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Studies in Ephesians

WBC Term 4 2015


and live’

Contributions by: - Rod Bayley - Peter Cahill - John and Helen Hobson - Peter Makin - Danny Sutanto - John Vidler

11 Ephesians 1:1-14_________________________________________________________________________________

God's grand planPurpose: To reflect on every spiritual blessing in Christ

1. What is your most breath-taking moment, sight or experience, that you have found hard to describe? How did you manage to share the occasion with others?

Read Ephesians 1:1-32. How does Paul describe the people he was writing to, and what do these descriptions mean?

3. God's plan commencing before creation, continuing in history and culminating in the age to come, leaves Paul 'stretched for words' to describe it. What is the "keynote" Paul strikes in verse 3 before elaborating on God's grand plan of salvation, and what should be our response to these blessings? (verses 6, 12, 14)

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Think about it4. How are New Testament blessings different to Old Testament blessings (Deut. 28:1-14)?

Read Ephesians 1:4-12Some commentators see a "Trinitarian structure" in this passage.1

5. What are God the Father's blessings and how do they give "us" assurance and security (v4-6)?

6. What is the purpose of God's election? How are we to respond? (1:4-6; cf. Rom. 8:15-17, 29-30)

7. "Christ is mediator and the 'sphere' of divine blessing" (P. T. O'Brien2). 'In Christ', 'in him', 'in whom' occurs 11 times in this passage. What blessings do we have in Christ, God the Son (v7-12), and on what basis? (v7, 9, 11)

1 The Message to the Ephesians, John R. W. Stott: BST, IVP Press, Leicester, England (1970) p332 The Letter to the Ephesians, P. T. O'Brien: PNTC; Apollos, Lester, England (1999), p 92“Know and Live” … Page 2.

Read Ephesians 1:13-14 (cf. 2 Cor.1:22)

8. The blessings of God the Holy Spirit. What does it mean to be "sealed with the Holy Spirit"?

9. How is the Holy Spirit a deposit, and what does Paul tell us is still to come from God?

Think about it

10. Here is the whole story of salvation; past assurance (v4-6), present growth (v7-12), and future hope (v13-14). It is about God's glory and grace (v6, 12, 14).

How would you describe:

a) your assurance

b) your growth

c) your hope.

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22 Ephesians 1:15-2:10_________________________________________________________________________________

Salvation by grace alonePurpose: To consider the new life we have in Christ

1. How do you usually pray for fellow believers?

Read Ephesians 1:15-232. Why does Paul give thanks for God's people at Ephesus (v15-16)?

3. What things does Paul desire that they may know (v18-19), and why do you think they're important?

4. What supreme position does Christ now occupy (v20-22), and what hope and inheritance do we have in Christ?

Think about it

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5. Think about your small group's prayers for each other, and your personal prayers for other believers. How could the focus of our/your prayers change or be improved?

Read Ephesians 2:1-10

6. Our standing as people before God in our natural state is described in verses 1 to 3. What are the key words/phrases, and what do they mean?

7. How does God reverse each aspect of our alienation in verses 5 and 6, and why did he bother?

8. What does Paul mean by the word 'grace' in verse 8, and what is the relationship between faith and grace?

Think about it“Know and Live” … Page 5.

9. If it is by grace that we are saved, why are people tempted to think that they save themselves?

10. What is the place of good works (v10), and how can you know what God has prepared in advance for you to do?

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3 Ephesians 2:11-22_________________________________________________________________________________

God’s unified peoplePurpose: To grasp the new humanity in Christ

1. When have you felt alienated? Describe your feelings and actions.

Read Ephesians 2:11-122. In verse 12 Paul lists five things that describe our former state. What are they? How significant are these as you look back to the time before you belonged to Jesus?

