013);

CONSIDERING the request of Prof. Silvia Comani for the establishment of n. 1 scholarship for

research activities entitled “Novel BSS-based fingerprint method for the real-time correction of

artefacts in infant EEG signals”;

CONSIDERING the decision of the Council of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences held on 24 January 2019, with which the request of Prof. Silvia Comani and related call

scheme were approved;

HAVING VERIFIED the availability of the funds


ART. 1 Establishment of the scholarship

A public selection, based on titles and an interview, will be made, also in telematic form (teleconference), at the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) for the assignment of a scholarship for scientific research pursuant to Italian Law 240/2010 within the framework of the “European Project INFANS -

INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”. The goal of the INFANS project is to develop a new neonatal brain monitoring system, designed to overcome the severe shortage of clinically viable means to high quality monitor the brain function in infancy, crucial to prevent later life neurological, cognitive and motor impairment. To accomplish this goal, INFANS established a structured European Doctoral training programme in biomedical


engineering, signal processing and clinical procedures to train a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial young researchers. As part of their research, the INFANS early stage researchers (ESRs) will develop a novel platform for high quality, clinically-viable EEG-NIRS monitoring accessible worldwide. Well-targeted visits and secondments, soft skills and dynamic training activities, an Open Science strategy, extensive involvement of ESRs in the network events organization, extensive contacts with other research, training and industrial European networks, dissemination activities and the award of Double doctoral degrees are further assets offered to the INFANS ESRs. Excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenge are merged in the INFANS network. The INFANS consortium includes 6 academic and 4 non-academic partners from 6 EU countries, among which leading universities, companies and clinical institutions. The partners involved in INFANS share complementary expertise and facilities to provide international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research training and mobility that will complement local doctoral training. The INFANS ESRs will become independent researchers with improved career prospects in both the academic and non-academic sectors, and will advance the EU capacity for innovation in biomedical engineering. Details of the scholarship for scientific research to be assigned with this call:

TITLE OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: “Novel BSS-based fingerprint method for the real-time

correction of artefacts in infant EEG signals”

AREA: 02 - Physical Sciences

DISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC SECTOR (SSD): FIS/07 (Physics Applied to Cultural and

Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine)

COMPETITION SECTOR: 2/D1 (Applied Physics, Didactics and History of Physics)

DURATION: 36 months

AMOUNT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: a total gross amount for the entire duration of the sholarship

(i.e. for 3 years) of € 144.499,68 (euro onehundred-

fortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68) that includes

both institution and recipient taxation + a total gross

Family Allowance, if due, of € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) from the funds of the European

Project INFANS. In particular: € 122.899,68 (euro


from the funds allocated in the cost category "Living

Allowance"; € 21.600,00 (euro twentyonethuosand-

sixhundred/00) from the funds allocated in the cost

category "Mobility Allowance"; € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) - if due - from the funds allocated in

the cost category "Family Allowance"

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Development and optimization of a software toolbox for

the real-time detection and correction of biological and

environmental artefacts affecting the neonate and infant

EEG using the features of the signal components separated

with BSS methods.

EXPECTED RESULTS: In collaboration with the other researchers of the INFANS

consortium, the fellow will have to: (1) Identify artefactual

-fingerprints from infant EEG data using matrix/tensor

based BSS decomposition methods and temporal, spatial


and spectral properties of the separated sources. (2)

Implement a Support Vector Machine Learning system to

classify the fingerprints and reject the artefactual sources.

(3) Test the SW toolbox on simulated data, EEG databases,

and data acquired with system prototypes using

classification performance measures. (4) Release a final

Toolbox based on test results and integrate it in the user



RESEARCH INSTITUTION: Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-

Pescara (Italy)

The participation in this selection procedure implies the acceptance of the clauses to the present call.

ART. 2 Participation requirements

All those who possess the following qualifications can participate in the selection procedure:

- Master Degree in Applied Physics, or Biomedical Physics, or Biomedical Engineering, or

Mathematics, or Neuroscience, or Computational Neuroscience;

- Educational, scientific and professional curriculum suitable for the implementation of the specific

training and research program object of the scholarship (see Research Objectives and Expected

results above, and Art. 9 "Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder" of this call);

- Proved experience in biomedical signal processing, particularly electroencephalographic (EEG)


- Good knowledge level of the English language.

Conditions for the participation in the selection procedure:

All candidates must comply with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions eligibility requirements (see

page 19 at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/guides_for_applicants/h2020-

guide-appl-msca-itn_en.pdf). Therefore, all candidates must meet the following conditions for the

eligibility and mobility of researchers to be admitted to participate in the selection procedure.

Eligible Researchers: 1) The scholarship candidates must be, at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1,

2019), in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers. Full-

Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when the candidate obtained the

degree entitling him/her to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was

obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited, even if a doctorate was never started or


2) The scholarship candidates must not have been already awarded a doctoral degree.

Mobility of Researchers: At the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019), the

candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more

than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the starting date of the scholarship. Compulsory

national service and short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

Refugees: Researchers with refugee status, as defined by the Geneva Convention, benefit from a less

restrictive mobility rule: the period of residence in Italy spent for the refugee procedure (i.e. before

refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as a period of residence/activity in Italy.


ART. 3 Duration and amount of the scholarship

The scholarship will last 36 (thirtysix) months, not renewable.

The gross total amount of the scholarship is € 144.499,68 (euro onehundredfortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68). The total Family Allowance, if due, corresponds to the gross amount of € 18.000,00 (euro eighteenthousands/00). The scholarship will be paid in monthly installments of the same amount, postponed with respect to the research activity, upon Tutor confirmation of the regular research progress. The scholarship is subject to the tax and social security system foreseen by the provisions in force at the time of payment. Family Allowance: As defined in the Work Programme 2018-2020 with respect to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, and as stated in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project (Chapter 3, Art. 6, Paragraph 6.2 "Specific conditions for costs to be eligible"), the Family Allowance will be paid exclusively to the researcher who, at starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019, see Art. 7 of this call), has family, regardless of whether the family will move with the researcher or not. In this context, family is defined as persons linked to the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher. The family status of a researcher will be determined at the starting date of the scholarship and will not evolve during the INFANS project lifetime. The candidate selected for this scholarship who at the starting date of the scholarship is entitled to the Family Allowance, must present related original documents at the moment of the signature of the scholarship contract with the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara. In the case these documents are written in a language different from Italian or English, the selected candidate must present also certified copies of the original documents translated into English. The family allowance will in no way be granted to the selected candidate for whom the conditions that establish the right to the family allowance will occur at a date subsequent to the starting date of the scholarship.

ART. 4 Incompatibility

It is not possible to combine this scholarship with other scholarships awarded for any purpose, with

research grants, with salaries deriving from public or private employment relationships, even for a

fixed term, without prejudice to the possibility that the scholarship holder is placed by the employer in

expectation without checks.

The enjoyment of the scholarship is incompatible with any permanent employment relationship.

The performance of self-employment is not compatible with the scholarship.

For the purposes of the prohibitions and incompatibilities referred to in this article, at the time of

acceptance of the scholarship, the winner makes a special declaration in lieu of notarial deed,

committing him/herself to inform the Department of any variation with respect to what was declared,

together with the occurrence of the variation itself.

ART. 5 Application form

The application for participation in the present selection procedure, written in free paper, with the

relative documentation, must be sent to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and

Clinical Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100

CHIETI, ITALY, by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019.


The call can be examined on the Albo Pretorio on-line of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara on the website www.unich.it and on the EURAXESS website.

The application can:

- be sent by courier to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100 CHIETI,

ITALY. The application must reach the addressee by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019. The date of

receipt of the application is established and proven by the effective date of receipt of the application.

The University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara declines any responsibility for delays or mistakes

attributable to the postal service or other service in charge.

- be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address dni@pec.unich.it, by 12.00 am on April 16th


The envelope containing the application with the attachments must include on the outer envelope the

indication of the name and surname and the address of the candidate, and the following wording


The candidates who have not signed the application form will be excluded from the selection


The candidate's application form must be drawn up using the attachments A and B to this call.

The candidate must clearly indicate in the application form: his/her surname and name, date and place

of birth, citizenship, tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code), and the address chosen for the purposes of

the selection procedure. The candidate must also attach to the application form a photocopy of an

identity document (e.g., passport) and of the tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code).

Handicapped persons must specify in the application form the necessary assistance in relation to their

handicap, as well as the possible need for additional time for the interview, in accordance with the

Italian law n. 104, 5 February 1992.

The application must include a professional and scientific curriculum, a list of the titles and

scientific publications presented, the letters of presentation, and the documents proving the

fulfillment of the requirements for participation in the selection procedure and the possession of

the titles presented.

Pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. 445/2000, these documents may be produced as

originals using only the application form (facsimile in attachment A to this call), or as copies declared

conform to the originals by substitutive declaration of the deed of notoriety or self-certifications by

substitutive declaration of certification (in this case also the facsimile in attachment B to this call must

be used).

The Department assumes no responsibility either in the event of a communication dispersion by the

University dependent on incorrect or unclear transcription of personal data and address by the

candidates, or by failure or late communication of the change of the address indicated in the

application, or for any postal errors.


ART. 6 Procedure for the assignment of the scholarship

In accordance with the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the selection

procedure is performed through a transparent process ensuring an equal opportunity policy to avoid any

nationality, sex, race, disability, political, social or religious discrimination.

