Welcome to Newcastle University Library for Modern Languages students.

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Welcome to Newcastle University Library for Modern Languages students

Where are the language


What’s the best starting place to research Latin

American cinema?

I’ve heard there are some good podcasts about 20th century

Chinese history. Where?

I need to read a book published in the 17th


Have you got historic French

newspapers online?

The book I want is out on loan. What

can I do?

Can I really use Twitter to help with my studies?

A group of us want to watch a DVD in the


I’m going to be abroad. Can I still access books and


Where can I find comparative statistics about the French and

British cinema industries? How can I search

contemporary German

newspapers?I need a quick way of locating film reviews

How do I include the translator’s details in a

bibliographical reference?

How can I find books on my reading list?

I’m doing a linguistic study. Where can I find

French texts online?

Resources to help you

Books: print and electronic

Articles and




Social media

Texts online

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