UP! How we make Google loves our awesome product

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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UP!How we took over first positions on the Google search results page for bone anchored hearing aid Baha

Baha is …

A hi-tech bone anchored hearing aid which is suited for people with conductive hearing loss and unilateral hearing loss. Baha is also a good solution for those, who can’t wear “in the ear” or “behind the ear” hearing aid because of rare malformations such as microtia, Treacher Collins syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome.

We made a landing page and then renewed it twice to get it indexed better by Google. We only made analytics-based decisions about what to change on the page.

There were three version of the landing page following one another

2nd version of Baha-page

1st version of Baha-page

let’s take a closer look

3d version of Baha-page

The evolution of the first screen

Baha-page 1.0The video with the button “Turn Baha on”. After pushing the button the waveform and the sounds of nature appeared. The headline is “world is full of sounds. Baha will help you hear all of them”

What we found out. Video slowed down the page, nobody pushed the button

The evolution of the first screen

Baha-page 1.0The video with the button “Turn Baha on”. After pushing the button the waveform and the sounds of nature appeared. The headline is “world is full of sounds. Baha will help you hear all of them”

What we found out. Video slowed down the page, nobody pushed the button

Baha-page 2.0

Just a beautiful background with the same headline

What we found out. We have to be straightforward and tell people that they could buy Baha from us

The evolution of the first screen

Baha-page 3.0

A user sees Baha from the very first screen. Headline is “Baha is the bone conduction hearing aid”

Baha-page 1.0The video with the button “Turn Baha on”. After pushing the button the waveform and the sounds of nature appeared. The headline is “world is full of sounds. Baha will help you hear all of them”

What we found out. Video slowed down the page, nobody pushed the button

Baha-page 2.0

Just a beautiful background with the same headline

What we found out. We have to be straightforward and tell people that they could buy Baha from us

Feedback from recipients

We gathered feedback and placed it onto the page


Baha-page 1.0What Baha does for recipients. Photos from Cochlear photobank. The headline is “Everything you love become easier with Baha”.

Baha-page 2.0The photos of Russian recipients. We set few photoshoots for them to get the photos. Now users spend more time looking at this part of the page.

About the ways to wear Baha

Baha-page 1.0 Baha-page 2.0 and 3.0

More content + more keywords = more visitors from search engines


Baha-page 1.0The main action we expected from users to do is to download the pdf with FAQ about Baha. But nobody seemed to be interested in.

Baha-page 2.0

The form to request a consultation instead of downloading the PDF. FAQ moved from the PDF onto the page to have more content and keywords crawled by search engines.

We placed one more form in the 3d version of the Baha-page in the upper part of the page. It was a good decision because, as analytics shows, users prefer to fill the upper one.

The result

We’ve got first positions

incognito mode is on to prevent Google from adjusting results to my search story

search query is“bone anchored hearing aid”

The 1st position is Baha page

The page with all the stories about Baha on our bloggets the 2nd position

Google analytics says the same

4.6 is an average position. This means that we have the first position for some keywords and the seventh position for the

others. But mostly we are on the first Google search results page

What the Baha page ranks for

Google doesn’t reveal 50% of search queries

bone anchored hearing aid


baha price

baha buy

bone anchored implants and middle ear implants


bone anchored hearing aid

bone anchored hearing aid buy

It’s important to have good search

positions for these keywords. They are

pretty general, so taking good positions

over (the right column) we draw users from competitive solutions

How we feel about it

To be continued…

Nadia Pominova, digital marketing specialist at Euromax