The evaluation criteria used by the Selection Committee are determined, for the purposes of a global

evaluation of the candidates, as indicated below:

- titles: max 25 points of which

Degree mark: up to 15 points:

Other titles: up to 10 points (master courses, documented scholarships and grants in national

and foreign research institutions)

- professional and scientific curriculum: max 40 points (for previous experience on the scholarship

research topic, scientific publications, participation to conferences)

- one or more letters of presentation of the professors with whom the candidate has obtained the

qualifications allowing him/her to embark in a doctoral training programme: max 10 points

- interview: max 25 points (mastery of the scholarship research topics, clarity of exposure,

demonstrated interest in the subject, critical ability

Candidates who have obtained an overall score of less than 60/100 will not be considered eligible for

the scholarship.

In accordance with the selection rules established in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS Project, the

Selection Committee is composed of the Scientific Responsible and two other researchers designated

during the kick-off meeting of the INFANS project. The members of the Selection Committee are

appointed by the Director.

The Selection Committee will evaluate and score the professional and scientific curriculum and the

qualifications of the candidates and, subsequently, will evaluate the candidates with an interview. The

date, place and mode (telematic or in presence) of the interview will be published on the university

website (www.unich.it) and communicated to the candidates promptly to the email address indicated by

them in the application form. The aforesaid communication has the value of notification to all law


At the end of the selection procedure, the Selection Committee will draw up the minutes containing

also the comparative evaluation criteria, the total score assigned to each candidate and the ranking of

the suitable candidates in order of merit.

The opinion of the Selection Committee is unquestionable on the merits.

The scholarship will be assigned to the candidate placed first in the merit ranking of the eligible


ART. 7 Starting date of the scholarship

The documents relating to the selection procedures are approved by the Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences.


The scholarship is awarded by the Director of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences to the candidate who has achieved the highest score. In case of equal scores, the scholarship

will be awarded to the youngest candidate.

Prior to the award of the scholarship, the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

will check that the candidate possesses all conditions required to participate in the selection procedure.

The scholarship will start on 1 September 2019.

The scholarship which, due to the winner's waiver or non-acceptance, remains available may be

assigned to the next suitable candidate according to the merit ranking.

To be awarded the scholarship, the winner will have to send the following documents within 10 days

from the date of receipt of the aforementioned communication, under penalty of forfeiture:

a) declaration of acceptance of the scholarship for research activities;

b) declaration that no other scholarships have been awarded to him/her for any reason;

c) declaration on one's family status, that is to say if, at the starting date of the scholarship, the selected

candidate will be in one of the three conditions for the payment of the family allowance.

ART. 8 Characteristics of the scholarship

The awarding of the scholarship is not an employment relationship related to a permanent job and does

not give rights in the admittance to university permanent positions.

ART. 9 Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder

Rights: The winner of the scholarship has the right to be enrolled in the PhD Program in Neuroscience

and Imaging at the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the "G.

D'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, XXXV Cycle.

In compliance with the "European Charter for Researchers", the scholarship holder has the right to be

offered appropriate and sufficient infrastructures, state-of-the-art equipment and know-how, as well as

working and other conditions, for the implementation of the individual research project and training


The winner of the scholarship will also have the right to be awarded the Ph.D. degree at the Katholieke

Universiteit of Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Sabine Van Huffel, with

whom specific agreements will be made.

Obligations: The winner of the scholarship must comply with the directives given by the Tutor

(Primary Supervisor) in order to carry out the planned research and training activity. According to the

Grant Agreement of the INFANS project, the Tutor for this scholarship is Prof. Silvia Comani.

The candidate who was informed of the awarding of the scholarship, must, within the peremptory term

of ten days from the date of receipt of the written communication, send a declaration of acceptance of

the scholarship without reservation.

The winner of the scholarship who does not comply with what has been requested within the

established time limit will be declared expired from any right on the scholarship.


According to the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project, the scholarship holder is required to carry

out the training and research activity foreseen by the scholarship by following the training and research

program (Career Development Plan - CDP) prepared in agreement with the Tutor and under her

supervision. The scholarship holder will also be assigned a local mentor and a co-Tutor (Secondary

Supervisor). The co-Tutor will be Prof. Sabine Van Huffel, who will be involved in the supervision of

the scholarship holder for the implementation of his/her individual research project and will guide

him/her towards the awarding of the Doctoral Degree at the in Arenberg Doctoral School for Science,

Engineering & Technology at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Leuven, Belgium).

The CDP includes:

1) a brief overview of fellow's individual research project and major accomplishments expected;

2) the definition of the fellow's short-term (over 1-3 years) and long-term (over 5 years) scientific

and professional career objectives, with details on the research and training activities needed,

and the fellow's expectations for career after doctoral training;

3) a guidance to the proficiencies that the scholarship holder is expected to acquire and the

INFANS evaluation system

4) the certificates and reports of his/her supervisors the training and research activities done.

The achievement of the scientific and professional objectives includes:

1) the active participation in local training events and in the training events organized within the

INFANS project (3 workshops, 3 Summer schools, and the final INFANS conference);

2) the active participation in the "Dynamic training activities" planned within the INFANS project

("ESRs Creativity workshop", "INFANS competitions", and "Dynamic activities for personal

skills development");

3) training and research periods at INFANS partners' institutions, in particular: (i) 6 months at the

Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Sabine

Van Huffel for training on the removal of artefacts in EEG and NIRS signals using Blind

Source Separation methods and development of automatic systems for the classification of

artefacts; (ii) 1 month at the Technische Universitaet Ilmenau (Ilmenau, Germany) under the

supervision of Prof. Jens Haueisen for comparison of various approaches for the removal of

artefacts in biomedical signals; (iii) 3 months at Kvikna ehf (Reykjavik, Iceland) under the

supervision of Dr. Gardar Thorvardsson to learn how to integrate software modules into user-

oriented clinical interfaces.

4) the drafting, twice a year, of Progress Reports on the research and training activities carried out,

and an update of its CDP. These documents will be submitted to the Tutor and the INFANS

Doctoral Committee for approval;

5) co-tutoring with Prof. Sabine Van Huffel of the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium) for

the achievement of a double doctorate degree at the two universities.

All data and information of technical, administrative, scientific and didactic nature that the scholarship

holder obtains during his/her training and research activity must be considered confidential and,

therefore, no use is permitted for purposes other than those for which the scholarship is awarded.

At the end of the scholarship, the scholarship holder must present to the Tutor, the Department Council

and the INFANS Doctoral Committee a final report on the activities carried out with details of the

results achieved. The final report and the updated CDP will be accompanied by the written opinion of

the Tutor and evaluated in order to grant admission to the discussion of the doctoral thesis.


In the event that the fellow does not comply with any of the aforementioned obligations or is

responsible for any other serious documented failure, the scholarship will terminate.

ART. 10 Termination of the scholarship

The winner of the scholarship who does not start the training and research activities, scheduled to start

on September 1, 2019, will lose the right to be awarded the scholarship.

The assignee who, after having signed the scholarship contract and having started the training and

research activities, decides to waive the scholarship before its natural end (i.e. before 31 August 2022),

thus waiving also the right to be awarded the double Doctoral Degree at the University "G.

D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) and at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium), must

necessarily give a motivated written communication to the Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G D'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara, to

the Scientific Responsible of the scholarship and to the Tutor with at least 3 months' notice.

The assignee who, after having started the scheduled research activity, does not continue it regularly

and continuously for the entire duration of the grant without justified and proven reason, or is

responsible for serious and repeated shortcomings or, finally, gives proof of not having sufficient

aptitude for research, is declared expired from further use of the scholarship with motivated provision

by the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences on the proposal of

the Scientific Manager.

The assignee is notified of the initiation of the related procedure. The assignee has the right to declare

his/her position on the matter, by means of written communication.

Motivated communication on the conclusion of the proceeding, which may consist either in the filing

of the documents or in the aforementioned provision of forfeiture, will be given to the assignee.

ART. 11 Processing of personal data and person accountable for the procedure.

According to the obligations laid down by the Italian D.L.vo nr. 33/2013, the candidates, by

participating in the present selection procedure, automatically authorize the publication of their

curriculum in the case of scholarship assignment. The processing of personal data takes place in

accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679.

The personal data transmitted by the candidates with the application form are processed exclusively for

the purposes foreseen in this call and foreseen by the procedures related to it, even in the event of a


The provision of data is mandatory to participate in the selection procedure.

In view of the foregoing, the candidate is invited to read the attachment relating to the information on

the processing of personal data which, attached to this announcement, is an integral part of it

(Attachment C).

The person accountable for the selection procedure announced with this call is the Director of the

Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

ART. 12 Recovery of titles and documents

Within sixty days from the date of publication of the merit ranking, the applicants may recover at their

expenses the titles and publications sent to the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical


Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

After this period, the Department will not be responsible in any way for the storage of the

aforementioned documents.

ART. 13 Insurance treatment

The scholarship holder is covered against risks deriving from civil liability towards third parties and

accidents, within the limits established by the "Accidents and civil liability towards third parties"

insurance policies of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), as specified below:

- Accident insurance no. 154207087 UNIPOLSAI Company;

- RCT/O policy no. ITCASC09280 CHUBB European Group Company.

