Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.

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  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.


    the voters newsletter

    September 2013

    Peiden Phamba AnnunceNamibia New Pliical Bundaie

    Inside this issue ...ECN welcme new Diec Diabiliie maineaming eceive ECN aenin

    Flexibiliy in ve and civic educain can bea all..

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.



    Invitation to participate - All

    Namibian citizens have the

    right to participate in peacefulpolitical activity. They can

    form and join political parties,

    participate in elections if they

    are over 18 years of age and also

    stand for public office if they are

    21 years of age. Elections are an

    essential part of the democratic

    development and consolidation

    of every state. They represent a

    major means of achieving the

    objectives of good governance,

    human development and

    poverty alleviation.

    Fro the Desk of the Editor

    Table of Contents

    Citizens are required to be

    loyal to the country by active

    participation in democracy and

    in return they are entitled to the

    rights and protections provided

    by the government. The rights

    of citizens to partake in political

    activities are enshrined in the

    Namibian Constitution.

    The electoral cycle is a process of

    events that are equally important

    and need to be observed by

    all loyal citizens. These include

    planning; voters education;

    registration of voters; compilation

    of the voters register; display and

    inspection of the voters register;

    voting on Election Day, counting

    of votes; and announcements

    of results. As loyal citizens we are

    supposed to follow and observe

    each step of the electoral cycle

    so that we are at par with eventsand make our meaningful

    contributions where necessary,

    so that a free, fair, democratic

    and participatory process is

    assured for all to benefit.

    President Pohamba Announces Namibias

    New Political Boundaries 3

    ECN welcomes new Director 4

    Team Work and Competence 5

    Disabilities mainstreaming receives ECN attention 6

    Technology for the Electoral Processes 7

    Welcome to the ECN team!!! 8

    Flexibility in voter and civic education

    can beat all.. 10

    ECN Regional voter Education Officers Addresses 12

    VOTE Newsletter is published by the

    Electoral Commission of Namibias

    Democracy Building Division and aims

    at disseminating electoral related

    information, covering news and

    events as they unfold in Namibia and

    beyond. VOTE does not necessarily

    reflect the official views and opinions

    of the management of the Electoral

    Commission of Namibia. Text material

    may be reprinted or reproduced

    freely with the acknowledgements to

    VOTE and author, where applicable.

    All rights to photographs, illustrations

    or any other part thereof are

    reserved. Permission to reproduce

    must be obtained from the Electoral

    Commission of Namibia.

    Editor: Hilda Nakakuwa


    ECN staffNjandereeko Virore, AVEO

    Oaheke Region

    Laina Hakweenda - Unam Student


    Copilation: Gustaf Tomanga


    Division Democracy Building.

    Contributions are welcome in the

    form of articles, news, features and

    comments related to electoral issues.

    They can be sent to:

    The Editor

    VOTE Newsletter


    Private Bag 13352

    67-71 Van Rhjin Street

    Windhoek North

    Tel: 061-376 217

    Fax: 061-237618

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.



    President Pohaba Announces NaibiasNew Political Boundaries

    President Hifikepunye Pohamba

    announced the new arrange-

    ments on 08 August 2013

    regarding the political boundaries

    of regions and constituencies

    as per the 4th Delimitation

    Commission recommendations.

    These resulted into Namibia

    having 14 regions now after

    the former Kavango region

    was divided into Kavango East

    and Kavango West regions

    respectively. In addition, 14 new

    constituencies were created

    which now stretches the country

    in a total number of 121 from the

    previous 107 constituencies.

    The recommendations also

    resulted to changes of some

    names of the regions and

    constituencies whereby the

    former Caprivi region was

    renamed Zambezi Region while

    Karas region only received the

    clicks before the name and is now

    called //Karas Region. Lderitz

    constituency has been renamed

    !NamiNs Constituency and

    the Steinhausen constituency

    in Omaheke region was given

    back its original name and

    is now called Okarukambe

    constituency, whereas Schuck-

    mansburg reclaimed its indige-

    nous name of Luhonono.

    In terms of Section 5 sub-section

    4 of the Regional Councils Act,

    elections in respect of the new

    region and constituencies will

    only be held in the next Regional

    Councils elections, said the

    President. He further called

    upon all stakeholders to study

    the new development carefully

    as the third National Voters

    Register will be based on the

    new arrangements.

