VOLUME XXXV JANUARY, 1956 NUMBER IVolume XXXV January, 1956 Number 1 This issu e contains a topical...

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TITLE NEWS 0 fficial Publication of

THE AMERICAN TITLE ASSOCIATION 3608 Guardian Building-Detroit 26, Michigan

Volume XXXV January, 1956 Number 1

This issue contains a topical index of Title News and miscellaneous bulletins published at American Title Association headquarters from 1945 through 1955. All articles are classified under general headings for simplified refer­ence. The symbol "TN" following the name of the article refers to an issue of Title News. The symbol "B" refers to bulletin material.

Page ABSTRACT, ABSTRACTING IN GENERAL... ..................... . 3 ABSTRACT, CONTENTS OF............... ............................................................................................ 4 ABSTRACTER- ATTORNEY RELATIONS........... ....... ................................ .. ................. 4 ABSTRACTERS - FOURTEEN POINT PROGRAM .................... . :............ .. .. ......... 5 ABSTRACTERS, LIABILITY OF .................... .... ........... ............ ...... .. ..... ....................................... 5 ABSTRACTERS, A LICENSE LAW FOR............................................... .. ... .. ...................... 5 ABSTRACTERS AND TITLE INSURANCE............................................ ......... .. ........ .. ....... 5 ABSTRACTING IN PUBLIC OFFICES............................. ................ ................................... 6 ABSTRACTING, OIL COUNTY ............. .. .......... ......................................................................... 6 ABSTRACTING, RATES AND CHARGES................ .. ....... .. ................. ........ ... ...... ........... 6 ABSTRACTS, COSTS ......................... .... .......................................... .. ....................................................... 6 ABSTRACTS, STANDARDIZATION, UNIFORMITY ............. ............................. 6 ADVERTISING ........................................................................................................... .. ................................. 7 AMERICAN TITLE ASSOCIATION

REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES..................... .. .............. .............. 7 BANKRUPTCY .............. .............. .................................................................................................................... 14 BOOK REVIEWS .... ....................................................... ............... ...................... .............. .......................... .. 14 CONVEYANCING - DEEDS....................................................... ................................................... .. 14 DIVORCE DECREES ...................... ................................................ ....... ......... ....... ..... ........................... ... 14 ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ................... .... ......... .. .................................................................. .. 15 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ....... .............................. ................................... ............................................ 15

ESCROWS- ESCROW DEPARTMENT. ........................... ............................................... 16

FEDERAL LIENS .................................. ......... ........ . ... .. ...... ............................................................ 17

IDEM SONANS ......................................... .......................... .. ..................................................... ... .............. ..... 17

LAND TITLE COURSE .. ... ...... .......... .............. .... .. .. ....... ... ....... ... .. ......................... .. .. .. .. ................... .. ..... 17

LEGAL PROBLEMS, GENERAL..... ................................................................ ................................. 17

MARKET ABILITY ............................................................................... ... ............................ ......................... 18

MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ................. ............. ....................................... 18

MISCELLANEOUS ADDRESSES, ARTICLES .................... ............................................... 19-

MORTGAGES, OPEN END ............................................ ......... .......... ....................... ....................... 22

NOMENCLATURE ......... .. ..................... .. .......................... .... ................................ .. ..................... ................ 22

PUBLIC OFFICES (USE OF) ....... .. ....... ...... ............................................. ....................... .. ................... 22

PUBLIC RELATIONS & ADVERTISING....... .. ..................................................................... 22

RACIAL RESTRICTIONS ......... ........... .............. ....... ...... .. .......................... ..... .................... .. ..... .. ...... 25

REAL ESTATE, GENERAL.......... ......... .. .. ....... ......................................... ..................................... 25

SPEAKERS BUREAU, STATEWIDE ............................................................................... ........ 25

SURVEYS ..... ... ................. .. ............................. ......... ...................... ..... .. .... ........... .. .................... .... ...................... 26

TAXES-REVENUE STAMPS ......................................................................... ......... ............... 26

TENANCIES ....................................................................................................... ........... .. ..... .. .......... ................. 26

TITLE COURSE ....................... ......................... .......... .......... . ........ ..................... ............................. . 26

TITLE EXAMINATION STANDARDS ...... . ..................................................... .. .. 27

TITLE INSURANCE - GENERAL ....................................................................... ................... 27

TITLE INSURANCE, LOSSES AND CLAIMS.... ...... ..... .................................................... .. 29

TITLE INSURANCE POLICY COVERAGE.............................................. ........ .. .. .............. 29

TITLE INSURANCE, PROMOTION OF.. ............ .... .... ...... ...... ..... ................................... ....... 30

TITLE INSURANCE- RATES ..... ................................................................................................. 30

TITLE PLANT, ADDITIONAL SERVICES........................................................................ 30

TITLE PLANT OPERATIONS, EQUIPMENT .................................................................. 31


[ 2 ]

I ( ("TN" indicates TITLE NEWS-"B" indicates BULLETIN)


Abstract Business, Interstate or Intrastate ... . ...................... .............. .. .TN Feb., 1946 Earl C. Glasson

• · Abstract of Title, Need for a Complete ......... . ... .TN Oct., 1952 George E. Harbert (See also Abstracts, Standardization of)

Abstract, Picn1re of An .. .............................................. .. .. .................................... TN Sept., 1952 Marie Rector

Abstract of Title ............. .. ................................. .. .. ............. .................... .. ...................... .TN March, 1950 Phil Carspecken

Abstracts, Printed, Multilith Copies ....................................... TN March, 1947 (Part of Panel Discussion)

Abstracter (Here Lies Warren T. Deed, Abstracter, That's All) TN July, 1953 Carleton C. Cornels

Abstracter, New Business For ................................ .. . ........ TN Sept., 1950 McCune Gill

Abstracters, Comparing and Verifying ... .. .. ................... -............ ...... .. .... TN March, 1947 L. L. Wheeler

Abstracters, Free Information ...... ....................................................................... TN March, 1947 (Part of Panel Discussion)

Abstracters, National Program ..... . ............ TN Jan., 1950 Earl C. Glasson

Abstracters, Now I Know About ..................................... .. ........ .TN April, 1954 Abstracters, Open Forum ............................. ........... ....... ....................................... TN March, 1947

Joseph T. Meredith, Moderator Abstracters Questionnaire, 1951..

Morton McDonald ...................... .. ............... .TN March, 1952

B July, 1951 Abstracters, Survey Problems As Related To .. . .. . ......... .TN Dec., 1955

Harold A. Preston

Abstracting, Defects in Title ................................................ ..................... .......... .TN Jan., 1954 E. H. Hibbard

Abstracting, High Privilege ................................. .. .......................................... .TN Jan., 1948 Wayne M. Campbell

Abstracting of Titles ...... ....................... .TN April, 1946 William Gill, Sr. (See Abstract Contents)

Abstracting, Problems of.. ......... . .......................... .. ................... TN May, 1955 Richard E. Johnson

Abstracts, Short Period ........................ . ............................... ................ TN March, 1952 Harold McLermz (See Abstract Contents)

[ 3 ]

Abstracts of Title, Comments on Oklahoma Abstracts By Oklahoma Attorneys ............................................................... ...... ..... .TN June, 1953

(See Abstract-Attorney Relations)

Abstracts, Something Extra ........... .. ...... .......... .. .. ....... ............. -... ....... ........................ .TN April, 1955

Appropriate Forms for Every Occasion ........................................................ .TN Nov., 1954 (A panel Discussion)

Streamline Your Work, Save Time .................................. .... ............ ................. .... .TN May, 1945 C. W. Dykins


Abstract, and Its Contents ................. .. ....................................... .................................. .... TN June, 1951 George E. Harbert

Abstract, Contents of ·················-······· ······································································ B 287-294-298 The Abstract, Divorce Decrees ........................................ ....... .......................... .... . .TN April, 1953

Walter A. Yoder

Abstract Certificate, Composing the ..................................................................... TN Oct., 1953 Zeb H. Fitzgerald

Abstract Cover, Something Extra ... .. -................................................................... .TN April, 1955

Abstract Paper, Covers, Report of National Survey....... . ... ......... .TN Dec., 1955 Leonard F. Fish

Abstracters, Aerial Photography as Applied to ............................. ........ .. TN Dec., 1955 J. I. Miller

Abstracting of Titles ... ....... ............................................ ...................................... .TN April, 1946 William Gill, Sr.

Abstracts, Short Period ........................................................................................ ......... .TN March, 1952 Harold McLeran (See also, Title Examination Standards)

Abstracts, Maps and Plats ... (Panel Discussion)

..................... .. ......................................................... TN March, 1947


(See also Title Examination Standards) Abstract and Attorney ............ ............................ ................................................................. TN Feb., 1947

Hon. Nels G. Johnson

Abstracts of Title, Comments on Oklahoma Abstracts By Oklahoma Attorneys ...... .. .... ......................................... .. ............. TN June, 1953

Attorney and Abstracter ..... ..... .................................... ......... ...... ................................... TN April, 1953 Florace H. Watkins

Attorneys and Abstracters, Title Standards for .................. ~ ...................... .TN May, 1950 Jesse E. Marshall

Scare-Dy-Cat.. ............................ . ·············· ·· ··············-························································TN May, 1951 J.D. G. Hill

[ 4 ]


Abstracters 14 Point Program. ....................................................... ,. ..................... .TN Feb., 1949 William Gill, Sr.

· Abstracters Section, 14 Point Program (Panel Discussion) ........... .TN Dec., 1953

Abstracters Section, 14 Point Program (Revised) ............................ .. .TN Oct., 1955

Abstracters Section, ATA, 14 Point Program (Panel)....... .. . . . .TN Dec., 1953

·Abstracters Section, ATA, 14 Point Program .... .TN April, 1952 TN April, 1954

Abstracters Section, Open Forum: Frank K. Stevens, Moderator ................... ................. ..... . William A. McPhail, Moderator ..................... .

