VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 24 Great music! Fun games! Cool ...€¦ · Office: 757 !488 !2553 Fax:...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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Office: 757!488!2553 ● Fax: 757!465!4086 !Website:!


Office Hours: !Monday!Friday, 9:00 a.m.!4:30 p.m. �(Summer Fridays 9:00 a.m.!2:30 p.m. Memorial Day ! Labor Day) �Closed Daily 12:00 p.m. ! 12:30 p.m. for lunch�(In case of inclement weather, the church will follow Chesapeake Public School closings)!!

LITURGY SCHEDULE:!Saturday: 5:00 p.m. ● Sunday: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.�Tuesday: 6:45 p.m. ● Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 a.m.�Vespers: Monday & Wednesday: 6:45 p.m.�Sacrament of Reconciliation: Each Saturday at 4:00 p.m., or by appointment.�Children’s Liturgy of the Word: During Sunday liturgies �for children 4!8 years old.�Nursery: During the Sunday liturgies for children 3 and under.�!

Staff:!Office Manager � Toshia Bushore �(�Business Administrator ! Marguerite (Megan) A. Malhiot �(MMalhiot@*)�Coordinator of Christian Formation ! Jean Hawley�(JHawley@*)�Coordinator of Sacramental Prep ! Dianne Bailey�(DBailey@*)�Coordinator of Youth Ministry ! Nicole Dufield�(NDufield@*)�Coordinator of RCIA ! Rev. Mr. Fred “Bubba” Allen�(BAllen@*)�Director of Music ! Renee Cunningham �(RCunningham@*)�Facilities Maintenance Coordinator ! Gus Brown�Nursery Coordinator ! Emily Danovich� Asst. Nursery Coordinator ! Angela Klecka� Asst. Nursery Coordinator ! Susan Reason� Asst. Nursery Coordinator ! Priscilla Dominado� Asst. Nursery Coordinator ! Rose Montgomery� �

Deacon � Rev. Mr. Fred “Bubba” Allen�(Ballen@*)!Pastor ! Rev. Kevin J. O’Brien �(KOBrien@*)�* Add!

Mission Statement:!As followers of Jesus, nourished by the Word, the Eucharist, and one another, we are called to joyfully spread

the Good News by praising God, serving the poor, comforting the sick, and welcoming all.!

Defibrillator is located in the Ambulatory!



Great music! Fun games! Cool skits! Yummy food! !

Awesome Bible Adventures! Crafty Experiments!!


Don’t miss out! Registration for participants (3�11 year old's) and volunteers (12 year old's through

adults) can be found at www.sttheresechesva.og or on the

bulletin board!!!!



! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !




Mass Intentions/Readings! Week of May 21, 2018!

Tues., May 22 ! 6:45 p.m. Liturgy! Jas 4:1�10; Ps 55:7�11, 23; Mk 9:30�37!

Jas 5:1�6; Ps 49:14�20; Mk 9:41�50!

Sat., May 26 ! 5:00 p.m. Liturgy!Sean Carroll!

Jas 5:13�20; Ps 141:1�3, 8; Mk 10:13�16!

Sun., May 27


Dt 4:32�34, 39�40; Ps 33:4�6, 9, 18�20, 22; Rom 8:14�17; Mt 28:16�20!

No Liturgy!!

Jas 3:13�18; Ps 19:8�10, 15; Mk 9:14�29!

Jas 5:9�12; Ps 103:1�4, 8�9, 11�12; Mk 10:1�12!

Jas 4:13�17; Ps 49:2�3, 6�11; Mk 9:38�40!

Sunday, May 20 ! Pentecost �8:30 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Church�10:00 a.m. � Music Rehearsal � Church!11:00 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Church�

!Monday, May 21 � Night Porters � Eileen & Dan Puzin!1:30 p.m. � Chair Yoga � Rms 1/2!6:45 p.m. ! Evening Prayer ! Chapel�7:15 p.m. � Centering Prayer � Chapel!

!Tuesday, May 22 ! Night Porters � Bob Schwechten!9:30 a.m. � Ladies Scripture Study � Rm 11!1:30 p.m. � Staff Mtg. � Rm 2!6:45 p.m. ! Liturgy ! Chapel�! Finance Council � Rm 7!7:00 p.m. � Pop Warner � Rms 1/2!7:15 p.m. � Pastoral Council Discernment � Rms 10/11!

