Utah Historical Quarterlies - Lehi Historical Society€¦ · Utah Historical Quarterlies Fall 1965...

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Utah Historical Quarterlies

Fall 1965 (Book 692)(photocopy)

● Bingham Canyon Through the Eyes of A Company Doctor by Russell G.


● Life and labor Among the Immigrants of Bingham Canyon

● Servian-Austrian Christmas at Highland Boy by Claire Noall

● US Army Overlooks Salt Lake Valley: Fort Douglas 1862-1965

● President’s Report For The Fiscal Year: 1964-1965

Spring 1974 (Book 817)

● Americanization of Utah’s Agriculture

● Establishing and Maintaining Land Ownership in Utah Prior to 1869

● Kanab United Order: The President’s Nephew and the Bishop

● Memories of a Uintah Basin Farm

● The Early sheep Industry in Southern Utah

● Watermasters Stick

Summer 1974 (Book 825)

● The Commencement of the Godbeite Protest: Another View

● Utah’s First Convict Labor Camp

● Pioneer Roadometer

● From Mules to Motorcars: Utah’s Changing Transportation Scene

● The Transcontinental Railroad and Ogden City Politics

● Frontier Theatre: The Corinne Opera House

Spring 1975 (Book 849)

● Utah’s Coal Lands: A Vital Example of How America Became a Great

Nation by Helen Z. Papanikolas

● The Foreign Element and the 1903- 4 Carbon County Coal Miners’ Strike by

Allen Kent Powell.

● South Slav Settlement in Utah 1890-1935 by Joseph Stephanovich

● Italian Fraternal Organizations in Utah 1897-1934 by Philip F. Notaralanni

Summer 1975 (Book 823)

● The Architectural History of Utah

● William Harrison Folsom: Pioneer Architect

● Spring City: A Look At a Nineteenth-Century Mormon Village

● Stone Buildings of Beaver City

● Heritage of Stone in Willard

● Religious Architecture of the LDS Church: Influences and Changes since


Fall 1975 (Book 824)

● Growing Years: Westminister College From Birth to Adolescence

● Catholic Education in Utah 1875-1975

● Utah’s Educational Innovation: LDS Religion Classes 1890-1929

● Buds on the Tree of Knowledge: Early Views of Brigham Young University

● The Two Miss Cooks: Pioneer Professionals for Utah Schools

● William C. Staines: “English Gentleman of Refinement and Culture”

Spring 1976 (Book 816)

● Men, Motives and Misunderstandings: A new Look at the Morrisite War of


● Archaeological and Cryptological Analyses of the Manti Inscriptions.

● Catholicism Among the Mormons 1875-79

● An Anarchist Defends the Mormons: The Case of Dyer D. Lum

● Mormon Religion in Nauvoo: Some Reflections

Summer 1976 (Book 840)

● The Liberal Shall be Blessed-Sarah M. Kimball

● Woman’s Exponent: Forty-Two Years of Speaking For Women

● Truman Leonard-Pioneer Mormon Farmer

● Never Change a Song

● The Utah State Supreme Court and Its Justices 1896-1976

● The Fremonts and Utah

Fall 1976 (Book 820)

● Study of Mormon Folklore

● Martyrdom of Joseph Smith-An Archetypal Study

● Legend of Jessie Evans Smith

● Great and Dreadful Day: Mormon Folklore of the Apocalypse

● Some Botanical Cures in Mormon Folk Medicine: An Analysis

● A Bibliography of Studies in Mormon Folklore

Winter 1976 (Book 842)

● Cyrus Dallin and his Paul Revere Statue

● Fray Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Fray Silvestre Velez De Escalante

● Joseph L Rawlins, Father of Utah Statehood

● The Americanism of Utah

Spring 1977 (Book 838)

● The Secularization of the Utah Labor Movement

● Utah and the Nationwide Coal Miners Strike of 1922

● Mining at Alta-A Further Look

● The Nurse-Marva Christensen Hanchett of Sevier County

● Electric Power Comes to Utah

● Historic Utilization of Paria River

Summer 1977 (Book 836)

● Building A Commonwealth: The Secular Leadership of Brigham Young

● Encourage the Saints: Brigham Young’s Annual Tours of the Mormon


● Shadows of Brigham Young as seen by his Biographers

● Calligraphy in Brigham Young’s Office

● From Impulsive Girl to Patient Wife: Lucy Bigelow Young

● Promoting Railroads and Statehood: John W. Young

Fall 1977 (Book 835)

● The Great Protectionist: Senator Reed Smoot of Utah

● The Way We Were: A Photographic Essay

● Teapot Dome Revisited: Reed Smoot and Conservation in the 1920’s

● That Smoke-Filled Room: A Utah’s Role in the 1920 GOP Convention

● The Public Image of Sen. Reed Smoot 1902-1932

Summer 1978 (Book 832)

● Open Hand and Mailed Fist: Mormon-Indian Relations in Utah 1847-52

● Of Pride and Politics: Brigham Young as Indian Superintendent

● Utah Indians Along Civil War Communication LInes

● The Utah National Guard on the Mexican Border in 1916

● Improbable Ambassadors: Black Soldiers at Fort Douglas 1896-99

● Silver Service for the Battleship Utah: A Naval Tradition Under Governor


Fall 1978 (Book 833)

● Pestiferous Ironclads: The Grasshopper Problems in Pioneer Utah

● Sanpete County Between the Wars: an Overview of a Rural Economy in


● One Hundred Years of Utah Climate

● The Finest of Fabrics: Mormon Women and the Silk Industry in Early Utah

● Diamonds in the Dust: John W. Carlson’s Alfalfa Seed Research

Winter 1978 (Book 834)

● Divorce among Mormon Polygamist: Extent and Explanations

● Beyond the Manifesto: Polygamous Cohabitation among LDS Central

Authorities After 1890.

● J. Cecil Alter; Founding Editor of Utah Historical Quarterly

● An Ambiguous Decision: The Implementation of Mormon Priesthood denial

for the Black man-A Reexamination

● Another Visit with Walter Murray Gibson

Spring 1979 (Book 830)

● Utah’s Regions: A view From the Hinterland

● Forces that shaped Utah’s Dixie: Another Look

● Folk Material Culture of the Sanpete-Sevier Area: Today’s Reflections of a

Region’s Post.

● Folklore of Utah’s Little Scandinavia

● Reflections on a Rural Tradition- A Photographic Essay

● Utah’s Ellis Island: The Difficult Americanization of Carbon County

● The Valley of the Bear River and the Movement of Culture Between Utah

and Idaho.