Chieti, on ______________ The Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

Prof. Vittorio Pizzella Published on ____________

Deadline on _____________

The person in charge of the billposting

Lucia Ferretti


Attachment "A" to the Call INFANS-ESR3/2019

Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Imaging e Scienze Cliniche

Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara

Via dei Vestini n. 31

66100 CHIETI


Object: Application for the participation in the public selection procedure for the assignment of a

research contract to perform research activity within the research project "Novel BSS-based fingerprint

method for the real-time correction of artefacts in infant EEG signals"

The undersigned:

FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

SEX ___

(please indicate F for female or M for male)

TAX CODE (Fiscal Code) _________________________________________

CITIZENSHIP _________________________________________



(please write the residence address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________






(please write the elected address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________



PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

MOBILE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________;



to participate in the selection procedure for the assignment of nr.1 research contract for the

research project with the following TITLE:

Novel BSS-based fingerprint method for the real-time correction of artefacts in infant EEG signals

To this aim, pursuant to the Articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000 and aware that

false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related special



1. to be born on the date and in the place written above;

2. to have the citizenship written above;

3. to be resident in the place written above;

4. to be in the enjoyment of civil and political rights in the Home State;

5. to be in the following position with regard to military obligations:


6. to have no prior criminal convictions OR to have reported the following criminal convictions:


7. to be not aware of being subjected to pending criminal procedures and processes OR to have the

following pending criminal procedures and processes:



8. to be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of his/her research

career at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. 1 September 2019) (Full-Time Equivalent

Research Experience is measured from the date when the researcher obtained the degree entitling

him/her to embark on a doctorate.).

9. to have NOT been awarded a doctoral degree.

10. to have NOT resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more

than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date foreseen for the present

position (i.e. during the 3 years before 1 September 2019).


□ NO. In the case you have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Italy during the 3

years before 1 September 2019, please specify the periods, durations, motivations, contracts

and conferring bodies, and any periods spent on maternity leave or on sickness herein:

11. to have a refugee status under the Geneva Convention:

□ NO

□ YES. In this case please indicate the period spent as part of the procedure for obtaining refugee

status under the Geneva Convention:


12. to have family obligations:

□ NO

□ YES. In the case you have family obligations, please specify your status herein:

□ I am married

□ I am in a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or

relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized;

□ I have dependent children who are actually being maintained by me

13. to have the following requirements to participate in this selection procedure: □ Bachelor Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ Master Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ To have had the following scientific experience after the awarding of the Master Degree, as

detailed herein:






14. To have the following professional skills in biomedical signal processing and

electroencephalography (EEG) data analysis:







15. To have the following knowledge level of spoken and written English:

Level spoken English written English






ANY INDICATION RESERVED TO DISABLED PEOPLE: ___________________________________________________________________________________







A) to be aware that the Board of Examiners, appointed by the Department Director, publicized on the

Bulletin Board of the University and on the University website, will be identified in accordance with

the rules of the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project.

B) to be aware that the candidates will be summoned for the interview through email communication

immediately after the evaluation of titles and publications and that the communication will be made to

the email address indicated above.

C) to be aware that, at the end of the selection procedure, the Board of Examiners will draw a graded

list of the applicants on the basis of the overall scores obtained. The first in the list is designated as the

winner. Should the winner waive the scholarship by the terms stated in the call for this position (Call

INFANS-ESR3/2019) or waive it after having signed the scholarship contract, the scholarship will be

assigned to the following candidate in the merit ranking.


1) a detailed Curriculum Vitae of his/her scientific and professional activity, written in European

format (examples available at the following link:

https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/it/documents/curriculum-vitae/examples), where all research

activities performed at public and private parties in Italy and abroad under any form of contract, grant

or research assignment are declared;

2) a photocopy of his/her identity card (or Passport) and of his/her Tax Code (Fiscal Code) card.

3) a list of the professional and academic titles (including the Reference letters of the Supervisors with

whom he/she attained the Bachelor and Master Degrees) attached to this application form (please


specify whether the professional and academic titles are attached as originals or as self-certified

copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


4) a list of the scientific publications attached to this application with a declaration of the own

contribution to each of them (please specify whether the scientific publications are attached as

originals or as self-certified copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


5) professional and academic titles;

6) scientific publications;

7) self-certification as arranged in attachment "B" to the call for the selection procedure.

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.


(legible signature)

_________________________ ___________________________


Attachment "B" to the Call INFANS-ESR3/2019


STATEMENTS SUBSTITUITING AFFIDAVIT (Article 47 Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000)


FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

aware that false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related

special laws


A. that all titles, certificates and publications attached to this Application Form conform to the


B. to have the following titles and certificates (please list all titles and certificates attached, not only


1) _________________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.

Place and date: _________________________________________________________________

THE DECLARER SIGNATURE (legible signature): _______________________________________







The University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti - Pescara (Italy) is updating the information to be provided to

the interested parties, in accordance with the 2016/679 European Regulation concerning the protection

of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as more simply "the


During the necessary updating activity, all the information released by any structure of the University

"G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti - Pescara (Italy) are supplemented by the following information:

- any reference to European and national regulations prior to (and abrogated by) the Rules is intended

to be replaced or supplemented with the regulations of the same Rules;

- in addition to what is indicated in the text of each specific statement issued by the (single) structure of

the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti - Pescara (Italy), it is ensured that all processing of personal

data will be adapted to the principles set by the aforementioned Rules, in particular with regard to the

lawfulness, correctness and transparency of the processing, to the use of data for specific, explicit,

legitimate purposes, in a relevant manner and in compliance with the principles of data minimization,

accuracy, limitation of storage, integrity and confidentiality, responsibility (art. 5 of the Rules);

- in addition to what is indicated in the text of each specific information issued by the University "G.

d'Annunzio" of Chieti - Pescara (Italy), the interested parties have the right to request and obtain

confirmation of the existence or otherwise of an ongoing processing of personal data concerning them,

to know their content and origin, and to be informed of the data storage period, of the legal basis of the

processing, of the purposes and methods of the processing itself, of the nature of the provision of data,

of any communication of data to non-EU States, of the subjects to whom the data are communicated

and of the possible diffusion, and finally, and in general, the interested parties have the rights set out in

section 2, 3 and 4 of Chapter III of the Rules (among which the right to ask the holder to access their

personal data, rectify or cancel them (recurring the circumstances), the right to object to the processing

or to ask for its limitation; the right to data portability; the right to make a complaint with the

Supervisory Authority).

For the purpose of exercising its rights, the party can contact the data controller.

For data protection and data protection rights, the party may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The subject liable for data treatment is the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti - Pescara (Italy).

The contact details of the subject liable for data treatment are:

- e-mail: rettore@unich.it

- pec: ateneo@pec.unich.it

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Gianluca Bellomo.

The contact details of the DPO are:

- e-mail: dpo@unich.it

- pec: dpo@pec.unich.it


CALL FOR POSITION # 2 (internal ID code "INFANS-ESR4")



European Project “INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”

Acronym INFANS – Proposal ID 813483

Call H2020–MSCA-ITN-2018 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)

Type of action: MSCA-ITN-ETN (European Training Networks)

CUP: D56C18001270002


Prot. nr. ___________ date __________

Titolo III, Classe 12



THE RESEARCH PROJECT “Neonatal functional connectivity patterns on short-term EEG

to estimate brain maturity”.


CONSIDERING the University Regulations for the establishment of scholarships for research

activities (D.R. n. 701 - 04/11/2013);

CONSIDERING the request of Prof. Silvia Comani for the establishment of n. 1 scholarship for

research activities entitled “Neonatal functional connectivity patterns on short-term EEG to estimate

brain maturity”;

CONSIDERING the decision of the Council of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences held on 24 January 2019, with which the request of Prof. Silvia Comani and related call

scheme were approved;

HAVING VERIFIED the availability of the funds


ART. 1 Establishment of the scholarship

A public selection, based on titles and an interview, will be made, also in telematic form (teleconference), at the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) for the assignment of a scholarship for scientific research pursuant to Italian Law 240/2010 within the framework of the “European Project INFANS -

INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”. The goal of the INFANS project is to develop a new neonatal brain monitoring system, designed to overcome the severe shortage of clinically viable means to high quality monitor the brain function in infancy, crucial to prevent later life neurological, cognitive and motor impairment. To accomplish this goal, INFANS established a structured European Doctoral training programme in biomedical


engineering, signal processing and clinical procedures to train a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial young researchers. As part of their research, the INFANS early stage researchers (ESRs) will develop a novel platform for high quality, clinically-viable EEG-NIRS monitoring accessible worldwide. Well-targeted visits and secondments, soft skills and dynamic training activities, an Open Science strategy, extensive involvement of ESRs in the network events organization, extensive contacts with other research, training and industrial European networks, dissemination activities and the award of Double doctoral degrees are further assets offered to the INFANS ESRs. Excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenge are merged in the INFANS network. The INFANS consortium includes 6 academic and 4 non-academic partners from 6 EU countries, among which leading universities, companies and clinical institutions. The partners involved in INFANS share complementary expertise and facilities to provide international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research training and mobility that will complement local doctoral training. The INFANS ESRs will become independent researchers with improved career prospects in both the academic and non-academic sectors, and will advance the EU capacity for innovation in biomedical engineering. Details of the scholarship for scientific research to be assigned with this call:

TITLE OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: “Neonatal functional connectivity patterns on short-term

EEG to estimate brain maturity”

AREA: 02 - Physical Sciences

DISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC SECTOR (SSD): FIS/07 (Physics Applied to Cultural and

Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine)

COMPETITION SECTOR: 2/D1 (Applied Physics, Didactics and History of Physics)

DURATION: 36 months

AMOUNT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: a total gross amount for the entire duration of the sholarship

(i.e. for 3 years) of € 144.499,68 (euro onehundred-

fortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68) that includes

both institution and recipient taxation + a total gross

Family Allowance, if due, of € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) from the funds of the European

Project INFANS. In particular: € 122.899,68 (euro


from the funds allocated in the cost category "Living

Allowance"; € 21.600,00 (euro twentyonethuosand-

sixhundred/00) from the funds allocated in the cost

category "Mobility Allowance"; € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) - if due - from the funds allocated in

the cost category "Family Allowance"

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: 1) Characterization of the EEG connectivity patterns in the

developing brain to evaluate functional maturity of the

neonatal/infant brain in pathological and non-pathological

conditions; 2) Algorithms integration in the SW toolbox

for analysis of short-term EEG.

EXPECTED RESULTS: In collaboration with the other researchers of the INFANS

consortium, the fellow will have to: (1) Based on clinical

features provided by University of Helsinki (UH), define

functional and effective connectivity measures in


frequency and time–frequency domains to best characterize

the functional growth of the neonatal brain in pathological

and non-pathological conditions. (2) Validate these

measures in postnatal short-term EEG data provided by

UH and implement a dedicated Matlab code. (3) After

testing in neonatal EEG data recorded with the novel

system, define connectivity measures to differentiate

pathological and non-pathological conditions. (4) Based on

first testing results, select the best measures, improve the

Matlab code and perform further clinical testing of the

algorithms for functional brain maturity. (5) Integrate the

Matlab code in the SW toolbox for assessment of neonatal

neural function on short-term EEG.


RESEARCH INSTITUTION: Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-

Pescara (Italy)

The participation in this selection procedure implies the acceptance of the clauses to the present call.

ART. 2 Participation requirements

All those who possess the following qualifications can participate in the selection procedure:

- Master Degree in Applied Physics, or Biomedical Physics, or Biomedical Engineering, or

Mathematics, or Neuroscience, or Computational Neuroscience;

- Educational, scientific and professional curriculum suitable for the implementation of the specific

training and research program object of the scholarship (see Research Objectives and Expected

results above, and Art. 9 "Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder" of this call);

- Proved experience in biomedical signal processing, particularly electroencephalographic (EEG)


- Good knowledge level of the English language.

Conditions for the participation in the selection procedure:

All candidates must comply with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions eligibility requirements (see

page 19 at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/guides_for_applicants/h2020-

guide-appl-msca-itn_en.pdf). Therefore, all candidates must meet the following conditions for the

eligibility and mobility of researchers to be admitted to participate in the selection procedure.

Eligible Researchers: 1) The scholarship candidates must be, at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1,

2019), in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers. Full-

Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when the candidate obtained the

degree entitling him/her to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was

obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited, even if a doctorate was never started or


2) The scholarship candidates must not have been already awarded a doctoral degree.

Mobility of Researchers: At the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019), the

candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more


than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the starting date of the scholarship. Compulsory

national service and short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.

Refugees: Researchers with refugee status, as defined by the Geneva Convention, benefit from a less

restrictive mobility rule: the period of residence in Italy spent for the refugee procedure (i.e. before

refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as a period of residence/activity in Italy.

ART. 3 Duration and amount of the scholarship

The scholarship will last 36 (thirtysix) months, not renewable.

The gross total amount of the scholarship is € 144.499,68 (euro onehundredfortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68). The total Family Allowance, if due, corresponds to the gross amount of € 18.000,00 (euro eighteenthousands/00). The scholarship will be paid in monthly installments of the same amount, postponed with respect to the research activity, upon Tutor confirmation of the regular research progress. The scholarship is subject to the tax and social security system foreseen by the provisions in force at the time of payment. Family Allowance: As defined in the Work Programme 2018-2020 with respect to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, and as stated in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project (Chapter 3, Art. 6, Paragraph 6.2 "Specific conditions for costs to be eligible"), the Family Allowance will be paid exclusively to the researcher who, at starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019, see Art. 7 of this call), has family, regardless of whether the family will move with the researcher or not. In this context, family is defined as persons linked to the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher. The family status of a researcher will be determined at the starting date of the scholarship and will not evolve during the INFANS project lifetime. The candidate selected for this scholarship who at the starting date of the scholarship is entitled to the Family Allowance, must present related original documents at the moment of the signature of the scholarship contract with the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara. In the case these documents are written in a language different from Italian or English, the selected candidate must present also certified copies of the original documents translated into English. The family allowance will in no way be granted to the selected candidate for whom the conditions that establish the right to the family allowance will occur at a date subsequent to the starting date of the scholarship.

ART. 4 Incompatibility

It is not possible to combine this scholarship with other scholarships awarded for any purpose, with

research grants, with salaries deriving from public or private employment relationships, even for a

fixed term, without prejudice to the possibility that the scholarship holder is placed by the employer in

expectation without checks.

The enjoyment of the scholarship is incompatible with any permanent employment relationship.

The performance of self-employment is not compatible with the scholarship.

For the purposes of the prohibitions and incompatibilities referred to in this article, at the time of

acceptance of the scholarship, the winner makes a special declaration in lieu of notarial deed,

committing him/herself to inform the Department of any variation with respect to what was declared,

together with the occurrence of the variation itself.


ART. 5 Application form

The application for participation in the present selection procedure, written in free paper, with the

relative documentation, must be sent to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and

Clinical Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100

CHIETI, ITALY, by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019.

The call can be examined on the Albo Pretorio on-line of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara on the website www.unich.it and on the EURAXESS website.

The application can:

- be sent by courier to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100 CHIETI,

ITALY. The application must reach the addressee by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019. The date of

receipt of the application is established and proven by the effective date of receipt of the application.

The University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara declines any responsibility for delays or mistakes

attributable to the postal service or other service in charge.

- be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address dni@pec.unich.it, by 12.00 am on April 16th


The envelope containing the application with the attachments must include on the outer envelope the

indication of the name and surname and the address of the candidate, and the following wording


The candidates who have not signed the application form will be excluded from the selection


The candidate's application form must be drawn up using the attachments A and B to this call.

The candidate must clearly indicate in the application form: his/her surname and name, date and place

of birth, citizenship, tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code), and the address chosen for the purposes of

the selection procedure. The candidate must also attach to the application form a photocopy of an

identity document (e.g., passport) and of the tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code).

Handicapped persons must specify in the application form the necessary assistance in relation to their

handicap, as well as the possible need for additional time for the interview, in accordance with the

Italian law n. 104, 5 February 1992.

The application must include a professional and scientific curriculum, a list of the titles and

scientific publications presented, the letters of presentation, and the documents proving the

fulfillment of the requirements for participation in the selection procedure and the possession of

the titles presented.

Pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. 445/2000, these documents may be produced as

originals using only the application form (facsimile in attachment A to this call), or as copies declared

conform to the originals by substitutive declaration of the deed of notoriety or self-certifications by

substitutive declaration of certification (in this case also the facsimile in attachment B to this call must

be used).


The Department assumes no responsibility either in the event of a communication dispersion by the

University dependent on incorrect or unclear transcription of personal data and address by the

candidates, or by failure or late communication of the change of the address indicated in the

application, or for any postal errors.

ART. 6 Procedure for the assignment of the scholarship

In accordance with the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the selection

procedure is performed through a transparent process ensuring an equal opportunity policy to avoid any

nationality, sex, race, disability, political, social or religious discrimination.

The evaluation criteria used by the Selection Committee are determined, for the purposes of a global

evaluation of the candidates, as indicated below:

- titles: max 25 points of which

Degree mark: up to 15 points:

Other titles: up to 10 points (master courses, documented scholarships and grants in national

and foreign research institutions)

- professional and scientific curriculum: max 40 points (for previous experience on the scholarship

research topic, scientific publications, participation to conferences)

- one or more letters of presentation of the professors with whom the candidate has obtained the

qualifications allowing him/her to embark in a doctoral training programme: max 10 points

- interview: max 25 points (mastery of the scholarship research topics, clarity of exposure,

demonstrated interest in the subject, critical ability

Candidates who have obtained an overall score of less than 60/100 will not be considered eligible for

the scholarship.

In accordance with the selection rules established in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS Project, the

Selection Committee is composed of the Scientific Responsible and two other researchers designated

during the kick-off meeting of the INFANS project. The members of the Selection Committee are

appointed by the Director.

The Selection Committee will evaluate and score the professional and scientific curriculum and the

qualifications of the candidates and, subsequently, will evaluate the candidates with an interview. The

date, place and mode (telematic or in presence) of the interview will be published on the university

website (www.unich.it) and communicated to the candidates promptly to the email address indicated by

them in the application form. The aforesaid communication has the value of notification to all law


At the end of the selection procedure, the Selection Committee will draw up the minutes containing

also the comparative evaluation criteria, the total score assigned to each candidate and the ranking of

the suitable candidates in order of merit.

