Week 2 June 13 th - June 17 th. Monday June 13 th, 2011 Frisbee Activity: We went outside and stood...

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Week 2

June 13th - June 17th

Monday June 13th, 2011Frisbee


We went outside and stood in a circle, throwing the frisbee around. Each time a child caught the frisbee they had to name a fruit or vegetable before they could throw it again.


Expand children’s knowledge about different kinds of fruits and vegetables.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 13th, 2011

• There were not many children today, so just a few of us played frisbee. They seemed to like learning how to throw it, but had some trouble thinking of new fruits and vegetables that had not been named yet. It helped me gage their knowledge on the subject so I knew what we could work on.

June 14th, 2011Red tomato, Green pepper


We went outside and played Red light-Green light, but instead the children had to say red tomato or green pepper.


Promote physical activity while thinking about nutrition.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 14th, 2011

• The children really liked playing this game. They requested to play it many times after this. It involved a lot of running so it was a good way to burn some energy up.

June 15th, 2011Rainy Day Worksheet


We stayed inside and I had a food pyramid worksheet for the children to complete.


Children will learn about the various food groups in the food guide pyramid.

Source: USDA

Evaluation for June 15th, 2011

• The children completed the worksheet to the best of their abilities. Most of them are preschool age so it is difficult for them to write or color well. They enjoy trying to color though.

June 16th, 2011Guess What Kind of Cheese


I had 4 containers with a mystery cheese inside of each one. Then I had clues about what kind of cheese was in each container, and the kids had to try and guess the answer.


Learn nutrition information about different kinds of cheese.

Taste different kinds of cheese


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 16th, 2011

• The children had a hard time guessing types of cheese. There was string cheese, cheese curds, shredded cheese, and a slice of cheese. However when they game was done they were all fighting over who got to eat the cheese, so it was good that they wanted to try it.

June 17th, 2011


Week 4

June 27th- July 1st

June 28th, 2011True or False with Meat and Beans

• Activity:• I put a True sign on one tree outside, and a False sign

on the other tree outside. Then I had a starting line where the children had to stand. I would read a statement about the meat and beans food group, and the children had to race to the tree, deciding if it was true or false.

• Objective:• Practice quick thinking skills• Learn nutrition facts about the meat and beans group


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 28th, 2011

• The children seemed to enjoy this game, there were only a few who participated. Because they were younger, they did not know a lot about the meat and beans food group, so I asked pretty basic questions such as “What animal does bacon come from?” They enjoyed racing to the trees.

June 29th, 2011Simon Says


We went outside and I started out as Simon. The children had to do everything I commanded, as long as I said “Simon Says” first. If they messed up they had to sit down until there was only one child left standing.


Work on listening and following directions

Encourage new forms of physical activity


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 29th, 2011

• The children had a hard time catching on to this game. I was surprised that most of them had never played it before. After a while they wanted to play something else.

June 30th, 2011I’m going to a Picnic


We went outside and sat in a circle on the grass. I would start by saying “I’m going to a picnic and I am bringing…a banana.” Then the next player would say the same thing and add something new (a fruit or vegetable). The players then had to remember everything that was said before them and add something new. If they messed up the game was over.


Remember fruit and vegetable food groups through repetition.

Practice memory and listening skills.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for June 30th, 2011

• The children had fun trying to play this game for a while, but then they got bored and wanted to do something where they were up and moving around.

July 1st, 2011Trail Mix


Using dried cranberries, peanuts, pretzels, and chocolate chips, the children each got to make their own bag a trail mix to take home for the weekend. I taped a recipe to each bag so they could make it again if they wanted.


Follow a written recipe

Allow children to try a new and healthy snack


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 1st, 2011

• This was probably my favorite activity that I did with the kids. They were so excited about mixing the items together and then getting to take it home. Many of them started eating it right away, and most of them ran to show their parents what they got.

Week 6

July 11th- July 15th

July 11th, 2011Food Groups Worksheet


The children completed a worksheet which asked them to identify various items in each food group. They had to put a circle around the fruits, a square around the vegetables, a triangle around the dairy, and so on. They could then color in all of the items on the worksheet.


Read and follow written directions.

Identify items in each food group

Draw various shapes to mark different food groups



Evaluation for July 11th, 2011

• The children were all preschool age, so it was hard for them to draw shapes and follow the directions. But I helped them out a lot, and then just let them color at the end.

July 12th, 2011Fruit and Vegetable Play-Dough


Each child will draw a piece of paper out of a bowl. Each piece of paper will say the name of a fruit or vegetable and have a trivia question. Example: Lemon- Do lemons taste sweet or sour? Then the children get to make that fruit out of play-dough.


Answer a trivia question about each fruit or vegetable.

Know what some particular fruit and vegetables look like from memory.

Build the fruit with play-dough on their own.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 12th, 2011

• Most of the children stayed and did every fruit and vegetable that was in the bowl. They really enjoyed molding them out of play-dough.