Summer 1979 (Book 826)

● Urban Utah: Toward a Fuller Understanding

● The Impact of Mining On Salt Lake City

● Right to be Different: Ogden and Weber County Politics 1850-1924

● Transcontinental Travelers Excursions to Salt Lake City and Ogden: A

Photographic Essay

● Ogden: A Federal Colony in Utah

● Utah’s Dynamic Dixie: Satellite of Salt Lake, Las Vegas, or Los Angeles?

Fall 1979 (Book 818)

● Archaic Inhabitants in the Northern Colorado Plateau

● Utah’s Spanish Trail

● Archaeological Investigations at the Isaac Chase Mill

● The Walker War: Defense and Conciliation as Strategy

● Buffalo Soldiers: Guardians of the Uintah Frontier 1886-1901

Winter 1979 (Book 831)

● Utah Sexton of Prohibition

● Life Behind Bars: Momon Cohabs of the 1880’s

● Nathaniel Baldwin, Utah Inventor and Patron of the Fundamentalist


● I’m Here for the Cash-Man Florence and the Great Mormon Temple

● Dry Goods and Groceries in Early Utah: An account Book View of James

Campbell Livingston

● Early Utah Pioneers, Cultural Societies

Spring 1980 (Book 868)

● Millard Fillmore-Utah’s Friend in the White House

● Justice For All of For the Elect-The Utah County Probate Court 1855-72

● Good Guys VS, Good Guys: Rudger Clawson, John Sharp and Civil

Disobedience in Nineteenth Century Utah

● Utah’s Experience with the Desert Land Act

● A. Ray Olpin and the Postwar Emergency at the University of Utah

Summer 1980 (Book 869)

● Frolics and Free Schools for the Youthful Gentiles of Corinne

● Topaz: City of Dust

● Growing Up Greek In Helper Utah

● Of Benefit and Interest to the Children of Salt Lake City-The Tracy Aviary

● Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School: Alternative Education for More than a


● A New Community: Mormon Teachers and the Seperation of church and

State In Utah’s Territorial Schools

Fall 1980 (Book 700)

● Teancum Pratt: Founder of Helper

● Rebels and Relatives: The Mormon Foundation of Spring Glen 1878-90

● One Long Day That Went on Forever

● Blanding, The Making of a Community.

Winter 1980 (Book 870)

● The Taylor-Cowley Affair and the Watershed of Mormon History

● The Goose Hangs High: Excerpts from the Letters of Martha Hughes


● Entitled to Be Called An Artist: Landscape and Portrait Painter Frederick


● Building Railroads for the Kingdom: The Career of John W. Young 1867-


● The Lion and the Lady: Brigham Young and Emma Smith

Spring 1981 (Book 865)

● Cathedral of the Madeline: The Building and embellishment of a Historic


● The Evolution of Culture and Tradition in Utah’s Mexican American


● Labor conflict at Eureka 1886-87

● Ogden’s Horrible Tragedy The lynching of George Segal

● Goshute-Shoshone Draft Resistance 1917-1918

● The Unwanted Indians-The Southern Utes in Southwestern Utah

Summer 1981 (Book 881)

● Women and the Socialist Party in Utah 1900-1920

● I care Nothing For Politics: Ruth May Fox, Forgotten Suffragist

● A Woman State School Superintendent: Whatever Happened to Mrs.


● Nurturing LDS Primaries: Louise Felt and May Anderson 1880-1940

● Women’s Work on the Mormon Frontier

● Enterprising Ladies: Utah’s Nineteenth Century Women Editors

Fall 1981 (Book 867)

● Claude T. Barnes-Utah Naturalist

● A Winter Acquaintance with Timpanogos

● The Modern Discovery, Popularization, And Early Development of Bryce

Canyon, Utah

● A Footnote to History: The US Army at Promontory, Utah May 10, 1869

● William D. Davies visits the Welsh in Utah in 1891

Winter 1981 (Book 866)

● Utah’s Harsh Lands, Hearth of Greatness

● Last Free Land Rush

● Nine Mile-Eastern Utah’s Forgotten Road

● “Good Roads Roberts” and the Fight for Utah’s Highways.

● The Blue Dugway

● Cultural Veneer-Decorative Plastering in Utah’s Sanpete Valley

● Life in a Village Society-1877-1920

Spring 1982 (Book 877)

● Prelude to Dispossession: The Fur Trades Significance for the Northern Utes

and Southern Paiutes.

● Brigham Bicknell Young Musical Christian Scientist

● Women in the Utah Work Force. From Statehood to World War II

● Bicycle Racing and the Salt Pace: Two Letters

● Red Light in Zion: Salt Lake City’s Stockade. 1908-11

● Zion’s Rowdies: Growing Up on the Mormon Frontier.

Summer 1982 (Book 878)

● A Question of Conscience-The Resignation of Ronald Paul Jones

● Hornets in the Hive: Socialists in Early Twentieth Century Utah

● The Emerging Social Worker and the Distribution of the Castle Gate relief


● The National Women’s Relief Society and the U.S. Sheppard Towner Act

● Polygamy and the Frontier: Mormon Women in Early Utah

Fall 1982 (Book 880)

● When the Spirits did Abound: Nineteenth Century Utah’s encounter with

Free Thought Radicalism

● From Foe to Friend: The Mormon Embrace of Fiction

● The Mormon Meetinghouse: Reflection of Pioneer Religious and Social Life

in Salt Lake City.

● Delegate John M Bernhisel: Salt Lake Physician following the Civil War

● The Deseret Museum.

Winter 1982 (Book 879)

● La Plata 1891-93 Boom, Bust and Controversy

● A Dam in the Desert-Pat Moran’s Last Water Venture

● The Frisco Charcoal Kilns

● Iron City: Mormon Mining Town

● William H. Smart, Builder in the Basin

● The Strawberry Valley Reclamation Project and the Opening of the Uintah

Indian Reservation

Spring 1983 (Book 874)

● Childhood in Gunnison Utah

● Hide and Seek -Children on the Underground.

