Week 7 Home Learning. Year 3 - johnperryprimary.co.uk · Spelling/Grammar Maths – Recapping money...

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Week 7 Home Learning.

Year 3

Reading Writing

Comprehension tasks Follow the instructions independently. (The instructions can be read aloud by an adult but try not to change the wording) See two sheets below Reading Log into bug club for 15 minutes each day or read a chapter each day of a book that you are enjoying.

This week is based on Shaun Tan’s ‘The Lost Thing’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpak6ktsux4 Day 1 – Look at the front cover (below). Only watch until 0:52 Using the resources or feel free to draw your own, create your own Lost Thing. Label it using a range of adjectives. Day 2 – Watch from the beginning until 2:22 Using the prompts below, come up with similes for different parts of the Lost Thing. For a recap on similes, watch here. Day 3 – Watch from the beginning until 3:24 You are going to help the Lost Thing to find it’s home by creating a ‘Lost’ poster. Try to think of a setting the Lost Thing would like to visit if it is is taken to a new home. Day 4 – Watch the whole story. You may need to re-watch it in smaller chunks and try to list the 8 most important parts. Challenge: Use the prompts to edit and create your own story. Day 5 – Use each section of your storyboard to write your own Lost Thing story. Try to include similes, 2A sentences and a range of sentence openers. Make sure write at least a new paragraph for each picture in your storyboard.

Spelling/Grammar Maths – Recapping money and grid multiplication See sheets below Day 1 – Work through the screenshots to recap adding

amounts of money. Day 2 – Work through the screenshots and then the questions for subtracting amounts of money. Day 3 – Recap counting on in order to find the difference. Work out and check the change that is given, is it correct or not? Sheet below. Day 4 – Consolidation lesson. Practise writing amounts in pence and in pounds and pence. Day 5 – Challenge Following the example, how many of these grid multiplication questions can you solve independently.

Science Design and technology

Using the fact cards below as a reminder and as inspiration, create and describe your own minibeast. You will need to answer the questions up until the drawing box in order to plan your idea, then create a poster for your creation. When your

With an adult, try and create your own fruity pirate ship (instructions below)

Times Table Focus: Play ‘hit the button’ online.

poster is complete, answer the last section of questions.

Wellbeing Computing

Google and read ‘Lucy’s blue day’ free coronavirus storybook for children. Discuss some of the messages. Why does her hair change colour? What does it tell us about feeling cross? Sad? Excited?

Use this link, follow the tutorials and experiment with programming on Scratch. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted


List the objects that you can see.

In my house I have lost:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Draw number 1 next to the books. Draw number 2 on the seat of the bike.

Draw number 3 and 4 next to each other. Draw number 5 on the roof.

Number 6 is lost. Look at your picture, where could it be hiding?


Create your own Land of lost things setting:

Thinking about your own house. In my house I have lost:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Create your own Land of lost things setting. Include your 6 objects:

Where will I find your items?








What could you ask your reader? Where/What/ Why/ When


Writing 1

Front Cover

‘Lost Thing’ parts

Writing 2

Describe the Lost Thing using detailed similes.













Writing 3

Think about the Lost Thing’s:

- Size (height, width)

- Colouring (dark, shimmering)

- Age (ancient, newborn)

- Body parts (arms, legs, hair)

- Movements (pounce, crawl)

- Noises (creak, bash)

Writing 4


Group A and B

Group C

Maths 1


Now try:

Day 1 questions

Maths 2


Day 2 questions. Choose the column which is a challenge for you but not too tricky!

Maths 3

Practise finding and checking the change. Ideally we want the children to count on in order to find the


Maths 4

Day 4 questions

Maths 5


Design and Technology