Post on 24-Mar-2020

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Office on Morris Street near Blaukwell.TEKMg OF KU


O n e Y e a r , - - - _ J _ _ g 2 . 0 lS i r M o n t h s , - - - _ - _ _T i i r e o m o u t h s , - - - - _ _ _ 51




Counsellor at LawAND



Carpenter and Builder,Jobbing promptly attended to..

Blicps OB BIIACKWEXIL Rl,, nfltt to OacuHalwf'K lumber mill.

Contractii [alum, null material riunlalicd.


Cijrnor ur IliacUwol] anil SIMSGX Sts.

DOVEIl, N.J.KB. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

BOTHCH and Carriages to Let.

vrr T. AEPOHT,


' OOlco In tho Votlounl Uulon Bank Culidiuj

^TMV^iUhHi., DOVER, N. J.

C A. CHLLEST,„ Gfcueiml

Furnishing Undertaker '"JilCENBED-AUCTIONEER AND OOIinillli

siONEit O F DEEDS,Alt ortlorn promptly altopdeil to:

\ T1I,ACKWEI.L STIIEITT, r, Dover, IV. J .

KX '•• ' iiANnrAcroHEnoP (

Carriages and Sleighsi*. Or Every Dem-lptloni

. Cor. Bhckwoll and Brirgon Hts, DOVEIt, N, J.Particular attonlfon pilil lo repairing and

yahitlug.; " a-ly



I^OIt nil Ilif ptliic[|ial lines or stnnnisii.pj? Iron. Nujr fork tu Liverpool fit LOWEST



Aaaaya and AanlyMis of nil ilcgcrlptlncH nrOllliSAiVDJIINUUALS

bo fnmlBhod on application.L. 0. unanynvni,

Dover Korria Connty N. J.

Allen Palmer & Son;Carpenters


Builders.•'"-. y DOTBB, N. J. , fiJobbing promptly attenuid to.. 8. J. PALMER, Architect.



SUSSEX STREET,lbtt»«in ttaMASSION nODflEauuIlopot,)

- -DOVEK.N. J. .The Itlaco liaa been eotltoly refltMin » noil

tnawivr.' Tbn very boat brauds or • • • ,

Foreign and Domestic Segare. . ALWAIS ON HAND? . 80-tr



Voaa w Etsor BEaonimoH

D.BSIGKED•naiimiiica.ai.cl materialItonliiiod.

PLJNSand SPECIFICATION^rnmtalied, and enntracta taken Tor all work.riio teal M b n u m plvm an lo capacilj Ii

•>»r; Unmet M ilio In.lnc.i, » « all «»"Jiaranleoil. : DOVEU, N. J.

QEOBOE W. BRAKE,'tbo larotil and moat ancocntul dealer In

BOOTS and SHOES, that owr. did baslncw in ,

MOBEISTOFN.. ' baa Jnstfalatoa Blocking Wi"!"'"*"1"

EaTraXXaKEJZt- G - O O 3 3 J 3 ,Mich aurpuasa injlbbi la no Una. In poliii'


: fora pferod. TUB CELEBRATED


SHOES,, Warrtnleil Unaya lo 111, are lo to fanna In

• tlia «tnro in Iho srealeat proroalo-: of ntjlea and mcasortmenla, ana


Olw m«iaall'bSan pmtaali« •lai»B«t«-



M0EB1ST0WN, N.,JtardilOHi.1877. : ; .


• * > . • •;,•«..&I. SEARING.

s Carils.

it. A/UKAVKI;TT, M. D ,

E E O M C E O P A T l - l i CPHYSICIAN « SUKGiiOjSCor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.'

{OpjiuBito Dovor Bauk.)DOVEU.N.J.,

iBGi of Womon mid Cblt.lron, ond or Itii. EjonntlEar Hptolallicn.

OfBcoT!onru:7iiiU A. SI., HoauudT loflp. Bl.18-SOpd

Kllin D. 1.1I1TH. j , , c. UEOIE, ill



>>r D O V H R , wr. a".



Ofllco orcr QEO. 1IICHARUHA Cu.'t STORE,

DOVEB, K. J.-...JclalolTlco houfR ou eaturdtra from S /

M. Ill) 13 SI. 17.tr



Ortlto n17-ly

M il«n> ana tin ato:

IRA C.COOPERMason and Builder.

Council InkDti or ill WIKIB of Hxon WonJilJobUiijf. «i-!

UUE, PLASTEll AND CEMENT,PnnilaliL'd at abort nullco.

imco umlcr "Tlio Ir.in Em Ofllco," Di -,'. I. .. l»-)4.

\V, B, i K. P. DcCAMP,


For Iron OmB and Ulnoral Propsrtf,

' O W E E V I L L E , N. J .P. 0. at B00K10N, H, J.




Hardwan Iron and Steel,AILS, BC LDERB1 HAllDWARE,



iVoo(lcn)Varc and.. Ilontckccpiug Goods.


PAINTS OILS, GLASS, *»ml UmurKlinn' Article* ganenlljr.

t ime, Cement, Plaster,

c.ToonnUorriatoffD, S




l l now Ircth nrighcaulilulBulttonj




ALEX Ii.ANOUSE,eallBbttonUoutotbefn Unit ho has taken the

HOTEL, on BL ORWELL Bt,JOVER, N. J., lately ! pt by Cluis. WoUara,.md ORB oOBlplutely unrated and refur-nished, it, so AS to ( o good mid ampleceonjinodMionB totot man and benst TheIAB will be supplied^ Lh tlio best brands of

.jiquonfl tuid SEGARB. Hoard, will bo fur-nished by tha day a jrock, an reasonnbloiferms, fay

•ill be continued in 4ancctlon witli thisiouso An invitation 1 extended to nil myjld friends mid tlie gtleml.public to civme a call. V - . *Hf

M. & I; RearingCARPENTEJ



takoD and mate


,Nv J .jnIl(lingB,Contr«ctIi furnished.

Jobbing in General.DawmtaJallUmt. 1-ir.

mtofl the attention of






Jlnlplii^ I'.HVI mi* Mamma.Flnnliiifi Ihe corn >ud pul > «(.

Helping lo (rcatiw tlib Hi'liiU,FcutliiiR tin' hens mid tlio cliiuliCDS,

I'ldjing tlio gaKkti lium wtotla,DrnlilR tliu COWH la tho imiiturp,

P^iiiUR tbu iiurxc lu Iliu Ftall,\ Y l l t l l i 1 ]

ull,buro tlturu is *urk for u

Holding pnjia.

Bproa linn tlio IIRJ In itjo FUnsbiuUftkluR It up vrlitu !U dry,

PialaiiiC Hio ipplon and PGHCLUBIlmrii iu tbu o.'clianl Imrd by,

Piuklug tliofirapoi Iu tlio vioyjaraatliorJufi nniHin tliurull,

W.) lullf cbildrcu aru liuny,

g ilill] WWlliltg HlO fllHllCH

tl from Ibonh-Jing, auJ tulitiug,

k tip ilia bed

fIi-uiiinn, s g ,

Hulking (0 make tip ilia bed,Taking good care <>< Ilio .taliy,

Vak-bitif bir lot elm atiotild Tall,T V l i l l i l d

Uli.tbcrcilHn l

orL for us nil,t; mamma.

Work makoH us clujcrfnl and bnpp'r,Mikpri us botli ncilvo nuU ttiiuug ;

Piny neonjoy sIH liobollurWhen no Imvn bbornl HII Umg.

Qladly wo help our hind tMronlH,Quickly wo comti at their call;

Chilurun sbuuld lava to he bu»j,<- *Tbori! in mnch work fur un nil.

Helping pnjm ODII mamma.

'I l.o Jtouil to iicavt'ii.The fotlntri ijr iijnm in 8 IDR to ihe time I

teuliili Und in ibti l.ul.. Lnuk, 4 VIenter'rajluglktitl, wlih grunt eu\,-.t:'lio road lu ticnvon hy Christ was made, •WHb licoTonly trulU Ibo rulix mo bid,

Tollfooicmslfflioro Hondo,

lopuataiioo IB the atutfon then,Whtiio pnHiniigeu a " lftkon In, .

in fee for tlioni In tbo re to payFur Jesus Is bm:B*ir Ilio ffuj.

The BiWo Is tlie •ugincor,It points tho way tu hnnven no ulmr,liroURh tunnels dirk ond dreary hnro—It Joes Ihti way lo giury alter.

lod'i lovo tlio firo, l ib ttvt'i ilio Htcnm,VTliioh drives tlio englno and tliu train,

.11 you vim Wduii] to glory rido,

Must coinu to CbriBl, lu Hint ablib.

oiiio, lit en, pour sinners, uov in Ilia lime,At any Hluliun nn tlie line,"you repent and turn from nln,Tlia trnln ffl!l Btno anil take you itu

TJivi Met-TIioy rurlcd.pnn tlio sofa, an Ihcy <at,iu lovont talked in ploanaot otinttlmt ond tlila, anil tlili and tlial,t-.it, nf iliclr vcildiiignuinlfi .

Wh wcddltig wlilub vii Htinii to bo,id Kuo anil Urn, did qitltu nttrco:

._j mid, 'WeB, yuB," to til ttat nbo •Thought, in IILT Jiidgmcut, bent would bo,

Ouo tliiuK-'duar QUH, 1 think, should boUnderstand now, ipilto plainly.

•Oo on," »ald OUH, "Juit up tali it out,not tbc fnintcnt Bliulu of doubt

:bsU Etilt ill all tliliiKs ffp'll neiuc,Aud end as we've bc-Rint— :

?woHoulBwltlibut& HIURIO Ihouglit.Two ticirti tlmt bunt an uuc,"

loving Binile, a tender sqneeze,Gnu added to^ila latiguayo ;

ion Sno tboio BofHy-npokon wordsBiitwccu bla liiign did sttiJwich.

Of cottrno, mamma will live wltu ui, "And "rule tbe rooat," my darlinR Qua ;

for that, JUQ know, HIIU'R UBCJ Icr,"Kotmnch," oriod GOB, In turn per high,.ud Rroapod his bat, aud cried "Goud-liyo :'bat's aottlod 'iwixt you ond 11tcotded IB my vow on lilgh—

to motbcr-lri-law, tilth threatening oye,.nil tonfiao all peace tocrocily,

1 Dwrruia'tlilnrnnHtcrl"

ERA-DIATIONS.A circuit CQntt—Tlio longest wny liotnoom Bingiug fiohnot.Of uixit beverage did JUIIOB Cawnr

10 ? Of Ruman ytiDcbefl, admiuistoj cdf BrntaB, . . 'Wbcn a roni: tnrna liis bnch (Iocs bo

ikoliold of it with bid Lands and twistaround? , • • » , . ,Mm. Portiueton soya tlint Ike has gothorse BO spirituous llint lio aWaye goes

iff in a decanter. . ;$•• -. • . '•Tbn foreman of a jury in Tcxw, wliicli(cly graDtod a divoroo to a woman.larrieJ tier the samo fiuy.Tho twomopt enpmciDg powers of anitlior aro to innko now tilings familinr

md kmiliar things now.Toting EeiniblicnnH, who aro ndviaedgo West, BIIJ llioj ennnot go West ofbio—meaning tho Judge.

I t tnbos England c Io% timo to makop her mind whether to miud bor ownIGIDCBB or BOIUO ono olne'n.

Oremation, m tb taf i i r denlt with,jowa tlint n T.oiuou'a-jaw-bone liolda>ut ogairist flro the longest. -

Borgb took an interest in ibo nooilorse for (bo vcryronson tlint tLo animal'as coudemncd id a life of whoa. £BomohaHy IIDBBIOIDI) our oalondnr, BOE> cannot toll whether to-doy ia the cloyir ltn&sJan.oi; Turkisb ntrocitiea. \A Nowbnrg livorj-roan nails Ills fltahloiG "Hold do Horse,"-. We supjioso it'sinducted on tbo "Tublo d Qi\i p!nn,"

Iu diKlinotion from "OKI Prob-jilitics/'.tiio Treasury girU at Wasb-igton uro called "lonngFosBibiiities."A cbiid sat down nn'n bot Btove-bcartli

Fittrliurg, and, was permanent!?nuJed with the words ''Bftse bonier.'Tho timos nro BO bard Ibat an Irlsb-ian says bo lids parted with all biscrdrofae, except tbo nrmholea of an old•aistrcont. ' .'Why is a TOUHR lady who lias jast loft

jtmlinK Bctiool like a building oommit-o.? Becnuso Bbo IH ready to receive

l ' &fbo Blumbcr of tbo pure 1B «woot."

lays tbo Talranil, That account B forleaning in obnrcb, aurrenndea by tboiw-rest influences. ' .

A tall rrnin baviDg rallied a friend oniio Bbortncss of bis legn, the friendcpliod: "My logs ronr-li tuo groand—pbnt more can yuarii do 7"

Tho Colorado House or Keproson'ji-tives bas 0. womnn for rngrosaiDg;Clerk,ibaprinoipul thing nbo pagrossea is tbeattontion of tbo members,

Dnnbnry Nows—" Lightning _ noTorstritea tvneo in tbo Bame place, it con'i-rally happening tuat there ia nothing[.hero the Beoond tfmo to hit."

Pinto or EirictctiiB never sairi a sbrewd-• thinn tlinn Zftcb Chandler, wbon bo

idvisedayoungpolUicinot"NQverbuutr auckB with n brans bnnd."

It waa'an old, but a very good ITiingHvidbTaFroncb pnragrapbor lately, lo,bo effect that ho bated a girl when abefs Ining to be a womnn, nndn womanrhen she IB trying to bo a girl.

I bncl just tniion a Turkish liatti at tincjilaUinhmoilt nn tlio Hdgbts, andllionglt my weight in moro tbun mjClcicuiIn udmit mo iuto tbo fut nJan'fl AHSOOIU-tidii, I full like jumpiiip over fences amrunning a foot mco. At thin lnoiaonlunfortuDnlGly, I wet a reporter wlioibobby is tho Brooklyn Bridge Ho hat-watched tbo colossal ntrncturn fromstart, 1ms climbiad tho towers nt tlioir va-rious Blugen of progression houronwanl,and uow fectls perfectly ab liomu poisedon ono foot on tka topmost edge.

Can 5011 get a pass for two ncroitbo footpath ?" I inquired.

" I'll run up and BOS if President Mur-phy iu in,'*

Tlie reporter Boon returned. Pros!duut Mur[»hy wua ouly Loo huppy to nocotnmodiito tis. I didn't f<id quite HOLnppy now tUat we wero in for the j<uey.

Wo BOD 11 btood on tbo Brooklynchorngu, at tlio foot of tlio narrow walk

sh passes) over tbo towers nnd thoEiiBt rivor to tlia New York nnclioragc."AB I looked up at tho stoop inuliuoread tliift uotico:

Not more tlin.11 tweiity-fivo personaa allowed to cross Ilia bndgo at

time—don't keep stup.I almost wished that thero wcro twen-

tj-l]vu on [ho pathway just then,My compiiuic.n trippod lightly on tli

ehnkj fllats. He woiKliod only ubont lippoutxltt, and was aa ogito oa n frcncltdauciug muster. l(

4Como ou," ho saidilioorily. TUen, as lio s:iw iny look of

hesitation, ho continued, "Ob, tine isotliing to Uti ; 1)ix(>cber crossed over."Yea,-., but bo's raorfl used Lo tbe

ragged id go ttinn I om."Wol;, hei'p in tliu miiUlo; you'll

reel like a kito by tlio tirao you reach tbetower."

Go alieuil carcfnlly, don't tnrnaround, and I'll follow you," I repliedquietly, nerving myuelf to tbo tank.

Wo blurted, Tho wulk was nbo.it nsnarrow as my nliouldcrs were brond. Icluuohed my hands firmly aonnd tboilouder wiiu ropes, ono on each sido^that form tlio only railing to the path-wny,.am. then looanuing iny fingera alittla, HO tbnt tho ropes would, glide

jgh ibom, I followed tbo ligbt-bcolcd young man. To save my head

could not help keeping step. Unbind9 were three Punuaylvauia mine bosses,

They kept Btop too. When wo bail 11s-(>J nbout tv/a bund red feet my livelylauion remarked, " Wliut a

lent view along the lino of warehousesbelow, aud liotv umill tbeblooksof Btonoook in tlio yard iiuder in,",

II Very,"I replied, nfraid to look downup, butplmjliiigmy ejesBqunrelybo-

•woon lila elionlilcrs, where I wonld like,0 plant my flstfl, The Pennsylvaniouewore trumping HteaJily bobimi us, tbo"ootpntb swayed three or four luclioa at.besides, and bcubcil up and ditnu oo-

islonally iu a mnnncr tlmt Btartod tboiicrspiratioa "from ovory pore, and thoightoume apia paiufnl fliaboH tbrougbbaHlata undor our food I had neverjoen at suah a height beforo, and badixperienccd no auob glow down tbo spi-

nal columns sineo I had a touoli of jelfever ia New Orleans in 1858.' Thi

oool-Leaded tempter in front danced•gbtly ap tlio sluts, witTihiaiiruwswing-ng looto'y, talking freely of the bofluti-

view, "it 's worth five dollars," hoI, " to got a pass aver hero. Presi-

dent Murphy wan very kind." *

Very tii id,"I whispered hoarsely,it the Banm time feeling that I would

rather liavo given $60 ttiun to havo pro-cured tbo pass. -

By this time wo were1 within abouthirty fcot of tlio top.

" Look doirn nt tha ferry houso ; itrctvinbles a toy."

Vnry much like a to/ ," I replied,Siing my eyes steadily on the top of thotuwer, and btwrttly nistiing tbut I was.here. Tbo perspiration was uow potir-ng down my face, neck, and bao<f( and: believo that if my poro3 hud not opeu-id fieoly I HIIOUU' bnvo hod a stroke ofipopleiy. My throat was patched, nnd

•as fearful that Bojnebo'dy wonld oturt'mm tlio tap of tlio towor und endeavorto pass us, as I Iind frequently seen pcr«Bons do from tbo ferry boats. I(v wouldinve been a critical thing for me, for I

Felt tlmt if I bad to turn to one side oftbnt walk nnd pross against tbe rope thateasily Bwayod out, 1 Bbould top'plo »vor.However, we finally ronclied tho tower,ind' Gcatiag myself in tbo very centre, Itook in a long tfrcutb, closed my eves'or a foff moments, and than bed thoCreator that I bad arrived safuly.

My companion remurUed, "Look at;hfiBplondid view. Yon wouldn't imng-luo Brooklyn.flotorod ao lflnqb tgrrilofy-tho bine Atlantic beyond 1 and just think,tiatin no city iu the Old World, overthere, is thero auoh a co!o83ul tower uatills." ' *

I mado oo renly, but wonJored wlieth-T tliero woo ns big a fool over thora ua;ho ono porqhod on tlio tower unuor myiat. ' ••*•

Isaon reojvorpd suiDeionUy to onjoytbo view, whioli was eortainly gruad,taking in one sweep both cities fromWostcbcstor to Long Island Sjund andilluniuntl to tbo sea. But my mind

wns mostly occupied with tiio problem'hetherit would bo snfor Tor mo lo gonok to Ibe Brooklyn aocborago ur cross

:o N«w Yorkt Finnlly J resolved to

•osg, ; '

"Oomo on," Bntd my llght-beeloil..iond again 1 " i t is ouly sixteen bun-drod feot to the opposito tower.".

Oo on." I growled, suddenly remem-bering that I had hoardjram poraonscrosfiing that thD first fifty feet over thoivcr was tlio critical point. .However, Iook hold of both ropes find trudgodon,

j . found it im possible to look down, BO Xkept my visioq Btrotght^heacl, on raybompanion'a ebouldors,*" oocaBionaltylooking over them to tho orndhj boyoud,determined to atop tlmro and taboa lookatthorivor, ThoPennsylvanhnatranped

I on behind na. Tbo footpath, whiah from' the ferry boat appears to be immovable,bobbed aud swayctl unpleasantly." An-other profuse perspiration trickltid downmy spinal colamb, and I wished heartily

that I bad never Btartod," W h a t n beautiful view up and dowi

tho river 1"

Wo BOOH reached tbo first cradle. Titny dismay, there wim the following retiucst, puiuted ID Inrgo letters OD aboard


"There are exeoptiotifi to nil rulos,anitshnll make one here," I rcsolvod, as 1look u sent on a solid lioain iu tho ccutrcif the cnnrle, Eore the view was grand

us Iho boats nnd vessels pasted far beiputb us. I looked calmly iuto tho darkwater und wondered whether a mancould jump down there and live. X wouliliuve giv«>u muuli for a cool hufti juslthen, but was scarcely willing to takeoucthere,

A large vessel, witb topsails sut and ared flag flying from tho royal topmaslthen pussotl beneath ua. The flagcleared tbo cables; tho cores ot whichlire uow Mispoucled in tboir places, bytunny feet. Tho deck nf thosliiplooked

oleuti us a polwhud fluor, and tlie Bail-ors about the mzo of hatf-growu uoya,

Wo aoon at rtod nguin, My ooaipmion aaid tlio views iu all direction-* wereglorious. I didn't diapnto this, ha

ly eyes fixed fitraight uliund on the cra-dlns and tho Now York towor until theitter wiia reached.Here wo indulged in a long rest, an

then began' tho doBcont lo tbe Kow Yorknnclii-rugc,- which n workman an tholower said wua the most duiigeroua nudilippery part of tbe wulV.

I proceeded very carefully, tny feetdipping occasionally au inch or so ou

strpp dcerpnt, jnul ennugli (o prn-duce an electric Bcnrnitton ond start aDomfortahlo moisture throtiRli the pores.

About one third of tlia uny dowD waot a young man coming up witb

blanched face nnd firmly net jnws. An hoAH-it'll mo, lio gave an umbrella, whichcurried tightly np under my tuft nravit, a sudden wrench to ono side (I hnd

Forgotten I carried it); this jarred tnyequilibrium, guve me auothur pluatantmnsntion down tbe back, und a fresh

tb of blood to tho bond. Thin wan Hilost queer fooling that I ex|ici*icuiied ouIhe narrow footpiitu. Wo reuolied tlioNew York ancbomgo In safpty, where Iirmly rosotyed lo iudulge in no moreflrial walks,' rnilesa thore waseoniBgrenticcessity for it. &I WAS pleased to rtiad n fov dtiys' after-

ward that the following action hud beentaken at a mooting of tbo bridge trustees:

"Mr, Kinaella next'objectod to tlioirantiLccof passes for girlsaud Htmti'

gars (o'er over the foot.briilgo. If tho'nan wb/bad 11 fit on tbo footpntb thoitlier '>y bud fallen off, a grave lospou-

munt huvt) rested oifi tlio- bridguiata1t>. He offurcd a rcsalutlou thutmpro pnssot bo gruutcd. -'Proaidout llurpby said'that many

onginoora, eolontldo wen, nud diutin-porfloiiB applied for passes, aud

it wns Bomotimca A ptensuro tu give themirmitB to examine tho work,' Ho sbould1 glad, lmwovcr,. to have gum? rulo

made, as notion woa nesessary.Mr. KtDBclla'B motion fothitldineany

more tjasaoa was unaniuiously carried,"

ArllUcIttl EyeB/Between eigbt nnd tea thousand eyes

ira sold'annunily Jn tlio United Stales.An eyo-maker givea 1 in 125 us tbe pro-

irtjoti of one-eyed people. Computingtho population of the country at 42,000,OOO, this gives 828,000 aa the number oficrsoUB with only oneeyo iu tbu Bepnblic.

Oonsequently, while 10,000 people snp-ily their optical defloioncy with an nrti-lial oyo. 226.000 go without. In pro-

portion to tho population, tlio eye-maker said, ihere are morepuo-eyed pco->le in Puterson, N. J., than In any utlioriwn in the country. All towns that have

foundries or factories, and whose air itraprefjnated with Boot and smoke, countheir one-eyed inhabitants by tlioeoore.

bat PtiUirsoa \s altead of the rest, Thelyo-mahor know of thetbrooproppiatora

H'IIRIO foundry there cucb loatugan3je, pitteuurg oomea beit. In thisilty ooo>oy"d folks abound in thouelgb-

irbood ol manufacturing oatabllub-ments. Ouro he hud lour patiouta from

ir a foundry iu East Eloouth structilooe. Not ouly tbo foul atmosphere,[cstroyR Ihe eight, but' flying pieces ofnclul burn nut tho OVL-S of tljo workmou.

importer, wbo sells 1,500 eyes anni-ally, sends unc-tliird to Canada : Ohica-

0 takes 800, nnd - Cincinnati more thuuIt. Louis. Tfyvr Orleans, .Nnnhvillo audilhcr towua West and South buy tbe re-naindcr. Tho color for eyes most inlomaud is what ia known as "Irlab blue"

peculiar light DEitro tbot ])reilomin-itcs in Ireland. Tlio itvorngu cost of no!yo is 810. Ho noils compurutivcly Tewij'es iu this oity, ua Xt3V.¥<> 'crif jirafor1 liavo thoir awn pyoantjdc to order.—r8iD York Sun, ' " . : : '

. *-*>•+• '-'•—— - *;

lVhiTC n Unvcriiur Out rilii-WIVPH,Cluibornc F. JnokFon, n native of Ken-icliy, was onco Governor of the Stata

if Missouri. Ho joined tbe Bon thornOonfcdcraoy, and died during his termat a farm houao opposito tlio city of Lit-tlo Ruck, nmong Blrangcrs, witb no kind

of afftotiou near to aootho his painiud roh his doatliliqd of half Its angniBh.