The opinion of the Selection Committee is unquestionable on the merits.

The scholarship will be assigned to the candidate placed first in the merit ranking of the eligible



ART. 7 Starting date of the scholarship

The documents relating to the selection procedures are approved by the Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences.

The scholarship is awarded by the Director of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences to the candidate who has achieved the highest score. In case of equal scores, the scholarship

will be awarded to the youngest candidate.

Prior to the award of the scholarship, the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

will check that the candidate possesses all conditions required to participate in the selection procedure.

The scholarship will start on 1 September 2019.

The scholarship which, due to the winner's waiver or non-acceptance, remains available may be

assigned to the next suitable candidate according to the merit ranking.

To be awarded the scholarship, the winner will have to send the following documents within 10 days

from the date of receipt of the aforementioned communication, under penalty of forfeiture:

a) declaration of acceptance of the scholarship for research activities;

b) declaration that no other scholarships have been awarded to him/her for any reason;

c) declaration on one's family status, that is to say if, at the starting date of the scholarship, the selected

candidate will be in one of the three conditions for the payment of the family allowance.

ART. 8 Characteristics of the scholarship

The awarding of the scholarship is not an employment relationship related to a permanent job and does

not give rights in the admittance to university permanent positions.

ART. 9 Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder

Rights: The winner of the scholarship has the right to be enrolled in the PhD Program in Neuroscience

and Imaging at the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the "G.

D'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, XXXV Cycle.

In compliance with the "European Charter for Researchers", the scholarship holder has the right to be

offered appropriate and sufficient infrastructures, state-of-the-art equipment and know-how, as well as

working and other conditions, for the implementation of the individual research project and training


Obligations: The winner of the scholarship must comply with the directives given by the Tutor

(Primary Supervisor) in order to carry out the planned research and training activity. The Tutor for this

scholarship is Prof. Filippo Zappasodi.

The candidate who was informed of the awarding of the scholarship, must, within the peremptory term

of ten days from the date of receipt of the written communication, send a declaration of acceptance of

the scholarship without reservation.

The winner of the scholarship who does not comply with what has been requested within the

established time limit will be declared expired from any right on the scholarship.


According to the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project, the scholarship holder is required to carry

out the training and research activity foreseen by the scholarship by following the training and research

program (Career Development Plan - CDP) prepared in agreement with the Tutor and under her

supervision. The scholarship holder will also be assigned a local mentor and a co-Tutor (Secondary

Supervisor). The co-Tutor will be Dr. Stevenson of the Helsingin Yliopisto (University of Helsinki,

Finland), who will be involved in the supervision of the scholarship holder for the implementation of

his/her individual research project.

The CDP includes:

1) a brief overview of fellow's individual research project and major accomplishments expected;

2) the definition of the fellow's short-term (over 1-3 years) and long-term (over 5 years) scientific

and professional career objectives, with details on the research and training activities needed,

and the fellow's expectations for career after doctoral training;

3) a guidance to the proficiencies that the scholarship holder is expected to acquire and the

INFANS evaluation system

4) the certificates and reports of his/her supervisors the training and research activities done.

The achievement of the scientific and professional objectives includes:

1) the active participation in local training events and in the training events organized within the

INFANS project (3 workshops, 3 Summer schools, and the final INFANS conference);

2) the active participation in the "Dynamic training activities" planned within the INFANS project

("ESRs Creativity workshop", "INFANS competitions", and "Dynamic activities for personal

skills development");

3) training and research periods at INFANS partners' institutions, in particular: (i) 3 months at the

Helsingin Yliopisto (University of Helsinki, Finland) under the supervision of Dr. Stevenson for

training on the sensitive clinical measures of neonatal functional growth and testing of Matlab

code; (ii) 3 month at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) under the

supervision of Prof. Sabine Van Huffel for training on BSS methods; (iii) 3 months at eemagine

Medical Imaging Solutions GmbH (Berlin, Germany) under the supervision of Dr. Martijn

Schreuder to learn on of standards for commercial EEG SW design and integration of Matlab

code in final prototypes.

4) the drafting, twice a year, of Progress Reports on the research and training activities carried out,

and an update of its CDP. These documents will be submitted to the Tutor and the INFANS

Doctoral Committee for approval.

All data and information of technical, administrative, scientific and didactic nature that the scholarship

holder obtains during his/her training and research activity must be considered confidential and,

therefore, no use is permitted for purposes other than those for which the scholarship is awarded.

At the end of the scholarship, the scholarship holder must present to the Tutor, the Department Council

and the INFANS Doctoral Committee a final report on the activities carried out with details of the

results achieved. The final report and the updated CDP will be accompanied by the written opinion of

the Tutor and evaluated in order to grant admission to the discussion of the doctoral thesis.

In the event that the fellow does not comply with any of the aforementioned obligations or is

responsible for any other serious documented failure, the scholarship will terminate.


ART. 10 Termination of the scholarship

The winner of the scholarship who does not start the training and research activities, scheduled to start

on September 1, 2019, will lose the right to be awarded the scholarship.

The assignee who, after having signed the scholarship contract and having started the training and

research activities, decides to waive the scholarship before its natural end (i.e. before 31 August 2022),

thus waiving also the right to be awarded the Doctoral Degree at the University "G. D'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara (Italy), must necessarily give a motivated written communication to the Director of

the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G D'Annunzio "of

Chieti-Pescara, to the Scientific Responsible of the scholarship and to the Tutor with at least 3

months' notice.

The assignee who, after having started the scheduled research activity, does not continue it regularly

and continuously for the entire duration of the grant without justified and proven reason, or is

responsible for serious and repeated shortcomings or, finally, gives proof of not having sufficient

aptitude for research, is declared expired from further use of the scholarship with motivated provision

by the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences on the proposal of

the Scientific Manager.

The assignee is notified of the initiation of the related procedure. The assignee has the right to declare

his/her position on the matter, by means of written communication.

Motivated communication on the conclusion of the proceeding, which may consist either in the filing

of the documents or in the aforementioned provision of forfeiture, will be given to the assignee.

ART. 11 Processing of personal data and person accountable for the procedure.

According to the obligations laid down by the Italian D.L.vo nr. 33/2013, the candidates, by

participating in the present selection procedure, automatically authorize the publication of their

curriculum in the case of scholarship assignment. The processing of personal data takes place in

accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679.

The personal data transmitted by the candidates with the application form are processed exclusively for

the purposes foreseen in this call and foreseen by the procedures related to it, even in the event of a


The provision of data is mandatory to participate in the selection procedure.

In view of the foregoing, the candidate is invited to read the attachment relating to the information on

the processing of personal data which, attached to this announcement, is an integral part of it

(Attachment C).

The person accountable for the selection procedure announced with this call is the Director of the

Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

ART. 12 Recovery of titles and documents

Within sixty days from the date of publication of the merit ranking, the applicants may recover at their

expenses the titles and publications sent to the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical


Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

After this period, the Department will not be responsible in any way for the storage of the

aforementioned documents.

ART. 13 Insurance treatment

The scholarship holder is covered against risks deriving from civil liability towards third parties and

accidents, within the limits established by the "Accidents and civil liability towards third parties"

insurance policies of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), as specified below:

- Accident insurance no. 154207087 UNIPOLSAI Company;

- RCT/O policy no. ITCASC09280 CHUBB European Group Company.

Chieti, on ______________ The Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

Prof. Vittorio Pizzella Published on ____________

Deadline on _____________

The person in charge of the billposting

Lucia Ferretti


Attachment "A" to the Call INFANS-ESR4/2019

Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Imaging e Scienze Cliniche

Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara

Via dei Vestini n. 31

66100 CHIETI


Object: Application for the participation in the public selection procedure for the assignment of a

research contract to perform research activity within the research project "Neonatal functional

connectivity patterns on short-term EEG to estimate brain maturity"

The undersigned:

FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

SEX ___

(please indicate F for female or M for male)

TAX CODE (Fiscal Code) _________________________________________

CITIZENSHIP _________________________________________



(please write the residence address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________






(please write the elected address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________



PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

MOBILE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________;



to participate in the selection procedure for the assignment of nr.1 research contract for the

research project with the following TITLE:

Neonatal functional connectivity patterns on short-term EEG to estimate brain maturity

To this aim, pursuant to the Articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000 and aware that

false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related special



1. to be born on the date and in the place written above;

2. to have the citizenship written above;

3. to be resident in the place written above;

4. to be in the enjoyment of civil and political rights in the Home State;

5. to be in the following position with regard to military obligations:


6. to have no prior criminal convictions OR to have reported the following criminal convictions:


7. to be not aware of being subjected to pending criminal procedures and processes OR to have the

following pending criminal procedures and processes:



8. to be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of his/her research

career at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. 1 September 2019) (Full-Time Equivalent

Research Experience is measured from the date when the researcher obtained the degree entitling

him/her to embark on a doctorate.).

9. to have NOT been awarded a doctoral degree.

10. to have NOT resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more

than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date foreseen for the present

position (i.e. during the 3 years before 1 September 2019).


