chroniclingamerica.loc.govV 3attg Appeal. M E MPH IS . ret Cueolation in theCky a,dinr Matter on...

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3attg Appeal.


ret Cueolation in theCky

a,dinr Matter on Evary PgriBrr a d roiiTH Met

. 'CT ArI n THE COT-

TON STATE. , ibe demonstrations toward seeaion,

ri Lave occurred In tt rem South':'r.reis.ntial election, we can. slues tbe

- .kt tha; a mon itrenuous effort it

.ao co .reetly conauicmete toe YabcetOMoJ eiBce '.1 oe ae eBBBCiatrd MW

BBfeto. la or"rate. SUuftter. . rue to tb. BleU, nd partly to Rive

o rrf evtdeticeofdomination, SeDi'or- -

un tad CHttnrrT. of South Carolinaa n t. ... raaie-nr- t..'

W UWlji"!a .: tha ru.,r.ol tbe nation. Tb fed

. .ujt--e in Flor da, ai.d many federal oncers

er -- board Stat. have aiantSed tbe.r

the loartts of MarcA,

t ConeentioD. o Berersl S aUe, tric'ud

tt C.roli a.Geore'aaod

Mf Mississippi, will boob be b.ld for

U Ibe people In tfceir' porpoa of appealingere enty, by way of aaeertaining wbetber

. mbMbm in tb Bieterbaod af eonfed-- j

State, ai tbey teve don for more than. entv tears, or wbetber tby will d'arupt tb.

tbat bind tbe toceiber. and, peradeenturebead th eEeerationra Boon their own

.' tt,e nabcrn milliona of pot rlty

nl Paimefo 8tat baa poatponed the Lol'.-- ?

of her eoriveBtloo, very fortBBaaly, we

i.s for the country, until tb econd Men

.ytm February, "CI. Alabama will be com.

lied, bT tbe lejiBlaire reaolutiona of Febn-r- y

la at, to act within forty days of tbe Urn

, t tba electoral collage bolda its meeting and

. y.ea for tb praaldectial and

sdidstea. a reouirsa fcy the Federal Consti

. .tion. Mifaiaaippi will, doubtleaa, order

v raw her which i oon to con- -

. in accordance with Gov Pittt-prod- s

..i- -. r.entioc of the teopl within

re raasossbl period.

ihe treat oHeet ir. view, and, w might add;

- - - j. ,,(.,. i. tn procure concert of

c'ion between tb variona twrereidTntle ia

:eir contemplated Wt from the coi.federa

r. If any en would assutr.e ihe reponi. ity of taking tb lad in advance of tbe

. her, tbe more timid might poaaibly follow

yUr the nreaent inflamed aUte of tb poru- -,inrf a alarminc conacioosossl oJ

I rriti-- al at itoa which would be presented

t tliee-c-ai- State isUer isolated and anom

M condition, and the knowledge of tba Im

rssibilitT of retracing her tps without dl- -

oaor and disgrace, in tbe event of being le t

T:itary aad alone, bar combtsed to produce

deliberation in tb ieariur ixmation of their revolutionary plans. Wa

ire at a loss to eosjectore, nor can moital

kta prognosticate, what will be the uncertain

i jit. We have an abiiing cosfldene la the

itiTOtisr--. of tba maasas, if, amid the beat of

Utici! eacitement, they will not submit to

Hirton of wile tiartT leaders whoa

elibood la in perpetual broil and eteroa

It i a happy omen for ihe future

r our countrr. that dlv of actioo baa been

need upon tbe draaaTu perasa of thi ia

r. able tragedT. Wee the fancied insu"

rusu neo by the Sooth in the tnumph of free- -

Ham ehan ba vie wad in a philosophic and--je icsl gbi, when the inSaotmatsry tat- the bo pollUc aLall be allayed, and da-a-

r resume Uer awsy In th mind

poli ical madmen. It ia to be topsdat ; r v will aaaio nrevall liuiiol i I "

Bfis. wher but a short time back, grim-ri- s

jed ciaeord ruled supreme.We candidly belu ve that a fair diacuesior,

at tbe issue prenente : before the southern peo--

is at present, if pr per'y pressed, will resultn ihe deterininattou to demand their righta ii

I ii Union, atid to exact the use of federxIn enforcine hem. There ia no grler

r.te in tbe nature of tbinr for which tbe' oaatitn ion doaa not furnish an ample and

i rem d- -. B it were to s not strictly trui-- L Ma n- - !r-ft- r adopt r allatory

.re- - :! rc recocnenced bj

aaat Baows, of Gorgia, in bi r

'm' ' L Sute leeiel.ture. Tbi. eytema nec- - any ex'ent desiiMe, wrtl

I tie host fr n upon the

tti, t: .i .of U.e C LSuta'.ion. Wilt 'br pc cif u.'.-- e c. : - . eiiberate Lt

:io': t'-or- ues, we earnestly hope, an

most le d areeleee to believe, that the yeoanz r:. tba bojtLern will adept ucb

... ig it tot 'ea tie fartr.

rtlX. M.U Inllk HIHUD (.-- M.- -C t.!iIO?.

The llmli ia no a little exxreiaed in rear J to the secession mo cement now going or

i the cotton States, It think there ia no

riniljf r it but ia the removal of BBS cause

at pru -- re I the result. It war upon tbeea of uaing Federal bayonet, by way of

'crcion. .:d counsels x conciliaory policyw icb w.ll guarantee to tbe South that the

eopi of X rh r rill ready to stand by

n'r," V -- Co: t'.-.'- ic By w?tct furnial t g some evidence of their intention

.ardir.i this matter being foaa (Sic, thejrald say :

To ass re them of this, it is necessary noti ..'.y that Mr. Lihcolic should com out withi new rro. atarr - o? hia policy, bat that vt a iir him should declare their pur-d- o

ng so. If bcy do not intend torich the Institution of the South ine rr form, let them come forward at

nee an sayio. And, ia order to make a be--nning, le tbe Republican merehasta of thiaty wfa voted tne Lincot tt ticket oa Tursdiyi, hoi, a public meeting immediately, xnd

BjaBaB sucb a statement of their views a willitisfy the Southern States that there is bo"stile intention toward them or their instit-ute, and all may yet be well. Bat let action

Ba taken pr. u eily, and before the Southern.atea are too fax committed to recede. Aneerva'.iv- - moremec' tiius origiBated by thepublic t a ibemaaiv-e- in the city of Xew

rock, may extend to other cities and States ia. North, and become ao general aa to pro-,- :e

a decided effec' at be South."Bxbivett"! wiirnal is evidently devising;

- ins scheme to save the mercantile interest ofSim York from the financial crisis which now

ares it tne face. The auggeation,,rr.ay bare Bh desired effect if conauauaated

'thin uffic ei I tim.ii i i - i in ki

The Republi BOX, says tbe Cincinnatirar, bare a iLsiority of sta in tbs Sute

rat- - of Illinoi . aad five tti the' house ofnressntatives. i he Republican count Mr.

--ascLt.'s sieci en aa certain to tte I'nited;tes bena r, b t is many 4 ,,t be- -

.xt the c ;p and tbe l.n." Tbs acssicri, ofe legislature la rsslrictaai to forty dara, and

Deraocra ie minor, y may latitat (Ac A- -

ji'jcai. Btt aoruv ta fa aaat iapaiafsrr, who. -- aieri so aBBTtBBBiaaat bill by staving off

"tioa until it waa too late. Tbelr own chick-uotn- e

r mat come to roost. Tbe legia'.ature

'xtaasively prasiied inta senate dmt-icl- s, fe

bT Tbcbibcbbbbj of sucl parliamerjt triendt will not fole: by tb Repablicara.

jT I' a Mid In Wasbiag'oB .t that thet ample of Senators Toombs so . Cbestbut,

e gniar MHk seats in tb 6s-at-e, will prob-- iy b followed by Messrs. Ivbbsob of

eorgis, Bbowm of Miaau "oi, Slicell of' mana, Johb-o- b of Araa. . Clay of

'bam., ai. i .NicBoteoB of 1 eaneasee.

.rib ramor tave mm tout ,ds: ion ir aaa?

t:T cnouct will b baaed up 41 the tr.ot m

loliy'. b will b ao ifnc- er IjL of be 8 a t is to .mm ot

- t tea. p fata wtru 'oey k'-o- too, 4tteir atwence 10 tLe w il a,.ow ai.r la-- e

of diacretiau to Libccln it ji catibrt,-- ign. and other c?cia! appoiotmen s. If

ttsas we only ac pie, their place cauldtify bs aidi1 by abler sad better aen,

woo d doubtlessly more faithfully fulfilltrusts confcttd.u theji b Uie.r ruiarthu-BEOBE- ,

1 lit. nisbuiBi tLisc'nu.Tte Bill-Eiabx- tt papers if Miesokjire been claiming that State, aid making a

od show of figures, for a few day. Theesouri fBaxr( of Monday morning, indi-.e- s

that DoccLAt will get tba SU'.e, thoiagbresult Is still n doubt Tu Otmomt

is:iVe bare rrtoras from atxty-fra- couatir..icb foot up SB folioies :

oat..... li.llfXM. m.itia teaA.oiixr UA71

fnere ars fifty counties stiil to be beardin, which will probably give Doubt! as M.ry. Breckiaridx will receive a large we''e counties to be heard from.

Ita race coctiBue close betwe-- n Bt t :

I Docslas in Missouri With twenty-ol- c

..ties to be beard trom. Dorm.. jt a

haV - , . abb aV.-- aaha

The LouiarlUa Cst-ri- ar of th

last, givss tb omclat rrturns from atxty-oo- e

eountie in the 9tat of Eentoeky. isy "lop as follows :

a.arta :;..5inTh CoaHcr says Biix'a majority win cer

tainly be ov.r 13,000. In th FlfW sna cw- -

enth cosgraasional distrtebj Bbicsiksidoi i

the lowest sf the thro eaaJIdat, bingbea'en in th. Fifth by Dotrou. !,, and by

Bell 2,000. In lb. Docbla nan

1,600 majontr, aad Bell 4.300 majority.