Tho moat remarkable fact ctJiinoeloilwitb the history of his life is porhnps tho•itemonttlftitlfoniarrlqd fivp sisters ipto of (bomQBtrbapoctablo,^woaUby,nnd

Nstinguisbed families in th'oStute ; tbntISSOOD ns one wife wonld die bo would go

and marry hor sister in reuaonable time.M course, Boms of tliDm ^ero widowswhen lie iqarrlud them. %n oonucotlonwith tbo marriages there v/ah a B(>ke told nt Iho expensa of tbo Govern-

sr, wltioli wpa that whoti hpwenllie old gontiomun'o consent to marry;lie irM one tho venerable fnthorisrc*

irtod tQ bavo said 1 "TesOluiu., yono'au tiave her, -You have got tbcm nil.For goodness aake don't'usk mo for theild woman,"

• • » - « •>• •-:

LueiuaBuintlriBCurtiuBdiod in Adamamunty, tho o'ber day, uged six tnonlhsmd fourdnja, Wotliongbtbo hod diedit a grout ago centuries ago la Home.

JOAQUIN DIILLER'S NEW POEMTho diffrrciico of opinion repnrdiqj

the merit ofjbiiqiiin Mi HIT'S poetry iintelligible enough. It would be strungif thut portion of tho leading pul'Hwhich can [lpprachte tbu breadth nnuconrucy el Kobe it Brotvu ing's ncquircmouts, wero not a good dcul aunoyed by

i <if ourpnolof tbiSierras, Nuillier could wo expect jieo'pie accustomed to tho elaborate,duiuty fluisliiug of Tonaysou'fl verso to

irlook Miller's ^obvious aud frequonfaults of workinumhip. Tlmao who rendthe volume lately published under lh<name of The Baroness of New Yor,(Curleton), will find new proof of theauthor's defioiencicn iu coiivculiouul, ac-ademic culture ; but we duubt if theywill venture to deny him the possetof btroug and lustrous jiowera, or tuo es-icnliul (junlitied which at all times nndunder all skies attest the pool.

Thero in hardly it jingo iu which tinnice critics of a young ladies' seminar;wight nut iind something to prune nu<rectify. Sometimes his lines wutitu fool

two, BotnoLimes they forgot to rhyme,and* Bomi'timcs they cannot evun biparsed. Tlieso aro IICPHHOH which inyoung porBon properly ilrillo'l in thcartiiof syntax ami proaody would ponnit her-self under any circitinstances. Timportruyiug a BCOIIQ of primeval nalnro'rcah from the crcuUvo lintid, tbo authortell" us the ''world beeiued bo uew as i

if pafnt," Agnln one ofhiicbiinioterfl, indicting uu epistlo at atregic crisis of his life, takat "two Urgebrov/u envcloDCs of Coogrosa shape" nui[iroceeds to "seal Ibbm Uglit, uddressedeaah out', thou licked the unlid-ed Wash-ington," Neither can it bo pronouncedin keeping with tho tono af«rriouavctTOorcvou »f donlccl ciun-'dy to describetlits Now York Academy';bf Designs usmott'ed wilb tho smull pox. W<iBum tbot uune of Ibo young gentlumonivlio poti fnimidU and gmonfiil I j r iofo:.ho magazines would bo guilty of such>ffunst>8.

Wo are a now people, and it may wolbo that the popular taste ia less onliglifc-

nud exacting tlmu in somo othercountries*. At luiist we kuovv tbut thiis xaid nnd is believed ot na,

bilo it is certain tbnt no other Araer-writurof rqunl reputation could por-

[Miato some of ttie imlitcretioiiH cou-liuahle in tlio voiumo just publish0 ^on-

titled "Tbo Buroness bfNow Yurk,"Jtisalso true that parts of it nro instinctvith a vigor and a beauty quite beyoudhe compnssof many faultless Workmen.

Tnko for iuntnure, from tbo b^giuiif tho poem tho iiuaRinntivo rofercnoe\o a fumiliar fact or pbyBieal geography,

ily-thnt tuo Piieifio slopes of ourcoutiuont represent nn tiulier em in tboearth's bi!)tory thau tbo Atlantic rogl

In tliu l)ORiniiing-ay, hvtaivTho pis diiVH1 hi bur* mm null o'erVca, vthi'dlliewuilil liiviUL-umpluloOr Unit liatl ojioncJ qullu Hi 11 JnorOr thiK Blrnngo land r<ir Htrotig'nit'ii'i hot,

' " cdliiHl tliq WMtiiiuMt aontnldlandorinvHtury.wnli like taibn muon

Ulrl out tin- norlil. Thi) Inrfinl la; ,8Q dctp yoa'BOirflcly >iaw tbo iluv *Bnvo In tht high hold mltldlo noon)It lay «laud of xltop nnd drcami,And clonda drew ilirougli llko rtiorolOHB

Htr nma .Jf-That ttrptcli to wlioro DO map may es'j,

I t would bo Idle to pinsay a pout'spower who cuu t'hiia transport a reader'smiud beyond tbo bounds of possibleexperience nnd steep it, so to Rponk, inIho prehiBtorio ntmospltcre, Lot UBglanco now at au example ot vigorousjxpraaiou in this pioturo of an Indianmtbreak: .

TIIP rod men roan at nlglil. Tlioy camo *A firm, nuDliiobiiiftwi.il of flume;Thoy Bwipl,oa i-weonB aomo iittfal BC»O'er land of BHIHI suit lovel uliuro,Oer landAiid lion

d of BHIHI nuit lovel uliurlii In rar flurou iK°"yi

swopl that u»o|i, dnrt sn o p a llflUiff f l r

Tbo n-ilnjOO unvii* M.BI ut<u|i,unik »AH throxhurR nwoop a llireflbinff flour.

In tho following Hnes a fow atronpBlrokes portruy tho exodus of the nowArgonauts to tbo land of gold:Turn- bniTO world-biulJorn ur the Wrttt,[•Imy ciinic rrnm God knows nberc, tLu beft

* .orst nriuar purls oMbo world.

iThoman withheritflRcof nlinmo,*id tlmitlfsu EHous.bairv monIVUo n aniL-d an J ,lmcl,od flm fackleu road,Qood ir il nlofisod thetn lo ho good;

And cunntug Jacolm, orafiy inonWith upottcd horiJn, wbo loved to keep „'' '• •; tlio till la a thoiiniind Bliuep.

That f onyut doep wooded IDIOIB thore,\ud took poanoiuion illontly.

• • * . • • • . - •

ooly know tbnt whan ttfat land.a; tb!*k with pen), am] Iny far,t Mueim-d BB name eia-rallon alar,

.'lie wnak mcu iit'Tor rcncheil» lmndL)r Bunjihl im out Ihiii primal day.1 - ' -onnrdH dill nut cunic (bat wxr.

lit uir In Ml Blmiige dimes—rim Banm wild, ploruiiiR HiabUud nlr,QveauHD, bcoauat) hh heart lu tlifrt1.

T h o r o i s a lovo eccno iu'thD bookfhich' wo would gludly reproJuco at

length) for wg know of nothing nt^olliomparablo ivilh it in recent Eogliah.lootry, but ve can. cito ouly a, singleitanua j •• . .

A slroy. doid learffnt In bor Inn,linn lonff. »lruDn, tomblrd ainrm ofbalr;Hor oyo» ttecuied itoniliitf onTWbcro. "Hor pnmdilnTclopmt'tH, ball linro,Aud Wnltful AR dilHolltd Btono .Or faincl Tnr Napull, lonuttl tUeraLike MIUD Tuir Tliraoinn ovontiroirn. '

When a man wbo enn wtilo such vcr^cns this, contriislf. tie trratmont which boian received frnin some of'tho great onesif the fartli with the reluctant, hnlf-icurtcd recognition which certain Amer-icans accord to bim, we canttot wonderhut wurds Hbo Iho following Bhould ntimes rise to his lips : '

I hale ynur n)i[|itlc OIDGH 1 men whiI hale ynur niifldlc OIDGB 1 men whoAra fvur il riving. Mrnlolnp toA placo tlipjr ditn'l lit in. Tli;<,i- tine.Tim* bans bclwopn the onrtli and HbiotAa bunt; Uw pr<ijil)ut'n ctifQn. Lira -Ari-> nn iliulr iip*, >n all 111- tr ik-eda.TholrliVidiirotiCB, tLuiv lioilnw eveodaMuteinndcl BWorUnjih thai bloomOa liumblu gi-ouml, In lonely gKmit),

Wrlio ino nnt at tlint claitt. Jty mroc,Tluuk OoJ.li not or ibmc. IdsimNomKlilleciaiBorplnco. IKoKcrnro nnd HIIRII nnt fall, Tor 1Am or tho Innllcnt lut»m lowAs Qail'H «wn iwittlobt flun-ors groir.

Tho truth Is that this Juaquia Miiluris a .stubborn fact, not to be alimlufrom tbo nineteenth contrary and. tlie

r roll of Anicriean letters oy Iboookl shoulder of 'Philistine critics and theipatby of rosptiotablo dmwing rooms,

A man being asked, as bo lay Runninghimself on tbo Rnun, what WOB tha heightof his ambition, replied, ' " T o marry^icb widow with a bud ooogh."

ADVENTURES OF A TOURIST.List n)>ri!]fi u young Englishimm

the gnule or dusR called gcnllniURli,rivuil jn this city on lim way to «plea uro and ndvenlure, Ho Iind runroncerniugtlie bnOiilo hunt of Ihe GnuDiikc Ali ri!) nml BulTalo Dill, mid uu{irmul, us thoiiEQUilfl niitumlly wuppuninnt KaiiKus Ciiy is tho capital oityKansas, nud, of course, in tbo centre 1Llio Htnh' nn«l nour to tbe IJUCHIO mugWliou he came to Kansas City lie dumpibis baggage ut tbo City Hotel. Htt w,well dretised nnd well belinved, and nimhliimself ngreenble to every oito be euiin contact wilb. He WUB quite liber.t!with the boys, and tho boys soon mmlitho young EinrUsbinan tboir pet; iifuel, they took eare that he should 111U:n\ lonesome for want of com pan ion 1Iu his rumbling* around town bo RLnoquiiinted wilh Eugene Curlnt ouThiretrcet. and made hira^ Ilia confidant.Theu be resolved to go to the KliHills, ami to make tbe trip on liorscback.

IIo bad uo doubt whatever but that hecould l-ench tho buffalo grounds within

two iliiya' rido ,.f Kiipsas City.Ho hnd plenty of money, and Im pro.

sd htiURGlf for bis proposcj huntingirnii.D. Liko a fool, boVlectod a

bunting pony from n hoid of wild Tn:mustangs, jiiHt then being Hold in (Jn

& Wind's corrull on Fifth HireHomijiposeJ that lie could rido upouIhe back of Ibe brouuho with the uuinigrace untl ease witb which hr hndbul-uiccd liiiusolf upon tlio Illicit of an Enp.ish thoroughbred at bouio, lie Blurted'rom Oroimhow's stable with a fine uetvHaddle, blnnketB, bunting equipage, andlust-snob articles ns his "TouriBl'a Gnido'hnd instructed hiro to take along. Willihis gun strapped to his back, his pipe

his mouth, bis punts buttoned upwith gniterH, he wan a perfect picture oflicnmuteur spurlauian. But hoforo be

bud readied the public mjimvetbe inna-ing hnd twico hucktid him from its

back, ami on tbo plaza tlio auimul pom-•oly rtfueod to go further ou tlmtuting excui-Eion. Ia diigust the tour-

isr Rold tho imimal for S10 {be had paid640 for it fltteon minutes before), nudproceeded at onao to tlio friable of "EtipoueCtirlut <m Third street, where ho birei)me of tho well-known wliito ponies usediu tbo white hearse. Tbo strniigcr gavohis uame us Nunnau Pranch Bcnnott,and Isaac McCurty, tbe loretnati of tliustable, oxprcssnd some doubts as to themuity of tbo young man wben bo in-formod him that lie wouli] return bofureicxt day, md (bat iio was going to hunt

Dnffalo.. *

TlitB ffus on Saturday morning, Hay5th. Ou Sunday morning Ourlut startedmt to seek his pony nnd tbo Englishittnter. Ho wont to'lhe Oity Hotel and

Inquired toe Bennettnnd tbe wliito pouy.No tiling Iind beou BOOD of bim nt tbulotel since bo left OD Saturday, Onrlatwaited until Taeailay, wlou ho starteduttoBcek tho buflfulo linuler. In thi

meaiVtimc, Mr. Norman FrauRUBennettiad proceeded on hia wayduok abootingmd nut buffalo huntlug, What h«n-

\cH to bim is better told in his owiIttngtrnge:

On SiiUmloy morning-1 Btnrted onborcobnok to do n little duck sliooting,,nd secincr aotbiDg anywhere near Kttu-UB Oity, 1 made north and struck PJatte

Oity, whore I had a kind of dinner. TuoIny W«B BO beautifully fine that I sfiotnod0 havo forgotten all ubout lime, and my—TBO falling Inmo I do terra in cj to rest

'bilo under the ahnde uQ'«rcid b j some:recs not far from tbo wnysido, I hadmtiroly miHOalcnlatedfhetimo, nnd (Ui k-icss soon caught me in this very nu-

,ileasant position. I could notriueon,my borno being quite uuablo to move,and my oaly course was to camp out.Lighting n fire, I lit my pine aud went.0 BICOP. How long I had, boon in tbennd of'dreams I cannot tell, but was'cry unplaasnntiy nwakent-d b,v tbo pras-uronf amnn'skniio on my cliest andland on my throat. I was robbed inhe easiest manner possibly by two usnttbroat-looking rascals ns erer wont,mhanRcd, After biking overylln'ng of!iiluo. I was so severely ,sont down tholopn near by that I beoamo insensible,.t must have been (mmo timo -when I'gained oonRoiousness, ana thou I bad

very great difficulty iu even moribg, my'jack wua BO very badly hurt, whenible to muvo I found, to my great aaiis-iction, tbat tbo robbers liaJ drcumned.was cxtrsmely thunkfal for liaving my

ifomfo, though now witb no friend iu.merica, I um utmost eorry tbej did notnish me outright.Next morning tlio young traveller, in-

itcud of returning to Kansas Oity, ns heDagbt tolinvo doon, nod. restoring theborrowed horse to to' owoor, proceededlortliwartl, bu Sunday night bo nrriv-dat Agcnoy Ford, and, (eoling too ill0 travel, stopped at a hotel nnlil Tues-lay afternoon, when ho went on to St.roscph and (old bis etory to Marshal

' I, tbe Oity Marshal, who believedlira to be whnt he represented himself;obe—a victim of oiromnstancos, andlot 11 criminal, Ai soon as ho arrived[a Bt. Joseph, instead ot seeding JIB-gutso or retircmont, bo'puhlishod a card

tbo Bt. Joseph Herald dotailing tbo•ireumstuuees of his robbery, and adver-t i n g hia presenco in that city. This

'as a Btrango procedure upon the partif a horse thief. But this did Dot pro-rent bis arrest. Ho otnimml to bavo

}b=d of $2,200, and wan nookiugrork.when Air. Garlat arriTod. from Kau-

anu City and bad bitnnrroat*d aud broughtiok tn I^ansaa Oily. Ho was cxnimti*

>d before Jnstioe Bacon on Mnj 15, nndent to jail, where he has been confinediuco. awniting trial, Without nn. noy,

rithout frienda, aa'rangeriu n strnngomd, Norman Francis Bennett, E«q.,ma of tha landed gontlciucn of Eng-

land, went to jail indicted as a horseJet. It madonodiffurenco thot he liad

ilenty of money sent to him aa soon asis situation was pinde known to his

'Hands in England, Ua vras indicted," ' I to B11 t 0 iui1' Ha won favor

ivorywhoro. While bo wes cooped upamong tho vilest at criminals Ijniet, bland, pationt, and reserved. Howna roapectod by oil who enmn itact with him, and allowed to bo a truegentleman. A obort timo ago ho waspent to tbo Independence jail, wheredaylight and Rnulight could rcneh him,iind Marshal Liggett ditysbo deportedhimself in suoh a way aa to win tbo con-

lldci'ue and n*|Ji'c of all nilli ulimwas brought in contact. Iliu trial >ofryc-HUii'dny l>erore a jury in Xmlfjencc. Bennett kcjit im Ins IJiitinh bull»l«igii'l tliroiiph thetHnl. IlvwuHcali

-I ulmoht defiiiut tip lo the time vlie; jury brought in tho vcrdtct. Whc

Ihu furimnij iirosc last evt'iiiiif? and niiuee.1 tlmt tlio jury hnd decided upo

a verdict of "Not guilty," tlie youngrist'H Mii-vn giivo wny. T

to Ilia eyps, und as ho aroao from tboisnufsrs' (liiuk tho leara rolled downH clieuks, HD ».u1kcd to (libinking enirh by the hand, remarking :

'1 knew I was notthief, and I Imew woIIU liont'Ht man."

tliiof, I scorn nlid jirovo me to lie

A U-thiro.On Wwluesiliiy evening, tbo 10th iust.,

Eev . l t . I). Luck wood, of Jersey City,lectured iu the M. E. Church of Burca-

Wbnt I snw in Europt>."(•utortnining his oudieueo in a veryiteaGimt manner. Among (be manyntercstiiiR itemscuntaincd in tiis Iccturu

I noleil a few bplieving they wutild'nU'tcBt everybody though I may hut

allude to tbi'm. Punning his pre-face and hiinioriiiiBde»cri])tion of OBtortn

11 , tho ocean, will select, ns the firf-t)bject thu Oily of Liverpool, describedit an tiuiuvitiug place for resiJeuce ouoGoiiut of i ts duskiness and unelounli-ie»s, nud nrmy of beggars, A notubln•l*J«ot in tho city in Bt. George's Hulluntflining an imiuunso library of works>y tho renowned authors of pai-t ngea,nd luiidern t imes; and nlto contains u

nuoth orgnn worked by steam undilnyod at bfuted intervals. '

Mr. Ltiekwood went into an eating!itisc iu Liverpool and onlercd roast

jeef nnd plum pudding, nnd ivns aston-isbod whun tho wnitur brought liiui a

iecoof beef weighing fifteen or twentypounds. Ho remonstrated with

itor, a rosy clicokcd lans, nssunog berit bo only wnnted a Bmnll piece, nudB told Unit ho could select as much

10 wauted nnd the balnuco would betnken awuy,* nmi HUH to his mind nc-

iiuntcd for tho corpulency of English'1011, viz : goi»d living. He visited theity of Chester, surrounded by a wallmilt iu the feudal nges. Ho contrasted"10 cool aystoiuiitio Englishmen of bus-

iness to tbe American wbo wants tovol ut lightning npcctl and crowd n.

'cok's labor into one day if possible,aillcd on 0110 of tbo former and

iresented bis hitlers of hit reduction'hieli tbe Eupfiahmaa BCannod and thenitb n uonolialont nir nppoiated a weekiter for an interview. London with itnive liiiudrcd thousand bousea, twelveuudreil etiorcbua nnd fourteen tbousnnd

itrccte is filled wiih slmrpera, nottifog-;ers nud beggars. Nearly every cbild in;ho country tins rend or heard about

'estmiiiBtor Abbey, and tho majority0 doubt Invo nn idea thnt it is a p;reafc

ihureli edifice, but Air. Locknood cto-iribcB i t ' na an immense pavilion in

The True Test of Affection.Mr, Thorpe is a middle-aged widower,

and some time rgo bo paid bis addreeuuuto Mrs. Eottfl, a widow on the sliatlyiiido of forty. Thorpe id rich, ami afterihe widow accepted him, be began tof thut may ho ulie bad lakoa him U>rIns money, and so be concluded to testliar to ascertain if she- really loved him-self aloDc. Ho one oven ing wbea they

isitting together in theHaiti to hdr :


r!iieb tho and noblas of tliomntry aro burled. England was ue-

icribed as n great and beautiful gardou.Ivery fuot of its uvuilublo soil beingmder cultivation, evoa to tbo very edgesf tbe roada and railways and was filled,

with Ihe brightest flowers aud birds ofirgeous plnmnge. Ho did not wooJor

ftor seoinfl tha country ibnt it producediclt line fruits; vegotpblos, grain,'sheep,to., whero agriculture was from tlio

ixporicnce of ages BO thoroughly under-xjod hnd carried out. 'Crossing tho Strait to Calais in Franco

lie traveler is,at ouou remindod by thoipearancoof a huge crow* and armedildiers that n now stato of things existiro ond is struck with the 'o rder and

iys{em tbat every where prevails. I n tbe1 ho ' is unsigned a certain numbered

sent, corresponding to the number ona ticket, which 110 ouo else is nljowadoccupy and bo can occupy no (liber,

id only c number of passengers areHawed to rido, corresponding to tbolumber of seats in a cur. Puritt WAR

as tho tuoBt beautiful city inIO world. I t s aito was purchased by

>ne ui its rulers nnd laid out in utroctsboulevards, radiating from UB centre

imilar to tho spokeB of a wheel, andae streets . range from ono to four

undred foot in width. France knowsas we do, thnt day ia devoted

pleasure, amusement, games nud riol-ig under the very shadow of tbe cliarcu.[e viBited tuo greiit picture gnllory at'ersaillos, which is twolvo miles inmgtb nnd contaioa the pToductiousofle msistor artlttts o[ many generations.In Germany he found the womoniich debased by manual labor, it beingcommon thing to BOO them in the

lei da at work und carrying bods and'undling wheelbarrows, etc.In" this hurried reference to some of10 features of tbe lecture I can give butvague idea of it, tny design b o n g to

leroly call attention to it in tho hopenit tbe people of our village may necurerepetition of it, and a more generalira out^ to benr him. As it was Iheidionce wna composed largely of thoindny School, tho older folks thinkingirbn].s that i t would bo suitable forilldron only to henr, and as n consc-ience wo did not hearull tbc sponkor

'as prepared to tell. GUSTO.

"Hiinunb, I've something unpleasantto tell you, but I um going to do it be-cause I consider it right tlmt you shouldknow it. Hunuab, whnt would you sayif 1 informed you that ono of my knee-pans ia gone, and that I hare a patent

jge on timt leg ?"

'iBUOuld say that I care nothing forthut my dear ; I have only one toe oumy luft foot. Tht> others were froet-bitten off, and tha auklo is all twisted

;oum] crooked.' •

'You don't tell ine 1' said Thorpe.'Well, but I 've something worse tbunhat . I might us well confess now tbatilio buhl place on top of tuy head in nobreally my aculp ; I've been trepaooed.~ buvo a silver-plated concern Bet iutomy skull, u biud of ekyliglit. You cau"Ift it up and neo down un the insido ofne.' .

'I'm glad you mentioned it, dear, 'aid tbo widow, 'for it gives me courage.a toll you that I haven't u hair of oiy

n on my bend. I ' m as bald 08 a ;_-';•bnu.lelier globe.' 'r

'Is that so ? GrnciouB t I nevarBbould ';iavo oxpected it. But you will bo nor-

to loam tbat none of my teethare natural. All false, and besides that~ have to wear an India-rubber tbingu- .tnagig on my palate to keep i t frontdropping <Jowu.'

' I am very,Borry for yon, John, liut • :'It's some comfort (hat all my teeth arefalse, too, and that I am perfectly blindiu my right eye. I t looks like a goodeye, but it obsolutely ain't worth a cent, '

'Great heavens 1 Why didn't you tell .me of this before?' exclaimed Thorpe .'But trbilo wo ara on tbe mibjeot, I willsay further that I have chronic torpidityuf the liver. How does tba te t r ikeyon? ' r

'Oh, I don't mind i t / Brtid Mrs. Botts,'because I have been bilious and dyspep-tic for twenty years, find besides, I &nione rib short. I t was broken ia a n i l - {

road accident, and tha doctor had to cutit out. I'm subject to fits, too,' *. <. ',

a IB horrible,' said Thorpe, Mrs.B u t t s , ! think yoa ought to have men-tioned these things to mo when I pro-poBed toyou . I imagined that I wasadd roBSting a woman, a Amplete ha- -. •:man creature. Cut what are you, Mrs. /Butts 1 Mrs, Botts, you appear to moto b o a kind of dilapidated old wreck, .; .with, not more'n.half of tho usual u a - -\ -cbiaery about you. I t ' s &, wonder t o >i

ie yoa don't fall to pieces.' • . . •- • •'!•':-

' I 'm no worfle than you are. Tou ' ; ,iid yourself ttiat you had a trap-door i n ': "

tlio top of your head and a gum-elastic „ . 'pnlate.' ' •".' - ' •

'Yes; hut those things ain't t r nc*said Thorpe.