............. .TN April, 1948 . ............ .TN June, 1946

ABSTRACTERS, LIABILITY OF See also AT A, Report of Committee on Abstracters Liability

and Bond Coverage)

Abstracters Liability Insurance ....... . ... ... ................ .. . .............. .TN March, 1947 (Part of Panel Discussion)

Abstracters, Limiting Liability of... ........................ . ... ............... TN Sept., 1953 T. He12ry Hutchinson

An Abstracters' Liability John W. Warren

...................................... .TN May, 1954


A License Law for Abstracters ... (Panel Discussion)

... .... .. .. .. ............. .TN March, 1952

ABSTRACTERS AND TITLE INSURANCE (See also Title Insurance, Promotion of)

The Abstracter and Title Insurance George E. Harbert

Abstracter-Underwriter Relations ......................................... .

. .. . . .. .TN April, 1953

. ....... TN Jan, 1951 William A. McPhail .... .... .. ......... . ... .. ............ ............ .TN March, 1952

Abstracter-Title Insurance Relations ...................... . .TN Nov., 1955 (A Panel Discussion)

Title Insurance (Abstracters Section) ................... . . ......................... .TN Feb., 1949 ( Panel Discussion)

Title Insurance and the Abstracter ... ........ . ......... .. ............................. .TN March, 1950 Frank K. Stevens

[ 5 J



Abstract, Oil Company Comment on ............. ........ . . ........... .TN July, 1952

Oil Country Abstracting .... ........................ . . . .TN March, 1953 Al Hansen

Oil County, Abstracts In .. ...... . ...... ................ .TN March, 1952 . Milton Hawkinson


Abstracts, Current Methods of Charging for. ....... TN Dec., 1953 Roger A. Ptolemy

Abstracts, Charges For, Valuation and Time .......................... .............. .TN March, 1947 Earl C. Glasson (Panel Discussion)

Abstracts, Methods of Charging For ..... . ....................................................... .TN Dec., 1953 Regilw Brandon

Abstracts, Methods of Charging for Services................ ....... . .. ... .TN July, 1953 Jackson Hospers

Abstracts, Minimum Charges (Part of Panel) ........ .

Abstracts of Title, Rates and Charges ........................ . f. I. Miller

. . .TN March, 1947

.TN May, 1952

Abstracts of Title Rates and Charges, Time Charges ................ B No. 284

............... .... .TN April, 1945 Abstracts, Time Charges For .... .. ... .

Abstracts, Valuation Charge .... . Frank W. Tho nzpson

······················ '

. .. .TN July, 1951

Abstracts, Valuation Charge. .. .TN Feb., 1950 Jackson Hospers


Abstracting, The High Cost of.. ........ ............. .......... .......... ... .. ....................... .TN Jan., 1949 (Panel Discussion) Joseph T. Meredith, Moderator

Your Abstract Dollar, Procedural Steps ............................. .. ........................ .. .TN Jan., 1954


Abstracts of Title, Uniformity (Panel Discussion)

[ 6]

..... .TN April, 1948

Abstracts of Title, Standardization .... .. . . ......................................... .TN Jan., 1954 Charles B. Roe

Abstracts, Good Abstracting-Uniform Specifications .... . ........ .TN Sept., 1954 (Michigatz )

Abstracts, Standardization .............................. ... ................................ . . ......... B March 18, 1949

Abstracts, Standard Content Showing .......... .. .. ............. . . .... .TN Dec., 1955 Jerry JV. McCarthy (See Abstract, Contents)

· Abstracts of Title, Need for Complete ........... . • •• ••••• • H •••• •• • • • .TN Oct., 1952 George E. Harbert

.Attorney and Abstracters, Standards For ..... . .......................... .......... TN May, 1950 Jesse E. Marshall

Our Common Problem. ... ..................................................................... H •••••••••••••• •• • •• .TN Dec., 1954 Jesse E. Marshall

ADVERTISING (See Public Relations and Advertising)


Abstracters Section, Report of Chairman:

A. W. Suelzer .............................. H .H

William A. McPhail .......... ............... H • ••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •

Earl C. Glasson ...... ................................................... .

................ .TN May, 1945

. .... .TN March, 1946 ..... .TN March, 1947

. .............................. .TN, Jan., 1948 ......... .TN Dec., 1948

Joseph T. Meredith ......................................................... ... ........................ .............. .TN Nov., 1949 " ..... .... ................................................................... ............ .. ... . .TN Nov., 1950

George E. Harbert ............. .... ........................... .. ........... .. .......... .......... .................... .TN April, 1951 " •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• H H·· ••• • •••••• .TN March, 1952

........ .TN Dec., 1952 ........ .TN April, 1952

Morton McDonald ............... ...... ........................... ................... . ........ TN Dec., 1953 •• • • •ooooooHo • ooooooooooooo•ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo • •o • oo•Oo ••• ••• • • •• oo ••••• • ••• • •" ,.,,,, ,,TN Nov., 1954

Harold McLeran ........... ... ...... ... ......... ... ..... ........ .. .... .................................... .. ..... .... ....... TN Dec., 1955

Committee on Abstracters Liability and Bond Coverage, Report of Chairman: Earl W. Hardy .......... .. .......................... ... ... .............. .... .... .. ..................... ...... ...... ....... TN April, 1948 William R. Barnes............................................. . .................... ... ...... .. .. TN Jan., 1950

........... .. .......... ....... ................................ ... .. ..... ... ...... .......... ...... ... TN Jan., 1951

[ 7 ]

A. F. Soucheray, Jr. .. . ... . .......... ... .. ... ............. ........... .. ................................. .TN March, 1952 ' ' ................................ .. ....................................................... ... ....... TN May, 1952

...... ..... ......................................... ............ .. ............ .. .................. TN Dec., 1952

... .. ... ....... .. .. .... ...................... ... ....................... .......................... TN Dec., 1953

........... .. ............................. .. .................................... .... ............ TN Nov., 1954

....................................................... .......................................... TN Dec., 1955

Committee on Advertising and Publicity, Report of Chairman:

Paul P. Pullen ............................................ ............................... ..................... .............. .. TN Jan., 1945

John G. McGregor ............. .. ... .......... .......................... ........................... .. ....... .... .... TN Feb., 1946·

Harvey Humphrey ....................................... .. ..................................................... .. .TN Jan., 1948 '' ......... ....... .. .... ............................................................................. TN Jan., 19·19.

Hart McKillop ......................... .. .. .... .. ...... ... ........................ ........................................... TN Jan., 1950 " .. ......................... ................................................................................. .TN Jan., 1951

Harvey Humphrey ............. ................................................... .... ......................... TN April, 1952

Robert H. Sommers (Rules and Regulations) . .......... ... .......... TN May, 1953 '' ... ................ ................................ .. ................... .. ...................... TN Nov., 1953

Warren E. Thompson (Rules and Regulations) ........................ TN June, 1954 '' .............. .. .. ........................................................................ TN Oct., 1954

....................... ............................... ...... ... .. ... ...................... TN April, 1955

.. .... .. ....... ..... .................................. ..... ................. .............. TN June, 1955

Constitution, American Title Ass'n ..................................... .. .... ........ .. ...................... TN Feb. 1955

Constitution and By-Laws, Report of Chairman:

A. W. Suelzer ....... .. .............. .................... ..... .. ........................... ............ .. .... .. ... ........ TN April, 1948

S. A. Clark ....................... .. ........... .................. .............. .. .. ........ ..................................... .TN Dec., 1948 ............ .. .. ....... .. .......... ............... .. ........................ ............................................ TN Dec., 1949 ........................................................................................................................ TN Nov., 1950

John J. O'Dowd .................... .... .................................. .............. TN March, 1953 (Part One) . " .................... ............ ..................................... ........ .TN Nov. , 1952 (Part One)

................................................................ ............................................ TN April, 1952

..... ... ... ... .. ..................... ...... .......................................................... ....... TN Sept., 1953

.................................................. .. ................................................. ....... TN Nov., 1953'

................................................ .................... ... ......... .. ....... .. .............. TN March, 1953

.... ......................... ..... ..... .. .............. .... ...... .......................... .. .................. TN Oct., 1954

Judiciary Committee, Report of Chairman:

McCune Gill ................... .... ...... ..................................................... ............... ...... .TN April, 1945

R. W. Jordan .................................... ........................................... ........ ............... .... TN March, 1947

Russell A. Clark .................... ................. ................................................................... TN Dec., 1948

[ 8]

Ralph H:, Foster............................ ... .. . ....... . ....... . ................. ............. ..... .TN Nov., 1949 ........................................................................................ .. .. .. TN May, 1950

................................................... ........ .. .... ......... .......... .TN Sept., 1950 .. ....... ..... .... .. ... .......................... . .......................... .. TN Nov., 1952

........... ... ......... .. .... .. .. ............... .... .. ............ TN March, 1952 .... .. .. .. .... ................................................ ... .... ..... ... ........ .. TN April, 1952

............. ...... ............. .. ....... .. ... ............. ....... .. ............ TN June, 1952 ............................... .. .. ............................... TN July, 1952 ................................ .. .................... .... ............ .TN Jan., 1953

........... ..... .......... ................................................................. .TN April, 1953 ...................................... .... .......... .. ........................................ .. .. .TN May, 1953 ........ .. .. ...... ..... ....................................... . .............. ......... TN June, 1953 ............................................ ......................................... ............. ...... .TN July, 1953 ...................................................................................................... TN Sept., 1953 ............................... .................. .......... ..................... ......................... TN Nov., 1953

F. Wendell Audrain............................. .. . . ........ .. .. ............. ......... TN Feb., 1954 ................... ...... ...... . ....................................... .TN April, 1954

........................... . ................................. .. .TN Oct., 1954 .... ............................................... .. ................... TN April, 1955

..... .. .. .............. ..................................................... TN May, 1955 ......................... ...................................... .............................. .TN Dec., 1955

A Plea for the Judiciary Committee ................................................................. .TN Feb., 1954 James E. Sheridan

Directory Listings and Publications Committee, Report of Chairman: Mortimer Smith ........ ...... .................... ..................................... .... ......................... TN Sept., 1953

(Rules and Regulations) .................. .. ............. .. .. .... ......... .... .. ... .. ...... .... .. .. TN Oct., 1953 " ........................................................................ TN Nov., 1953

Ethics and Practices Committee, Report of Chairman:

Mortimer Smith .... .......... .......... ........ ...... ........ ... ..... .. .......................... ...... ............ TN Sept., 1953 ................................................................................................. TN Nov., 1953 .......... ... ..... ............................... ......................... ..... .... ............. TN March, 1953

See also Resolution, Mid-Winter Conference TN March, 1953)

Ethics, Code of

American Title Association ......................... .. ................ TN Nov., 1949


................ .... ..... .. ... .. ........ .. .............. .TN Dec., 1949

.......... ...................... .. ... ........ .. .. .. ........... .. .......... TN May, 1950 ........... ............................................ .. .. .. ..... .. TN March, 1951

...................................................... .. ....... .. ............... .TN July, 1951

......... ........................ .. ....... .... ................................... TN Oct., 1953

......... ........... .. ............................ ..... .. ..... .... ....... ........ TN July, 1954

Executive Vice-President, Report of: James E. Sheridan (A Glance at the Future) ........ .. ................................................ .. .. ................. TN Nov., 1952

Report of Executive Vice President... ................................................... TN Nov., 1953 ........................ ................... .... .TN Nov., 1949

[ 9]

Finance Committee, Report of Chairman:

Porter Bruck .......