W A roaolotion ha bn inlrodoead into

the Georgia legislator iaatructlug Italr mem

ber of Conrreee to oppose tb. courting or iu

votaa of thoe SUte that have nslubed tbe

fotiee alar law. It ia tboutbt If tbey can- -

sot obey the Constitution they bav no right

to vote under It,Senator Tooxsa' raaignation does not take

effect until tb 4th of Maxcb, unleaa tb Stale

ia out of th Vnioo befora that time.A rMo!ution ba been iffered declaring

Georgia out of tbe Union.


...isnVarancr ...awC. Clrnf. jr..

...irtVacaar.e ....X .Hu,i.a OCOHSXCTICCT.

Jam Diaoo, R. -L r. . TXrr. S. ...IS!

CAuronsiA. ...irTacaaeyS . Lal-t- O ...


FLOBIDA. .lrTwjseri. h x. O isai

..la7Taoaacr ..IBMBo&eri TovOib- -,

TacaaryP. BtieM. CA.

VacraocfVajh-- a A .TVja.a .


maMa- - W. On isnJanse- - Barlan B.KBHTCCCT.

.14SU w. roweu.JakaC. Brail.wlJae. o ..tsar;

LOO 1.1 AH ..ISS9J f BMViawla.O

Make.BaaWAttal aaalia, Ewm r. Pamaaan, r

A.eACBCaETT.Cbae: ia tUm: r. B. -Burr Wilion, B IfBS

HABTLAHB.abiImt ftJala, A. f arve, O nn

aticaiOAii.Xarkanali Ctnaklker, Btl H.U,I .16

I MianrxaoTA.ecrr b B e. a

Bonos 9. WilkleaoB.Miaaiaairri. mmJeSertui Dan-.-

Alter'. S. Brua, t 3

itmi m Po, OSEW HAMrSHiat.

ioba r. Bale X. .lsl1IB. Clarx. B.!CBW VOBA.

Preat-a- t. saxew J tsar v.

ieaa B. Thmu.-aj- O ..iwa1 ! -- .. ..isoaNOBTH CABOLIKA.

Taoaaaa Bract, O .IMIke, t. Cti'JiwAB. O .ltevJ

OHIO.SeUaaun V. Wade. B ...ISAJSalnn- - P C'l.a--- , R-- . ...1S.I

OBI-G- a.Etwee J B Baker. B ...ICtiecrxe W. Xeeattb.O ....MR



Jaaie, r. IIUIBIO, B


Jane D Bamaaaaat, O -Jamet Ckea'oat ...iea

TEjewEaaEE.Aolre JohnaaB, O

. O P. rrtrtare. O .jtcTEXAS.

trail T- - WirfijUi OJ w Ba-- O



Jam'! M ut. O 'JB M. T. Hester, O ...wicos:k.

Taoaacr mmJame--B BerM'la, B -

BXCAFITCLATIOB.Bapct; leans -OtiBtltl-- - - JTacaouee

Tb twtlv vacancies will be filled by tbelection of aeren Opposition and fit Republi-caa- a,

if the Republicans hare carritx. 'he re

of Iiliaoi ia which event the poMt-ic-

clatsificatioB f the neat Senxte will be afollow :

psblicaa ..S;';! ... i. r'

Opoaaitrai saalerltrSince tbe election for members of Conxrea-k- a

th t b lnat, w are enabled to presen' aBBBOf political analyu. oi the next tlouae oiRar resei.ta'iraa.

Of the thirty-thre- e B'ste tte followingnamed Bad selectsd ttieir Congreasmam axX10 the 6th inet , wbirb are ciasained aa rVpubeans and

Bar. Acta--'-?

trtiaaat. 3r'o, Idaeaioe .- - Su aa - .- .-tibia. ISfrsot a,, i, -

P BltBtaaiB aa iaaaakTlaiBiBaiTarmaot 1 4

ffxwn b-- sees by tkat taa ewarn .r hiBirao tba aartifteat of eiectloa KB til Sr A drtricl Ita .man. rai

Ob the 6th lBstant. the foilnrlBjg S ateaelected member, of CoBgreas. the politicalcorrpicTicn cf which is aa follows :

H' Anti--

Dsla je 1

aS-- a Tors. . U


Though the reS'irna are not yet to hand srbichshow ft, vet bn our claasi&catloa we eooredethat the kepablican hate carried their

in all the disthrta nf MinnfBota,Michigan, and Wlscoosis.

The foi.owirr State yet ! tot ran be re-

lied an ts select their CongTaasmen aa we bavriassifia-- d ihem :

Bap. AMI Best Iai.K.- - r I


Coan tkcat. .Baall isKectcnr

lib.. .

So far a. aluat. Ifc;

USThus iArnt,g an

of itxisen in t ie next Cftnrress.

ar the rrc.ilrui ataaa Vlre.Preil.Mr ni are Charseaa.

Ib view of tte in ersat attached to theelection, we insert Hsa followme; Bas-

ra ary nt tbe craatitutsntial requiremeuta, aidtbs acta of Ona-re-s upoa tbe efecriom ofPresidrrat aad. of the UnitedSUte.

!. Tbe efector are choseo by a rotas oftb poopi o tbe firtt Tuady' after tbe firstMonday la November.

2. EisxwTa meet on tbe first Wednesday iaDecemi-ay- , abd caa their rote . They to atiga lore, carnncatae aeii-- J bt ;i

witbane co y io ttie preat jb cjii Bj befcre tbJaniiAry; an :her br maand tttrict lodge w

3. E icb tt r a i, v ;

vacaac in tby absance, I

tb electorsted Le f.U ar

4. ,be gu to lectoa oftheir kocti"' first Tl edneadar :nI'ace r

MBBtaad WeCSKSdav la Frkruan- -

toLgres stall b ib staiea and opsi, tbThe Iresldctt of tb Saaau shall, in

tl raeasn. of tb House ot iUprearaUtivea,open Ihe certificates of return aad count tbsrot- - The rertoB baring tbe greattat numbarof vo. for Prstidcat absil be tb Presidentif eueij ntiinber be a maioritv of lha wholenumber of electors appointed. Aad if napron hat uch a ma parity, tha from tb per

on baring the highest Bomber, not exreed-ir.- r.

tbraa, on tb liat of those roted for aPreadest.tb sBSBaa of feprei abactosse immediately, ley ballot, th, Preal-de- n

i mat Ib too aiag tbe Presidttrt, tb..ts stall be takea by Slates, and a mat nty

of all tt States Mt be neceaaai .' ta a

ciiolce.6. If a c .olcedarotret upea tb House of

Rapretenis ivos, aad thsv fall to maks a eb jieeth 4:0 of .March rext following, the

1 1. to act as Prrsid-u- t.

7. The iif tt e xrtatsat numberf it, aa deal (ha I be

if suet a number be a m.iority of thewooie number af electors appointed and if aoperson have a majority, tten from the twoMutest numbers ,o tte lisi tta Senate aha IIc boose the V A quorum for thepurpoar at:1 consmt of two-thir- d of tha hoi number of benatora, ami a majority ofth. whole number (talk b i.eeeasary to aeboicc.

0. But lo persoB . oaatttatioaallv inelar.-bl- eto tbe office sf Prratdsnt slisll be lia'le

ta that of of the Cuitsd States9. Ilia- - n no coaitatut tonal provision for

he case where there nei h.r President noror etoseo in the mni.-- 1

ner directed by tbs constitution Toe act ofCotter of 16M provide that tinder b esjr-- - uirra auaii oe a new election.

A " inane for ion" havinr bea establishedal ialmjUiB, PaacA thioka Arwu. worth wouldlis beeaVa more appropriate loealftv.

George B. Sum wait, one of tbe defenders ofBalttmora in 1814. died oa tbe 3d Inst, inHartford county, Md., aged 75.

Twenty dollar counterfeit notes oa tbe Bankof Tennessee are prevalent in Nashville. Tbeyare tinted, and bare red backs.

A man bataiag been frequently cob etc led, ;nPerth, Scotlaod, of realmr; spades, lastly B

tbe sobriquet of th knave of spade.'Th ip and

aa James South use. to call it, baa arrivedsafely ia New Orisaaa.

.... h - mmt


TroaMea Jimd-- Tkt - srVsHcRrirtJ

MMfjnt Ihi ' nc Yvik

axis from Uio.akamf tM xueci o" ,

of-- m3W.L.tZTZZ -- .

Wa.T... WwOat. ahouii look tb

o'a tlmpi arc uponnf nnr afiaiM IB to 1face, and try to

.d if not, !

II alMa, aavart tb fearful taou

to rr.par for tt. mis is -i-

a to blame for ruior who i nottrouble. B i only our duty to uo:

Amerlcsn citiins, and rasols .b

if contenUon shall be removed, and i

our beloved country.I feel that tbia can be done, and mm apeed- -

ilv, bat the hrat movement mut be

tb North. Tb solution of th pre

ia in their hands its peaceful. bafand filial aolu-ioB- . If tbey woul.South to b moderate let them be if

Ihey would be bheed let themfaith by inteliigibl an- - "'''..rT.Let them rprl all their

............i l,i .elation. Let tu- - i i apofitj.m.... . . ...a... ( i k, uu Mill i ' ' ' , -ble leacerapledg. tbemBStves to th.t tmmV, "2

that wlthm a werk fere willbe. to aay

tbe wio.e HBB jov.rbe neac. and rloicingbannera of diauteven wt.ere

kTke.t Tbi" ia t at me pvoFi tt - r ,-- : . . ..t fmn haN.rth?"W.7.",VV.Tt not fair? No P""an ienv tbst it i both; nd the propl- - of

. . . .i. . , ,ha ,.atni.tiin I't no quar- -foil". - 1. nnl Wi.llllX toi,t laaBSeVB mmmmm - yrer i kov val.en 1 aav I