' I only told yon about them to see ifyou really loved me. I 'm aa sound as adollar, no inactive liver, or silver-platedikull or anything. ' But you aeora to be - - ;

Itind of Btrang together, BO'H if yoa .<:ibould knock agsinBt anything you'd, ' yeodtter all around over tha carpet. Lthink you onght to let me off.' /' . ;-j:

•Vflry WBII,, air, BO I will. But let-mo ', •;tell yon I've got nothing the matter with ' )ma either.' I only invented those Bto- . ~rieato try yon, because I know yen wtre -*playing a game over me. . Now I kuq^T - ;you don't love me, Toacnn go, s ir / •'• -"'.>

•Hannah, I tako it all back ; I do love .' -','o u . ' . - • ; - ' . ! • ' - ' • . •

'Do yea, icftlly? Then I lovo yoa ~: 'more than——' ' ; .1 . ' . : , ; . . . ^

But DO ; the curtain batter be drawn; • ;•' ',right here. The oold and selfish" Tvoiltl ;

hns no business with BUCII scenes as . 'this. -They are to bo consolidated early. : . ' i r

next month. , " • • ••'•• ?""='.. \-'^-

Another UupleiiKmit lliig Arnnnd.A species of beetle has made its np-

cnrniicc, tliin peacoo, for tbe first time,tbo applo trees ia this part of tbu

late, and, though tbeir ravaged liareit os yet bceu extern H.VO, they give

iromlso of being ns great a post as tbelolontdo boptloor the ourrexio.- Thiaiug mounts tbe trees nnd bites a hole'. moderate sice iu tho ripening fruit.ullowJDg np the attack, he cats his wayito tbe applo nnd devours everythingIBI'IO tbo skin except tha seed vessels,fanner brought, yesterday, iuto (ho

igncuiturnl storo of Frank S. Plntt, onitate street, n large-sized npplo whichmd been subject to a visitation of thelew pnrasite. He bad beou thinkingmt his npples wcro large and fair, &r

ibont roatly to pick. What was his aonislimcut on making tbc discovery that'10 supposed apples woronothingexeepi

Hurling toti Enterprise.AWcstHill man, who was formerly

proprietor of a second-hand store,: bosproeored n series of paintings illuBtra-.^. -Ling tlie war in Europe between tho'Buaaions and Turks, and intends to startmt on a tour through, the State

with a panorama. These paintings wore .matte from Bttetchea on -tho spot, nnd.ire strictly correct. His picture ropre- '•mnting tbe seige of Plevna is a grand

one. The Turks aro fighting desperate-,ly behind breastworks of oottou bats.Qstnnn Pusbn, tbe commander of the'TurkB, bears a strong likeaosi to Oea. 'Andrew Jttckson, vhicli helps to prove, :

aa we have already said, that Oamon'- :•Pasha is an American. The Turkish,soldiers also look very much like oarown troops, but then Turkey bought agreat man; arms from theXTnitod States,and certainly might have bought somouniforms too. Bat what proves conclu-sively that they\aro Turks is the 'Turk-ish banner on the ramparts, which 1Bpainted very distinctly no as to makono mistake, und in . very muchnewer and brighter paint than His restol tbo picture. His picture of the Ratt-siaus sinking a Turkish monitor is also.very good, except that toe Danube- looksliko Ibe ocean in a storm and tho moni-

is being towod by a side- wheel steam-er witb tlio name Rhode Island on >tliewheol-housa—Burlington ffawteye. •..' '

Mclllran ManTlavInff a Clilnese Gumo.AH Chinatown was drank last nigbt,

owijpgtotbe copions .potattous of ricobrandy indulged in by the Chinamen attbo dinner in linnor of tho opening oltlie now Btore of the Fat Chunff Cotn-pau.T. During tho night tho Gbinamcagot up a gatno something on tbo priuci-ple of "Simon says tbunba up," tbepenalty of losing being that tbe loaermust take a drink of •China brandy.White mou woro allowed ta take port iatho game, and one of them, as soon asbe dropped, on it tbat the loser had totake a drink commenced tbrowine; off,and got Btuok evory time. His dodgewas soon detected by tho Cinnamon, andbefore tha white player bad lost gamesenough to get np n refpccUib'e drank hewas ignoiaiaiouBly fired oat of tha house.

THE IRON ERA.~B£.VJ 11. VO(tT, Editor and 1'rop'r

Saturday, Oct. 20th, JIS77.

Tin- .Hwdnij cf Consnv.'l'bf (•xtiwjnliuai'V n'ssiou of tta For*

tv.flflh Congress r.ssrmb!cd en Moiitlnvi'u obedience ti> tliP PrtrfidentUI Frocla-watiuu. Tiie special duty is committedto t'-ia wee tins of [>ruvtdiuB ajijuojiria-tjor-s for tht- support »i tLic urmy, a nuii-

nition Jtelineil by the L i

llrpi-eaentatives ut the Furt.-IuurllJ


"? iu aid ff

f , q ot a r«tlio imrt t,t tin? Hciiiiblieatiie Semite (o acayt e |Ariuy Bill, inhibiting Ibe(if aiiy jioniuu uf tbe "iuuiut*iiuin« the Ji-l>uted guYeruroL'lltsin ILu Hi-iitb. IVudiug tliis iuterreg*ii-in. tli« officers of iIit'Bnuy burc heci.cumpi'll.-.l to xv\\ limit ]My ut a discount,utiil much suffering uiitl iuwnvenieticeto runk and file hu\e uccessurilj iutt-r-

[Ft* Ti.( i>u.]

DAN KURNFLr VISITS AFTOX.I was IIPTU to Wliippauv vi&ilius lit Sinter

June's wLtn I received roar iast issue ol tliuIisos Esi. I didn't say anything \o herubcufttc anliioniliip or that article «n"Wint-r Gardening." Imt just let her readit through and held Lack to vx how dielikt-d if- U pratiflod mo thcrefora cot ft

lie wbeu bin' deliberately cut out the pieceid put it by fur t*U keying in the family

Bilk-. Said bin-, "Tint's just what I haTeb<-LU wanting ihiii long time- Sukts alive,

•Jut 3«M iinJ Jnu of flftwt-rs 1 Ua»e taken upl tritd 10 make gran" but they all w<-ut

eil.conflict respecting t i e pro-

priety of cuiitituimg the extra sessionIn tba n-giilar bL'sMou commencing outbc fin,! Monday in Dwemucr. ThecuvuMitiuu being culli-il only for u sptvrial purpose, it wuuld stein prnpu-r tbutto 1,0011 as that purpose is accomplished,Congr.fi* Hlwuld n<3jnuni. But tln'relire many important unit lore of(ion pending tor Ibe ousuVratmu ofvhiuli, in view nf tbe peraisttnt dilly-dallying of tlic lime iiremlinR tba uwtulvacation IJUJUIHVP, the present ypporlu-nity can be protitid.lv employed. Thoextra fsju'iiw is m/tnpdinl'velj sroiilJ,HIICC tlic Mt'mbora receive no udiliticnaljuiv, mid much can be accciiupitslicd intlio way ol ncuil-fifl uml impetus, whichvill ujjtoriiilly redound to thu benefit ofthe country.

Of lute years, it lias come to publicnotice tbat CougKssmen talk tou muchnud work loo little. Their nttfiidanciet Washington is moro of a jauketiuiparly than thiMiMi-mlilage of represen-tative men charged will grave dutiesmid resjiotjjsilnlitics. Adjournments ofthe H'.ssiou, either by limitation or ol(.] wise, are bad with but little regard forpublic nfrechsities, and this laxity oper-urca injuriously upon succt'etling Con-firotws. whnse calenders urc hi'iipthl audeiubnmisscd witli bills, memorials audrcHttUit'wus vhich 'ought to hnve beendisposed of by their predecessors. Ifthis rmlly bo tlit-riKCof reform ia thepublic rervk-e, aud reform is cot themerest sliara and pretence, it is high.time Congress should <set the example.Iu fact, there i« no better initial pointfrom wliicli to run tbe straight line otpractical, not theoretical, reform thanthe Hennte nnd House of Itepresoita-tivcaof tho United Mutes in Congress

There wus very little excitement ot tbeopening. The Senato met and Hstecctlto Hie rending of tbc President's procla-mation cailiog an extra session. TbreeSenators were sworn i n ; H committeeuppointed to wuit upon the President,nod tin? Seiwitl

back on iu*. 1 uswl to r«id all the florti-oultiirul l«ooki> I could K':t b o l J o I **ut ttu"J"

ijority uf jm-vir put what they hud '-o say in plaini to the I simple votAn like that artiile dote, sothul I

!f.t got along will with tay flowm. Kow,itvir, I bcliiivc I'm iwsted and I'll wml

tiie Em editor soiut nice posies this Winter• his reward."1 didn't t.:l! her tbot I wrote that articler ''a pn'i'bit is Lot without honor save iu

his own country nnd ntuong his own tin-drwl" anil the rliiiLCi-t* are that if I bnd toldtier slit would hnvt got mad nud Accused weof trviug to t.nch her what sne already

n-ithnul iIn Tbe

ate adjourned nuttl Tuesdaynmpletiug its organization.House tbc Democratic Clerk,

i, in calling tbe roll gave biB rea-sons for putting Democrats on iu tbei lk nnd fitb Louisiana nUtriets, nud iiputting a Democrat ou in FJwriJj. Hopnblicans had decided to nmko no ob-jrction until Colorado was reached, whentho Clerk refused to recognize ibe cer-tificate of the Governor that Bedfordwas elected. He ruled (he objectionsout of order. The nominees of HitDemocratic caticu3 were then electedEx-Speaker Randall, the Democrat iinominee for Speaker, had 17 majorityover Gen. Gat-field, t i e Republicannotdidec. Tho President's mcBSdinot sfint in until Tuesday. I t recom-mend* appropriations for tbe Army onthe basis of 25,000 men, oleo a rcpre-

ui-w". For hl»'B i-oiu-ideraWy older than Imi itml I hate ltnrned that it isn't safe totry nud tt-ai-h your aged sisUre who helped

bring you up aud spanked you manj a

Wlih visiting nt June's I w/is Invited iotike a drire en far &H Afton- Now, I'm anild Morris Countv man but that name waslew tu me. I concluded therefore that itn:st be over in .'wwiie, Essex or Unionstmtiifi, and as f felt a touch of rheumatismtold them I uuesntd I would not take BOuig a drive.

'• Hut it's only three miles," tays the rret-,c-st of Jane" a girls, who was to eluire u scat

witli lue. "Oiily tlircc mileii," eaid I, " thtrnwlu-re iu grariotw Mikes is it ? Thera't Troy.and Parsippftny, and MalnpordiB. nnd MonroeLud Halhevtowu, cud lloytown, and Coluni-•ift, which nre all MOUDII B« nnd encb aboutliree miles off, but f never heard ot Alton."

"Oil, never mind bothering where it is,*nulc " H-'id my pretty niece, *' but just getip here alongside of me aud let's be off."

When a woman wills it man must obey, sogot ri«|]Through tiie plea win t country roiuls we

drove aud as we «eot I got so occupied Rsk-ubout my old friends nt the various,S whluh va |.:if.ie.l that I hwl•td or thought about where we were

goiug till ibe horses had reached Columbia.Welcome to Afton" snid my niece, upon

wlikb I put on my tjlaiwes aud looked allaround but coold see nothing but oldColumbia looking, as »bc BIWATH did,like that lump in a pool of cream whichfolks call " Floating Inland."

And then they told me all about it. How;lint the people of Columbia liad got tired ofjeing without a poet office and Bending t

their mail and bad thereforepetitiow d the authorities or Washington togive them a post office of tbeir own. Theygot for an answer that while tbe; might

we a post ofBcoif tliey behaved themselves:t tlcy mutt change tho name of their

place because there were more Columbiapost offices all over the couutry than wouldfill a jug and the letters were alwaje going

i the wrong Columbia.So tbe folks got together one evening—iry hurriedly they did it, too, I am told

—aud when tliat meeting rose the good old

of Columbia was gone foreveiAfton was adopted in Its place.

When 1 beard thin I got right down fromthe wagon aud walked into the old fitoreihicli used to be called the port ofllcaecauKG tbe first man who came from lladi-on to Columbia of a morning olwftj

wrilM an old friend, and you. Mr. Edi-; dels kind euongh to invite us to dropi n line when «e t u d t k t pieonnat chat

Cluster duriMg the eumiuir months-;11, "(lie harvest is past, iho twaiiDfir iflileil nuil we" are not busy. You must oJ-

ltt ii it* very |iltii6aut to fc^nd a vacationillciifu*. the thought of that "Utter toptipi-rs" no longer lutcrftring witli our

nvjufuL I)iit AH with ont- ftllnws w* Lavetied on our armor for tbe winter ann-£•, w« In ye deciikd to roQwj fruui ourluben and oucv more wk>ld the cones-IJL-LI'H 1I#IL

^turning from our eummer onting, andrutting tbjit oircuiufliancca over wbieh we

bid no control, prevented our puyiug HUU-ihilfl which we had prowU«d, among

thers to some gcwxl fricuds at a c«rtaia Jul-•y nL-i[jhlK>r of yours, vha powibly wished

ir "tiie tuven" cronk ouco more. 1tbut Pine ttrook fanuing was Itaving

m Iwliind the furuiiug I IWMS seen iu tieieightrtjrliood of ClieBltr. The com was allit, and rniut of the gronud where it hadOWL howu wiiii wiutiT yruiii. This aecios

1M firat-nile toil for poLitoea, aud as thi>owers did not Rtiut PariB Qrecn, there w&a

lentatu at Pan and at tbe World1*.\ Prieon Cotigresj. The Secretary of tbeS Treasnry calls for 833,438,780 for tbe/ Army, 82,003,861 for tbo Navy. 81.206,-

/ 453 for the Court of Claima, and 61,-243,000 for Tarionsotberolijocta. Detno-crntn tbiut the Epjaion may bea long one.

Tlio War,

At last ana carcoua has crowced tliBaEsian arms, tbe arm; uf Mukbtnr Fa-tbn having been badly defeated in Asia

. Miuor and lorced to retreat with tcni*MOIOBS, On the Danube tlte Itussiananvy still crouches, sullenly* licking itswound* and patlicring for nniittieupring, before the ramimrw of Plovna.The lmpcriat Guard, tbo flower of theempire, is croteing tbe Danube, acehurrying to Gen. Skobeloff*s oMUftaOsinun Pacba still holds tiie town,nppareutly tiefles any attempt of bis eaemy todiHlodpo him. Thero iangriairony in tho announcement tbat tbtown of Gorny-SUideni, hitherto thhead quartern of tho Russian army, ii

' found "unhealthy" for the ItussiaDs, audtho litad-quarters nro ordered removedto Sistorn, on tbe Dmiobo, twenty miles

' Imck. Tlicre are said to he 18,000 RUH-BiaDs sick ut Bacbiirest in Bounmnia.Tbe Tnrks liavo removed Mebemat Alifrom tbo chief command of the army oltheDnna&ft, end eent him to ArmeniptittinR Suleiman l'nclio, tbeir fightingGeut-nil. ia command. Homo bold mormay ha looked for Rion.

ThoNtz Perccswar line cotuo to &nend, and cbiof Joseph and his buD<l,•who Lave been dodging our troops anddriven by them from point to pwin't,have at lust been beaten'. After a bloodyfight with Gibtfrm, nt Big Hole, Aiiff. 9.nnd receiving a severe blow frnm Btur-ving

Yelk.atli nit., they werq drivon off by UILlittle Rttnisouna Cow Creek, nnd theyKtartcu anew for ttio Cann-Ia h'ua andwero met by Gen. Miles, who was wait-ing for Silting Bull, and bearing oftlieir approach, want out to meet them,and after a gallant fight com polled Jo-BC\\\\ to rarrotiilitr. Our soldiers de-Herro praise for baring followed the Indinns so persist en tly n'ndnr such dis

m no bunor awarded for lighting the In-dian", and tbaso of&cm and men who

:ed their lives during tbe nmtiicRg the muuicgfight ol the lust ISO day.', aid so not forglory, hut f f d to nf duty.

fl*e ore nearinp hard pirn Tcry rnnidlv.n.,1'1 toncheil 1.02} last W, k ond WOBunsteady nt that Under tho oitcum-ntnucc? tbe necesaify for a grcenlwckparty ia hardly visible Bat wo havenot beea (oM what a Governor ot aStnto or a le~f£i«Intare bus to do with tbomoney ijaestion in nny way.

. I t ia stated (hat the President has de-cided to appoint Gen. Jtihn M. Harlanto be Associata Justice tif the SapremeCourt nf tjio United Statrn which Sena-tor David Darla resigned.

An exploaioa took place in tbe col-liflrynt Pemberfon, near Wignn, Lnncoster, on Thursday. Of over forty mi-ners in the pit only five were j-oscacd.

' Tbrco of, the rescuers were suffocated.

brought doi mil for the nholaid left it at tbe etore for the folks to call for.There waim't many folks in the store when

I we nt in and it was lucky it was. BO for ifthe whole ot Columbia had been thereshould liave just gane in and whaled everymother's son of them. Three men andboy were all I found aud of course I couldn'

enough to whale BO few of themand let so many other guilty ones get off free.

Says I "Who nays this olu place ban gotnew name r"Says one of the men " So they a&y."" Who's 'they* and whew aro they" nays

IT Whoever they are they ought to benshnmed of themselves; Columbia good euongh name for their fathera and wb;ain't it good enough for them ?

"Well, you see we couldn't get any pcietoffice if we didn't change the namo," sayauotlier of tlte men.

"And what in tho nama of all tbatlovely" HiTB I " do you fellows want withpost office? Didn't you get your lettersregularly enough by tbe old way ? Didn'they get hero just as quick before on thojwill now? I've carried the mail for you

ny a time and all that ever bothereds to think how I could put the little' biio. bundle ID Borne pltco where I would

forget it bcc&UBQ it was so wnali. I used ilose it altogether iu one of tbe corners t

iy pocket and lots of times I've carriedin njy ta t atop of aiy head • aud now ywant a whole post office to yourself, do you,all for that h'ttlo handful of letters' aipnpers? and jou must bavo onother post-master for Undo Bam to pay aud & contrac-tor to drive tho mail every day betweyour place and Madison and Uncle Bam busto pi}' Mm also."

You see, l lr . Editor, I was mad at Hem."Now," I continued, " I think you'ret of darned fools for giving away your

good old nama for a new-fangled one; butI'd just like to iaow where you gol "Affrom.

One of tlis men wild "lie believed itthe name of a river."

Says I "where's that river and what bosJt got to do with old Columbia V

The man didn't know aud another of th<fellows raid he heard " i t was tho name ola song.",

" Nn of a song," eays I, ** then Itd I k T

g, y ,a darned poor song aud I know it." Thenthat boy took a band In the conversation aniio cold "ho kuow bow It was called.V\B THE HJUtK OP A IXLLAR W A DlUE VOV



"Kow," aiid I , " I giUM I 've rcach<

botbm. Poor old Columbia takes » bnand tbo flct'tiaus name of some lo

stricken fool in a Dime novel is put Iu Ilacs. I've heard enough and want to hearD more Yon may go a&d bang yourEclveairnll I earn."I climbed back into tho wagon and my

niece tried to eootho me, but it was tiigood. I was so mad I couldn't say anmore, but I told them to drive right awn

i thftt place and never bring me to Ii. My spectacles got kinder moist w I

took lay Wt look at old Columbia, but IHhookmyflst over her and murmured "Theyiutd lo cnll you Itoppiugtown long yearsefore you were called Columbia, but no-

thty ramt again have a aev nstoeand ali>y la that thano who voted to throw

Columbia OTcrboard and take up no, Iwon't say it, area set of Hop, Hop, HoppingrenegndcB." N KUHMIXT.

Allen C. Laron, ths Easton polsoccr,inrdercd hit father, mother and ancle,

wai to have liucu hnngod next Monday,in pronounced !>y a commiaaion i t u ,

cpllelic, and iu every way unfit to ha eieca-twL

Pine Brock.AVhftt is fining om iangh the Kepuhlicaa bealill lives, &ud there is

e I HO*

o rrafton wly

;w,irk, sold rcttdily ut GO c&uU A bushelWe cuuuot say that our neighbors are a7 people, for iwiiie of tlieia are up veryrlv. Ouemoruiuy before the recent nuw,o or three of my frienda wore going toirt ou au early journey, and at tbre« o'clockc-v bluUvl amx* a con lot to rousi) a

n-igblwr who wan going willi them, whenJilculy thu)- heard a nowa. What could it? I t couldn't be beam, for they are uu-oitu, TUougb thin is a Republican eoau-,-, this hind bdoDgs to A Kiug, it might beroju! uuirmil, a linn. No Ibruum luu&'t

roiiud for sonic time, aud the oulyliouwclinvehexrd of lately

:tive iiulruni^ut*, which were made mi-ni y iupfrioteiidtDce at Speed welL•n milta of wire, in t*c 6JHX>1* of fivoB each «rera prepared ftt tiie Dnive«it»ihibitUiCougre» the operatioMor thornptt At Wzahlngton, ttnd the trial at

auc*d*6ll was made whcu about three iniUof t U wire hnd been completed. \ou Willtee in Mr. Alfred V»u"» work, " The Amen.can Electro Uwuetic Telegraph," »t pagw74, T5, the retiiJU of an experiment on ashort wire of 1,700 fVet, which I made ontha 4th of S«i)U>niiKi, 1KJ", in the Qniveref.

Hut the line of about three milea M^...•dwcll wan the longtrt which at that timehad beeu ut< d.

II will giro me great | d iMM to peruMthft article which you propow to wnte, ami Iwili with great plea*ure *ufc'gp»»t »ny corTcu-tions of erron* diouid I discover any in yourrtaUment. With sincere re*pect, jour mostobedient servant. SAM. F. B. UOBBK.

DB. WM. P. VAII. JohuMuburgh, N. J.


TiltonleeiareaatDeckertown, ou Frid«yling hist.

Tbe Sussex DemocrnU save re-noajiiiat*d

The lax r.ite in Iklvidere lbi» year is $10.-ou 1.000. List Tear it was (!>.G0.

Mia. Walter fjaBSWAy, a cnlnred woman, inorgnulst of the Newton Baptist Chttrcb.

Gen- UcOIellan will visit Newton ceil[orday, when gnuid reception will htiven him.Thirty pereomi eiperienced conversion

recent revival in tbe BhUm-

IO givt a Gmnt to E^hind. But soft.:be>- ujijironch quietly, nud the light of tbe

xiu reveal* o man hord nt nrn. Cm they bulieve tbuireyea! A. nuumean ft* to go nnd nteal corn nt three i:e morning. How th»y wished they bad

[•nu, that they might wiuu h ia . But at an ;mte they could frighten him; so coutiugready lo full upon him ia different dirac-.iuiw, they guve a tihout, tbim a pounce, itiilTouud they hud gruhhed the owner of thesoro, who believed iu muling bay while tli>

iliiucs, hy btukinu com wLilo the IOOOIlines. Bttler corn husking till tbree tQio morning, than Bpurkiug till three in,Ibelorniug-Thu public school has re-opencd with M:

K. Ueuu-Clurk us teacher. The averaga lowl>een over S(ty winco the opeuiog to the pree-ent time. Yoar indefatigoabla County Su-

iutendent paid a visit A short tiiinil after expressing hid tatUfaction bo findie twicher were uoBnitably enterdiiced by,f Rev. I. N. find Mm. VnufiantThe Literary Society proposed resuming

work for tbo winter. An iiilerentiug aeasionin expected.

Quite a raewssfal feat (ml VIM held in thM- E- Church huro. By the bye, It noolbe a good thing for' somo kinil-bearteJ iudividuid to set to work ond make n uidowalltfrom tbe post office to the church. At pent wigoiis and other veLicles make no dis-tinction bstweeu the foot path uud the road,nnd ufler a min people on foot have to wadithrough 6t least two pools near Mi. VanWert'*. One day and a few rend; handscculd noca moke" the pooU all right Fa-[heni nud mothem, tbiuk how ranch betterit would be for Tommy aud Sarah to comehome with dry fuel, insten J of wet,stockinpi

ud n chilLMr. A. Benn-Clork in to give a selection of

readings ID Uia M. £. Church here on Fridayuext, nud at Lyric Hull, MndUon, on thefollowing Moodiiy, both reading* belug Inaid of the book funda of the two pheoa

'For we ftie nil Eunoouiled," we baviird noiaebody slug, and we tuny safely do

BO now, far tbo receut mioa have cnosed thoflooding of the low lands. A stronger coning hero might iuwgine bo wna in a Into dii

Vie tried 'to Imagine ao on Tucodiyafternoon, and o£ a friend nf oow had a boattied a few ynrdB from his house, walo go on ft-vciyogo of disooncry, Bid jnn

pat your foot in one of thoBO litt(e flat-bottomed things tbsy Unvo about here ? Tdid, nud wo tot only put our foot, lint oifeet In it, for aa it v.ne lialf full of wnter weturned it over to emptj it, and than BettingInto it we pushed off nnd thought to "pndd

i cnntiR," bnL thoenuoe got the nppeihand nnd rmildlud us, nod now, though noln Bflptiat, vo con uuhcaitatiugly my,have been dipped, thooah r.gaiuat our•Well gang nae nialr to yon town," eayu

tho Scotch bong, but woll go no more In that

Tbo rbSUijwburgMowerandReaper Woiksvero put up ot Receiver's sale on &tturdny,thiuBt. and, after belug bid up to $6,U00,e mle woe adjourned to October 25th.The Democrow uf Wnrreu hivo nominated

llwj \S. Dewitt in the let Amambly Diufrict,od Elian JL Muckey ia the 2d. Tbe Green-icker* hov« put up Geo. W. Bearder iavid Flamlug in opposition-Frank Edmll. SOD of ex-Senator Ediull, ofaotburgn, who so mysteriously dimppear-

•A few weekn agd, nan wrilteu to his f >tb-r from London, He la very trick of his cs-

carade'and wants to come home.

It is estimated that 25,000 bass ha'nkeu from Ibe Delaware river, at Flatbrook-ille. Sibwex County, this seawn. A catoxb

weighing three pounds and nine ounces wascaught nt the sam« place lust week.

The Texas Colony being raised at Deckerurn, Sussex County, now member* 103lembera. The surveying and engineerit>|

corps go to Te'ra next Mcuday and Urnuin bodj gome time in November.A bum in lUckettstown owned by Ella

D. Bmith, and occupied by Jos. McOruoken,dclrojed by an incendiary fin on Fri

daj morning of hut week. The Ion of eac

ubont 1700; the latter has an insurance of$400.