Read Ephesians 2:13-18(Background comment: “dividing wall of hostility” may refer to a wall in the Jerusalem temple which divided the Jews inner court from the Gentiles outer court, or it could be a figurative division as in Galatians 3:26-29)

3. How has Jesus destroyed the barrier between Jew and Gentile?

4. How have we, who are Gentiles, been made “one new man” (v15)?

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Think about it

5. Verse 13 refers to what we know as “reconciliation”. What does this verse mean to you personally? Refer: 2 Cor 5:17-18

Read Ephesians 2:19-22

6. What difference does this reconciliation in Jesus make to you as you relate to people at WBC?

7. Look up “cornerstone” in a dictionary/encyclopaedia or google it. What is the picture of the church and its relationship to Jesus in verse 20? (cf. 1 Cor.3:10-11)

8. For what purpose and to what end are we “being built together” (v21-22)? (cf. Rom 8:16-17).

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9. What does it mean to you to be …”a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit” (v22)? (cf. 2 Cor. 6:16b)

Think about it

10. Last week we looked at the “new life” and the purpose for this week is the “new humanity in Christ." What has this study added to your understanding of who you are in Jesus, His continuing work in you and in your community of believers?

Thoughts for Prayer

- Praise God for His amazing gift of grace in your life.- Find a particular bible verse which expresses his reconciliation and your ongoing hope in Jesus and pray through that verse.- Pray that we will have peace in Christ (v15 and 17).- Pray for people you know who have not yet experienced being part of God’s household (v19).

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44 Ephesians 3:1-21_________________________________________________________________________________

The mystery of the churchPurpose: To understand our new confidence in Christ

1. How would you define “mystery”? Share some experiences where a “mystery” revealed may have had some significance in your own life.

Read Ephesians 3:1-132. How does Paul identify himself as he begins this chapter and what do you think this means (v1)?

3. What measure of grace was shown by God toward Paul and what can we have by reading what he had written (vv2-4)?

4. What is the mystery God has made known to Paul and the other apostles (v6)? (cf. Rom. 8:17; Gal. 3:29)

5. What was God’s intent through the revelation of this mystery, and to

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whom has He made this specifically known (vv10-11)?

Think about it

6. How does God make this known today and how is it made possible?

Read Ephesians 3:14-21

7. In Paul’s second prayer for the Ephesians what does the Father do for the Christian (vv14-18)?

8. As Christians experience the love of Christ, what happens (v19)? (cf. Col. 2:9-10; Eph. 4:12-13)

9. What does Paul say God is able to do and how (v20)?

Think about it:

10. What is the ultimate goal of the Christian existence? How will it be ‘’Know and Live”... Page 11.

achieved and for how long (21)?

11. How does Paul’s example give us a new confidence in Christ?

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5 Ephesians 4:1-16


The growth of Christ's churchPurpose: To consider our unity in the body of Christ

1. Share a time when you didn’t have the right skills you needed to get

something done and you relied on the gifts of someone else.

Read Ephesians 4:1-6

2. What does it mean to live a life worthy of the calling we’ve received (4:1)? What does Paul mean by calling?

3. How would the character traits described in verse 2, assist in fulfilling the command of verse 3?

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Think about it4. Seeing the seven aspects of oneness to Christianity in verses 4

through 6, why do you think there was division in the early church? Why do you think there are so many different denominations today?

Read Ephesians 4:7-165. In verses 7-13, we see that unity does not equal uniformity. What

gifts has God given His people, and for what purpose?

6. Maintaining unity amidst gracious diversity requires maturity. What would Christian immaturity look like according to Paul?

7. Why are we often susceptible to false teachings? What helps you stand firm in the midst of false teaching?

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Think about it8. Would you rather see your church increase in numbers or increase in

maturity? Explain your answer.

9. What are the consequences of speaking truth without love, or loving indiscriminately?

10. What are some dangers to the body of Christ that result from spiritual immaturity? How can our group encourage one another toward growth and health as part of the body of Christ?

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66 Ephesians 4:17-5:21_________________________________________________________________________________

Imitate Christ, not the worldPurpose: To grasp our new behaviour in Christ

1. Try to think of and share examples of people that you have known, who, once having become Christian, have experienced a great transformation in particular areas of their life (it could even be a great transformation in your life!)

Read Ephesians 4:17-24 - The doctrinal basis2. In these verses Paul talks about the characteristics of the typical pagan life as opposed to the typical Christian life. What importance is given to the mind, to ideas and our will, as well as to actions?