Chartes H. Buck ............... ..

. ....... TN Jan.,

.......... TN June, ....................... .. .......... .......... TN April,

.. .TN Jan.,

Fire and Hazard Insurance, Committee, Report of Chairman :


1947 1948 . 1949

James R. Ford ..................... .. ............................................................................. TN Nov., 1953.

Grievance Committee, Report of Chairman:

Mortimer Smith .. .................................. . .............. .. .. .... .TN Nov., 1955

History, American Title Association .. . ....... .... .. .TN Aug., 1952 V arick C. Crosley

Legal Section, Report of Chairman:

James R. Ford........ .... . . .......... .. ...................................................... .TN June, 1947

1948 1949 1949

Wm. R., Kinney..... ..... ........................................ .. ........... .TN Jan., ........ .. .... .. ............. TN Feb.,

................ .... .. TN Nov.,

Golding Fairfield ............................ TN Jan., 1951

Planning Committee, Report of Chairman:

William Gill, Sr................ .. ................ . .... .................................... TN Jan., 1947 .................................. .... ............................ . ............................ .TN Dec., 1948 . .................. ................. . . ................. .. .. .. ............................. TN Dec., 1948

Earl C. Glasson ..... .... ..

..................... ................... .. ........................ .TN Dec., 1949 ... .. ................ ................... .... .TN Sept., 1950

..................................... .. .................................... TN April, 1951 ..................... TN Nov., 1952 (Part One) .. .. ....... .TN March, 1952 (Part One)

.................. .......................... TN Nov., 1953

........ ...... TN Oct., 1954

Legislative Committee (Federal), Report of:

Joseph S. Knapp, Jr ... ... ..................................... .. ........................................ .. .TN Feb. 1946

Paul f. Wilkinson ................ ...................... .. ...... .. ........ ......... .TN March, 1952 (Part One) " .......................... .. ..... ...................... .............. .TN Nov., 1952 (Part One)

John W. Ziercher...... . .............................. .......... TN Nov., 1952 (Part One)

James G. Schmidt .. ...... .................. ...................... .............. ............................ TN Nov., 1953

Joseph A. Watson....... .. ......... ........................... ........ .... ................... .... .. TN Oct., 1954

[ 10]

Legislative Conunittee (States), Report of: Edward T. Dwyer ...... ..................... .. .................. ...... ...................... ... ......... ... .... .... TN April, 1945

..... ....................... ..................... .. .......................................... .TN Feb., 1946

.......... ..... .. ..... ................ .... ..................................... .. .............. ...... TN Feb., 1947

Arthur A. Anderson......................................... .................. .... ....... .. ...... .TN Dec., 1948 Roy C. Johnson ................. ........................................................... .. .................... ... .TN Jan., 1948 Leo A. Reuder.................... ..... ... ................. .. .............. .. .. ...................... .TN Nov., 1949

....................... ........ .. ................................................................ .... .TN Jan., 1951 John W. Zierdher ........ . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ... . ............. TN March, 1952 (Part One) Harold F. McLeran .... .... ............... ..... . ..................................... .TN Oct., 1954 Wallace A. ColwelL ....... ....................... .. .................................... ...................... TN Nov., 1955

Membership Committee, Report of Chairman:

Edgar Anderson .. ...................................................... ..

Roy C. Johnson ........................................... .. ............ ..

Reports of National Presidents:

H. Laurie Smith .. ..

A. W. Suelzer ............ ..

. ............... .. ...... .TN Dec., 1948

. ................. .TN June, 1947

TN Jan., 1945 ...... TN Feb., 1946

.. ..... .. ...... ................ TN June, 1947

J. J. O'Dowd ............... . . ..................... ......................... ............................ ..... TN Jan., 1948

Kenneth E. Rice .. ...... .. . ........ TN Dec., 1948

Frank I. Kennedy........ ........... . ...... TN Nov., 1949

Earl C. Glasson ......... ............................................................................. .. ........ TN March, 1950 '' ............. ... ............. ........................... .. ............................................ TN May, 1950 '' ................................................................................ ............... TN Sept., 1950

Mortimer Smith ............................................................................................ .......... TN April, 1951 " .................................... ... .............................. Tn March, 1952 (Pare One}

Joseph T. Meredith .................. ...... ... ..................... .............................. .............. TN April, 1952 " .. .. ........................................................... TN Nov., 1952 (Part One)

Edward T. Dwyer ........ ...................... .................. ... .............................................. .TN Nov., 1953

George E. Harbert ...... .... ........ .. .......................................................................... TN Nov., 1953 '' ............................................. ..... ... .. .. ........... ............... TN Oct., 1954

Lawrence R. Zerfing. ........... ...... .... .......... ........ ... .................. ...................... ........... TN Nov., 1955

National Secretary, Report of:

Joseph H. Smith .................... .............................. ........................ .. ..................... .... .TN Dec., 1952

National Title Underwriters Section, Report of Chairman:

J. F. Horn ...................................... ......................................... ....... ................................ TN June, 1947 [ 11]

Leo T. Wolford ......... .............................................. .... .................. .. ......... .... TN Feb., 1949

Ervin J. Bra1ldt ................... .... ........ ...................................... .............................. TN March, 1950

Guy T. 0. Hollyday ............................... .. ..................................................... ........ TN Jan., 1951

Murray L. Jones .............. ........................... .. ....................... .TN March, 1952 (Part One)

Public Relations Committee, Report of Chairman:

Morton McDonald .............................................. ................... .... TN Nov., 1952 (Part One)

Edward J. Sauter ............ ............... ....... ............................................. .. .......... .. ........ TN Nov., 1953

James R. Ford.................................... .. ............................. ............ ............... TN Dec., 1949'

C. E. Van Ness .... ...... .. .................... .. .. ............................ ......... .. ................. . . TN Dec., 1948

Resolutions Committee, Report of Chairman:

Stewart Morris ..................................... .... .. .. .. .................................................. . TN March, 1947

Paul J. Wilkinson ................................................................ ....... ........... .......... TN April, 1948

A . W m. Suelzer .......... ........................... .............. ........... .. ....... TN Dec., 1952 (Part Two)

Title Insurance Legislation Committee, Report of Chairman:

Floyd B. Cerini .... ...... .................................. ................. .... ............... .. .......................... TN Feb., 1948

Title Plant Committee: (See Title Plant Operation-Equipment)

Treasurer, Report of:

Briant H. Wells, Jr ....................................... .. ........... .... .. ............ ...................... TN Jan., 1949

William Gill, Sr .......................................... .............................. .TN March, 1952 (Part One)

..................................... ...... ...... .. ................................ .. .................. TN April, 1952

Special Legislative Committee, Report of Chairman

H. Laurie Smith ... ...... .............................. ...................................... ... .. .......... ....... TN Jan., 1945

State Association Management Committee, Report of Chairman:

Marvin W. W allace ...................... ............ .. .... ...................... .. ..... ........................... TN Nov., 1953 .......... ....... ...... ... ... ...................................................................... TN Oct., 1954

Title Insurance Section, Report of Chairman: )

Kenneth E. Rice ................ .. .. .. .................................................................. ................... TN June, 1947

Frank I. Kennedy .......................................... .............................................. .............. TN Jan., 1948

Mo1·timer Smith ...................................... .. .... ........ .................................................... TN Feb., 1949 .............................................. ..... ................................................... TN Nov., 1949

[ 12]

Edward T. Dwyer ........................................ .......... ........ ...... ................................. .. .. .TN Jan., 1951 '' ............. .. ......... ........................................................................... TN April, 1951

............................................................................................... TN March, 1952

Lawrence R. Zerfin~::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::: : :: : ::::::::::::: : : :::: :::::::::::::::::: :: :::::::::: ::: : ::: ::'X ~:!~: ~~;~ ... .. .. .......... .... ......... .... ...... ......... .. ....... ............... ..................... TN Dec., 1953

Paul W. Goodrich .... ...... ................................................................... .................. .. TN Nov., 1954 Title Insurance Executives Regional Meetings, Repon of Chairman:

Atlantic Coast District:

H. Stanley Stine ........ ..... .. ................................ .. .. .... ... .. .. ..................... ............ .TN Jan., 1951 '' ................................................................................................... TN March, 1952

John H. Kunkle ............................... .... ................... ................ ............. ................ TN Dec., 1952

George C. Rawlings ......................................... . ....... ................ .. .TN Nov., 1954 '' ............................................................................................... TN Dec., 1955

Central States District:

Clarence M. Burton .. .......... .. ...... ................. ........ ............ .. .............. .. ............. .... .TN Jan., 1951 .......... ........ ...TN March, 1952 .................... _ ............. ... .. ...................................................... TN Dec., 1952

