€¦  · Web viewDiscuss their hopes and dreams for year one and the future. Play group games...

Post on 11-Jun-2020

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Living and Working Together

Summer 2 -Reception


Pupils will be taught to

Make links with the book ‘Three Hens and a peacock’ Write about a variety of animals and the specific roles they have on the farm.Understand when talking to others what they have read.Write instructions on how to make ice creamWrite about what we are looking forward to doing on our trip to the farm and read aloud to a friend.Explore a real farm on our tip to Smithhills Open Farm

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Pupils will be taught to

Discuss their hopes and dreams for year one and the future. Play group games with rulesTalk about things they may enjoy, be good at and things they may not find easy during their transition to year one.Be resourceful in finding support should they need help or information from their new teacher.


Eid – 4th June

Father’s Day – 16th June


Pupils will be taught to

Create a map of Smithhills Open Farm and discuss position of animal enclosures. Explore money in the role play areasWeigh and compare various farm produceUse mathematical language to explore everyday objects and shapes.Create a shopping list and price labels for the farm shop

Expressive Arts & Design

Pupils will be taught to

Design their own Father’s Day card.Design a farm animal using ICT equipment.Express their ideas and thoughts through art, music, dance and role play.Sing a variety of animal related songs and children will think of ways of changing the lyrics.

Physical Development

Pupils will be taught to

Show good control and coordination in large and small movements such as when using the PE equipment. Practice skills necessary for a successful sports day.Listen to instructions and follow them accurately.Understand when handling and after handling animals the importance of cleanliness.

Understanding the World

Pupils will be taught to

Identify food and its origins/ food chainsMake healthy choices in relation to healthy eating and exercise.Talk about the features of their own environment and how environments might vary from one another.Make observations of animals and explain why some things occur and talk about changes.

Communication & Language

Pupils will be taught to

Listen attentively to a range of situations.Answer how and why questions in response to stories or events.Express themselves effectively and discuss past, present and future tenses.