Thb Warren Courts sent Geo. KUe to StatIIBOC for two ytwru for ntenlluga tub of but-er, ond J, M, 0. U.iiley only eighteen monthn

in the county jiiil for incest with hia flough-Ui, Jiwtlce muat iudeed be bllndjsip thaimy.

bonf, 1B tho hong of

. Tiie infant Telegraph.The Newark advertiser » J S I Tbe tel

graph Bjstem of tho world has iltalned mgrond proportion* that «vverjUirag relatingto iU early history cannot be otherwise thaninteresting. New Jersey hns the honor ofdoing maoh townrds much towards port«ing the discovery, and ire an indebtedDr. Tail of Uontroee, for tie following leters relating to IL We have a piece of thefirst wire W d , and' the title of the InfantCam's may be f tirly applied tc It, ai it Is ocopper sheathed with cotton, the originaldesign being to pass it through tabes d

Nov. 21, ieC2-Paof. 8. P.D. MoBfil t -f i i r : TisIUng laUly tay brother. Judge Vail, of Speedwell, N. J., I tookthe paiuB to examino uiR Diary, in order toascertain the precise titoa when tbo firettrialwas made on a long win of the E. H. Tele-graph.. SftturfAj, January 6, 1638, was th«data at tho factory in Speedwell. On UM11th of Jannarjthepublio iraa permitted tosee the wonderful perfarmnnoe, when, inthe words of my broiher, "Jiandreda'caaieto ace the tolegmph work." According iotho recollection of Jadgo Vail, the trial wasmado with a wire threa (8) miles long. IUBeon, Oeorae Vailt thlukfl tho wire vaa ten(10) milealoDg. At hlaBoggesUun I write toaak what is your recollection, or, peroips,-record, of the pftrtlcularB, both u to date oftrial and length ot wire.

An I propose to mite o ihort arade foi^meof tbe Journals on " T h e First Trial ofMOIWJ'B Telegraph on a Long Wire," I amauxiouB to secure perfect accuracy, if posd-ule. The (elegrapn^iutvJiig become ottiotthe prime motors In modern society, and•chieved & workl-wide fame. H U blgolyproper, it aoema to me, that the dctoili cfSlnw and placo, above indicated, aliould beput on record In a form Htriotly comet,

Should you dosiro, the propoa«d kriloleBhaU be submitted to your inspection beforeits publication. By this'menoB crron ofwhatever kind would be tnardedngalnBt.uidyour iirpniujkTint obtained, which wonld beitu highest po»iibl» sanction. .

An answer to this, at your earliest conTe.An anmctto , y o rnienoo, Is retpectfallT re^ncBted. AJdnnDr. Wm. P. Vail, Johnsonburgb, H. J,boa with BeotimeuU of high regard, vertruly yours, WM. P. ,V*IL,

NIW Yonr, NOT. 25, 1HH2-Hr S u i SraTour tarar of the 21st i iut i i fbis momenreceived. On the subject upon which yonrequest some observations from me,.Iwouldday that I well remember the triabi mode aSpeedwell, of tbe operations of the telegraph.The date, Jan. fith, 1U1B, I believe to be cor-rect in regard to those experimenta. Inl835the telegraph was operated in ay rooms intbe tfulverdtr, but with only a short line ofwire. Your nephew, Alfred, was shown myexperiments ID 1837,he being then* student

the University, nnd he took from that__no a strong interest in tho invention, andbecamo an associate with ma In ths Ubor*and expenses and profit* of the inventlon.Through thin interest of Mr. Alfred Vail, Iwas furuiaued with tha ptcnniiry meant to

rwmroa|(reat«lcngU».of wire and more

Two men bonghta lalof chickensatSpartaweek paying for them in check* thute elvet proved worthies.

Tae Belvid«re Journal eeemstothiuk theremore Boise than aaytbiog eltte ia theceuUkck movement In WAITCID County.It in euld lhat Fi«h Warden Wellet ofirren received a dollar for not tearing cut

certain fish basket along tho Kill —Ulainuiwu Frew. '«

The faouM of Win. R Call, one of tbe fit« in Oxford, waa destroyed by an fneenili-iry fire, on &»turday. Oct. 6th. Loss, f9X); i ice, »5,GO0.

Tbe Cincinnati Bridge Company hascetred the contract for building tbe nebridge at DLiirelown. The oontnvet CAUHfor as iron bridge, with iron striuKeni, andyellow pine flooring 3) inches thick, atcost at $2,075.

Peter A. Creager, king a resident of PortMomiv, was iound neai b b wagon house,

, tbe Cll, w'lb his neck"broken, having fullen off the wull HOWQ ;feot high. He i ninetj years old, an<

i a Blfiter aged ninety-threaAt about iunaown Wednesdiy evenii

tba t

who lived about foar or five miles fronNesbanic, Somcrsot County, was found willin three hundred yardn of bis house withballet hole ia tbe back pnrt of hU henWhen found be was tying os bin fooe, athia pocketbonk and watch were gone. FromBppeuanoua he bod been dead two or' throe

Tha PicubjUry of Newton, at its noenimeeting, elected Rev. John F . Pollock,Oxford, us Moderator. Ilev. W. H- BddiWOB dtsmlmed to the Presbytery of Lncka.wanna, and Rev. J. F. Shaw, of the cluof Orange, wna received into Prosbytorj i

made for his installation onOet 31W, M poator of .the Preabyterionchurch of Andover. The Bpring mBfttloPresbytory wilt be hold at Belvidcre.—]ister. ' • • . • '

D. X>. Ohapia of PhiUipflbnrg, si,tj.fi,years of age, is at Tfconclcroga, engagedhis fifth attempt to find a box contnininj)$85,000 In specie wM;i lie claims wiw hid-ien at Ounand's Buy in 1759 by the Frenipojuwsttr whohttd to desert tho Moutdtm.He settled tbe prcofae spot by nse ofehflrtaatid a divining rod nnd nt.the depilof fifteen feetntmok upon s»methingof woaad Iron which he belivees to be the box. He

has mortgaged his property and pat nil thoproceeds, into his search, so that it 1B a eoof life nad death vrith him.

In tha Warren Courts hst w»ek KamBiker, vbo was Iriod onco for tbo munkra yonng mail at P « l Murray, was indicted

r stealing a gold chiilo from' a gontloiat Allamaohy. The Journal Bays: "Nancybad thB good fortnne to have a friendOonrt, in the person of the pretty and alirutinjjMnt French, of Baosex conntj. Shiwith the aedutance ofvL. DeWiU Taylor andOipt. GWorw, took charge of Nancy's defence,and nooomplotoly did they mptivata tha jniand convince them that the chargeAWere \ufounded, that they rendered a verdict of noguilty, irftliQut leaviug tba box, aai ',left tier borne once more i n tnamnb.

We nAveanplendidhreech-loadingdoable-barreled, shot-gun that cost $176 and whichhaa men bnt little service. " We were aboutto adveitlRO it for Bale this week, butfriend Btggests the idea that we oft* it asprize to Oin individual who will re tarn to tthe lirgtit number of new sabscribeKi to thoEmiby the 1st of Joe nary next. Wedootthiuk the hunting-ground's of Morris Oounl.

i of a very " happj " nalnre, now that theambition of our: boyhood is only a remem*bntnee, nnd having no use for the shooting.i tr« will dispose ot it n* above, ptorgtboafl who wish to sntcr for tbe prue willconfir with us soon. •

Attracted b j Bine Siena we entered t£d..imennowholeKale clothing houBes of Ucsinv.

Hlrslikind, Parknr h Co., on Broadway, cor-ner of Grand Btreet, New York, Vwt, 4G3,481>aud 407, and there greatly to our sur-prise we found their large stock was beingoffered at the very lowest whoIusnU price*at rfctaH, They have adopted ibis plan tomeet tho wants of tiie people, by &oh\g awaywith a Urge' middle class of dealeri, whoseprofits b i thii means are saved to the par-chaser. Their plan.of doing boafrcaala anovel one, but they seem to be making It aperfect sueceis. - They have goods of erervaiudfl and qualitv, and invite tbe public to acareful examination of their stock. Eierynan who oostemplatea purchasing a pair ofpanta, Tert or ooat, will So well to give them

l*bor» altadaaud

Suicide hy Hanging,From the Gnu» Vulli-y (Cid.) Tniou we>vy the following accouut of t ie smiuide ofjhnCiiTeney:ywtcrf.y moniing. Sojit 2i«b, the body

if John Givency iraa found hanging by theleek in s"ttllar at Bo«tou lUrino. He kepti boarding bouts at tho £*vim<. The fol-

•uig is the teBtimcuy taken btforo Coronerihnson:

In the nutter of the iufiuinition on theof John Givency, dvcU Jane Vivteoaa Kvya: I rt«df iu IU>*tnn Knvine,9 Valley Township, Kcviuln Couuty,

;taU of CoJiforaia; I hate kuowu deceasedsince childhood ; lie wn* a native uf Ireland;his age n t about 41 rears; I hnvo boonUviug in the house kept by him for abuutme year; I Wt raw deceawd alive nut

at *I>out Jitlf past iiicf jrhere ha bad been nearly all day winVriug

a headache; about half-past five thisling the lyth of September, 1877,1 weut

ato the bed room of dwensed to seu how heras; ha was tiot there; RIU-T teitnhingibout tlio houss for him Feeing the cellarduoi open I wont into tba i-cllnr nud founddeceased bnaging by tbe neck with a rojiBfort«ned to tbe timbers of tbe floor above;

WM q«ito deRd; I calJcd lor Michaelily who come aud at my request ctit die

rope and let him down; he bad eome busi-ness troubles which annoyed him very much;I did not hear liim say anything which led:e to inspect he contemplated destroyingimielf.

Michael Couly sworn, eaya: I rtnide inBoston Ilaviae; hove been living with de-ceased about two months; lost saw deceasedrestcrday,- he was In bed where he remained

day I suppose; early till* morning Ettaones came to my room and told nio tbatilr. Oivoney was inifwiug aud before I couldrets and get down Urn. Watson canie uptying BLG bod found deceased linngiug byie neck In the cclbr; I wcut iu the cellarid saw deceased banging by tbo neck; h

rasdead; murt hove been dead some lioureat tbe request of airs. Wntsou I cut tha ropand let him down.

Joseph Wilde eworo, wiys: I rewido iiOBton Itaviuc; have beeo boarding with

deceafied Blnce December; when" I camdown this morning Etta Jones told me Milivene? wai dead in tbe cellar; I went flowito the cellar} the ropu bndbeencHtbofoi

[ got tbiro; Mrs. WatKoo was sitting on thofloor and tbe body of deceased was lying

ma Her lnji} at the recent of Mrn. Wol-I lifted off the body and laid It on the

Boor of the collar; bo was dead and thebody cold.

Henry Davln Bwora, Rays i I reside iuGrass Vollay; am a phyHician and surgeonby profession; I have euperfldnl'T cxniuiiitdthe body of the deceased; I find no woundior. marks of violence in an; part uf thebody except a reddened circle nrountl tbeneck apparently mado by a ropa or cordthe face aud forehead wens very turgid cud

presenting tbo usual appearance ofthose dying by Btrangulntion; from the ap-pearance of the body aud the testimony ofthe Vfitucfisea I am of tlio opinion thntdeceased died of 'strangulation; tha mainsby which btrangulatiou was p-otluced being

rope around the neck drown tight by theweight ot the body suspended thereby.

State of California, County of Nevada, intho nutter of tbe Inquisition ou the bodyJohn Gireney, deceamtd:


WE, theunderHigned, the jurors Eummoaetto appear before Ii. Johnson, the Coroner ofNevada County, at Boston Ilavine, on the10th day of September, 1BT7, to inquire Intothe C8HB0 of death of John Givency, haviagbeen daly sworn accoruUDp; to law feud hav-ing mado such inquisition after inspectingthe body and hearing the tcnUmsuy wltluoeanpoD our oatUB each and all do nay that weAnd the deceased was named John Givency,wsa a native of Ireland, aged about 41 yean,that be camo to hin dentil OQ or about tbe10th dfir uf September. 1877, In this countyfrom hanging by tbe neck, and that thohanging wan ol bla own act wilfully donewith Intent himself to kill. AU of vhich wecertify hy this inquisition in writing by ussigned this 10th day af September, 1677.



Tha Warren Jonrnal snys the new wlicateropla that flection, which bus come ufvery strong and promi»iiug, in now

show signa of Ha ravages of a wunn,blighting it and changing ita healthfulgreen to a eickly greon.

Miter* remaiuiuR unclatnieIn tbe Post OOlce at Dover. N. J

OoroBEBlZth, 1877.Bamh Benedict, Y. Nkl*>n,Delia* Trowbridge, Emma Vntuilten,Emily Vinderhoof, Win. Wngner,

Allio TVrightei.ii£U) ran POSTAOB;

Rlward Gill, Brooklyn. N. S.

Tonbtninanyoftbt abo*o letters tay "«d-rtirtisbu" ind givu dale onhli lint.

. A. urj;MEn, p. H .


Eev. J. P. LTTDL0"V7 Writes:

v\y n-oniiii^mt'tuu Vtwcnsi. tut 11mud. nbn-u il it cUiuu'l lucint.

JAMKS 1'. I.UOU1W.Late Pastor Calvjrv Jjjjilul (.'liurub.

VEGKTIXK.SHE BESTS VELL.B o n n r . i w s p , U c , Oiit. l l i l i , I67C.

i. II. R. rircn.3*.)t*B Mil : . 1 Icive l i^u nick tiro ycftrn Mill

ri|,i-uirully,- l ~ — r JUCKEB.


D.WTU.V itoilS, 1* 'J'TIJIB HTU£KI. )IIUETUX, April, 1870, (

_-iKT«i™\Voffdi l i*t llio cillilnm in onimini) havu bfi-u gnmlv iicn^llteit liv tlio Vrom«v. viu IHVL- fo bliullv «ivt?D us Inmi uoji

• tie, i-fiM-culli' thuVo trwuLlt'J wiili tbcila, WUli re

D I E D . .BKELLXNOEIt-At Chcrter. Oct. 1Kb, 1677,

Man. MEHCI HxKu^jtoEa, la tiie 71 Ib jcaioftioriBPB .

DUFFY—Hear Hurttown, Oct. loth, 1877,Limn, daughter of Horrin and Cora elDuffy, aged nine jeanu

PIERSON—Near Hnr^town, Oct. 10th, 1877,ASKIT, wife of J. Piirson, ot Shipping,port, aged thirty-two years.

LOST.A SAFE ?£Y of peculiar sbnpe— "Hi

ring Sc. Company" on one nida and number

key en tto other. Tbo finderwill heeuilabl;

rewarded by returning it to



AT MoOAINSYILLE,la selling best brandt of COAL at the folio

ing prides in yard t

No. 1 Lehlgh Chestnut, $4.00

" " Slovo, .4.25

•ST..M. G.A..



Tonag Hen's Christian Association,



WEDNESDAY ETENING,Oct. 31>C 1877, H t S o'clock P. M.

TtckiUwillboioId am wwk In mdi.nw.ii. p«riwwat. at tho ftore a WJJbor y. Day. H tore*erv6d ami* up loicren o'clock on Us awning ot>ctur.. AH.r ibu tlm. 7 f l etl . at lbe door forni> wearnl, bat not wtectri. Prlnta Baiai flf-J=o u d U.Dtjt Ao\Utt, iHa Committee aitls toII public that •moKomenti will bamailaloiMt

at l» i t two hundred more p«notiB IMa nioftl,ro*kln| whole intlug cttMitf oflUllcoe tbooauil.


SKABISQ JOBNSOH, QEO. E. •V0OBI1EB8,HorrlitowB, Ool. ifltb, IBT7. Cuinmlttw.


Pnnvn-csce, B.I-, JfHTutatiTST.Ml. RTEVKHII. Esq.I ftf 1 Linini) Ii' ei|iresp will) int" iiRtiitnro

IIJI- )i<«li mint' I nlaw u;ion your f EUEl"Mv family Invc iiuul ik fur thu ln«t iwo v[n DtrvooK dcbitiiv it in iuvaliinbfo, m a

ii-ml it to all fiiia miy Deeil an iavigt-'aoratinii ionic,

'orincrl? Puator ol IlowJoln-gquaru CU



D. S. BEINK,Morristown, IV. J.

KOTHIKG EQUAL TO IT.j , MAH8.,Hov.Ulii,187e.

ti'bcen irouliltJ wilti Scrfulnr Ounit'lalnt for tliroc Ttai' mo nuv m.od uulU ' 'o VEQtiTWG. I «L. ...

along drat rnio. anil Hill owing titt u t f l N E . 1 ciinKidnr tluru 1B nolhlni; LIIUIU far Ktuli cupiiilalmti. Can ht-artiT? IBC

iainii'ntl It to livorvljniiy. .Vimm irnlv, Jirii.' I.lrjilc M. Packard^

Ho, lfi'LueratiKt' bt., BoutU Saluui, DUHI


z K ,ahlo n-rai-il.T Tor nvutad Ojuorul D.-bili

i d.blitv o

recoBiiucnd it tranlatntfl.

It y m .ll su^rcm fro

Vimr* rMtircifnllj.JIns. MUKHOE I'AltKER.






OLOIKS.Dover, Ootobar 131b, 1877.

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!In Chanrtry «

fit, Eneutor uiQeurua Vml,- plfthm I,anilOlnrftaa(3.irw . . . .

vln arid Tlioodore l». Hkt.>l!inf;ar, are tin


1UIB •n.iln on bclralf nT\hr it»oio osmefl par. tie«lB»ilJiiurntd tottikepliicont tbeDnllei

dtafi.1 JJoii!), in Murrifltnwn, N. J., on •

•MONDAY, Kovainber 12th,A. D. l i m lietoen tlio ton™ ol ia M. andii_cloc» IV ^ I E n s ( ) S A , jinjnHAN.IibiiHB1.

DttWil Au«..8, 1B7T. , U'r.. I.. (1.C0


PUBLIC AUCTION!' The snbticrlbcr will mil at pnbllc ulo on

WEDNESDAY Nov. 2Stli,1ST7. on Iba promise!, Ibe form IBIP]; ovncil

bj r.lly 0.1-lllm, iloj...ta._.iia I r —


150 ACRES OF LAND,with tlirw dirol1inB bna-oa and all tlio ata.,Earv outbiillillngp. Tlio I arm In enUuLlv dl»Iioil Into (arm, meadow, pjmttira and wimd land,

»" 3 o'dock P.Vftllicn ctmiiiliout. will W m "known by - • • M. II, THAHP.

Irooift, Soptnmbor '23d, 1B7T. W-tt


UrKwuiTAa" «Tiilw Iti5. PlntmB oulv flS'i, coi1660. Olr.F.ce. . DANIEL K.liKATTl,.

1V(i*liiriff!<rn, X, J«'-i«

Mrs. M. A. TODD,

Milliner and Brcssmaltcr,

SUCOASUHIIA, N. J.(keppa FOnilflctly on band tlio Ireiiliest patlerni»t millintry. urcjt anil fancy goods, oud Is pr«pnreaioilu all kinds uf

MILLINER AND DKESSMAKISa WORKin the LATEST BTYLEB promptly nud Bat-«rnctorilj. The Indies of Buccosuuna aud

vicinity aro luvitvd to call anil examlue licrSTOCK AND PRICES.


"Portfolio,""What to Wear,*'

and " Magazine.*AiKorlmcntorratternK. Bond rorcat>luc;ac

W. S. BABBITT, JToniBtown


LEAI). 0OH?EIt, BRASS, &o.'' '


EtTPiTDBE,Tlir.dd winlilnff ItolIofandCuro rorlttrmJiiE

nlioolu toiixalt Dr. 9; A. Wurman, 25>j Droail-w»T,NcnYorli; Html 10c ftirlin nuW bonk, withPtiotofiraplilc UhtucthCB nt bad cast A be loreand SHLT can. Ilrwarc of rlinnts who pretendto famhh Dr. Bhcrmua'a lie*tmuni,*t)n« of thoBO folbWri, a corroao clerk, now

eilling himself Dr.W.Q. CMmplunjiinwJciednu compulnt of Dr. fl. inil iwaiti triil Tor for-Rerj and omboialoracnl. - " , •, ia-iw

if effete to tho publio a large stock of

Buffalo, Wolf, and Lap Robes,

for the FALL ana WINTER trade. AlfiO Bfine ttssotfineut ot

HORSE BLANKETS.All of the above gootlH having beeu boughtfor CA81I allows mo not to be undersold.

N. B.—Ckrk'a Scut Horn Clipper for sale.

D.s.imixK:.SIorriRlnwn, Oct. i2tli, 1677. 44-4DI

, 1877,



F A L L F A S H I O N S .

' NEW FALL GOODS.All Slylci Striped auJ V\M Snitiugp,

All Now Rttlun OaialmerCK.Ml Mnila or Defers tar OVEIICOATS,

All kinds English and Pronoti ClolbsAll New Goods st iho LOWEST I'MCFil,

All k!u<la. f (foiBim.-roB from 75o. to ItOMl OftrmentB mado to order ant] warranted,

•All who wont GOOD FITH\ll wbn vtnt good icuoili at iba CUEAPESI

IIA'XES, . , .g


n jltlnc llio ilcmnnd torcuKAI have vltkd iirguly to rnj Mouk ot

READY MADE CLOTKINo.Hlco Slilpn Fuil . horn - - IB CO lo I2C

Oood Ovrnoala <• - - G 00 (o 23

Qooil Panlnlonn 1 DO lo 10

Ato, a Foil Lino of -



Anil all articles pertaining to & flon'JeintiWardrulw.

Tlio snbicrlbcr hereby tendura lili Itianhs tIn Dnmurons nmtomrra for tlioir TcrvlibnrB

patronaeoln llio pnpt, aDd liopcs livfalriloaiiiitf.niodurBUiotiarttes. an&xtrioL atli-ntlon tiUlncBU, lo merit a continuance of tbo sam


riKlntvn, Orioter 1st, 1H7T-

Once Tried, Always Used I


, PACKINGScH-Lul)ricating, Xon-Fric;

„ tlona], Exceedingly

Pliable, Very


Adapted for all Itiiuls Q;

Engines, and Hot and Cold

Water rumps, etc., etc.TIIE rrinclwl lobncatora n»od in this mc\-

inRBruOImfl Conmuuuil and PlambacoV AIrtww roounractnri-a in llnpo Form from ono-tlglitb io thrro Inclien, varying by 1-8 In.pulup in coili nt Ni io 160 ill*, riir flnpmcnl.

Prices, Qnin Co™ 11.00 and Hemp Con "rolB per |»iui)il. • vDirt'ottous for Usins Iho Taclilnir.—Ill.imn.Bcrev up tho alimd siiinclctil la pliopnlopucsltiR to tbo Inn. When It hcgtnt 'o

leak run llio ruts back an til tiie leak HOW,Iho^bv^llnwiDe It to exfwnd. Koior ran wflh


SUSSEX.St. GROCERsq UEi'iamp'ed stock of

Irocerics and ProvisionB,


Foreign and Domestic FRUITS,

mil cicrtlhlnB ol«o prrtalnlop to Ihe trotti.inlysnieiUo i:ood» lept and over)IUIDR sold

currtct n^rcscntatlDos.1US8ES 81., near thi> Ctarncr orULACKff-}'Cmp •' lJ0VEn,N.J.

o.aldl AG«,U naUBB«S0 to I80awcot|MOHE ACIBNTB WASTKD f OR THE

3K0SS and tlio. GHESCEKT'JJie ibrtllinq niilorvol linn aod Torb fur0 tours A nidi nforj of BIOOJBIUJU anil

d. I3vET*.

J'tilliLilbclrpecutlBrKollgiouB.KnoiaJ, and•itfcal CDHloniB: tlicir Ilul.r. alpd Qtucntla,

l wtfplitv InterraU at «»kc.1250 . ' '

tl ftr excelle. Prieci


i-iio iiinniiiq ifiiiorvoi linn and Tort fu100 tours. A. mid nforj of UliMiitBUid anib'annlfctxm, tbe stilfe for nctforendprecj. 13.taopjpalir hMorlui. Dr. L. V, DltOCKETl

Pn'itlca) CDdtoniB j their Ilnlrri arjil «'•"""•'•joint's of tlifn Kpr, vcfclity iDtcrritJtc. HOO pp. Wcli IU1,, Oiilr 12.50.

QVti hWLEB bare ftffhf l i t i , ann i - r u mill mberi in quality and <i«kk snip. Prlcciait rtdoceii nper rent: 111 8eni] for mil ptr.tfcnlirs.. UUDUACDBKO^ PuUi, Plul. jfI.

||B. Pfl. • l l . i _inlars..ila, Pa.




Park Place, Morristown, N. j .

They BUVC IO per cent, in (lie purchase of tiie


alono. They find it a GEEAT BENEFIT anil positive pleaaure touse this. Rocollect


All aro Bafefioflj*' T17 it. Also, the Lest assorted stock of

GROCERIES of all kinds, • • • ,



of ovorj' ilosoription, Ac, to., io. Cull and exaniino for yourselves.


EcccWod to-dAf, direct from tLo Importers, fbe fiiiest' HAVANAOIGABS; choicest fiavors; splendid goods. Give them a trial.

Wm. J. COOPEK, Grocer,

MorrlHtown, Octoli^i (itli,J Part Place, Morristown, U. J.





Glotlier and Merdiant Tailor,My fltoeli olclfltbing ombwceB snitsfrom aobild to a mtio, wliioli I hove with:

jrsat liaton rfnnsctl lo spooro no low as lo SELIi 7 E n Y ADVANTAQEOtBUin thoBo bimJ(iuiD8.. M s riucm AEE AS POI«TIOW» : '

0AS3IMER] 3BITS . from - ; - . . .DIAOONAliCOAM 'and VESIS , f rom . -OABSIMKW. PANTS from • ' - . . . .C I l l N C H n l A OVEIICOATS, '• -DIAGONAIOVEBCOAT8. • "YOUTHS'iJlITS, from . . . - . ' i .BOY'S B U l p , " . .OHILDItEf S s n i T B , from ' . . . • ' . • ' . . •'

A l i A H Q E S X O C K O F

i l lo »«••Obi !

.310 I8lo 1!9 to II-Ota 111 to 112 to I'


jD..CT.M4- Utli, 1877.




, I

"B BESS^ i

they liiys juBt roceivetl for. SPIUKQ and Suiranm, compriBiDg eTerynfr and desirable for ladies wear. A complete new stock of


Alfrrs a fine elodi of FDJE GBOOER^ES. FJUC£S LOWES THAU E^EB..

nf>AV. OLT. aom, 1577,


Coul in »till 'ledii,iiiK iu ]iricu.

Okmla nil kinds nud MIZOH *t Dickt-nou

About thin tiuio tbe political UurkUAIM. ^ • <TOiut ar.i tbo Madison nud Horcintc

rifle teams, doing? "'

ita of oro. over tbo ClicKlur \\road tiro iuweajiig.

The fciaonfor picking wiut r apple,JFO liut Ibu npjik-M ain't.

luiber ot street IinnpH liavo been en

CarpctH nndoil cloths iu largo nsjiortm.


8 501*00fi fiO I eil nloiiy the

g c o i

27 DO

aooi)ilf. 00

13 Wl10 2fl

15 001 It) IX) I 21) JiOj 4Ii 1)018 HO 25 DO 117 fil)| 05 DO

r, oo|iBg^uomnoENTAOB LDDZD r o» i&rnia. LOCAL «


" D, L. & W. E. B. TIME TABLETnunt BOVEH noiso WEBT :

TbrmiRli Hail, 0.25 A.-AI.; Oawogo EsproM,I.S5 A. M. i EoBton Exurcu, I.B3 P. H ; EMIOTlu i roH, B.3IP. K. •, O*wpgn E ip^w, 0.37,1'W. [ HacfcLthtown Eiiire™. 1.20 P. H.! HarrisIturg Bpeclti, 10.86 P. M.

VROU DOVEB noins u n :Hnrriubqrft Special, AM A. 11-T D o ^ r Ei-

pruis, MM A. M-; HidwtUtoim Moll, 1M A.11.; Eantoii Efprons, 8.42 A. M.; K p tEiprcsi, 2.07 P. U. i Tluonpli Mull, 2.*7 P, H.;

08 P M E M *

II) 001 a i"l at low irici* nt W. H. 1An elPiput ](ua of ladies' and cliildrei

nloaks nro now ocnfcn'a,

A rcjorl of tbo lecture of Itflv. Jlr. Locwood, at KiiL'casimim, will he found unon cfirst pugA ,

Tho murder trials are set 'down for Mtday next. That of SUwart will probal

Tlie oclobmfcd Boston PMlianiiouio Clill give a concert in llorrlstuwn on Wt

ncsduy, aithiuBt.It is now iu si'tuion to sit on tlio counli

Rev, It. It. TLmupucwdny oveniug, th<

ilwhlBbirUdiLy.Tlio vifo ofiftor. n , N. Merriu\ of Mor

ri town, linn gria to fit. John's N. U.,her inolhrr wills I).', yearn old.

Dr. Frank indcrs, of Mormtowii, ha

Eiprcsi , 2 . 7 iBjracuao ExproaB, 8.08 P . M.; EnodftUon, 8.117 I>. I I . .



WUTWAHD,A.M. P . M .10 07 C.6BIM1- 6.4710.87 ' 0.4310.27 fl.W10,17 « a s10,08 0.2810.M 0.2G10 Oft .0 .20

CbeitorHo r IonIronlaH



DIIWX TtlttNRUPTltAlNB. 'A. I t . P. S .8,45 *.0U



fi.10fl-270.80G.470.G2fl.HS7.037.1 C7.2*

Now York.riiiladoinfili,Hu l l Bridge,CBlirnn,IHcidlpYalipy,OcriPBO Valley,Nuurlmghl,Itartlry.1'lsnden,K.nvil,Pmt Orani,

A. M. p.OM 6.65

1020 am7.41) 4.407.27 4.JO7.10 4.0117.07 8.fifi7.(11 H.H2(1.IS5 ft 22fl.48 3.18B.BH 2.r.Fi0.25 2.80

rolHcd oneed brought fr

W. B. Iliibhil!thuBo CiuihiiiiFinoueKB,

'Ilia mcuibcLadder CompAiIra with whichliOURO,

TITO Inrge n<Gleutlon CornyUnit of thin vtbare.

m. ttmgb

Mr, E. G. Nolerty of fifto

compnny has decided

Weekly Statement of Iron OreP/BSINO TUB HACKBTT8TOWN BoALCR, VIA




Oheatfrn. It. (Ilnrtonu, Corwin's,SuccaHnnno, Yanalta and Chos-lor Junction SimionH,) BIB 04

.Porl.Oram. .:.:' - 7*fi 0BHoun'ith Vlev. -..... BS OS

• Witcrlob ••• « a i s

E. M. Egbert's l|serktown.

Tho Bctblehito increano Hithe finances nud | l l i tnle the biiHtucfls of tlio

ljiaiiy.Tbe fniiin

Total 2,BUfl OS


Attend / ' .Tho entertainmentOf tha young People's. Union,In tho l'rcabytorinn Church Lecturo RoomOa Wednesday evening, tlio 24tU tout.

<!loalingfl and Sftdtiuiiigs at W. 8. Bnbbitt'e.Eitrn meetings we being Held in tha Tort

Oram M..Hr. 8. B. Cooper, of Denvillo, IIBE been

. flfirimiGly ill for Borne time.Suitings of ell kinds at lowest Nan York

«itT prices ot W. S. Babbitt's, Jlonigtown.Baler Biley on and after Hondnj next

will reduce the price of ten cent 1O&?CB toeight conta. ' '

• Tho proprietow. of the Booiilon Iron•Works have been ^inapectinB thorn andorfoting repairs. .* H H, Diokerson bos opened another lore0

lot of hlB fifty cent two button.lud glover-Onll anil nee them

Freneh window glow, all Bisen, at preBUyT l t & KlHVf l

h w g ,reduced priocB, at Touglit &Corner Drug Bt«re, DcTer, N. J.

FlannclB and Blantetfl in largo assortment,R«d et lower priooe than e|Bowbero in thooaunty, at W. B, BabWtt'fi, Morrintown.

A block biua weteWng fonr pountia: d W

g ISO pounds, fnn Switzerland.

received another Io*iu black's nnd colors.

wenr wnrrnuted,

if Protection Hookordics-

eutertnlu themselves nl tli

loiters were fallen to ihcs uiiuo at Hurdtown the' to rupluoa tho old ones

lit, of Middlo Vidlny, i: publlo enle the fnrm olr, at Oeniinn Valley ft

lias ciclinngcil IIIH jirop.nnd $1,0(1!) besides, fo

Wntur Htnot, Mor.

It is limo Io buywhich they will&, Uecmer's.

Our fanncPatent Wa

pcronihuinling tlidealings with lifn

Canhnjeri'S, hiinsed of W.

ebnnper tbiquality gimrnntcc

Freddie Rlley,came nenr killing

remind tlio Indies thatir fall droHS goodH, cid a full stock at Uuke

warned ngniiL " swindler who Is nowinil cliBtricta. Have no

colors, cnu bo pur-iJuubllt, Murrifltoi

<rk. . Colors nnd

of Baker nik>y, vl)o. „ ¥»elf on tho enra (\sli6rttime fiinco, nlint Ui|;lf in the linnd with apistol ou Sntui

Tho Prot^ctlonBl'oa pnwnhrokor'HRlen—tlirco golden ballon from Iudependcut

rblehlaWlii provided tlio huh.utH do not r

Wnttlenfrom tlio Btntolot of f)00 block

Aw pretty wellTho pheasanU

Dover. On JJonda

thi'in.recently received

iiimionor nn nilditiouidar public mtera are

with UICHO gnine flub,ed numerous about

ing one alightedi tho porch ot Mifekphen 0. Berry and

aline'intently Jhed those insldo tho

revivaVmcoUngs at'Is coudactlng the

n, near Ncwfound-[ baptized at OHntoait, and tn additional

w e e g p: « m 2 h t U i f l o ther day in Smith's, pond, Water-

loo, which wan itocked three yearn ago.'J h o tenth anniversary of tlio Drew Theft-

lorfca l Betnlnary, Madiaon, b djl ritftMeroiBeaouT

r tinumber tot Sabbath}

lett, two milts froman inoondinry fire

Itli. Two or threelargs amount of

rye and BOUW form nti« wtro df strbyed.Birmingham and Vims, the Morrixand'

striking fireinemvo teen indtckdhy the XI. 8. Grand Jl nt Trenton, nnd

iff for trial. TheyHudson County

wna tSaturday evening, |

Lundrod bushels of o

ywill bo tftkon thernnvo been confined in |

Extra meetlngshnve been held thisIn tho MoFarlnn Btreet IL E. Church, at•which i great iutere8tb»« been umnif<

Our readem ahonia not forget tho lectureof Ilov. Mr. Booney BI Uurdtown uoitTmoBdBy owning. It will W «U vbo randoid a Chnroh that needs aadnjonee.

" They all db I t " - l t a t in nil wbo. d«iro toto neatly d i W t b i B Fall and. Wloter, are«*umltlnB the eicBnnt line" of pieco goodsdlBplnyod b$ Thou. Wolnh, the (dotbior.' E x Marshal Armitnge h offering to ti»friendg some of the flnefit oyakra over WOJIlothie market, and ia wrving them up in« e r y style or.dtopwlng of Ihem by th*quart or hundred.

Mrs. A. Beemur, the milliner, httBreocmaler stock of faU gooda, which b unUBnallyattraoUTe, and embraceB oil tho leadmgstylos, which an unusunlly pretty, andwor-

jnil Blnco July lostThat IIiiBbirad of

Dover My, Ihe otherwhen ho bujfl histho ono-prlee elothlerto tit him and aro well

The present will bo ftnnd subjact to intorruptl

b l i d t tt


thy the Inspection of our lady readers. "

The eecond anniremry of tho great revi-val at Port Morris last Sabbath premises an-other gwat reliflioufi awakening at thnt place.A number manifested a dceiw forco0verB:onbad tho meetings hove been continued tluBmet ;

Tlie P i n t Awombly DiBlrlct Kcpnbllcnn0on«ntlon will be held ia Morrfctown nextTuesday. The Second District nopablionnOon-vonUon will be held in Boonton onSaturday, the 27th. Frimarioa noitWedncB-day afternoon., •

, Thn dlBtrict meeting of the Odd Fellow.LodgeHoftbJs comity will be held in Rox-itlOUS Lbdgo, NO. 88, at JJorriotowi., «mWcdaoiidoy evonlng next Tho Granr1

remarked apkascfl mo bert

'Jhos. \l alah,thcynreBuro

term of CourtaV Judge Dh\.

ryiu])le is obliged to nttJBuprcino Courtat '1'rcnton on tho f.th o|rcinbt;r,'aucl thoncBKion iisunliy contiuutjree weeVe,- andtho 2d ol Docemler he *pen tlio SussexCounty OburUr.'.;. I ,

.Tbo coal roiners of tb., L; & W. andDlber.winipanieafttScrnilrMUUied workon Tuesday, on e lemitho companioB,tbuB onding the peat Ktrj: Tho cool trnlncrcwBontof work'ut rorirria and otlicrplaces Of conrao foel gmUat tho prospect

BioUard jehktnH*EBq.,hicrly Superin-tendent of tho Richard b, but now ofBald, KaWM,- arrived bin Wednesday,and Is i.ow visiting hi« mf|wlioui he iff cordially groejmonedftflftwitneflaintliol between theiboroiuinnaAUentownln)

Charles I'. Bonnoll,hfcouuly, \ brotherofJ

o id Offl-oen ofU.«Blnt.wiUlj8proB«nl.' Acollallon

mil be Mrvcdund»e<K'il'ta'>1" ld8c! '" ! raW '

A Lt tofrom CnWomln d»tai H«to»rl»le

gatulr»la» Iha

i of MorrisBoanell,flSitl MT-Ho went

ono of itaj iu the nnny,


, Tt/a

-.- . , tin1-Ofi roiling,I it find wasI twenty feet

and otherHo will HUB Uio Ipir ilamagcs.

o to rellevpIB aches

cf Do?er, died at Tolut Bljcrol month* Binco, og«d 7*to Point Bluff in 161*18,first BotUers. Hi had BDVCooeofwhoniwoakiUedi

Col OuBtav Vngoner,walking along Main stother night, guiding hiiwhen bo come to o bretprecipitated over a Btowhigh, receiving a brokeinjuries. Howl

Camphor Cream hasBuffering hnmunity fron>

all other lin|ttt it^profca

lownBmen, Bobort llnnioii,•nd John Hart, nio doing mill nlthough th«jhad tho inlrfort»n(i tucmlly to to™ thatloo»iotb!dof .(inimUly of dolhinB •nilmmuj TCUIO tboy worn abienl.nt Uiclf «ort" The hardy miner, tho meclinlnle, Ihomanotbii«taoi», U>° "xx ol WBnro,inidU.ol«-dies and joong folte ct idl 61»™« ™n onrtjast what thov need tn the woy ot foot coTer-

rib * Hrfnl'n, n=rtl» E «»*•

of readers of the Iww Bnibiitlfy a* t<tho truth of this iwwerttoii. undurslaud»Is fanltotoa 1 iho B«IM>II« 0 cut of thiBioi KAN on each label.

As Ibo fnraaco train nt Bpo on lion-. i vmorn t aBTOiMl lDg l Iho-rtockhomo tho rc«r ear Ji

dovu tiio bitB°Flood



rellod to llio tnrn«e° pooilhploKly «»«»«! °1 «"> "\befora wafttaoco omililHUcDongal was olso Bcriousli

the prevailing styloo. «

Ono or hroBneota In tWi tonnl? mem tofsel worried abont lh« bn«lne» »oUc -

: theEJU. jl tbaottobowouflercdntE u pnbllahOB tha largast amonnl of readingnatt.'r UngrBamtaepartniontotloealneira,u d h u « cuh paid dronlaUoo o xo»t»B ™J

«Mrse not dow to take ftckantage of thifc

track and

Newton, Dover, Chester, 1other pUocfl. were prcacntj glass ballshooUng tonrnampnt at WoJ on Fridayof last week. Qnitannilof Bweep.rtalcB wero shot In which tf"othcra from Howton w«n> ;mocewfttl. Tho beat shot n]however, was a Mrt Hwto^iwgr Cit

Huuruttn, BonibWino, Cushmero, Dinrritz.KuipruKH, Cmpe nnd MtiurninG Good* of nilkinds a rijiccwlty at W. 8. li.ibbitfB.

Thursday taken from tlio vineu of ItfobardGeorRO, Esq,, biiug tho oeeoud growth thU

Sunday and Monday, tha 28th and 2'Jlh,have been fii'l apart by'tho Lvongelicul Alii-ancfl an dnya of pmjtr fjr Uio BubbalhSdioolH.

A fouudatiou in huing prepared at PortOrnm-Bomewiy iat tlio new rolling mill,others for the eruction of Wilaou'B ileoxidi-

incmbci-s of ProUiitlou XIoDlc midLailder Conjjiauy who can conveniently da

-e rcqucKted to be at tlio liouao nextMonday eveuiug.

eiUcaof UIQ Jerseymnu belicvee thatthcroin more nutrimont, more real aatirfaction nudmoro fun in a fifteen-cent plate of pork tbcntiH tlan in nny other ditth in creation.

By cartful attention to bubiueBS nnd goodorknimwliip, Mr. Harris, the SUSHCI utroetwnlcr,*b(is proved liimndfone of onr bentirtitR'Rsmenand worthy of the public pa-


The Democratic County Executive Conitlco orgauiwd at Mmriatown list Katni

day, decline Ford » . Bu.iUi, of ICnnJulplGhninnna ; U. O. Gucrin, TroaBuror; E. O.

Tlio ntnir-k jury In tho case of tho Tlioiniid Allentowii Iron CouipauieB, the counsel,idyt) Diilrymple, Sliorlfl Free man and oth-

ers, vigited tho locality in dispute on 'liiurs-ilay, and dined ot the ilnndon HOUBO in tltiflplace.

Among the K-ouudiid In tho recent flgliivltb tlio Nez Ferco In die u B was Gapt. HunrHo mine, of SIIHSCX oounty, a cousin of Urn.H. W. Gordon, of tills place. Capl. Roniiuewan ABsistaut Adjutant Geucral of tlio army

' Goii: SlilcH. .

Tho Uemocraoy of Horrin gavo Gun. Mo-llcllnu a rand reception in Lyci[orriKtown, lost'ovoning, McBsrs. Canueldid Qillcn wcta in ottonilanco anduro nindo by ex-Qov, Parker, lion. Chas.

Winficld nuil others.)iU>ctive' SMiintr again arrchl«d Jobv?, Jr., on WedneBdar night, ou tlio ol

•linrgo of ntcnling rtiilrond brasscB^and took11 to KlDrriiitoivu. I t Is Bnid thnt Ilarnoyilvey IIOH made a confoseion in'iplicntlug<y and bid father and tit It erf. Ii1 elder has disappeared.

Autumnal Bel-view will bo observed in thaIcFurlan Htrcet JI, E. Church to-morrow,he paRtor, Her. Mr. Palmer, will preachtlio morning on "Falling l«tvveB," tothobbntli School In the afternoon on theChanging Bensons," nnd to the young poo<la in tha evening from tho subject oiAutumn."

Horace Orocley, when ho wtu teachingriuhool.wroto on a copy for tho boys," Virtue

In own rowan)," nnd won Biirj.riBcd whenfound they had written it, " Washing

ith soap is wholly abtiurd." Wo do notDIICTB the parents or tliou boTB used Tomp.in'a BoopH, cltic thoy would not hnvo dono

for it is alwnyH a plciwuro to wash withlem.'*'A vnry fino rccopUoti wan tendered Mr. O.

Oillen, candidate for Surrogate, at hisHldenco ou Tuesday ovciiing, at which Hon.G. Oilfield wan also present. Tlio two

made speeches and tlio Itandolphmd furuifiUod fino music, wlila tlie wholofiiir was spiced by a splendid collation an-ir tho nupcrvUou of Mrs. GDlon and herightur.

Tho Honbtown Y. M. 0. A. have securedov.: Henry Ward Bccchcr to deliver hiaNew Ijcclnro" in Lyooum Hall. 'nlorriB-


ope:rJlOOtillg Iilier.

Lycflimi Hall, Slorristown, canto luitioniuioiliito 1,200 pcrtiOiiH.

Mr. J. B. Wuruo will knd lliopning of tbo Y. SI. C, A. lo-m iftcnionii

over the ne.i.\ttho High Lrid

About 5W( IOIIB of orr>dnily nt Ocniuui Valley,

):ul.A beautiful monument linn been complete

>r the (p-iirtt of tha late Panlel Cogblun,

The Mormto<vii Braniutia Club gave 1entertainment at Hushing, L. I., on linnday evening.

Thco. Kinsey, of Dleudhani, line presentedtho Banner vitli a California citron grownon fiin placd woifjliing 17 pounds.

Tho First District Deaiocratiu Conventioion Wednesdny, nomicfttod Mr. Frauds J.Doreinue, of OhatUani, for Assouiblyman.

Her. Mr. linnell, of Gcnnnn Valley, *throw 11 from hia wagon last-week aud scseverely injured tlmt ba could not pilastttubbath.

Fcter Wolfe, of tfendham, who will ho 86y nr» old on election day, haR rniflnd this eea-

r,J piuiipklns, from O to 12 inches In di-nnicWr, from'-no vino.

Wo nro glad to learn that Trof. Campbellwill rmriidt Dover Uiifl Winter and give theoratorio of " Little Hod Riding Hood," with

liiraetera hy tbo children.Tlio Third Asaombly Dletriot Democrats•nvGutlou will meet nt DtOnmp'a hotel,

Succ(iHunu(i,ncit WeduoBday oftcruDon, Thoprimnrice will bo held on Monday,

Kir. Chut. Gillon, of thlB township,leading a bull by a rupe one day lost week,

tho animal turned on him and goredo severely about tbo legs that ho

confined to liia bed for Bomo doya.On Tuesday lust Mrs. Oco. E. Howel!, ofauover, wife of tho well-known surveyor,ui out ridiug with her ulstdr, Mrs. Cooper,

nud when noar Cnknvillo the bridlo of thhorn becttjno broken and they procured thoasairitauco of a neighbor, who removed it,utending to Buhutlluto ono of h's own. Aft-

hn bad tnlcun the broken ono off, ho waver,tho horso became frlghtoned aud ran gwayMrB. Howell first dropped her U'llo girl outand the ladles wero preparing to follow, ^orriago nlruak a treo nud thuy were thrown

out with terrible vioioneo. Mrs. CooporwaaBO eoverely injured that ebo died a few hoursaftorward, aud Mrs. Howell was seriously


Ou Tuesday afternoon lant part of the sidewall (next tho rullHpond) of the largo slouo

ridgo across the ravine on B toedwnllavenuu,fell with a trcmeudous crash. For a fowdays befora it fell tho earth on tho side-walk

nd gutter was cracked and tbo wallgradually moving. Tlie attention of DirectorBeokor wan called to it end he immediately

illcd a meeting of Freeholder* from a fowif tha towntthipB to view the wall; the tneetingrVOH called for 8 o'clock. Two Freeholders,Sillnud of Pcquanuoo, and Chovey of Chat-

wore at the bridgo a little after 2 o'clock.:iiey had buen below, and coming out paused'er a etairwny thnl, Ave minutes lateriried and enmhed under tons of etoue audirth 1 we caugratukto tlioni on their escape.

Jno end of the wall in iU descent struck thoild Pcrrluo house, knocking a dent In tlioildo, cracking nnd. moving tho foundation.Clio houflO was occupied !>y n family who bod

it commenced moving their goods out'lien tbe wnll foil.—Bnnner.

iwn, on Wednesday evening, Oct. Hist. IticBsary for us to wr!U an extended

itico of tsifl greatest of American orators,for this woek wo elmplj refer our readersparticulars furnished in advcrUsemonttwhere. '

The dyscirddly popular Oratorio of Esther'111 be brought out in Iudcpcndeneo Hall,tooknwny, next Tbnrsday evening, nnder

tbo direction of Mr. Campboll, who will buasRistcd. b ; Mr. Scoley as Uaman, UIBSliI'Kirnon a* Xutlmr, Mm. J. J . Blarehas

iroah, Mlro Samanlha Terr, Jim. Fichtor,id many others, embracing a fino array ofual talent.

Whilo workmen wcro cngafied inmoiingivations p,t Old Boonton, last week, they10 acroiu au old wnter-whcul, ia n gooda of preaervation. liils whool Jind bfonfrom viow for tunny years. Some thinkI il w a tbo* original wheel mail when

llritinli Commissioners visited Oldtonton lu search of the^illagitlmato" nailrks there, a ebntury ago. ; * '

Tlie loaves are beginning to chango their)lorA,and our noodaand mountains arc don-ng tho drapery or lhat rich, and variegated

Uiat bui'inadQ Uio autumnal beauty ofAmerican forest famous throughout tho

•rid, Dull end churlish Indeed must boman who In Hits- delightful October

reathcr, with EO much of natural beautypread out before him, cannot eujoy a day'snvol In the country, ,

Mr. B. Frank Bbcrwood, tho well-knownof tho Dnitjd Slates Hotel, Morriutown,

itarted to visit hiu former home at Newtontut Saturday, bnt when naar tho rcnidoDco

O. 3. HughEOD, in this towunhlp, reoolvecttoke of paraiyniu which rcduoed bim'tosuHoIoiiBnecfl, inyrMcbBtatchowosfouad,removed to Uto hoase of Jdt, U . liea'ft«rward taken UiDoCamp's hotel, Buc-inim, where'uader tho careful Uoatment

Dr.*Biclies, he hoe been improving won-irfully,

Bhorman . Broadwell, Prealdont of thejfunet Chlrmont B»nk, bas been sued foripropriatlng (r.4,000 of tlio fund*, of thiok. In tho box claimed by Hrnodwell,lich wan deposited in the safe used by thovings Bonk, and to oecure which he arose)in a sick bed, wero an immense 'numbersecurities, among them boiag 300 shnrcs

tonal Iron Bank stock, two shares ofxurtotQwa Gaa Company Btock, two aunres' Uonis Femalfl Institute Btock, two noteB

John B, S igcr, out) of $2,000 and one offOBO, and o W of » lot jn Erorgroon Com-lUry, of Morrintown,

Tha Young People's TTuIon of tbo X'rcnby-inrcb of this place will give their

entertainment in the lecture room of theKh 011 Wedqesday ovonlng next, U

rhica o. most atlmctivo prngrnmrne hanbeoircpnrcd, compriHtug recitations, rc^djnf,iy well Imown uinatenr elocotioniBbt, andocal and Inhlrmnontal nelectlonfl of the fin-

;st order from tbo selection"ido, nnd tha participants, wo can assurer readers tlmt this will bo ono of tho fluentlatour entortnlnmcutfl over given hi Dover,ckets may be procured of Vouglt & Kill


As many people do notnoem to understand10 order ol ringing Ilio PrcBbytoriiin churchdl wo noto it fur their benefit: KinoLroied ate fftog on Sunday morning »t 9

o'clock, and the bell is tolled for flyo mlmiUnftemanl Ata qnarlerpastlca itboglna U(lie morning Ecrvioo, ringing ten - mlnut«Band tolling QVB t nt Iwenty minutes past tvfor Sabbath School, ringing flro mluuteoailolling five j at tan minutes of BBvea for Uhalf hour Borvieo, and concluding by strifeing tho hoar of BOTCH J at .twenty minuteipart seven for tho evoning scrrico, r l[veminuteBOBd tolling Bve.

Abnuiaiu JLibie pleaded not guilty to petit.irceuy. Mny ho.

George Ayera wns tried ou the indictaient3tBulling liquor to AloxJohason to which,e pletidud not guilty ati-1. WUH convicteu onlie fitut couut, for soiling from a wngou.

The Uuurt floutouced him to $20 anil cofltann (bin nud *1C ou tho one to ivlilcb h<

luailbd guilty. Twenty dollnrH iu tho ruuxnuui puimlty of tho law, John P. Slickl.11s fur defence, Mr. Dollolt fur Htato.Hiraiu M.itlLowa gutniiioulli iu Juil furualiuii toolu uf John Duiitiiou, UurrlHtWm. ltarr uu<l Michael Burr iudioted, B3p-

utely, fjr Assnult and buttery on Suiit. Suitou, at Dover, retrain nnd pluuduUallty. ,

In tho Oouimon Fleas, profunoly dubbud10 "Cirous Cour*,'.' tbouppeuW were takou

ip on Tuesday.Tbo llrhl trlod ,wa< that of Bollonay V/. II.

Thomas nnd wife, appellants and Win. IIinyon, appellee. John F. Stickle, Holloly W. Hunt Verdict for uefeuduutfl for

lti^linrd O. Perry, •. Infant, by hisrrioml Wm. Silby, sued Ilcury Sire, Etcjuire. Iu trover, for two cowu. _ Verdict for

, In Oloso Timesto tlieso men desiro to hare tlielr money1 as far as posaiblo, hence In mnking theirirohascs of euch ncocMflry artinlcs of wearboots andBliocs they .naturally consult

lality as well on price. 'They want goodmaterial supplied at as rcaaonnblo ratea as

1 bo afforded. If good gooda, 'plenty ofro nnd. low price*, will merit n leading

ibftTQ of the boot and BIIOO trade In thin BCO-ion, Roderer & Heagnn are Bure of it. Ifmying economically is any object; you,in't want to upend 0110 dollar for boots nnd>oes until yna BOO Jlodoror & Heagan's

stock and prical We don't Intend or expectto prevent competition, but wo do pioposoD sell good goods at such low flgnroa ae to

urs popiJar enstom. - - • •

The Suaaex Street Bridge Again. •*lotuo hxdy fricudu have asked us to again

call attention to tho SUMO/ ' Bbeot Bridgonnjsanoo, saying that our doing so boforeliad for a time a good effect But now it Innightly thronged with loafers—and especially

• on Sunday nights. Last Sabbath eveningnumber of ladies preferred walking hi theid to running tho ganntlct of vulgar ras-la who hod poatitt themsoWes on the

bridgo, ready to insult thorn vtith rudo Btaresand mean if not filthy rernnrks. This isplainly in violation of law and could easily

stopped if proper measures were taken.The arrost and fining of several of thornfioma evening would furnish an example

int would not eoon be. foijjotton, and con-Ideriug tho IHUo amnuntof trouble Involved'ouldbeanczpcrimontworlh-tnaklag. Or

ladles who are subjected to .thisknnoyanco will procure- on tho names of

ise who are' in tlio habit of loafing on Ihoidge, wo will gladly publish them and let

tho public know who tho rowdies are,

Buqy ThtereSiThieves are active and prosperous in pas.

naiecaunly, juslovortho line from Morris.The Rov. Mr. Zubritikio of the town of

'<iyne had n haracntBtoleu from hiubaru tenlyHtigo. ItwnsHnld in LltUo Fdlls,. and

10 recovered it, bnt not until he bad par-ianed a new uet, Qa fif\nAay night the 7th,e now linrneM and bin he Me aud vmgonLTD taken. Mr. Oahill, a farmer in theiighborliood,.wim robbed of two valuableuses and two Beta of hnrnews at about the

tame time. Tbe reuidoooo of Warren D,J[ilolell or Wuyno was onterad onThorsduy,two weokB ago. nud robbed of nil Ihe fnuiilyillvor pkle atd jewelry. Mt. Miohi1"

:ketbook was taken. A felalive, TYurUitoholl,bBtalotof: Irotu bis biiriat tho name liiuo. - A Mr. Mitchell, of Beuv-ortown, Imdn vulaable spun of horsca stolonTroin his BlablcH on Fridiiy night of lnstweck.

olwltlwtnsdinff tho frequency with whichIOSO thefts have occnrreil, no ntcpa hdvejon takeu toward discovering the culprits,

M»M ..The Lucky One's. '

Tho annual fiii^of tbo lntlioa of fit JJIhnroh c&nielo a very pleasaut conclusionin Saturday evening List with a ncason of

inoillg and the droving hy Int of tho prizesWed ilMrluH &* (l^' '&* *!in'tflt ° r *•"*

principal nrtieles wuro: A. Orcgor, flowerHtnnij; Miry Grinun, o>d of wood j Hon.A- 0. CnnUeld, wax flower baaket [ Jtov. F.i-ther SIcOarthy, box of soap i Thou. J. Allen,wtroBet; Fruik MeOull. toilet sell MuryQrimm, qaHt; Mm. Jos. Cain, pair ol vasilfM. 0. A. Link, motto; Uzaio Hilnncl,pair of VASCH; Jos. D. IJOWJB, pili.of wallbankets } Joou Hy«u, quilt; Jus. Qitn, pioturo i Michiiel Hegor, five pounds of teaPatrick Oonunn, ton of jjoul; Un. L. D.Sohwarz, tWyi Mnlthow Sodon, revolverMrs. • M-lrilte, barrel ol flow ; MraTTl»*W.TUoa. Uriglil, S10 hill t Jbhn Flynn, pnrlorolnuk ; Mffl. John Itotlorcr, nllvor set \ Kor.Father Flnmiiig, piotnru i Un. M- Nille,vent i J. H. Killcy, ten set; I'idrlok Wpair of boota t Miiggio Ftnnegitn; clock.

Fourteen pcrsoaB ootnincted themxelviwith tho Hiickottstoscn M- E- Church,; &ibbath moraing Wt, '

Morris Cos ntv Courts.In the Gerund 'lVnniiicr, wiitcmo

boi'ii p iH tid on a iiuuibur at Ihrrso whu Iililoinlnl guilty to indictmeuti.

TIUJIIJIW Collitiu K&a ftuvC. $1 1111J OOHIH fifiling beer iu Mimstnuii; tho Court]MiKsiiiK BfiuiL-nco Imik into conhidcratlou ttart Uuit Tom Juclareil he noa 11 ou CJIIII>

n IK, wtmtiutn the Inwini'-ji, lu.d nhm1 Hvertte (it retjnireel nu iutcrjirutcr to o

pliiiu Tom's rendering to tliii ,v«.r ) t o jhad only bann'engaged ifi ii cittlil dnys ftwhich ho hnd ulretidr HillTared nc in entiou of three vwU within the wnlls cf tbiHotol dc Comity. After being tliun ftierclfully duult with, ho poeuied inclined In doHvti ono of hU flowing round seutonccJ onvtions lit the Court but his Honor niai

loiiHlyfi.ibjrethoiuniution.Ge.irgo JIt3cldon was flaod flOO and coxbiKlei>lion W. Luca ol tlio P.itk Huuae [ilcii

guilty and WAS fined a liko num.

GiiiirU'rj Purr}-, the meanest Bpeciraen oftiiiof wo liuvo neon lliia year, uamo up direct-ly lift«r OulliuHaudatiTbuiiiaB had, of couree,prn"oljod muuh mirth from tho Co.nlmrlieuce, I'tirryevideutly thought his 1KOH aji>ka nlno, aud with many smiles tollhow ho bud nlolon SIS, tho savings o fchild, from tbo house of Honea Knuoueo i

bidi he and his wife were atoppiug nl thetime. Tiie Court gtivo him two inouthi ADttiEiiphroniix n:ibort, the girl who atols $71am Mrs. Mircjuel, ofUtidiiion, inidvr pi

nnaslon of her "lover" was fined fB nud

Simeon Miller, au immonao Teuton frgm[iidisoii, pol *50 far nailing hoer in tbiit lo-

cal option villuge/ •Joetiph Iluury Itenton, a boy uudor eix-en, wiut Hcnt to tbo Itcfutui Sohool loi

Thou. Younga, appellaut aud John John-)n, otala,, appellees. - This is the old Paa-

Baia tawnbhip road case which occupied tidays in Squire EosUm's Court last Buniuie

1 plaintuT was this morning non suited onnotion of Mr. DoAfott, bewiuse the state o*

tit! in and did not correspond with thomoiix, (the latter being Thomas aud theformer Theodore Youngs.) It will.be oor-ioraried.Stophon Btilcs and Oeorgo StUoa, eppol-ita and Willinm Davis, appellee, was dis-

utlBHed.• Bolouion Fnm, nppollaut.and Bolomou)6brlmcr,appollo6,non suit la'favor of ttai

Snmuol tit Bonelt, appellant, and Robertlichards, et als,, appellees, diEmlssed., 'John IL Plerwm anuiOeorge Pierson, ap-

pellants and John T. Mills, nnpeilefs, was.nsuit of Afills, who is a dontiBt at Rookavaf.Rgaiust tbo appdlanta for .damages \ he al-leging that he hired certain rooms of them

roffloefl, in Dovtr; intending to mavoIther, in pureunnoe M whloli intention ho

[tacked up hia fnmitnre arid 'oircnlnUtd. in.tormatlon to that eflect among his patients,u t tho day on which he was to move, de-Budants sont him word he oould not bkve

imni as thoy had rented them' to Dr.ohnBon, another dentist; ha claituccl^that

fritmdB going to tbOBO rooms einecting toInd him were diverted to thfe othoi uoulint^ahis great damage. , The 'defeuse was ainernl denial. Verdict far tfiO for Afillt.Wm. QaUagh'er and Wwgarct G^lngl^r,

ppoUnnts, and JameB Fprklns, appellee|vaBricd on behalf of the appellee and Judgmentrolowauirmcd. r • '.""'-' '' ~ •

John W.' Biseo, appellant, and Jacob Vanleot et ola., appellee, .An action of debt•led on tho part of tbo'appellant Verdict

Tbe Circuit wherein is going on (lie triivj• the cose of Tnomaalron Co. vs. the Alku-iwn Iron Co.,adjourned Wednesday evoningatil Friday morning and the jury went to% PlcoBnut to (in tbe words of tho hyinu)view tha hind " and on tho highest mount

nd as well Ia the deepest pita to etand.twenty witneBBeB have thus far been exmn-aed ou the part of tbo plilatiff.—Bonuer.

Naughnglityitle, :\ ' *,;..Tliin qulut villngo,moves on in its wonteday, with an occoidonal iiioiuout out of Iboerydaf order to Iminh tbe moaotany. II t

biu, Landon, front: FlanderrVrrcccnlly frpiumketown—nnl ^fr. Oea Woodhul aro 01-DCtcd to t«Vo oliarge or the mill properly

ti, and will laova In the plncb.'. '.-fr.'Theodore Naugfarigkt recentlj startedwine, wblub. has a toauenoy enliven, bns-

icw) a Ultle. Tbifi mine,was opened in tho•ill of 18C3, mid has been workoda good•rtionoftho tirao nlneo,*. I t farniahes a3oil quality of ore, nnd plenty of it. Mr.

\* piiternriBiupj nutl worthy, and if tho<U tmde revives will do 11btlot* nmko goada of this vnlunMo property,. ' 'Ooauty flnpeiintundont Thmber paid his

espeets to our taboo) on Wednesday of thisreek.' . : " .' . . . ' ' ". • 'Tbe cltjxeBB feel B jnst pride In tlolr niceid commodionB Bohiwl honso, flitnated onncions'nnd pleasant groands, and tnke it

loop intereut iu tbe facilities at hand furiducation. • • ' " , - ' . Toa^

. Industrie! Notee, .jn Oloudou Iron Company have a Rangen nt work tearing off the top of No, 3nice, which has been idle for manytbB, ,,; . ' B._ •"

Tbo work of iolining No. 2 ia nearly com-leted, apd it Is expco|ed Uiat it wj1l be puthhwt in a short time. '


MeDougal won badly bruised and out Iuseveral places also, but fortunately saved

taclf from going into' tbp pond. Since(loath of his fotlicr, nboiit two years ago,

William Flood has been Iho muin Hiippart olbis mother, acd tha children, keeping thifamily (ogother. Ho was u model UOLliis untimely death Icnvta his poor m

jubly wiilowud, if I mny be permitted the;preBHion.

Ou Wednesday orcuing John Tieruey, ofllnckettalowu, went homo from hie vplayed a few mom onto with bin Lubj,vent out in tho beat of health and Bjii'nlking up tlie railroad track to tUo depot,

train No. II struck: him, and his mungledmains wero carried liouie to bis wife and babya little, wliile after. Mr. Tiemoy worked 01the track a t Hackett-tovm. He wns a kim

nd, a sober and industrloue mnu in th'try prime of bis mauhood. Of whnt avail

hnman Byinpathyin enncs of this kind•'ho cnu restoro to the yonng wife her dead

udr" To tho uiaurning widow her doad•on [ Oiily Ood'a sustaining graco can"giveo poor human nature tlio ulreunth to bearnictlous OR terribln na these. Perhaps Tomlooro hod lost somodearonovhenhe wrotelomo ye discoDBolnte, where'er you lunguiau,C«mu ot God's altar fervently kneel;,

[ere bring your wounded luinrttt,, hem tellyour anguish.

arth hath no Borrow that Heaven can:bed. .From death to a wedding sooms n strangennaition( but it is tlie duty of a nDWepnpeiirrcspoudent io report events as tlioy occur

Mr4 Qt-orgo Blckles, • .of Port Morris, waimnrried by EtquIre.Kiug, of StauhopO| 01'1 humday evening, to MIKS KUbpaugh bl thelatter placo. I wish the huppy oouplo a longlifo nudji happy 0110, ; .

And now tho beat nows of all is reservedthe last. The. obnl miners aro going to

rork, nay, hare gone to work,*ftnd we willlave Btcady work again for eomo tiuio it Ii

be hoped./ No moro Btrikoinonrs thankroul lamglftdit isover. I Uilulc it willteach us all a lessou whlcli, perhaps, it wasnecessary to ledrc. D. J.

No. S Furnace is turning ontmt iron, wb,ich msetQ with"ready BU1« inID uuitke't, ' ' .Tbe coal otook at No, i Turnncp, nt South

&i8ton, Ia bolng r*9p]enlnhod. from one towa cmil boufii biUng uuloatted daily.—,on JVM Prat . ' « '. ;

It is rnmored that a onrgo of steel billels,unnfnclorcd by tha Butblobera Iron Oaui-nny, wool to tho bottom of'Uio Atl<uitiobile

lt inri

itn wny to Kiiropa.

o.l th.U iiubthur bank is to betitiirtccl nt HrichetUtawn, with Goorgo llofanuarly of tho North W-U-.1 Bink, Njwurk

•lfnil A word tn yuor n r . The next flue

.¥fry ons of Jhoac plmplis wliicbinch from 3"W koauty,' Ho\\ bvi, Theru ii >unlh lu every bolU'e

Tbo Crane Iron Compiuiy, at Cataaaqun,LOS put another stuck ia blast.



jinlvcrHtry Si*rvicrK k«t Simwere.very in'ercfltlng. So great wiw thetercet ninniffiitod that n jirutraek-d lueotiwss dcturiuiued on which will bo coutii

long ue nuy goud can bo accnmpb'>iliciAltiind; four have profuKwd converail

Wednesdny cvuning 17 weront tho nltacoufeseiog their dins. Surely railroad mciihould lie prijian-d to die.

On Bfondny 'mornfufi ^VilUam Flood lcflhis homo, in thoonjojuientof perfect healtto begin tho,labor* of the week nt 7 o'clockubout half-past 7 his dead body woe brougbock on a stretcher to tlio home of bin widowed mother, lie was employed on tintrain of tho furnnca company. They webaefc over Iho trestle the first thing in tli

lorniug to g(t eomo euijitj enn*; ou tinwny out with * can/ the 2 middle cam wethrown off the tract by a piece of otic whichgot fast iu some mysterious way HO that thnd of it utruck the box of tlio 2d car from

tlio engine throwiug it nud tha next cm

the track in oppouto directions;" "Tinsudden sbock mimt hnvo thrown youuj

wd nnd Alfred McDoitgn), who wotiploj'ed on tha tmin, off tho cam nud the;

'ell over the great pild of cindora wiUiie trestle bos been filled in, a distanco of H• 40 feet. Floods hend won cut In H

ilacew; he fill into the pond below nud wasdrowned beforo he < mid bo n sued.

Hutdtown.One of tho enddcet aud most niournful

itatemqnt^ rondo to un during tho pnst week* that of Uioilea'th of Lizzie Duffy. Lit-Lizzio was DUO of the inostaniiuble, falud,

'lug, affectionate' little girhi. that we have>t for Home tlmo, Tlie . funeral Bcrmo

foe proaclicd by Eov. I . Tltoiiias, of Itockiray, In tho Berkshire VnUey PreKbyteriuInurch and thecorpu was burUd in tbo ad-oiclng comotery."A few hours later our ears wore greeted byI10 sadden and nnoipccied intelligence oflie death of Mrs. J. Pieison, of Shipping.)rt, who (eft her ovn Lomo to spend a fewtyB with her sistorj U n . Qeo, Loug, reeid-

nnar Ibis plice. Thrpodnys after'herarrival^o was token ill. D. Itiobes, of Sue

innna, and Dr. Bright,' of Woodport, hav.ig been called, were Boon at t i e house but

efforts to nave' her-lifo XV'QTO ineffectual,s funeral oervioo took place at tha Succa-inaAl. E. Church Bhebnving boon n mem*

>orofthat church /or 17 yeora. Herrg .nalne were bnricd in tho Presbyterian ccm-

iry,' The deceased was n;uch oolovod nudBpeoted by all who know her,During the.piutt wi-ek our well-known o!t*-m, Mr. Collins Long, hai removed his fam-

and furniture from- the. "Strawwnylace" to Berkihiro Valley. . We hops theonUcmnn tliough ^oved from ua Intobe country, will find'. many warm and en.leniingfriendu, 'ihe.MBtrawway IIOOBO"a now occupied by Mr. Teabo.1 ' ...Thsputyfo Bohool of this place 'wasre-

pencd last Monday: morning, • having beenclosed for .two vMJks, on account of somany children being sick witu diphtheria.

Wo are glad to know that Mr. Wm. D. Al-in our popular and hitherto mccessful'ocher, is BO tar reeDvercd as to rename his

In the school. ''•..•••' <'• , "' ; ,any do rightly and truly oonje'eturohot Kef. o. I). 11. will give a good lecture

"' •-:• ... y - . ; : . • -. - H . .

. ' FLANDER3, '_ '_• ,'"i*.'-Thp Sabbath School connected vitli the

•resbyttrittn church held its anhiYorsarj on4^th iaflt. .The dty ,<mx a beoutlfpl Bpeo->H of, flutaicnal weatherl7' nature boing

[ressed In Its gorgeous robe for the season,ontributed to tha loveliness,of tbe time.

it gaibcring Was'large filling tbe church toirflowlnff. -Tho M. E Oud Bartloyvilloloolswero prosent. After the-urncd formopening by Bingiiig and prayer, Rov. D.Fox BtAted that ho took charge of £hercimiH by request, and culled upon ,Ur,nuol White fur a report which be prompt.

• gate, showing Uio school In a good, work-igond proBperou| cnudJtiou.. The nttend-nca RpealiB well for Uic^pouctunlity of both•aobcrs and ecliolorj. &Ir. II. lit. Boveroign,npcrinteudnt of the U . E. Bcbool, woB'call-

upon and gave a brief verbal report Bbow-ig advancement in tho good work 1 «ii

n otosa of young girls expressing a child'sloniroj "Itpchof A|[ea"by older ones' j.tlicr pieces by fto wbool, will, MIw AiJoleat thVorgnn^vaa good.. Rov. Mr.lochraq, ot Mondh&m, BpoketotnoohildrenjftTTjy t« intereut and instruct $11, Ho10k tho word "watch " ford text and theiviaions cr his discourse wero miggestcd bylie ldtors consUtuling tho word.: , I t iraa aoaaon of deep interest. . , . ... ..- Alt, Stephen Da fiord bus bought thipropirty formerly owned by Mr, DahklSowers and in preparing t i i " ' * '

i.o. e.r. . •Thomembon Pf Vioter Lodgo,'No. lii,

, 0 . Q. T., are requested to be in attend-onco next Mondny otcninpat haU-jnvst neven,

tp p q oinominftUngofflcerBor tho enming tcna, aod tha tratiKtction

thor bwdncRi of groat importance fa bobrought bB:o the. Lodge,

."•••• , E, 0. XXE, W. Soo'y.

Tho nutcbinRoa family will give a concertla Morristown on filonday evening. -.

A Doe Ejnitemvttt.

Abou' f'ght o'clock on lVtdriesduj moring the w«ll-tiio*n »WCB." Ore on of GoldCorneni, arucd with a big club, and backby a man with a rinc.Bnd scverai otbera v. itlout rifled, arrived in town -with tbe hUrtliinlollig«u<ja thnt n tat.il dog which \ u I(•jueciiniiitiui tho dity jircvtuut, ha i IiitUut'iyht or niuo dogs 111 tho neighborhoodthe Comers, nud bad hUirtcd iu thu d rtcUonor Dover. About an hour rarller lu re*oon n report of u dog nuji]ioaL'd to be midin Orchard Btreet, which Harry Kibble bnd

caged iu his father's wood house on thatBtreeL I n a uooieut a great usoit^mont wusroiuod in tho central portion of tho town,ilarshal Kelloy armed himself with a re vol.er, aud nocompanicd by "Wes." Green audiii big club, bended a procession of about

1 hundred which marched to tho wood-idled ttfor laid.

Surrounding - tho Bpot ManOial Kellcjlenud tho door and dificovorcd the dojcping out Benentli a pilo of uiatti

itotcd therein.- Bo wan at once identlfiiby " Wefl," and bin friends aa the rabidWhile tho Maralial won getting ready to d<

ih'sb him tho individual with theiitd awuy and dcmollHhcd tho end of.ttr.Rs. The Mnmbal followed, aud Ui

.wo moro shoU were let off at him. It wasiw decided that tho dog wus dead, aud theiiwbal withahoe proceeded to drag liiiit from beneath tlio mattraascs, whila tbiptrd outflido, accepting the situation, -

:alkiujjtho mattei over. Eutitliappi:!iat the dog was not yet dead nnd a momentInter camo boundng out of tho door nndamong tlio crowd, blooding from bis wotu

it yet pretty lively. A bomb shell erpliid in the m|dst of Iho Bpectntors could uoliiiTo effected a greater panic. One portioniat ran across tho crotjiict ground emigbieir feet in the wickets and tumbled in oy<

liroL-tiou. Some frantically endeavored tc-•limb trciiH, some wero Impaled ou tlio pick.

fence in endeavoring to suite it, nud oth>9 mulled into tbe house. Ouo poor follow

nn up the Htupn of tho tear porch with thog after bim, but as he reached the upper

lio ntumblod aud fell, and his locoblanched to deathly whiteness un tlio dogcamo up clow to him. Iu tho mean timethe stalwart •< Wes." Qronn had been follow.lug ttto uanine with bis hickory cudgel, 11

Using this favorable opporluulty hammoiin to dtath, his blood bespattering thuur of the porch and tha door of tho IIIAfter the death .lof tho animal a question

na to whether tlio dog was mad or not,chiming that it belonged to tho late

'aUey liashcit, nnd Uiat It had not bci

town. Ono thing 1B certain—a dog thntouldiiot get mad after sueh a circus netUot

;U to bo killed anyhow.

Teachers in Session.The Vest Morris Teacher's .Association]Id its Ninth Session in tho Frenbyterianlurch at tiuccoBiinna, oa Saturday, the GthF October. Prcsidcut Bobliiuoii called tholooting to order at eleven o'clock. Tbi[>6nlug' exercises were conducted by tho

*--', Mr. Bouper, who offered a very appro-1 Hate prayer, especially I ur ok ing Gud'sleasing ou the teachers aiwoinblod nnd upon

cauno thnt they represent. The Btcro-try bciug absent Aug. S. Berry wasi act pro torn.

ilt. J. Beword Lamsonwaslntroducedandivo a very clear and concise solution of thiI and lOtb examples of Arithmetic! 3d gradelCHtions of tho last examination, dwellingirliculnrly on the beauties and simplicity

motrio B/Htem. 3Ir. lflug next Himrated bis method of journaliziug the fi h andtb questions on bookkeeping of tbo exam,

lion of August and also iu a clear xniled his plau of tcauhing a chua.book.;ping, after which tlio asttociittion

urued to bolf-piut ono o'clock.Afternoon session was called to order atIB and after au ineffectual attempt to pro-ire an organist i t was found neccsRary titupenso with singing. Ur. S. B. Tunisiea took up the tmbject of grammar {hoanslderBthat it Bhould bo taught the re ,erso of the gouoTal text book, viz: analysis

parsing; in fact a good knowledge ofMining can not ho obtained without analysis.

Ho would begin to tenon it by teaching thewhat a noun and pronoun are, and'

vonld toko up the,subject of analysis by bo-;Iuuing with the. nitnpleet ot sentenceluting of a subject and predicate, and after

class thoroughly undemtand, Uiat, wouldonRtepbyfltep until* the whole subjectigonepvertmd'thoy could oualyzo^ thort elnborate sentenoo nnd Uian would takeparsing and it'wlll take but a short timet i e class to parsa any thing given to

a . " ' ' ' : ' " : . : ' • • • -• • . • .

Mr. A. W. Nichols'thim took tho I0U1acfltloa of the nret grade grammar ciamin-ion and gnve a number of cases with ointn-

when "tlmt" is preforablo to "who" or"whlob." . • •'

Resolved that the nest meeting bo held aton Saturday Nov. fld 1877.

. Aro. 8. BEnm Sec. pro tern.It ID hoped that when in tho course of'enta thU association should hold its nextootlag at Succaauuna Uiat the teachsr there111 iiika anongh' intereut in it to nt least

u fire so that the members will not hnvosit with overcoats,- and Bhnwls on to keepoutaidfl cold from chocking Uiolr ardor

the cauuo of oduootion.;'...*• ' Now AKD THEM





S011E THKOAT-Sure.8PIUINS—Ncvor foils.ITIFF JOINTS—It beats all.

