Venus Alchemy Presents The Divine Feminine Revolution of...

Post on 30-Jul-2020

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Venus Alchemy Presents

The Divine Feminine

Revolution of the Heart

A Conversation and Activation with

Cayelin Castell, Tami Brunk

Lisa Michaels, Rochelle Schieck, Jeffrey

Grundtner and the Rise Up Venus


The Underworld Perspective

Grief, Loss, Rage, Healing Trauma

and Empowerment

The Dark Mother Has Won This Country

Donald Trump might already be picking his deplorable cabinet, but it is the Dark Mother, the destroyer of worlds, oracle of holy change, the tenderhearted be-header, that won this country. Kali has brought down our house in a shocking blow; all the illusions of America, stripped in a single night. We are not who we thought we were. Now we must get ready to stand in her fires of transmutation. We need them. Kali Takes America: I’m With Her! By Vera de Chalambert

Healing the Sacred Feminine & Indigenous

They estimate that 8-9 million European women were burned alive, drowned alive, dismembered alive, beaten, raped and otherwise tortured as so-called, "witches." It is obvious to me now that these women were not witches, but were the Medicine People of Old Europe. They were the women who understood the herbal medicines, the ones who prayed with stones, the ones who passed on sacred chants, the ones who whispered to me that night in the Hogan. Lyla June, in her article:

How Humanity Fell In Love With Itself Once Again

Healing the Sacred Feminine & Indigenous

Thanksgiving at Standing Rock by Starhawk I sat in meditation at the Global Prayer for Standing Rock, and heard one clear message: “White people can’t heal until they come to terms with the Witch persecutions.”

Healing Trauma in the Body

“The journey of healing trauma involves telling the story, learning about and accepting how the body works, developing a strong sense of self, and then bonding indelibly with it.” Being in My Body by Toni Rahman

Feet To Prayers The Middle World


The New Story

The dissolution of the old order that is now officially in progress is going to intensify. That presents a tremendous opportunity and danger, because when normal falls apart the ensuing vacuum draws in formerly unthinkable ideas from the margins. Unthinkable ideas range from rounding up the Muslims in concentration camps, to dismantling the military-industrial complex and closing down overseas military bases. They range from nationwide stop-and-frisk to replacing criminal punishment with restorative justice. Anything becomes possible with the collapse of dominant institutions. Of Hate, Grief, and a New Story by Charles Eisenstein

Hearing and Sharing Indigenous Voices

Intercontinental Cry is a network of professors, editors, journalists, researchers and thought leaders who strive to enrich the global media ecosystem, to support Indigenous Peoples, and to protect the diversity of nature through digital storytelling

Intercontinental Cry

The following chapters offer a step-by-step guide for individuals, groups, and organizations looking to replicate the Tea Party’s success in getting Congress to listen to a small, vocal, dedicated group of constituents. The guide is intended to be equally useful for stiffening Democratic spines and weakening pro-Trump Republican resolve. We believe that the next four years depend on Americans across the country standing indivisible against the Trump agenda. We believe that buying into false promises or accepting partial concessions will only further empower Trump to victimize us and our neighbors. We hope that this guide will provide those who share that belief useful tools to make Congress listen. Learn More Here

The Esperanza Project

We honor those journalists who are shedding light on wrongdoing and holding the powerful to account; this is essential to a democratic society. But another role of the media should be to show other visions and other versions of society, and to give voice to those who are materializing those visions into reality. The Esperanza Project was founded in 2009 for that reason. Esperanza is the Spanish word for hope. The focus of this project is often south of the border, because those of the Global South have so much to teach us in the north.

The South can teach us lessons of resourcefulness, of resilience and of faith.

Lessons about how to live with little and give a lot. Learn More and Get Involved HERE

Sister Giant

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Politics should be sacred.” Sacred doesn’t necessarily mean religious – it means stemming from the deepest part of ourselves. The search for authenticity, for our deep humanity, should not stop at the door to politics. If anything, it should extend deeply into realms that affect so powerfully the existence of earth’s billions of inhabitants. From how we treat the environment to how we treat each other, our political choices are significant indicators of our moral values and spiritual convictions.

Sister Giant February 2-4 Washington, DC

The Celestial Perspective

When we make the mistake of judging reality

by just looking at outer appearances things

can seem overwhelming and sometimes even

hopeless, but nothing could be farther from

the Truth.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined

Truth are working tenaciously to help all of us

remember that we are multidimensional Beings

functioning on many levels of consciousness


They want us to KNOW that the physical plane of Earth that we think of as

being so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in,

and this physical plane is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that

Awakening Humanity has God Victoriously co-created in the Realms of

Cause where everything begins.

Patricia Cota Robles Era of Peace Article

The Celestial Perspective

And the age you are at present entering, moving through the gateway into the era of what is called the Sat Yuga or Satya Yuga, the Golden Age, in which humankind releases the duality and illusion of the darker ages. In this Golden Age, you will not labor under cruel taskmasters until you physically die, destined to repeat, in a time-and-karmic matrix, one Earth existence after another, born into different eras and in different ethnicities, sexes, seeking soul growth in the most difficult and densest of environments. Human beings will in fact become now increasingly aware of soul growth on all levels of life and existence, speaking of it as easily as people now speak of the weather. MESSAGE TO LIGHTWORKERS FULL ARTICLE HERE

The Celestial Perspective

And the age you are at present entering, moving through the gateway into the era of what is called the Sat Yuga or Satya Yuga, the Golden Age, in which humankind releases the duality and illusion of the darker ages. In this Golden Age, you will not labor under cruel taskmasters until you physically die, destined to repeat, in a time-and-karmic matrix, one Earth existence after another, born into different eras and in different ethnicities, sexes, seeking soul growth in the most difficult and densest of environments. Human beings will in fact become now increasingly aware of soul growth on all levels of life and existence, speaking of it as easily as people now speak of the weather. Message to Lightworkers Full Article HERE

The Celestial Perspective

An Integrative Approach

Trina Brunk facilitates the connection between the parts of ourselves we need to embody and our conscious selves, catalyzing powerful shifts at the personal and collective levels to make the positive difference we need now. Learn more about Trina’s work and services at or join the Patreon project HERE

My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people. One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

You Were Made For This by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Theron Begay Inspiration "Good morning relatives" Camp Southwest on a foggy Friday morning. We are gonna win this fight for our Mother Earth one prayer at a time. Come pray and sing with us this morning. We can do this in prayer and have faith as the rest of the world is watching and praying with us as well. And pray for Trump too. Many may not like him including myself but he is our new president and he may preside over this country but our prayers will take care of us and we do have that higher power. Let's do this. God bless you and have a great day. Love you all.

How Ancestral Trauma is Passed Down

Three studies into how trauma gets passed down through the generations Study of Holocaust Survivors Study of Native Americans Scientific Study With Mice

Venus Alchemy Upcoming Events

and Offerings

Aries Arise Venus

Teleclass Series

Journeying With the Aries Goddess

as Wild Woman and Protectress of the Cosmic Balance

Descending through Inanna’s Seven Gates

Beginning April, 2017