,lfTT it' Telexrama.1,1 (.are IB rc.." l.. .elv- -from U ion men ire n- o- " ", ,. a" .ng tbe mo' deploraoie a r.roil,.nesof Boiithern aejUBea.'" M..,.aloDiGtg... Fi-- A - " "OL n. j --- - --

ltil. 1 am,ne nirecuoo a. ---

h. , isaaatiBhed thatfor the n illificatlonSta'.eaframed In No rn

effect tow.llbav tlof tbe fug. tin avelawaccomplish

a ,it

na been received Ler to day' i Mr n eca- -

a ...... t- r BDnouuciiia -Inridg. g .ingfSott, J-

-l fxrorf

-- '1

--SZmXStS Sit be canwork to which beundoingbut little in '

aucb active belt fore the lection.gave the New York

I do not nk to que

TViia, hot ao artic ippeared in It i n oflwinch atatei t case and it r ult ao

to-c- It is a I"'-- jtruthfully tna; I mu. givelows:

W do no', kne w it Mr. Linedn could ,

have bea'en tbe unite armoniou Democracy,BUd

oae o ciocb.o- -. J That the committee on

rrT be aeaata and bou. ofbe ir.trorted to mset during tl

,j ,n,-,- r. a clan for armii.g 'h... - a umininl militaryivi ritiuii - rj ,k- - ..i.i -- Arr,m,iTea be i

do tak a

tl, yj, ban,g day

th of tbi -

pamphlet, book,Mr. of notice --f


for J Norau-ppe- a.

the election be samefor

eacb dlatrict t isadaequal

tu ttiey ate noar

.... mn, -- aatarWe do

and i ro'eri- -it..e.r m .neotiBter pieferred

ous that tb. ra--leliberau,)

D:.'.rla,the elect, on of Lincain io

thateond ieted the c withand have that theirriew . Ti ec knew troifl i

course at 'Charleston and B4""'aince, rendered Lincoln" elecuon i'"'8''!

CLonotL;e.e,ue, prove the view ahos.

malted into the nboeuce oi

resi'natioB of Sanatora anu

w l soon be followed t y other. In

If we can gtt four or rive more

B a prominent Bo . aha I nare conuoi oican morning

' then have matter ourtne Sena e : we

and w.ll t re the eommi'teesway,tbi via h will be In amannersuch a

irtant comKtttea."Thisminority


ha tiaxly le' the ctout of the bat;.

w tgeatei ' n.e someTbe same thingiblicXB: "I'tj txuntleadindays ag by a

and ioeulia," aaid b will to exafprratstbe rioutb that be ca ema il in Union;

get tt three of tb utb- -and if we caa

senator andII have a dear ma- -crt;rrtx." Tt i i

.... ,,.,. .a.iadx- -

inx foni th' tone of lb B!eU R.puWieaB

PrIeoc continues to pour in uptnlgbtfron all pa it of the South, showing tbs

ramification of th .scessieB more- -exiaosive

ed determii a .ioa of themnt.icd th deep- -paop'c, wlthsu' uisis etion of patty, to take


bt stter. Ualca thus !apaady action in a

by tbasometriiLf.' dont, sue ti at too,

ard allay tbsall will yet be loL Abre this from

aad throughtb couin, navnand Vtr- -rth CarolinaGeorgia. South

the ire exc.'.ed to a d'gre .a)'gtnia, He there iaiag. ythat la perfect. tth i since one ssc'lme r.g psot

announcement o lib's election, and tkatwith th to eeaee a'l c in

Intellig"' h, n rscived her tLatbad rraignad,federal ocera,

among ibem ited 6;ate jsg- - Thei, Senator Lst alarrccd

I' baa ben tbe tbeair day, in tbe hotela, on

in fact wherever t ao ortogether Fear andthree are

t depicted on tb countenaace of ever)ha. ..titling at ataks. Tkoaa who

rwve m ubtad hereto ore begla to think that tbe j

ana i m'iB. aut.ii . u...a I, sr i uest,aty fr. ! (I,t no prop


rdiy an ther place ths couolid tuO't aa aiuch la tb rvaa'utiott the fniou. It i a great

that vacancies iB'st IB themistake :i s ippoaeboutl. Cat otina Fede ortces, with ihe ex- -

ceptlon of hat of Judge McGratli. Hie o her

atiin. are : tu iitf enec. on .:..of asking nw apraaiatmei.U

ia ttiarrfvre fl isa i nt will Battrouble be coun'ry with any coau.Bn:etioountil the rresenta'ion ot bis snnusl message,

The election in V rgini I still in doabtThe feotvirer of to di elim it far Brecktn-rnw- e

by 200 vote- -, whita the H hli mt Dm-aaf- I

set it down for Bell by 600.

jjALTikiOBC, November Serrl South

Caftltnlan jow la Baltimore, wearing

eoctde Ther Br merchant, purchasing.... - - i. v.u- ' - : anilenoda. rormeriv "j - -

iw.ii l... Tt.arare mticfc rv 'd ai d IB- -

ia T rrr-'- '; eleci.'OP tut complain

most of U Vorhern Sute nu:1!; eg or ren

(ierine iaa re the fnitive slaveThis is fact the chief con:rUti

8ou hrnr with whom Ic&ntei ,

main btrrden of complaint soarlteiaal. Southerners say that bEOBassia antfriends will a'op ail possible withoortbrrn rlt'.ei ua'il this

ely etoppe.!. here are - Kb

and money i very str.ngent, 'he ta L

wrh extremf caution. Jnpaid thrv dollars per day

Ifi- -

rera of Oecrgia ac i South I xroin.a oauxaexpect confidence in he I'nloa even' "altythink tlir will be much trouble before n

ale permanently Battled. All Mar) la

stand firm for the I'nion and dia-- o iatajseravsion ger.erallv ; and though tbaa is

in tbe Sju'.h all will be P'1nboneaTion, eepecially it the fortn bc

disposition ta repeal the laws in'erferir.gtbe fugitiveelave; law.

it, i OI' Tt4tM't.east nakaaakm '

IUI. 1

- a,, a nAuAaTiaa atBieeaae ass ac IS aBlaamu tJ.Bralla. MM "in XOarapaaaL BM

Carter "l BM ....Oaaieatwa.. VU OM t, 10

iai- - M taw

araasarr ....tareea. K ' ' mBawtiaa. tSMItantl.u-- tliiBai,i AM tUJewarswa. lalJtu,. 3M a6Km i M --an ao lit!

Ii3 I"'a. u. ia it : . siIB.a-ro- . 1KT "BJerras M 'Oa a ; as as tsi m i

aa.. m aa M I

ta a t n i aaseeaer. a lMkVot- t,- s aOa liraa 1 Ti M ISO nil SB

WiBklaa 1. LM W,!: - oj b

B1L0LB TES'BEfirbettm I lata i" i

Caaifee a-- ItX M jj

T.r!T.. M kal 1

.labrrlaod'Canoe ar-- I aJXaaKalb "4 t3 TT ItItKkaae. M 1

rea'aaa Mi 'rr.tlkllB laA Mo., urt "S Mil MTi a Ii ant M I

H.ra.a MM OA) ATI Tti it;Baaaam tori im rr 10.- - i !

Btuastraj Ma TTI IM SH BIJaaaaa .. .. MB IBM IS IMI a!

TM M ITt i Mltau aa a au 11U ev. MT ITT I

Oeerr ) irt IBM MBeam Mta IO .. . iou MMa-.- mtaaoao 7t " .... .... ....


BLArrteea ten tMaatbrrtl ISA 10 IM 1M6 1118allA a, lOJ I

a -- a. m a m tx aieaai-- i atja Ti SA1 isn lbTaa'..c 1ST in I

aarrae MJton an on I

wan ba MB tm aa MWiiluma.u Ml I1" I

Wilson IBM Del 5KJ USt J-MAOI I


-. TB SM T.I l

Carr..' IM 'JT I

Paaaar ST S -- t-

Dree. " T ' 'Ml.... SM ilthkaa. IBM IBM it iaa MlHarS.uaa. ... UM t "T M TBI

RaeOreS a ' l0. . : . MS M MS ia U

i.. as tm I

Laodaareale Mt M I

BrMaie. fill M " "B.llai D ISM IMIOtiae I OS illrarrr. ' XM I

:,.',..,. SCMTijAaa II MWaal ler tm ISU -- . - j

-HBB 1AM ....jt.ora aa bm I i

et..ot !

v.e. i Ilea witk Dint. Bouerfwal aa:!! aartTo-u- U .iaa Blej--'

A man la love ba very little rtesl of ia

Be If vest iaaailadv doesn't aire yearneiarh t sat, fall la love r

OCTB CAOHIIA tgnilLATClE.From Ike Ckarlertw. Kws

Tbs Benat raasabll ystVarday 1

o'clock. .Mr. Lauaane (of Chariss'on) offered the



'JSSTSi IbVp'ub 'part, would b.T l..o:UtioB

TGwZ E?Tom Athsrn cob--

!tF. ..m. ., ,M.,0 z,abe a conv.ntlon of the But. for

JJJL ,cessloB from theJgL? and Lu ao to leave the Union, x- -

cart for tt Pur DO. cf forminx a ontbero

etawaMtacy.X JJetaW, That In cas of the lctioB of

tb of tbst party to th. oflje. ot

Presid.Bt and of rPjStates, inauad of providing unconditional y

for a convention, tb better csurs will b to

tb gowrnor to Uke maaaurea lot

aemblinc a eonvaBti.'n ao aooa as sii- - ore of

tbe otb.r boutbern Stat ea Bhall, in km. .,,i.rai-tor- aasurar.c or sraBanre. withdraw from tbe S

of ' er d aimiBBiaasi

Mad the special order for on o'clock.Mr Mooe oflered th following i

R,,ltd, That tba coenmitts on federalbe in. rutted to r.port Mfj2

for a eoorotloo of Lb. psopta of bWtof representstire Mr. Trao-hol-

In ibe bouseoffered tbe following rslutio.aj, wb.cb

avaaa made rclal order tor Tburday at

tbB1nllle. uta

. rece..Stat, and

bureauua'.rucled to

report bv rill to 'heir rs.peettve bouses on toefirst dy of tb ot tbe generalat.emblT. ,

K'tniTtd, That the committee of way andmean of the bouse of representative bastruct ed to lt dunnr tb. recea and re a

bill for raising opplie. nseesaary to carry

into effect th murr. rcommendd by tne..milrarv committee, ana to repon ; v

bbB firet day of tbe re auembling of the gsn--

Ri.Jrtd, That the governor be requeued:,, -- ,.i , ,nr'r the oie tunoreu uau- -

- - -- - - scororr fed by the lt gaerl ;.assembly, to purchase of srm.