● The Night before Doomsday

● Utah 4-H-A dynamic Youth Program

● Religion and Education: The Scopes Controversy in Utah

Summer 1983 (Book 873)

● Historic Houses In Beaver: An Introduction to Materials Styles and


● Minersville, the Beginnings of Lead-Silver Mining in Utah

● Warm Winters, and White Rabbits: Folklore of the Welsh and English Coal


● The Benjamin Presbyterian Church 1886-1916

● The M-Factors in Tooele’s History

Fall 1983 (Book 875)

● Mountain Common Law: The Extralegal Punishment Of Seducers in Early


● Reclamation of Young Citizens Reform of Utah’s Juvenile Legal System


● The Basis of Mining Property Rights in Nineteenth Century Utah -The Case

of the Rush Valley District.

● To Get Utah in Union: Diary of A Failed Mission.

Winter 1983 (Book 876)

● The Colony Guard to California in ‘49

● A Crisis Averted: General Harney and the Change In Command Of the Utah


● Salt Lake City Through a German’s Eyes: A Visit by Theodor Kirchhoff in


● Melancholy News: Utah’s First Fatal Passenger Train Collision.

● Utah War Industry During World War II: A Human Impact Analysis

Spring 1984 (Book 822)

● Best in the West? Corinne, Utah’s First Baseball Champions

● Deserets, Red Stockings, and Out-Of -Towners: Baseball Comes of Age in

Salt Lake City 1877-79

● Joe the Fish Lake Guide

● Harry Aleson and the Place No one Knew

● Tennis in Utah-The First Fifty Years 1885-1935

Summer 1984 (Book 871)

● 125 Years of Conspiracy Theories: Origins of the Utah Expedition of 1857-


● The Gentile Polygamist-Arthur R. Browne, Ex-Senator From Utah

● The 1876 Arsenal Hill Explosion

● Good Indian Spring

● Recent psychic Evidence-The visit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Utah in


● Creating a New Alphabet for Zion-The Origin of the Deseret Alphabet

Fall 1984 (Book 821)

● German-Speaking Immigrant Experience in Utah

● Waves of Immigration

● Die Auswanderung

● Memory Box

● We all worked

● Life More Sweet than Bitter

Winter 1984 (Book 872)

● Ethnic Folklore In Utah: New Perspectives.

● Monticello: The Hispanic Cultural Gateway to Utah

● Wrestling With Death: Greek Immigrant Funeral Customs in Utah

● North European Horizontal Log Construction in the Sanpete Sevier Valley

● Utah’s Indians and Popular Photography in the American West: A View

From the Picture Post Card.

Spring 1985 (Book 844)

● Community Dramatics in Early Castle Valley

● George Careless, Pioneer Musician

● Sisterhood and Sociability-The Utah Women’s Press Club 1891-1928

● The Old Folks Day: A Unique Utah Tradition

● Utah Writ Small, Challenge and Change in Kane County’s Past

Summer 1985 (Book 498)

● The U.S. Department of Justice in Utah Territory 1870-90

● The Prison Experience of Abraham H. Cannon

● Do Not Execute Chief Pocatello-President Lincoln Acts to Save the

Shoshone Chief.

● Paiute Pose and the Last White Uprising

● Bootlegging in Zion: Making and Selling the “Good Stuff”

Fall 1985 (Book 819)

● Substance of the Land: Agriculture’s Industry in the Smelter Cases of 1904

and 1906.

● From Housework to Office Clerks: Utah’s Working Women 1870-1900

● Peerless Coal Mines

● Robert D. Young and the Otter Creek Reservoir

● “The Gypsies are Coming: The Gypsies are Coming”

● Don Maguire’s Trading Expedition in Northern Arizona 1879

Winter 1985 (Book 845)

● Salt Lake City: Wells Fargo’s Transportation Depot during the Stagecoach


● Germanicus Passengers from England To Early Settlements in Utah and


● Bridge: A railroading Community on the Great Salt Lake

● Railroad Depots in Ogden: Microcosms of a Community

Spring 1986 (Book 841)

● William Chandless: British Overlander, Mormon Observer, Amazon


● One Man’s Air Force: The Experience of Byron Dussler at Wendover Field

Utah 1941-46

● Housewives, Hussies and Heroines, or the Women of Johnson’s Army.

Summer 1986 (Book 696)

● Out of the Depressions Depths-Henry H Bloods First Term as Gvoernor.

● Labor Inspection During the Great Depression

● Utah’s great Drought of 1994

● Depression Memories

● Economics of Ambivalence-Utah’s Depression Experience

Fall 1986 (Book 839)

● Struggle Against Great Odds-Challenges in Utah’s Marginal Agricultural

Areas 1925-39

● Japanese Americans and Keetley Farms: Utah’s Relocation Colony

● A Utahn Abroad-Parley P. Christensen’s Word tour 1921-1923

● Death of Brigham Young-Occasion for Satire

Winter 1986 (Book 843)

● Further Investigations: Architecture at the Turn of the Century

● Frederic Albert Hall, Architect.

● The “Unrivalled Perkins Addition” Portrait of a Streetcar Subdivision

● William Allen, Architect: Builder and His Contribution to the Built

Environment of Davis County.

● William Allen’s clients: A socio-Economic Inquiry

● The Best of Its kind and Grade: Rebuilding the Sanpete Valley 1890-1910.

Spring 1987 (Book 847_

● Before Powell: Exploration of the Colorado River

● Charles Kelly’s Glen Canyon Ventures and Adventures

● The Bernheimer Explorations in Forbidding Canyon

● “Les Voyageurs Sans Trace”-The Decolmont-Deseyne Kayak Party of 1938

● Norman Nevills Whitewater man of the West

Summer 1987 (Book 848)

● Shaping the Nature of a Controversy: The Park service, The Forest Service

and the Cedar Breaks Proposal

● The Afterlife of St. Mary’s County Or Utah’s Penumbra in Eastern Nevada

● The Skull Valley Band of the Goshute Tribe-Deeply Attached To their

Native Homeland.

● A few Personal Glimpses of Juanita Brooks

● “There goes Matilda”-Millard County Midwife and Nurse.

Fall 1987 (Book 837)

● Charles Henry Wilcken, An Undervalued Saint

● Oscar Wilde’s Visit to Salt Lake City

● A visit to the Champ’s House

● The Rise of Tex Rickard as a Fight Promoter

● Memories of Wrestling at the Fairgrounds Coliseum

● Frederick Vining Fisher: Methodist Apologist for Mormonism

Winter 1987 (Book 453, 499)

● The Circleville Massacre-A Brutal Incident in Utah’s Black Hawk War.

● Arthur Pratt, Utah Lawman by Richard and Mary Van Wagoner

● Murder, Mayhem and Mormons,.-The Evolution of Law Enforcement on the

San Juan Frontier 1980-1900

● Navajos, Mormons and Henry L. Mitchell: Cauldron of Conflict on the San


● Richard Dallin Westwood: Sheriff and Ferryman of early Grand County.

Spring 1988 (Book 829)

● Overland Emigration, The California Trail, and the Hastings Cutoff

● Great Salt Lake and Great Salt Lake City American Curiosities

● Stansbury’s Expedition to the Great Salt Lake 1849-50

● Seymour Miller’s Account of an Early Sheep Operation On Fremont Island

● Thomas Caldwell Adams: The Man and the Lake

Summer 1988 (Book 846)

● Swedes in Grantsville Utah 1860-1900

● Little Berlin: Swiss Saints of the Logan Tenth Ward

● My Garden of Eden

● I Owe my Soul and Architectural and Social History of Kenilworth , Utah

● A struggle for Survival and Identity: Families in the Aftermath of the Castle

Gate Mine Disaster

Winter 1988 (Book 828)

● Beginning of Modern Electric Power Service in Utah 1912-1922

● The Demise of the Deseret Iron Company: Failure of the Brick Furnace

Lining Technology

● The Failure of Utah’s First Sugar Factory

● Frederick Kesler, Utah Craftsman

● Box Elder Flouring Mill

Spring 1989 (Book 455)

● Saratoga, Utah Lake’s Oldest Resort by Richard Van Wagoner.

● Salt Lake Sanitorium-Medical Advisor to the Saints

● Cholera, Blight and Sparrows: A look at Utah’s First Agricultural Agents.

● Practically free from the taint of the Bootlegger: A closer look at Prohibition

in Southeastern Utah

● Building Zion: Conception Framework.

Spring 1991(Book 456)

● For Commerce, Copper, and Children:The Architecture of Scott & Welch


● Utah’s Rosies: Women in the Utah War Industries During World War II.

● The Wheeler Survey in Utah, Idaho, and Montana: Samuel E. Tillman’s

Source of Duty in 1877.

● Wilford Woodruff’s Intellectual Progress, and the growth of the amateur

scientific and technological tradition in early Territorial Utah.

● Lehi Sugar Factory-100 years in Retrospect by Richard Van Wagoner.

Spring 1992 (Book 698)

● The Peculiar Case of James Lynch and Robert King

● Justice in the Black Hawk War: Trial of Thomas Jose

● Charles R. Savage, the other Promontory Photographer

● Diary of Mary Elizabeth Stapley-A schoolteacher in Virgin Utah

● Americanization of an Immigrant-The Rev. MSGR. Alfredo F. Giovannoni

Summer 1992(Book 457)

● Phantom Pathfinder-Juan Maria Antonio De rivera and his Expedition

● New Light on the Mountain Meadow Massacre

● Canyons, Cows and Conflict-A Native American HIstory of Montezuma

Canyon 1874-1933

● Until Dissolved by Consent-The Western River Guides Association.

● I wanted to be a Chaplain-A reminiscence of World War II.

Fall 1992 (Book 699)

● Utah Mode of War in the Conflict of 1865-68

● Making of an Insurgent-Parley P. Christensen and utah Republicanism 1900-


● Warmth, Friendship, and Scholoarship: The Life and Times of Virginia


● The Delta Phi Debating and Literary Society: Utah’s First Fraternity 1869-


Winter 1992 (Book 527)

● Common Law of England in the Territory of Utah

● Who shall raise the Children?:Vera Black and the rights of Polygamous Utah


● Home Hungry Hearts

● With McArthur in the Philippines

● Life at Iosepa, Utah’s Polynesian Colony

Spring 1993 (Book 697)

● Thomas L. Kane and the Utah War

● The “St. Peters of the New World”-Salt Lake Temple, Tourism, and a New

Image for Utah.

● In and Out of Mormondom-Charles w. Hemenway Journalist.

● C.C. Goodwin and the Taming of the Tribune

● Smith Wells, Stagecoach Inn on the Nine Mile Road.

Summer 1993 (Book 476)

● Sisters at the Bar-Utah Women in Law

● Utah State Supreme Court: Justice Samuel R. Thurman

● Remembering Justice A.H. Ellett

● County Courthouses of Utah-A photographic Essay

● Emancipation of the Juvenile Court 1957-1965

● An Affair with a Flag

Fall 1993 (Book 517)

● A Sad and Expensive Experience-Ernest L. Wilkinson’s 1964 Bid for the US


● Poetry, Polity, and the Cache Valley Pioneer Polemics in the Journal of

Aaron DeWitt 1869-96

● Murray, Utah Families in Transition 1890-1920

● Beyond the Spotlight: The Red Scare in Utah.

Winter 1993 (Book 454)

● Salt Lake Seagulls:Professional Football Team

● Searching for Abner Blackburn

● Melba Judge Lehner and Child Care in the State of Utah

● An Economic Kaleidoscope: The Stephen Hales Family of Bountiful.

● Peoples Progressive Telephone Company. 1912-1917: The Dream and the


Spring 1994 (Book 520)

● The 1872 Diary and Plant Collection of Ellen Powell Thompson

● The Swett Homestead 1909-10

● Garland Hurt, the American Friend of the Utah’s

● Over the Rim to Red Rock Country: The Parley P. Pratt Exploring Company

of 1849

Summer 1994 (Book 468)

● Crisis in Utah Higher Education: The Consolidation Controversy of 1905-07

● A little Oasis in the Desert: Community Building in Hurricane, Utah 1860-


● Keetley, Utah: the Birth and Death of a Small Town

● Utah CCCs: The Conservators Medium for Young Men, Nature, Economy

and Freedom

● An Adventure for Adventure’s Sake: Recounted by Robert B. Aird.

Fall 1994 (Book 519)

● Prelude to Statehood: Coming Together in the 1890’s

● Search and Seizure in Utah: Recounting the Antipolygamy Raids.

● Utah Maverick: Frank J. Cannon and the Politics of

Conscience in 1896.

● Growing Up Railroad-Remembering Echo City

● The Fall of the Philippines: A reminiscence of World

War II.

Winter 1994 (Book 518)

● A Gauge of the Times: Ensign Peak in the Twentieth Century

● The Wasters and Destroyers: Community-Sponsored Predator Control in

Early Utah Territory.

