Vanessa Quincey ID Hub

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Vanessa Quinceys3197785

ID Hub:

My Professional Identity As a media and communications professional in a high-tech world, I am hereby expected to have a professional online presence. The goals for building my professional online identity are to build my reputation, network with other professionals in my field and hopefully find a job. In light of this, I want my professional identity to be a genuine reflection of myself, as I would present myself to a prospective employer. The steps I have taken to achieve this professional identity include: •Searching my name through Google to see what information is available and taking the steps to remove content I do not want an employer to see, as well as adjusting my privacy settings as needed. •Focusing on building my brand on professional networking sites such as LinkedIn (which acts as my online resume and portfolio) and The Loop (a specialised career network for creative jobs and talent). •Creating a unique Twitter account for professional use – to network and liaise with advertising agencies and professionals, share relevant and interesting content, engage with interesting people in my field of study and work, and further develop an online presence. •Setting up a Wordpress blog and posting regularly to deliver researched, relevant and thought-provoking content about communication and culture in order to reinforce my active participation and interest in the greater issues surrounding my field. •Using image-based sites such as Instagram to show off my personality, interests, interactions and experiences; as well as Pinterest as a visual archive of things I like – both personally and professionally related – such as advertising campaigns (professional), fashion, books and travel destinations (personal). •Lastly, I have created an Identity Hub using flavors me to tie in all of these social media channels together through the one platform, to facilitate the ‘bulk’ sharing of this multi-channel web of content.

My Design for My Professional ID:

Positioning Statement: Among advertising professionals, my peers and prospective employers, I, Vanessa Quincey, am the Masters of Advertising student that will work hard, think outside the square and deliver because of my tenacious commitment to excellence and passion for the industry.

Value Proposition:I have maintained a high distinction average during my university studies in addition to gaining a solid and diverse employment history, which has manifested into a wide range of practical skills and experiences.

Brand Story: I am a Melbourne-based professional communicator, who up until recently, had only used social media to promulgate a social – rather than professional – identity. I am currently studying my Masters of Advertising at RMIT and hoping to land a job as an Account Executive upon graduating at the end of this year. I am a compulsive traveller, avid follower of popular culture and perpetual daydreamer. In the last six months, I have visited seven different countries outside of Australia, from Japan to Jamaica. I am constantly curious, although my questions are often internalized. I dream of someday joining the Ad men and women in New York – my favourite city in the world. My Identity Hub, therefore, acts as a crossroad, where each of my social media channels intersect and culminate to reveal both my personal interests and professional goals.

Blog Posts:1. A literature and theory discussed: Communication Contexts and Conditions. Week 5 – ‘The Emerald City: advertising, public relations and the production of desire’ (Karliner, 1997).

2. A class exercise: Media Mapping

3. My own interest related to my objective: ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age’.

Evidence of Twitter Activity:• Tweeting about course material:

• Replies and Interactions from people within or outside of my class:

Engaging ina HashtagConversation:

Diagram of My Social Media Platforms:

Currently use: Plan to start using: