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Volume InformationSource: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of aMathematical and Physical Character, Vol. 103, No. 720 (Apr. 3, 1923), pp. i-viPublished by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/94089 .

Accessed: 05/05/2014 23:07

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JULY, 1923.

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SERIES A. VOL. CIII. Minutes of Meetin,gs, March 1, 8, 15, 22; April 26; May 3, 10, 17, 31; Ju Fne 7,

14) 1923. No. A 720.-April 3,1923.

The Effect of Temperatture on some of the Properties of Steel. By Hi. R. A. Mallock, F .R .S .. ..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

Furtlher Researches on the Strength of Materials. By Prof. W. E. Dalby, F.R.S.... 8

A Study of Catalytic Actions at Solid Surfaces. X.-The Interaction of Carboni Monoxide and Hydrogen as conditioned by Nickel at relatively Low Tempera- tires.-A Practical Synthesis of Methane. By E. F. Armstrong, D.Sc., F.R.S., and T. P. Hilditch, D.Sc. ....................................................... 25

Studies of Iridescent Colour and the Structure Prodiicing it. III.-The Colouirs of Labrador Felspar. By Lord Rayleighl, F.R.S. (Plate 1) .. 34

Further Observations on the Spectrumyi of the Night Sky. By Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S .. .... 45

The Motion of Electrons in Gases. By H. A. Wilson, F.R.S., Professor of Physics, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas ....................... 53

The Motion of Ellipsoidal Particles in a Viscous Fluid. By G. I. Taylor, F.R.S. 58

The Stud; of Forked a-Ray Tracks. By P. M. S. Blackett, B.A., Charles Kingsley Bye-Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge. Cto.mmunicated by Prof. Sir E. Rutherford, F.R.S. (Plates 2 and 3) ..2

Inducetively Coupled Low RIesistance Circuits. By Charles H. Lees, D.Sc., F.R.S. 79

Oin the Nature of Atmospherics.-I. By R. A. Watson Watt, B.Sc., F.Inst.P., and E. V. Appleton, M.A., ID.Sc. (Comimunicated by Sir Henry Jackson, F.R.S .... . . .............. 84

Sources of Error in the Measurement of the Electrical Charge of Colloidal. Particles by the Miethod of Moviing Boundaries: an Improved Method based on a Direct Measurement of the Potential Gradient across the Boundary. By Jnanendra Nath Mukh rjee, M.Sc. Communicated by Prof. F. G. I)onnan, F.R.S. .......... 102

The Fatigue Failure of Metals. By C. F. Jenkin. Communicated by Sir Alfred Ew inlg, K .C.B ., F.1.S. ...: ............................................................. 121

Some Moisture Relations of Colloids.-I. A Conmparative Study of the* Rates of Evaporation of Water fronm Wool, Sand and Clay. By E. A. Fisher, M.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.), F.T.C., F.Inst.P., University of Leeds. Comnlmunicated by Prof. A. Sinithells, F.R.S .............. .. . . . 139

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Multenions and Differential. Tnvariants.-ITI. B3y Alex. MKcAuilay, P-rofessor of Mathemnatics in the University of Ta.smania. Commumnicated by WT. 13. Hardy, SeeS.e.1S. ........................ 13...................... .......... . 162

The Specific Heats of Air, Steam, and Carbon Dioxide. By W. D. Womnersley, M.A. Communicated by Sir DuXgald Clark, F.R1.S . 18......* 183

On the Susceptibility of Feebly MagIetiC Bodies as affected by Tension. By Erinest Wilson, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.EE Siemiens Professor of Elect-ical Engineering in the UTniversity of London.t. Communicated by Prof. 0. MT. Riehardson, F.R.S . 185.. . . .. . ........ ^ ]S

Note on the Adsorption of Gases by Solids and the Thickness of the Adsorbed Layer. By M. H. Evans, B.Sc., and FT. J. G-eorge, M.A., Research Fellow and Assistant Tutor, Jesus College, Oxford. Cormmunicated by Mr. D. L. Chapman,

. .F.................... ........................................................................... 1.90

The Line Spectrumii of Chlorine in the Ultra-Violet (Region X 33t54----2070 A.). By W. Jevons, A.R.C.Sc., M.Sc., 'Lecturer in Physics, Artillery College, Woolwich. Communicated by Prof. H. C. Plniummer, YRP.S. . V 1-93

No. A 721.-May 3, 1923.*

Gaseonis Comiibustion at High Pressures. Part I1I.-The Energy-Absorbing Functioni anid Activation of Nitrogen in the Colmibustion of Carbon Monoxide. By Williasa ArthuLr Boise, ID.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., Dudley Maiurice Newitt, B.Se., D.I.C., and -Donald T. A. Townsend, B.Sc., I).L.C. .............. ...................... 205

Stuidies of Iridescent Colour, and the Structure pr:oducing it. IV.-Ir idescett B-eetles. By Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. (Plate 4) .. 233

TI-he Valvo-maintained Tuning-fork as a Precision Timne-standard. By D. Dye, B.Sc. Commluunicated by Sir Joseph Petavelx, .R.S. .. 240

The Indicator Method for the Deternination of Coefficients of Diffusioni in Gels, with Special Reference to the Ditiusion of Chlorides. By Walter Stiles, Sc.D., Professor of Botany in University College, Readin . ConiLnunicated by Wi B. Hardy, Sec.R.S .......................................260

Metal Sols in Non-Dissociating Liquids. 1.-Nickel in Tolueine anld Benzulle. By Em-iil Hatschek and Percy Cyril Lesley Thorne. Commnunicated by Prof. A., WM. Poster F.R.S 27..

Deterniination of Velocity of Explosion Waves of Simall ATsiplitude il1 Sea Water. -Variation of Velocity with Temipelrature, By A. B. Wood, D.Sc., F.Inist.P., Captain H. E. Brownte, O.B.E., R.N., antd C. Cocbrane, M.A., B.Sc. Coie- miLuicated by '. E. Smith, P.1R.S. . ... . .. . ......... 284

Ont the Fluorescence and Channelled Absorption Spectsa. of Casiunm and otber Alkali Ele-nmSt By J. C. McLennan, F.R1S., PiSofessor of Physics, and D. S. AiIislie, M.A., University of Toronto. (Plate 5 and 6) .3................. .04

The Structure of. the Ban(d Spectrum of Helium.-II. By W. E. Curtis, D).Se., A. .C.S., Rea(ler in Physics in the UJiiversity of London, King's. College. C/ommunicated by Prof. 0. W. Richardsoii, Fd.o t .S.................................... 315

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Note on the Series Spectra of the Alun:inium Sub-Group., By J. A. Carroll, B.A., Isaac Newton Stuident, University of Cambridge. Conimunicated by Prof. A. Fowler, F.R.S. (Plate 7) .................... 334

A Note on the Temperature of the Air at Great Heights. By F. A. Lindemann, F.R.S., Professor of Experimental Philosophy, and G. M. B. Dobson, M.A., Lecturer in Meteorology, University of Oxford .................................... . 339

The Photo-chemistry of Potassium Permanganate. Part I.-Applicatioll of the Potentiometer to the Study of Photo-ehemical Change. By E. K. l4ideal and R. G. W. Norrish. Commutinicated by Sir W. J. Pope, F.R.S. 342

No. A 722.-Jun.e 1, 1923.

The Photo-chemistry of Potassium Permanganate. Part II.-On the Energeties of the Photo-Decomposition of Potassium Permanganate. By E. K. Rideal and R. G. W. Norrish. Colmimunicated by Sir W. J. Pope, F.R.S. (Plate 8) 366

On Spectra associated with Carbon. By T. IR. Merton, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Pro- fessor of Spectroscopy in the Uiniversity of Oxford, and R. C. Johnson, B.A., B.Sc., Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford. (Plates 9 and 10) ......... ............... 383

On the Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Polarisatioii of Resoniance Radiation. By R. W. Wood, For.Mem.R.S., anid Alexander Ellett .............................. 396

On Lindelof's IHypothiesis conieerning the Riemannl Zeta-Function. By G. H. Hardy, F.RS., and J. E. Littlewood, F.R.S. ................................... , , 403

The Series Spectrum of Trebly-Ionised Silicon (Si IV). By A. Fowler, F.R.S., Professor of Astrophysics, Imperial College, South Kensington ................... 413

Vapour Pressure and Density of Sodium Chloride Solutions. By W. P. Bousfield, K.C., F.R.S., and C. Elspeth Bousfield ............................. 429