● Rags! Rags! Rags!!! Beginnings of the Paper Industry in the Salt Lake

Valley 1849-58

● Jacob Brand’s Register of Dutchtown, Utah’s Lost German Mining Colony

● John Steele: Medicine Man, Magician, Mormon Patriarch

Spring 1995 (Book 521)

● Undiscovered to Undiscoverable: Gregory Natural Bridge

● Lost World of Glen Canyon

● I remember Bates

● The St. George Temple Baptismal Font

● No Place to Pitch their Teepees-Shoshone Adaption to Mormon Settlers in

Cache Valley 1855-70

● Shaping up the Troops-A reminiscence of World War II

● In Memoriam: A. Russell Mortensen 1911-1995

Summer 1995 (Book 522)

● Sail and Steam: Great Salt Lake’s Boats and Boat builders 1847-1901

● A Transforming Forge: Military Aviation and Utah in World War II

● Fighting the Good Fight: The Utah Home Front During World War II

● Senator Arthur V. Watkins and the Termination of Utah’s Southern Paiute


Fall 1995 (Book 516)

● Decade of Detente: The Mormon-Gentile Female Relationship in

Nineteenth-Century Utah

● So Bright the Dream: Economic Prosperity and the Utah Constitutional


● Statehood Political Allegiance and Utah’s First U.S. Senate Seats: Prizes for

the National Parties and Local Factions.

● All Hail! Statehood!

● In Memoriam: C. Gregory Crampton 1911-1995

Winter 1995 (Book 514, 515)

● Soldiers, Savers, Slackers and Spies: Southeastern Utah’s Response to

World War I

● Kanarraville fights World War I

● Utah Experiment station in the Widtsoe Years

● Sego Lily: Utah’s State Flower

Spring 1996 (Book 467)

● Salt Lake City’s Reaper Club

● Three Days in May: Life and Manners in Salt Lake City 1895

● Lewis Leo Munson, An Entrepreneur in Escalante, Utah 1896-1963

● Some Meaning of Utah History

● The Historical Occurrence and Demise of Bison in Northern Utah

● Gorgoza and Gogoza Fiction and Fact

Summer 1996 (Book 459)

● General Regis De Robriand, the Mormons and the U.S. Army at Camp

Douglas 1870-71

● Turning the Tide: The Mountaineer VS the Valley Tan

● American Indians and the Public School System: A Case Study of the

Northern Utes.

● Utah’s Constitution: A Reflection of the Territorial Experience.

Fall 1996 (Book 473)

● From Harlem to Hoboken: Pages from a Dutch Mormon Immigrant Diary

● Lambs of Sacrifice, Termination, The Mixed-Blood Utes, and the Problem

of Indian Identity

● Emma Lucy Gates Bowen: Singer, Musician, Teacher

● Charles W. Penrose and his Contributions to Utah Statehood

Winter 1996 (Book 474)

● Utah’s Silver Queen and the Eral of the Great Splurge

● Hospitality and Gullibility: A Magician’s View of Utah’s Mormons

● Denis Julien Inscriptions

● Utah’s Chinatowns: The Development and Decline of Extinct Ethnic


Spring 1997 (Book 472)

● 150 Years of Utah Archaeology

● The Yellow Ochre Club by B.F. Larsen and the Pioneer Trail, Art Tour 1936

● From Emigration Canyon to City Creek: Pioneer Trail and Campsites in the

Salt Lake Valley in 1847

● Trail of Don Pedro Leon: Politics, Prejudice and Pragmatism

Summer 1997 (Book 827)

● One Hundred Years at the Utah State Historical Society

Fall 1997 (Book 470 , 526)

● In the Hands of Women: Home Altar Tradition in Utah’s Greek Orthodox


● Divine Duty: Hannah Sorensen and Midwifery in Southeastern Utah

● These Bloomin’ Salt Beds” Racing on the Bonneville Salt Flats.

● Utah Supreme Court Justice William M. McCarty

Winter 1997 Book (475)

● Howard R. Antes and the Navajo Faith Mission: Evangelist of Southeastern


● Sensational Murder of James R. Hay and Trial of Peter Mortensen

● Common Soldier at Camp Douglas 1866-68

● The S.S. Sho-Boat:Queen of Utah Lake

Spring 1998 (Book 478)

● Rollin J. Reeves and the Boundary between Utah and Colorado

● Dr. Elizabeth Tracy: Angel of Mercy in the Pahvant Valley

● James T. Monk: The Snow King of the Wasatch

● El Diablo Nos Esta Llevando-Utah Hispanics and the Great Depression

● In Memoriam: S George Ellsworth 1916-1997

Summer 1998 (Book 479)

● History Written on the Land in Emery County

● Remembering Park City’s Great Fire

● Allen Dahl Young: The Diary of a Prisoner of War

● Frederick Benteen and Fort Damn Shame

Fall 1998 (Book 882)

● Before the Flapper: The Utah Beginnings of John Held Jr.

● Sara Alexander: Pioneer Actress and Dancer

● Provonna Beach Resort: Born of a Boom, Died of Depression

● Justice Behind the Lynching of Robert Marshall.

Winter 1998 (Book 480)

● The Promontory-Curlew Land Company Promoting Dry Farming in Utah

● The Iwakura Mission and its stay in Salt Lake City

● The Forgotten Odyssey of Obadiah H. Riggs: Early Pioneer for Education


● I have struck it Rich at Last: charles Goodman, Traveling Photographer.

● In Memoriam: Jesse D. Jennings 1909-97

Spring 1999(Book 466)

● School Days and Schoolmarms

● Going to the Movies: A photo essay of Theaters

● Reuben G. Miller: Turn-of-the Century Rancher, Entrepreneur and Civic


● Cattle, Cotton, and Conflict: the Possession and Dispossession of Hebron,


● In Memoriam: Leonard J. Arrington 1917-1999

Summer 1999 (Book 458)

● Of Papers and Perception: Utes and Navajos in Journalistic Media 1900-


● Redeeming the Indian: The Enslavement of Indian Children in New Mexico

and Utah.

● The Arrowhead Trails Highway: The beginning of Utah’s Other Route to the

Pacific Coast.