Laurence J. Ptak...................... .. .. ............. .. .. .. .. .. .............................. .... .TN Dec., 1953 ........................................... .......... .. .... .. ...... ..... ..... .. .. ........................ TN Nov., 1954 ......................................................................................... ................... TN Dec., 1955

Southwest District:

William Gill, Sr. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........................... ................................. .. .... .... TN Nov., 1950 ........... ... ....................... .. .... .. .. .............. ....... ..... .. .... ......... .... . ... TN March, 1952 ............................................................................. .............. ... ........... TN Dec., 1953 ..... ... .......... .. ... ...... .. .... ................ .. ............. .. .. ............................... TN Nov., 1954

....................................................... .. ................ ....... .TN Dec., 1955

.. committee on Title Insurance Standard Forms, Report of Chairman:

Bmjamin J. Henley ..................................... .... ..................................................... ..... TN Feb., 1948

See als·o:

'' .... ........................................................................... ......... ... ........ TN Feb., 1949 .............. ..................................................................................... TN Jan., 1951 ................................................................................................... TN Dec., 1952 ..... ............................................ ... ........ .... ................................ TN Nov., 1953

.......................................... .. .. ........... ....................... TN April, 1954 ............................................................... ..... ............................... TN Dec., 195 5

Standardization Under Schedule B.. ........................ ................................................ .TN Jan., 1951 Charles M. Swezey

Title Insurance, Standard Forms ......................................................................... TN March, 1952 (Requirements of Secondary Lenders)

[ 13 ]

BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt Mortgagor ............................. .... .. .. ................................. ...... .............. .TN April, 1951

Horace Russell

Bankruptcy ........ ..................... .. George E. Harbert

. ....................................................... ........... .. ....... ... TN Sept., 1950

Bankruptcy-Abandonments .............. . .. ...... .TN Jan., 1947 William R. Kimzey

Bankruptcy Act, Recent Amendment to the Preference Section .. .TN Feb., 1951 Milto11 P. Kupfer

Bankruptcy and Its Problems ................................ .................................................. TN March, 1951-Bertram K. Wolfe

Bankruptcy, Land Title and......................... . .............................. .. TN Nov., 1955 Hon. Carl D. Friebolin

Bankruptcy, The Status of Liens On Real Estate In ........ .. .................. .TN June, 1955 Ellis Brodstein


American Law of Property .......................... ...... .... . .. .......... TN Oct., 1953 (Review: Jos. H. Smith)

Contracts and Conveyances of Real Property ........ .. .... .... ........ ................... .TN Dec., 1954 Author: Milton R. Friedman

Desk Book on Titles and Land Law .............................................. .. ..................... .TN Jan., 1954


Conveyancing, Short Forms for, in California ...................... .. .............. .TN March, 1953 Benj. J. Henley

Problems in Conveyancing ..................... .. .. ...... ........................................................ .... TN Dec., 1954 Wm. A. Thuma

Survivorship Deeds ........... .................................... .. ........................................................ 1N May, 1950 C. H. Barsch

Trust, Deed of. ....... ... ... .. .................................... .... .. ..... .. .................... ... .. .. ..... ............ ...... ..... TN April, 1955 McCUize Gill


Divorce Decrees and The Abstract.. ............ .. ...... .......... . ......... .TN April, 1953 Walter A. Yoder

Foreign Divorces .............. .. . ............................ ..... .. ............................... ...... ....... TN March, 1952 J. Mack Tarpley

Foreign Divorces ..................... ... ......................................... ... ... .... ................................... TN Nov., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Foreign Divorce Decrees and Effects On Title To Real Property ..... .................................. .. ............................. .. ...... .......... .... TN April, 1945

[ 14]


The Construction Boom. ....... ........ ................... .. .. ............... . . ......... .TN July, 1955 M. W. Watson

Construction Is Everyone's Business .......... ............................... . . ........ .TN July, 1953 George H. Miehls

Construction Markets ................... . ........... .... .. .... ...... .. ...... .............................. .TN Feb., 1954 Norman P. Mason

Construction Markets ................ ....................... .... .......... . - M. W. JV atson

D.O.T.-(Dope-Observations-Trends) ........... . James E. Sheridan

...... .TN Feb., 1953

.......................... .TN 1953-54 Various Issues

·Factors Affecting Our Market ....................... .. ....... ....... ............... ... .. ........ ... ......... .TN Jan., 1953 Russell S. Padgett, Jr.

Growth of Life Insurance Company Mortgage Investments ........ .TN May, 1954 How High? .............. ............ ......................................................................................... ..... .TN June, 1946

John W. Weber

Life Company Commercial Realty Near Billion ................................. .TN June, 1953

Life Companies Have 26 Billion Under Mortgages ...... ........ ... .. ......... TN Dec., 1954

Life Insurance Companies, Realty Financing .............. .... ...................... TN March, 1953

New Government Impacts on the Housing Market .............................. TN Dec., 1954 M. W. Watson

The Open Funue ........... ...... ........ ................. ....... ....... .. .................................................... .TN June, 1955 L. L. Colbert

Outlook for Real Estate in 1954 .... ........... ................ .. ....................... .... .TN Nov., 1953 E. L. Callahan

President Eisenhower's Housing Message to Congress ........ .. ........... TN Feb., 1954

Real Estate in the Years Ahead................................................. .. ................... TN Oct., 1954 James C. Downs, Jr.

The State of the Construction Market.. ............................................. .... ... ..... TN April, 1955 M. W. W atso1z

Table of 1953 Appropriations, Eighty-second Congress, Second Session.............................. .. ................ TN Sept., 1952

·Welfare Concepts Slow Up Housing Credit.. ...................... .............. .... .TN Sept., 1953 Norman P. Mason

What Are the Stakes? ............................................. ............................. ............... TN March, 1947 Fred B. Mitchell


(See also Management-Administration)

Abstracters, Saturday Closing Hours ....... ...................... ............................. .TR March, 1947 A. F. Soucberay, Jr.

[ 15 ]

Abstracters, Part Time Employees, Training Employees .............. .TN March, 1947 Earl W. Hardy- Cyrus B. Hillis

Employee Relations::: ...... ................. .. ................................ -............. ....... .TN Dec., 1952 (A Panel Discussion)

Employee Relations (A Compendium of Informations) ................. .TN March, 1954 (Job Classification, Fringe Benefits, Salaries, Pensions,

Hospitalization, Insurance, Bonus)

Employee Seminar ......................................... . . ............... .......... .... .. .. ....... .TN Nov., 1952_ John P. Turner

Employee Seminar, Committee On ................... ............................................. .TN Nov., 1953 Roy C. Johnson

Employer-Employee Relations .......................................... ... .... ...... . . ...... .TN June, 1946 (Policy of Three Companies)

Employer-Employee Relations ..................................... .. ........................ . . ..... .. .TN Jan., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Part Time Employees, Training, Abstracters ... .. .......................... .. ..... TN March, 1947

Training of Employees ............. ... ............................... ..................................... TN Feb., 1948 Oscar W. Gilbart


Escrows ................... .................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ................. .. ............................................... .TN May, 1950 McCU1ze Gill

Escrows .............................. .. .. ... ... ... ...................................................................... ... .. .. .. .......... ... TN Feb., 1951 Russell F. Greeter

Escrows .... ................................................................................................ ................ .. ... ....... .......... TN April, 1951 William Gill, Sr.

Escrows .......... .. .. ........... .... ........................................................ ... ...... .. .............. .. .... ... ... ................ TN Nov., 1951 (A Panel Discussion)

Escrows and Closings By Title Companies ........... .. . ........................ .TN March, 1952 (A Panel Discussion)

Escrows and Closings-Money In the Bank .............. ............................... .TN Dec., 1953 Burton Dougan

Escrows As A Method of Bringing In and Keeping Customers ...................... .... ....... ........ ................ ... .. .... ................... .. .. .. ............. TN March, 1951

Edgar Anderson

Escrows, "Close Sesame" .................... .............................. ...... ........................... .. .. .. .. .TN Oct., 1955 Frederick C. Fiechter

Escrows, Concurrent. ...................... .. . ...................... .TN April, 1950 John C. Rule

Escrows, Confidential Nature of... ...... . .................... .. .. .... ................ TN May, 1950 George C. Bond

[ 16 ]

Escrow Department, Efficiency and Perfection In ............ .' ................. .TN Nov., 1955 (A Playlet-Comedy)

Escrows, Their Use and Value ................................ ... ......•............ ...... ............ .. .. .. .TN June, 1950 John Mann

Escrows, Rights, Duties and Liabilities ......................................................... .TN March, 1953 V erle R. Seed


Federal Estate and Gift Tax Liens ..................... .................... ....... .............. ....... .TN Nov., 1950 Howard Tumilty

·Federal Estate and Gift Tax, Committee Report. ...... ....... . .TN Dec., 1948 Earl C. Glasson

Federal Legislation Concerning State and Gift Tax Liens ..... .. .. .TN Feb., 1949

Federal Liens and Foreclosures.......................................... . ..... .............. .TN June, 1953 Horace Russell and' Jean Gillis

Federal Liens ......................... ... ........................................................ . ................. TN April, 1954 Robert W. Dix

Federal Liens, Disposal In Foreclosure ............ . . ................... .TN Jan., 1953 Frank A. Stamper

Federal Tax Liens ................... .. ....................................... ... .......................... ... ........ .. ..... .TN Nov., 1955 David E. MacEllven (By Thos. J. McDermott)

IDEM SONANS Idem Sonans ........................................ .. ....... ............................................................ ............ ........ TN July, 1955

Robert F. Brachtenbach

Idem Sonans ......................................................... .. ...................................... ....................... ..... .TN Oct., 1950 Ralph H. Foster

When Names Are Important... ........................ .......... ............................................... .TN June, 1953 Paln~er W. Everts

LAND TITLE COURSE (See Title Course)

LEGAL PROBLEMS, GENERAL (See also, American Title Association, Judiciary Committee)

Conditional, Qualified or Determinable Estates and Reverter Rights .............. .............. ........ .. ....................................................... TN Aug., 1950

Roy B. Meads

Encroachments, What About Them? ... .................. ....... ... ... .................................. .TN May, 1953 E. G. Merrill, Jr.