□ NO. In the case you have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Italy during the 3

years before 1 September 2019, please specify the periods, durations, motivations, contracts

and conferring bodies, and any periods spent on maternity leave or on sickness herein:

11. to have a refugee status under the Geneva Convention:

□ NO

□ YES. In this case please indicate the period spent as part of the procedure for obtaining refugee

status under the Geneva Convention:


12. to have family obligations:

□ NO

□ YES. In the case you have family obligations, please specify your status herein:

□ I am married

□ I am in a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or

relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized;

□ I have dependent children who are actually being maintained by me

13. to have the following requirements to participate in this selection procedure: □ Bachelor Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ Master Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ To have had the following scientific experience after the awarding of the Master Degree, as

detailed herein:






14. To have the following professional skills in biomedical signal processing and

electroencephalography (EEG) data analysis:







15. To have the following knowledge level of spoken and written English:

Level spoken English written English






ANY INDICATION RESERVED TO DISABLED PEOPLE: ___________________________________________________________________________________







A) to be aware that the Board of Examiners, appointed by the Department Director, publicized on the

Bulletin Board of the University and on the University website, will be identified in accordance with

the rules of the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project.

B) to be aware that the candidates will be summoned for the interview through email communication

immediately after the evaluation of titles and publications and that the communication will be made to

the email address indicated above.

C) to be aware that, at the end of the selection procedure, the Board of Examiners will draw a graded

list of the applicants on the basis of the overall scores obtained. The first in the list is designated as the

winner. Should the winner waive the scholarship by the terms stated in the call for this position (Call

INFANS-ESR4/2019) or waive it after having signed the scholarship contract, the scholarship will be

assigned to the following candidate in the merit ranking.


1) a detailed Curriculum Vitae of his/her scientific and professional activity, written in European

format (examples available at the following link:

https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/it/documents/curriculum-vitae/examples), where all research

activities performed at public and private parties in Italy and abroad under any form of contract, grant

or research assignment are declared;

2) a photocopy of his/her identity card (or Passport) and of his/her Tax Code (Fiscal Code) card.

3) a list of the professional and academic titles (including the Reference letters of the Supervisors with

whom he/she attained the Bachelor and Master Degrees) attached to this application form (please


specify whether the professional and academic titles are attached as originals or as self-certified

copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


4) a list of the scientific publications attached to this application with a declaration of the own

contribution to each of them (please specify whether the scientific publications are attached as

originals or as self-certified copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


5) professional and academic titles;

6) scientific publications;

7) self-certification as arranged in attachment "B" to the call for the selection procedure.

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.


(legible signature)

_________________________ ___________________________


Attachment "B" to the Call INFANS-ESR4/2019


STATEMENTS SUBSTITUITING AFFIDAVIT (Article 47 Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000)


FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

aware that false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related

special laws


A. that all titles, certificates and publications attached to this Application Form conform to the


B. to have the following titles and certificates (please list all titles and certificates attached, not only


1) _________________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.

Place and date: _________________________________________________________________

THE DECLARER SIGNATURE (legible signature): _______________________________________


CALL FOR POSITION # 3 (internal ID code "INFANS-ESR5")



European Project “INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”

Acronym INFANS – Proposal ID 813483

Call H2020–MSCA-ITN-2018 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks)

Type of action: MSCA-ITN-ETN (European Training Networks)

CUP: D56C18001270002


Prot. nr. ___________ date __________

Titolo III, Classe 12



THE RESEARCH PROJECT “Estimation of neonatal brain efficiency by means of

functional network properties”.


CONSIDERING the University Regulations for the establishment of scholarships for research

activities (D.R. n. 701 - 04/11/2013);

CONSIDERING the request of Prof. Silvia Comani for the establishment of n. 1 scholarship for

research activities entitled “Estimation of neonatal brain efficiency by means of functional network


CONSIDERING the decision of the Council of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences held on 24 January 2019, with which the request of Prof. Silvia Comani and related call

scheme were approved;

HAVING VERIFIED the availability of the funds


ART. 1 Establishment of the scholarship

A public selection, based on titles and an interview, will be made, also in telematic form (teleconference), at the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) for the assignment of a scholarship for scientific research pursuant to Italian Law 240/2010 within the framework of the “European Project INFANS -

INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard”. The goal of the INFANS project is to develop a new neonatal brain monitoring system, designed to overcome the severe shortage of clinically viable means to high quality monitor the brain function in infancy, crucial to prevent later life neurological, cognitive and motor impairment. To accomplish this goal, INFANS established a structured European Doctoral training programme in biomedical


engineering, signal processing and clinical procedures to train a new generation of creative and entrepreneurial young researchers. As part of their research, the INFANS early stage researchers (ESRs) will develop a novel platform for high quality, clinically-viable EEG-NIRS monitoring accessible worldwide. Well-targeted visits and secondments, soft skills and dynamic training activities, an Open Science strategy, extensive involvement of ESRs in the network events organization, extensive contacts with other research, training and industrial European networks, dissemination activities and the award of Double doctoral degrees are further assets offered to the INFANS ESRs. Excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenge are merged in the INFANS network. The INFANS consortium includes 6 academic and 4 non-academic partners from 6 EU countries, among which leading universities, companies and clinical institutions. The partners involved in INFANS share complementary expertise and facilities to provide international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research training and mobility that will complement local doctoral training. The INFANS ESRs will become independent researchers with improved career prospects in both the academic and non-academic sectors, and will advance the EU capacity for innovation in biomedical engineering. Details of the scholarship for scientific research to be assigned with this call:

TITLE OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: “Estimation of neonatal brain efficiency by means of

functional network properties”

AREA: 02 - Physical Sciences

DISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC SECTOR (SSD): FIS/07 (Physics Applied to Cultural and

Environmental Heritage, Biology and Medicine)

COMPETITION SECTOR: 2/D1 (Applied Physics, Didactics and History of Physics)

DURATION: 36 months

AMOUNT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: a total gross amount for the entire duration of the sholarship

(i.e. for 3 years) of € 144.499,68 (euro onehundred-

fortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68) that includes

both institution and recipient taxation + a total gross

Family Allowance, if due, of € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) from the funds of the European

Project INFANS. In particular: € 122.899,68 (euro


from the funds allocated in the cost category "Living

Allowance"; € 21.600,00 (euro twentyonethuosand-

sixhundred/00) from the funds allocated in the cost

category "Mobility Allowance"; € 18.000,00 (euro

eighteenthousands/00) - if due - from the funds allocated in

the cost category "Family Allowance"

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: 1) Definition of the best topological measures to

characterize the brain networks properties in stable

neonates/infants for differential diagnosis purposes; 2)

Development of a SW toolbox for the analysis of short-

term EEG data (brain maturity, network properties).

EXPECTED RESULTS: In collaboration with the other researchers of the INFANS

consortium, the fellow will have to: (1) Based on clinical

features provided by University of Helsinki (UH),

implement information-theoretic interdependence measures


coupled with Graph Theory metrics to estimate global

properties of the functional networks in the developing

brain, and their testing on existing EEG archives. (2)

Identify the best measures to estimate neonatal brain

efficiency for differential diagnosis after testing on EEG

archives and novel dry electrode data in stable

neonates/infants. (3) Implement a SW toolbox including

the Matlab code for differential diagnosis developed within

the INFANS project. (4) After second clinical testing

phase, final release of SW toolbox for assessment of

neonatal neural function on short-term EEG and its

integration on the common platform.


RESEARCH INSTITUTION: Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-

Pescara (Italy)

The participation in this selection procedure implies the acceptance of the clauses to the present call.

ART. 2 Participation requirements

All those who possess the following qualifications can participate in the selection procedure:

- Master Degree in Applied Physics, or Biomedical Physics, or Biomedical Engineering, or

Mathematics, or Neuroscience, or Computational Neuroscience;

- Educational, scientific and professional curriculum suitable for the implementation of the specific

training and research program object of the scholarship (see Research Objectives and Expected

results above, and Art. 9 "Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder" of this call);

- Proved experience in biomedical signal processing, particularly electroencephalographic (EEG)


- Good knowledge level of the English language.

Conditions for the participation in the selection procedure:

All candidates must comply with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions eligibility requirements (see

page 19 at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/guides_for_applicants/h2020-

guide-appl-msca-itn_en.pdf). Therefore, all candidates must meet the following conditions for the

eligibility and mobility of researchers to be admitted to participate in the selection procedure.

Eligible Researchers: 1) The scholarship candidates must be, at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1,

2019), in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers. Full-

Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when the candidate obtained the

degree entitling him/her to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was

obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited, even if a doctorate was never started or


2) The scholarship candidates must not have been already awarded a doctoral degree.

Mobility of Researchers: At the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019), the

candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more

than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the starting date of the scholarship. Compulsory

national service and short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.


Refugees: Researchers with refugee status, as defined by the Geneva Convention, benefit from a less

restrictive mobility rule: the period of residence in Italy spent for the refugee procedure (i.e. before

refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as a period of residence/activity in Italy.

ART. 3 Duration and amount of the scholarship

The scholarship will last 36 (thirtysix) months, not renewable.