STIFF NECK—Can't bo beat.BBDISES—In all cases.LAME BACK—Infallible.

At Voughi & Killgore's, Corner Drug, Store, Dover. A general:otluction lias been made on ,



md other articles. All PATENT JIEDIOIKES whom former prico lias boonil nro now sold for 75 cts. Those at 50 cia. rc<luctid to 38 cts. Thoso .it 25 eta. reduced to 20 cla, * Qivo ua n cull boforo purchasioR else-Uoro. Dp not forgot tho place. TEEMS CASH.



Dow, Qot. 1st, 1877. CORNER DRUG, STOBE^POlTEIt, .

The Iron Market .':The Engineering and Mining. Journal Bays

week of the pig Iron market t We notoa of fl.DOO tens of tho Philadelphia and

Leading Ooal and Iron Company lot on' aie terms, : supposed to bo Terr low ;it 1,200 tons of No. 1 foundry, hi lots,ilft<g|90; and about GOO tons of N a 3

indry, at $17@10. Tko improved bual-s noted for several weeks continues. Theland iB not groat, yet in comparison wltii•or ago the pnroLaBcs, nlthough in small

ite, are more general aud of greater ngero-rblle there 1B not that decided lover

idency tbat, ruled from the time of theto within a few weeks back. We

ioi« No. 1 foundry at 91S@19; Nn. Sjnndry,- $17(gHB j - nnd forge, $1G@17.liero aro some brands which, owing to

their scarcity, aro held at higher figures,and in small loU eeeure Uia advance, butthere in fleuls of good iroa obtainable

our quotatldoH. Tlio UDsettllng fen-ires to pricei are the Philadelphia & Read-ig Cool anS Iran Com pirn j ' i lot aad 'slortli Itivor Irons, nggregntlne in all aboutIghty thaaBand tons.

There Is hardly & man In tlio county vhoirries on'n bnsineBR, or yet a fanner, but

Tenrllllger Safe for tha preserverhis b o o ^ end pnpcTB would be appro,

listed. Many penana because they hnroever posioHaed one feel thnt they aro

[eaa to SICID, l)ut tho Batiifactiou in the.nonledge of tho absolnU aofety o{ -vnluqblo

ncconnts and papers ia fully realized for thofirst Unio when one of these convenient and

t q t f ttrtkles ot.funiituro U broughtto nao. ToorhcBn Bron., tbe wellOtnowa

merchnnU In Morrlstown kenp thirorwiUgcr nafcrj on hand for nab at tbiprices'for'which they aro bought at tbiBalwroom of tho company in Hew York, andho'reliability of Uieabovo named flrm benrais ant I" oar assortion. Call'and iea them.

BITES mid STIKGS-At all times. CUTS or "WOUNDS—Good.FOR ALL PAINS-^Abaoluto-tiyit. BUENS—Safe mid BUTO,

PIMPLES ON THE FACE—It IIUB UO equal.25 and 50 O(H. per bottle. AH Ronuirjo OAMPIIOK OKEAM Las {be cufc of

Uio SICK MAN on tho label; othurs are imitation. BEWAREOF THEM. You con get tbo genuine at


I. N. Bodcli mid E. W. Beam, Rockaway; Jenkins &

Co., Mine Hill; Josiuli JUcckcr, Siicinsimiia; Darid

Strykor, Iionia; II. Kearney & Son, Tcnljo; A. Bob-

cits, Drnkcvillc; Gco. D. Coo, Walnut Groro.

RHEUMATISM.Bin-ton's Elieuinnttc Bomody is a coriain ami speedy eui*e for Bbou-

inatisn], Neiimlgia and Nervous Hendache. As a specific for Blieu-ti it lms no equal and 1ms nover been imowD to fail. It is taken

ly and acts directly upon tho primary causes of tlie disease,g y g fp o joints or gliun3a. Neurul-

Kia niul Nervous Headache cured in a few doses. $1 per bottle atVOUGHT & IQLLGORE'S, D0VBH.

[ qin torn ally and acts directly upon tho primary causes of tlie disease,educing any mvelling or mtl-irfpment of tho joints or glun3a Neurulia niul Nervous Hedache cred in a few

A l>«i-4luiinl>U

. . Wtio that is In ptrfcot bauld uol motcn tliu itriaUt uji1. tho acllvoind, and other nnpeuritnuuB orvoutiimi vigoril. [lie luxunaiulo, Iho nun colur, aud iieuut;

uryouiliTuI lialr? l'arlicr't HairllaUiiin uttnddife-etnineat. a» an elogant Lair ilruuBiiiR audby in healthful acllon on tho rools not onlv

tli of Uio youngr or faded

- — — . — — ,c_.._, ^—H~>..*.» •>•»"| Si lUir a1

mft, rich and lustrous apjiratanoo'or greatJtauty. Ho, oilier prtpatatloh so tfluoluall.v'"uiovonUnnJrtiu'orftiipBfiiilinffor tliu "--'--

.c,0_o!'n«^.I'(?.llCani|K >«IIn» «ntln.-ly cline; aud hdniora ot Hie ncaln, and keeping

. Bkio clean, white and hralliiy.. It-is por-Jtlj liaimlcss, tiqiilfiltely fiorftimed, and

.tiniaiDB nnihfue tliai will Soli the skin or cumlie, hair. It Is not a dye. and »iincnualeu Tortcolli-nca and jurltv. Dny a Imtllo from yotirrnggiht, VDU Ilt A Kilitruru, bover; Oiam,laui-e & Co., Port Orara j Y. H. Jonlunii Chve-<r; W. S. Cli»ri]avoyi«, Htanliopo, imu toat its

" T i t i . , , • ;

" : . - - ' , • : . " - . " • , • • • • • , • - . , .

Where Help l« K«ruiit '•';"-'at that eorrowfal sligC of lironhen thu

lood and sijatcm have bucomo impoverfBhcdr old ago ur dfieano. l*arkur's Qiticer Tonic

i a notverfiil Invignrani, and "(IbrdH iuut ikttielp.1hit the aged, tho f^blc,'aud tlio con-aloacenf roaoIiT,,lipeauflu it en»ui«i porfootRUBtmn and eDjn)mentor thofuod,onrichesi blood, aud srou»«a the ilnr- 'the ilohilllMt'-il orRtns^ ~

diffiiHOH nnrmthapd vigor throngi>Tlia~pyri-~ , renoivB tlio ai)i>clHe,BooUioii tlio no ITCH.

rt]iD»rae!«i]choly, and itfvcs stiongth anutlcity ui the norn out trarao. Mauy oilierily euratiro propertion not poauoiuied by;ur are ndilod to thU pleaeani remrdy,IHRH entirely diffbrect Irom Eflaeneo or

a f 1 boltln Tram junr di-ngfllBt, Vonglt Jfcin [gore, Dover; Oitm, Ilanco '& Oo,. Port3rani[ P. N. JcuktuB, Cbetlor; W. S.Olmrui-oync, Htanliope, or a somiite bmllo at IS ctBtid tout its uitmonlioary merlta, . . . .

\ Time-1 tun oral SpttllU-.—TllO long andcccufDi earcor of Dr. WIBB-ABT'B PINK TUEKin COUDUI^ ai contrasted wl|h the spocdyHapao or noRtninis dfcvoid or efficacy whichLVO from time to timohoon puffed Into a irivlitonoty uuring tlio'twenty odd years ibat

ilebmttd medlcino has Iwen sold, affordsiroof thut tho Amarlcen (inblio cantiunti to

coufldenco iu denning articles only,'ue Pine Tree TirConlialliaBloaRbeDnrocog-licd *« Iho leading (peeltic for Consumption,rouchltlB. Coufibn, Golds, Asthma. Dipthcrla,nd nil otber diBunso* of Hie breathing orgntifl.

loiila remedy ii.t Dysiiopila, Liver blBordcn.

ropsy, Dobillly, Consliimiion, and tuinuleoiu|ilKiutd. CuliatniillvncotirnulitrugitridtnccTan uniuipcactiahlu chnrBL-tertstanlisbeB thatt that it uut uulvuutlrclv nrudJcatoi theBi'UOBtu which It Is adapted, bu^aiao tbati action lircmtrknblv pruuipiHOd tborongli.io crucial tost er experience has demouitrated• roliablhty in every parilcnlar. bold * "UEFjBlB. Priacliatf1—'"- "'lihiuclphii.

C«n>umii[lun cnu be CU1LBD.!HEKOR'S POLJI KIC fitlllfr, «.-

ficncKcB's HEA VtiizB Tnric, 'KcitKSCR'B SlANDlUHE PlLU,

Aro tbo Duly uniuiduog tbat vrill euro 1'ul-lounry C'niiBUtnpllon.Frequently inediulncB Hut will slop a coughIU^COBHII.U tlm donlh cf tho ]iutivut; liioy

ock up the liver, stuji the circulation of thoiloDil, hutnurrhiRo follows and in fiot ihtjlog tbo action ot iho vury urgam thU caused

Liver Complaint nnd Dynpepiin aro tboI of two-1 Li ids pt tlie OSPCS ul Couiumn-Mrtny pcrflium cotnjitHlti of a dull jialn In1 - •rVl J *— inlnin

ihlhi auCKf, thu fool lyiiif; liraVIhh,aucimipanlvd witU ar-'!'-- --ciuity andbcluh

Pctsuns «o sflVetpd. ir tliw t«be one orie»»T coidn, nuil If ttt" cuiwli iu tbrvn CBHCB lieuduonlychcokid, will flud Ihe xtoinacb andiTPt oluKli"". nuinininn turpldpud inaclive,ind nlmui! Vcfuro they aro aware Iho IIIURB arei mpibB if Kore*. snd ulctiraieci, iboienultot*lilclii« dc»lli.

Bcliouck'a I'ulmonic Bvrnp ii nn cxpcelnrantrliitli doei not rautulu op mm or anything '

' led to chcoV a cnticli inddculv.honuk'oHimU0.(1 Tfimc dlBnofvrs(lie food,>B wltli the Rrmtr'c Juice* of tlic itomach,JlgoRtloti, nnd eron Ion a rnvunons appetite.huu tliu OKITUIB am coauve, hhlu BulUiw, ehvmplnno uilicrwli>L' or n blltnUH trnJcnci•nek1* Mnmlinke PllU «re rrtiniret), . "wen nictliciucs cri: iirtpurt-il mil; I IT

J.H.SUHKNQKjfgOS,N. E. corner Wixih una Arvti HU., I'bll

And »r^ {or MIG hy til drapjlaU'tniJ dtakri

• ' . -"•' , August.Clotrcr,The most miserable being! la tbo world «re

llldsir suffering from Dynoeoali. md LlvarOompl*lnt. Mare tlian aoveniy-tive percodt.- ' t ho people in thoCnlUd Uutee wJimctcA

h those two dlsoMes and their eHeotg: encb— Sour atomnch, Hick He»d»one, Uafaitusl3oitironeiB, Pilpltallon or the Heart/ Heart-burn, Witer-bra.Hu, pntwjng «nd burningW i t the pit of Ihe Htomwh, Yellow Bkin, .

Klllporo, and set a > ooot bo^lloV A?QrrrKLOWKB or a atraplo bottle for ID eeots, Tryit. Two aiMBs wiJl rebe»o you. r. ,. .


JIBBB IIB11B EEBII: .D K II E11 I I - 11 E 'I1DBB .»

IIB exhibiting an elegant stock of


Wall Pockets,".- ftndagrcatTtirletyof ; .

Household Ornaments.• - • . ' ' t ' - " • . i ' • ' • • , . '

Confectionery,.;nlwnyi pnre and freak.

Books,BLANK BOOKS,.. Stationery. &c.;

.,-,,.. Tho beot brands of





-CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SPEC-T?AVA?S.' S \ £-G •-A8SES, &c. atEQUALLY iJOW PRICES. Callor ivrltu far prlce-llit.N. H. WHITE, 441 BROAD St.,

NEWARK, N. J.(?PP. M. 4c E. E. E.DEP0T.


Presort luff Whilpr JM>1GI>*Tln.w who grow H|HI1OB for mnrket and

ninki'it im cxjiftfinl l tnnci iu t Iwnincss,do not uwJ ii» W lolil how tn kopp tlii'in

but lluwo who Iww but 11 fcir trees niicljjrntw I'liii'tly for Hiei. owu tisc, iiiiy bibenefitt«-il by n hint or two.

Tho iriitlu'riTiK KlionM ht ..HUP »M



1y'|ia.n)»"D. - - . ._•laiio 1'arlitiicnt. FI. fn. Uc Urn. t t lor. Ib•.•aw. Ilftnn.al>le to Nnr rmUr Term A. P .1S77.


BY viNne of Hie atMJTe awted «rif of fti-rifa.-iiii. in itiv li»i<b. I Khali ciuunf, lor KHIL-

•••ilJjrVclJiJwV, »t Hit-CuU«U BUtm He-- '

lmu.l, » if hlmkctlicv soi

'k«r tW.r

. i t , A. D. 187". Iwnruruf NOVEMBER

AfteorloJ ovr*MiV i

au<l w

rot. Even whenin? often Ki.llvus,ul

,1 curly du'iiy ia H I'LIU-

BHlEifrfngtliry »IUMI..1

ml i.nv tluit liu.ru bci'll

i or iMUTjullar? taken

tt'lii'tvivr tho ciitii'Ii* in in nuy

ijiitv.] tin* ni»|'li' if li!il»le to tut,

icli fruit MumM In1 K,j»t aw»y from \

ili.' cninul twit's, Tluwf wliit'li j trove en-

t inly «li.»U'iiin.v bo init i" clow ^Hi'^lV.l'ifvri'Ii. iuailivi t\> fcivp out futw, and tht'lijmt iu nuy ilry ivllur jm*t secure Irotn{rust, l l is very i.i,]<kirlni)t to- carefullyt.-tki? «)il tho iiijuivd ones, us n«y IUVJI.Vin ii lot nil, ofU'ii comiiiimii-iito to tlio JCUUUIwliuli- l«''ly. \VlWtv Uut n d'W on> i J . 1 ^ 1

pi-own, n cuiil ivlliir, g-.irrot or sited &tv-|lr.'iii Jenn» from frost, anil tin* Iniit laid on \£X\

floor or t'H sWivt's, is (W t'1"1'' a 'Ihinp. Iu this oasi\ wlifn* there iiliiiiul use for boiist'lu'lil pur^ow.lujHTftv! fruit rim W> tiiki-ii ns they

n^va r . This is tin- pnii'ral (•Inu ; butit i3 Wtt .r where (inn? iN.n lw -«.'un>J (•sort tlieai over nlii'i: i>nt in, I T soon nf-KT, nil nt uiuv mill iliun* vitU it, UwuiJi'I'fii,. oa ttu' J.tilr juVIiJHtf out, Jtilontf nt one.' nml thus saves time. Ttienvnu-u of ihe lttHisolniM as a riit<juii.-li miTi« kidlv worked iliiiu tl»> men,mid even A few mut-tiT hours u Jay soonTtui? away with time t\wv can hardlyspare ; b.'.-iili's this, tin* continual KIOY-uiK»l>into(tl»Kont)A &ni<* ia likolyt.ititj!ir<'(h<'i!>, mill 1,1119 tbf evil fromtl-wiiiKCil fruit ii iiiorea.*oJ. Moreover,


lMil Of Mtlltint S n i r




hukn tu » corner olmmili »U ami m,

ivfld li'iiitnis fr.ii

tho »)in- C, I

f t .

IIic i

it » bri'tls of inerfcctl

u'in tuul u

g mutter may s.l fruit, nu.l thusT(

in n rl.>si> barrel, uuJ may ilo so in more

Tlif success of apple culture in onrSwti1 lias IKVH \fry enooiiraBiiig lliepast iK-fa-W. One of our sub^ribt-rst(*lls ii.« Hi:it I"1 luiu lint nui* tn>t> iu hissmall Kit, anil Hint it in a "Hod Slwab,"which may, tiowewr, nitiiin auylbing al-most ; but that from it ho tins gatheredQ[tu>u\ui*1u>ls otajijilrs, which he thinkswill tiH'p liw f:mn!y till after Sow Yoar.lit1 fciys it tlt.l uot War so urell a fowyears ajjo as it lias Hie last six or seven.Tpar?, but'jjr JvuJioctho TtJtyrupA huIvis1>c«a iiiiluvcl to keep a sharper look-out for Inirors, ntul ho imts on mantotvusionaHy nniicr the troo, thongbgrowing in a sort of w asto corner, auJthe lr>w uuw gives biiu as uiurtt Ritistiou aa nuy of Ins lut. Tliough jiorhlull «f the fruit are etnoj; \r tho laotb,r.»,l llm* Wvoiih'A a liltlti wormy, theluUnco is good ; and by QSIUR the io-jurcJ oues first, be "gets n!oiig." , '

AH thi~«e thicks are fiicMuragiag. Alitrio more care in Uxttiug after thetrocs, auit A titttc ja.Ig^meut in tiriogfor the fruit raised, wonU make & Lalf-dozen well &olwt<.\l tmes gives lrait«wn^li for some families far » wuole

Almnl the Hhr*1.

A ride through tbe coanty rill showbroai} £r]J.« of beautifully green vLcttfrom one to thrto iccb&s in height, andKxihnp to tbe evo, ev^ry indipatan ofluxuriant aa<i healtbj gwwth.

The. practical husbandman, howerex,looks upon it witti gr»re ap^rchcosions.The Idag coQtiaQjLne^ of dry veatherk«s b « a very faTOntble to the ravi

T«ybn<.Twiih tbe oe^ir started crop,Wbit is -«-ttitft3 to tare oie wheat no*is « goal Niitiog run, tailored bj cool^caxiitr. I t is sud tb»t a great portionof tht> t£D(j«r &hoou, *s the ; now sUni,are miocsl feu all Uie purposes of aj i d J , bat &hoaU rtin eome new shootstrill ]>UI f<>7Ji that mar -»ithVCAilier Come to a desirable maturity.

Sicce \he tXxivc was ia tjpc we hIvea RLOWH by Mr. O. VV. Ze\\et. olWtlliaras tovusbiii, specimens at theMeilitenuaeaQ vutietj of wheat flbr the S.T, which has cat the stalk offWlow the gronud, leaviDg no bope osj»rtiatinp again, us *ngB«siftJ nbore.l'he specimen tnJvirc US budgrowth of about five inches, wlica iitarnod brown at the top aod died fromth« attack ot the flj, Mr. Seller in-tends (o pat his Itttiilia rye at mice.

Itcmodins for to fruit treesare wention*il by H « T Lacas ia a latework on Orcfaanlinjr. According to him,WOUIH S of tbo usual &ort are bost tnut<

- o3 l\r catting out the injured j>art, andsmearing tb# pans laid hare b j the in.tiMon witi re*4n or tar. Wksbing themwith water aud bonJaging n t h w«tclotlifi, hxce iJ-so ttv^asntly" prodaciOpoo.1 results. \Touml*on the tranti of

tnvs, caawd b j bailftlooi^ sliouljbc fiiscAr^^ vitli ti oiixtQr^ofclaratnlcnw'siloDg. Fruit trees in-jnrcj l»r lat« tivstst, if tbe lurk«>oofcsspotted «m3 ttio !if**r *i*atm^ a ivJdith*pi>ntTAiiCi\ shonltl be scanfitNl at onco, •oi the «lrip^ df b i r t m.iy to cut ont int!n? i3irec;ioa as tbe If Offtb of the trnak,«n3 tbe line o[ tlie iuciiion SlleJ•with jia&td raiao of o1»y, caw*<4tang and

^rliniiii^iit tiv iOT, 19ili, 167*. _t*rtiwiJ of ilt-rJi

.in h i J uI I U . Hii.i.l.iliiin tieSUtrtUl'SR<n S93, Ai*.

1'1EIW>K A. FREEMAN*. Sheriff,y i-jtn, i s " . . rr. » . f -

NOTICEi>r (lii* noiaioitioa


1 ^ to tut- tiy litlt.<>r( at taw nf An

Uufiji", JIIIJ SineItl UlltlTHJ.,1 Oil.'-

JiulKt t »li t i touiiiT ur Mm nn-iy Ki»cn ili»I on appICWHT W. Hunt. i>uoamU 11. Mum, t!,c.aMiui-ton. in ilie d ur Nt* Ji-r*i'v, nb»

ouitlipltl Ol slitluitiiiBH.r ilp*fril*.l, stlic IWntit ip, t'nuii

L< «r UM. Ami kooun «i

K.tniu-nidii »n.l otlitii, tuJ con'iim |orlJ-1om



Tmnuf H.-or

. aud emiiii Ihtr

h li Iht

* ihi' rikn»»>J, anil rmivc

,•[<( AmibJ* II. Il*l J ! n t h

i* » w«>.l lot miliiji.m, U. A. I'mitcll _ .iwt'h • »rh*-< more <* K-ns t>f n*\ M U W U

e loimerl.T of II iry ln-a lv lirr t«v ikf dn, ilrc'il. I hare

W U l W l Sttotl Jmc|,!i n i .\V War^l, Cuit

f* uf l«n) In

y iiffin- in Duk t b

foar il

lSclfrinaWrdivide tlie Mtiling or parti

*r* vUtcd IuDucr on i l twelftb far

nrit . tbe ui<l J.wpli H(»th, Wind Wm. \V. Uantli, will thro

i m I OIV jrtilivin nlthi'*nJ liu.i I'nmmnl to ai. .

" ntorf i'«^r mriilioinut joint" loc»ut i

»et <f


EXECUTOR'S SALEBV «irt oe «<t an oi tier nf tbc Orplia

oftb« t\iant( of Xnrri*. n«tlcJ — ^[ Septt-niltor 1ST7 itie mliscrib„. _ , . . . . , __. OtT, t l lC

of the la«t Kill intt tuftnuiol or JuLiB, iioc'd, wilt loll i t public u lc , ooSATIJHDAV, NorrtnUr lTtli.lST?,

b>t«ccQ Ihe lumn of 13 *DJ 3 o'clock in tbeinnxui, on ilir pniuisi-s, a rorlaiu inc lnt *uJ pn dittos *i<o»l«, Irian «ad itciag

._rtO«Hrti.l><if BiKliwr, ID itttl OrnntT _Mum* 4»J $t*l* »iDrruid, Wins the mini

rmkett wUidi « B I cwiw»n" ~lilUr br Jamc* BIiachiKl . . .<UUM October 2J, 1K6. *n<l n-11 um* CdaalT lleootdi psi? 47, Ac, U)J Iten!«tiicb tlieu<dJj.m»lJalm McCint ftud niro.brdHd— ' i s « , • *


AiUA Uarrb iSifi, ISM, mil mJOrdcJ in (t<Morris (Vrant; Roor i uf De«KU, in Book r tr*R« **3 coaiJiiiiD; ilwol OD^lbini tit a

f DR« **3, coaiJiiiDj; ilwolr rotUnd, more or leta.

the UcJo. trsftTR-nii', titil e*!i(eH-lji'rix>[ taiuiolic

i4 C

JAMES YDati-d Sepl. 4m, 1677.

k r^lbini tit ainft the wholiuttirni* ID

tefilieJ wiic

wo en di f c

, Ex«uior.*l4

Adjourned Sheriff's,Sale!

Iu Cbicctrr of So* JertcT. Fi. ft. fur saleravwtf*R< l prcraisti. WbfreinSamcfl Trii_ocrif rtioii>!ifB»oi, and William II. Pbarpand Caroline C. nit *ife, AddiaF. Hagerq a a r d f M ll dtdi B

Caroline C. nit *ife, AddiaF. Hagerrdian.f M I M ll*ser u d t r d i a BagaiDl*,) Nellie tLToppiUR, AdmiDtatnin:

rbedi ie Timpinc. dteeiwd, *lli*odnrnithao AUCD «r» deffoJio

natiffclfrnbtburof Ike . ..<-*. it tdlxumrd to tik* pUce tt th« C SITEDSTATES HOTEL, in Morristnra, S. J.

MONDAY, Ktfr. 5th,_ . i . IS77. bnvten iho honn of U IL inA

o'clock P.M. . *•

It SIM, 1877."

H. P. SANDERSON,dealer

WllEELS,»sio*-»sSa.Mper**t. .Ulof FLVE COLORS for carriage sod mgna

kinUug. Aim OILS tnd TARSISH, both

r. Ti ^tc, P&iot Coloritu? uid V.rcfches sod StripiEg PenciU, % full stock.All of t ie ftboxe goods from tbe best m*k


ntnii^e l>aildt'.r, froua a knowledg; of


Stove and Tin Ware Siore,


SUCCASUNNA,E tnbecrtt /it* t pletior* ith> diitti t&iacaunoi an

. J.

iml tin *ir*> finoii^hnirnt »l the tboreTbe *toct o gwvl* ronfitUog of tbe Utcti

ind mtrti improred *

PARLOR .t KITCHEN STOATS,RASOEtl «nO QE-VTEltS. h«w J o u W nin. »n<l ire CMtn^oacciK th* VERr SEffESl

~>KSIGS. H*ktPt\*O. PLl'MBl^fl a a i

Oar UCK\ ol tin * i » (if «icn dMciptinaV M *f», and cbnp, Ca!l kuil MC rmr Qooibfforc rnreb»Mnc rifrwbere,

JOS.J.•«uinn»,S.J.. Owt.SltLlfns.

A drawlwefc to the wjeeossfal raisingo{cljicli?iisa?o the diwsscs, to nliichtbo fouls arc^isli!e- If more attention

dsjwbo.i* ia sitniUr i3i«k-jiscs but feweVckfas ntcrtaarily n«il thns be lostTlist Ct nuBOn Ciimpluot the ''/rajvs.*1

ftiid, can be cured >IT n i t t iiaprt^nat^il vith cuQpbor. Th» presence ot tbeUtter is dtsitb totfaeia$<v& T t t other

FOR RENT CHEAP.The (feud Store tod SUble* BUT theuu4 lock. l>or<r, ThJ» is *a old. ntab-Khe] <*c*l bu«n(« sUsd «nd u tlwirs

sure of a goo«l trade. Apply Co34-tf SAiTtJEL COSS, &ovtr, N. J.