Foreclosure by Distraint in U. S. Courts ......... . . ................. TN Dec., 1953 H. Stanley Stine

The Law Defined............. . ....................................................... . .................. .TN Feb., 1946 Roy C. Johnson

[ 17 ]

Legal or Law Division ........................... .... .................................................................... B Jan. 16, 1951 " .......................... .... ............... .................................................. B Mar., 28, 1951

Legal Problems .......... .. ..... .. ... ... .................... .. ... .... .................... ... ....................................... .. .. TN Dec., 1955 ( A Panel Discussion)

Ownership of Vacated or Abandoned Rights of Way .................... .TN March, 1947 Melvin B. 0 gden

Open Forum, Legal ... ....... ...................................... .. .. ........................ ........... .. ...................... TN Feb., 1949

Open Forum, Legal... ............ ... .. ................................................. ......................................... TN June, 1947 _

Possession of Real Property As Notice of Rights of Occupant. .. .TN May, 1955 ' Milton R. Friedman

Recent Cases of Interest .......................... ... ...... ........................... ................................. .TN Sept., 1952 . William R. Kinney

Reversionary Restrictions . ... ................................. .. ..................................... ........... .TN March, 1952 Stewart Morris

Reverters ... ................................................................................................................................. TN Nov., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Some Legal Considerations ..... .. ......................................... ................... ... .... ....... .... .TN March, 1951 Perter Giuliani

Title and Legal Aspects .................. .. ..................................... ........... ........................... .TN Sept. , 1952 McCune Gill

Vacation of Marginal Streets ............................................ .......................................... .TN Oct., 1953 Herman Brown

Void As Against Voidable Wharton T. Funk

..................... .. .. .. ....................... ... ........... .. .TN March, 1952


Forty Year Marketability Statute of Michigan ......... . ... . ........... .TN Feb. , 1946 T. Gerald McShane

Marketability Title Acts and Decisions .... ..... ........ .......................................... .TN Dec., 1952 (A Panel Discussion)

MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION (See also Title Plant Operation)

Accounts-Collection of... ...................... .. ... .. .. ............................................................ .TN Dec., 1953' S. E. Gagon, Carroll J. Reid

Accounting and Auditing Practices of Interest to Title Companies ..... .. .... . .......................................... .... ...... .. ............................... .. .TN April, 1948

(A Panel Discussion)

Accounting and Auditing Practices ................................................................ .TN April, 1948 Geoffrey K. Vickers

Administration and Management ........................... .. ....................................... .TN March, 1952 J. C. Brand, Grover W. Devi1le

[ 18]

Filing System General Correspondence .................. ............................... ........ .TN Jan., 1951 (A Panel Discussion)

Job Evaluation ................................................................................................... ......... ............ .. . TN May, 1950 Paul W. Goodrich

· Legal Division, Organization and Function of ... ............. .......... .. ..... .... .. ... TN Dec., 1953 f. B. O'Dowd

Liability Ledger of Title Insurance Companies ........ ........ ... ... ............ .. .............. B 5/ 18/ 49 Operating and Maintenance Costs ......... .. .. ....................... . ........... .TN March, 1952

E. D. McCrory

Operating Expenses-Percentages ........................................................................ TN Sept., 1955

Operating Expenses ..... ....... ·· ·······-··································· .................. ... ....................... .................... No. 286 Management Operations (Order Blank-Work Sheet) ........ . .. .TN May, 1955 Management, Open Forum-Health and Accident

Insurance; Wage and Hour Law ................................ .. .. ............... .TN Dec., 1955 William Jackson

Preventing Title Loss Through Examination (of office records) ................... . ............................................. . .. ............ .TN April, 1950

Harry J. Mcisaac

Receivables (Collection of) ....... ... ..... ........................ ........................................ .TN Jan., 1951 Paul f. Wilkinson, John H. Kunkle

Retirement or Pension Program for Members... .............. . ... .... .TN Sept., 1950 (A Panel Discussion)

Training Program Activities, Surveys Relating To .... .. ..................... .TN Nov., 1955 Ernest J. Loebbecke

Uniform Accounting, An Approach to Title Companies ............ .. .TN Dec., 1953 Henry f. Davenport

Wage Control Records ................................................................. .... .. ............ ......... ... TN March, 1952 James P. Watlington


Frank K. Stevms ..................... ........ ..... ... .................................... .. .............. ...... TN July, 1955 Absentee, The Estate of An ......... ... ..... . ............ .TN Aug., 1950

Phil F. Carspecken

Address of Welcome Holm(JJil D. Pettibone ........ .... ................................. ..................... ....... ............ .TN Jan., 1945

......... ........ TN Feb., 1946 ... ................................................................ TN Jan., 1949

V. Hubert Smith ..... . . .. .............. .. . ... ..... ............ . . ............... TN Nov., 1950 Address of Welcome, Response to. . ........................ .TN Nov., 1950

Edward C. Wykoff

[ 19]

The Amazing Growth of Savings and Loan Associations .............. .TN June, 1954 Grmzt H. Longenecker

An Amused Specta_tor ..... o .....•......... ........................................................•... ....... ........ ........ TN July, 1953

The Apartment House Situation ................. .. ........................................... .. ...... ... ........ TN Feb., 1955 . Everett L. Curtis

Appraisal Time .................... ... ... ... ... ..................................................... .......... .............. ... ........ TN Jan., 1953 Holman D. Pettibone

As Others See Us ............................. .. .. ....... .. ........................................... ........................ .TN Dec., 195~ · Morton McDonald

Caveat Emptor ...................................... .. ............................. ..... ........... .... ... ............................ TN July, 1955 Phil Carspecken

The Changing Tide .......... ............. .. ...... .............. .. .......................................... ...... .. ............. .TN Feb.; 1955 Stewart f. Robertson

Communists, 55,000 ............ .. .. .................................. .. ......... .... ... ..... ................................ TN Aug., 1950 f. Edgar Hoover

Condit, Fred P., A Tribute .............................. .... .. . .. ............ ................................ .. .. . TN Sept., 1951

Dusting Off the La.w ........... .......... .................................................................................... TN April, 1950 Phil F. Carspecken

Evidencing of Titles ................... ................................................................................... ......... TN July, 1951 Morton McDonald

Functions of Home Office Counsel of Life Insurance Companies in Acquisition and Servicing of Mortgage Investments ..... .TN Sep., 1953

C. H. Bonnin

Generals I Have Known ...................... .......... ............................ .......... .. .............................. TN Jan., 1951 Lt. Col. Raymond McLain

The Genuine Interest of the People .............................................................. .......... TN Feb., 1955 Hon. Walter Williams

Gill, William, Sr., Testimonial to .... ................... .. .................... ........................... .TN Dec., 1950 Earl C. Glasson

The Great Hoax .................... .. ... .. .... .. .................................. .. ............................ .. .............. ....... TN May, 195·1 William Wolfman

Hawaiian Title Talk ............... .. ..................... ............................. .. ..................... ... ... .. .......... TN June, 1954 Howard f. Burnham

I Analyze My Industry .. ...................... ............. .............................. ................................. .TN Jan., 1945 Roy C. Johnson

The Land Speaks ........... .... .................................................... ... ... .......... .............. .. ...... ............ TN May, 1950 Phil F. Carspecken

The Lawyer and Capitalism ..................... .. ....................................... .. ................ .TN March, 1955 Judge William f. Palmer

Lawyers View of Recording Statutes.......................... .. ............................ .. .TN Sept., 1952 Thomas R. Walenta

[ 20]

Liberty or Security .................................................. ....................... ................................... TN March, 1953 Morton McDonald

Mortgage and Title Man, Common Problems of the ....................... .TN May, 1951 William G. Jennings

Mortgage Bankers Association of America, Address from the ..... .TN Feb., 1946 Byron V. Kanaley

Mortgages, Short Form ..................... .. .......... ..... .. .................. ........ ........ .................... .TN July, 1954 • Albert C. W eymann, Jr., Esq . .. Oil Royalty ... .. ........................ .. ....... ................. ... ... ....................... .. .. ... .. .............................. TN April., 1954

Our Common Problem . ........... ...... .. .. ........................................ TN Nov., 1952 (Part One) Ben H. Hazen

Pettibone, Holman D., a Tribute.. ............. ............................. ... . . ...... .... .TN Sept., 1951

Raising Ourselves by Our Bootstraps .................................. ·-····· ...................... TN Feb., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Read Title News ...... . Wm. 0. Finley

. ................................................... .. ................... TN Sept., 1953

Re-Birth of a City ............... .................................................................... ... ....... ......... ............ TN Oct., 1954 Holman D. Pettibone

Redevelopment of Sub-Sstandard Urban Areas ......................................... .TN Nov., 1954 Joseph S. Knapp, Jr.

Reflections of A Title Man ...................... .... ········ · ···-· · · ······· ·······.TN Sept., 1955 Phil Carspecken

Resolution, Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting, ATA. . . .... ... ......••. TN Oct., 1954 Holman D. Pettibone

Rice, Kenneth E. , Eulogy to the Memory oL ......................... TN Dec., 1955 Paul W. Goodrich

The Romance of the Records ...... ...................................... .. ...... ... .TN Feb., 1949 Phil F. Carspecken

Salutations ........ ....... .. ...... ............ ... ............................. .. ................... . ............... TN Nov., 1950 Earl C. Glasson

Tales of a Title Man ........................ .. . .... .......... TN March, 1952 (Part One) ' Harvey Humphrey

Thoughts While Rambling Around ......................................... . .. . .... .TN May, 1955 William Gill, Sr.