3. From verses 22-24, what practices of the old self are difficult to put off and what practices of the new self (Christ) take time to put on? If you are brave, share what you are working on currently.

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Read Ephesians 4:25-5:4 - Concrete examples

4. Verse 26 is about anger. There can be a right anger (Ps.119:53), but clearly wrong anger is referred to here (cf. James 1:19-20). Think of examples of where our anger could be sinful eg. from jealousy. What do you think is the gist of Paul’s instruction about when to deal with our anger, and why is this so important?

5. Our culture is full of coarse language these days. Do you think this is an area that Christians struggle in as a result, and how can we can have helpful speech (v29)?

6. How do we grieve the Holy Spirit (v.30)? Do you think we feel this when it happens, and why?

7. How can we guard ourselves against ‘malice’ and ‘slander’ (v.31)?

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Read Ephesians 5:5-21

8. There are those who claim that it doesn’t really matter how we live; that God will be kind to everyone (universalists). How do verses 5-7 address this idea? Who then is saved and what attitude will they display towards immorality?

9. What does it mean to you to be living as a child of light (v.8)? What attitude do you have towards the ‘deeds of darkness’ being committed by some (v.11-13)?

Think about it:

10. Should we put effort into our Christian life (v.15-17)? How can we do this?

11. Contrast the two conditions of being ‘drunk with wine’ and ‘filled with the Spirit’. Remember that one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control, and that alcohol is medically classified as a depressant.

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7 Ephesians 5:22-6:9_________________________________________________________________________________

Marriage, Family and WorkPurpose: To reflect on our new relationships in Christ

1. What does our society think of when it hears the word submission, and what is a biblical understanding of this concept (1 Pet.2:13-14, 18; Rom.13:1; Eph.5:21)?

Read Ephesians 5:22-242. What is involved in submitting for the wife in marriage (cf. Col.3:18, Titus 2:5; 1 Pet.3:1)?

Think about it3. 1What attitudes toward her husband would help a wife submit to him as she would to the Lord? 1What attitudes and actions in a husband would encourage his wife’s respect?

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Read Ephesians 5:25-334. What instructions are given regarding the husband’s responsibilities in God’s design? What might that look like in daily life?

Think about it

5. Verse 31 is a quote from Genesis 2:24. Why are all three steps in this marriage blueprint crucial?

6. In verse 33 Paul summarizes the basic instruction to husbands and wives. Why are these commands to love and respect unconditional?

Read Ephesians 6:1-9

7. Why is it right to obey our parents, and how are we to understand the promise

(cf. Ex.20:12; Deut.5:16)?

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8. What are the particular positive and negative instructions given to fathers (v4)?

9. Paul was addressing a specific situation of slaves and masters, but the general principles can be applied to work relationships today. Why should employees respect and obey their earthly bosses, and are there exceptions?

Think about it

10. How should you act if you have authority over another worker, and how might you encourage wholehearted service?

11. How should our various marriage, family and work relationships look radically different from our secular society if we follow God's word?

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88 Ephesians 6:10-24_________________________________________________________________________________

God's armour for the battlePurpose: To understand our spiritual battle in Christ

1. What situations have you faced when you more aware of the spiritual battle that Christians are engaged in?

Read Ephesians 6:10-182. Where does our spiritual strength come from, and what are we to do (v10-11)?

3. 1Who are we fighting against as we strive to live for Christ (v12)?

4. What type of equipment do we have to engage in the battle (v13-17)?

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5. What is praying in the Spirit, and who are we to pray for (v18)?

Think about it

6. What else can be the cause of our struggles apart from the devil's schemes?How will we know if we are under spiritual attack?

7. Some Christians and churches focus a lot on spiritual warfare, where they talk of being on the offensive and destroying strongholds. How does this passage offer a different perspective?

Read Ephesians 6:19-24

8. What are the Ephesians to pray for with regard to the apostle Paul (v19-20)?

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9. How is Tychicus described, and what was his dual role?

Think about it

10. Why can we apply Paul's prayer points (v19-20) to the missionaries our church partners with, and why can we also apply them to ourselves and pray for each other (2 Cor.5:18-20; Matt.28:18-20)?

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