Using tools to maximize distribution of your stories2

Post on 06-May-2015

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Discussion about using tools like Twaitter, Twitterfeed, and to help get your stories out.


Using Tools to Maximize Distribution of Your Stories

Stan Skrabut

University of Wyoming Extension

@uwcesedtech #uwces

People are changing how they get their news.

You are a writing professional trying to promote your organization.

Presently, promoting your stories to all the different social media sites takes too much time and energy.

You want to expand the reach of your stories using less effort.

Let me show you how to get more distribution with less effort.

How you are creating and

distributing your stories has been


Here are some trends from the Pew Research Center’s 2011 Annual Report on American Journalism.

All news platforms are losing viewership... except the Web.

Source: Nielsen Media Research, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, Audit Bureau of Circulations.

More people get news from Web than newspapers.

Nearly 50% of Americans get news from mobile device.

More news is broken on the Web than ever before.

Social media has had a significant impact on journalism.

You can distribute your news to a larger audience, quicker.

You are competing with the general public to create news and stories.

You can leverage social media for more than just promoting your stories.

You can scan for story ideas or trends.

You can look for interview subjects.

You can poll users on their opinions.

Tools for leveraging Social


These tools will help you post to multiple places from both desktop or mobile devices.

Tweetdeck is a desktop tool to help post single posts to multiple sites.

HootSuite posts a single post to multiple Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.

Twitterfeed allows you to set up feeds to distribute to Twitter and Facebook.

Here are tools that you can schedule single or recurring posts.

Twaitter allows you to plan and create posts at the initial planning stage rather than post in real time.

This tool will allow you to aggregate a number of posts into your own newspaper. allows you to create a “newspaper” that is automatically sent to Twitter.

Here is how University of Wyoming Extension

is integrating our efforts

The University of Wyoming is focusing on five specific social media tools.

We have two primary Twitter accounts for distributing our content (@uwcesedtech @uwagguy).

We have one Facebook fan page for Extension with countless fan pages for departments and programs.

We use Scribd to distribute our publications and bulletins.

We have one primary Youtube account with other secondary accounts.

We have changed how we post our news, we now use WordPress to post our news stories.

We are using three tools to help maximize our distribution efforts across our content creation efforts.

We use Twaitter to post branding messages to Twitter.

We use Twitterfeed to send our news to Twitter and Facebook.

We have two “newspapers,” one for Twitter accounts we are following and one for news blog.

University of Wyoming Extension future distribution plans include other user created content.

We are planning to autofeed Youtube videos, podcasts, blogs, and other RSS feeds.

Our current distribution to three Twitter accounts and one Facebook account is 1,590.


We remind our distribution lists of social media capabilities at least quarterly.

Using Tools to Maximize Distribution of Your Stories

Stan Skrabut

University of Wyoming Extension

@uwcesedtech #uwces