WebDNA User Guide

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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WebDNA user guide

How to run inbound links analysis and generate Google Disavow

file in minutes

How to run an analysis with WebDNA?

Use the setup wizard

Step 1: Enter your website URL

Step 2: Choose your backlinks source option

Option 1: : Fast Link Discovery from 3 different sources

Option 2: Upload a file with backlinks e.g. GWT File, Bing File, Majestic SEO export or other

Option 3: Paste backlinks from clipboard

Wait for your results

You can browse potentially negative backlinks Step 3: Browse results

Step 3: Browse results and adjust the positive/negative list

You can export the backlinks marked as negative to a disavow file and upload it to Google Webmaster Tools

Step 4: Remove toxic links

You can export the backlinks marked as negative to a disavow file and upload it to Google Webmaster Tools

Step 4: Remove toxic links

Visit Google Webmaster Tools Disavow links page

Step 5: Upload WebDNA disavow file


Use link below

Then you upload you file and click submit

Step 5: Upload WebDNA disavow file

Use link belowhttps://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/disavow-links-main

Wait until your search engine traffic goes up!

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