    Henceforth it is crucial for the

    general public and the voters in


    1.Kunene 1.Opuwo Rural Otuani

    2.Oshana 2.Ondangwa Urban Ondangwa

    3.Ohangwena 3.Oshikunde Omutwewomunhu

    4.Oshikoto 4.Nehale lyaMpingana Okoloti

    5.Kavango East 5.Ndonga Linena Ndonga Linena

    6. Zambazi 6.Judea Lyaboloma Sangwali

    7.Kabbe South Nakabolelwa

    7.Hardap 8.Aranos Aranos

    9.Daweb Malthahohe

    8.//Karas 10. Karasburg West Noordoewer

    9. Kavango West 11. Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru12.Tondoro Mburuuru

    13. Mankumpi Satotwa

    14.Ncamangoro Ncamangoro

    particular to gradually acquaint

    themselves with these new

    developments to be able to act

    accordingly, especially in light

    of the Presidential and National

    Assembly elections to be heldin 2014 as well as the regional

    and local authorities councils

    elections slated for 2015.

    President Hikepunye Pohaba

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.




    The Commissioners, management

    and the entire staff members of the

    Electoral Commission of Namibia

    enthusiastically welcomed the

    new Director of Elections, Professor

    Paul John Isaak at the press

    conference which was attended

    by various media representatives.

    The Chairperson of the Electoral

    Commission, Advocate Notemba

    Tjipueja in her welcoming remarks

    ECN welcoes new Director

    Laina Hakweenda Una Student Intern

    stressed that the appointment

    of the new director was long

    overdue so that the Commission

    can continue with its mandatory

    duties as soon as possible. She

    emphasized that his appointment

    was a great choice that the

    organization was confident

    that Professor Isaak will fulfill his

    mandate as expected of him.

    Professor in his turn thanked the

    President for appointing him as

    a new Director, the position he

    officially commenced on the 1st

    September 2013. Receiving a

    letter from the President is always

    a great honour and I will take it

    seriously, said Professor Isaak. He

    indicated that he would follow the

    ECN already paved road which is

    the manifestation to direct, control

    and supervise the elections in a just

    and credible manner.

    Commissioner Ulrich Freyer who

    also spoke at the same occasion

    indicated to the new Director that

    he has great staff to work with.

    His sentiments were supported byCommissioner Barney Karuuombe

    who added that: we all have a duty

    to see to it that Namibia prospers.

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    Tea Work and Copetence - Prof. Paul Isaak

    The new Director of Elections, Prof. Paul John Isaak,

    made a modest call for team work and competence

    in conducting electoral activities when he first officially

    addressed the entire ECN staff members on 4 September

    2013. He stressed that the institutions mandatory functions

    to direct, supervise and control the electoral activities as

    stipulated in the Electoral Act of 1992 as amended

    need to be observed seriously at all times by the staff

    members during each electoral cycle in order for the

    institution to succeed. He emphasized that in their

    service delivery staff should not act as individuals but

    as a team.

    He noted that the conduct of

    the electoral activities must be

    declared impartial and credible

    by the relevant stakeholders with

    the view to promote democratic

    principles and values not only inthe country, but in Africa and the

    world at large.

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.


    Disabilities ainstreaing receives ECN attention



    The Electoral Commission of

    Namibia has taken a vigorous

    stand to sensitize and educate

    its voter education officers on

    disabilities mainstreaming in the

    quest to make voter education

    activities more inclusive. The

    voter education officers in all the

    regions attended the disabilities

    mainstreaming workshops in June

    this year, which were held in three

    blocks: the Omaheke, Khomas,

    //Karas, Erongo and Hardap

    regions in Windhoek, while Kunene,

    Omusati, Oshana and Oshikoto

    in Ongwediva and Ohangwena,

    Otjozondjupa, Kavango and Caprivi

    in Rundu respectively.

    In her official remarks, the

    Chairperson of ECN, Adv. NotembaTjipueja emphasized the need for all

    eligible Namibians, including persons

    with disability to be afforded equal

    opportunities to fully participate in

    the electoral processes. Therefore

    it is imperative that the ECN provides

    an enabling environment for persons

    with disability just like any others to

    exercise their participatory right and

    ensure this right is not denied, saidthe Chairperson.

    She noted that although the

    ECN mainstreams disability in the

    electoral processes, there are still a

    host of challenges experienced by

    this group of marginalized persons

    which in many instances result

    in persons with disabilities being

    disenfranchised or disqualified. She

    said that persons with disabilities

    often find it difficult to access the

    registration and polling centers.

    In addition, they have little or no

    access to voter education material

    and information. Adv. Tjipueja

    said the ECN must ensure that

    these challenges are addressed

    by mainstreaming disability in the

    electoral processes and empower

    voter education officers who are

    the field workforce with relevant

    skills and knowledge to provide and

    conduct inclusive voter education.

    The disability mainstreaming

    workshops focused on key areas

    such as the use of accepted

    terminologies, the right based

    approach the right methods

    the voter education officers

    have to employ to ensure that

    persons with different

    types of disabilities

    e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y

    participate in voter

    education activities;

    how to assist people

    with disabilities and

    learning sign languageamong others. The

    participants apart from

    learning the basic sign-language,

    also had opportunities to do

    practical sign communication with

    learners at the Special Schools in

    the respective towns where the

    workshops were held.