!Wednesday, May 23 �Night Porters � Fran & Diana Carracappa!9:00 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Chapel�9:30 a.m. � Aids Meal Prep � Kitchen!12:30 p.m. � Ladies Craft Grp. � Rms 10/11!6:45 p.m. ! Vespers ! Chapel�! Baptism Prep 2 � Church!

!Thursday, May 24 � Night Porters � Arline & Ed Musante!5:30 a.m. � Kiwanis � Sullivan Hall!9:00 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Chapel�12:00 p.m. � N.A. Mtg. � Sullivan Hall!6:30 p.m. � Boy Scouts � Sullivan Hall!

!Friday, May 25�7:30 p.m. � N.A. Mtg. � Rms 10/11!

!Saturday, May 26!7:30 a.m. � Men's Prayer Group � Chapel!4:30 p.m. � Ind. Reconciliation � Rec. Chapel!5:00 p.m. ! Liturgy! Church�

!Sunday, May 27 ! Trinity Sunday �8:30 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Church�10:00 a.m. � Music Rehearsal � Church!11:00 a.m. ! Liturgy ! Church�

Upcoming Special Collection Envelopes:!6�2/3 � Capital Improvements!

6�9/10 � VBS!6�16/17 � Peter’s Pence!



Reminder…. If you have a pyx or a blessing cup, please be sure to return

them to the church office or bring them with you when you come to liturgy over the weekend. If you have the Blessing

Cup, please see the Coordinator when you return it at liturgy. Thank you!!

Living Our Mission!!

Just a reminder...please make sure to send all future Living Our Mission payments to….!

!Catholic Diocese of Richmond!

Living Our Mission !P.O. Box 79160!

Baltimore, MD 21279�0160!

OASIS SOCIAL MINISTRY PANTRY: !May 27, Pop!Tarts, Oatmeal, Ramen Noodles. June 3, Crackers, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing. June 10, Kid Snacks, Waffle/Pancake Mix, Applesauce. June 17, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Soup. June 24, Canned Fruit, Cereal, Macaroni & Cheese Please

check expiration dates! Any non!perishable item is always welcomed. Thank you!!

Eucharist Bread Bakers!Bob’s Red Mill 100% Stone Ground Whole Wheat Pastry Flour,

we use for making Eucharist Bread, is available for the Bakers to pick up at the church whenever they are scheduled to bake.! The bags of flour are in the freezer of the

refrigerator, located next to the Nursery. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the

office at 757�488�2553.!

With the Easter season coming to an end we will switching wines. If able, please bring in a bottle of the Livingston Red Rosé. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Bathroom Reminder!!Just a reminder that the Safe Environment Rules of the Diocese of Richmond requires that small children MUST be accompanied by an adult when using the restroom

during Liturgies. If you have any questions, please call the office at 488!2553. Thank you!�






!! ! ! May 20, 2018

May 22 � 9:30 a.m. � Ladies Scripture Study � Rm 11!May 29 � 9:30 a.m. � Ladies Scripture Study � Rm 11!May 31 � 7:00 p.m. � Confirmation � Church!

Diane Rockwell�Juanita Vargas�Barbara Broxton�Cindee Long�Frances Rondeau�Tiffany Brickhouse�Lori Scoville�Joshua (JoJo) Brown�Elizabeth Hutson�Pauline Mull�Jim Fticsar�Darwin Marable�Sherry Parham�Maryanne Fiore�May Lucente�Linda Marable�Cynthia Cartilage�Ray Dodson�Raymond Gizara�Lewis Kramer�Yvonne Kramer�Connie Collins�Lillian Arroyo�Jan Arroyo��

Paulette Bathurst�Dana Ramirez�Jimmy Buckman�Ray Janik�Kathy Brooks� �Tom Huff �Robbie Garrity�Charlotte Ziegler�Sophia Burnell�Wayne Rountree�Richard Rockwell�Charles Hoofnagle�Bill Frisa�Bob Thibodeau�John Iadevaia�Henrietta Thibodeau�Bernard Thibault�Barbarann Thibault�Debbie Smith�Bud Miller�Warren Brooks�Maryann Smith�Neida Molina�Juan Marable�Jill Lanois�Armida Arzón�Dee Dee Piculell�John Roten�Mary Ellen Sergent�Barbara Carter�Natalie Arroyo�

Stephanie Pergeorelis�Francesco “Paulie” Ianni�Peggie BuckmanAB Chris Guinn (USAF) �Christine Rollins Griggs �Leilani Avelar�Thayne Benton�Dana & Lynn Sheridan�Debbie Nagy�Paul Spencer�Doug Spady�John Hoofnagle�Fr. Leo Manola�Len Sullivan �Janet Salas�Wanda Russo�Robert Faye�Margret Brooks�Richard Thomas�Sharon David�Joel Rivera�Ernie Herrera�Samuel Morris�Pixie Killebrew�Jo Anne Rowe�Robert Williamson�June Charlton�Tina Johnson�Willie Smith�Abby Puckett�Juan Arroyo�

Youth Grp. Corner!*! May 28 ! 10:00 a.m. ! Ziplining �

*! June 15 ! 6:00 p.m. ! YG Pizza Party ! Sullivan Hall�

If you have any questions, please call the office or email Nicole Dufield at � �

Just a reminder…..!!

*! May 22 ! 7:00 p.m. ! Pastoral Council Discernment ! Rms 10/11�

*! May 23 ! 6:45 p.m. ! Baptism Prep Session 2 ! Church�

*! May 26/27 ! Baptism Weekend�

*! May 28 ! Parish Offices Closed�

*! May 31 ! 7:00 p.m. ! Confirmation ! Church�

*! June 15 ! 6:00 p.m. ! YG Pizza Party ! Sullivan Hall�

*! June 10 ! Pancake Breakfast after each liturgy�

*! June 19 & 20 ! Decorate for Vacation Bible School�

*! June 20 ! 6:45 p.m. ! Baptism Prep 1 ! Rms 1/2�

*! June 20 ! 8:00 p.m. ! Baptism Prep 2 ! Church�

*! June 24!28 ! 5:30 p.m. ! 8 p.m. ! Vacation Bible School ! Facility�

Visiting the Sick/Ministry of Care: Please call the parish office to arrange for Communion, Anointing of the Sick, or when

someone is ill, in the hospital or in need of help in any way. (Note: the privacy rules do not allow hospitals to contact the


Centering Prayer Group: Are you seeking a deeper relationship with God? Consent to the Holy Spirit to pray in you.

Come join our prayer group on Monday evenings in the chapel from !

7:15 pm � 8:15 pm.!

Ministry Scheduler Pro!If you are interested in joining a ministry, such as Eucharistic Minister, Proclaimer, Bread Baker, Altar Server, Hospitality, Lay Presider, or Coordinator, please call the office at 488�2553.!

Fun & Food Fest Needs Your Help!!!The Fun 'n Food Fest Committee is in need of two

people.� One to be responsible for Ida's Attic ! basically a yard sale booth.� The other is a

coordinator for the Silent Auction.� If either of these sound like something in which you'd be interested or just want to ask more about, please call or text Kathy

Renigar at 376!7160; or email Kathy at�

Coordinator of!Justice and Peace Needed!!

The Church of St. Thérèse, Chesapeake, is looking to hire an individual to help our parish family focus on the challenges of the Gospel, especially with respect to the

issues of justice and peace, care for creation, and outreach to the poor and needy! How can we best live out the Gospel through prayer, action, and legislative

advocacy? This person would help organize and facilitate the various programs, activities, and outreach ministry in our parish and assist the needs of the poor,

locally, in Southwest VA, Haiti, or elsewhere in the world. This part�time position [5�10 hours per week] requires a deep faith and a love of the Gospel and a love of the poor. This person should be enthusiastic, dedicated, and dependable. Application deadline is

June 11, 2018. Salary will be according to Diocesan guidelines. Please submit resumé and diocesan

application ( to Fr. Kevin.!

Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you.” Learn how to bring the peace of Christ into your relationship. The next Worldwide Mar-riage Encounter weekends are: Aug 3�5, 2018 in Chapel Hill, NC and Sep 21�23, 2018 in Herndon, VA.!Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: https://renewmarriage� or contact us at appli-cations@renewmarriage� or 757�690�1369.!

Robert M. Jurko, MD Parishioner

! "#$%&!'(%)*+(&!,-)(%-$.!/(&*0*-(!1!200(3)*-4!5(6!7$)*(-)8

Century Professional Building,

3101 American Legion Rd., Ste. 15, Chesapeake, VA



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