● Samuel W. Taylor: Talented Native Son

Fall 1999 (Book 512)

● The Bear River Massacre-New Historical Evidence

● Waccara’s Utes: Native American Equestrian Adaptions in the Eastern Great

Basin 1776-1876

● Walter K. Granger: A Friend to Labor, Industry, and the Unfortunate and


● Homemaker in Transition: Women in Salt Lake City Apartments 1910-1940

Winter 1999 (Book 481)

● Mormons and the New Deal-The 1936 Presidential Election in Utah

● Been Grazed Almost to Extinction-The Environment, Human Action, and

Utah Flooding 1900-1940

● The Murderous Pain of Living-Thoughts on the Death of Everett Rues

● Much Ado About Nothing-The San Juan River Gold Rush 1892-93

Spring 2000 (Book 490)

● Tales of Four Alta Miners

● The Press on Wheels Meets the Mormons

● The Dunn Family and Navajo Mountain Trading Post

● The Company Doctor: Promoting Stability in Eastern Utah Mining Towns

● Diversity of Gifts-The Eclectic Architecture of Early LDS Churches

Summer 2000 (Book 494)

● I’d rather Have Some Roasting Ears-The Pregrination of George Armstrong


● Grist Enough To Stick With It’ Stories from Blue Valley

● Price Band Days-The Intermountain Music Festival

● Pins, Patterns and J.C. Penney-An Ogden Cottage Industry Goes Global

Fall 2000 (Book 511)

● Running the Line: James Henry Martineau’s Surveys in Northern Utah


● Getting Along-The Significance of Cooperation in the Development of Zion

National Park

● The Monument to Brigham Young and the Pioneers: One Hundred Years of


Spring 2001 (Book 496)

● Thomas L. Kane and Utah’s Quest for Self-Government

● Wanda Robertson: A Teacher for the Topaz

● North Logan: A town without a Plan

● You Haven’t Got Enough Guts to Shoot-Hand me that Gun-Sherriff Antoine

B. Prince 1936-1954

Winter 2001 (Book 497)

● Cowboys, Indians, and Conflict: The Pinhook Draw Fight

● Hot Rocks make Big Waves-The impact of the Uranium Boom on Moab,

Utah 1948-57

● By Foot, By Horse, By Crummy: Louise Van Ee, School Nurse in Bingham

Canyon 1921-39

● Bingham Canyon Physician: Paul Snelgrove Richards 1892-1958

Spring 2002 (Book 495)

● Coming Home: Community Baseball in Cache Valley, Utah

● Finns and the Winter Quarters Mine Disaster

● An Explosive Lesson: Gomer Thomas, Safety and the Winter Quarters Mine


● Infant Deaths in Utah 1850-1939

Summer 2002 (Book 524)

● An Immigrant Story: Three Orphaned Italians in Early Utah Territory

● Wakara Meets the Mormons 1848-52: A case study in Native American


● Electricity for Everything-The Progress Company and the Electrification of

Rural Salt Lake County, 1897-1924

● Fight at Soldier Crossing, 1884: Military Considerations in Canyon Country

Fall 2002 (Book 523)

● Bound for Zion: The Ten and Thirteen Pound Emigration Companies 1853-


● Glimpses of Ice Skating and Coasting in Utah

● The Forest Service Takes to the Slopes: The Birth of Utah’s Ski Industry and

the Role of the Forest Service.

● Environmentalism and the Kaiparowits Power Project 1964-76

Winter 2002 (Book 883)

● Utah Schools and the Japanese American Students Relocation Program

● The Utah Writers’ project and Writing of Utah-A Guide to the State

● Dorothea Lange’s Portrait of Utah’s Great Depression

● Hecatomb at Castle Gate, Utah March 8, 1924

● Senator Orval Hafen and the Transformation of Utah’s Dixie

Spring 2003 (Book 485)

● Like Splitting a Man up His Backbone-The Territorial Dismemberment of

Utah 1850-1896.

● The Hesitant Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Southwestern Utah

● Community and Memory in Grouse Creek

● A Trip With the Mail.

Summer 2003 (Book 513)

● The Biggest Advertisement for a Town: Provo Baseball and the Provo


● Vipoint, Utah-A Lost and Almost Forgotten Ghost Town

● When the People Speak: Mormons and the 1954 Redistricting Campaign in


● Did Dirty Harry Kill John Wayne? Media Sensationalism and the Filming of

the Conqueror in the Wake of Atomic Testing.

Fall 2003 (Book 763)

● Independence and Change: Mutual Irrigation Companies in Utah’s Wasatch

Oasis in an Age of Modernization 1870-1930

● The Women’s Cooperative Movement in Utah 1869-1915

● Kanosh and Ute Identity in Territorial Utah

● Mark Twain v. John Caine, et al: A Utah Territorial Case of Copyright


Winter 2003 (Book 484)

● Robert J. Dwyer and the Writing of Utah History

● Jennie Anderson Froiseth and the Blue Tea

● Save ‘em, Wash ‘em, Clean ‘em, Squash ‘em-The Story of the Salt Lake

City Minute Women.

● Rather a Curious One-Remembering Utah’s Sanpete Valley Railroad

Spring 2004 (Book 477)

● William Jacobus DeBry and De Utah Nederlander, 1914-1935

● To the Devil by Any Road They Please: Cache Valley’s Entrepreneurial

Challenge to Cooperation

● The hardest Worked River in the World: The 1962 Bear River Project, Utah

and Idaho

● Frances R. Burke Toquerville Presbyterian Missionary

Summer 2004 (Book 755)

● Smoke Farming: Smelting and Agricultural Reform in Utah 1900-1945

● Race, Space and Chinese Life in Late-Nineteenth Century Salt Lake City

● Abiel Leonard, the Bishop as Builder

● It is Time We Do Something Radical-The Union Party in Utah

Fall 2004 (Book 762)

● The Nauvoo Legion and the Prevention of the Utah War.

● Unquestionably Authentic and Correct in Every Detail-Proving John J. Ginn

and his Remarkable Utah War Story.

● Our Town-Tony Lazzari’s Baseball Career in Salt Lake City 1922-1925

● The Era of Tommy Lasorda-The Ogden Dodgers 1966-68

Winter 2004 (Book 471)

● The Other Buffalo: Native Americans, Fur Trappers, and the Western Bison,


● Saints or Sinners? The Evolving Perceptions of Mormon-Indian Relations in

Utah Historiography

● Rendezvous at Promontory: A new Look at the Golden Spike Ceremony

● Amusements and Recreations...Making Our Working Hours Profitable: Utah

4-H 1940-1960.

Spring 2005 (Book 469)

● Utah and World War II

● Pearl Harbor’s Forgotten Hero: The Story of the USS Utah.

