Using Dropbox to save work from - BSAK Year...

Post on 24-Aug-2020

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Using Dropbox to save work from

• The Do Ink ‘Green Screen’ App • The Camera Roll

to enable work from any device with the apps at school or at home, and to ensure

work is backed up…

Logging into Dropbox on your iPad (or iPhone)

Open the App and fill in the username and password. year4garnet, year4ruby depending on your class…

Remember your username is that of your class and you should only access YOUR own work, from that account!

Logging in and out of Dropbox on your iPad

The fact you are on a shared account MEANS we DO NOT want you to link your camera.

Always click CANCEL here!

To log out of the account, go to settings… scroll down and then select ‘sign out from dropbox’ and then sign out.

Get in the habit of

signing out after you use the account,

DON’T leave it signed in!

Remember the settings option is here….

Saving finished clips as videos to the camera roll

Click save, making sure it’s also selected as video… Wait for it to load…

Select save to camera roll and then save as Medium There’s no real need to do any higher resolution at the minute! (Our school iPads need to save space..)

Remember you can also send completed clips to Dropbox from the camera roll…

Saving PROJECTS into Dropbox

Go to the ‘Projects’ screen and click the box with an arrow coming from it (Upload) and click save. Choose Dropbox NOTE – the iPad will automatically save your project as it goes along. Saving it in Dropbox means you get to work on it elsewhere AND it can be retrieved should it be wiped from the iPad by mistake! Cool Eh!

Saving projects into Dropbox

Yes, OPEN dropbox… you’ve just asked it too so let it… (It may ask if it can connect to your camera etc the first time... let it do that too!)

Saving projects into Dropbox

Here it’s asking if you will ALLOW Green Screen to Access Dropbox, ALLOW You may want to check that you’ve got the right DROPBOX folder. IF not, SIGN IN to a DIFFERENT ACCOUNT (The right one!)

Saving projects into Dropbox

It should go directly to the DoInk file, but you can select another depending on the work

Change the title of the file if needed – REMEMBER it MUST be EASILY identifiable as YOURS!

Select the folder you want (In this case endangered animals videos)

Now click ‘Save to Dropbox’* * Remember speeds will depend on your Wifi connectivity and SIZE of the file, so keep projects small!

Saving projects into Dropbox

And now HOORAY! Your work is in Dropbox, ready to be imported onto another iPad elsewhere!

So your work, (depending on the network connection and usage!) will upload to the cloud… fluffy accessible with an internet connection cloud… best be patient and let it do it’s thing!

Select ‘Import a Project’ Choose ‘Dropbox’

Importing saved work onto YOUR iPad Click here…

Think about your class username

And Password…

year4garnet year4ruby

year4crimson year4maroon year4scarlet

Importing saved work onto YOUR iPad Link to Dropbox, if your iPad is already linked, you may not see this screen, remember it has to be on the right Dropbox account and folder for you to access it. If you don’t save it in the right one, don’t expect to find it again!

Importing saved work onto YOUR iPad

Select the file you saved it in, then open up YOUR file. It really helps if you’ve NAMED the FILE CLEARLY Remember if there are 2 people with the same names, use surnames to tell them apart!

Loading will take time depending on the file size AND your Wifi Connection – No Wifi? No work!

And there you have it…. Your work from School, ready on your iPad at Home! GENIUS!

Importing saved work onto YOUR iPad

Remember, unless you have the app on your iPad, you wont be able to open it and see it… Just in case you hadn’t realised!

You can then edit and then re-save your project again to Dropbox as an

updated version!