DaailraW Tlikt I in meiUXteiy Biiri ma r.- -

..a th, .ominlaalons to tbe Sta'e or ueor- -

.enbly, that the of a Black-rtep- u.. ..

can to the preiaency o. - u..b. th. triumph nd pretieal aupplication or

pnriciple Incompatible with the peace andt.,.--. .1. ,h. Cam hrr. PVatBB.BWtai., . a. .I,,.,, IHI. a cobwhi"""by iiint ballot of the senate and Dooe of

whose dnty it sAall be, IB the

event cf Mr. UbcoIo" lctloB, ta proceedto Milledgevllle, the eat or govern-

ment of the State of Oeorgla who legist-lur- e

will thea be in sesloB, to announce to thgovernment of th.t State Itat So ith Carolina,

In view of tb impending oangex. will imme-

diately rut beraelf in a att of e, tent mlll-tar- v

defend, and will e.irdilly wnb

tb State of Georgia mures for tbe I

of .ou-her-n mtertst, nd to exprem tb,.aaB tbi Stat to co operte silkibe Stat of Georgia is tbe event o.-

- Mr. LIB- -

coin' election, ia withdrawing Bt once fromeh. annfadarare. and 'o lecominend the calling

a nn':na simtiltaneouslv iB both States, r thi. mas. ire Into effect, and to invite

tne of all the eoutnem .u

withdrawing from the present I nion, bbhioiui- -

ing a separate Southern torUeueracyMr. MomB,of xTer.d rejolu- -

tion of tb una teeor a Mr. Tienbolm.Tbey were made tbe speci! order for one

o'clock- -

Mr. Cunniiajbam, of Cbaileston, gave no- -

jtiee of a bill to rm tbe Btt-- . wnico cans tu.

additional appropriates o fcur b'iBdrcdthousand dollars.

Mr. Buist, of Charleston, gave notice of abil: to call for a convention of tbr people ofSouth Carotin.

Mr r,fi of CLailcaton. zave notice of abill for the speedy trial of person chargedwith Inciting negro lnsabordtnstiou aad inaur-rectlo- n

among lave, and for circulating aedl- -

thi general Bsmbly roc

Mti Monday, the Blnaleenthof November, inunt, at 7 o'clock,

Uriolvri. A ne general

tious etc.Aldncli, Barnwell, gave a

to amend tb police regulations cf the Statsrefsxencs ofreenegros.Mr. Rbett, of Chailetten, "ffereO resolutioncalling a convention on tbe 22 of

htr, conducted in themaaner aa members cf tb legislator, andthat election be entitlednumber of delegates to the number of

ranreaentali'. na which entitled











xatbered trtn-biin- e


In ry




nr.eces.HvoewtBtsd. Th















'witb daitp-M-











for tbe legkslatuie, and the lcemSera cf tbe ,

c invention to be entitled t the asm privi- - j

.f 4nd receive tb cam pav BAVS outage a.the members of the legislature, th dlgacelected to aaaembls on the I" h if Decemberat Columbia. Th ccavnt:on may oa d

by adiourntnentt fiom tlm to tim amay be aacessarv, unless sooner dmsolvsd bytheir own authority. It shall eeaa and b

diacoutinued io two years from tb day onwhich . ar.embled.

AI.4BAHA HllTJoint Kr. jJu.'ioaa csiitag a Cassais tn Car-fa- ts

CoinfBC, IA .leefioii of a Prui-iru- t

Ct IS L'alfrd ttatn.WHxaxAa, An agitaiioB persist-- I

eBtly continuew In the iState

of Union, for mors than a tbird of aeentury, marked a- - every ataxe of ita pr,greaa by

tji lub obi.xailon of law aad tba.anctitv of coropa, '.., evincing a aeaa1) nosui -

liv to tbe right nd institution of tLe people, and a aettled purpose o effect their

cv,turow, eve,, Dy we auotersioa or tnetltntion and st u.e oaxarc or violence an

bloodtied( an', berea, a .ectlooal J""'railing t self Republican, committed a ike J5i's own ac s a'id antecedents, anil a"""1avowals ai d scret machination af ita leadersto the executioB of tbeae atrocious desism,Ii a aG'tireu tLe ascr,aancv 111 nearly em,Northern State, and hopes, by (access in the

pproschiBg peesldeotial election, toeeixe theGovarnment itself ; and where, to permitt,,ch a seizure by tho wrios una. ratableaitn m to perrer- - its wbole maetiiBery to thedestrcetioB of a portion of its members, wouldbe as set of auiculal folly and madness, almostwithout B parallel io CKtory; tod where,the general embly of Albms, renmien,-- ina a rirotile lovallr devoted to th Union nf

..ha Conatttutioo, net scon in; the I'nion... ,W.1C11 UDailCll'Tl WV'JIU rv. J.M..1... Hutr to nrovide. in tl- -

vanc, the mean, ay woicu iney may escapekch peril and dihonor, aad devia new eec-ri- ti


for perpetuating tbe blessiox of libertyta ibemslend their posterity: Therefore,

. Re it raoiisd by tU Sesalr aad Hoaee oftUpruniatim of tkt Sate of .JUke aaa, isGVae'O.' JaaeaaWy rneesaw, That upoo th g

of the contingency conteraplatedin theforego,!: preamble, namely I fa .Ircfua of afre.ideal advocating tb principles and ac-

tion of the psr'y in the Northern State rail-

ing itielf th Republican party It hlt be thed j'.y of tt governor, and Be I hereby required '

forthwith ts issue his proelsmstion railingupoo th qualified rotfrs of till Stat to

oo a Monday not more thin forty d

after tie date of tail rorlamatica, a trie '

sareral place of ro'.ing ia their repectirecounties, to elect delegates to a rooren.ion oftbe Mat to rsneider, osterraiBe and do wbt-ere- r,

la tbr opinion of as id convention, tbrright, interests, and Donor of the State ofAistara require to e uoae tor iteir pro-'- c

tion.2. Bt u rurtrur moicM, Tba. sai l conven

tioa shall assemble at the aKite capitol on tbreccnd Moodav ronowib' saia e.ecnetiI. Bt It furtKtr rrtofted, That it shall be tb

doty of tb governor a soon as possible to -

paal srrita of tbe election to tba aberifli of the' several fuatie commacdiBg to bold an tier- -

tioa 00 tb .ltd Men tay so designated by tb j

governor, aa provided tor ia the ioint rtsolu- - ;

tioa. for cbossmg of maay delegate fiomtach county to th aaid convention as tb aev- -

era) counties sball be entitled to member lo'

tba bouse of representatives of tb xsn'rilassembly, and tald election shall be held at thuaual place of voting in tha leancciivr couo- - j

ties, and tbe polh sball be ept,r under lbs' rales and rsgulsticr. now revernitif; tiie elec-- !

tion of member to th general aa.emkl v ofthis Stale, and said election shall be governedIn all respects ly ttie law then in exiateota,rtgulaticg tbe clex tioa c! mem bere to tbahouse of representatives of tta garters! aa- -

sembly; sad tta paiaon slectod ibneat ai d- - '

gata Bhali be returned 1.1 !ik laaKner, sadtbe pay. both milrag and per diem of ttj del-- ,

'rates to said coutSBtloi., and Ihe setrral offl- - '

ccra thereof, shall be tb same as that ftatd bylaw for tbe membeii od cficeri of said houastf reprtseotauvn.

4. il It ftrtkrr enactti. That copies of theforegoing xt at b!a Bad resolutions be for eli-ded by 'lie governor, ss eooa as possible, totaf feattori aad Represeatativta io Congress,and to eacb of tb governor cf our sitterStat of lb South.

Approved February 14, lateitl.

IMOn U ltlilM,T.WAeHiBOTOB, H ovember - Aa fir ai can

b ascertaintd, there u no diapontioo, n'.tarontOa part of the Administration, or cf gB- - (

tlemsn of political promlusr.c. bare, to Inter-- ).. in tb prreatonAern movement, oxctpt, i

perhaps, io a fr.eodiy plrit It . now proba- - I

Ma that tb Preidat will lasus In address orproclamation, aa the election of delegate to

.wax BBjanai llionu. mrifuwi, ia ,v -t an earlier day than wai recently inticipa-:ed- , I

and aa la eoaeequaavce nr- - would not be

uSciai.t urn for th general circutatioB of anappeal through the aanual mesMg. IX wa.oricmall) contemplated.

Sucb itth alarm that Washington will notb coiitinued as the seat of government, tb .t'bera ueof real eatate b.a been staMbly af-

fected 11 a cat. Ion aButeiaeatIt is uadtrstoad that Toja Corwia of Ohio,

ex .. If be will, occupy a prominent positionin Mr. Lincoln's caamet, anil ui case of ti.declaring 10 do ae, aa iavita ion will be

to Mr. Vinton er Mr. Earing, of tham S e. Mr Grabatn or Mr. Badaer, of

North Carolina, are also sa confidently d

in tb a connection.The President to-d- informed Tbaddaui

Hyatt tbat ttie land sal ia Kansas conlu notne poettoned, bu ucb ws h conatructloaof the law tbat actual settlers would be al- -lowed to reble their clauni, andshould not be dletoxbed ia tbair possessions, j

The President say tame of tbe tettier.acted very badly, but tbey art, nai ertheleaa,batnaa oeiaca, and abeald bs rei.ered sod j

protected. He rave rredeace to Mr. Hyat 'a '

rcpreaenutioas a to their suBrrisgs. Hawould appeal to Congress to tnnr bebaif aa asernes' ut Ms vtBpatLy. IB Preside atbeaded a (iberir.Li0B list witb meek for

A ponloa ef tbe foonev eeisstl by GeBeral0-- - a o s abort tlrae axv fross tbe eoLducta

TamDlco. ia od Iti war lo aw iock lorbe purcaa-- of a. aad ar.uDltto, throat.tbs fcr tbe IBM two

wbP ';iaiiu MMmto tb Ub.nlBBBBJ.