    In the end, the voter education

    officers appreciated the ECN for

    this workshop which provided

    them with a broad understanding

    and knowledge on disabilities

    mainstreaming in the voter

    education program and the

    electoral processes in particular.

    Disability mainstreaming has been

    difficult to most of them given the

    dynamics and challenges faced by

    persons with a variety of disabilities

    in the communities.

    Voter Education Ofcers with Eluwa SpecialSchool learners

    Voter Education Ofcers practicing sign language

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    Technology for the Electoral Processes

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.



    subjects. Petrus Shaama

    matriculated at Oshigambo High

    School in 1987 with Matriculation

    Exemption from Cape Education


    He has 25 years-working

    experience in the Public Service

    where he served at various

    positions and different levels

    both at entry and promotional

    levels of which his work career

    started with the Ministry of

    Basic Education, Sport and

    Culture between 1988-1998 as

    a Teacher, Clerk, Senior Clerkand Control Officer respectively.

    Between 1998-2013, he worked

    for the Ministry of Health and

    Social Services as a Chief Control

    Officer until his appointment

    at the Electoral Commission of

    Namibia effect from 1st June 2013

    as a Deputy Director, Division

    Planning and Registration.

    During his work career, he

    has been seconded to the

    then Directorate of Elections

    under the Office of the Prime


    Mr. Petrus Shaama is a holder of

    Bachelor of Technology Degree

    and National Diploma (Human

    Resources Management) from

    the Polytechnic of Namibia

    with Business Management

    (Purchasing Management,

    Operations Management,

    Financial Management and

    Strategic Management),

    Human Resources

    Management, Management of

    Training, Industrial Relations,

    Organizational Development,

    Research Methodology and

    Research Project as his core

    Minister making him as one of

    the founders of the Electoral

    System in the Republic of

    Namibia. Mr. Shaama served

    first in the electoral system as the

    election officer during the first

    democratic Namibia elections

    in 1989 under the supervision of

    the United Nations Transitional

    Assistance Group UNTAG which

    paved the independence of

    Namibia in 1990. His elections

    work career did not only provide

    him the opportunity to serve

    as the election officer, but

    also as supervisor, presidingofficer, returning officer, area

    manager and finally as the

    regional coordinator both during

    the Presidential and National

    Assembly Elections in 2009 and

    subsequently the Regional and

    Local Authorities Elections in 2010.

    With such massive experience

    in the electoral processes, he

    proved required leadership,

    management skills and abilities

    in this field which contributed

    expressively to his promotion to

    the position of a Deputy Director.


    Wlom to th ecn tam!!!

    Petrus Shaaa

    Mr. Richard Jooste Hasheela is

    a holder of Bachelor of Science

    in Business Administration from

    International University of

    Management then Institute of

    Higher Education. He joined the

    Public Service way back in 2003

    as an Assistant Human Resources

    Practitioner at the Ministry of

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    Kahupi Etuna Ndahafa

    Richard Jooste Hasheela

    Education in Oshikoto region

    before he was promoted to the

    position of a Human Resources

    Practitioner in the same ministry

    in Ohangwena region. In 2010

    he got a post of a Training Officer

    at Oshikoto Regional Council in

    Omuthiya, the position he held

    until his transfer to the Electoral

    Commission of Namibia, ECN, in

    April 2013.

    Mr. Hasheela brought along

    a laudable of experience in

    the field of Human Resources.

    As a training officer he has to

    ensure that the institution human

    resources development and

    skills are improved to benefit

    the organization and the Public

    Service in general. This is so

    because the institution is tasked

    with a great responsibility of the

    directing, supervising, controlling

    and managing all the national

    electoral activities as stipulated

    in the Constitution of Namibia,

    the Electoral Act and other

    relevant regulations.

    Therefore, the ECN needs well-

    equipped staff through a well-

    planned cum coordinated

    training plan so that they carry

    out their duties in the impartial

    and professional manners in

    order to live up to the mandate of

    the institution at all times. Having

    the human capital such as Mr.

    Hasheela, ECN becomes one of

    the best election management

    institutions not only in Africa but

    also in the world.

    Kahupi Etuna Ndahafa Born

    in 1985 January 15, she holds


    a Bachelor of Technology in

    Business Administration from

    the Polytechnic of Namibia.

    Currently she pursues the

    Master in Business Administration

    with Eastern Southern Africa

    Management Institute.

    She is a very dynamic and

    diligent, proud single mother of

    a 3 year old boy. She joined the

    Electoral Commission of Namibia

    ECN as from the 01 October

    2012 holding the position of theSenior Administration Officer in

    the Directorate: Finance and

    Administration, Auxiliary Services.

    Before she joined ECN, she has

    been working for the Ministry of

    Health and Social Services since

    2009 till the 30 September 2012.