Tips on How to be a Good Conventioneer...... . . ..................... .TN Aug., 1955 E. D. Parish in "Sales Meetings"

Title to Real Property....... ........... .............. . ....... ..... ...... .TN Sept., 1947 James E. Sheridan

A Title - What Is It? ..... .. . ... . . . .. .......... ............. .......... ....... . .TN April, 1954 Thomas F. McCartney

[ 21 ]

Toll Roads- Acquisition of the Right of Way ....... . . ............. .TN Nov., 1954 Lorin B. Weddell

Under All the Land Is the Title ........ .................................................................. .TN May, 1951 Edward T. Dwyer

We All Sell Groceries ..................................................................... .. ... .. .... ....................... .TN Feb., 1949 Kenneth E. Rice

"Where Do We Go from Here?" ("A Man's Judgment Is Only As Good As His Information") •

(A Panel Discussion ) .................... ....................................... .TN March, 1952 (Part One/

Why I Am A Title Man ................................... ................ .... ...... ........................... TN July, 1952 William J. Harris

Whose Description? .................. ............. ......................................................................... TN Feb., 1953 Ivan A. Peters


Open End Mortgages Emest J. Loebbecke

Open End Mortgages ... J. Chmmi1lg Ellery

Open End Mortgages...... .. ..... . . .. ................ .... .... .... .


................ TN Nov., 1954

.. ........ .. ........ .. .. .TN July, 1953

. .. .. ................... ... .TN May, 1954

Nomenclature (Sub Committee on) ......................................... .... .. ............... ..... TN Dec., 1950 Raymond B. Heston

N omenclature, Some Common Terms Used in the Title Industry TN June, 1952 McCtme Gill ............................... .. ........... ........ ............ .................... .......................... .. .. TN Aug., 1952


Court House Space, Rent for ........................................ .......... ...... ......................... B 226 ( 1945) H. H. Tumilty

Public Offices, Use of Space In ...................................... ........ ...... ................... .. ........ B Jan. 21, 1951 " ........... ....................................... ......................... B April 25, 1951

Public Offices, Rights, Privileges and Obligations of a Title Company in ............................... .. ....................... .......... ........... .TN April, 1945

James T. Jacques

PUBLIC RELATIONS & ADVERTISING (See also, American Title Association, Committee on Adv. & Publicity)

The Abstracter and His Public .................................. ... .............................. ......... .TN Oct., 1950 Wayne M. Campbell

[ 22 ]

Abstracters, Cooperative Advertising .................................... ... ...... ... ....... ... .TN March, 1947 (Panel Discussion)

Abstracters, Improving Production and Service ................................ TN March, 1947 Andrew Dyatt

Abstracters, State-Wide Advertising ........................... . . ......... ..... .TN March, 1947 (P mzel Discussion)

Advertising ................ ................... ... .......... .. .. ... ... ...... .. .... .. ... ................ ........................................ .... B June, 1951

li'ldvertising and Publicity ... ............ ........ .. ........... ...... ........... .................................. .TN June, 1947 (Panel Discussio1z)

Advertising and Publicity ............. ... .. ................... ........ .. ... ........................................ .. .TN Jan., 1950 (Panel Discussion)

Advertising and Public Relations ...................... . . .......................... B May, 1951

Advertising and Public Relations .................. . . .... ... ........ ... ........ .TN Nov., 1950 (Panel Discussion)

Advertising By Title Insurance Companies. Harvey Humphrey

Advertising, Evaluation of ......... . ................................ ..

Advertising, General .............................................................. ................... .

Advertising, General Chicago Title & Trust Co., Chicago, Illinois Union Title Company, Indianapolis, Indiana Abstract and Title Guaranty Co., Detroit, Michigan

TN March, 1952

. ......... .TN Nov., 1952

. .. TN Jan., 1953

. .... .. ...... B Dec. 1950

Burton Abstract and Title Co., Detroit, Michigan ....................... .TN July, 1954

Advertising, Newspaper ............................................. ........................................................ B June, 1949

Advertising, Newspaper Abstract & Tide Guaranty Co., Detroit, Michigan National Title Insurance Co., Miami, Florida Shepard Abstract & Title Co., Mason City, Iowa ......... ............. . .TN Aug., 1946

Advertising, Pamphlets ... ............. .. .. ......... ................................................................. ........... B May, 1951 Advertising, Pamphlets

Land Title Guarantee & Trust Company, Cleveland, O ....... TN Sept., 1955 Advertising, Radio · Chicago Title and Trust Co., Chicago, Illinois

Arizona Title Guarantee & Trust Company, Phoenix, Arizona Louisville Title Insurance Company, Louisville, Kentucky Kansas City Title Insurance Company, Kansas City, Mo .... TN Aug., 1946

Advertising, Radio .................................................... ....................... ......... .. ... ...... .... ...... ... .. . TN Jan., 1953 Myrle G. Budd

A Place For Your Competitor....... .. ...................................................... ...... ..... .TN Oct., 1952 Henry G. Anderson

Customer Contacts Byron Powell

.................... .. .... ... ............................................ ... ...... ...... ... .. .......... TN March, 1946

L 23 J

Customer Relations ................ ... ............................ .. ... ... ... ................................................... TN July, 1954 M. M. Hightower

Customer Relationship .. .. .... ... ..... .................................................. ..... .. .. .......... .. ......... TN March, 1951 W. E. Stewart, Jr.

The Development of an Advertising Idea ......... . ........ ........ ............. .TN May, 1950 Harvey Humphrey

Effective Human Relations ..... .. ............... .......................................... ................... .. .. .. TN April, 1955 Dr. A . C. VanDusen

' Good Public Relations .......... ........................ .... ........................ ........ .... ........... ............... TN Nov., 1955 Carr·oll R . West

It's Good Business .............. ... ..... ... .................................. .. ..................................... .. ......... TN April, 1945 William Gill

New Plans for Promoting Business .... .. .. .. .. .. ...................................................... .. TN Jan., 1951 R. W. Stockwell

Personnel, Publicity, Public Relations and Perfection-"The 4 P's" .......... .... .................................. .... .. ........................................ TN Nov., 1954

(Panel Discussion)

Pamphlet- Stamp Taxes on Conveyances .............. .. .. .. .. .... ............................. TN July, 1951 (Chicago Title & Trust Co.)

Public Education and Information ....... .. .................... ...... ............... .. ........ ............ TN Nov., 1954 Stewart J. Robertson

Publicising and Advertising Tide Insurance .............. ...... ..... .......................... TN Jan., 1951 (Panel Discussion)

Public Relations .... ...... .. .... ....... .. .. .... ..... . ............................................................. TN March, 1947 Byron S. Powell

Public Relations ........................................................... ........... ... ... ........ .. ..... ... .. .. .... .. ..TN May, 1952 Stewart J. Robertson

Public Relations and Advertising ............................................. ............ .. ... ........... TN May, 1951

Public Relations and Advertising ............ ........ ................................................. TN March, 1953 (Panel Discussion)

Public Relations, Abstracters ................................... .................................................... TN Dec., 1952 (Panel Discussion)

Public Relations for the Abstracter ......................................................... .. .... .. .. .. . TN Dec., 1955 (A Panel Discussion)

Public Relations Is Everybody's Business ......................................................... TN Oct., 1954 Carroll R. West

Public Relations-Newspaper Publicity Title, Bond & Mortgage Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan ..... ............................................... .... ........................ .... . ... TN Sept., 1955

Public Relations, Publicity Relating to New Quarters Albright Title and Trust Company, Newkirk, Oklahoma ..................... .................................................................. TN March, 1950

[ 24]

Public Relations, Report of Chairman On .... ............ ..... ............................ .TN March, 1952 Mort012 McDonald

Roll of Title Man with Allied Industries ......................................................... TN Jan., 1945 Malcolm C. M yer

· Service and Production ................................................................................................ TN March, 1952 LaVerne Herbruck

SerV-ice-Efficiency-Co-operation ....................................................... ....................... TN April, 1953 Clyde F. Kensinger

Why Advertise .. ................. ................................................................................. .................. TN Dec., 1952 Morton McDonald

RACIAL RESTRICTIONS (See also, U. S. Government)

Racial Restrictions .................. ........ ................ ..... ................................................ ... .......... TN Feb., 1954 W m. R. Kinney

Racial Restrictive Covenants .......................................... ......... ......................................... .Nov., 1950 Burton C. Bovard

Racial Discrimination ......... ......................................................................................................... B No. 285


A Broker's Problem, Getting His Commission .......... .. ........ ...... TN March, 1953 Palmer W. Everts

Real Estate License Law (Oklahoma) ................... .. .......................................... TN May, 1951

Real Estate Titles ............................. . ................................. .... .......... ..... .... TN May, 1951 William Gill, Sr.

Real Estate Titles ................... .............................. ... ....... .................................. ..................... TN April, 1954 Walter G. Huber

Real Estate Transfer Tax, Legal Effect of Failure to Pay .......... ........ TN Oct, 1955 John B. Forsythe

Real Property L. E. Rice ........................................................................................................................... TN Aug., 1950

SPEAKERS BUREAU, STATEWIDE (See also, Public Relations, Advertising)

A Speakers Bureau, Statewide ............. ....... ........ ................................................. .TN March, 1952 Stewart J. Robertson

Speakers Bureau, State Wide ............................... ... ..................................................... TN July, 1952 Stewart J. Robertson

State Speakers Bureau ............................................................... .................. ........................ TN July, 1953 Stewart J. Robertson

[ 25]

What Would You Say? ................ . . ................................ .. .............. ............. .TN Oct., 1950 William Gill, Sr.