T11O.UAS BIUGUT, Proprietor.


^ y nailing a piece,of salt pork to a board and thus allowfowls to peck «t it. Tbis rcm?5j* *t istild cercr fails to citirpate t ie com-pUint "

FBECKLINE!!•oil *ad Mano.h. Bf«nUflti Un ICOlDplEUnn.

ib* TO*.aCESTRAVOTIXE.B*)4 »J- kll Dranini .

B*et attorrcj- for ii»e eii coo-: I t i t bring Chinese ta Califcmi*, jtip for ttetn io Uirir tine of per- J

RWitJon. H«arsnc5 tbuit Cbiocse Itbor"his kept down the prfeus of ro»HT com-

• - . « f

AQCKTSWAKTF.D1 Mrfil* u d DtplomuAw«rf«l tor HQLMAXS*XEK

2,KV litoftntinaa. Addtmta ( t t u t amlai*, A. J. HOUdAX £ CO., SJO Arch St, rail.







lttH>k-K>'t'pln[:Hair It UK, [VriifliCouitu.-ti»l La

tvirt i r ff iwcialMlii t f t l t-ntS (if yuimi; Nitionmho Jrairon Tur llutiuete I'urtuiU. K

OF STUDY.{Kiitfzlo and Double Eulry,]

'iioD, IVmuiadJip, Orjmroor,, Practical ani SIcDtal Aritb-

KHxlviicx, Actnii Botin*

itTcli^rmubvEiin. Acti

fa Nca- Yvik, J'lilUtltJpb

;• far toy )f nplb of tlroo •

drti», ot call oi

FULLY SATISFIED *onl in vbiit vr claim (nn« at ftp BK^rouunt ormowy piulmllbertruutii-n(tit> nt a ami** with »» and the tfflt nor Tdelior* will be foHr f I (J* i cd. Oram and M. MQIUOD ' S M I 1 -

: ind turibw pvtiniUra, •<


719 nilOAl) 6T11EET.wber lit, 1677.



BctwcfD Vworheei &roi. Ilirdwari) Siore tKaUocal Iron Hank.)







Pharmaceutical Preparations.



Pres^nptiom urefnlly ptepartd. Move linlCKxrarnivacdof the but quality tuid pre-

pared tceordioR to tbe Uallwl SUUs Pb»nSi-copaii, or ibe mast tpproied fonnnU.

A-fOll WIOJtlDMjl Df


aa cTtrjibiDp n«nillj round in i drag ilort


Motrilowo, S. I., Jan. Hi . 1S77.



ic tarfiert uaonowuv <rf WATCHES AKBCLOCKS betirrtn » t v York and Eutan.

Another R«»l redooUan in WALTOAUI G K «»d tirnisapiBLD WATCHES.

qnick-tnin noTemeat, nunnfacUred ia Bock'funl, IilJooia, Uta» tbe iwt; tbi bcsiJ l]

t l U k d


aicn> of SI L\ER VLATK1>WAEE ; et orjmarked down Io BOTTUSt PHICB. &fttor Ibo DtAUOKD STEOXACLS AMD ESiOL&SSES,




The Old Reliable Market in


.7. E. BEEMEErti ill nirl


old •UoJ, «111 b o n n o tusith d o k .


ous, :

OINCIKNATI HAMS,b«t in tho nMti. We nuke » R

k a U n s a l l m i r o r a i i L d b ' ^tui.oftti.bttt.

nfc^IHil rLrnlSU

tt* nu l lL ' Ca

M KKa A« Uer sapeir la UMlad (bid tt raifnubM priMt.nmkf t prie«a piid In cull,




THE GREAT RIOTSh*rritie«. Tbeoewtict«bel»««nU« t»op«nd tbe nob. Tcntbk coalUgntiona aad

t k J p p i n j TtrHhg d

td priaw cf tbos* things siuoe tbe op- j I r *ird W*iefe csutwrriB,

o Jl^wtaO 0 0 , M l

MRS. A. BEEMEIIc now ronily with il) tti* QUW MJ-ICI for

SPRING of 1877.Fashionable Millinery



Latest Styles & Newest DesignKajUii orroarrs KATIOHAIJ UNION* DAN;

filflUJIHO, POTEB, Jf. 7,Tin' larK-wt «ud nod tuuifal* i t«k »n i ierr am) >'oicj GoCxii to bo found in Lk)Viinpriailig *tlooaerft* Hats, F lo i r e r i ,F£a t

er*. I t ibl iuns; l^acei—realAnd liuitatlou—A'euktle*

and llu\v&. Collars.L«ace a n d L i n m

Sctft. Crapei* Al»uruius JUonueiaiid UolU.

A flue aiiorlmmt of

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, 4c.Alia, a rtaj hrtm rarittr o

2EPHYB GOODS.And a 8n» Mock of

' Furnishing Goods,

SHERIFF'S SALE![n Cbincurr of Sew J,-r»cj-Fi. fa. for uto

unrtciscil PKiuitci, nbcrcin Henry TJaoaala iMtiipiitiiani, inJ Jolin J. Caffmy, Laabi* mfe, r.)i*jL*lli B*J, Janir* M. 11».T SLDand V. AlK-n, *re dfftndanti Hctaratblto October Term A. D. 1871.

shannon. & BMITH.

BY Tlrlue of tbe *t*m stitcd «ril or anUcUr. in n r h«nd«, I ibftll t

•t Public Vendiic, »t tbe UnitedID iturriittHTRt S. J,, vuMONDAY. lLo 5lli ai>

A. D. 18i7. lm(«re*n the bo art or 13 M, «B<Jo'clock F. M., (bat ii to u t at 3 oVUwk In tbeiftcroooD pf mid d i j , all tbit trad orfnt

uf land and prcmiw*. Bii.ut«, lying and Ulfa Ui« (ovnihfp nf lUndolnb,in tbftCeauijMorrht anti BUIc of Sew Jcrsoy. b<>aad<Hl idneribed aa follows:

IJcins UJP firitlnci [Inscribedin adnti fromEl.ulMtb King to tald Lanrt Offraj, ditcdFebnmrj laili, 1874, and recorded In tb« Uor-ii* Count; Record Of Dccila, ia bo»k V 8, bai350, J c , ami bfgiQi t t t ttaie on Ito inttl.WMI ffdt of li»> m»io «tvfrI rroiitog Bnoci

iu rutnn, and ii the ttTenth eoro«r of lacrcytd II.T aaid Caffray ind wifo to Mid Elitti Kins, by deed of K-bruar? 3(Hb, 1674ncc aa tbe needle now point! (1) ion.

.. tj-ooe degree* mil l)»ir(y miuutta weWrtj-lliree cluim and leTmtv-fite links Iib« alxtb Uno of uid titci,aud two cb«Ini at

liakafroni a afahe aUudii.fr oa tb«m>r<;f>f u m i H hirokj Iheocs (2) north flfl,dtftr^' w c ' t »** clutlna and nlnrtj tbt

k »tafcp, tho aizih corner of ilia weond 1..ciiU-d to tbe uid deed io said ElicalK-

Kme; tlitne* (8) alonx tbe flftb Kne of tai<•wund lot aontb a^TctitT-<nic dtprcc* anil(blrtr mlnotrt vest ei/jht chiio* tu tlio eiclillicorner ot a t r u t t t land aa eonfeyed to one

irs Kinp. now d«c«a»ed. ind of whteb tbt_ part; thGDea (I) along ttto oitaidelf

raid tract, ta tho acedia p Ioled in iho1800, north tBYotMix dc&v&i cut twenty-t b m chiiDR and tisbtt links to a corner ofFrant OonHd'a lind; tUcnee (6) itlll alonKhit tine lonth alxtr^nx di«pi*«i e»al thirl:baSnt and ten lirkt to ahallitr of hi*

- n - - - ._.. Hd. «iLto iho tag* of tbe «fom«id attfel

thence (?) along (be side of tbe unit smilfor It-five dcRrrea caat olx cbaio* and eight%txta (inka to tbe pUee of berinoitiff. cnndlilug tbirty-^ight urva aod nineij-B«rfu hudtrdtba of m ten ol Uod. EioepUnarti.rwerriiiR tbererroni, bowevcr: w> fooota u baabctn herctofote coaTc»ed to the Cbetttr Batl-r«ad CoromnT, trnlalH m b t or flrtt-ifreo

indretltba of an aen, MDiajed to one Win.NUpbras.Beinn tbe u n > premise* dncribtd in

ntarteaee froaa Jnba J . C*Br»y and LaOCaffrty to Henry Tboro**. dated July IStL18J1, and recorded io book It 3 of Mortgage*

*flKIW0S A. FBBSMAN. flberiff.WERSOS A.Diled Ang. Bth, 1B77.

MAN.flbwlff.[P>. fa. 110.80

Morris Grant? Snircgatc's OfBce,ATJOCST&li, U n .

i the natter ot John D. lufcnce, Admin-Utnlor o! Franda B. Lanrent*, d Mrogtt«'« Onlar to JU rait Credllort.

Q l i t i *tl bQKapplicrjtrat

tion o*tl» abnie-nRUcd Adtnln-i t i d ] b t { 8 l t l

•rtdltora of the « U & of said decntenl to bringIn thtlr detita. demiinl* «nd dalma •K»iml theaime, under oath, wtthio nSo« montha [ramthis data, bj "Biting np» copj of tbfa order,Kithin Urniy diyi bereifter, Io ttfe of theiDO*tpnt)liepUw«.ollioOoaiityotlIorrii fortwooontbMnd *1» within tbt said twent

uBSJhemmein ihel i«pen«fliili8ute.fari

within tbf ta% periodsotice being glreo u aiall be fortrer dAtwrrec

duibT»d»erUiiBRinf samein ihelsfix £auoaenf (be ner«i«pert«fliili State, ftr Hie tttat

Ki oe of time (iba Barrogtte jodjtiuE •nyfoir BOtie* ts be nnnece«a\n) ;*DQ iianv crej*

lor abkll negket to cthfUt bit or her debt, dmind aod dilm wilhln tbf taTd period of nil

ontiit, pstilic notice being glrra u aroreatijnhcraditorabatl be fot*T*»dAtwrred of bl»

orber attiofi tbrarfor iR»in»t tha «ald Admin-Ulrxtor. A ITM O«IV from tt)« tcOmt**.

K-10w ' fi. B; MUAAS, 9OITOCIU.

Morris CoTinty SniTo^ato'E Offlco,AUQCffT 20th. lBH. ?:-

i the matter of Jamw H. NtlRhbonr. Adnln-litntor of Cbirlrs B. Crane, dee'd. Eorra-e»U1a fitter ta timft OedJlom

>KappUcttiaB of the aboTe^amed. Adnlnia-tntor. it ia oro*erc4 by tne b'arrog»(e that

iia idminiiUatar tin PahMo ^ o t l « to tbicreditor* of Ute »UVP ofaaid decedent tobrii

a debta, tienuikU *ad elilma atnlnit U, nadttaMib, witbia tinetDontb*Vnra tb

!ate.b? atttineauvecipyof ihfiordw,tritbiwwily daji bcteaitcr, in QT« of i be mint paie p lam IS (be roomy, of Mania lor l«imonth*, and «1» within Ib* wid tvent* d«yiby adTTtitiBR the u m in.the ]»AH E I » , r -oftlie oewipftptn of Um 8Ute. for the utpkeeoftiiufl (the SarragaA loilclnff any Itber notit* to be enncfeawrv); and if J*^creditor *b*U mclecl torihiltl bia or her debt,demand »nd cliin within tb« Mid periodnine month., p*bUe aetiM Uins rixm ,tforeaaU, lacb creditor ihatl be fore»*b*uvd cf bia or Jji-r acUvn Utercfure azalm

thouid AdniniatratoV. -

A tra« ewpy ftou (be ntnotea.

Morris Circuit Court

f In c\j Is a


TBOVU PAJUCKU. Is attachment.to rmnna&M of aa order of aaid Oonrlade in tL* abcto ftaid ca thto mnn&M of aa

made in tL* abctoth d f S

canae on thade n t * abcto ftaird canae on theMTe&t««nth daj of September, 1ST?, notice- btrcbj gm» that a vnt of attachmentu issued oat of «aM Court, on ths SOth

day of Aogoxt, 1BTT, atttw mitof Uatthiaaa Whitlock ana J u r n B. lortrim, ag^nsttba ettaU 11 TiwatJt Faluiw, for theof eigbej-cignt doQan and tixtv^iiiM exrttomable to the Ihirf daj o? 8tptam1>er!I8f7, and Uwt A. JodaoaQM, cf Dovtr, haa

- appointed Andittt "'

.Jt B u n , Dover, X. J.IlSti. IS7T.



Sijitirinf eb««p!r 4OM tad vuruttd.



Wilson Sewing Machine Co.w Tart tatftraw Orttui, a>.(



Drew flood*. QtsTaponaisc, Strewn.lina, Enp*upk-s, DiajKociiuiu|{, Kid*, Afrom Uinn to tluu» aI WHITE UO0D


C O O .

iwicsr ruicns., .silk, H>'«r.lrs, l.n.-tr, s, ]

iltlu-y nj p inurkil.

u WHITE U D , rj- full litic, r»ur-chnsod uf iraintrttf w and at *rci nw, mid V\)KBALE CItEAP. Il.Hiu-.-tiw, Sh.'Wicf, ifflK,ShiHion, fitrij>.-s, DfiiiitM, Priiitu, Hutts.«* O i l A Th r t 3ii

utyle nn>lOAltl'lil'

a , O i n g l i a , Au ili)uiut.tii» could unt 1M Hiisliiiut.1.Jnds cf ROoJMJirp wmowlwl lower auA POre chonjier tlinn i-,^m tlu> uilkniiot<.

tbe btsaii nriutt urc K-lliny ftt 7 irl .a u d ) wide »IIE»» (UMBiur, nowcolon* for 8 cln. Our H U G t ; OAltl'lil'ROOM is (uUjr stocked with


LINOLEUM, DHDGUET, AcPull line BncssELS CJUIPCT. brgimiiu^At

IK) els. 1-or yard, good assortiii<!iit; nf n'lin-tile tunVar in good style for $1. Lnryo linoNaKAIKS, begiauiuff at :io cU. per yard,

Rssortnieut very lar^t1, nud iirktii low.<r tlmufor maiy years. Wu keep too ln'*t good*made iu this oonntry. Wo mcit^iro mum-incnbs, maVu and Jay nvrp'tn, cut ami fit oilloth, linoleum, matting, uiitkd nud ImughAdftS, 4 c , and guamutuo a Ot.

Our amortinent in nil department* is tmiohlarger tlinn CAD. ha fouud outride the largocities, and iio one uuderaeUs us. Kmuiiua-tlon of gooda aud prioex rt^uestcil.


Morristown, K. J., April 7th, 1S77.


Capital, - §200,000.

Freeman Wood,PIRB



f^U; aathDrizti] >gcnt or tbo follciriu^ (li-at-tho lrt?at in (lie iroritl:


GLOBE, Capital S20,0O0,0i>0.


Cwieul $10,000,000.

STATE r i E E INSOn.lSCE Co.,Capital, SJOU.OOO.

BOVALOFLtVERl'OOL,Ci|iitiil $1(1,000,0:,

28 to 34 4th Avc, ExJandino Through to 80 4 82 Lafayotte Place, one Door from cor. of Astor PI., Naw York.



Dealers in



(.'rank cry,

flankingLonrs(mmD Atu-utk pi i l

wl d

Glass Ware J on.


j 3 111 E C T 0 11S .I OCOHQE RICHARDS, Eriiiiiiu Li^DSLcr


Capilol S5,000,00

HOME, • - " COO.OO

STAR, Jersey Cit.y, " 000,001

HUDSON* COUNTY, Jersey City,

Capital $300,001

STANDARD, Trenton, " 300,001

PEOPLE'S. N«mrl . •• 800.001EaiNU, " •• aod,ooi

mjUUOLT, " •• 200,001




Choice Lots in Dover,


Freeman Wood,lattice of tbo Puea mi Pjllee Us Utriti



has » completo etock of


Builders' Hardwire,

ACeolinsLloa' VooZ






Brass Band and String Musicfrom 1 to tt plecf., ror ail twej.iipn». ~

SUEEC it OstCftir tnu i btndi atcd .1] kind






rth 1«tf.U& ud kfid aet.. "WE A1SO1UE]

PLUMBING WORKSFECDUJT, sad oapJoj ooJy pacbn

FLOXBEBS (br thu bniteb of thv tnde.

I M u d «peeiSea.ti&DJ gtnn when rrqnhrd


stlovectturttt rates.

Wood and Iron Pompa and Pipe

our mmy jr«n ahW BI to «N»t

n is Urt i b n tn«k


Wood & Willow Ware


Stoves Stoves

' I ron and Steel,

Gas I'ijie and Fittings,



Powder, Fuse nud .llinln

-Mnteriitls coiisi;uitlj' on


Cor. Blachwcll and Morris Street

The MhiciV Banli

OP DOVKIt, N. J .. " " imr-K op TBt NATIUSAI. U X ! 0 !

J^C . t Rill Lopnirina dpna^itr n}«(

ucLrc thp first iluru of UAr.ai, Ju:iincR A Q I D E R a


Retailing, at Wholesale PricesPEBES MARKED" IK PLAIN FIGURES.

R3-CNTK P R I C E . C\ o. D.-m 'TVc BCU dlotliing n t LOTVEB PHICPq

«nd givo MOIIE .VALUE for t|10 .none,



E. & G, H. Ross & Breew,

OSHEBU. nmc ixti UFK

Insurance Agents,Omcc, Old lion (limit Uulldlng,

Morristown, N. J.Rinrcl Roes, GEO.H. Horn, 8TEracxH.T

A. J COE,-Collector,BOVEB* N. J.

COMPANIES REPRESENTED.American tfutnat Ins.-Do., or Newark

K.J., Assets 07CT $1.00.000atmnte' Ua;DB] Ins. Ot?., of SeroriiS. J., taouoni 6D0.O0C

Firemen's Hnhm] InB. 0o-t of Sevtufc,S.J., A s s i t s o r t r . 500,00"mania UutTtai Ins. Go., of SewarVH.J. , Ospital, olOO.OOO

£tna tnmntBce Ooapan, of Hartford,( t a n . Assets, 5,000,000

OorjtineuUl InEQranoe Conp&n^, of Xew•Tork. OapiuJ, 1,000,000

ITBtna! Benefit Iitte Izu. Co.. of HemN.J., Assets. • 0,000.000








In CNanpery of New iersey.) Jsniet CitiJI at<3 CiUtsnte CtbH) hi* wiV.'

BY win* of w tirfer rf the Conn ot Chm.w n of :w Jr»c*r uwd*- oo Ihe ilir ( j

th dtle hcitrf, ID a cause wl»-reio Jobq Bum

« • Optno'vlcck p. u

,taily In'in 3 o'dtwk A. :

M A S A G E E 8 :


it, SEi-

a. Io 4


Dmcr. Feb. IT, 1S73.










Bone X>us(, Gaauo. Foudieifc.


WOOD Bawei in stove lengths.



Town itelUcrT 40 ttn.; Miue Hill 7S elt.OnlR« may be MMrrjBcd throncb tbe Fort

OGce Lock Eox 2S, or Icfi i t A. E ^in BlaeWuU a t , nru-

an «o JIAMUFACTUHE A J I ouit OOOBS nSt oit Imvo (lie (ulvantaco of bnvinr, tu,,at MAA'DFAOTUhBIiS' l ' ff lola "

Our OODOS A7ffl THE BESTnndour nricMpositively tho LOWEST iii TOE CITY

olsowhero bosuro amit wil] osrtoiiy "

Before bu^ o u» a cul

Remember ivo avo TO UTAIBB, enimioa firoodvaj,' Kortli-iveBt Comer

of Uraml Si., and Btod



LARGE WHIt MARBLE BUI!.D(NG, Covered with Blue Signs, i

. Oipen Saturday Mights until 9 o'chek.


:i, or it the jar t .

COAL oonitatjKy on bind.



>Hot Air Furnaces,




B l O i

TIN & JAPAN WARE,•nnn CAXS, *«•.,


LEIDDSS, ,i,J an UcJi ofJoWinf in »,»line,i W h !ht v«lm«BmT led i l IbeibirteM

. nigliMipriruj pajj fur ol^Jren.)ALEXAXDEIi OTOHTON.




Sticccssor ieSegiir'a DAiik nf f1

to Hie *lUiilt> itauli at J>urul-/9

Capital" $100,000.ATTENTION O p l TO THE FUHCUABEand tsicof aU'Stds—to iho colk-L>tion "oi al> l C l k a AI A i T tl l ' l

The New EmpireHot-Air, Gns & Bnso-lmrn.|

>ucs, Clicckr.ai A I )rji-jltsou J .H.Mnm A


d s t o iho l t i o n oi alAIPI) Agonia Tur tliu Dale' olm A C ^ ^ n d i i h . ID i i d a ml.

, Ireland.



Dover wings Institution,


Henrr E*k<|

ion U nn>T organized mdnpon

InUrp4(;iU comriionoo rniininc nnnn al'QtnF dsnotil on tho flrgt day of 3Urcb. Jniia.



FltR. or#THK, C0MPLEJao»; A


I DitmrecTANr, Uiona.

TBE^ES'J'BAKINOBTOVEINTHEffOIlD IAlso, a Largo Assortment or otbor 8t *

ul Cootauc UluvCB,' n^aifix l*ukHUrtea, ie . ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. |Also, a clwlca stock of

Hardware, Cutlery,'

OUBB, Wootlcn, Copper, PlalQ mil Jnpumif I

OUCtotfta. Carpets, Innps, Palati andffi Jbtrtl CIKCB, Featlicre, Pntl 's Aetral 01] (DOE, f

" isirp.) Also, • t "


Hooting, rtp p y »


i l i n n U V S c n l c » at ManufnC |t u r c r ' B prlcoB*,

Olt) Iron. Copper, Bra»i,Xeml, B»ei iifQroouUcks tabrn in oxcfiinee for Raaui.

JAME.H H, UHUBN4 Cft.k M b l J 8 7 S


DOVER, N.J . ,

UA8 been pnt in order for tlio Eoaisn iri' , will ho Lotfor t

Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitions |

and Enlcrlalnrpontaor viinoni Uiixls. Tt# 1ull io largo, well icale.I wilti cmnfortK* |liairs. ami raay he bid nt ronsonibln tonni-Appljte . WHITLOCK JtLEWIS,:41U ' . , - in HIP bniliUnf>

besides erodi-

he complexion, u i i bnpvdeamess am) smoothness,

j qainJ to *ppw »nd nle»dnnnr or uuwer to ihe comi)UiD»ai's till, i,nr btlote ihe rishUi d i j ol Sarcai^r uril,tbt said t&It ill be Uttn u tcnlt«*j »^uc

To« «ud fciD ii filed lo fensdnn t«roortfi»gM upon ewtuo *rri the MaUad« » ibe wwn^jp oX fc^Jctolh, Monj

wntv. Sew JM»HF.; OM taalEi^ pirtn, June* Ctltill >ad vife tn Jsnt-tT,dJ«I Jntw IRh, I*O,«cl i^-wdk D 1, Of UaHF,£t*. pmce 31IL whirt

b J J

korlKKOs p»ffe 4IJ. fc.; u d

B ma UBIII ; ui4 « a Ci:btri» CiB*d» K dcrrtuSMit b«ao^ • « «* ifc#

it* *cot ialtrrft io Mta Imn&m.KEISUEOJIASUITH, *SsUeitarn ofOoiEpte'iitnt

tiTvttiamn,uwtie life of t i


150 Distinct Books

»leaiU nn-le btoUIuL A!KP«nosr


HSIflHBOITS & SMITH,.TTOBNEW t 0OTTNSEIX0BS it I•:• : ' . • L A W , • . •_ I'or. Blnokucll nud Sussex SH.'|

DOVER. N. J.3. H. HBianBoiTB. - . ' ' ' A. a si


Morris Couaty. Mutunl





(ri ii id I'Diitlincho, Dltml and Bier

| j la Hnitlora'n Elirflflt"? W^Clljf:»it bocanso it IB b.-ticr, Mnnoiv ande tliRn any otlicr, and in irarrnntoil hr

•Jfegion St., BOiton, Mani. 43 i w

SITPIIURE7~"to iclsJiJnp ndief #0(1 Care for ncpnrneIro unit Dr. I. A, Khitnn.n, S5H Oraa.1-hw York. Heml I0o Tor Iiii rnin book, withl-n.pi Ic HVi-osmen nf bad canes beforeicronro. Beware of rnsatB wlio prutennii*!» Dr. 8herra«n'f trcntmont,; - .

"of tbeso tollnwrva RCrman clrrk, nowo»; hlrniatfDr. ff. O, Orioipien, J« lnil*cl»d- plaint of Dr. fl. and awnlu trial for for-

CALL AT o n i o n O


. : - o r A(Ii})-fs»

. - JAS. M, SOJfSAIL, M i


tire uml Firo Itnanncr Cotnpan." H"** ^ibllaacitniiwlctlf^nentbatniaileiiftlign-niP1'

'rom thorn tbfs diir of" tlin fntl imn«D. ?' *•mer» (II.0W) on the Snalli Biref • Cfcow11'

Wlihuul rotjBte'of '(ntaiwaf, for latn bjr thetttp

,rprcciitioQ of their libcnl t f:• - H . O . MAl

TrfliPoror South St. fteibyloriwi <,,'J»noarj Wtb, 1B7T..