The Vote or Haarta'a Febbt. Hrp:,lFerry, taadered aeastabls IB Ibe at ot tbeJohn Brown raid, tuted a fallow at tbs )teiectioD :Bail TDtarat Tt

BreeSlarle aa "f

A Waablngtos correspondent of th

Ww York flerald, writing oa th 9 h, aay i

Th President can Uk bo notice of them(th wesiontU), unle they attempt to ob-

struct b Federal law, or attempt to iotrfrwith Govarnmeot property, ooouio tuy i

tampt the la ter the army and tbe nav) midoubtlea oob n oraereo in that direction.T.VA.-l7bir"lon. b, do - Ui

.i- - ..w,h... f h. kind. The Sou'b kuowiKrduTuj, wsil to inU,f. with or obstruct

VrfSlir-- u --h, it,rro,.tdbypeenie, from th. Nortn a. wall a. th. Scoth,

wbat be intends to do. He , variablyanawere them that ba ha. no brt-- ta pre- -

H, a 4rit. frnm aacadlliC. Ud thrIOre O

can do nothing. In cos of nulllflestioe, b

ay, the matter would b diScnlt. Ha willmeet tL B)rgncy wbeBseer It ball rl,promptly, aad do hi wbol duty.

Liacois ik the Th north-weate-

section of Virginia, from th peculi-

arity of Ita position between Pennsylvania nd

Ohio, ia called the Panhandl. Of cours It I

affected by tbe institutions of tbs two greatates on either hand, and hence Lincoln was

roted tor the aaje as MaMi paiBiaaaniai t.u..,-date- i.

We append Ui vott a far aa beard

Cao'iaa Ucc.ln BetcsJorM Bell

Baao cl. at at tBtriblii. I M

a :81 U ll"ir 15 i

TLa returne of Hancock and Marshall canstie ar oaly partial. The two othf r countiesan glveu In full.

twajiteTS BlaiT sTosc.Chicaiki, November 12. Covaiderabi x

clteraei.t was caused bere bt by tbe arrest, by Ifes U. 8. marshal, of a nrro woman-- ho aacaTVd from Nebraska City a abort tlm

Tbe woman rlalmr a a ' by Kj

0..t... T r.atlaa nf VabrBakX. Tb mar

shal. Is taking he woman to jail, WB Mopped N

I.i- a.; aarl-a.- ! crowd of t egroes,. .. m ..ii4 fa alva the woman to tb

city police, who lodged hex ia tbe armory for

afc keeping. An effort wi I be made in tbemorning to take bar to Sprint sVd for exxmlna- -

Imk Kafnaa Pnmmiaeinrer C"tBed.,.r,.., IB u,, vicinity of the armory r

.j.i !.h narr.aa an soma wjite persona. ,, ,B ..... of ,Citement, who declare

their latent Ion 'o prevent ;he woman from be-

Ing taken away fr ,m the city- -

PHE.vru 1. xttao.sTUI CIC

Theedltofof th I.iuiir.ih Jour.11, not

..i,h.ta,4lae hia slxtv Tears. ! exceedingly

sentimental. Hearfaioi:Taa moos bad a raai fr il'C laat eveBlng

ar 01 g a mas o dark cloud, in tba evening

.bv The war ale tt am and raveledthem op into I'D' tremer and rava and jetof attver tetue, and then cance.. on 10 rllt"another cloud. Bad wtiirlltarotind Inberirandatrial dai ce t What a ma4. a pyoua.a whirl-11- "

moon it wa ; a perfect lunacy seemM toaaaiade her for sbtaut one-ha- lf nd of an bour,and then she .'tl"' doxn quietly anJ .oberly,and sailed alone Ihe bin expanse, Ilk a great4ah ready to fall dawn on th earth, or float

up (ea ly and buoyaol y. Ilk one of ihos toyballoon. To have n' her aaaheiwert along f

after baring scattered errry curr.uloua nd

cirrii from th-- - heavta. 'o see a aicbt ofnnsri 'paaaed beautr. VV'e ponied out ot.r adoration to th ene from our balronv, aa JulietdM f(om tu, wi, dow of h- - ;al ce of,h, Capul 'o ycang Romeo, ai.d U only

. .., rr. .,.,. Dortiai of our alfhi' ad nturewa. a I ng t,

the peay para-- a'

herbright, radian fare, a d ftB ro h me " tosleep, pare ha i! ce to drea-- r

Oct Exaktiov. lolent eariei.e it ex-- .

eedin y dBg'tims. Vouug peo; le .rsveryapt to ton ( 'X ' ae-- , s ia 'h fallowing la-- I

a'anc :

A writer ia tu? L i d.-t- i 7 ( ay thata'aoa ail yoi.., xss abo have been at o

f!rJ ud Cambridge, esp eiilly thosehave ocdule i much ia Loit-rarr- have a a

rule diaied bloo art-ne- e, o: IBB.

and manv of tliern disia-e-- ! and diiat- - lie itall brought on by Ha strain and uadu ex-

citement ("reavra."' we. the doctoia, call it)sf tb cirenlatioa inJoeed by p illia.' at boat-rac-

In fact, the oatier i iio rCaTnftdboth t laoarsacf oftce and in tbe adsmistra-- !

tioa of ctloroforra iqi s th uppr clBs,'

whrrc a d.seased eart ia 10 be avoided Itwould seem tbe delica e tores ot tbe heart o

tbe boy and lada seat to Oxford especially atone jit way b'foretbi praaanrc or remer.

t he Island of Blcity.Th following biltorical ktcli from lb

p.iieipl est, of tl island cf Sicily.ertlsaow B

agair.; tbe rcerceiawr troopa or its uran.uuaklr.g, wl!'; b read with peculiar luursst :

Sicily I? tb largsat ieiand of tb Maattaranean, aad froo th Eliaits of Mea-aln- a

which aeirat it from Italy, about twoLuLdred mile. Its greatest bre.dtb it a Itttiover on hundred and thirty mile. It forml triasgular. Th lo.l ba been rich for azss,and loog year ago it bouoteoualv suppliedRome with oil and wine. From ti e midst ofI'aBeM B' d vineyard aeeer.d the amok aadflame of E'n., a iwenag to STomb li' Hres,

on tb U.n lalsBda to trie northward, andVesuvine frownim ovar Naples. The setile-mei- .t

of Sicily goal bark lo the days of theCartbagsniaB, aad there l a dimneaa abouttr,e onx n of tbe oVMbx, who fir- - - settled about

nunt E bb, wtiirb poets an! romancer, .rilli pr.The H ibnsterirg ttree!: subsequently fouad, ,u ,nI tlirV tulj. Mr cities

rttm t0 ttijm w, lre llMlb-- l for lh first,u.b,n.ic sictttisti, hi ory. Of coursa, under

. .t anitocr. T aoon gre way to ty- -

rannr. and that IB tu-- w trmplid undertoot by dernocrscr. SvrseusUB raids, Punicbsfle Bud ultimate Roman vietcrle, bligu'edthe soil of 8 cilr tt turn, and In tb ninth.,,, .i.a Cor Crj tea ajaonaBB oy 3.raceu.,

. ,,,,11.:,, tu, lTr,' aar'.loo of S city, intnatelfth ran-ur- ti.r lv a kuriom.and Tancred wa the beat ki.own oeruraot ofthe throne. The llnd waa ceded to V.ctor,D t of Savoy, a 'he pttc of Utrecht, aadtb-- n fell In o tL bande of Austria and ofSpain.

In 1736, the infant Tin Cirlos cim IntopnsseseioB, and urj'eri ths island with thKiDc-do- of Naples, under ihe name of tbeKing torn of the Two Sicili-- . Spain Beat

th itlnd t j the ms io ITS, and in MSNapoleon mads i a f ranch .tation. Aftr toebattle of Waterloo, it reverted to tb NeapM-- I

itan bwst, under wb ch rvernrnent it re-- j

mlii ad until tb uchtaving cf 147. Until tbprinf of 1846, ID Bicittans breathed free

air, but Boraba then cot usred a peace. Thtrcberv and cruelty of tbe infamous Bon.baar familiar tn all 0'ir reader, and the worldrejoiced at his death last year Hi successorhas, however, l.een equally a tyrant aud scoundrel, and tbe Sicilians nave loan en on rut. - .. ' h.trMl Thar trill atrneirle to i

the last tba away of Ferdinand, andwill welcome Garibaldi, jfapoleoo III, VictorFmmanuel, or th Gorerr.ment of England. Ifthey will efficiently aid them to throw off hi

yoke But Garibaldi is ti only 'power'wi.ich baa broken through ft entanrie-- jmeats of E ! polittci sod beldlv come 'otb resru.

awot.-tr- r rxpaalslsi from ta Soulb.Tbe AugaaU (Ga.) 7Vmr Drmorr;! eives 'ti

followiBgacsoont of the expulsion of aortU-- iern man from Aurus'a i

"Yeeterdar afternoon tba Planter' hotelwas aorrsunded by tb most determined aad exritrj concours of citiasn that w tear it

,...1 Tbey were called 'oce'her for thepurpose o. a'cin; that a cartaiu 91. u , rorm-erl- y

of tha city and so a a. a yiait bere fromtbe North, cempbed with a polite requestwhich bid been receirsd by him th dy pret

in i:i irt from this, to him, uncongenialclime. Tb doctcr had caused to be arrestedtwo of our ritixer.s who timet were signedto tb rrqneat to leave, four o'clock yester-day afteraoou was tba bour appointed for thehearing of th complaint giot tb lovlU-tio- n

commit ee. A number of our citiicns badresolved that tb doctor aforesaid should oatgs ta ths court bouse, sad ther mik oathatainst tisorgiaM' apd they aucceeded tb

" After ,,ce. L- frrm Col. i'uaming, T- - 0.Cone, Eto , aad ftnally by Col. A. R- - WrightMayor Biodgett promised that tf th erowawould diaper, bc doctor should leave Ibecity iauBediately- -

Tbts fas cre b asmb!ag, acdgradually tte pept ::: fur homa, atiafie l

that south aTB mn with Borthru pripciplssri ouid not rmaia m our oor.ier r tarirzgiven eiprrBBicii to tbair (eb'.imeotB.

" Dr. Thayer il the nice ot tba banishedacotleman. Ha practiced la tbi city tomesight montbs since.

I'sder Mary, to make tb Ei.gltsh more Ilkhuman being, a "dvlcs- - was draws for aaact of apprl, which, however, could not becarried. It t forth "t ,at tbe ladies and theirmaiala sf court did ao xce j ia appard, thatrnipy of tbem went ac richly trravrd oa wuik-ia- r

days at th qun' ruajestt cotber didbb holiday; o that it would b wist edit at riU

lady, knight, nor king' wif, nor gotlewomn,nor ntlmB, ur.dr th degrea of a lord,should bare but on velvet gown, oo damaskgowB.soa sain, gown for "later, and tbe likeamxlegown for tuxntr it riaire, always.that hey ahould have for every one silk towna gowo of felt or russet, or camel of worsted,and, if tbey !it, (aided or welted, so that therebe not above a yard tad a calf cf velvet, aadtbtt tby shall use no embroidery upon ar.y

am thai tiny at, til wear som of 'heirgown ot do b, russet, r,sml or worsted threedays every week, upoo pain of lea shilling, aday."

A irveyer waa tc axaaloe ladles' ward- -'

robe from time to 'ime, and report npontbem ; whil tor eentleomen there was anothsrnot lea important direction. " Provided, also,for those u.ootrou breecbe commonly used.none under to- - degree or a lord or a naroushall wear aty. aadsr pain of hree potindB aday ; none to bar any stuffing of hairs, artol-nock- a,

towe, or other wy; and no man oftHtim (taiur to have a bow more 'ban a yardand a half in tbe outer side, and tb biggerman and the guarda two yards, upon pain oftweaty ablllinga a day tbe wsar.r aad fortysbiillnga tbe maker of tba toss. Ia a vanty af itiMBtcries of f .rni' .re in gentlemen'c ,untry booses In Ittto rigu of Mary, I findthe hangioga of beda no; of ttate beds, butbeds for common xse to bare been of blue crcrimson relvM ; tbs window curtsin of tstio i

aad, lo tact, everythiBg eicept the washingapparatas, of which there Ii little or no men- -tiee, 'o bare beeB a tr..l.r,r grrftout.FromM't fhilory of EfUmJ.

The protertinr deity of Allopatblbts- - -- mr-eury.

-- "l,peron who men la brestb- -ZZZ" "

Ot,JBlBaV ,Eelalm-rd- a rnaaaa btbwm

wife presented blra witb twins.Th CtDciaaati Pro tbiaks th "tmtb'sant sortition for tblr trouble I

oa.Tb moat Lceenary cbacber la tb fame of

life tbeIf petticoat is aot More eappres-B- ir

now tbaa farasrir. It la eersslnly doubleIn latent.

ink,Od U maiss ' I the llU.'.eet., jaju roan. Jr..

id kla attt rear.Fsaerel mttic. at 1 Uoct iu Meaiat. rreei tte

realdeoce el tla kreXasr. W. a. rati, la ITurtt Mtm-pa- l.

0cal flahertf,, at s'et'ak.

Heto AoDfrtiscmtiils.

ewuiD.P(!I near Ibe Sla" ieCot'eit.os Frl- -r ersBlaa. tk- - tn ia-- t , a chestnut Barrel

BOBSB, esoet hsr'-e- o and a La 11 !.aKBi Blshfoar or e. jaar, eld. arkB4 r B la hta loraBaat ii

bita bar - :i 'i " J3- -. aud --i ll ti.J t rta iibind last A M'U aavfl aad keaa - tet, an l la

i trailer I will pitl l:rri rrj'.! bi drt SB, an MM If tka la 'akan a itk ktsa. ar Ii

rmat.-- a taat I caa ;m hiaj E. EECXJ araef Bain anj


Ma. Difnor..., Mr. 3. M. tmmron-tl- i ti i TmAc at Mr. J. COI.MNS t:, r -

bratiM) 1; .b otsaifti.TH L'BSDaT itVIKI.Vr. ycMLor tl. IMO THI

COL FUN BWK . cf, Tbi mU. mm 1 QmWmmrmMoM Vs Capva Mr C'iia, in which h w.;

aJ i.,Olr. 11,'i. 7.'. Lai'

KOi ire A ;4'ne rttfi opmm it Im0nyr ouai'uts rlt at Tbi.wt ale or xJbd Ptrtwitw, TtV

MM fbff Mo vm-- pn ttwmM Itelfuiri-- ' Vr

lt ftitpit tat wbiexi tbim:i vh4w ri.,u : It,- -

( arterx nrsi:mOP

LIVING WONDERS.tireat Utractlon-Tfe- rtf MfhU Oal) !

OUUXsn-- O TOrBSOAT, Karaastr IJ, aaib C.rrv I. q rt aaass.

Th fs-k- h A STA rWit- - LOT ELL SLxl

RDOF tb oKK.4.rrilhlo H Va b rMar ctb-- r auraruoi , far par of b.--

RBI blL.yyiitefQ tiy 1:1 ! 9t nir-i- Pfi rmmtrm hon?tjr Adaiwiva U tbi "Mtrb bskibil4B only 36 mt (

MTdrvii J aVrva .t

m cAiPMU'i aie ceii5.r




TWeOrlalBBl act

Campbell Minstrels !

ika lutaa aaa. xrbjtT aS'EWCOBB.



cmowoBD nn PHLianTBD rui t.irc lb-- T 'atrt bi-- iha . Ar t n 'bi-- - j

tlw iroo baa boj ania-i- J impTuT4 m rnsih- -

m: mt oaf '

FIFTEEN STAR FeRFOHMBES,ii : TvIia atvi a,balsial.r tb- -

fl rat ia iiA cbat i wt I b pt aaoaiJ mt .' i rr.- -

lrta.BQ. rr ff Wry " tU'al Ml OfUa

tr at feavif paM , i rfrr & la

at baW a T o'rut aolS


HTABU far mn

rtx 1

of Kll

K Una, tvn tw 'aUea t m&, Ai lu 'j- - prpriT cf Iff. Li- -iik,hn

Par frtfcar fartitrv'an, Tf t? th 4tiwi a iLtr vf to

m KstRRiT. nrmw A CO


kitr,l. II IS

r E onbea:lia


P. ffleeut M. an ci.r -- .t i Ri

Prcilicat Meuip ... and Oii Fai'ro! ebsaatav.r a. white,

Ti atHeat Blarlra pei aad t. aarate .a ll lw


RAILROA D.rv p BET'S orrt'K. 1

meat damace h ftaakea kl tba VirfAla BBB

THE Bi. .i h.. ! u r.; iiral tni , a 0,

aa . r Cewpr. aad Cut ov la Ksw Twk a

s.l ataUoa, ri. Fx ?lk avrfftbeB.t ,i aaaCBailmf ak saaBbaasiBK tarda, as-- v rr r m k b

nut'tni llMfb ai -'

c. It - W. J B.lS, ry.


Wsteru ProttueetB0LLING. BIGGS & CO,

IbTo. Tjxxic Strict,at We. PIT"

i)ai Battel ;10 DeaTak. ptibled -. I cedarBlJbr'a. Wbi-- t latent, lis.,liOt'TOM" Lusa Basxtas,119 mm Bop iI Saark. Flawl IA, lot.. irri, ,

340 b a. ir-t- - .. frea, pteklaa aa ' taiIXik seats p,IS I bora. T Aa aa. all t' I tie. ;

at bale. C rtuas Tare, iiuOkaf. k.:a Lead;aoesrasaa laduto;

UObrt. na:' Wtm aal liasaraiI aaa. laipartrd BraS'lr I

Tit rreal vant.T T k If Bank, aaabr,Prttit-'- , Msal.r B.a k.'.t, M.' 4ren,

rta rnt OJBBE

ria. at.Parao wtsh'.BX la aappTy BBBBBBssaB i.b raole

farweri lSBSSBI to well BB9BM ac-- l asamina ikit .


W. B. a ia . n tsBin :..JCIHH B. TiTLUh. f TAXlJiB.

0AT THt-fi- i





frjld Cord tnd Tl.Ttlvet Kibbot,

Sapsr. Black Taff.t tslk,

Blick and Colored Biisc 01tn,Super. Bd Blanket,

Ngro BUnki,Colored Traveling Blink!,Men' Heavy Shawl,

Heavy Engllh Cotton Basettng,

Ladies' Merino Net f -r ClatbiBg,

Men's Mwiuo Nt Under Clothing,

ChlldrenaoMrino N'et L'ndr Clothing,

LidtM',Qent'. and Chlldrto' Hoeiery,

Rich Table and Piinq Coreri,

Curtain., Carpets, etc.v


rialrvoyant, Astrologlst aad Doctress,

BEBOTEP TO HI HA 11 fsTBjTET. kefaaaaHAS aa Watbiexaoe etraeta. wkare Me laraaly ts ra all aaa auk la now .11 bar.

nolO 1 iw I n

New Merchants' Exchange,NORTH SIDE COURT SQUARE

h, CO. '.tt ! a a

rrm IWISI a:4 T.sTrj SAI-O- N

at th tww 7'atW, whatr thay will 't intbfUr coat t IM tit A wlr.a. VJltiLrs Air, CUkU, All Of tt.rart aa prtotla-p- D)w-tr-s

;ia famili-- i nt 90 rn a car. k4

Bacon at Auction.TO CLOSE rONSIGJOfENT.

rtsxi bicoi BTtorT-erxx- , ,i i . . a11 eloaa m.; soman: at No. 21 Madison rr-t- . "aH XUSKSPAT. ICarawbrr It, al I fork, by

rtxttiMr.To.M a rarxtaanolJ-l- l SiAKE HtPB.