What My State Association Stands For Claude W. Baldwin


........................... .TN Dec., 1948

How Property Surveys Add to Title Protection....................... . .... ..... .TN Oct., 1952 Palmer W. Everts

Surveys ....... .. ........ ..... ................ ...... .. .......... .................................................................................. TN July, 1952 McCune Gill

Survey Problems As Related to the Abstracter .... ............................ .... .... .TN Dec., 1955 Harold A. Preston


Real Estate Transfer Taxes, Legal Effect of Failure to Pay. . ... .TN Oct., 1955 John B. Forsythe

Revenue Stamps ...... . .... ... ...... ................................................................................ .TN Sept., 1951

Stamp Taxes On Conveyances ............................ .. .................................................. .TN July, 1951 (Chicago Title & Trust Co., Pamphlet)

Taxation, Problems of-Partnership Vs. Corporation .................... .TN March, 1952 William Garrett


Gift Tax-Consequences of Taking Property in Joint Names of Husband and Wife......... .......... .. ..... ............... . . .TN March, 1947

Hammond, Buschmann and Roll

Joint Tenancy, Dangers of... .......................................................................................... TN Sept. 1951 Rhes H. Cornelius

Lien of Judgment Against a Joint Tenant .................... .. .. ........................ TN March, 1952 Paul J. Wilkinson

Tenancies - Joint Tenancies ...................... ........................................................ .TN March, 1950 George E. Harbert

Title Examiners Requirements in Events of Death of Joint Tenant ....................... ..... ........................................................... ...... TN May, 1950

f. Robert Wilson


Land Title Course (Revised) ........ ... ...................................... .... .. ......................... .TN July, 1950 William Gill, Sr.

Title Course ....... .... .. .. ................... . . ......... .......................................... ................... TN Aug., 1946 Oscar Gilbart

[ 26]

TITLE EXAMINATION STANDARDS (See also Abstract, Standardization, Uniformity)

Our Common Problem ... .. ................ -...... .. .......................... ......................... ............. .TN Dec., 1954 Jesse E. Marshall

Title Examiners Have a Duty Also ....................................... ...... .. .. .. ........ TN Dec., 1948 f. D. G. Hill

Title Examiners, Title Companies, Recording Offices, Mutual Problems of... ....................... ........ .. ...... .. .......................................... .. ............. .TN May, 1953

(A Panel Discussi01z)

Title Examination Standards ........................................................ . . ............. .TN April, 1950 H. H. Blair

Title Examination Standards .................................................................................... TN Jan., 1951 A. W. Suelzer

Title Examination Standards .. ... ............................................ .. ................. ............... .TN Jan., 1948 (A Pmzel Discussion)

Title Examination Standards (Missouri) ........................................... .. ...... TN July, 1951


The Assured Views the Title Policy Andrew G. Holl ...................................... .. .... .. ... .. ...... . ........ .TN April, 1954

Building Restrictions, Insurance Against Loss by Reason of Violation or Deviation from Recorded Plan

Wesley H. Caldwell .. ............................ ......................... ......................... TN October, 1955

Co-Insurance and Re-Insurance (See below, Re-Insurance and Co-Insurance) L. R. Bingaman................................ .................................... .. ............ TN Oct., 1955

Excess Condemnation Statutes........................ .. .. .... ........ .. .. .. .. . .... TN Nov., 1954 G. Earl Owens

Let's Take the "Ifs" Out of Home Ownership R. W. Smiley .. ........... .. ............. .. ..................................... .. ................. .. .................... TN June, 1953

Multiple Unit Project Cassius Scranton .............. .. ........ ................................ .. . .............. ............... ............ TN Dec., 1948

Owners Policy, Why An New York State Title Association Contest Winners .... .......... .. . .TN Dec., 1954

Promoting Liquidity in Real Estate Tranactions .......................... ............. .TN Feb., 1951 Palmer W. Everts

Re-Insurance and Co-Insurance (See above, Co-Insurance and Re-Insurance) (Panel Discussion) .......................................................................... ......... ................ TN Dec., 1949

The Title Business As I See It Ben f. Drymon .................... .. ....................... .. .. .............................. .... .......................... TN July, 1951

[ 27]

Title Evidencing from the Standpoint of the Institutional Lender A1~drew G. Holl ...................................... .. ... .......................................................... .. .TN Nov., 1954

Title Hazards, Six Questions on (Panel Discussion) ... .. .. ........................................................................................... .. .. TN June, 1947

Title Insurance Harry E. Randel .. ............ .. ......................... .. .................................................... .TN Jan., 1947

Title Insurance and Its Background ........ .. ............................................................ TN Oct., 1953 Lawrence R. Zerfmg

Title Insurance, Analaysis of Forms ....................................................................... .TN Feb., 1953 (A Panel Discussion)

Title Insurance Business, Predictions on the (Pm1el Discussion) .................................................................................. ...... ............ .TN Jan., 1950

Title Insurance Business, Why I Like the Robert R. Newquist ........................................... .... .................................................... TN Jan., 1954

Title Insurance from Investors Viewpoint .................... .. .... .. ......................... TN Dec., 1952 Malcolm C. Sherman

Title Insurance Is Expanding Palmer W . Everts ............................................................. .... .. .. .................. TN Sept., 1952

Title Insurance, Public Regulation of James B. Donovan .................................................. ............ ...... .. .......... .... .............. TN Dec., 1953

Title Insurance, Reasons for Samuel 0. Bates ........... ............................................................ .TN March, 1952 (Part Two)

Title Insurance Upon Contractual and Leasehold Interests Melvin B. Ogden .................... .............................................. TN March, 1952 (Part Two)

Title Insurance, What Does the Mortgage Expect of W. Carroll Keesey .. ............ ........................ ........ .... .. .............. .............................. TN Nov., 1955

Title Insurance, What's All This About ' 'Changing Times'' .................................. .. ............................................................... TN Feb., 1954

Title Insurer, Practical Problems of the (A Panel Dicussion ) .................... .. ...... ..................................... ........ .............. .. .. .. .. .TN Dec., 1949

Title Insurers in Clover "Business Week'' ..................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .... .TN April, 195 5

A Title Policy, What Does It Cost to Produce? W. Herbert Allen ......................................................................... .. .......................... TN Jan., 1951

Title Problems Involved in Public Improvement.. ........ .................. .. .. .. .. TN Nov., 1954 Lyle W. Maley

Title Requirements of Volume Dealer in Mortgages Robert W. Buckley ............................. ...................................................................... TN Dec., 1955

Units of Cooperatives, Insurance of Fee Simple Titles Kendall P. McClerry .......... ...... ................................... .. ..................... .. .. TN Dec. , 1953

[ 28]


Claims and Losses-Mortgage Void, Balance Due .. .. .......... ................ TN April, 1955

Losses and Claims, Experience In ..................... ................ .. .. .. ... ......................... .TN Dec., 1953 (A Panel Discussion)

Losses and Claims, Direct and Indirect ...................................... ............. ........ .TN Feb., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Losses and Claims, Title Insurance.. . ........................ .. ................................... .TN Dec., 1955 (A Panel Discussion)

"The Other Side of the Ledger" ...... . . ........................................... TN March, 1951 Edward T. Dwyer

Title Insurance, Cases Involving (Illinois, New York) .................... .TN May, 1952

Title Insurance, Liability Under................ . ................... .TN Sept., 1951 Paul J. Wilkinson

Title Insurance, Loss Data, Claim Expense .......... .................................. TN March, 1952 Murray L. Jones

Title Insurance, Losses and Claims ........... ... ........... .. ........................ ............ TN March, 1952 Henry J. Davenport

Title Insurance Losses Do Happen ............................ . . ............. .TN June, 1951 Edward T. Dwyer

Title Insurance, Losses Do Occur ........................... .. ................... ....... ... ................. TN Sept. 1952

Title Insurance, Unusual Claims ........................................................................ .TN July, 1952 (A Panel Discussion)


(See AT A, Report of Committee on Standard Forms)

ATA and Full Coverage Policies ...... ..... ...... .. .. ................. . . . . ............ .TN June, 1947 (A Panel Discussion)

Expansion of Coverage .................................. ............. ............................ .............. TN Feb., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Insurance Against Known and Calculated Risks .................. ................. .TN June, 1947 (A Panel Discussion)

Inspection Practices in Connection With Full Coverage ............... ... TN March, 1951 C. L. Evans

Title Insurance Need for Full Coverage .............. .... ................ .. .. ............... .TN April, 1952 Paul J. Wilkinson

Title Insurance, Liability Under .............. .. ................... ................................ .. ....... .TN Sept., 1951

Title Insurance-Protection and Economy ........ ........................................ TN March, 1953 R. A. Phillips

Title Insurance-Will You Insure? ........ ... .... .. ............... .................. .. ................... .TN May, 1952 McCu1le Gill

[ 29]

Title Policies, Exception Forms for ...................... ......................................... .. ...... .TN Jan., 1951

Unanticipated Coverage Under ATA Standard Loan Policy ..... .TN March, 1946 R. W. Jordan

TITLE INSURANCE, PROMOTION OF (See also Public Relations and Advertising)

Business Promotion ..... .. ............................ ... .... ......... ..................................... .. ... .. .... .. . .TN Nov., 1954 ~ Paul W. Goodrich

How to Sell Title Insurance .................................... .......... ... .... ..... ... ........ ........ .......... 1N Aug., 1950 Charltmz L. Hall

Introducing Title Insurance in Downstate County .............. ....... .. ... ..... _ . .TN July, 1953 Joseph Tolson

New Business Department, Organization and Function of . ...... ..... .TN Dec., 1953 (A Panel Discussion)

Promoting Liquidity in Real Estate Trasanctions ........... .. .. .................... .TN Feb., 1951 Palmer M. Everts

Title Insurance and the Agent. ........... . ............................ .......... ... .......... .TN Nov., 1953 (A Panel Discussion)

Title Insurance, Development Outside Metropolitan Area ............ TN Dec., 1955 (A Panel Discussion)

Title Insurance, State-Wide ...................... ..... ... ...... .............................................. .TN Nov., 1951 (A Panel Discussion)

Title Policies, Renewing at Each Sale ..................... .................... ... .............. .TN April, 1953 Palmer W. Everts

Title Insurance, Selling ................ .. ............ . . ......................... 1N Nov., 1952 (A Panel Discussion)

Why I Should Have Title Insurance .................... ................................................ TN Jan., 1954 (Advertisement)


Title Insurance Rate Structure, A Compendium of .................... .. ........... _ .. Spec., 194'6 Edgar Anderson

Title Insurance Rates, Elements to Be Considered ....... ......... ............ .TN Dec., 1952 Fairfax Leary, Jr ~


Profitable Additional Sidelines, Services ... ... .. ............................................ 1N Dec., 1955 James T. Reid

Profitable Sidelines of an Abstract Office .. ........................... .. . ........ .TN Jan., 1949 Ray Trucks

Reciprocal Exchange of Starters ...... .. ................................................ .................... TN Aug., 1946

Tax Service ..... .. .. .. .. ............................... ........... .. ....... .. .. .. ............... .. .. ................. TN March, 1947 Clarence E. Gauldin

[ 30]


Arbitraries ..................................... ......................... .. .. ............................... ............ ................ .TN Jan., 1945 John B. Bell

Arbitraries ........ .. .... .. .......... ... ... .. . .. .................................... .. .... .. .. .......................... ..... TN Dec., 1953 George B. Myren

The Arbitrary Tract System ....................................................... ..... ......................... TN June, 1954 J. M. Elmsie, Jr.