The gross total amount of the scholarship is € 144.499,68 (euro onehundredfortyfourthousandfourhundredninetynine/68). The total Family Allowance, if due, corresponds to the gross amount of € 18.000,00 (euro eighteenthousands/00). The scholarship will be paid in monthly installments of the same amount, postponed with respect to the research activity, upon Tutor confirmation of the regular research progress. The scholarship is subject to the tax and social security system foreseen by the provisions in force at the time of payment. Family Allowance: As defined in the Work Programme 2018-2020 with respect to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, and as stated in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project (Chapter 3, Art. 6, Paragraph 6.2 "Specific conditions for costs to be eligible"), the Family Allowance will be paid exclusively to the researcher who, at starting date of the scholarship (i.e. on September 1, 2019, see Art. 7 of this call), has family, regardless of whether the family will move with the researcher or not. In this context, family is defined as persons linked to the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher. The family status of a researcher will be determined at the starting date of the scholarship and will not evolve during the INFANS project lifetime. The candidate selected for this scholarship who at the starting date of the scholarship is entitled to the Family Allowance, must present related original documents at the moment of the signature of the scholarship contract with the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara. In the case these documents are written in a language different from Italian or English, the selected candidate must present also certified copies of the original documents translated into English. The family allowance will in no way be granted to the selected candidate for whom the conditions that establish the right to the family allowance will occur at a date subsequent to the starting date of the scholarship.

ART. 4 Incompatibility

It is not possible to combine this scholarship with other scholarships awarded for any purpose, with

research grants, with salaries deriving from public or private employment relationships, even for a

fixed term, without prejudice to the possibility that the scholarship holder is placed by the employer in

expectation without checks.

The enjoyment of the scholarship is incompatible with any permanent employment relationship.

The performance of self-employment is not compatible with the scholarship.

For the purposes of the prohibitions and incompatibilities referred to in this article, at the time of

acceptance of the scholarship, the winner makes a special declaration in lieu of notarial deed,

committing him/herself to inform the Department of any variation with respect to what was declared,

together with the occurrence of the variation itself.

ART. 5 Application form

The application for participation in the present selection procedure, written in free paper, with the

relative documentation, must be sent to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and


Clinical Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100

CHIETI, ITALY, by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019.

The call can be examined on the Albo Pretorio on-line of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara on the website www.unich.it and on the EURAXESS website.

The application can:

- be sent by courier to the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66100 CHIETI,

ITALY. The application must reach the addressee by 12.00 am on April 16th 2019. The date of

receipt of the application is established and proven by the effective date of receipt of the application.

The University "G. D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara declines any responsibility for delays or mistakes

attributable to the postal service or other service in charge.

- be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address dni@pec.unich.it, by 12.00 am on April 16th


The envelope containing the application with the attachments must include on the outer envelope the

indication of the name and surname and the address of the candidate, and the following wording


The candidates who have not signed the application form will be excluded from the selection


The candidate's application form must be drawn up using the attachments A and B to this call.

The candidate must clearly indicate in the application form: his/her surname and name, date and place

of birth, citizenship, tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code), and the address chosen for the purposes of

the selection procedure. The candidate must also attach to the application form a photocopy of an

identity document (e.g., passport) and of the tax code or equivalent (Fiscal Code).

Handicapped persons must specify in the application form the necessary assistance in relation to their

handicap, as well as the possible need for additional time for the interview, in accordance with the

Italian law n. 104, 5 February 1992.

The application must include a professional and scientific curriculum, a list of the titles and

scientific publications presented, the letters of presentation, and the documents proving the

fulfillment of the requirements for participation in the selection procedure and the possession of

the titles presented.

Pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. 445/2000, these documents may be produced as

originals using only the application form (facsimile in attachment A to this call), or as copies declared

conform to the originals by substitutive declaration of the deed of notoriety or self-certifications by

substitutive declaration of certification (in this case also the facsimile in attachment B to this call must

be used).

The Department assumes no responsibility either in the event of a communication dispersion by the

University dependent on incorrect or unclear transcription of personal data and address by the


candidates, or by failure or late communication of the change of the address indicated in the

application, or for any postal errors.

ART. 6 Procedure for the assignment of the scholarship

In accordance with the European Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, the selection

procedure is performed through a transparent process ensuring an equal opportunity policy to avoid any

nationality, sex, race, disability, political, social or religious discrimination.

The evaluation criteria used by the Selection Committee are determined, for the purposes of a global

evaluation of the candidates, as indicated below:

- titles: max 25 points of which

Degree mark: up to 15 points:

Other titles: up to 10 points (master courses, documented scholarships and grants in national

and foreign research institutions)

- professional and scientific curriculum: max 40 points (for previous experience on the scholarship

research topic, scientific publications, participation to conferences)

- one or more letters of presentation of the professors with whom the candidate has obtained the

qualifications allowing him/her to embark in a doctoral training programme: max 10 points

- interview: max 25 points (mastery of the scholarship research topics, clarity of exposure,

demonstrated interest in the subject, critical ability

Candidates who have obtained an overall score of less than 60/100 will not be considered eligible for

the scholarship.

In accordance with the selection rules established in the Grant Agreement of the INFANS Project, the

Selection Committee is composed of the Scientific Responsible and two other researchers designated

during the kick-off meeting of the INFANS project. The members of the Selection Committee are

appointed by the Director.

The Selection Committee will evaluate and score the professional and scientific curriculum and the

qualifications of the candidates and, subsequently, will evaluate the candidates with an interview. The

date, place and mode (telematic or in presence) of the interview will be published on the university

website (www.unich.it) and communicated to the candidates promptly to the email address indicated by

them in the application form. The aforesaid communication has the value of notification to all law


At the end of the selection procedure, the Selection Committee will draw up the minutes containing

also the comparative evaluation criteria, the total score assigned to each candidate and the ranking of

the suitable candidates in order of merit.

The opinion of the Selection Committee is unquestionable on the merits.

The scholarship will be assigned to the candidate placed first in the merit ranking of the eligible


ART. 7 Starting date of the scholarship

The documents relating to the selection procedures are approved by the Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences.


The scholarship is awarded by the Director of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences to the candidate who has achieved the highest score. In case of equal scores, the scholarship

will be awarded to the youngest candidate.

Prior to the award of the scholarship, the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

will check that the candidate possesses all conditions required to participate in the selection procedure.

The scholarship will start on 1 September 2019.

The scholarship which, due to the winner's waiver or non-acceptance, remains available may be

assigned to the next suitable candidate according to the merit ranking.

To be awarded the scholarship, the winner will have to send the following documents within 10 days

from the date of receipt of the aforementioned communication, under penalty of forfeiture:

a) declaration of acceptance of the scholarship for research activities;

b) declaration that no other scholarships have been awarded to him/her for any reason;

c) declaration on one's family status, that is to say if, at the starting date of the scholarship, the selected

candidate will be in one of the three conditions for the payment of the family allowance.

ART. 8 Characteristics of the scholarship

The awarding of the scholarship is not an employment relationship related to a permanent job and does

not give rights in the admittance to university permanent positions.

ART. 9 Rights and obligations of the scholarship holder

Rights: The winner of the scholarship has the right to be enrolled in the PhD Program in Neuroscience

and Imaging at the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the "G.

D'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy, XXXV Cycle.

In compliance with the "European Charter for Researchers", the scholarship holder has the right to be

offered appropriate and sufficient infrastructures, state-of-the-art equipment and know-how, as well as

working and other conditions, for the implementation of the individual research project and training


Obligations: The winner of the scholarship must comply with the directives given by the Tutor

(Primary Supervisor) in order to carry out the planned research and training activity. According to the

Grant Agreement of the INFANS project, the Tutor for this scholarship is Prof. Silvia Comani.

The candidate who was informed of the awarding of the scholarship, must, within the peremptory term

of ten days from the date of receipt of the written communication, send a declaration of acceptance of

the scholarship without reservation.

The winner of the scholarship who does not comply with what has been requested within the

established time limit will be declared expired from any right on the scholarship.

According to the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project, the scholarship holder is required to carry

out the training and research activity foreseen by the scholarship by following the training and research

program (Career Development Plan - CDP) prepared in agreement with the Tutor and under her

supervision. The scholarship holder will also be assigned a local mentor and a co-Tutor (Secondary


Supervisor). The co-Tutor will be Prof. Sampsa Vanhatalo of the Helsingin Yliopisto (University of

Helsinki, Finland), who will be involved in the supervision of the scholarship holder for the

implementation of his/her individual research project.

The CDP includes:

1) a brief overview of fellow's individual research project and major accomplishments expected;

2) the definition of the fellow's short-term (over 1-3 years) and long-term (over 5 years) scientific

and professional career objectives, with details on the research and training activities needed,

and the fellow's expectations for career after doctoral training;

3) a guidance to the proficiencies that the scholarship holder is expected to acquire and the

INFANS evaluation system

4) the certificates and reports of his/her supervisors the training and research activities done.

The achievement of the scientific and professional objectives includes:

1) the active participation in local training events and in the training events organized within the

INFANS project (3 workshops, 3 Summer schools, and the final INFANS conference);

2) the active participation in the "Dynamic training activities" planned within the INFANS project

("ESRs Creativity workshop", "INFANS competitions", and "Dynamic activities for personal

skills development");

3) training and research periods at INFANS partners' institutions, in particular: (i) 6 months at the

Helsingin Yliopisto (University of Helsinki, Finland) under the supervision of Prof. Sampsa

Vanhatalo for training on the sensitive clinical measures of neonatal functional growth, clinical

validation of developed algorithms; (ii) 3 month at eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions

GmbH (Berlin, Germany) under the supervision of Dr. Martijn Schreuder to learn on standards

for commercial EEG SW design and integration of SW in clinical-oriented user interface.