A Study of the Oxidation of Copper and the Reduction of Copper Oxide by a New Method. By W. G. Palmer, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Com- mulnicated by Sir William Pope, F.R.S .444

A Critical Search for a Heavier Constituent of the Atmosphere by Means of the Mass-Spectrograph. By F. W. Aston, D.Sc., F. R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Camnbridge ......................... 462

The Vapour Pressure of Lead.-I. By A. C. Egerton. Communicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemnann, F.R.S .469

Some Density Determinations. By A. C. Egerton and W. B. Lee. Communicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemann, F.1.S. ......................... 487

Separation of Isotopes of Zinc. By A. C. Egerton and W. B. Lee. Conmmunicated by Prof. F. A. Lindemann, F.R.S ........................................,..., . 499

On a Certain Family of Periodic Solutions of Differential Equations, with an Application to the Triode Oscillator. By W. M. H. Greaves, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Isaac Newton Student. Conmmuniicated by H. F. Baker, Sc.D., F.R.S., Lownfdean Professor ................................... 516

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The Pressures of Gaseous Mixtures. By Itvine Masson, D.Sc., and L. G. F. Dolley, B.Sc., 1851 Exhibition Research Scholar. Communicated by Prof. F. GC. D onnan F l i.R.S S. ...................................................................... 524

No. A 723.-July 2, 1923.

Calorimetry of High Explosives. By Si1L Robert Robertson, F.R.S., and William Edward Garner .......... 539

A Stream-line Filter. By TH. S. Hele-Shaw, F.R.S ........................................ 556

On the Di-Phasic Nature of Glass, as showni by Photo-Elastic Observations. By L. N. G. -F'iloni, M.A., D.Sc., F.RS., Professor of Applied Mathem-atics and Mechanics in the Un-iiversity of Lonidon, anid F. C. Harris, B.Sc., University College, Lonidon ......................... 561

Studies in Wave Resistance: In-luence of the Form of the Water-plane Sectionl of the Ship. T. H. Havelock, F.R.S. , 571

A Study of Catalytic Actions at Solid Surfaces. Part XI. -The Actionl of Alumina and certain other Oxides in Promiioting the Activity of Nickel Catalyst. By E. F. Armnstrong, D.Sc., F.R.S., and T. P. Hilditch D.Sc. ......... .................. 586

Stress Distribution in a Rectangular Plate having two Opposing Edges Sheared in Opposite Directions. By C. E. Inglis, M.A., M.I.C.E. Commnnicated by Prof. E. G-. Coker, F.R .S. ................................................................. 598

The Origin of OsimiotiC Effects. IV.-Hydronodynanfic Chanige in Aqueous Solutions. By Henry E. Arinstrong, F.R.S .5............................................. 610

Electrolytic -Conduction : Sequel to an Attemplpt (1886) to apply a Theory of Residnal Affinity. By Henry E. Arimstronig, F.RS . ................................. 619

Experiments with the Hopkinson Pressture Bar. By J. W. Landon, Lectulrer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Cambridge, and H. Quinney, Demonstrator at the Enginieering Laboratory, Camrlbridge. Comnmunicated by Sir J. A. Ewing, K.C.B., F.R.S. 622

A Geneialized Vector Analysis of Four Dimensions. By H. T. Flint, King's College, Londoi. Communicated by Prof. O. W. Richardsoni, F.R.S . ............ 644

Some Moisture Relations of Colloids. II.--Further Observations on the Evapora- tion of Water from Clay and Wool. By E. A. Fisher, M.A., B.Sc. (Oxon.), F.I.C., F.Inst.P., Department of Textile Industries, University of Leeds. Commnunicated by Prof. A. Smithells, F.R.S . ............................................. 664

The Structure of Thin Films. Part IV.-Benzene Derivatives. A. Condition of Stability in Monomolecular Filmls. By N. K. Adam, M.A. Communicated by W. B. Hardy, Sec.R.S . ............................................................ 676

The Structure of Thin Films. -Part V. By N. K. Adamn, M.A. Communicated by W. B. Hardy, Sec.R.S. . . . . . I................. . I.. 687

The Spectrum of Ammonia. By W. B. Rimnier, M.Sc., D.I.C., Research Student, Imperial College of Science and Technology. Communiicated by Prof. A. Fowler, F.R.S. (Plate 11) ................... .................................................. 696

Index .........................................................................................706

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