● A Utahn at Utah Beach-June 6, 1944

● World War II Through the Words and Camera Lens of One Utahn

● From Gunnison, Utah to Kagoshima, Japan: The Story of Mary Kimura


● Chicago Charlie and the Bingham Canyon Victory Flag Society

Summer 2005 (Book 465)

● That “Same Old Question of Polygamy and Polygamous Living” Some

Recent finding Regarding Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century

MOrmon Polygamy

● The Mormon Battalion Experience: Four Soldiers, Four Stories.

● ‘One vast contiguity of waste” Documents from an Early Attempt to Expand

the Mormon Kingdom into the Uinta Basin 1861.

● The Utah State Training School: Its Founding and Development

Fall 2005 (Book 483)

● Kanab’s All Woman Town Council 1912-1914: Politics, Power Struggles

and Polygamy

● Whiskey or Water: A Brief History of the Cache National Forest

● “I Have Given Myself to the Devil” Thomas L. Kane and the Culture of


● The Defense of Deseret: An Examination of LDS Church Trade Politics and

Development Efforts in the American West

Winter 2005 (Book 758)

● Blindside-Utah on the Eve of Brown v. Board of Education

● Injudicious Mormon Banker: The Life of B.H.l Schettler and the Collapse of

His Private Bank.

● To Elevate the Red man-The Episcopal Church’s Native American Policy in


● Pursue, Retake and Punish-The 1887 Santa Clara Ambush

Spring 2006 (Book 884)

● Utah’s Twentieth Century History:Reprise and Nostrums

● From the Dikes in the Desert: The first Dutch Mormons in Utah in the Last

Half of the 1800’s

● Appreciating a Pretty Shoulder-The Risque Photographs of Charley Ellis


● Senator William H. King of Utah and His Campaigns Against Russian

Communism 1917-1933

● Utah State Agricultural College as the West Point of the West-The

Leadership of E. G. Peterson

Fall 2006 (Book 482)

● Rhode Island 49er Albert King Thurber’s Gold Rush Journey that Ended in


● The Mountain Meadow Massacre: An analytical Narrative Based on

Participant Confessions.

● Surely This City is Bound to Shine: Descriptions of Salt Lake City by

Western-Bound Emigrants 1849-1868.

● The Boss of the White Slaves: R. Bruce Johnson and African American

Political Power in Utah at the turn of the Twentieth Century.

Winter 2006 (Book 853)

● From Switzerland to the Colorado River: Life Sketch of the Entreprenurail

Daniel Bonelli, the Forgotten Pioneer

● The Quest to Become Chief of Police: The Illustrious Career of George

Augustus Sheets

● The Lehi Brass Band

● Passing Through: Arthur Rothstein’s Photogrphic Account of utah, March


Spring 2007 (Book 486)

● ...I am not and never have been a polygamist” Reed Smoot’s Speech before

the United States Senate, February 19, 1907

● The Baron Woolen Mills: A Utah Legend

● Leo Haefoli, Utah Chameleon Journalist

● Leftward March: 1930’s Student Liberalism at the Utah State Agricultural


Summer 2007 (Book 488)

● A young Man Goes West: The 1879 Letters of Leonard Herbert Swett

● Places That Can Be Easily Defended: A Case Study in the Economics of

Abandonment During Utah’s Black Hawk War.

● In the Footsteps of Timothy O’Sullivan: Rephotographing the 1869 King

Survey in the Headwaters of the Bear River, Uinta Mountains

● In Deed and in Word-The Anti-Apartheid Movement at the University of

Utah, 1978-1987

Fall 2007 (Book 489)

● The Right Sort to Bring to the City-Jack Johnson, Boxing, and Boosterism in

Salt Lake City.

● The Salt Lake County Rotary Jail

● A Young Man Returns to the West: The 1880 Letters of Leonard Herbert


● The Trapper, the Indian, and the Naming of Logan

Winter 2007 (Book 487)

● Utah Public Debt History

● Caught in Between: Jacob Hamlin and the Southern Paiutes During the

Black Hawk-Navajo Wars of the Late 1860’s

● The Dearest Laborers: Pilgrims on the Lightning Road to Zion

● Thiokol In Utah

● In Memoriam: Everett L. Cooley 1917-2006

Spring 2008 (Book 530, 795)

● The Prohibition of Interracial Marriage in Utah 1888-1963

● Lucien Nunn, Provo Entrepreneur, and His Hydropower Realm in Utah and


● A History of Memory Grove

● La Voz de los Otros: An Overview of the Life and Career of Eliud “Pete”

Suazo, Utah’s First Hispanic State Senator.

Fall 2008 (Book 791)

● Iosepa: The Hawaiian Experience in Settling the Mormon West

● A History of Children’s Hospitals in Utah

● Seeing Is Believing: The Odyssey of the Pectol Shields

● Seeing is Believing and Hearing is Believing: Thoughts on Oral Tradition

and the Pectol Shields

Summer 2008 (Book 531, 798)

● It was Very Warm and Smelt Very Bad: Warm Springs and the First Bath

House in Salt Lake City.

● Sex, Subalterns, and Steptoe: Army Behavior, Mormons, Rate, and Utah

War Anxieties.

● Slouching Towards Slaterville Joseph Morris’s Wide Swath in Weber


● Back to Business: Marriner Eccles and the Effect of Public Service on

Private Enterprise.

● Diploma Nursing At Salt Lake City Religious Based Hospitals

● In Memoriam William Mulder 1915-2008

Winter 2008 (Book 529, 794)

● A Lion in the Path: Genesis of the Utah War 1857-1858

● And the War Came: James Buchanan, the Utah Expedition and the Decision

to Intervene

● The Utah War: A photographic Essay of Some of Its Important Historic


● Sam Houston and the Utah War

● The Spencer-Pike Affair

Spring 2009 (Book 528, 797)

● The Big Washout: The 1862 Flood in Santa Clara

● Soldiering in a Corner, Living on the Fringe: Military Operation in

Southeastern Utah, 1880-1890.

● Friends at all Times: The Correspondence of Isaiah Moses Coronbs and

Dryden Rogers

● Did Prospectors See Rainbow Bridge before 1909?

Summer 2009 (Book 491, 793)

● Julius F. Taylor and the Broad Ax of Salt Lake City

● Old Lamps for New: The Failed Campaign to Bring Electric Street Lighting

to Salt Lake City

● Sisters of Ogden’s Mount Benedict Monastery

● Regulator Johnson-the Man Behind the Legend.