Apple". Potatoes and Oniona.jr sf. kat.a rjoiae Apelaa,I a too u'At rnulsari

Maark. Ootae..Jaat reeaara aa far rale lea. by

ruirKx-j- a LtAwvoan.aall- -' .a af. II tww. .oa

Wood Ashes L I

rriri blbaal rrlca will be paid for rb Itroea LIBrsad rreu "-- t.a-- . aaa oeursren lb asy aaa, I

ttlr at oar oBBrr. I

eel-- i rOBUtaau a?ai

)flfto dtrtisnimits.

To the jLaaies.I 11 K.OBSI, rron rarla, UK aaXL IBB Hal at U aatakiaakBiei.1 La

Tea, T . sets lata at tu! i m lb a trtiaa maaatiailr tkat ab ba tska ratBBt aa WaiBBBBB sweat. aaU-aa- .i a.aa. aBar d. two bl a (rats War asa kas. Bare aba -1- 11cootlflua I ) air Ua start ample aattfjactloa -- its her;aast,rQt aaa aarfan ajstoaa n cattm; and 3'.:icaLADIBfi' tiRBSBKS mad la a raw boB't aa-- tt

Ilk la, la SB4 Bataaa.

MFaMPni8,Nnv.5Mf.rR... - .


aaaTB1S BAT i arcEirr or a vrtLA" rPi.T or

Lebia'o litroCTi far Ua Hiiv4kxrebuof ;Vtaaia'i KatrorU fr lb H iBtrbir ; al au. !( HatrH. ti.tbtfA4i aav ,

Puapo LHasta'a Somrm .IIWUmj zm oWopo, a aav ar' ie .CI owtaiaajT B:rl Sap;U . 'I- Ar Baa a' ftaafoal

Alba ftcBma P4BBBPI ,rv ki abaaaa ;

Viois-- i SoarTwtb lai1-- r aT otb Pavta.To .in Br ,

Batarr B k.ta .

Baja Ball. ;V.asar BVata .

arturta Tibialtinr Okt'a, aa.Tala d. Tro:.Balr r.a-- aaaal

B!irhnBoro OaraU;ladl Kjar C. ra- !-Hair aruab- - ,CWn Bra bM. ir ,

WE itit soi.t: AiaFXTt rimt jtl . A

asaou De--

at V'lBXt LiauBSilb.r iOr. Biri'

An! baea JBf aal- - Ibe ,11Tuaakrui aar sat raebrs, i a arfi.-.- i . t. it . f

mm. ktrs.WIOGS BROTHERS & CO.,

317 ami 819 tlaiii MroH,

a.a aairra:. rajijaa. .

I olai.I oagtta,Alhaaa.4'atarrla.


Kore Tbroat,WtlooplnK 4 uiaftlk,

Incipient .'ununaptiota,BrswB'i Hronrhial Troche.


TBTKEin n I., Btt a (.Ta r'a, ia u SVT , J

Bfa'a Braackial rr rb ." ar I aa- a- , let IBe Bk ar rrrtiatlc cl tbr Tbr, a nw m eti.b' ai bt bis a asw aaelo-a-a atu k war br - aeoaeilrasBdaoaBG

Brown'! Tr4che,r Carat OeaaS. Btoaf .latat aa iBalaaaaa t

--tl Atbaaj Ol--

e tar act k, xl.-- o lue T--.. br.bjrr baea

Bro n r Bit it il Triea,Fnaltl I. I nan D , Saw lasa l rea--- l

tl las 5r laaaexe an ar. ar'tl for ibairBBSS, aad Ike IS satli

Uroxaa'a pTrtar.cliinl Trcche.

Brusaa' Bronrlitul rT etturaa trtaata rroai WHai

t ty all PrBSEi- - ' a l A raats s- -e vts.



a I IS I V H V

(Berraase lo Sb,rer b Cart.

Q A la B H J NJ


Fine Cftothing,AND ALL KINDS OF

niftfffttlNC GOODS,

' AT


4S tlti'll MVMl)


vtrii, i:ii - , TiBBtaer.

raea.ral ant tt',-- r ikIBttrB STOCK UT


1 has TO mi mm4, mmW.? K Will b kfoAEawi ftD ttiaViaTikitiaM t My l airt tmhw fe

Ta k,Tr laM I tr fel ic". rlr my a"r- 9TimL'lra) ym ft? trfjar

Great Io4a-reafit- in mm.I immmcUt mm riatitHto.-- M y M k. tm

p$uiMkrf ihm ft Mat, a'a T.-- hdj ; lavkiK.! lrr?W fAJsI Tilll p fa ' a, afBd f? U. 4v frrfj r

tlcH I m j. mPMwrxrmF. 8 r- - la. tok-P- f(r n.VE 5T TTS. mm !


233 "An 9TBEET- -



Horn n'txiaatl so o,xieS.BAB r. Treats,

Al bake, tymwr tb,a ever.

Boll ch ai. x aaien.

SundriesES frrab kalbkl Keali1)0 bbla miiMl aa XtX f". wn

half b waa aBwaowaaat m.i- -l BA.'Ivt feat

Dr. W. W. JalORCiA,


sew ear laaanffr t rait la ami wkart kRwrSarBBSALL DIBTtl. oparatloaa ia the tnaat tl--tadXATttra. TOBV Blaatiar Bia rsirss art sa

low A TWX vyai main -r ta. aa, ttfln, are- -cafiea ao QaH'l ,1- Sow " peal .lara ba abaa-in- 'i

te Baa t i ra JeearAar. la awaaeaeeraof ibair law i Bef.a tr.naor, cam "hr aersre fertkWr eaaBBSX " stterry. ibaawiteaaa r th.BBeeey aa alTOa.i Lal iaa. to iaa vaaerr .4 .11 ru ba rft. 3e lnaaru tf a IlvaLC Tooth to SB rj.Hr.act le e BTT I a (w,lXaef raaaa) abi.t ennhloa. roo,.Part, rlaaallaaar aa4 lirr ltar rKbarat rl'rari--arc- a

ot wfcltb. aad IU fact all Ibe ttyUa kooa'.a ike prcttaaten. caa ba rare alklaoCrr.tralfarwklaBba wa. awar-a- d Ike FIB.T rasiaica, al ear later mCX

tarartM viibeet pais, akan .. .aartmlire7. VLB TBLtri aeUcaiaiy aad dura ailed.rr tfAiyKWUMina ai iBaeataraiTaalb corrrrtad.

ysrtaratarj w nr.r ruin: a" --43XsrxaE'ct Hob ji n lelSiateei Boa. 1. R C . Br. Wis.

Ir t. llsrSayl Pr C C Nail. --Illtitkjklj.Baa, aVl I Dr. i 5; I. Waltar A

Bra I ObtMlar AC. Mawpaia. Taao.UBAL ToeVH PoDaior baaatirrloa

tsd prtaer .B tba TBErB can af klaOrrim, lit BAlBBTBAET. aPrvSlTB oM rxi- - ilaBIn1 Q .LL BBBPBTB TtTIB.


FRANCISCO & CO.,ra.scieeo... Jt. i. Wiasra.


Hftfc JCaps XXTV




SO. tt9 m A I w ITtEKT,FALL A D WI.fTtt HTfLEii.

Wa . tow la lata aB4 rerella a.i tba a- a- earltrsiea ar Bau a" Car f an 11111

aAur.. . '. MAIN' CUTLadies' Faacy Urea rar.

al ,1 taiaMHltath. tu- -

the Laallae On, la. atat tlaa we --illBtsaar-- a t. tmom the larseet aal Beat till Ml atac 4

lta' Part SBBS benoaat I tba rilel'H4 flMO ft. M.a la BbaaBofai.,. r

a V.



(triKR WORflHAV HOf!

m m r h r i t - T ,i; ,

Mduufneturdia aud Dealers

la all th latea P.retta aad Akaerlesa Mstaaof I


Gents' Farnishing Goods,

Art bjv i TrHft of th

A S I)


'ranB ABOVE BCjf .a IS A SB ABC I pr TBB

f.a . f a

BKADY & SPROULE.IbTv-aD- r York.

Ot e f tba Bsaa esOBBe iaaaifrrTrlax eataaeaaB-waa- -.

la Uaa rata .a- - kOBBBtBBO! BBEaSBBBl all IS

filalaa H,i braorBaa, ' and itsm, eta:

spneri--c a itiow,MEMPHIS;

A. w. iproi le a ta ,


srHori.r. a. MiMi-'ii- i 1 1



KPROt'LE a ' M 4 ! 4 TO

THIC480, IU.;

uPRoriaE a Hi.tM'.nMII.WAUIEE, W I S C O 71 9 1 N

All th t-- t ' ar aaaaara tared by Ike Baa Tork crezpraaalr ta mm aaM coly by Oka efceee aaaaed W aaik 1Ran-- a a aaaamaBBl aasele atBaae. eiib every reclilty uavail eeriret ml Ika great ad.aclaeaa tat boaae ae4faeaiaa wa are praearaj aa or laatbmaaian. 'La wk. la-- --a

First-clasf- t Gootttt:I. at aaaey reera atsf'.eea. airb a BxaBiaf Jaalra la

etcel ia ma art M waar'ainriBa. . yrl earaclraahaviBf 'He beat atade ee. take Bed BBIaa say

baertaBtkali ; and --.ewtkl, .ante tfceee of aarI aaamtat. ta4 all otkert mlara-A- a, le a perusal ja- -

tpa. Uoe, a teal ika iratk al Ike ear... IMS BaaaBOB V Sw er Baa. BBS a fMadae

MM fM "I a M Iff mt ajOrlkmt hmtM la Ika raitedafcataa rJaOshlf 19 W1 ..!-:- .. VI.

i OVEMBER 10, I860.

Site Fast Color Dime Calicoes


EreUtat Dtoir tilntM 0mmtilr

SPEED, f)t0H0 STftlNEE.

ew Stjle I brf-Fi- y Urfets,Flrt Quality BruMls farpf t

l ard HMe Heap (arotti, Ut.