    Her responsibilities include

    among others the control of

    the procurements, processing

    of purchase orders and claim

    forms, liaise with the Ministry of

    Finance on supplier codes, take

    full charge of the registry services

    and maintenance of laborsaving devices

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    Flexibility in voter and civic educationcan beat all..

    Njandereeko Virore, AVEO Oaheke Region

    Voter and civic education

    is an interesting and worthy

    to be carried out with

    flexibility coupled with more

    passion, perseverance

    and patience as there

    are countless challenges

    one can encounter which

    makes it to be somehow a

    complex exercise. Some of

    the challenges are hereby

    highlighted to demonstrate

    what it means by flexibility in

    voter and civic education.

    The tiing of eetings/Sessions; The voter education

    officers (VEOs) and assistant

    voter education

    officers (AVEOs) set their

    planned schedules

    to hold sessions

    per villages taking

    into consideration

    the travelling times

    between places and

    delays amongst the

    communities to turn

    up at the meetings.

    However in most cases,

    the farm owners and

    other influential people

    in the communities set

    up their own time as

    they deem it fit or as

    per their activities depending

    on the seasons of the year

    in every constituency and

    region. As such, the poor

    voter education officers

    have no other option (s) but

    to accept the time slots in

    order to conduct the sessions

    or else they will be labeled

    as not visiting or providing

    voter education to the

    communities. In the same

    vein this also impacts on the

    whole daily activities to be

    embarked upon by the voter

    education officers. Thesetime slots at many a times are

    scheduled most likely during

    the afternoon from 13H00 up

    to 17H00 or around 18H00


    Location/Venue factor: In most

    cases the community resort

    to use their normal gathering

    places and community

    assembling venues and centers

    such as community halls for

    those living in urban areas and

    the rural communities most

    of the time assembled under

    designated trees, homesteads,

    water points among others.

    However, it happens in someinstances cases that some

    members of the community

    VEO conducting session house to house

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.



    dont get along or sit

    under one roof or tree at

    some of the gathering

    areas due to their own

    political believes and

    social issues which

    eventually make them

    out of bound or not

    accessible. Therefore

    the VEOs have not

    another options but the

    door-to-door or house

    to house sessions is the

    only alternative left

    which is tiresome and

    time consuming.

    Denied Entry: most of

    the farms are not accessible;they are either locked and

    have a big sign board

    with an inscription which

    reads private property no

    entry and threatening of

    persecution thereof. In some

    instances those that are

    open, one can enter but not

    welcome to have the sessions,

    given awkward times.

    Despite all the

    challenges the voter

    education officers are

    determine that voter

    education programhas to be conducted

    and information

    dissemination is

    provided to all the

    citizens and the entire

    public if democracy is

    to thrive in the land of

    the brave.

    VEO conducting a session during hot weather conditions under a tree

    VEO using the speakers to address the counity in the Kalahari constituency

  • 7/27/2019 Vote - The Namibian Voter's Newsletter - September 2013 edition.


    the voters newsletter

    1. Caprivi Region, Caprivi Regional Council, Katima Mulilo Tel: 066-253620 Fax: 066-255621

    2. Erongo Region Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare Office Alpha Koop Building Swakopmund

    Tel: 064-407261 Fax: 064-404836

    3. Khoas Region Old NHE Office-Stop & Shop, Ondoto Street next to Builders Warehouse, Okuryangava,

    Katutura Tel/Fax: 061-211955

    4. Kavango Region Old Kavango Regional Council Complex Rundu Tel: 066-256301 Fax: 066-256307

    5. Kunene Region Old Kunene Regional Council Complex Opuwo Tel: 065-273500 Fax: 065:273054

    6. Karas Region Old Kaiserliche Postamt (Opposite Central Park) Jooste Street, Keetmanshoop

    Tel: 063-222924 Fax: 063-240635

    7. Oaheke Region Old Bears Building Gobabis Tel: 062-564690 Fax: 062-564151

    8. Oshana Region, Continental No.1 Building Oshakati Tel: 065-221042 Fax: 065-221046

    9. Ohangwena Region Eenhana Community Centre Eenhana Tel: 065-263303 Fax: 065-263074

    10. Ousati Region Tona Trade Office, Erf 578 Nakakandi Mukatala Street, Outapi Tel: 065-251693

    Fax: 065-251692

    11. Oshikoto Region Ministry of Agriculture Building, Omuthiyagwiipundi Tel: 065-244011 Fax: 065-224197

    12. Otjozondjupa Region 31-32 Bahnhoff, Hage Geingob Street, Otjiwarongo Tel/Fax: 067-302954

    13. Hardap Region - Ert 881 Leonardweg (Opposite Hardap Regional Council Offices), Mariental

    Tel: 063-240742 Fax: 063-240635