Fall 2009 (Book 493, 792)

● The Battle For Rainbow Bridge

● To Lay Bare All of Spiritualism’s Shams: Harry Waite and Oscar Eliason’s

Anti-Medium Crusade

● Showdown at Geddes Gulch: How Prior Appropriation Ambushed Weber


● All Too Rare: The Rise and Fall of Jazz DJ’s on Utah Am Radio 1945-1965

Winter 2009 (Book 492, 796)

● David Eccles and the Origins of Utah Construction Company-Utah


● Too Much Noise in the Bunch Across the River-Ba’alilee and the 1907

Aneth Brawl.

● Health Care in Millard County: The Medical Career of Myron E. Bird

● Home Rule: The Struggle to Create Duchesne County and Its County Seat.

Summer 2010 (Book 859)

● One Building’s Life: A History of Salt Lake City’s Rio Grande Depot

● The Denver and Rio Grande Depot: 1910-2010, A Photographic Essay

● One of the Bitterest Fights in Provo History-The Controversy Over Provo’s

Union Depot.

● Sisters of the Holy Cross and Kearns-St. Ann’s Orphanage

● Wasatch Stake Tabernacle Redefining Pioneers

Winter 2010 (Book 525)

● Building Community by Respecting Linguistic Diversity: Scandinavian

Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Utah.

● William Jefferson Hardin: A grand But Forgotten Park City African


● Zionism in Zion: Salt Lake City’s Hadassah Chapter 1943-1963

● Community and Ethnicity: Hispanic Women in Utah’s Carbon County.

Spring 2012 (Book 852)

● Conflict and Fraud: Utah Public Land Surveys in the 1850’s, the Subsequent

Investigation and Problems with the Land Disposal System

● Hammering Utah, Squeezing Mexico, and Coveting Cuba: James

Buchanan’s White House Intrigues.

● The Utah Batteries: Volunteer Artillerymen in the Spanish-American and

Phillippine-American Wars, 1898-1899.

● Saving Their School: The 1933 Transfer of Dixie College as an Indicator of

Utah’s Changing Church and State Relationship

Summer 2012 (Book 851)

● We will Admit you as A State-William H. Hooper, Utah and the Secession


● The History of Saint Mary’s Academy in Salt Lake City 1875-1926

● Selling the Scenery: Chauncer and Gronway Parry and the Birth of Southern

Utah’s Tourism and Movie Industries

● The Bloodiest Drama Ever Perpetrated on American Soil-Staging the

Mountain Meadows massacre for Entertainment.

Spring 2013 (Book 885)

● Buchanan, Popular Sovereignty and the Mormons: The Election of 1856

● Women and the Kindergarten Movement in Utah

● Taylor A. Wooley: Utah Architect and Draftsman to Frank Lloyd Wright

● Safety Lessons: The 1938 Burgon’s Crossing School Bus and Train


● The Renaissance Man of Delta: Frank Asahel Beckwith, Millard County

Chronicle Publisher, Scientist and Scholar 1875-1951

Summer 2013 (Book 886)

● The Time Of Crisis The Race-Based Anti-BYU Athletic Protest of 1968-


● Mormon-Catholic Relation in Utah History-The Early Years

● Murder and Mapping in the Land of Neath Part 1 The Walcott-McNally


● The brave men, living and dead who struggled here-Utah Veterans and the

Gettysburg Reunion of 1913

Winter 2013 (Book 850)

● Fame Meets Infamy: The Powell survey and Mountain Meadows

Participation 1870-1873

● Labor spies in Utah During the Early Twentieth Century

● A Majestic Building Stone: Sanpete Oolite Limestone

● Student Political Activism at Brigham Young University 1965-1971

Summer 2015 (Book 1464)

● The Russian Molokans of Park Valley

● The Uncompahore Reservation and the Hill Creek Extension

● Women Inventors in Utah Territory

● The Carol Carlisle Summer Wedding Dress Collection

● Found-Rare First Edition of the Earliest Ute and Shoshone Vocabulary.

Beehive History

Beehive History 10 Changing Technology Book 909

● My experience in printing

● The Printed Word in Utah

● The Struggle to Make Paper in Utah

● The Lehi Beet Sugar Factory

● Wash Day as I Remember It

● Radio in Utah

● Eureka’s Stange Gallows-Tell a Story

Beehive History 19 Miscellaneous Stories Book 863

● How my career Began in Myton

● Utah’s African American Community and Politics 1890-1910

● Stories My Father Told Me

● Growing Up in Big Cottonwood Canyon

● Byron Cummings-Classical Scholar and Father of University Athletics

● The Egyptian Theater-Brought On Exotic Look To Downtown Ogden

● My Grandmothers Cabinet

Beehive History 20 Utah’s Constitution Book 190

● Unity, Victory, discord-The Struggle to Achieve Woman Suffrage

● Utah’s Constitution was Framed in Salt Lake City and County Building.

● Utah’s Unique Declaration of Rights

● Delegates from District Counties-Sacrificed to Attend Convention

● Well Done, thou good and faithful servant-Cache County and Statehood

● Delegate: Charles Nettleton Strevel-Recalls the Constitutional Convention.

● Louis LaVille Coray Worked to Preserve Utah’s Constitution.

Beehive History 21 Utah Statehood Book 861

● Nov. 5, 1895 The Most Important Election Day in Utah History

● Making of the Statehood Flag

● Governor Heber M. Wells and the First State Legislature

● A State if Born

● Charles C. Richards Played a Major Role in Utah’s Statehood Drive

● A Glorious Harbinger! Utah Reaches Statehood

● A Chronology of Utah Statehood

Beehive History 22 Spirit of Pioneering Book 862

● Recreation and Socializing On the Way to Zion

● The Story of Children on the Mormon Trail

● Those Pioneering African Americans

● Book of the Pioneers

● From Pioneer Fort to Pioneer Park

● Celebrating Pioneer Day

● Pictorial Adventures of the Pioneering Company

● Memoir of John W. Hess

● Comings and Going of 1847

Beehive History 26 Living on the Land Book 189

● Lifeways on the Land: The Shoshone of Northern Utah

● Beyond Poplars: Trees on Utah’s Cultural Landscape

● The Coffeepot Rescue and the Six-Shooter Fire

● From Stream to Gorge: Home on the “Et Out” Range

● Climbing the Wasatch with a Professor

● Mining Leaves its Mark on Park City

● The Conservative and Conservation: Senator Reed Smoot and America’s

Public Lands 1903-1933

● When the Chips are Down: The Reintroduction of Bison to Antelope Island

● Evadean’s Story