Freifh ttrrlBon. all relert.Saof rler FUimIs, all celen.

FFBCD, IM0H0 at STtAritxB- -

Htsk Colors rktck PlaMs.

BrosTi aad Blfarhfd Caitao Fabocis.

SPEED, B0.1OHO at rrRA-rCK-.

friB aid B,4 Blaiktts,Cr.k ..d bh Qutf.

PBcii), D00Rf) t STfiAGS.

Boys' asd .Uri's JeaasBeys and net's Tweed,

m FED, RiJUBiJ k TRlxtVE.

Vet rt aid (lots (loakslltary aawls aad Pars.


314 MAIN STREET. MEMPHIS. aaa 1.4 by la. raeag .a:!, tistare,VHtTATIOM lea eta. OBftaa braaeBaa,

wl aaatr oa fiaaa T .'. I BBefl a4 Baser reraaiK Draaiuf nil. Urael.a aad irirata: ta attae. Or- -

,aa,l., iiaajl.awfk. atr . BBS.

Ulta. BIM U'C-- lt A MS"xirro!r'.""il le LaswBBOB. tsajeeaaee.

.laniolpal smart at itk t Bllll at Has AbasiaNOTtCI . ptM bribe Boar a Bayor aad

aa Blentue will br bald at Ik tarera wsrdtin iklseuy. aa atXNDtT. lta :n.t.. far lAa purp.. ,(attain tit. trie tacaa af tba ?WA'.3-- d ratw. of kl.WDf.ltat to vkatbrr bt rlly tkaii tall ika (awl. MB af 10IA Blaaitaipiil aad Ta .ar'.aa Baioeae Caaaperr, aeaw la tbaa sO'eeu a.i aa ike .taller.

ol B. t. BACOB Hayar.




ooBxaa or a tm atbkcb.BBS

1 Baltt, mm Pt.Aa'TBOBALr.M BB OTSTBBB. LAIS riSB reralrad4a. ly

Da. art aaa fiauuaa.aaiBeaeaaae, isnwb aaewrkw aiaaaia. la eaaa. ha.f nw,aad ta tba .kail. aarraataS freak .ad awaea., peaalna ap mt Biasl it tta ttala Oaee SBtetrad oyster, afwsy oa kaad. 'tatae tm torn. A.l J

--rt.r. sraaptly I1MO.aal'. lw A Aawai.

Balbs Seeds, Plants. Etc.rrXACIBTB. sad ataaw Balba, JaaarriadLI tt a H. 'la.-''- - Fbarer tea aad neat, ar all '

ada far sal eraall-i- a I a BBATUH


FINE FURS.oie miuriion.



'ri.L be aat ltbBt Tatar r a, en BOS'TtaSDAT a sSe'aaasB. a. Bt., aa

aria aad Baa I t BI a tu a i r- -

freaflB Sak'.e, aBaaalB Maine, traa, BtBalgla:! 4 Walak '.Birrr' ChiaeBella, aa4



f :i1iBd ftad c.siTia. rtm.CLW aLatitca ra lavitad-vto HoyAKK4T. DCFfasTl A CO.

Chairs, Bedsteads. Etc.,

mi l mit CTIOmV.

IT 10 O't'lOiK THIS M0RMW..

;i aoi na t.Aj, jm.

a:.-- ,'

Cala I ...,Ha-- ,


iW 1



For Siti.

oi i. o x u nut:,

wa i ' Mti la.o bbsNBbaaB irbt aall. fraaa mar. rial ; SB a aaa rt.ara.

) I t . a'. . '. r . - -

. aaa.

Ba kmrfmaat Jeara4e Ct. rtaa.: . a h




o' a - k ,

AIi30,Seveidl Beruiiiui Buiiditt' Lit--

In ..j. IBBSJ a Tar a. mbAEBVr. IX fBB


OATki aVE 'KITED rr rw ika Urty i ,Wt sitkt"iH lotWllllll I tt1 Kaafl


MWw VI. I ball

AT f SRI L0H rRICKSi tkaaaa aa; a. aiaaet.

BAWo.BxtT. l.riaEB CO.

Plantation and Negroes,BB SOLO OB rOK BXBPU'

citt isn sib: a ban rBoriBTT.

art. a i xx it. 0, rata A Cf

XT Wa kkr. a later h,t M

airy aa tekarbee sr.eart r W

lew af asaee waaMsa key.

fy We will ttoatatruce oarAactiom alt of Real Estate la arent aaya.

an bonbabb at prraa. A Ce.

Haywo.d Coanty Land

535 ir ibSeeaaat sr a J.e

lias. BearTkla la M win be aal -- er

trratB a oo.

272 Acres,ESSo I r ,

Pt rs.EE a ro

To Rcrt-- .r ryTiT HT'.TKXMACUiMOP'.r's wuk laUbttlt'. "libiai mf C, UlUlH Irrr itwWe, tn 4 ijiatfiil

Ifi tl ll Orta tWw aUilw tt tm M rlj'ft'J TbVim coatani' tM wtTl m4mVtd to craa.p iIbM, tkva oeil biB( r.ifc) srl Id k tm 'at -- fUam. Tara 4U mlmw a .art qmisatitT af Ttmtt

11 kifkds. ia fakOtl 14bI iQat CjTMtUtaa. afC wsasTTl

kL MAT. on th ir'iiuM, t Lrirtkriw.a1at-t- t at Ori- Vtawi J-

' (a.ikwT Vtfjm )


irAWiaW ilftff . Mi

KV II mi !V V l I

eflO. IM BAUt aaaesil Un Cinf Bt. Ml ftasm pais.

Will V kapt oeaa tka wrtlra pcptla ia Wriuaa. Baw-kaa-p at aaai A.ilA-aeti- t

wit! ba raolTed arary ear.CI bfbsbbb aeee li timwwn In tboaa

IkeBlb lawea froia vLilr M- V lA-- a aao ar,

aacBBBd darbat Ita dayreraaia tnaa He aall I cm aaa. - ate a Fall aearta 1.

.a vr.Lna ta v, f.arerane fraaa I Io LO yaara of tea wi-- Ve receiredea la a rl'lax to r X . at my rawurd twa 4xa aath .4


IMBaiaaueal. j

m ADAtae i. i ;

Saloon and Oyster Depot'.. fr-a- How.

Cwaaea Wsabkeu a vreat.TTA. a ..aad. aad it rianwaHy aaariataa.XX raBn Milan ,. l trrKKB.

Gtyatara iapp.iad to fACAil.ea br aa barral Qff ;


. m. BCBP ...BlLO CLASSHewpSia, taea.

J. H. hi; tip ..llk'TI TrUXU aaJDraarra le BlaetalITX B4tla Ale aad r..rt.rnan ba aaeer niei.ii swwBBB, ktee.aa fbi-- d

aeA twa.Sk wrae-- a. a ai. Owe. --aaa awUrn

tar aal-- ar

a T JXLaBS k rrv.BB Mala Mr..


- a. LEV... a. E. rualLJK

L S. Lilt i mCOLUMN.

Anctloieers sal mm- ska MeitjaUti196 Mala otrt-'f- . o poite Clay


REAL ESTATE. NEr,R0E8,MKUC tt V :a 1) I EoBa


ABBBMBBEaTTroai',-..- r '

aaihl: .as aav a.


, ItlVI A. to,iM i:aiu lat Bat.

WILL BBB a ' ..'i.ltWB 0IXQ i


Taroaa. aa I

Ladies' vely


A . LEVY o

uiUfir,) 1J. J.VJaN

Y A. H. ,tV aV


Artists' Msa bobATIjiiooaxarBs.

For Conifort andTiB YBtC'TTAXTJIB



lo a. -


Cash System Fxelhsiveij


Xt. ta s at . :,,n!be D t mtmu i.

A,l of at. ' : '

291, f :a r

HOB;f.t- i ik



Tin Ware Maniifiictory.


StOTfS, id

HIATINC T O V E $mtjfittm

ffWM.iv;I Of ,11 klaa. bb4 atsee, ant

Etteasiivo I i mi.

u.W la . 1 A .3

r ao jrr EEC t -1 BE. f.


333 MAIN STREl'l

Opening of theOn Salutday,

At Q2Q 1VX, Stroci.MISS M. PERDi

ptsxef tu ofkau with f!) atvl i

MILLI.laiV ita braocftoa. lietba ar J fcanl-.-

yut,'af' J.A.I '

V. 6ILBERT ro,luc'ioaeers aad E--

. T - TT 1. --a 'tn m it nmt 6d at t91 89C4M,

ha nw4 Uu laa. A aS. lbaKTM4. laVHl

irtii f t

in ii!.T Jt ea, 4- - :liaani.Mais litaw

-- R&1T I


Celebrated a..;.e VafcPXirT-- tt :bu . a r t a a

rr tiiTA lPraaia4 'raw 'a pre.r

fBnicAa Earn " fkwea, M B. ,Zra fa iba uarae.L al! paiafal aad .

' cara11 a aTbeae.i BkwMM 14.

. and vo al! a, tt - . rr ..... M'.Aii HJiaS

II a feoillarty nfi- -i it laakert tiw. truaaaEke raooaarr per. arCb raxi.Bark bottle, wire Oae D - Ma

aawp of nee ,paeeet t0 A C T I ia at .

maarBweww. aVLaaS mm mw9w aVlaVaw. nt IMV Arm mminBimtaa ammaaai est aa erary a tbaa aadesaai eakeeoBse, leer are parfectiy wss.

ta 1 - . T , 11a, ' V. . .aa.-,,- . a

Mae. WUpttaLaoofwe Haary a. WStrea, wwae

Aa II w e eaeaaeei da 1 .1 til.'twwoei. aaureway, aerOiat lartmi w ike aaaaattr?

wrKBaa!rirS!!S! .job aosaa, (Lai i. 0. ai in acVu

w b.-- m a aoo.m i ma wempa enrtiaslla sawesaavwaa will ua. a - M wis.ratwa wall

trO. Ml IS Baajpkla br CHandlar k Oo aad an"ZTZ 4rf . OvBBa





U) 17.