Abstract Office, The Camera in Practical Use of Photography in Abstract Field Mechanized Abstracting .................. ................. ... .. ..... .......... ... ..... .

Abstract & Title Company, Guide to Office Machinery Leonard F. Fish

...... .TN Dec., 1949

..... TN April, 1955

Abstract Office, Modern Methods in ................ .. . .............. .. ......... TN Dec., 1953 Chas. Adams, Jr.,-Hemy W. lVulffe

Abstract Office, A Mechanized Small .................................... .. .. .... TN March, 1946 Ray Trucks

Abstract Plant, Integrating Photography into Conventional ..... .. TN June, 1954 Earl McCaleb

Abstract Plant, Modern .................................................................... ...... .... ................. TN Dec., 1948 John W. May

Abstract Plant, The Modern .......... ............................. ................ ...... ...... .................. TN Dec., 1948 A. W. Suelzer

Abstracter, Modern Machinery for .............................. .......... .. ...................... TN Nov., 1954 Leonard F. Fish

Abstract Plant, Evaluating an .................................... .......... ........................ ...TN Jan., 1948 (Panel Discussion-Joseph T. Meredith, Moderator)

Blueprint and Photo Copy Department ...... ........ .. ................ .. ...... TN June, 1947 William Gill, Sr.

J;_he Camera in a Title Plant ........ .... . A. J. Yates

.. ............ TN Jan., 1948

Geographic Plant vs. Tract Index ............................. ..... ..................................... .TN Jan., 1947 Otto L. Godfrey

Geographic Filing vs. Tract Book Posting .. .. .. ....... ................. TN Nov., 1953 Claire Gibson

Map Making, Modern .................................................................................... ...... TN March, 1950 James 0. Hickman

Operatin_g and Maintenance Costs ............ .. .... .. .. ...... .... ............................ March, 1952 E. D. McCrory

Photography, Committee Report .. . ............ TN Feb., 1947 Joseph J. Snyder, Chairma11

[ 3 1 ]

Photography, Committee on .......................... ............................................ . Leonard F. Fish

.. ...... .TN Jan., 1948 TN Jan., 1949

Photography, Daily Take Off ........................................................... ... .. .... .. . ... TN Dec., 1949 John B. Bell

Photography, Panel Discussion .... ...... .. ..... .. ...... ..... .... .................. .............. . .... TN Jan., 1949'

Photography, Practical Use in Abstract Field ............................. .. .............. .TN Aug., 1950 William R. Edgar

Plant Methods Including Building and Rebuilding ............................... TN Feb., 1949 (A Panel Discussion)

Take Off-Title Plant by Camera ................................. ........... ...... .. ... ..... ....... .TN April, 1950 Le01zard Lamb

Title Office, Planning a .. ..... .. .................. .. ...... .. ... ............................... ...... ..................... TN Feb., 1954 Clifton H. Woodhams

The Title Plant, A Panel Discussion ......................... .. .................................... .. TN Jan., 1950 C. Perry Liverton, Moderator

The Title Plant, A Panel Discussion .......... .... .... ................................................ .TN Nov., 1952

The Title Plant-Committee Report .... ...... .... .. ............................ .... .. .. ...... .TN March, 1952 C. Perry Livert011

Title Plant ........................ .. ...... .. ..... .......................................................................... .. .... ......... .TN July, 1955 William H. Rasey

Title Plant ...... .... .......... ........................ .. .. ........ .. .. .................. ........ ............................................. TN July, 1955 W ay11e Speelmon

Title Plant Arrangements .................. .. .................................. ..................... .. ................ .TN Feb., 1954 Warren Fletcher

Title Plant, Building and Remodeling in Non-Metropolitan Area .......... .. ........ .. ...... ...... ... ............................. .. .. ......... ..... ..... ............ TN Dec., 1955

John W. May

Title Plant Building and Maintenance, Application of Various Cameras to (A Panel Discussion) ....... .. .TN March, 1952

Title Plant, Can You Afford ......... .. ........ ................. .. ..... .TN Nov., 195,3 Arthur B. Wade

Title Plant, General Index Mel J. Borg

................. .TN Jan., 1954

Title Plant, Systems, Methods, Procedure, Equipment ..................... TN Nov., 1950

Title Plants-Building and Re-Building (Panel Discussion) ........ .TN Dec. 1955 C. Perry Liverton, Chairman

Title Plants, Committee on ...................... .. ........................................... TN Nov., 1952 C. Perry Liverton, Chairman .... ...................................................................... .TN Nov., 1953

Title Plants and Photography, Committee on ........ ........................................ TN Oct., 1954 C. Perry Liverton, Chairman

Title Plant, Complete and Modern ............ ..... ........................... .... .... ..... ............ .TN July, 1955

[ 32 ]

Title Plant (Destruction of) (Reciprocal Disaster Contract) ........ .TN Sept., 1955 TN Oct., 1955

Title Plants, Modernizing ............................................................................ .... .. ....... TN N ov., 1953 Jemzette M. Epeneter

•Title Plants, Rebuilding by Photography ......... ... ..T N Jan., 1949 Wm. M. W est, Wm. J. Erwin, Joh1z V . Harvey

Title Plant, Valuation ... ..... ................... ................ .................................... .. ..TN Dec. , 1949 William M. W est

Title Searching More Than Just Another Expense ... .. .......................... TN April, 1955 B. F. Agnelli


(See also Bankruptcy)

Certificate of Title ........... ........ ··- ·· ·············· .............................. ..... .. ... .. ........ .. ..................... B April, 1951 Defense Act Regulation Involving Land Titles ................................... T N April, 1952

Defense Production Act ..... .... .............. ..... .. ....................................................................................... B 300 Department of Justice.............. ..... .. ........ .................................... ...... ..................... . .. B April, 1951

The Effect of the Housing Act of 1954......... . . ....... ......... ...... T N Nov., 1954 Samuel E. N eel

Federal Home Loan Bank Board ....................... -.. .... ..... ......... .... ... . ..... TN June, 1946 Governor Harold Lee

Federal Reserve Board Credit Regulation ........ -.............. ............. ..................................... B 300

Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and Real Estate Transactions . .. TN Jan., 1955 H. Gilmer Wells

Requisite Steps to be Considered in Insuring Title to Real Property Transferred Under the Surplus Property Act .............. ...... ........ .......... .. ..................... ... .. ...... ................ .................... . ....... TN Feb., 1946

Floyd B. Ceri1zi

Sale and Conveyance of Properties Seized from Enemy Aliens .. ... _.. ...................... ...... ....... . . ........ .. .. ............. ...................... TN March, 1952

Paul J. Wilkins01z

Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act ........ .. .. .. ... ...... . ....... T N Jan., 1945 C. H. Barsch

Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act.. ............. . ..... .. TN May, 1951 Lawrence L. Otis

Solicitor Information Bulletin ..... .. .. ..... .. ... ........ ......... ........... ... ... .. .. .. ... .................. ... ... .... ...... ... ..... B 282

Summation-Sherman Anti-Trust Act- Clayton Act ... .. .. ......... TN Feb., 1946 Earl W. Hardy

Taxation, U. S ...................................... ....... .. .... .. .. ......... _ ........ ........ ... .. .................. .. ......... ....... B Feb., 1950

[ 3 .~ ]

Tidelands Legislation .. ..... ....................... . ......................... .. ........................ B 265

Ultra Vires ..... .. ........... ....................... ... . . ......... .TN March, 1952 Joseph S. Knapp, Jr.

U. S. Engineers, Real Estate Division

United States ~u_preme Court Decisions on Covenants and Restnctwns .......................... ........ .. ............................ ... ..... ... ............. .. ........... TN Feb., 1949

Sedgwick A. Clark

Wage & Hour Division-Labor Relations Act .................... .. ........... .......... B April, 1951

Wage and Hour Law ......... ............ .. .......................... ............ ............ -.. .. ................. .TN Dec. 1955 William A. Jackson George A. Fisher TN May, 1950

Wage & Salary Stabilization. .......... .. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . .... ...... .... .. ............ .TN June, 1952 Theron Wright

F.H.A.-Federal Housing Administration

F.H.A . ...................... .. .. ............ .... .. ..................... ... ........................................... ...... ...... Special Aug. 1949

Federal Housing Administration, Provisions of Various Titles .. .TN July, 1951

National Housing Administration.......................................................... .. .......... . ..................... B 300

O.P.S.-Office of Price Stabilization

O.P.S. Exempts Abstracters ..

O.P.S. Regulation 34 .......... ..

O.P.S ........... .. .......... .

VA-Veterans Administration


V.A., Interpretations

Loans, Guaranty of..

Veterans Administration Regulation .......

Title Requirements of Veterans Administration Howard Tumility

[ 34 ]

... .TN June, 1952

...... B Oct., 1951

.B Oct., 1951

.. ..... ..... .. B June, 1949 B April, 1949

.... B Sept. 7, 1949 )

..... ... .......... .. . B 282

. ........................ B 282

..... TN Feb., 1949