walking - Pandora Inn · 2016. 2. 1. · Mylor bridge. You can either walk East and up and round...

Post on 19-Aug-2020

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The Pandora Inn, Restronguet Creek, Mylor Bridge, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 5ST. Tel: 01326 372678

Aqua Cab information – www.aquacab.co.uk – Tel: 07970 242258

Walking routesDepending on how adventurous your feeling, there are various start points for this route. There is also the opportunity to walk part way and then take a trip in the Aqua Cab, or visa versa. Walking routes

Short routes A nice short route for those feeling less energetic, would be to begin at Mylor bridge car park, and walk South West towards Penryn, and then turn North towards Stockdale, and back round toward the Pandora Inn for a bit to eat. When you’ve regained some energy it’s a short walk South back to the car park at Mylor bridge. Long routes Park your car at the car park between Penryn and Falmouth. From here you can walk up towards Penryn. Follow the orange route shown on the map. When you come to the junction, you can either turn right and walk past Mylor bridge, or turn left and walk up towards Stockdale for a slightly longer route. Both routes lead to the Pandora Inn where you can get some well needed refreshments. When you have recuperated enough, again you can either go back through Stockdale for a longer route, or down past Mylor bridge, and back through Penryn to the car park.

Walking and Aqua Cab routes

Long route 1 You can start by parking your car at the Mylor bridge car park (as shown on the map), from here you can walk South West to Penryn. From here you can catch the Aqua Cab to The Pandora Inn via Falmouth, or alternatively you can continue walking to Falmouth and catch the Aqua Cab from the Prince of Wales Pier. After a bite to eat at The Pandora Inn, you can make tracks for the car at Mylor bridge. You can either walk East and up and round past Stockdale and back up to Mylor bridge, or if that’s too far after an energetic day then at The Pandora Inn you can go South East straight to the car park at Mylor bridge. Long route 2 Starting at the car park at Penryn (see map), you can walk North Easterly past Mylor bridge, and up towards the Pandora Inn, after some refreshments, you can then either catch the Aqua Cab from the Pandora Inn, to either Falmouth or Penryn, depending on how far you wish to walk back to the car park at Penryn.

Short routes There are many possible routes. Why not have a look at the map provided and go and explore for yourself. There are both long and short routes, so do what you feel comfortable with.