4) the drafting, twice a year, of Progress Reports on the research and training activities carried out,

and an update of its CDP. These documents will be submitted to the Tutor and the INFANS

Doctoral Committee for approval.

All data and information of technical, administrative, scientific and didactic nature that the scholarship

holder obtains during his/her training and research activity must be considered confidential and,

therefore, no use is permitted for purposes other than those for which the scholarship is awarded.

At the end of the scholarship, the scholarship holder must present to the Tutor, the Department Council

and the INFANS Doctoral Committee a final report on the activities carried out with details of the

results achieved. The final report and the updated CDP will be accompanied by the written opinion of

the Tutor and evaluated in order to grant admission to the discussion of the doctoral thesis.

In the event that the fellow does not comply with any of the aforementioned obligations or is

responsible for any other serious documented failure, the scholarship will terminate.

ART. 10 Termination of the scholarship

The winner of the scholarship who does not start the training and research activities, scheduled to start

on September 1, 2019, will lose the right to be awarded the scholarship.

The assignee who, after having signed the scholarship contract and having started the training and

research activities, decides to waive the scholarship before its natural end (i.e. before 31 August 2022),


thus waiving also the right to be awarded the Doctoral Degree at the University "G. D'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara (Italy), must necessarily give a motivated written communication to the Director of

the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G D'Annunzio "of

Chieti-Pescara, to the Scientific Responsible of the scholarship and to the Tutor with at least 3

months' notice.

The assignee who, after having started the scheduled research activity, does not continue it regularly

and continuously for the entire duration of the grant without justified and proven reason, or is

responsible for serious and repeated shortcomings or, finally, gives proof of not having sufficient

aptitude for research, is declared expired from further use of the scholarship with motivated provision

by the Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences on the proposal of

the Scientific Manager.

The assignee is notified of the initiation of the related procedure. The assignee has the right to declare

his/her position on the matter, by means of written communication.

Motivated communication on the conclusion of the proceeding, which may consist either in the filing

of the documents or in the aforementioned provision of forfeiture, will be given to the assignee.

ART. 11 Processing of personal data and person accountable for the procedure.

According to the obligations laid down by the Italian D.L.vo nr. 33/2013, the candidates, by

participating in the present selection procedure, automatically authorize the publication of their

curriculum in the case of scholarship assignment. The processing of personal data takes place in

accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679.

The personal data transmitted by the candidates with the application form are processed exclusively for

the purposes foreseen in this call and foreseen by the procedures related to it, even in the event of a


The provision of data is mandatory to participate in the selection procedure.

In view of the foregoing, the candidate is invited to read the attachment relating to the information on

the processing of personal data which, attached to this announcement, is an integral part of it

(Attachment C).

The person accountable for the selection procedure announced with this call is the Director of the

Department of Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of

Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

ART. 12 Recovery of titles and documents

Within sixty days from the date of publication of the merit ranking, the applicants may recover at their

expenses the titles and publications sent to the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical

Sciences of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy).

After this period, the Department will not be responsible in any way for the storage of the

aforementioned documents.

ART. 13 Insurance treatment

The scholarship holder is covered against risks deriving from civil liability towards third parties and

accidents, within the limits established by the "Accidents and civil liability towards third parties"

insurance policies of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), as specified below:


- Accident insurance no. 154207087 UNIPOLSAI Company;

- RCT/O policy no. ITCASC09280 CHUBB European Group Company.

Chieti, on ______________ The Director of the Department of

Neurosciences, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

Prof. Vittorio Pizzella Published on ____________

Deadline on _____________

The person in charge of the billposting

Lucia Ferretti


Attachment "A" to the Call INFANS-ESR5/2019

To the Director of the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences

Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara

Via dei Vestini n. 31

66100 CHIETI


Object: Application for the participation in the public selection procedure for the assignment of a

research contract to perform research activity within the research project "Estimation of neonatal brain

efficiency by means of functional network properties"

The undersigned:

FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

SEX ___

(please indicate F for female or M for male)

TAX CODE (Fiscal Code) _________________________________________

CITIZENSHIP _________________________________________



(please write the residence address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________






(please write the elected address)

ZIP CODE__________ CITY________________________________________



PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

MOBILE NUMBER: _____________________________________;

E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________;



to participate in the selection procedure for the assignment of nr.1 research contract for the

research project with the following TITLE:

Estimation of neonatal brain efficiency by means of functional network properties

To this aim, pursuant to the Articles 46 and 47 of the Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000 and aware that

false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related special



1. to be born on the date and in the place written above;

2. to have the citizenship written above;

3. to be resident in the place written above;

4. to be in the enjoyment of civil and political rights in the Home State;

5. to be in the following position with regard to military obligations:


6. to have no prior criminal convictions OR to have reported the following criminal convictions:


7. to be not aware of being subjected to pending criminal procedures and processes OR to have the

following pending criminal procedures and processes:



8. to be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of his/her research

career at the starting date of the scholarship (i.e. 1 September 2019) (Full-Time Equivalent

Research Experience is measured from the date when the researcher obtained the degree entitling

him/her to embark on a doctorate.).

9. to have NOT been awarded a doctoral degree.

10. to have NOT resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more

than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date foreseen for the present

position (i.e. during the 3 years before 1 September 2019).


□ NO. In the case you have resided or carried out his/her main activity in Italy during the 3

years before 1 September 2019, please specify the periods, durations, motivations, contracts

and conferring bodies, and any periods spent on maternity leave or on sickness herein:

11. to have a refugee status under the Geneva Convention:

□ NO

□ YES. In this case please indicate the period spent as part of the procedure for obtaining refugee

status under the Geneva Convention:


12. to have family obligations:

□ NO

□ YES. In the case you have family obligations, please specify your status herein:

□ I am married

□ I am in a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognized by the national or

relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalized;

□ I have dependent children who are actually being maintained by me

13. to have the following requirements to participate in this selection procedure: □ Bachelor Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ Master Degree in: _______________________________________

Title of the thesis:___________________________________________

Date of graduation: __________________________________________

Degree mark: ____________________________________________

defended at the University of___________________________________

City: ____________________________________________

State: ____________________________________________

name of the Supervisor: ______________________________________

email address of the Supervisor:_________________________________

□ To have had the following scientific experience after the awarding of the Master Degree, as

detailed herein:






14. To have the following professional skills in biomedical signal processing and

electroencephalography (EEG) data analysis:







15. To have the following knowledge level of spoken and written English:

Level spoken English written English






ANY INDICATION RESERVED TO DISABLED PEOPLE: ___________________________________________________________________________________







A) to be aware that the Board of Examiners, appointed by the Department Director, publicized on the

Bulletin Board of the University and on the University website, will be identified in accordance with

the rules of the Grant Agreement of the INFANS project.

B) to be aware that the candidates will be summoned for the interview through email communication

immediately after the evaluation of titles and publications and that the communication will be made to

the email address indicated above.

C) to be aware that, at the end of the selection procedure, the Board of Examiners will draw a graded

list of the applicants on the basis of the overall scores obtained. The first in the list is designated as the

winner. Should the winner waive the scholarship by the terms stated in the call for this position (Call

INFANS-ESR5/2019) or waive it after having signed the scholarship contract, the scholarship will be

assigned to the following candidate in the merit ranking.


1) a detailed Curriculum Vitae of his/her scientific and professional activity, written in European

format (examples available at the following link:

https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/it/documents/curriculum-vitae/examples), where all research

activities performed at public and private parties in Italy and abroad under any form of contract, grant

or research assignment are declared;

2) a photocopy of his/her identity card (or Passport) and of his/her Tax Code (Fiscal Code) card.

3) a list of the professional and academic titles (including the Reference letters of the Supervisors with

whom he/she attained the Bachelor and Master Degrees) attached to this application form (please


specify whether the professional and academic titles are attached as originals or as self-certified

copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


4) a list of the scientific publications attached to this application with a declaration of the own

contribution to each of them (please specify whether the scientific publications are attached as

originals or as self-certified copies that conform to the originals, see attachment "B"):


5) professional and academic titles;

6) scientific publications;

7) self-certification as arranged in attachment "B" to the call for the selection procedure.

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.


(legible signature)

_________________________ ___________________________


Attachment "B" to the Call INFANS-ESR5/2019


STATEMENTS SUBSTITUITING AFFIDAVIT (Article 47 Italian D.P.R. n. 445/2000)


FAMILY NAME ___________________________________________________

(married women should indicate only their family name before marriage)

GIVEN NAME ____________________________________________________

BORN AT ________________________________________________________

PROVINCE ______________________________________________________


ON ___________________________________________________________

(please indicate the day, month and year)

aware that false declarations are punishable in accordance with the Italian Penal Code and related

special laws


A. that all titles, certificates and publications attached to this Application Form conform to the


B. to have the following titles and certificates (please list all titles and certificates attached, not only


1) _________________________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________

The undersigned, in compliance with the Italian D.L.vo n. 33/2013 and in accordance with the EU

Regulation 2016/679, gives consent to the use of the personal data provided herein for all matters

relating to this selection procedure and to the possible awarding of the scholarship.

Place and date: _________________________________________________________________

THE DECLARER SIGNATURE (legible signature): _______________________________________