July 13th, 2011Side Walk Chalk


We went outside and the children tried to draw out the food guide pyramid with sidewalk chalk. It ended up being just different foods drawn on the sidewalk, since the children were too small to draw very well.


Work as a team to draw out the pyramid and plate.Identify the foods that belong in each food group.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 13th, 2011

• It was fun to go outside and play with chalk, but the children were all too little to draw very well or write any words. So they kind of did their own thing and tried to draw different foods.

July 14th, 2011What Time is it, Mr. Fox?


One person stands facing the crowd, while everyone else lines up across the yard. Then the group yells “What time is it, Mr. Fox?” Then the lone person yells “It’s time to hop on one foot!” or something like that. Then the group would hope on one foot towards Mr. Fox until they are told to stop. Different movements are used each time.


Listen to and follow directions

Participate in friendly competition


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 14th, 2011

• One of the children had suggested we play this game, since they play it at school. We ended up playing a different variation where the children just ran instead of different movements, but everyone really enjoyed it and we played for quite a while.

July 15th, 2011


Week 8

July 25th- July 29th

July 25th, 2009Sidewalk Chalk


On the sidewalk outside of the church, we will write Summer Lunch, Come Join the Fun! Then the children will decorate around it with fruits and vegetables and their favorite foods.


Work together to design and decorate a summer lunch sign

Envision and draw favorite foods out of chalk


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 25th ,2011

• This went well, I wrote “Summer Lunch Program” and the kids decorated around it. The design lasted for a few days outside, so I hope that some families saw it and came down to eat.

July 26th, 2011Taste Testing


The children were be given a sheet of paper divided into 4 squares. The squares will be labeled: Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, and Radish. I will have fresh sample of each (donated from the church), and each child will taste the items. After they taste them they will describe what it tastes like and draw a picture of the food.


Be open to trying new foods

Be able to describe taste, texture, smell, and sounds of foods


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 26th, 2011

• The children actually really enjoyed tasting the foods. Every child tried every vegetable, and they even wanted to take the extras home with them. I was pleasantly surprised.

July 27th, 2011Picture Frames


The children decorated their own picture frames, which say “Summer Lunch!” or “Summertime Fun!” or something to that affect. I will have different kinds of dry pasta noodles, markers, and beads set out for them to decorate with. While they are decorating I will explain to them why grains are good for them.


Gain a positive image of the summer lunch program and have a keepsake from it

Learn multiple reasons that grains are nutritious


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 27th, 2011

• The picture frames were fun for the kids to decorate. Unfortunately I never got around to taking their pictures to put in them, but hopefully most of them took them hope to hang up.

July 28th, 2011Yard Games Outside


We went outside and played various games such as Red light-Green light, What time is it, Mr. Fox? , and Tag.


Follow verbal directions

Engage in physical activity


The children

Evaluation for July 28th, 2011

• The children had requested that we play their favorite games outside, so I thought that would be alright. They chose they games and helped each other follow the rules, everyone had fun.

July 29th, 2011Dairy Worksheets


I printed off some worksheets that had to do with the dairy food group. The kids completed mazes and word puzzles which taught them about dairy products.


Learn nutrition facts about the dairy food group.

Use logical thinking to solve word puzzles and mazes.


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for July 29th, 2011

• The children enjoyed doing the puzzles, however they almost always prefer to play outside. Today there were not enough children to go outside for a game though.

Week 10

August 8th –August 12th

August 8th, 2011Guess How Many


I filled a 1 gallon jar with 15 cups of hard noodles. Sitting next to the jar I had a 1 cup measuring cup. I had the kids examine the jar and the measuring cup and each of them guessed how many cups of noodles were in the jar. After everyone wrote down their guess, we counted out the cups d noodles together. The child with the closest guess won a prize.


Visualize what one cup of food looks like

Explain why pasta doubles in size when cooked

Know there are 16 cups in a gallon


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for August 8, 2011

• We had a lot of children at lunch today. The number of families had really been picking up so we had a lot of children participating. Everyone enjoyed guessing how many noodles were in the jar, but no one got the number right on. The prize was a box of crayons and a sparkly pencil.

August 9th, 2011Sick Day

August 10th, 2011Hula-hoop Contest


I brought a hula-hoop with me, and we all went outside and had a hula-hooping contest. I had a stopwatch so I could time the children to see who could do it the longest. The winner won a prize.


Practice hula-hooping skills

Engage in a friendly contest

Enjoy a different form of physical activity


Allison Kruger

Evaluation for August 10th, 2011

• Hula-hooping was really fun, even the adults wanted to try it. The child who went the longest lasted about 40 seconds, so we all needed some more practice. Everyone enjoyed trying it though.

August 11th, 2011Site Supervisor for a Day

• Natalie and I got to be the site supervisor and plan the menu today. We prepared all of the food and oversaw the volunteers, it was a great experience.

August 12th, 2011Site Supervisor for a Day

• Today I was the only site supervisor. I had to prepare everything on my own and make sure the serving ran smoothly. Everything went as planned.